Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_ready_event(self):
        By default, it is always ready.

        Override this in your specific process.
        ev = Event()
        return ev
Exemplo n.º 2
    def ensure_ready(self, proc, errmsg=None, timeout=20):
        Waits until either the thread dies or reports it is ready, whichever comes first.

        If the thread dies or times out while waiting for it to be ready, a ContainerError is raised.
        You must be sure the thread implements get_ready_event properly, otherwise this method
        returns immediately as the base class behavior simply passes.

        @param  proc        The thread to wait on.
        @param  errmsg      A custom error message to put in the ContainerError's message. May be blank.
        @param  timeout     Amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the ready, default 20 seconds.
        @throws ContainerError  If the thread dies or if we get a timeout before the process signals ready.
        if not errmsg:
            errmsg = "ensure_ready failed"

        ev = Event()

        def cb(*args, **kwargs):

        # link either a greenlet failure due to exception OR a success via ready event
        ready_evt = proc.get_ready_event()

        retval = ev.wait(timeout=timeout)

        # unlink the events: ready event is probably harmless but the exception one, we want to install our own later

        # if the thread is stopped while we are waiting, proc.proc is set to None
        if proc.proc is not None:

        # raise an exception if:
        # - we timed out
        # - we caught an exception
        if not retval:
            raise ContainerError("%s (timed out)" % errmsg)
        elif proc.proc is not None and proc.proc.dead and not proc.proc.successful(
            raise ContainerError("%s (failed): %s" %
                                 (errmsg, proc.proc.exception))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, target=None, *args, **kwargs):
        @param target The Callable to start as independent thread
        @param args  Provided as spawn args to thread
        @param kwargs  Provided as spawn kwargs to thread
        super(PyonThread, self).__init__()

        if target is not None or not hasattr(
                self, 'target'):  # Allow setting target at class level
            self.target = target
        self.spawn_args = args
        self.spawn_kwargs = kwargs

        # The instance of Greenlet or subprocess or similar
        self.proc = None
        self.supervisor = None

        self.ev_exit = Event()  # Event that is set when greenlet exits