print url
obs_loc_df = pd.read_csv(url)

# <codecell>

st_list = processStationInfo(obs_loc_df,st_list,"coops")

# <markdowncell>

# #NDBC Station Locations

# <codecell>

ndbc_collector = NdbcSos()
ndbc_collector.start_time = start_time
ndbc_collector.end_time = end_time
ndbc_collector.variables = data_dict["currents"]["sos_name"]
print ndbc_collector.start_time,":", ndbc_collector.end_time
ofrs = ndbc_collector.server.offerings

# <codecell>

print "Date: ",iso_start," to ", iso_end
box_str=','.join(str(e) for e in bounding_box)
print "Lat/Lon Box: ",box_str

url = ((''
Exemplo n.º 2
obs_loc_df = pd.read_csv(url)

# <codecell>

st_list = processStationInfo(obs_loc_df, st_list, "coops")
print st_list

# <markdowncell>

# #NDBC Station Locations

# <codecell>

ndbc_collector = NdbcSos()
ndbc_collector.start_time = start_time
ndbc_collector.end_time = end_time
ndbc_collector.variables = data_dict["currents"]["sos_name"]
print ndbc_collector.start_time, ":", ndbc_collector.end_time
ofrs = ndbc_collector.server.offerings

# <codecell>

print "Date: ", iso_start, " to ", iso_end
box_str = ','.join(str(e) for e in bounding_box)
print "Lat/Lon Box: ", box_str

url = ((''
Exemplo n.º 3
    return data, table

@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=5, wait_fixed=3000)
def get_ndbc(start, end, sos_name, units, bbox, verbose=False):
    function to read NDBC data
    We need to retry in case of failure b/c the server cannot handle
    the high traffic during hurricane season.
    print('     >> Get NDBC information')

collector = NdbcSos()
collector.end_time = end
collector.start_time = start
collector.variables = [sos_name]
ofrs = collector.server.offerings
title = collector.server.identification.title

fmt = '{:*^64}'.format

print(fmt(' NDBC Collector offerings '))
print('{}: {} offerings'.format(title, len(ofrs)))' Filtered DAP '))
for url in dap_urls:'{}.html'.format(url))

# ### NdbcSos

# In[7]:

from pyoos.collectors.ndbc.ndbc_sos import NdbcSos

collector_ndbc = NdbcSos()

collector_ndbc.end_time = stop
collector_ndbc.start_time = start
collector_ndbc.variables = [sos_name]

ofrs = collector_ndbc.server.offerings
title = collector_ndbc.server.identification.title' NDBC Collector offerings '))'{}: {} offerings'.format(title, len(ofrs)))

# In[8]:

from utilities import collector2table, to_html, get_ndbc_longname

ndbc = collector2table(collector=collector_ndbc)
# ### SOS Requirements

# <codecell>

start_time = dt.datetime.strptime(start_date,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
end_time = dt.datetime.strptime(end_date,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
iso_start = start_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
iso_end = end_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')

# <codecell>

collector = NdbcSos()
print collector.server.identification.title
collector.start_time = start_time
collector.end_time = end_time
collector.variables = data_dict["waves"]["sos_name"]
print collector.start_time,":", collector.end_time
ofrs = collector.server.offerings

# <markdowncell>

# ###Find all SOS stations within the bounding box and time extent
# The time extent (iso_start) must be a match a timestamp in the data set. This buoy collects data hourly at the 50 minute mark.

# <codecell>

print "Date: ",iso_start," to ", iso_end
box_str=','.join(str(e) for e in box)
print "Lat/Lon Box: ",box_str
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_ndbc(start, end, bbox , sos_name='waves',datum='MSL', verbose=True):
    function to read NBDC data
    sos_name = waves    
    all_col = (['station_id', 'sensor_id', 'latitude (degree)', 'longitude (degree)',
           'date_time', 'sea_surface_wave_significant_height (m)',
           'sea_surface_wave_peak_period (s)', 'sea_surface_wave_mean_period (s)',
           'sea_surface_swell_wave_significant_height (m)',
           'sea_surface_swell_wave_period (s)',
           'sea_surface_wind_wave_significant_height (m)',
           'sea_surface_wind_wave_period (s)', 'sea_water_temperature (c)',
           'sea_surface_wave_to_direction (degree)',
           'sea_surface_swell_wave_to_direction (degree)',
           'sea_surface_wind_wave_to_direction (degree)',
           'number_of_frequencies (count)', 'center_frequencies (Hz)',
           'bandwidths (Hz)', 'spectral_energy (m**2/Hz)',
           'mean_wave_direction (degree)', 'principal_wave_direction (degree)',
           'polar_coordinate_r1 (1)', 'polar_coordinate_r2 (1)',
           'calculation_method', 'sampling_rate (Hz)', 'name'])
    sos_name = winds    

    all_col = (['station_id', 'sensor_id', 'latitude (degree)', 'longitude (degree)',
       'date_time', 'depth (m)', 'wind_from_direction (degree)',
       'wind_speed (m/s)', 'wind_speed_of_gust (m/s)',
       'upward_air_velocity (m/s)', 'name'])

    #add remove from above
    if   sos_name == 'waves':
            col = ['sea_surface_wave_significant_height (m)','sea_surface_wave_peak_period (s)',
                   'sea_surface_wave_mean_period (s)','sea_water_temperature (c)',
                   'sea_surface_wave_to_direction (degree)']
    elif sos_name == 'winds':
            col = ['wind_from_direction (degree)','wind_speed (m/s)',
                   'wind_speed_of_gust (m/s)','upward_air_velocity (m/s)']
    collector = NdbcSos()
    collector.start_time = start

    collector.variables = [sos_name]
    ofrs = collector.server.offerings
    title = collector.server.identification.title
    collector.features = None
    collector.end_time = start + datetime.timedelta(1)
    response = collector.raw(responseFormat='text/csv')
    df = pd.read_csv(BytesIO(response), parse_dates=True)
    g = df.groupby('station_id')
    df = dict()
    for station in g.groups.keys():
        df.update({station: g.get_group(station).iloc[0]})
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(df).T
    station_dict = {}
    for offering in collector.server.offerings:
        station_dict.update({ offering.description})
    names = []
    for sta in df.index:
        names.append(station_dict.get(sta, sta))
    df['name'] = names
    #override short time
    collector.end_time = end
    data = []
    for k, row in df.iterrows():
        station_id = row['station_id'].split(':')[-1]
        collector.features = [station_id]
        response = collector.raw(responseFormat='text/csv')
        kw = dict(parse_dates=True, index_col='date_time')
        obs = pd.read_csv(BytesIO(response), **kw).reset_index()
        obs = obs.drop_duplicates(subset='date_time').set_index('date_time')
        series = obs[col]
        series._metadata = dict(
            lon=row.get('longitude (degree)'),
            lat=row.get('latitude (degree)'),
            depth=row.get('depth (m)'),
    # Clean the table.
    table = dict(
        station_name = [s._metadata.get('station_name') for s in data],
        station_code = [s._metadata.get('station_code') for s in data],
        sensor       = [s._metadata.get('sensor')       for s in data],
        lon          = [s._metadata.get('lon')          for s in data],
        lat          = [s._metadata.get('lat')          for s in data],
        depth        = [s._metadata.get('depth', 'NA')  for s in data],

    table = pd.DataFrame(table).set_index('station_name')
    if verbose:
        print('Collector offerings')
        print('{}: {} offerings'.format(title, len(ofrs)))
    return data, table
        print("Could not access URL {}.html\n{!r}".format(url, e))

dap_urls = non_stations

print(fmt(" Filtered DAP "))
for url in dap_urls:

Now we can use `pyoos` collectors for `NdbcSos`,

from pyoos.collectors.ndbc.ndbc_sos import NdbcSos

collector_ndbc = NdbcSos()

collector_ndbc.end_time = config["date"]["stop"]
collector_ndbc.start_time = config["date"]["start"]
collector_ndbc.variables = [config["sos_name"]]

ofrs = collector_ndbc.server.offerings
title = collector_ndbc.server.identification.title
print(fmt(" NDBC Collector offerings "))
print("{}: {} offerings".format(title, len(ofrs)))

import pandas as pd
from ioos_tools.ioos import collector2table

ndbc = collector2table(
    collector=collector_ndbc, config=config, col="sea_water_temperature (C)"