Exemplo n.º 1
def test_custom_type_fill(ctx_factory):
    context = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(context)

    from pyopencl.characterize import has_struct_arg_count_bug
    if has_struct_arg_count_bug(queue.device):
        pytest.skip("device has LLVM arg counting bug")

    dtype = np.dtype([
        ("cur_min", np.int32),
        ("cur_max", np.int32),
        ("pad", np.int32),

    from pyopencl.tools import get_or_register_dtype, match_dtype_to_c_struct

    name = "mmc_type"
    dtype, c_decl = match_dtype_to_c_struct(queue.device, name, dtype)
    dtype = get_or_register_dtype(name, dtype)

    n = 1000
    z_dev = cl.array.empty(queue, n, dtype=dtype)
    z_dev.fill(np.zeros((), dtype))

    z = z_dev.get()

    assert np.array_equal(np.zeros(n, dtype), z)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_custom_type_take_put(ctx_factory):
    context = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(context)

    dtype = np.dtype([
        ("cur_min", np.int32),
        ("cur_max", np.int32),

    from pyopencl.tools import get_or_register_dtype, match_dtype_to_c_struct

    name = "tp_type"
    dtype, c_decl = match_dtype_to_c_struct(queue.device, name, dtype)
    dtype = get_or_register_dtype(name, dtype)

    n = 100
    z = np.empty(100, dtype)
    z["cur_min"] = np.arange(n)
    z["cur_max"] = np.arange(n)**2

    z_dev = cl.array.to_device(queue, z)
    ind = cl.array.arange(queue, n, step=3, dtype=np.int32)

    z_ind_ref = z[ind.get()]
    z_ind = z_dev[ind]

    assert np.array_equal(z_ind.get(), z_ind_ref)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_custom_type_zeros(ctx_factory):
    context = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(context)

    if not (
            queue._get_cl_version() >= (1, 2)
            and cl.get_cl_header_version() >= (1, 2)):
        pytest.skip("CL1.2 not available")

    dtype = np.dtype([
        ("cur_min", np.int32),
        ("cur_max", np.int32),
        ("pad", np.int32),

    from pyopencl.tools import get_or_register_dtype, match_dtype_to_c_struct

    name = "mmc_type"
    dtype, c_decl = match_dtype_to_c_struct(queue.device, name, dtype)
    dtype = get_or_register_dtype(name, dtype)

    n = 1000
    z_dev = cl.array.zeros(queue, n, dtype=dtype)

    z = z_dev.get()

    assert np.array_equal(np.zeros(n, dtype), z)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_custom_type_zeros(ctx_factory):
    context = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(context)

    if not (queue._get_cl_version() >= (1, 2) and cl.get_cl_header_version() >=
            (1, 2)):
        pytest.skip("CL1.2 not available")

    dtype = np.dtype([
        ("cur_min", np.int32),
        ("cur_max", np.int32),
        ("pad", np.int32),

    from pyopencl.tools import get_or_register_dtype, match_dtype_to_c_struct

    name = "mmc_type"
    dtype, c_decl = match_dtype_to_c_struct(queue.device, name, dtype)
    dtype = get_or_register_dtype(name, dtype)

    n = 1000
    z_dev = cl.array.zeros(queue, n, dtype=dtype)

    z = z_dev.get()

    assert np.array_equal(np.zeros(n, dtype), z)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_custom_type_fill(ctx_factory):
    context = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(context)

    from pyopencl.characterize import has_struct_arg_count_bug
    if has_struct_arg_count_bug(queue.device):
        pytest.skip("device has LLVM arg counting bug")

    dtype = np.dtype([
        ("cur_min", np.int32),
        ("cur_max", np.int32),
        ("pad", np.int32),

    from pyopencl.tools import get_or_register_dtype, match_dtype_to_c_struct

    name = "mmc_type"
    dtype, c_decl = match_dtype_to_c_struct(queue.device, name, dtype)
    dtype = get_or_register_dtype(name, dtype)

    n = 1000
    z_dev = cl.array.empty(queue, n, dtype=dtype)
    z_dev.fill(np.zeros((), dtype))

    z = z_dev.get()

    assert np.array_equal(np.zeros(n, dtype), z)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_custom_type_take_put(ctx_factory):
    context = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(context)

    dtype = np.dtype([
        ("cur_min", np.int32),
        ("cur_max", np.int32),

    from pyopencl.tools import get_or_register_dtype, match_dtype_to_c_struct

    name = "tp_type"
    dtype, c_decl = match_dtype_to_c_struct(queue.device, name, dtype)
    dtype = get_or_register_dtype(name, dtype)

    n = 100
    z = np.empty(100, dtype)
    z["cur_min"] = np.arange(n)
    z["cur_max"] = np.arange(n)**2

    z_dev = cl.array.to_device(queue, z)
    ind = cl.array.arange(queue, n, step=3, dtype=np.int32)

    z_ind_ref = z[ind.get()]
    z_ind = z_dev[ind]

    assert np.array_equal(z_ind.get(), z_ind_ref)
Exemplo n.º 7
def create_struct_type(device, struct_name, struct):

    def create_array_type(name, decl):
        dtype = get_or_register_dtype(''.join(decl.type.type.type.names))
        if isinstance(decl.type.dim, Constant):
            dims = int(decl.type.dim.value)
        elif isinstance(decl.type.dim, BinaryOp) and decl.type.dim.op == '+':
            dims = int(decl.type.dim.left.value) + int(decl.type.dim.right.value)
            raise NotImplementedError
        return name, dtype, dims

    field_decls = struct.decls
    struct_fields = []
    # iterate over struct fields
    for field_decl in field_decls:
        field_name = field_decl.name
        # field is a scalar
        if isinstance(field_decl.type, TypeDecl):
            type_name = ' '.join(field_decl.type.type.names)
            field_type = type_name if type_name != 'bool' else 'char'
            struct_fields.append((field_name, get_or_register_dtype(field_type)))
        # field is an array with defined size
        elif isinstance(field_decl.type, ArrayDecl):
            struct_fields.append(create_array_type(field_name, field_decl))
            raise NotImplementedError(f'field `{field_name}` of struct `{struct_name}` has a type that can not be understood')

    # register struct
    struct_dtype = np.dtype(struct_fields)
    struct_dtype, _ = match_dtype_to_c_struct(device, struct_name, struct_dtype)
    struct_dtype = get_or_register_dtype(struct_name, struct_dtype)
    return struct_dtype
def argmin_kernal(context):

    import numpy as np
    mmc_dtype = np.dtype([
        ("cur_min", np.float32),
        ("cur_index", np.int32),
        ("pad", np.int32),

    name = "argmin_collector"
    from pyopencl.tools import get_or_register_dtype, match_dtype_to_c_struct

    mmc_dtype, mmc_c_decl = match_dtype_to_c_struct(device, name, mmc_dtype)
    mmc_dtype = get_or_register_dtype(name, mmc_dtype)

    preamble = mmc_c_decl + r"""//CL//

    argmin_collector mmc_neutral()
        // FIXME: needs infinity literal in real use, ok here
        argmin_collector result;
        result.cur_min = INFINITY;
        result.cur_index = -1;
        return result;

    argmin_collector mmc_from_scalar(float x,int index)
        argmin_collector result;
        result.cur_min = x;
        result.cur_index = index;
        return result;

    argmin_collector agg_mmc(argmin_collector a, argmin_collector b)
        argmin_collector result = a;
        if (b.cur_min < result.cur_min)
            result.cur_min = b.cur_min;
            result.cur_index = b.cur_index;
        return result;


    from pyopencl.reduction import ReductionKernel
    red = ReductionKernel(context,
                          reduce_expr="agg_mmc(a, b)",
                          arguments="__global int *x",

    return red
def test_struct_with_array_fields(ctx_factory):
    # typedef struct {
    #     uint x[2];
    #     float y;
    #     uint z[3][4];
    # } my_struct;
    cl_ctx = ctx_factory()
    device = cl_ctx.devices[0]
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(cl_ctx)

    my_struct = np.dtype([("x", cltypes.uint, 2), ("y", cltypes.int),
                          ("z", cltypes.uint, (3, 4))])
    my_struct, cdecl = cl_tools.match_dtype_to_c_struct(
        device, "my_struct", my_struct)

    # a random buffer of 4 structs
    my_struct_arr = np.array([
        ([81, 24], -57, [[15, 28, 45, 7], [71, 95, 65, 84], [2, 11, 59, 9]]),
        ([5, 20], 47, [[15, 53, 7, 59], [73, 22, 27, 86], [59, 6, 39, 49]]),
        ([11, 99], -32, [[73, 83, 4, 65], [19, 21, 22, 27], [1, 55, 6, 64]]),
        ([57, 38], -54, [[74, 90, 38, 67], [77, 30, 99, 18], [91, 3, 63, 67]])

    expected_res = []
    for x in my_struct_arr:
        expected_res.append(int(np.sum(x[0]) + x[1] + np.sum(x[2])))
    expected_res = np.array(expected_res, dtype=cltypes.int)

    kernel_src = """%s
    // this kernel sums every number contained in each struct
    __kernel void array_structs(__global my_struct *structs, __global int *res) {
        int i = get_global_id(0);
        my_struct s = structs[i];
        res[i] = s.x[0] + s.x[1] + s.y;
        for (int r = 0; r < 3; r++)
            for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
                res[i] += s.z[r][c];
    }""" % cdecl

    mem_flags1 = mem_flags.READ_ONLY | mem_flags.COPY_HOST_PTR
    mem_flags2 = mem_flags.WRITE_ONLY

    my_struct_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_ctx, mem_flags1, hostbuf=my_struct_arr)
    res_buf = cl.Buffer(cl_ctx, mem_flags2, size=expected_res.nbytes)

    program = cl.Program(cl_ctx, kernel_src).build()
    kernel = program.array_structs
    kernel(queue, (4, ), None, my_struct_buf, res_buf)

    res = np.empty_like(expected_res)
    cl.enqueue_copy(queue, res, res_buf)

    assert (res == expected_res).all()
Exemplo n.º 10
def make_mmc_dtype(device):
    dtype = np.dtype([("cur_min", np.int32), ("cur_max", np.int32), ("pad", np.int32)])

    name = "minmax_collector"
    from pyopencl.tools import get_or_register_dtype, match_dtype_to_c_struct

    dtype, c_decl = match_dtype_to_c_struct(device, name, dtype)
    dtype = get_or_register_dtype(name, dtype)

    return dtype, c_decl
Exemplo n.º 11
def argmin_kernal(context):

    import numpy as np
    mmc_dtype = np.dtype([
        ("cur_min", np.float32),
        ("cur_index", np.int32),
        ("pad", np.int32),

    name = "argmin_collector"
    from pyopencl.tools import get_or_register_dtype, match_dtype_to_c_struct

    mmc_dtype, mmc_c_decl = match_dtype_to_c_struct(device, name, mmc_dtype)
    mmc_dtype = get_or_register_dtype(name, mmc_dtype)

    preamble = mmc_c_decl + r"""//CL//

    argmin_collector mmc_neutral()
        // FIXME: needs infinity literal in real use, ok here
        argmin_collector result;
        result.cur_min = INFINITY;
        result.cur_index = -1;
        return result;

    argmin_collector mmc_from_scalar(float x,int index)
        argmin_collector result;
        result.cur_min = x;
        result.cur_index = index;
        return result;

    argmin_collector agg_mmc(argmin_collector a, argmin_collector b)
        argmin_collector result = a;
        if (b.cur_min < result.cur_min)
            result.cur_min = b.cur_min;
            result.cur_index = b.cur_index;
        return result;


    from pyopencl.reduction import ReductionKernel
    red = ReductionKernel(context, mmc_dtype,
            reduce_expr="agg_mmc(a, b)", map_expr="mmc_from_scalar(x[i],i)",
            arguments="__global int *x", preamble=preamble)

    return red
Exemplo n.º 12
def make_mmc_dtype(device):
    dtype = np.dtype([
        ("cur_min", np.int32),
        ("cur_max", np.int32),
        ("pad", np.int32),

    name = "minmax_collector"
    from pyopencl.tools import get_or_register_dtype, match_dtype_to_c_struct

    dtype, c_decl = match_dtype_to_c_struct(device, name, dtype)
    dtype = get_or_register_dtype(name, dtype)

    return dtype, c_decl
def _make_sort_scan_type(device, bits, index_dtype):
    name = "pyopencl_sort_scan_%s_%dbits_t" % (index_dtype.type.__name__, bits)

    fields = []
    for mnr in range(2**bits):
        fields.append(('c%s' % _padded_bin(mnr, bits), index_dtype))

    dtype = np.dtype(fields)

    from pyopencl.tools import get_or_register_dtype, match_dtype_to_c_struct
    dtype, c_decl = match_dtype_to_c_struct(device, name, dtype)

    dtype = get_or_register_dtype(name, dtype)
    return name, dtype, c_decl
Exemplo n.º 14
def _make_sort_scan_type(device, bits, index_dtype):
    name = "pyopencl_sort_scan_%s_%dbits_t" % (index_dtype.type.__name__, bits)

    fields = []
    for mnr in range(2 ** bits):
        fields.append(("c%s" % _padded_bin(mnr, bits), index_dtype))

    dtype = np.dtype(fields)

    from pyopencl.tools import get_or_register_dtype, match_dtype_to_c_struct

    dtype, c_decl = match_dtype_to_c_struct(device, name, dtype)

    dtype = get_or_register_dtype(name, dtype)
    return name, dtype, c_decl
Exemplo n.º 15
def make_bounding_box_dtype(device, dimensions, coord_dtype):
    from boxtree.tools import AXIS_NAMES
    fields = []
    for i in range(dimensions):
        fields.append(("min_%s" % AXIS_NAMES[i], coord_dtype))
        fields.append(("max_%s" % AXIS_NAMES[i], coord_dtype))

    dtype = np.dtype(fields)

    name = "boxtree_bbox_%dd_%s_t" % (dimensions, get_type_moniker(coord_dtype))

    from pyopencl.tools import get_or_register_dtype, match_dtype_to_c_struct
    dtype, c_decl = match_dtype_to_c_struct(device, name, dtype)
    dtype = get_or_register_dtype(name, dtype)

    return dtype, c_decl
Exemplo n.º 16
def make_collector_dtype(device, dtype, props, name, only_min, only_max):
    fields = [("pad", np.int32)]

    for prop in props:
        if not only_min:
            fields.append(("cur_max_%s" % prop, dtype))
        if not only_max:
            fields.append(("cur_min_%s" % prop, dtype))

    custom_dtype = np.dtype(fields)

    from pyopencl.tools import get_or_register_dtype, match_dtype_to_c_struct

    custom_dtype, c_decl = match_dtype_to_c_struct(device, name, custom_dtype)
    custom_dtype = get_or_register_dtype(name, custom_dtype)

    return custom_dtype, c_decl
Exemplo n.º 17
def make_cl_dtype(cl_state, name, dtype):
    Generate an OpenCL structure typedef codelet from a numpy structured 
    array dtype.
        cl_state (obj):
        name (str):
        dtype (numpy.dtype):
        numpy.dtype, pyopencl.dtype, str: 
            processed dtype, cl dtype, CL typedef codelet
    processed_dtype, c_decl \
        = cltools.match_dtype_to_c_struct(cl_state.device, name, dtype)
    return processed_dtype, cltools.get_or_register_dtype(
        name, processed_dtype), c_decl
Exemplo n.º 18
def make_bounding_box_dtype(device, dimensions, coord_dtype):
    from boxtree.tools import AXIS_NAMES

    fields = []
    for i in range(dimensions):
        fields.append(("min_%s" % AXIS_NAMES[i], coord_dtype))
        fields.append(("max_%s" % AXIS_NAMES[i], coord_dtype))

    dtype = np.dtype(fields)

    name = "boxtree_bbox_%dd_%s_t" % (dimensions, get_type_moniker(coord_dtype))

    from pyopencl.tools import get_or_register_dtype, match_dtype_to_c_struct

    dtype, c_decl = match_dtype_to_c_struct(device, name, dtype)
    dtype = get_or_register_dtype(name, dtype)

    return dtype, c_decl