Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_scalars(self):
     """Check that scalar types can be encoded and decoded."""
     for i in range(len(self.scalars)):
         s = self.scalars[i]
         self.assertTrue(yencodable(s), 'yencodable fails item ' + str(i))
         msg = Message(None, s)
         v = msg.decode()
         self.assertEqual(s, v, 'codec failed on item ' + str(i))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_scalars(self):
     """Check that scalar types can be encoded and decoded."""
     for i in range(len(self.scalars)):
         s = self.scalars[i]
         self.assertTrue(yencodable(s), 'yencodable fails item '+str(i))
         msg = Message(None, s)
         v = msg.decode()
         self.assertEqual(s, v, 'codec failed on item '+str(i))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_arrays(self):
     """Check that array types can be encoded and decoded."""
     for i in range(len(self.arrays)):
         s = self.arrays[i]
         self.assertTrue(yencodable(s), 'yencodable fails item ' + str(i))
         msg = Message(None, s)
         v = msg.decode()
         self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(np.array(s), v),
                         'codec failed on item ' + str(i))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_arrays(self):
     """Check that array types can be encoded and decoded."""
     for i in range(len(self.arrays)):
         s = self.arrays[i]
         self.assertTrue(yencodable(s), 'yencodable fails item '+str(i))
         msg = Message(None, s)
         v = msg.decode()
         self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(np.array(s), v),
                         'codec failed on item '+str(i))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_groups(self):
     """Check that group types can be encoded and decoded."""
     for i in range(len(self.groups)):
         s = self.groups[i]
         self.assertTrue(yencodable(s), 'yencodable fails item ' + str(i))
         msg = Message(None, s)
         v = msg.decode()
         if isinstance(s, tuple):
             s = list(s)
         self.assertEqual(s, v, 'codec failed on item ' + str(i))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_strings(self):
     """Check that string types can be encoded and decoded."""
     for i in range(len(self.strings)):
         s = self.strings[i]
         self.assertTrue(yencodable(s), 'yencodable fails item ' + str(i))
         msg = Message(None, s)
         v = msg.decode()
         if isinstance(s, np.ndarray):
             s = s.tolist()
         self.assertEqual(s, v, 'codec failed on item ' + str(i))
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_groups(self):
     """Check that group types can be encoded and decoded."""
     for i in range(len(self.groups)):
         s = self.groups[i]
         self.assertTrue(yencodable(s), 'yencodable fails item '+str(i))
         msg = Message(None, s)
         v = msg.decode()
         if isinstance(s, tuple):
             s = list(s)
         self.assertEqual(s, v, 'codec failed on item '+str(i))
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_strings(self):
     """Check that string types can be encoded and decoded."""
     for i in range(len(self.strings)):
         s = self.strings[i]
         self.assertTrue(yencodable(s), 'yencodable fails item '+str(i))
         msg = Message(None, s)
         v = msg.decode()
         if isinstance(s, np.ndarray):
             s = s.tolist()
         self.assertEqual(s, v, 'codec failed on item '+str(i))
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_bad(self):
     """Check that unencodable types cannot be encoded."""
     for i in range(len(self.bad)):
         s = self.bad[i]
         self.assertFalse(yencodable(s), 'yencodable fails item ' + str(i))
         with self.assertRaises(PYorickError) as cm:
             msg = Message(None, s)
         self.assertIsInstance(cm.exception, PYorickError,
                               'codec failed on item ' + str(i))
         ypickling(encode=True, decode=True)
         print('doing {}'.format(i))
         msg = Message(None, s)
         v = msg.decode()
         self.assertEqual(s, v, 'codec failed on item ' + str(i))
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_bad(self):
     """Check that unencodable types cannot be encoded."""
     for i in range(len(self.bad)):
         s = self.bad[i]
         self.assertFalse(yencodable(s), 'yencodable fails item '+str(i))
         with self.assertRaises(PYorickError) as cm:
             msg = Message(None, s)
         self.assertIsInstance(cm.exception, PYorickError,
                               'codec failed on item '+str(i))
         ypickling(encode=True, decode=True)
         print('doing {}'.format(i))
         msg = Message(None, s)
         v = msg.decode()
         self.assertEqual(s, v, 'codec failed on item '+str(i))
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_reader(self):
     """Check codec readers."""
     for obj, m in self.gen_messages():
         mlen = len(m.packets)
         msg = Message()
         i = 0
         for packet in msg.reader():
             em = str(i)+': '+repr(obj)
             self.assertLess(i, mlen, 'reader stopped late on ' + em)
                              'reader wrong size on ' + em)
             # np.copyto(packet, m.packets[i], casting='safe')
             # following two lines work back to numpy 1.5:
             self.assertTrue(np.can_cast(m.packets[i].dtype, packet.dtype,
                             'reader wrong type on '+ em)
             packet[...] = m.packets[i]
             i += 1
         self.assertEqual(i, mlen, 'reader stopped early on ' + 
                          str(i)+': '+repr(obj))
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_reader(self):
     """Check codec readers."""
     for obj, m in self.gen_messages():
         mlen = len(m.packets)
         msg = Message()
         i = 0
         for packet in msg.reader():
             em = str(i) + ': ' + repr(obj)
             self.assertLess(i, mlen, 'reader stopped late on ' + em)
                              'reader wrong size on ' + em)
             # np.copyto(packet, m.packets[i], casting='safe')
             # following two lines work back to numpy 1.5:
                             casting='safe'), 'reader wrong type on ' + em)
             packet[...] = m.packets[i]
             i += 1
             i, mlen,
             'reader stopped early on ' + str(i) + ': ' + repr(obj))
Exemplo n.º 13
 def gen_messages(self):  # for test_reader
     for obj in self.scalars + self.arrays + self.strings + self.groups:
         yield obj, Message(None, obj)
     yield 'ID_EOL', Message(ID_EOL, 4)
     yield 'ID_EVAL', Message(ID_EVAL, 'hi mom')
     yield 'ID_EXEC', Message(ID_EXEC, 'hi mom')
     yield 'ID_GETVAR', Message(ID_GETVAR, 'vvv')
     yield 'ID_GETSHAPE', Message(ID_GETSHAPE, 'vvv')
     yield 'ID_SETVAR', Message(ID_SETVAR, 'vvv', 31.7)
     yield 'ID_FUNCALL', Message(ID_FUNCALL, 'vvv', 31.7, None, wow=-21)
     yield 'ID_SUBCALL', Message(ID_SUBCALL, 'vvv', 31.7, None, wow=-21)
     yield 'ID_GETSLICE', Message(ID_GETSLICE, 'vvv', 42, Ellipsis)
     yield 'ID_SETSLICE', Message(ID_SETSLICE, 'vvv', 42, Ellipsis, 'q')
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_active(self):
     """Check codec for active messages."""
     msg = Message(ID_EOL, 4)
     v = msg.decode()
     self.assertTrue(v[0] == ID_EOL and v[1][0] == 4, 'ID_EOL broken')
     msg = Message(ID_EVAL, 'hi mom')
     v = msg.decode()
     self.assertTrue(v[0] == ID_EVAL and v[1][0] == 'hi mom',
                     'ID_EVAL broken')
     msg = Message(ID_EXEC, 'hi mom')
     v = msg.decode()
     self.assertTrue(v[0] == ID_EXEC and v[1][0] == 'hi mom',
                     'ID_EXEC broken')
     msg = Message(ID_GETVAR, 'vvv')
     v = msg.decode()
     self.assertTrue(v[0] == ID_GETVAR and v[1][0] == 'vvv',
                     'ID_GETVAR broken')
     msg = Message(ID_GETSHAPE, 'vvv')
     v = msg.decode()
     self.assertTrue(v[0] == ID_GETSHAPE and v[1][0] == 'vvv',
                     'ID_GETSHAPE broken')
     msg = Message(ID_SETVAR, 'vvv', 31.7)
     v = msg.decode()
         v[0] == ID_SETVAR and v[1][0] == 'vvv' and v[1][1] == 31.7,
         'ID_SETVAR broken')
     for ident in [ID_FUNCALL, ID_SUBCALL]:
         if ident == ID_FUNCALL:
             err = 'ID_FUNCALL broken'
             err = 'ID_SUBCALL broken'
         msg = Message(ident, 'vvv')
         v = msg.decode()
             v[0] == ident and v[1][0] == 'vvv' and len(v[1]) == 1,
             err + ' 1')
         msg = Message(ident, 'vvv', 31.7)
         v = msg.decode()
             v[0] == ident and v[1][0] == 'vvv' and v[1][1] == 31.7,
             err + ' 2')
         msg = Message(ident, 'vvv', wow=-21)
         v = msg.decode()
             v[0] == ident and v[1][0] == 'vvv' and len(v[1]) == 1
             and v[2]['wow'] == -21, err + ' 3')
         msg = Message(ident, 'vvv', 31.7, wow=-21)
         v = msg.decode()
             v[0] == ident and v[1][0] == 'vvv' and v[1][1] == 31.7
             and v[2]['wow'] == -21, err + ' 4')
         msg = Message(ident, 'vvv', 31.7, None, wow=-21, zow='abc')
         v = msg.decode()
             v[0] == ident and v[1][0] == 'vvv' and v[1][1] == 31.7
             and v[1][2] == None and v[2]['wow'] == -21
             and v[2]['zow'] == 'abc', err + ' 5')
     msg = Message(ID_GETSLICE, 'vvv')
     v = msg.decode()
         v[0] == ID_GETSLICE and v[1][0] == 'vvv' and len(v[1]) == 1,
         'ID_GETSLICE broken')
     msg = Message(ID_GETSLICE, 'vvv', 42, Ellipsis)
     v = msg.decode()
         v[0] == ID_GETSLICE and v[1][0] == 'vvv' and v[1][1] == 42
         and v[1][2] == Ellipsis, 'ID_GETSLICE broken')
     msg = Message(ID_SETSLICE, 'vvv', 'q')
     v = msg.decode()
         v[0] == ID_SETSLICE and v[1][0] == 'vvv' and v[1][1] == 'q',
         'ID_SETSLICE broken 1')
     msg = Message(ID_SETSLICE, 'vvv', 42, Ellipsis, 'q')
     v = msg.decode()
         v[0] == ID_SETSLICE and v[1][0] == 'vvv' and v[1][1] == 42
         and v[1][2] == Ellipsis and v[1][3] == 'q', 'ID_SETSLICE broken 2')
Exemplo n.º 15
 def test_active(self):
     """Check codec for active messages."""
     msg = Message(ID_EOL, 4)
     v = msg.decode()
     self.assertTrue(v[0]==ID_EOL and v[1][0]==4, 'ID_EOL broken')
     msg = Message(ID_EVAL, 'hi mom')
     v = msg.decode()
     self.assertTrue(v[0]==ID_EVAL and v[1][0]=='hi mom', 'ID_EVAL broken')
     msg = Message(ID_EXEC, 'hi mom')
     v = msg.decode()
     self.assertTrue(v[0]==ID_EXEC and v[1][0]=='hi mom', 'ID_EXEC broken')
     msg = Message(ID_GETVAR, 'vvv')
     v = msg.decode()
     self.assertTrue(v[0]==ID_GETVAR and v[1][0]=='vvv', 'ID_GETVAR broken')
     msg = Message(ID_GETSHAPE, 'vvv')
     v = msg.decode()
     self.assertTrue(v[0]==ID_GETSHAPE and v[1][0]=='vvv',
                     'ID_GETSHAPE broken')
     msg = Message(ID_SETVAR, 'vvv', 31.7)
     v = msg.decode()
     self.assertTrue(v[0]==ID_SETVAR and v[1][0]=='vvv' and v[1][1]==31.7,
                     'ID_SETVAR broken')
     for ident in [ID_FUNCALL, ID_SUBCALL]:
         if ident == ID_FUNCALL:
             err = 'ID_FUNCALL broken'
             err = 'ID_SUBCALL broken'
         msg = Message(ident, 'vvv')
         v = msg.decode()
         self.assertTrue(v[0]==ident and v[1][0]=='vvv' and len(v[1])==1,
                         err+' 1')
         msg = Message(ident, 'vvv', 31.7)
         v = msg.decode()
         self.assertTrue(v[0]==ident and v[1][0]=='vvv' and v[1][1]==31.7,
                         err+' 2')
         msg = Message(ident, 'vvv', wow=-21)
         v = msg.decode()
         self.assertTrue(v[0]==ident and v[1][0]=='vvv' and len(v[1])==1 and
                         v[2]['wow']==-21, err+' 3')
         msg = Message(ident, 'vvv', 31.7, wow=-21)
         v = msg.decode()
         self.assertTrue(v[0]==ident and v[1][0]=='vvv' and v[1][1]==31.7 and
                         v[2]['wow']==-21, err+' 4')
         msg = Message(ident, 'vvv', 31.7, None, wow=-21, zow='abc')
         v = msg.decode()
         self.assertTrue(v[0]==ident and v[1][0]=='vvv' and v[1][1]==31.7 and
                         v[1][2]==None and v[2]['wow']==-21 and
                         v[2]['zow']=='abc', err+' 5')
     msg = Message(ID_GETSLICE, 'vvv')
     v = msg.decode()
     self.assertTrue(v[0]==ID_GETSLICE and v[1][0]=='vvv' and len(v[1])==1,
                     'ID_GETSLICE broken')
     msg = Message(ID_GETSLICE, 'vvv', 42, Ellipsis)
     v = msg.decode()
     self.assertTrue(v[0]==ID_GETSLICE and v[1][0]=='vvv' and v[1][1]==42 and
                     v[1][2]==Ellipsis, 'ID_GETSLICE broken')
     msg = Message(ID_SETSLICE, 'vvv', 'q')
     v = msg.decode()
     self.assertTrue(v[0]==ID_SETSLICE and v[1][0]=='vvv' and v[1][1]=='q',
                     'ID_SETSLICE broken 1')
     msg = Message(ID_SETSLICE, 'vvv', 42, Ellipsis, 'q')
     v = msg.decode()
     self.assertTrue(v[0]==ID_SETSLICE and v[1][0]=='vvv' and v[1][1]==42 and
                     v[1][2]==Ellipsis and v[1][3]=='q',
                     'ID_SETSLICE broken 2')