Exemplo n.º 1
def distributed_slice(iterable):
    Distribute a 'slice'able iterable across workers.
    P = pp.size()
    if P == 1:
        for el in iterable:
            yield el
        if pp.rank() == 0:
            lst = list(iterable)
            N = len(lst)
            for p in range(1, P):
                Nlo, Nhi = pp.balance(N, P, p)
                pp.send(lst[Nlo:Nhi], p)

            Nlo, Nhi = pp.balance(N, P, 0)
            for el in lst[Nlo:Nhi]:
                yield el
            llst = pp.receive(0)
            for el in llst:
                yield el
Exemplo n.º 2
real_min = -2.0
real_max =  1.0
imag_min = -1.5
imag_max =  1.5

t = pypar.time()
P = pypar.size()
p = pypar.rank()
processor_name = pypar.get_processor_name()

print 'Processor %d initialised on node %s' %(p,processor_name)

# Balanced work partitioning (row wise)
Mlo, Mhi = pypar.balance(M, P, p)
print 'p%d: [%d, %d], Interval length=%d' %(p, Mlo, Mhi, Mhi-Mlo)

# Parallel computation 
A = calculate_region(real_min, real_max, imag_min, imag_max, kmax,
                     M, N, Mlo = Mlo, Mhi = Mhi)

print 'Processor %d: time = %.2f' %(p, pypar.time() - t)

# Communication phase
if p == 0:
    for d in range(1, P):
        A += pypar.receive(source=d)

    print 'Computed region in %.2f seconds' %(pypar.time()-t)
Exemplo n.º 3
def parallel_rectangle(m_g, n_g, len1_g=1.0, len2_g=1.0, origin_g = (0.0, 0.0)):

    """Setup a rectangular grid of triangles
    with m+1 by n+1 grid points
    and side lengths len1, len2. If side lengths are omitted
    the mesh defaults to the unit square, divided between all the

    len1: x direction (left to right)
    len2: y direction (bottom to top)


    import pypar
    m_low, m_high = pypar.balance(m_g, numprocs, myid)
    n = n_g
    m_low  = m_low-1
    m_high = m_high+1

    #print 'm_low, m_high', m_low, m_high
    m = m_high - m_low

    delta1 = float(len1_g)/m_g
    delta2 = float(len2_g)/n_g

    len1 = len1_g*float(m)/float(m_g)
    len2 = len2_g
    origin = ( origin_g[0]+float(m_low)/float(m_g)*len1_g, origin_g[1] )

    #Calculate number of points
    Np = (m+1)*(n+1)

    class VIndex:

        def __init__(self, n,m):
            self.n = n
            self.m = m

        def __call__(self, i,j):
            return j+i*(self.n+1)

    class EIndex:

        def __init__(self, n,m):
            self.n = n
            self.m = m

        def __call__(self, i,j):
            return 2*(j+i*self.n)

    I = VIndex(n,m)
    E = EIndex(n,m)

    points = num.zeros( (Np,2), num.float)

    for i in range(m+1):
        for j in range(n+1):

            points[I(i,j),:] = [i*delta1 + origin[0], j*delta2 + origin[1]]

    #Construct 2 triangles per rectangular element and assign tags to boundary
    #Calculate number of triangles
    Nt = 2*m*n

    elements = num.zeros( (Nt,3), num.int)
    boundary = {}
    Idgl = []
    Idfl = []
    Idgr = []
    Idfr = []

    full_send_dict = {}
    ghost_recv_dict = {}
    nt = -1
    for i in range(m):
        for j in range(n):

            i1 = I(i,j+1)
            i2 = I(i,j)
            i3 = I(i+1,j+1)
            i4 = I(i+1,j)

            #Lower Element
            nt = E(i,j)
            if i == 0:

            if i == 1:

            if i == m-2:

            if i == m-1:

            if i == m-1:
                if myid == numprocs-1:
                    boundary[nt, 2] = 'right'
                    boundary[nt, 2] = 'ghost'
            if j == 0:
                boundary[nt, 1] = 'bottom'
            elements[nt,:] = [i4,i3,i2]

            #Upper Element
            nt = E(i,j)+1
            if i == 0:

            if i == 1:

            if i == m-2:

            if i == m-1:

            if i == 0:
                if myid == 0:
                    boundary[nt, 2] = 'left'
                    boundary[nt, 2] = 'ghost'
            if j == n-1:
                boundary[nt, 1] = 'top'
            elements[nt,:] = [i1,i2,i3]

    if numprocs==1:

        #print Idfl
        #print Idgr
        Idfl = num.array(Idfl,num.int)
        Idgr = num.array(Idgr,num.int)

        #print Idfl
        #print Idgr
        full_send_dict[myid]  = [Idfl, Idfl]
        ghost_recv_dict[myid] = [Idgr, Idgr]

    elif numprocs == 2:
        Idfl = num.array(Idfl,num.int)
        Idgr = num.array(Idgr,num.int)
        full_send_dict[(myid-1)%numprocs]  = [Idfl, Idfl]
        ghost_recv_dict[(myid-1)%numprocs] = [Idgr, Idgr]
        Idfl = num.array(Idfl,num.int)
        Idgl = num.array(Idgl,num.int)

        Idfr = num.array(Idfr,num.int)
        Idgr = num.array(Idgr,num.int)

        full_send_dict[(myid-1)%numprocs]  = [Idfl, Idfl]
        ghost_recv_dict[(myid-1)%numprocs] = [Idgl, Idgl]
        full_send_dict[(myid+1)%numprocs]  = [Idfr, Idfr]
        ghost_recv_dict[(myid+1)%numprocs] = [Idgr, Idgr]

    #print full_send_dict
    #print ghost_recv_dict        
    return  points, elements, boundary, full_send_dict, ghost_recv_dict
Exemplo n.º 4
real_min = -2.0
real_max = 1.0
imag_min = -1.5
imag_max = 1.5

# Initialise
t = pypar.time()
P = pypar.size()
p = pypar.rank()
processor_name = pypar.get_processor_name()

print 'Processor %d initialised on node %s' % (p, processor_name)

# Balanced work partitioning (row wise)
Mlo, Mhi = pypar.balance(M, P, p)
print 'p%d: [%d, %d], Interval length=%d' % (p, Mlo, Mhi, Mhi - Mlo)

# Parallel computation
A = calculate_region(real_min, real_max, imag_min, imag_max, kmax,
                     M, N, Mlo=Mlo, Mhi=Mhi)

print 'Processor %d: time = %.2f' % (p, pypar.time() - t)

# Communication phase
if p == 0:
    for d in range(1, P):
        A += pypar.receive(source=d)

    print 'Computed region in %.2f seconds' % (pypar.time() - t)
Exemplo n.º 5
def run( pos_file, neg_file, out_dir, format, align_count, mapping ):

    # Open merit output
    merit_out = open( os.path.join( out_dir, 'merits.txt' ), 'w' )

    # Read integer sequences
    pos_strings = list( rp.io.get_reader( pos_file, format, None ) )
    neg_strings = list( rp.io.get_reader( neg_file, format, None ) )

    symbol_count = mapping.get_out_size()

    # Collapse
    while symbol_count > stop_size:

        # Sync nodes on each pass, may not be required

        if node_id == 0:
            print "Collapsing from:", symbol_count

        pairs = all_pairs( symbol_count )

        # Decide which subrange of all pairs this node will handle
        lo, hi = pypar.balance( len( pairs ), nodes, node_id )

        # Find best collapsed mapping in interval
        best_i, best_j, best_merit = None, None, 0
        for i, j in pairs[lo:hi]:
            merit = calc_merit( pos_strings, neg_strings, mapping.collapse( i, j )  ) 
            if merit > best_merit:
                best_i, best_j, best_merit = i, j, merit
        # Aggregate results
        if node_id != 0:
            # Send best i, j, merit to the master
            pypar.send( ( best_i, best_j, merit ), 0 )
            # I am the master, get results from all other nodes and determine
            # which had the best merit
            for other_node_id in range( 1, nodes ):
                i, j, merit = pypar.receive( other_node_id )
                if merit > best_merit:
                    best_i, best_j, best_merit = i, j, merit
        # Collapse the two symbols that resulted in the best merit   
        mapping = mapping.collapse( best_i, best_j )
        symbol_count -= 1
        # Ensure only the master writes files
        if node_id == 0:
            # Append merit to merit output        
            print >>merit_out, symbol_count, best_merit
            print "\nBest Merit %d." % best_merit,
            # Write best mapping to a file
            mapping_out = open( os.path.join( out_dir, "%03d.mapping" % symbol_count ), 'w' )
            for i, symbol in enumerate( mapping.get_table() ): 
                print >>mapping_out, str.join( '', rp.mapping.DNA.reverse_map( i, align_count ) ), symbol