Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        self.LAYER = TypeKeyword('LAYER', (float, float),
                                 comment='Z_lower and Z_higher')
        self.CENTER = TypeKeyword('CENTER', (float, float),
                                  comment='X_centre and Y_centre')

        keyword = TypeKeyword('CYLIND', (int, float, float),
                              comment='Material, R_inner and R_outer')
        self.CYLIND = KeywordSequence(keyword)
Exemplo n.º 2
class GeometryDefinitionGroup(KeywordGroup):
    This block of lines defines the geometrical structure. The
    only allowed keywords in the geometry definition list are
    'GSTART', 'LAYER_', 'CENTRE', 'CYLIND' and 'GEND__' (notice
    the blanks). The definition list must begin with the
    'GSTART' line and terminate with the 'GEND__' line. The
    second line must be a 'LAYER_' line, which initiates the
    definition of the layer structure. Each 'LAYER_' line is
    followed by a 'CENTRE' line (optional) and by one or several
    'CYLIND' lines, which define the various concentric rings in
    the layer; a layer may be void. No blank lines are allowed
    in the geometry definition list.
    Layers must be defined in increasing order of heights, from
    bottom to top of the structure. If the 'CENTRE' line is not
    entered, cylinders are assumed to be centred on the Z-axis
    (XCEN=YCEN=0.0). Cylinders have to be defined in increasing
    radial order, from the centre to the periphery. The two
    lengths in each 'LAYER_' and 'CYLIND' line must be entered
    in increasing order. All numerical data are read in free

    def __init__(self):
        self.LAYER = TypeKeyword('LAYER', (float, float),
                                 comment='Z_lower and Z_higher')
        self.CENTER = TypeKeyword('CENTER', (float, float),
                                  comment='X_centre and Y_centre')

        keyword = TypeKeyword('CYLIND', (int, float, float),
                              comment='Material, R_inner and R_outer')
        self.CYLIND = KeywordSequence(keyword)

    def get_keywords(self):
        return (self.LAYER, self.CENTER, self.CYLIND)

    def set(self, zlow, zhigh, xcen=None, ycen=None, cylinders=None):
        self.LAYER.set(zlow, zhigh)
        self.CENTER.set(xcen, ycen)
        self._set_keyword_sequence(self.CYLIND, cylinders)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self):
     self.PDANGL = TypeKeyword('PDANGL', (float, float, float, float, int),
                               comment='Angular window, in deg, IPSF')
     self.PDENER = TypeKeyword('PDENER', (float, float, int),
                               comment='Energy window, no. of channels')
     self.XRORIG = TypeKeyword(
         'XRORIG', (str, ),
         comment='Map of emission sites of detected x rays')
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self):
     keyword = TypeKeyword(
         'XRAYE', (float, float),
         comment='Energy interval where x rays are mapped')
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self):
     keyword = TypeKeyword('SEXTND', (int, int, float),
                           comment='Extended source in KL,KC, rel. activity dens.')
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self):
     keyword = TypeKeyword('DOSE2D', (int, int, int, int),
                           comment='Tally distributions in KL,KC with NZ,NR bins')
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self):
        self.ENDETC = penelope_keywords.ENDETC()
        self.EDSPC = penelope_keywords.EDSPC()

        keyword = TypeKeyword('EDBODY', (int, int), comment='Active cylinder')
        self.EDBODY = KeywordSequence(keyword)
Exemplo n.º 8
class ImpactDetectorGroup(KeywordGroup):
    Each impact detector consists of a set of active bodies, which must
    have been defined as parts of the geometry. The output spectrum is
    the energy distribution of particles that entered any of the active
    bodies coming from a body that is not active (i.e. that is not part
    of the detector). Notice that a detected particle can re-enter the
    detector volume and, consequently, be 'counted' several times (except
    when the flag IDCUT is set equal to 0, see below).
    Active bodies cannot be void, because the geometry routines would not
    stop particles at their limiting surfaces. In case you need to define
    detectors outside the material system, fill them with an arbitrary
    material of very small density to avoid perturbing the transport
    To define each impact detector, insert the following block of lines;
    IMPDET : Starts the definition of a new detector. Up to 25 different
             detectors can be considered.
             EL and EU are the lower and upper limits of the energy
               window covered by the impact detector.
             NBE is the number of bins in the output energy spectrum of
               the detector (.LE. 1000). If NBE is positive, energy bins
               have uniform width, DE=(EU-EL)/NBE. When NBE is negative,
               the bin width increases geometrically with the energy,
               i.e., the energy bins have uniform width on a logarithmic
             The integer flag IPSF serves to activate the creation of a
             phase-space file (psf), which contains the state variables
             of all particles that enter the detector. Use this option
             with care, because psf's may grow very fast.
             IPSF=0; no psf is created.
             IPSF=1; the psf is created. Only one PSF can be created in
               each simulation run.
             The integer flag IDCUT allows discontinuing the tracking of
             particles that enter the detector.
             IDCUT=0; the simulation of a particle is discontinued when
               it enters the detector (useful to stop the simulation of
               particles recorded in a psf).
             IDCUT=1; the presence of the detector does not affect the
               tracking of particles.
             IDCUT=2; the presence of the detector does not affect the
               tracking of particles. The distribution of particle
               fluence with respect to energy (integrated over the volume
               of the detector) is tallied. The calculated distribution
               has dimensions of length/energy.
               DEFAULTS: None
    IDPSF_ : Name of the output phase-space file (up to 20 characters).
               DEFAULT: 'psf-impdet-##.dat'
    IDSPC_ : Name of the output energy spectrum file (up to 20
               DEFAULT: 'spc-impdet-##.dat'
    IDFLNC : Name of the output file with the energy distribution of
             particle fluence (20 characters). This file is generated
             only when IDCUT=2.
               DEFAULT: 'fln-impdet-##.dat'
    IDAGEL : Activates the evaluation of the age of particles, defined as
             the time elapsed since the start of the primary particle
             that originated the shower. The program generates the age
             distribution of detected particles, i.e., particles of the
             types declared in lines IDKPAR (see below) that enter the
             detector with energy in the window (EL,EU). The distribution
             is tallied for ages in the interval between AGEL and AGEU
             (both in seconds), which is partitioned into NAGE bins. If
             NAGE is positive, the age bins have uniform width. When
             NAGE is negative, the width of age bins is uniform on a
             logarithmic scale.
               DEFAULTS: NAGE=100, AGEL=0.0, AGEU must always be
    IDAGEF : Name of the output age distribution file (up to 20
               DEFAULT: 'age-impdet-##.dat'
    IDBODY : Active body of the detector. One line for each active body.
               DEFAULT: None
             --> Notice that a body cannot be part of more than one
             impact detector.
    IDKPAR : Type of particle that is detected (1=electrons, 2=photons or
             3=positrons). One line for each type.
             The detector has no effect for particles that are not
             detected. This feature can be used, e.g., to make a body or
             a set of bodies opaque to particles of a certain type.
               DEFAULT: All particles are detected
    def __init__(self):
        self.IMPDET = TypeKeyword('IMPDET', (float, float, int, int, int),
                                  comment='E-window, no. of bins, IPSF, IDCUT')
        self.IDSPC = TypeKeyword('IDSPC', (str, ),
                                 comment='Spectrum file name, 20 chars')
        self.IDPSF = TypeKeyword('IDPSF', (str, ),
                                 comment='Phase-space file name, 20 chars')
        self.IDFLNC = TypeKeyword(
            'IDFLNC', (str, ), comment='Fluence spectrum file name, 20 chars')
        self.IDAGEL = TypeKeyword('IDAGEL', (float, float, int),
                                  comment='Age interval and no. of bins')
        self.IDAGEF = TypeKeyword(
            'IDAGEF', (str, ), comment='Age-distribution file name, 20 chars')

        keyword = TypeKeyword('IDBODY', (int, ), comment='Active body')
        self.IDBODY = KeywordSequence(keyword)

        keyword = TypeKeyword('IDKPAR', (int, ),
                              comment='Kind of detected particles')
        self.IDKPAR = KeywordSequence(keyword)

    def get_keywords(self):
        return (self.IMPDET, self.IDSPC, self.IDPSF, self.IDFLNC, self.IDAGEL,
                self.IDAGEF, self.IDBODY, self.IDKPAR)

    def set(self,
        self.IMPDET.set(el, eu, nbe, ipsf, idcut)
        self.IDAGEL.set(agel, ageu, nage)
        self._set_keyword_sequence(self.IDBODY, kb)
        self._set_keyword_sequence(self.IDKPAR, kpar)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self):
     keyword = TypeKeyword("IFORCE", (int, int, int, int, float, float, float),
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self):
     keyword = TypeKeyword("EABSB", (int, int, float, float, float),
                           comment="Local EABSB(1:3) in body KL,KC")
Exemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self):
     keyword = TypeKeyword("DSMAX", (int, int, float),
                           comment="Maximum step length in body KL,KC")
Exemplo n.º 12
 def __init__(self):
     keyword = TypeKeyword("IPSFN", (str, ),
                           comment="Input psf name, up to 20 characters")
Exemplo n.º 13
 def __init__(self):
     keyword = TypeKeyword(
         "SBODY", (int, ),
         comment='Active source body; one line for each body')
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self):
        self.IMPDET = TypeKeyword('IMPDET', (float, float, int, int, int),
                                  comment='E-window, no. of bins, IPSF, IDCUT')
        self.IDSPC = TypeKeyword('IDSPC', (str, ),
                                 comment='Spectrum file name, 20 chars')
        self.IDPSF = TypeKeyword('IDPSF', (str, ),
                                 comment='Phase-space file name, 20 chars')
        self.IDFLNC = TypeKeyword(
            'IDFLNC', (str, ), comment='Fluence spectrum file name, 20 chars')
        self.IDAGEL = TypeKeyword('IDAGEL', (float, float, int),
                                  comment='Age interval and no. of bins')
        self.IDAGEF = TypeKeyword(
            'IDAGEF', (str, ), comment='Age-distribution file name, 20 chars')

        keyword = TypeKeyword('IDBODY', (int, ), comment='Active body')
        self.IDBODY = KeywordSequence(keyword)

        keyword = TypeKeyword('IDKPAR', (int, ),
                              comment='Kind of detected particles')
        self.IDKPAR = KeywordSequence(keyword)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self):
     keyword = TypeKeyword('XRLINE', (int, ),
                           comment='X-ray line, IZ*1e6+S1*1e4+S2*1e2')
Exemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self):
     keyword = TypeKeyword("IXRSPL", (int, int, float),
                           comment="KL,KC,splitting factor")
Exemplo n.º 17
class PhotonDetectorGroup(KeywordGroup):
    Each detector collects photons that leave the sample with directions
    within a 'rectangle' on the unit sphere, limited by the 'parallels'
    THETA1 and THETA2 and the 'meridians' PHI1 and PHI2. The output
    spectrum is the energy distribution of photons that emerge within the
    acceptance solid angle of the detector with energies in the interval
    from EDEL to EDEU, recorded using NCHE channels. Notice that the
    spectrum is given in absolute units (per incident electron, per eV
    and per unit solid angle).
    PDANGL : Starts the definition of a new detector. Up to 25 different
             detectors can be defined. THETA1,THETA2 and PHI1,PHI2 are
             the limits of the angular intervals covered by the detector,
             in degrees.
             The integer flag IPSF serves to activate the creation of a
             phase-space file (psf), which contains the state variables
             and weigths of particles that enter the detector. Use this
             option with care, because psf's may grow very fast.
             IPSF=0, the psf is not created.
             IPSF=1, a psf is created.
             IPSF>1, a psf is created, but contains only state variables
                     of detected photons that have ILB(4)=IPSF (used for
                     studying angular distributions of x rays).
             Generating the psf is useful for tuning interaction forcing,
             which requires knowing the weights of detected particles.
               DEFAULTS: THETA1=35, THETA2=45, PHI1=0, PHI2=360, IPSF=0
             NOTE: PHI1 and PHI2 must be both either in the interval
             (0,360) or in the interval (-180,180).
    PDENER : EDEL and EDEU are the lower and upper limits of the energy
             window covered by the detector.
             NCHE is the number of energy channels in the output spectrum
             (.LE. 1000).
               DEFAULT: EDEL=0.0, EDU=E0, NCHE=1000
    XRORIG : This line in the input file activates the generation of a
             file with the position coordinates of the emission sites of
             the photons that reach the detector. The file name must be
             explicitly defined. Notice that the file may grow very fast,
             so use this option only in short runs. The output file is
             overwritten when a simulation is resumed.
               DEFAULT: NONE
    def __init__(self):
        self.PDANGL = TypeKeyword('PDANGL', (float, float, float, float, int),
                                  comment='Angular window, in deg, IPSF')
        self.PDENER = TypeKeyword('PDENER', (float, float, int),
                                  comment='Energy window, no. of channels')
        self.XRORIG = TypeKeyword(
            'XRORIG', (str, ),
            comment='Map of emission sites of detected x rays')

    def set(self,
        self.PDANGL.set(theta1, theta2, phi1, phi2, ipsf)
        self.PDENER.set(edel, edeu, nche)

    def get_keywords(self):
        return (self.PDANGL, self.PDENER, self.XRORIG)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def __init__(self):
     keyword = TypeKeyword("PARINP", (int, float),
                           comment="Replacement parameter")