Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_belongs_to(self):
     should use the source class's primary key in a belongs to association
     association = BelongsTo(target_klass=TargetModel, id='whatever',
     self.assertEqual(association.primary_key(), SourceModel.primary_key())
Exemplo n.º 2
 def setUp(self):
     self.klass = fixtures.association_models.Test
     self.id = 'belongs'
     self.foreign_key = 'some_id'
     self.belongs_to = BelongsTo(target_klass=self.klass, id=self.id)
     self.article = fixtures.association_models.Article
     self.comment = fixtures.association_models.Comment
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_polymorphic_belongs_to(self):
     should use the source class's primary key in a polymorphic belongs to
     association = BelongsTo(TargetModel, "whatever", polymorphic=True)
     target_instance = TargetModel({"whatever_type": "SourceModel"})
     self.assertEqual(association.primary_key(target_instance), SourceModel.primary_key())
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_kwarg(self):
     """should use the primary key given in the kwargs"""
     association = BelongsTo(target_klass=TargetModel, id='whatever',
     self.assertEqual(association.primary_key(), 'asdf')
     association = Has(target_klass=TargetModel, id='whatever',
     self.assertEqual(association.primary_key(), 'asdf')
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_polymorphic(self):
     """should return true for polymorphic if polymorphic options specified
     and false otherwise"""
     belongs = BelongsTo(self.comment, "parent", polymorphic=True)
     comment = self.comment({"parent_id": 1, "parent_type": "Article"})
     scope = belongs.scope(comment)
     self.assertEqual(scope.__class__, pyperry.Relation)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_polymorphic(self):
     """should return true for polymorphic if polymorphic options specified
     and false otherwise"""
     belongs = BelongsTo(target_klass=self.comment, id='parent', polymorphic=True)
     comment = self.comment({ 'parent_id': 1, 'parent_type': 'Article' })
     scope = belongs.scope(comment)
     self.assertEqual(scope.__class__, pyperry.Relation)
Exemplo n.º 7
class HelpModel(pyperry.Base):
    """a model with a docstring"""
    attr1 = Field()
    attr2 = Field()

    foo = BelongsTo(polymorphic=True)
    ape = BelongsTo()
    bars = HasMany(through='bananas')
    bananas = HasMany()
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_polymorphic_belongs_to(self):
     should use the source class's primary key in a polymorphic belongs to
     association = BelongsTo(target_klass=TargetModel, id='whatever',
     target_instance = TargetModel({'whatever_type': 'SourceModel'})
Exemplo n.º 9
class Comment(AssocTest):
    id = Field()
    person_id = Field()
    parent_id = Field()
    parent_type = Field()
    text = Field()

    parent = BelongsTo(polymorphic=True)
    author = BelongsTo(class_name='Person',
Exemplo n.º 10
class Article(AssocTest):
    id = Field()
    site_id = Field()
    author_id = Field()
    title = Field()
    text = Field()

    site = BelongsTo(class_name='Site')
    author = BelongsTo(class_name='Person')
    comments = HasMany(as_='parent', class_name='Comment')
    awesome_comments = HasMany(as_='parent',
                               conditions="text LIKE '%awesome%'")
    comment_authors = HasMany(through='comments', source='author')
Exemplo n.º 11
 def setUp(self):
     self.klass = fixtures.association_models.Test
     self.id = "belongs"
     self.foreign_key = "some_id"
     self.belongs_to = BelongsTo(self.klass, self.id)
     self.article = fixtures.association_models.Article
     self.comment = fixtures.association_models.Comment
Exemplo n.º 12
class DirModel(pyperry.Base):
    id = Field()
    foo = Field()
    bar = Field()

    owner = BelongsTo()
    children = HasMany()
Exemplo n.º 13
class Site(AssocTest):
    id = Field()
    name = Field()
    maintainer_id = Field()

    maintainer = BelongsTo(klass=lambda: Person)
    headline = HasOne(klass=lambda: Article)
    master_comment = HasOne(as_='parent', class_name='Comment')
    fun_articles = HasOne(class_name='Article',
                          sql=lambda s: """
                SELECT articles.*
                FROM articles
                WHERE articles.text LIKE %%monkeyonabobsled%%
                    AND articles.site_id = %s
            """ % s.id)
    articles = HasMany(class_name='Article',
    comments = HasMany(as_='parent', class_name='Comment')
    awesome_comments = HasMany(class_name='Comment',
                               sql=lambda s: """
                SELECT comments.*
                FROM comments
                WHERE comments.text LIKE '%%awesome%%' AND
                    parent_type = "Site" AND parent_id = %s
            """ % s.id)
    article_comments = HasMany(through='articles', source='comments')
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_get_descriptor(self):
        """should return first object in scope"""
        TestAdapter.data = { 'id': 1 }
        class Test(fixtures.association_models.AssocTest):
            id = Field()
            foo_id = Field()

        assoc = BelongsTo(target_klass=Test, id='foo', klass=Test)
        Test.foo = assoc
        instance = Test(foo_id=1)

        self.assertEqual(Test.foo, assoc)
        self.assertEqual(type(instance.foo), Test)
Exemplo n.º 15
class Person(AssocTest):
    id = Field()
    name = Field()
    manager_id = Field()
    company_id = Field()

    manager = BelongsTo(class_name='Person', foreign_key='manager_id')
    authored_comments = HasMany(class_name='Comment', foreign_key='person_id')
    articles = HasMany(class_name='Article', foreign_key='author_id')
    comments = HasMany(as_='parent', class_name='Comment')
    employees = HasMany(class_name='Person', foreign_key='manager_id')
    sites = HasMany(class_name='Site', foreign_key='maintainer_id')
    commented_articles = HasMany(through='comments',
    maintained_articles = HasMany(through='sites', source='articles')
Exemplo n.º 16
 def test_kwarg(self):
     """should use the primary key given in the kwargs"""
     association = BelongsTo(TargetModel, "whatever", primary_key="asdf")
     self.assertEqual(association.primary_key(), "asdf")
     association = Has(TargetModel, "whatever", primary_key="asdf")
     self.assertEqual(association.primary_key(), "asdf")
Exemplo n.º 17
class AssociationModel(pyperry.Base):
    you = BelongsTo()
    foo = BelongsTo(polymorphic=True)
    bar = HasOne()
    bizs = HasMany()
    bazs = HasMany(through='bizs')
Exemplo n.º 18
 def test_polymorphic_type(self):
     """should return #{id}_type if it is polymorphic"""
     belongs = BelongsTo(target_klass=self.klass, id='bar', polymorphic=True)
     self.assertEqual('bar_type', belongs.polymorphic_type())
Exemplo n.º 19
class BelongsToTestCase(BaseAssociationTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.klass = fixtures.association_models.Test
        self.id = "belongs"
        self.foreign_key = "some_id"
        self.belongs_to = BelongsTo(self.klass, self.id)
        self.article = fixtures.association_models.Article
        self.comment = fixtures.association_models.Comment

    def test_type(self):
        """should return 'belongs_to' as the type"""
        self.assertEqual("belongs_to", self.belongs_to.type())

    def test_collection(self):
        """should return False on a collection"""
        self.assertEqual(False, self.belongs_to.collection())

    def test_foreign_key_not_set(self):
        """should return the association's foreign_key if one is set"""
        self.belongs_to.foreign_key = self.foreign_key
        self.assertEqual(self.foreign_key, self.belongs_to.foreign_key)

    def test_foreign_key_not_set_in_super(self):
        """sould return #{id}_id if the association doesn't have a foreign_key"""
        self.assertEqual("%s_id" % self.id, self.belongs_to.foreign_key)

    # need to test polymorphic and polymorphic_type
    def test_polymorphic(self):
        """should return true for polymorphic if polymorphic options specified
        and false otherwise"""
        belongs = BelongsTo(self.comment, "parent", polymorphic=True)
        comment = self.comment({"parent_id": 1, "parent_type": "Article"})
        scope = belongs.scope(comment)
        self.assertEqual(scope.__class__, pyperry.Relation)

    def test_polymorphic_type(self):
        """should return #{id}_type if it is polymorphic"""
        belongs = BelongsTo(self.klass, "bar", polymorphic=True)
        self.assertEqual("bar_type", belongs.polymorphic_type())

    # scope tests
    def test_scope_foreign_key(self):
        """should return None if no foreign_key present"""
        record = self.article({})
        self.assertEqual(None, self.article.defined_associations["site"].scope(record))

    def test_scope_for_source_class(self):
        """should return a scope for the source class if association present"""
        record = self.article({"site_id": 1})
        self.assertTrue(self.article.defined_associations["site"].scope(record).__class__ is Relation)

    def test_scope_options(self):
        """should the scope should have the options for the association query"""
        record = self.article({"site_id": 1})
        self.assertEqual({"id": 1}, self.article.defined_associations["site"].scope(record).params["where"][0])

    def test_association_with_records(self):
        should use an array of primary key values if the argument is an array
        of records
        records = [self.article({"site_id": x}) for x in [1, 2, 3]]
        association = self.article.defined_associations["site"]
        where_values = association.scope(records).query()["where"]
        self.assertEqual(where_values, [{"id": [1, 2, 3]}])

    def test_poly_association_with_records(self):
        should raise AssociationPreloadNotSupported for polymorphic
        associations when the argument is an array of records
        records = [self.comment({"parent_id": x}) for x in [1, 2, 3]]
        association = self.comment.defined_associations["parent"]
        self.assertRaises(errors.AssociationPreloadNotSupported, association.scope, records)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def test_polymorphic_type(self):
     """should return #{id}_type if it is polymorphic"""
     belongs = BelongsTo(self.klass, "bar", polymorphic=True)
     self.assertEqual("bar_type", belongs.polymorphic_type())
Exemplo n.º 21
class BelongsToTestCase(BaseAssociationTestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.klass = fixtures.association_models.Test
        self.id = 'belongs'
        self.foreign_key = 'some_id'
        self.belongs_to = BelongsTo(target_klass=self.klass, id=self.id)
        self.article = fixtures.association_models.Article
        self.comment = fixtures.association_models.Comment

    def test_type(self):
        """should return 'belongs_to' as the type"""
        self.assertEqual('belongs_to', self.belongs_to.type())

    def test_collection(self):
        """should return False on a collection"""
        self.assertEqual(False, self.belongs_to.collection())

    def test_foreign_key_not_set(self):
        """should return the association's foreign_key if one is set"""
        self.belongs_to.foreign_key = self.foreign_key
        self.assertEqual(self.foreign_key, self.belongs_to.foreign_key)

    def test_foreign_key_not_set_in_super(self):
        """sould return #{id}_id if the association doesn't have a foreign_key"""
        self.assertEqual('%s_id' % self.id, self.belongs_to.foreign_key)

    # need to test polymorphic and polymorphic_type
    def test_polymorphic(self):
        """should return true for polymorphic if polymorphic options specified
        and false otherwise"""
        belongs = BelongsTo(target_klass=self.comment, id='parent', polymorphic=True)
        comment = self.comment({ 'parent_id': 1, 'parent_type': 'Article' })
        scope = belongs.scope(comment)
        self.assertEqual(scope.__class__, pyperry.Relation)

    def test_polymorphic_type(self):
        """should return #{id}_type if it is polymorphic"""
        belongs = BelongsTo(target_klass=self.klass, id='bar', polymorphic=True)
        self.assertEqual('bar_type', belongs.polymorphic_type())

    # scope tests
    def test_scope_foreign_key(self):
        """should return None if no foreign_key present"""
        record = self.article({})
        self.assertEqual(None, self.article.defined_associations['site'].scope(record))

    def test_scope_for_source_class(self):
        """should return a scope for the source class if association present"""
        record = self.article({'site_id': 1})
        self.assertTrue(self.article.defined_associations['site'].scope(record).__class__ is Relation)

    def test_scope_options(self):
        """should the scope should have the options for the association query"""
        record = self.article({'site_id': 1})
        self.assertEqual({'id': 1}, self.article.defined_associations['site'].scope(record).params['where'][0])

    def test_association_with_records(self):
        should use an array of primary key values if the argument is an array
        of records
        records = [self.article({'site_id': x}) for x in [1,2,3]]
        association = self.article.defined_associations['site']
        where_values = association.scope(records).query()['where']
        self.assertEqual(where_values, [{'id': [1, 2, 3]}])

    def test_poly_association_with_records(self):
        should raise AssociationPreloadNotSupported for polymorphic
        associations when the argument is an array of records
        records = [self.comment({'parent_id': x}) for x in [1,2,3]]
        association = self.comment.defined_associations['parent']
                          association.scope, records)

    def test_get_descriptor(self):
        """should return first object in scope"""
        TestAdapter.data = { 'id': 1 }
        class Test(fixtures.association_models.AssocTest):
            id = Field()
            foo_id = Field()

        assoc = BelongsTo(target_klass=Test, id='foo', klass=Test)
        Test.foo = assoc
        instance = Test(foo_id=1)

        self.assertEqual(Test.foo, assoc)
        self.assertEqual(type(instance.foo), Test)

    def test_set_descriptor(self):
        """should set the foreign_key field with value of record if set"""
        article = self.article(id=1)
        comment = self.comment()
        comment.parent = article
        self.assertEqual(comment.parent_id, 1)
        self.assertEqual(comment.parent_type, 'Article')

    def test_set_descriptor_none(self):
        """should set fk to None when descriptor called with None"""
        comment = self.comment(parent_id=1, parent_type="Article")
        self.assertEqual(comment.parent_id, 1)
        self.assertEqual(comment.parent_type, "Article")
        comment.parent = None
        self.assertEqual(comment.parent_id, None)
        self.assertEqual(comment.parent_type, None)

    def test_getter_returns_none_on_none_scope(self):
        comment = self.comment()
        self.assertEqual(comment.parent, None)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def test_eager_loadable(self):
     """should be eager_loadable when the moethods do not rely
     on instance data"""
     association = BelongsTo(target_klass=self.klass, id=self.id)
     self.assertEqual(True, association.eager_loadable())
Exemplo n.º 23
 def test_eager_loadable_poly(self):
     """should return false for polymorphic belongs to associations"""
     association = BelongsTo(target_klass=self.klass, id=self.id, polymorphic=True)
     self.assertEqual(association.eager_loadable(), False)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def test_belongs_to(self):
     should use the source class's primary key in a belongs to association
     association = BelongsTo(TargetModel, "whatever", class_name="SourceModel")
     self.assertEqual(association.primary_key(), SourceModel.primary_key())