Exemplo n.º 1
 def response(self, http_response, response_body):
     r = Response()
     r.status = http_response.status
     r.success = r.status >= 200 and r.status < 400
     r.raw = response_body
     r.raw_format = self.config_value('format', 'json')
     r.meta = dict(http_response.getheaders())
     return r
Exemplo n.º 2
 def response(self, http_response, response_body):
     r = Response()
     r.status = http_response.status
     r.success = r.status >= 200 and r.status < 400
     r.raw = response_body
     r.raw_format = self.config_value('format', 'json')
     r.meta = dict(http_response.getheaders())
     return r
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _parse_response(self, raw):
        response = Response()
        response.raw = raw
        response._parsed = raw

        if raw.has_key('fields'):
            response.success = True
            response._model_attributes = raw['fields']
        elif raw.has_key('success'):
            response.success = raw['success']

        return response
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _parse_response(self, raw):
        response = Response()
        response.raw = raw
        response._parsed = raw

        if raw.has_key('fields'):
            response.success = True
            response._model_attributes = raw['fields']
        elif raw.has_key('success'):
            response.success = raw['success']

        return response