Exemplo n.º 1
def _to_user_defined(pif_obj):
    """Read the systems in the PIF to populate the user-defined portion"""
    res = {}

    # make a read view to flatten the hierarchy
    rv = ReadView(pif_obj)

    # Iterate over the keys in the read view
    for k in rv.keys():
        name, value = _extract_key_value(rv[k].raw)
        # add any objects that can be extracted
        if name and value is not None:
            res[name] = value

    # Grab interesting values not in the ReadView
    pif = pif_obj.as_dictionary()

    elements = {}
    if pif.get("composition"):
        for comp in pif["composition"]:
            if comp.get("actualAtomicPercent"):
                elements[comp["element"]] = float(
            elif comp.get("actualWeightPercent"):
                elements[comp["element"]] = float(
        if elements:
            res["elemental_percent"] = elements
    elif pif.get("chemicalFormula"):
        symbol = ""
        num = ""
        # Chemical formulae are comprised of letters, numbers, and potentially characters we don't care about
        for char in pif["chemicalFormula"]:
            # Uppercase char indicates beginning of new symbol
            if char.isupper():
                # If there is already a symbol in holding, process it
                if symbol:
                        elements[symbol] = int(num)
                    # If num is a float, raises ValueError
                    except ValueError:
                        elements[symbol] = float(num) if num else 1
                    symbol = ""
                    num = ""
                symbol += char
            # Lowercase chars or digits are continuations of a symbol
            elif char.islower():
                symbol += char
            elif char.isdigit():
                num += char
            elif char == ".":
                num += char
            # All other chars are not useful
        if elements:
            res["elemental_proportion"] = elements
    return res
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_method_software():
    """Testing that method and software names are elevated"""
    method = Method(name="spam", software=[Software(name="magic")])
    pif = System(properties=[
        Property(name="foo", scalars=[Scalar(value="bar")], methods=[method])
    r = ReadView(pif)
    assert r["foo"].scalars[0].value == "bar", "Didn't elevate property key"
    assert "spam" in r.keys(), "Expected spam in keys"
    assert "magic" in r.keys(), "Expected magic in keys"
Exemplo n.º 3
def parsePifKey(pif, key):
    """Parse a single pif key for single scalar values;
    return nan if no scalar found.
    if (key in ReadView(pif).keys()):
        if 'scalars' in dir(ReadView(pif)[key]):
                return ReadView(pif)[key].scalars[0].value
            except IndexError:
                return np.nan
            return np.nan
        return np.nan
Exemplo n.º 4
def pifs2df(pifs):
    """Converts a collection of PIFs to tabular data
    Very simple, purpose-built utility script. Converts an iterable of PIFs
    to a dataframe. Returns the superset of all PIF keys as the set of columns.
    Non-scalar values are converted to nan.

        df = pifs2df(pifs)
        pifs = an iterable of PIFs
        df = Pandas DataFrame

        import os
        from citrination_client import CitrinationClient
        from citrination_client import PifSystemReturningQuery, DatasetQuery
        from citrination_client import DataQuery, Filter

        ## Set-up citrination search client
        site = "https://citrination.com"
        client = CitrinationClient(api_key = os.environ["CITRINATION_API_KEY"], site = site)
        search_client = client.search

        ## Query the Agrawal (2014) dataset
        system_query = \
                size = 500,
                query = DataQuery(
                    dataset = DatasetQuery(id = Filter(equal = "150670"))
        query_result = search_client.pif_search(system_query)
        pifs = [x.system for x in query_results.hits]

        ## Rectangularize the pifs
        df = pifs2df(pifs)
    ## Consolidate superset of keys
    key_sets = [set(ReadView(pif).keys()) for pif in pifs]
    keys_ref = reduce(lambda s1, s2: s1.union(s2), key_sets)

    ## Rectangularize
    ## TODO: Append dataframes, rather than using a comprehension
    df_data = \
            columns = keys_ref,
            data = [
                    parsePifKey(pif, key) \
                    for key in keys_ref
                ] for pif in pifs

    return df_data
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_ambiguity():
    """Test that ambiguous keys are removed from the top level dict"""
    pif = System()
    pif.uid = "10245"
    pif.properties = [
        Property(name="foo", scalars=[Scalar(value=1.0)]),
        Property(name="bar", scalars=[Scalar(value=2.0)])
    pif2 = System(
        properties=[Property(name="foo", scalars=[Scalar(value=10.0)])])
    r = ReadView(pif2)
    assert r.properties["foo"].scalars[0].value == 10.0
    assert r.sub_systems["10245"].properties["foo"].scalars[0].value == 1.0
    assert "foo" not in r.keys()
    assert r.sub_systems["10245"]["foo"].scalars[0].value == 1.0
    assert r["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_condition_elevation():
    """Test that read views elevate conditions"""
    condition = Value(name="spam", scalars=[Scalar(value="eggs")])
    pif = System(properties=[
            name="foo", scalars=[Scalar(value="bar")], conditions=[condition])
    r = ReadView(pif)
    assert r["foo"].scalars[0].value == "bar", "Didn't elevate property key"
    assert r["spam"].scalars[0].value == "eggs", "Didn't elevate condition key"
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_unambig():
    """Test that properties are mirrored in a top level dic"""
    pif = System()
    pif.properties = [
        Property(name="foo", scalars=[Scalar(value=1.0)]),
        Property(name="bar", scalars=[Scalar(value=2.0)])
    r = ReadView(pif)
    assert r["foo"].scalars[0].value == 1.0
    assert r["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
Exemplo n.º 8
def parsePifKey(pif, key):
    """Parse a single pif key for single scalar values; return nan if no scalar found.

    :param pif: PIF to access
    :type pif: pif
    :param key: key to access data
    :type key: string
    :returns: scalar value or np.nan

    if (key in ReadView(pif).keys()):
        if 'scalars' in dir(ReadView(pif)[key]):
                return ReadView(pif)[key].scalars[0].value
            except IndexError:
                return np.nan
            return np.nan
        return np.nan
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_read_view():
    """Test that properties are passed through to the readview"""
    pif = System()
    pif.uid = "10245"
    pif.names = ["example", "ex"]
    pif.properties = [
        Property(name="foo", scalars=[Scalar(value=1.0)]),
        Property(name="bar", scalars=[Scalar(value=2.0)])
    r = ReadView(pif)
    assert r.uid == pif.uid
    assert r.names == pif.names
    assert r.properties["foo"].scalars[0].value == 1.0
    assert r.properties["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_nested_read_view():
    """Test that nested Pios (system here) are recursively processed"""
    pif = System()
    pif.uid = "10245"
    pif.properties = [
        Property(name="foo", scalars=[Scalar(value=1.0)]),
        Property(name="bar", scalars=[Scalar(value=2.0)])
    pif2 = System(sub_systems=[pif])
    r = ReadView(pif2)
    assert r.sub_systems["10245"].uid == pif.uid
    assert r["10245"].uid == pif.uid
    assert r.sub_systems["10245"].properties["foo"].scalars[0].value == 1.0
    assert r.sub_systems["10245"].properties["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
    assert r["foo"].scalars[0].value == 1.0
    assert r["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_multiple_instances():
    """Test that keys that show up in different places with the same value are kept"""
    pif = System()
    pif.uid = "10245"
    pif.properties = [
        Property(name="foo", scalars=[Scalar(value=1.0)]),
        Property(name="bar", scalars=[Scalar(value=2.0)])
    pif2 = System(
        properties=[Property(name="bar", scalars=[Scalar(value=2.0)])])
    r = ReadView(pif2)
    assert r.properties["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
    assert r.sub_systems["10245"].properties["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
    assert r["bar"].scalars[0].value == 2.0
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_key_error_case():
    with open("./pypif_sdk/readview/tests/csv_pif.pif") as f:
        test_case = load(f)
    rv = ReadView(test_case)
    assert len(rv.keys()) > 0