Exemplo n.º 1
def ext2int(ppc, val_or_field=None, ordering=None, dim=0):
    """Converts external to internal indexing.

    This function has two forms, the old form that operates on
    and returns individual matrices and the new form that operates
    on and returns an entire PYPOWER case dict.

    1.  C{ppc = ext2int(ppc)}

    If the input is a single PYPOWER case dict, then all isolated
    buses, off-line generators and branches are removed along with any
    generators, branches or areas connected to isolated buses. Then the
    buses are renumbered consecutively, beginning at 0, and the
    generators are sorted by increasing bus number. Any 'ext2int'
    callback routines registered in the case are also invoked
    automatically. All of the related
    indexing information and the original data matrices are stored under
    the 'order' key of the dict to be used by C{int2ext} to perform
    the reverse conversions. If the case is already using internal
    numbering it is returned unchanged.

        ppc = ext2int(ppc)

    @see: L{int2ext}, L{e2i_field}, L{e2i_data}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    ppc = deepcopy(ppc)
    if val_or_field is None:  # nargin == 1
        first = 'order' not in ppc
        if first or ppc["order"]["state"] == 'e':
            ## initialize order
            if first:
                o = {
                        'ext':      {
                                'bus':      None,
                                'branch':   None,
                                'gen':      None
                        'bus':      { 'e2i':      None,
                                      'i2e':      None,
                                      'status':   {} },
                        'gen':      { 'e2i':      None,
                                      'i2e':      None,
                                      'status':   {} },
                        'branch':   { 'status': {} }
                o = ppc["order"]

            ## sizes
            nb = ppc["bus"].shape[0]
            ng = ppc["gen"].shape[0]
            ng0 = ng
            if 'A' in ppc:
                dc = True if ppc["A"].shape[1] < (2 * nb + 2 * ng) else False
            elif 'N' in ppc:
                dc = True if ppc["N"].shape[1] < (2 * nb + 2 * ng) else False
                dc = False

            ## save data matrices with external ordering
            if 'ext' not in o: o['ext'] = {}
            o["ext"]["bus"]    = ppc["bus"].copy()
            o["ext"]["branch"] = ppc["branch"].copy()
            o["ext"]["gen"]    = ppc["gen"].copy()
            if 'areas' in ppc:
                if len(ppc["areas"]) == 0: ## if areas field is empty
                    del ppc['areas']       ## delete it (so it's ignored)
                else:                      ## otherwise
                    o["ext"]["areas"] = ppc["areas"].copy()  ## save it

            ## check that all buses have a valid BUS_TYPE
            bt = ppc["bus"][:, BUS_TYPE]
            err = find(~((bt == PQ) | (bt == PV) | (bt == REF) | (bt == NONE)))
            if len(err) > 0:
                sys.stderr.write('ext2int: bus %d has an invalid BUS_TYPE\n' % err)

            ## determine which buses, branches, gens are connected and
            ## in-service
            n2i = sparse((range(nb), (ppc["bus"][:, BUS_I], zeros(nb))),
                         shape=(max(ppc["bus"][:, BUS_I]) + 1, 1))
            n2i = array( n2i.todense().flatten() )[0, :] # as 1D array
            bs = (bt != NONE)                               ## bus status
            o["bus"]["status"]["on"]  = find(  bs )         ## connected
            o["bus"]["status"]["off"] = find( ~bs )         ## isolated
            gs = ( (ppc["gen"][:, GEN_STATUS] > 0) &          ## gen status
                    bs[ n2i[ppc["gen"][:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)] ] )
            o["gen"]["status"]["on"]  = find(  gs )    ## on and connected
            o["gen"]["status"]["off"] = find( ~gs )    ## off or isolated
            brs = ( ppc["branch"][:, BR_STATUS].astype(int) &  ## branch status
                    bs[n2i[ppc["branch"][:, F_BUS].astype(int)]] &
                    bs[n2i[ppc["branch"][:, T_BUS].astype(int)]] ).astype(bool)
            o["branch"]["status"]["on"]  = find(  brs ) ## on and conn
            o["branch"]["status"]["off"] = find( ~brs )
            if 'areas' in ppc:
                ar = bs[ n2i[ppc["areas"][:, PRICE_REF_BUS].astype(int)] ]
                o["areas"] = {"status": {}}
                o["areas"]["status"]["on"]  = find(  ar )
                o["areas"]["status"]["off"] = find( ~ar )

            ## delete stuff that is "out"
            if len(o["bus"]["status"]["off"]) > 0:
#                ppc["bus"][o["bus"]["status"]["off"], :] = array([])
                ppc["bus"] = ppc["bus"][o["bus"]["status"]["on"], :]
            if len(o["branch"]["status"]["off"]) > 0:
#                ppc["branch"][o["branch"]["status"]["off"], :] = array([])
                ppc["branch"] = ppc["branch"][o["branch"]["status"]["on"], :]
            if len(o["gen"]["status"]["off"]) > 0:
#                ppc["gen"][o["gen"]["status"]["off"], :] = array([])
                ppc["gen"] = ppc["gen"][o["gen"]["status"]["on"], :]
            if 'areas' in ppc and (len(o["areas"]["status"]["off"]) > 0):
#                ppc["areas"][o["areas"]["status"]["off"], :] = array([])
                ppc["areas"] = ppc["areas"][o["areas"]["status"]["on"], :]

            ## update size
            nb = ppc["bus"].shape[0]

            ## apply consecutive bus numbering
            o["bus"]["i2e"] = ppc["bus"][:, BUS_I].copy()
            o["bus"]["e2i"] = zeros(int(max(o["bus"]["i2e"])) + 1)
            o["bus"]["e2i"][o["bus"]["i2e"].astype(int)] = arange(nb)
            ppc["bus"][:, BUS_I] = \
                o["bus"]["e2i"][ ppc["bus"][:, BUS_I].astype(int) ].copy()
            ppc["gen"][:, GEN_BUS] = \
                o["bus"]["e2i"][ ppc["gen"][:, GEN_BUS].astype(int) ].copy()
            ppc["branch"][:, F_BUS] = \
                o["bus"]["e2i"][ ppc["branch"][:, F_BUS].astype(int) ].copy()
            ppc["branch"][:, T_BUS] = \
                o["bus"]["e2i"][ ppc["branch"][:, T_BUS].astype(int) ].copy()
            if 'areas' in ppc:
                ppc["areas"][:, PRICE_REF_BUS] = \
                    o["bus"]["e2i"][ ppc["areas"][:,
                        PRICE_REF_BUS].astype(int) ].copy()

            ## reorder gens in order of increasing bus number
            o["gen"]["e2i"] = argsort(ppc["gen"][:, GEN_BUS])
            o["gen"]["i2e"] = argsort(o["gen"]["e2i"])

            ppc["gen"] = ppc["gen"][o["gen"]["e2i"].astype(int), :]

            if 'int' in o:
                del o['int']
            o["state"] = 'i'
            ppc["order"] = o

            ## update gencost, A and N
            if 'gencost' in ppc:
                ordering = ['gen']            ## Pg cost only
                if ppc["gencost"].shape[0] == (2 * ng0):
                    ordering.append('gen')    ## include Qg cost
                ppc = e2i_field(ppc, 'gencost', ordering)
            if 'A' in ppc or 'N' in ppc:
                if dc:
                    ordering = ['bus', 'gen']
                    ordering = ['bus', 'bus', 'gen', 'gen']
            if 'A' in ppc:
                ppc = e2i_field(ppc, 'A', ordering, 1)
            if 'N' in ppc:
                ppc = e2i_field(ppc, 'N', ordering, 1)

            ## execute userfcn callbacks for 'ext2int' stage
            if 'userfcn' in ppc:
                ppc = run_userfcn(ppc['userfcn'], 'ext2int', ppc)
    else:                    ## convert extra data
        if isinstance(val_or_field, str) or isinstance(val_or_field, list):
            ## field
            warn('Calls of the form ppc = ext2int(ppc, '
                '\'field_name\', ...) have been deprecated. Please '
                'replace ext2int with e2i_field.', DeprecationWarning)
            gen, branch = val_or_field, ordering
            ppc = e2i_field(ppc, gen, branch, dim)

            ## value
            warn('Calls of the form val = ext2int(ppc, val, ...) have been '
                 'deprecated. Please replace ext2int with e2i_data.',
            gen, branch = val_or_field, ordering
            ppc = e2i_data(ppc, gen, branch, dim)

    return ppc
def savecase(fname, ppc, comment=None, version='2'):
    """Saves a PYPOWER case file, given a filename and the data.

    Writes a PYPOWER case file, given a filename and data dict. The C{fname}
    parameter is the name of the file to be created or overwritten. Returns
    the filename, with extension added if necessary. The optional C{comment}
    argument is either string (single line comment) or a list of strings which
    are inserted as comments. When using a PYPOWER case dict, if the
    optional C{version} argument is '1' it will modify the data matrices to
    version 1 format before saving.

    @author: Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez (PSERC Cornell & Universidad
    Autonoma de Manizales)
    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    ppc_ver = ppc["version"] = version
    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch = \
        ppc["baseMVA"], ppc["bus"], ppc["gen"], ppc["branch"]
    areas = ppc["areas"] if "areas" in ppc else None
    gencost = ppc["gencost"] if "gencost" in ppc else None

    ## modifications for version 1 format
    if ppc_ver == "1":
        raise NotImplementedError
#        ## remove extra columns of gen
#        if gen.shape[1] >= MU_QMIN:
#            gen = c_[gen[:, :PMIN], gen[:, MU_PMAX:MU_QMIN]]
#        else:
#            gen = gen[:, :PMIN]
#        ## use the version 1 values for column names
#        shift = MU_PMAX - PMIN - 1
#        tmp = array([MU_PMAX, MU_PMIN, MU_QMAX, MU_QMIN]) - shift
#        MU_PMAX, MU_PMIN, MU_QMAX, MU_QMIN = tmp
#        ## remove extra columns of branch
#        if branch.shape[1] >= MU_ST:
#            branch = c_[branch[:, :BR_STATUS], branch[:, PF:MU_ST]]
#        elif branch.shape[1] >= QT:
#            branch = c_[branch[:, :BR_STATUS], branch[:, PF:QT]]
#        else:
#            branch = branch[:, :BR_STATUS]
#        ## use the version 1 values for column names
#        shift = PF - BR_STATUS - 1
#        tmp = array([PF, QF, PT, QT, MU_SF, MU_ST]) - shift
#        PF, QF, PT, QT, MU_SF, MU_ST = tmp

    ## verify valid filename
    l = len(fname)
    rootname = ""
    if l > 2:
        if fname[-3:] == ".py":
            rootname = fname[:-3]
            extension = ".py"
        elif l > 4:
            if fname[-4:] == ".mat":
                rootname = fname[:-4]
                extension = ".mat"

    if not rootname:
        rootname = fname
        extension = ".py"
        fname = rootname + extension

    indent = '    '  # four spaces
    indent2 = indent + indent

    ## open and write the file
    if extension == ".mat":     ## MAT-file
        savemat(fname, ppc)
    else:                       ## Python file
            fd = open(fname, "wb")
        except Exception as detail:
            stderr.write("savecase: %s.\n" % detail)
            return fname

        ## function header, etc.
        if ppc_ver == "1":
            raise NotImplementedError
#            if (areas != None) and (gencost != None) and (len(gencost) > 0):
#                fd.write('function [baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, areas, gencost] = %s\n' % rootname)
#            else:
#                fd.write('function [baseMVA, bus, gen, branch] = %s\n' % rootname)
#            prefix = ''
            fd.write('def %s():\n' % basename(rootname))
            prefix = 'ppc'
        if comment:
            if isinstance(comment, basestring):
                fd.write('#%s\n' % comment)
            elif isinstance(comment, list):
                for c in comment:
                    fd.write('#%s\n' % c)
        fd.write('\n%s## PYPOWER Case Format : Version %s\n' % (indent, ppc_ver))
        if ppc_ver != "1":
            fd.write("%sppc = {'version': '%s'}\n" % (indent, ppc_ver))
        fd.write('\n%s##-----  Power Flow Data  -----##\n' % indent)
        fd.write('%s## system MVA base\n' % indent)
        fd.write("%s%s['baseMVA'] = %.9g\n" % (indent, prefix, baseMVA))

        ## bus data
        ncols = bus.shape[1]
        fd.write('\n%s## bus data\n' % indent)
        fd.write('%s# bus_i type Pd Qd Gs Bs area Vm Va baseKV zone Vmax Vmin' % indent)
        if ncols >= MU_VMIN + 1:             ## opf SOLVED, save with lambda's & mu's
            fd.write('lam_P lam_Q mu_Vmax mu_Vmin')
        fd.write("\n%s%s['bus'] = array([\n" % (indent, prefix))
        if ncols < MU_VMIN + 1:              ## opf NOT SOLVED, save without lambda's & mu's
            for i in range(bus.shape[0]):
                fd.write('%s[%d, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(bus[i, :VMIN + 1])))
        else:                            ## opf SOLVED, save with lambda's & mu's
            for i in range(bus.shape[0]):
                fd.write('%s[%d, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(bus[:, :MU_VMIN + 1])))
        fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)

        ## generator data
        ncols = gen.shape[1]
        fd.write('\n%s## generator data\n' % indent)
        fd.write('%s# bus Pg Qg Qmax Qmin Vg mBase status Pmax Pmin' % indent)
        if ppc_ver != "1":
            fd.write(' Pc1 Pc2 Qc1min Qc1max Qc2min Qc2max ramp_agc ramp_10 ramp_30 ramp_q apf')
        if ncols >= MU_QMIN + 1:             # opf SOLVED, save with mu's
            fd.write(' mu_Pmax mu_Pmin mu_Qmax mu_Qmin')
        fd.write("\n%s%s['gen'] = array([\n" % (indent, prefix))
        if ncols < MU_QMIN + 1:              ## opf NOT SOLVED, save without mu's
            if ppc_ver == "1":
                for i in range(gen.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(gen[i, :PMIN + 1])))
                for i in range(gen.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(gen[i, :APF + 1])))
            if ppc_ver == "1":
                for i in range(gen.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(gen[i, :MU_QMIN + 1])))
                for i in range(gen.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(gen[i, :MU_QMIN + 1])))
        fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)

        ## branch data
        ncols = branch.shape[1]
        fd.write('\n%s## branch data\n' % indent)
        fd.write('%s# fbus tbus r x b rateA rateB rateC ratio angle status' % indent)
        if ppc_ver != "1":
            fd.write(' angmin angmax')
        if ncols >= QT + 1:                  ## power flow SOLVED, save with line flows
            fd.write(' Pf Qf Pt Qt')
        if ncols >= MU_ST + 1:               ## opf SOLVED, save with mu's
            fd.write(' mu_Sf mu_St')
            if ppc_ver != "1":
                fd.write(' mu_angmin mu_angmax')
        fd.write('\n%s%s[\'branch\'] = array([\n' % (indent, prefix))
        if ncols < QT + 1:                   ## power flow NOT SOLVED, save without line flows or mu's
            if ppc_ver == "1":
                for i in range(branch.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(branch[i, :BR_STATUS + 1])))
                for i in range(branch.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(branch[i, :ANGMAX + 1])))
        elif ncols < MU_ST + 1:            ## power flow SOLVED, save with line flows but without mu's
            if ppc_ver == "1":
                for i in range(branch.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(branch[i, :QT + 1])))
                for i in range(branch.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(branch[i, :QT + 1])))
        else:                            ## opf SOLVED, save with lineflows & mu's
            if ppc_ver == "1":
                for i in range(branch.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(branch[i, :MU_ST + 1])))
                for i in range(branch.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(branch[i, :MU_ANGMAX + 1])))
        fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)

        ## OPF data
        if (areas != None) and (len(areas) > 0) or (gencost != None) and (len(gencost) > 0):
            fd.write('\n%s##-----  OPF Data  -----##' % indent)
        if (areas != None) and (len(areas) > 0):
            ## area data
            fd.write('\n%s## area data\n' % indent)
            fd.write('%s# area refbus\n' % indent)
            fd.write("%s%s['areas'] = array([\n" % (indent, prefix))
            if len(areas) > 0:
                for i in range(areas.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %d],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(areas[i, :PRICE_REF_BUS + 1])))
            fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)
        if gencost != None and len(gencost) > 0:
            ## generator cost data
            fd.write('\n%s## generator cost data\n' % indent)
            fd.write('%s# 1 startup shutdown n x1 y1 ... xn yn\n' % indent)
            fd.write('%s# 2 startup shutdown n c(n-1) ... c0\n' % indent)
            fd.write('%s%s[\'gencost\'] = array([\n' % (indent, prefix))
            if len(gencost > 0):
                if any(gencost[:, MODEL] == PW_LINEAR):
                    n1 = 2 * max(gencost[gencost[:, MODEL] == PW_LINEAR,  NCOST])
                    n1 = 0
                if any(gencost[:, MODEL] == POLYNOMIAL):
                    n2 =     max(gencost[gencost[:, MODEL] == POLYNOMIAL, NCOST])
                    n2 = 0
                n = int( max([n1, n2]) )
                if gencost.shape[1] < n + 4:
                    stderr.write('savecase: gencost data claims it has more columns than it does\n')
                template = '%s[%d, %.9g, %.9g, %d'
                for i in range(n):
                    template = template + ', %.9g'
                template = template + '],\n'
                for i in range(gencost.shape[0]):
                    fd.write(template % ((indent2,) + tuple(gencost[i])))
            fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)

        ## generalized OPF user data
        if ("A" in ppc) and (len(ppc["A"]) > 0) or ("N" in ppc) and (len(ppc["N"]) > 0):
            fd.write('\n%s##-----  Generalized OPF User Data  -----##' % indent)

        ## user constraints
        if ("A" in ppc) and (len(ppc["A"]) > 0):
            ## A
            fd.write('\n%s## user constraints\n' % indent)
            print_sparse(fd, prefix + "['A']", ppc["A"])
            if ("l" in ppc) and (len(ppc["l"]) > 0) and ("u" in ppc) and (len(ppc["u"]) > 0):
                fd.write('%slu = array([\n' % indent)
                for i in range(len(l)):
                    fd.write('%s[%.9g, %.9g],\n' % (indent2, ppc["l"][i], ppc["u"][i]))
                fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)
                fd.write("%s%s['l'] = lu[:, 0]\n" % (indent, prefix))
                fd.write("%s%s['u'] = lu[:, 1]\n\n" % (indent, prefix))
            elif ("l" in ppc) and (len(ppc["l"]) > 0):
                fd.write("%s%s['l'] = array([\n" % (indent, prefix))
                for i in range(len(l)):
                    fd.write('%s[%.9g],\n' % (indent2, ppc["l"][i]))
                fd.write('%s])\n\n' % indent)
            elif ("u" in ppc) and (len(ppc["u"]) > 0):
                fd.write("%s%s['u'] = array([\n" % (indent, prefix))
                for i in range(len(l)):
                    fd.write('%s[%.9g],\n' % (indent2, ppc["u"][i]))
                fd.write('%s])\n\n' % indent)

        ## user costs
        if ("N" in ppc) and (len(ppc["N"]) > 0):
            fd.write('\n%s## user costs\n' % indent)
            print_sparse(fd, prefix + "['N']", ppc["N"])
            if ("H" in ppc) and (len(ppc["H"]) > 0):
                print_sparse(fd, prefix + "['H']", ppc["H"])
            if ("fparm" in ppc) and (len(ppc["fparm"]) > 0):
                fd.write("%sCw_fparm = array([\n" % indent)
                for i in range(ppc["Cw"]):
                    fd.write('%s[%.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(ppc["Cw"][i]) + tuple(ppc["fparm"][i, :])))
                fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)
                fd.write('%s%s[\'Cw\']    = Cw_fparm[:, 0]\n' % (indent, prefix))
                fd.write("%s%s['fparm'] = Cw_fparm[:, 1:5]\n" % (indent, prefix))
                fd.write("%s%s['Cw'] = array([\n" % (indent, prefix))
                for i in range(len(ppc["Cw"])):
                    fd.write('%s[%.9g],\n' % (indent2, ppc["Cw"][i]))
                fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)

        ## user vars
        if ('z0' in ppc) or ('zl' in ppc) or ('zu' in ppc):
            fd.write('\n%s## user vars\n' % indent)
            if ('z0' in ppc) and (len(ppc['z0']) > 0):
                fd.write('%s%s["z0"] = array([\n' % (indent, prefix))
                for i in range(len(ppc['z0'])):
                    fd.write('%s[%.9g],\n' % (indent2, ppc["z0"]))
                fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)
            if ('zl' in ppc) and (len(ppc['zl']) > 0):
                fd.write('%s%s["zl"] = array([\n' % (indent2, prefix))
                for i in range(len(ppc['zl'])):
                    fd.write('%s[%.9g],\n' % (indent2, ppc["zl"]))
                fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)
            if ('zu' in ppc) and (len(ppc['zu']) > 0):
                fd.write('%s%s["zu"] = array([\n' % (indent, prefix))
                for i in range(len(ppc['zu'])):
                    fd.write('%s[%.9g],\n' % (indent2, ppc["zu"]))
                fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)

        ## execute userfcn callbacks for 'savecase' stage
        if 'userfcn' in ppc:
            run_userfcn(ppc["userfcn"], 'savecase', ppc, fd, prefix)

        fd.write('\n%sreturn ppc\n' % indent)

        ## close file

    return fname
Exemplo n.º 3
def opf_setup(ppc, ppopt):
    """Constructs an OPF model object from a PYPOWER case dict.

    Assumes that ppc is a PYPOWER case dict with internal indexing,
    all equipment in-service, etc.

    @see: L{opf}, L{ext2int}, L{opf_execute}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez (PSERC Cornell & Universidad
    Autonoma de Manizales)
    @author: Richard Lincoln

    Modified by University of Kassel (Friederike Meier): Bugfix in line 110
    ## options
    dc  = ppopt['PF_DC']        ## 1 = DC OPF, 0 = AC OPF
    alg = ppopt['OPF_ALG']
    verbose = ppopt['VERBOSE']

    ## data dimensions
    nb = ppc['bus'].shape[0]    ## number of buses
    nl = ppc['branch'].shape[0] ## number of branches
    ng = ppc['gen'].shape[0]    ## number of dispatchable injections
    if 'A' in ppc:
        nusr = ppc['A'].shape[0]    ## number of linear user constraints
        nusr = 0

    if 'N' in ppc:
        nw = ppc['N'].shape[0]      ## number of general cost vars, w
        nw = 0

    if dc:
        ## ignore reactive costs for DC
        ppc['gencost'], _ = pqcost(ppc['gencost'], ng)

        ## reduce A and/or N from AC dimensions to DC dimensions, if needed
        if nusr or nw: # pragma: no cover
            acc = r_[nb + arange(nb), 2 * nb + ng + arange(ng)]   ## Vm and Qg columns

            if nusr and (ppc['A'].shape[1] >= 2*nb + 2*ng):
                ## make sure there aren't any constraints on Vm or Qg
                if ppc['A'][:, acc].nnz > 0:
                    stderr.write('opf_setup: attempting to solve DC OPF with user constraints on Vm or Qg\n')

                # FIXME: delete sparse matrix columns
                bcc = delete(arange(ppc['A'].shape[1]), acc)
                ppc['A'] = ppc['A'].tolil()[:, bcc].tocsr()           ## delete Vm and Qg columns

            if nw and (ppc['N'].shape[1] >= 2*nb + 2*ng):
                ## make sure there aren't any costs on Vm or Qg
                if ppc['N'][:, acc].nnz > 0:
                    ii, _ = nonzero(ppc['N'][:, acc])
                    _, ii = unique(ii, return_index=True)    ## indices of w with potential non-zero cost terms from Vm or Qg
                    if any(ppc['Cw'][ii]) | ( ('H' in ppc) & (len(ppc['H']) > 0) &
                            any(any(ppc['H'][:, ii])) ):
                        stderr.write('opf_setup: attempting to solve DC OPF with user costs on Vm or Qg\n')

                # FIXME: delete sparse matrix columns
                bcc = delete(arange(ppc['N'].shape[1]), acc)
                ppc['N'] = ppc['N'].tolil()[:, bcc].tocsr()               ## delete Vm and Qg columns

    ## convert single-block piecewise-linear costs into linear polynomial cost
    pwl1 = find((ppc['gencost'][:, MODEL] == PW_LINEAR) & (ppc['gencost'][:, NCOST] == 2))
    # p1 = array([])
    if len(pwl1) > 0:
        x0 = ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST]
        y0 = ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST + 1]
        x1 = ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST + 2]
        y1 = ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST + 3]
        m = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0)
        b = y0 - m * x0
        ppc['gencost'][pwl1, MODEL] = POLYNOMIAL
        ppc['gencost'][pwl1, NCOST] = 2
        ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST:COST + 2] = r_['1',m.reshape(len(m),1), b.reshape(len(b),1)] # changed from ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST:COST + 2] = r_[m, b] because we need to make sure, that m and b have the same shape, resulted in a value error due to shape mismatch before

    ## create (read-only) copies of individual fields for convenience
    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, gencost, _, lbu, ubu, ppopt, \
            _, fparm, H, Cw, z0, zl, zu, userfcn, _ = opf_args(ppc, ppopt)

    ## warn if there is more than one reference bus
    refs = find(bus[:, BUS_TYPE] == REF)
    if len(refs) > 1 and verbose > 0:
        errstr = '\nopf_setup: Warning: Multiple reference buses.\n' + \
            '           For a system with islands, a reference bus in each island\n' + \
            '           may help convergence, but in a fully connected system such\n' + \
            '           a situation is probably not reasonable.\n\n'

    ## set up initial variables and bounds
    gbus = gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)
    Va   = bus[:, VA] * (pi / 180.0)
    Vm   = bus[:, VM].copy()
    Vm[gbus] = gen[:, VG]   ## buses with gens, init Vm from gen data
    Pg   = gen[:, PG] / baseMVA
    Qg   = gen[:, QG] / baseMVA
    Pmin = gen[:, PMIN] / baseMVA
    Pmax = gen[:, PMAX] / baseMVA
    Qmin = gen[:, QMIN] / baseMVA
    Qmax = gen[:, QMAX] / baseMVA

    if dc:               ## DC model
        ## more problem dimensions
        nv    = 0            ## number of voltage magnitude vars
        nq    = 0            ## number of Qg vars
        q1    = array([])    ## index of 1st Qg column in Ay

        ## power mismatch constraints
        B, Bf, Pbusinj, Pfinj = makeBdc(baseMVA, bus, branch)
        neg_Cg = sparse((-ones(ng), (gen[:, GEN_BUS], arange(ng))), (nb, ng))   ## Pbus w.r.t. Pg
        Amis = hstack([B, neg_Cg], 'csr')
        bmis = -(bus[:, PD] + bus[:, GS]) / baseMVA - Pbusinj

        ## branch flow constraints
        il = find((branch[:, RATE_A] != 0) & (branch[:, RATE_A] < 1e10))
        nl2 = len(il)         ## number of constrained lines
        lpf = -Inf * ones(nl2)
        upf = branch[il, RATE_A] / baseMVA - Pfinj[il]
        upt = branch[il, RATE_A] / baseMVA + Pfinj[il]

        user_vars = ['Va', 'Pg']
        ycon_vars = ['Pg', 'y']
    else:                ## AC model
        ## more problem dimensions
        nv    = nb           ## number of voltage magnitude vars
        nq    = ng           ## number of Qg vars
        q1    = ng           ## index of 1st Qg column in Ay

        ## dispatchable load, constant power factor constraints
        Avl, lvl, uvl, _  = makeAvl(baseMVA, gen)

        ## generator PQ capability curve constraints
        Apqh, ubpqh, Apql, ubpql, Apqdata = makeApq(baseMVA, gen)

        user_vars = ['Va', 'Vm', 'Pg', 'Qg']
        ycon_vars = ['Pg', 'Qg', 'y']

    ## voltage angle reference constraints
    Vau = Inf * ones(nb)
    Val = -Vau
    Vau[refs] = Va[refs]
    Val[refs] = Va[refs]

    ## branch voltage angle difference limits
    Aang, lang, uang, iang  = makeAang(baseMVA, branch, nb, ppopt)

    ## basin constraints for piece-wise linear gen cost variables
    if alg == 545 or alg == 550:     ## SC-PDIPM or TRALM, no CCV cost vars # pragma: no cover
        ny = 0
        Ay = None
        by = array([])
        ipwl = find(gencost[:, MODEL] == PW_LINEAR)  ## piece-wise linear costs
        ny = ipwl.shape[0]   ## number of piece-wise linear cost vars
        Ay, by = makeAy(baseMVA, ng, gencost, 1, q1, 1+ng+nq)

    if any((gencost[:, MODEL] != POLYNOMIAL) & (gencost[:, MODEL] != PW_LINEAR)):
        stderr.write('opf_setup: some generator cost rows have invalid MODEL value\n')

    ## more problem dimensions
    nx = nb+nv + ng+nq  ## number of standard OPF control variables
    if nusr: # pragma: no cover
        nz = ppc['A'].shape[1] - nx  ## number of user z variables
        if nz < 0:
            stderr.write('opf_setup: user supplied A matrix must have at least %d columns.\n' % nx)
        nz = 0               ## number of user z variables
        if nw:               ## still need to check number of columns of N
            if ppc['N'].shape[1] != nx:
                stderr.write('opf_setup: user supplied N matrix must have %d columns.\n' % nx)

    ## construct OPF model object
    om = opf_model(ppc)
    if len(pwl1) > 0:
        om.userdata('pwl1', pwl1)

    if dc:
        om.userdata('Bf', Bf)
        om.userdata('Pfinj', Pfinj)
        om.userdata('iang', iang)
        om.add_vars('Va', nb, Va, Val, Vau)
        om.add_vars('Pg', ng, Pg, Pmin, Pmax)
        om.add_constraints('Pmis', Amis, bmis, bmis, ['Va', 'Pg']) ## nb
        om.add_constraints('Pf',  Bf[il, :], lpf, upf, ['Va'])     ## nl
        om.add_constraints('Pt', -Bf[il, :], lpf, upt, ['Va'])     ## nl
        om.add_constraints('ang', Aang, lang, uang, ['Va'])        ## nang
        om.userdata('Apqdata', Apqdata)
        om.userdata('iang', iang)
        om.add_vars('Va', nb, Va, Val, Vau)
        om.add_vars('Vm', nb, Vm, bus[:, VMIN], bus[:, VMAX])
        om.add_vars('Pg', ng, Pg, Pmin, Pmax)
        om.add_vars('Qg', ng, Qg, Qmin, Qmax)
        om.add_constraints('Pmis', nb, 'nonlinear')
        om.add_constraints('Qmis', nb, 'nonlinear')
        om.add_constraints('Sf', nl, 'nonlinear')
        om.add_constraints('St', nl, 'nonlinear')
        om.add_constraints('PQh', Apqh, array([]), ubpqh, ['Pg', 'Qg'])   ## npqh
        om.add_constraints('PQl', Apql, array([]), ubpql, ['Pg', 'Qg'])   ## npql
        om.add_constraints('vl',  Avl, lvl, uvl,   ['Pg', 'Qg'])   ## nvl
        om.add_constraints('ang', Aang, lang, uang, ['Va'])        ## nang

    ## y vars, constraints for piece-wise linear gen costs
    if ny > 0:
        om.add_vars('y', ny)
        om.add_constraints('ycon', Ay, array([]), by, ycon_vars)          ## ncony

    ## add user vars, constraints and costs (as specified via A, ..., N, ...)
    if nz > 0: # pragma: no cover
        om.add_vars('z', nz, z0, zl, zu)

    if nusr: # pragma: no cover
        om.add_constraints('usr', ppc['A'], lbu, ubu, user_vars)      ## nusr

    if nw: # pragma: no cover
        user_cost = {}
        user_cost['N'] = ppc['N']
        user_cost['Cw'] = Cw
        if len(fparm) > 0:
            user_cost['dd'] = fparm[:, 0]
            user_cost['rh'] = fparm[:, 1]
            user_cost['kk'] = fparm[:, 2]
            user_cost['mm'] = fparm[:, 3]

#        if len(H) > 0:
        user_cost['H'] = H

        om.add_costs('usr', user_cost, user_vars)

    ## execute userfcn callbacks for 'formulation' stage
    run_userfcn(userfcn, 'formulation', om)

    return om
Exemplo n.º 4
def savecase(fname, ppc, comment=None, version='2'):
    """Saves a PYPOWER case file, given a filename and the data.

    Writes a PYPOWER case file, given a filename and data dict. The C{fname}
    parameter is the name of the file to be created or overwritten. Returns
    the filename, with extension added if necessary. The optional C{comment}
    argument is either string (single line comment) or a list of strings which
    are inserted as comments. When using a PYPOWER case dict, if the
    optional C{version} argument is '1' it will modify the data matrices to
    version 1 format before saving.

    @author: Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez (PSERC Cornell & Universidad
    Autonoma de Manizales)
    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    ppc_ver = ppc["version"] = version
    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch = \
        ppc["baseMVA"], ppc["bus"], ppc["gen"], ppc["branch"]
    areas = ppc["areas"] if "areas" in ppc else None
    gencost = ppc["gencost"] if "gencost" in ppc else None

    ## modifications for version 1 format
    if ppc_ver == "1":
        raise NotImplementedError
#        ## remove extra columns of gen
#        if gen.shape[1] >= MU_QMIN:
#            gen = c_[gen[:, :PMIN], gen[:, MU_PMAX:MU_QMIN]]
#        else:
#            gen = gen[:, :PMIN]
#        ## use the version 1 values for column names
#        shift = MU_PMAX - PMIN - 1
#        tmp = array([MU_PMAX, MU_PMIN, MU_QMAX, MU_QMIN]) - shift
#        MU_PMAX, MU_PMIN, MU_QMAX, MU_QMIN = tmp
#        ## remove extra columns of branch
#        if branch.shape[1] >= MU_ST:
#            branch = c_[branch[:, :BR_STATUS], branch[:, PF:MU_ST]]
#        elif branch.shape[1] >= QT:
#            branch = c_[branch[:, :BR_STATUS], branch[:, PF:QT]]
#        else:
#            branch = branch[:, :BR_STATUS]
#        ## use the version 1 values for column names
#        shift = PF - BR_STATUS - 1
#        tmp = array([PF, QF, PT, QT, MU_SF, MU_ST]) - shift
#        PF, QF, PT, QT, MU_SF, MU_ST = tmp

    ## verify valid filename
    l = len(fname)
    rootname = ""
    if l > 2:
        if fname[-3:] == ".py":
            rootname = fname[:-3]
            extension = ".py"
        elif l > 4:
            if fname[-4:] == ".mat":
                rootname = fname[:-4]
                extension = ".mat"

    if not rootname:
        rootname = fname
        extension = ".py"
        fname = rootname + extension

    indent = '    '  # four spaces
    indent2 = indent + indent

    ## open and write the file
    if extension == ".mat":     ## MAT-file
        savemat(fname, ppc)
    else:                       ## Python file
            fd = open(fname, "wb")
        except Exception as detail:
            stderr.write("savecase: %s.\n" % detail)
            return fname

        ## function header, etc.
        if ppc_ver == "1":
            raise NotImplementedError
#            if (areas != None) and (gencost != None) and (len(gencost) > 0):
#                fd.write('function [baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, areas, gencost] = %s\n' % rootname)
#            else:
#                fd.write('function [baseMVA, bus, gen, branch] = %s\n' % rootname)
#            prefix = ''
            fd.write('def %s():\n' % basename(rootname))
            prefix = 'ppc'
        if comment:
            if isinstance(comment, basestring):
                fd.write('#%s\n' % comment)
            elif isinstance(comment, list):
                for c in comment:
                    fd.write('#%s\n' % c)
        fd.write('\n%s## PYPOWER Case Format : Version %s\n' % (indent, ppc_ver))
        if ppc_ver != "1":
            fd.write("%sppc = {'version': '%s'}\n" % (indent, ppc_ver))
        fd.write('\n%s##-----  Power Flow Data  -----##\n' % indent)
        fd.write('%s## system MVA base\n' % indent)
        fd.write("%s%s['baseMVA'] = %.9g\n" % (indent, prefix, baseMVA))

        ## bus data
        ncols = bus.shape[1]
        fd.write('\n%s## bus data\n' % indent)
        fd.write('%s# bus_i type Pd Qd Gs Bs area Vm Va baseKV zone Vmax Vmin' % indent)
        if ncols >= MU_VMIN + 1:             ## opf SOLVED, save with lambda's & mu's
            fd.write('lam_P lam_Q mu_Vmax mu_Vmin')
        fd.write("\n%s%s['bus'] = array([\n" % (indent, prefix))
        if ncols < MU_VMIN + 1:              ## opf NOT SOLVED, save without lambda's & mu's
            for i in range(bus.shape[0]):
                fd.write('%s[%d, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(bus[i, :VMIN + 1])))
        else:                            ## opf SOLVED, save with lambda's & mu's
            for i in range(bus.shape[0]):
                fd.write('%s[%d, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(bus[i, :MU_VMIN + 1])))
        fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)

        ## generator data
        ncols = gen.shape[1]
        fd.write('\n%s## generator data\n' % indent)
        fd.write('%s# bus Pg Qg Qmax Qmin Vg mBase status Pmax Pmin' % indent)
        if ppc_ver != "1":
            fd.write(' Pc1 Pc2 Qc1min Qc1max Qc2min Qc2max ramp_agc ramp_10 ramp_30 ramp_q apf')
        if ncols >= MU_QMIN + 1:             # opf SOLVED, save with mu's
            fd.write(' mu_Pmax mu_Pmin mu_Qmax mu_Qmin')
        fd.write("\n%s%s['gen'] = array([\n" % (indent, prefix))
        if ncols < MU_QMIN + 1:              ## opf NOT SOLVED, save without mu's
            if ppc_ver == "1":
                for i in range(gen.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(gen[i, :PMIN + 1])))
                for i in range(gen.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(gen[i, :APF + 1])))
            if ppc_ver == "1":
                for i in range(gen.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(gen[i, :MU_QMIN + 1])))
                for i in range(gen.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(gen[i, :MU_QMIN + 1])))
        fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)

        ## branch data
        ncols = branch.shape[1]
        fd.write('\n%s## branch data\n' % indent)
        fd.write('%s# fbus tbus r x b rateA rateB rateC ratio angle status' % indent)
        if ppc_ver != "1":
            fd.write(' angmin angmax')
        if ncols >= QT + 1:                  ## power flow SOLVED, save with line flows
            fd.write(' Pf Qf Pt Qt')
        if ncols >= MU_ST + 1:               ## opf SOLVED, save with mu's
            fd.write(' mu_Sf mu_St')
            if ppc_ver != "1":
                fd.write(' mu_angmin mu_angmax')
        fd.write('\n%s%s[\'branch\'] = array([\n' % (indent, prefix))
        if ncols < QT + 1:                   ## power flow NOT SOLVED, save without line flows or mu's
            if ppc_ver == "1":
                for i in range(branch.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(branch[i, :BR_STATUS + 1])))
                for i in range(branch.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(branch[i, :ANGMAX + 1])))
        elif ncols < MU_ST + 1:            ## power flow SOLVED, save with line flows but without mu's
            if ppc_ver == "1":
                for i in range(branch.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(branch[i, :QT + 1])))
                for i in range(branch.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(branch[i, :QT + 1])))
        else:                            ## opf SOLVED, save with lineflows & mu's
            if ppc_ver == "1":
                for i in range(branch.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(branch[i, :MU_ST + 1])))
                for i in range(branch.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(branch[i, :MU_ANGMAX + 1])))
        fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)

        ## OPF data
        if (areas != None) and (len(areas) > 0) or (gencost != None) and (len(gencost) > 0):
            fd.write('\n%s##-----  OPF Data  -----##' % indent)
        if (areas != None) and (len(areas) > 0):
            ## area data
            fd.write('\n%s## area data\n' % indent)
            fd.write('%s# area refbus\n' % indent)
            fd.write("%s%s['areas'] = array([\n" % (indent, prefix))
            if len(areas) > 0:
                for i in range(areas.shape[0]):
                    fd.write('%s[%d, %d],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(areas[i, :PRICE_REF_BUS + 1])))
            fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)
        if gencost != None and len(gencost) > 0:
            ## generator cost data
            fd.write('\n%s## generator cost data\n' % indent)
            fd.write('%s# 1 startup shutdown n x1 y1 ... xn yn\n' % indent)
            fd.write('%s# 2 startup shutdown n c(n-1) ... c0\n' % indent)
            fd.write('%s%s[\'gencost\'] = array([\n' % (indent, prefix))
            if len(gencost > 0):
                if any(gencost[:, MODEL] == PW_LINEAR):
                    n1 = 2 * max(gencost[gencost[:, MODEL] == PW_LINEAR,  NCOST])
                    n1 = 0
                if any(gencost[:, MODEL] == POLYNOMIAL):
                    n2 =     max(gencost[gencost[:, MODEL] == POLYNOMIAL, NCOST])
                    n2 = 0
                n = int( max([n1, n2]) )
                if gencost.shape[1] < n + 4:
                    stderr.write('savecase: gencost data claims it has more columns than it does\n')
                template = '%s[%d, %.9g, %.9g, %d'
                for i in range(n):
                    template = template + ', %.9g'
                template = template + '],\n'
                for i in range(gencost.shape[0]):
                    fd.write(template % ((indent2,) + tuple(gencost[i])))
            fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)

        ## generalized OPF user data
        if ("A" in ppc) and (len(ppc["A"]) > 0) or ("N" in ppc) and (len(ppc["N"]) > 0):
            fd.write('\n%s##-----  Generalized OPF User Data  -----##' % indent)

        ## user constraints
        if ("A" in ppc) and (len(ppc["A"]) > 0):
            ## A
            fd.write('\n%s## user constraints\n' % indent)
            print_sparse(fd, prefix + "['A']", ppc["A"])
            if ("l" in ppc) and (len(ppc["l"]) > 0) and ("u" in ppc) and (len(ppc["u"]) > 0):
                fd.write('%slu = array([\n' % indent)
                for i in range(len(l)):
                    fd.write('%s[%.9g, %.9g],\n' % (indent2, ppc["l"][i], ppc["u"][i]))
                fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)
                fd.write("%s%s['l'] = lu[:, 0]\n" % (indent, prefix))
                fd.write("%s%s['u'] = lu[:, 1]\n\n" % (indent, prefix))
            elif ("l" in ppc) and (len(ppc["l"]) > 0):
                fd.write("%s%s['l'] = array([\n" % (indent, prefix))
                for i in range(len(l)):
                    fd.write('%s[%.9g],\n' % (indent2, ppc["l"][i]))
                fd.write('%s])\n\n' % indent)
            elif ("u" in ppc) and (len(ppc["u"]) > 0):
                fd.write("%s%s['u'] = array([\n" % (indent, prefix))
                for i in range(len(l)):
                    fd.write('%s[%.9g],\n' % (indent2, ppc["u"][i]))
                fd.write('%s])\n\n' % indent)

        ## user costs
        if ("N" in ppc) and (len(ppc["N"]) > 0):
            fd.write('\n%s## user costs\n' % indent)
            print_sparse(fd, prefix + "['N']", ppc["N"])
            if ("H" in ppc) and (len(ppc["H"]) > 0):
                print_sparse(fd, prefix + "['H']", ppc["H"])
            if ("fparm" in ppc) and (len(ppc["fparm"]) > 0):
                fd.write("%sCw_fparm = array([\n" % indent)
                for i in range(ppc["Cw"]):
                    fd.write('%s[%.9g, %d, %.9g, %.9g, %.9g],\n' % ((indent2,) + tuple(ppc["Cw"][i]) + tuple(ppc["fparm"][i, :])))
                fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)
                fd.write('%s%s[\'Cw\']    = Cw_fparm[:, 0]\n' % (indent, prefix))
                fd.write("%s%s['fparm'] = Cw_fparm[:, 1:5]\n" % (indent, prefix))
                fd.write("%s%s['Cw'] = array([\n" % (indent, prefix))
                for i in range(len(ppc["Cw"])):
                    fd.write('%s[%.9g],\n' % (indent2, ppc["Cw"][i]))
                fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)

        ## user vars
        if ('z0' in ppc) or ('zl' in ppc) or ('zu' in ppc):
            fd.write('\n%s## user vars\n' % indent)
            if ('z0' in ppc) and (len(ppc['z0']) > 0):
                fd.write('%s%s["z0"] = array([\n' % (indent, prefix))
                for i in range(len(ppc['z0'])):
                    fd.write('%s[%.9g],\n' % (indent2, ppc["z0"]))
                fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)
            if ('zl' in ppc) and (len(ppc['zl']) > 0):
                fd.write('%s%s["zl"] = array([\n' % (indent2, prefix))
                for i in range(len(ppc['zl'])):
                    fd.write('%s[%.9g],\n' % (indent2, ppc["zl"]))
                fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)
            if ('zu' in ppc) and (len(ppc['zu']) > 0):
                fd.write('%s%s["zu"] = array([\n' % (indent, prefix))
                for i in range(len(ppc['zu'])):
                    fd.write('%s[%.9g],\n' % (indent2, ppc["zu"]))
                fd.write('%s])\n' % indent)

        ## execute userfcn callbacks for 'savecase' stage
        if 'userfcn' in ppc:
            run_userfcn(ppc["userfcn"], 'savecase', ppc, fd, prefix)

        fd.write('\n%sreturn ppc\n' % indent)

        ## close file

    return fname
Exemplo n.º 5
def ext2int(ppc, val_or_field=None, ordering=None, dim=0):
    """Converts external to internal indexing.

    This function has two forms, the old form that operates on
    and returns individual matrices and the new form that operates
    on and returns an entire PYPOWER case dict.

    1.  C{ppc = ext2int(ppc)}

    If the input is a single PYPOWER case dict, then all isolated
    buses, off-line generators and branches are removed along with any
    generators, branches or areas connected to isolated buses. Then the
    buses are renumbered consecutively, beginning at 0, and the
    generators are sorted by increasing bus number. Any 'ext2int'
    callback routines registered in the case are also invoked
    automatically. All of the related
    indexing information and the original data matrices are stored under
    the 'order' key of the dict to be used by C{int2ext} to perform
    the reverse conversions. If the case is already using internal
    numbering it is returned unchanged.

        ppc = ext2int(ppc)

    @see: L{int2ext}, L{e2i_field}, L{e2i_data}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    ppc = deepcopy(ppc)
    if val_or_field is None:  # nargin == 1
        first = 'order' not in ppc
        if first or ppc["order"]["state"] == 'e':
            ## initialize order
            if first:
                o = {
                        'ext':      {
                                'bus':      None,
                                'branch':   None,
                                'gen':      None
                        'bus':      { 'e2i':      None,
                                      'i2e':      None,
                                      'status':   {} },
                        'gen':      { 'e2i':      None,
                                      'i2e':      None,
                                      'status':   {} },
                        'branch':   { 'status': {} }
                o = ppc["order"]

            ## sizes
            nb = ppc["bus"].shape[0]
            ng = ppc["gen"].shape[0]
            ng0 = ng
            if 'A' in ppc:
                dc = True if ppc["A"].shape[1] < (2 * nb + 2 * ng) else False
            elif 'N' in ppc:
                dc = True if ppc["N"].shape[1] < (2 * nb + 2 * ng) else False
                dc = False

            ## save data matrices with external ordering
            if 'ext' not in o: o['ext'] = {}
            o["ext"]["bus"]    = ppc["bus"].copy()
            o["ext"]["branch"] = ppc["branch"].copy()
            o["ext"]["gen"]    = ppc["gen"].copy()
            if 'areas' in ppc:
                if len(ppc["areas"]) == 0: ## if areas field is empty
                    del ppc['areas']       ## delete it (so it's ignored)
                else:                      ## otherwise
                    o["ext"]["areas"] = ppc["areas"].copy()  ## save it

            ## check that all buses have a valid BUS_TYPE
            bt = ppc["bus"][:, BUS_TYPE]
            err = find(~((bt == PQ) | (bt == PV) | (bt == REF) | (bt == NONE)))
            if len(err) > 0:
                sys.stderr.write('ext2int: bus %d has an invalid BUS_TYPE\n' % err)

            ## determine which buses, branches, gens are connected and
            ## in-service
            n2i = sparse((range(nb), (ppc["bus"][:, BUS_I], zeros(nb))),
                         shape=(max(ppc["bus"][:, BUS_I]) + 1, 1))
            n2i = array( n2i.todense().flatten() )[0, :] # as 1D array
            bs = (bt != NONE)                               ## bus status
            o["bus"]["status"]["on"]  = find(  bs )         ## connected
            o["bus"]["status"]["off"] = find( ~bs )         ## isolated
            gs = ( (ppc["gen"][:, GEN_STATUS] > 0) &          ## gen status
                    bs[ n2i[ppc["gen"][:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)] ] )
            o["gen"]["status"]["on"]  = find(  gs )    ## on and connected
            o["gen"]["status"]["off"] = find( ~gs )    ## off or isolated
            brs = ( ppc["branch"][:, BR_STATUS].astype(int) &  ## branch status
                    bs[n2i[ppc["branch"][:, F_BUS].astype(int)]] &
                    bs[n2i[ppc["branch"][:, T_BUS].astype(int)]] ).astype(bool)
            o["branch"]["status"]["on"]  = find(  brs ) ## on and conn
            o["branch"]["status"]["off"] = find( ~brs )
            if 'areas' in ppc:
                ar = bs[ n2i[ppc["areas"][:, PRICE_REF_BUS].astype(int)] ]
                o["areas"] = {"status": {}}
                o["areas"]["status"]["on"]  = find(  ar )
                o["areas"]["status"]["off"] = find( ~ar )

            ## delete stuff that is "out"
            if len(o["bus"]["status"]["off"]) > 0:
#                ppc["bus"][o["bus"]["status"]["off"], :] = array([])
                ppc["bus"] = ppc["bus"][o["bus"]["status"]["on"], :]
            if len(o["branch"]["status"]["off"]) > 0:
#                ppc["branch"][o["branch"]["status"]["off"], :] = array([])
                ppc["branch"] = ppc["branch"][o["branch"]["status"]["on"], :]
            if len(o["gen"]["status"]["off"]) > 0:
#                ppc["gen"][o["gen"]["status"]["off"], :] = array([])
                ppc["gen"] = ppc["gen"][o["gen"]["status"]["on"], :]
            if 'areas' in ppc and (len(o["areas"]["status"]["off"]) > 0):
#                ppc["areas"][o["areas"]["status"]["off"], :] = array([])
                ppc["areas"] = ppc["areas"][o["areas"]["status"]["on"], :]

            ## update size
            nb = ppc["bus"].shape[0]

            ## apply consecutive bus numbering
            o["bus"]["i2e"] = ppc["bus"][:, BUS_I].copy()
            o["bus"]["e2i"] = zeros(max(o["bus"]["i2e"]) + 1)
            o["bus"]["e2i"][o["bus"]["i2e"].astype(int)] = arange(nb)

            ppc["bus"][:, BUS_I] = \
                o["bus"]["e2i"][ ppc["bus"][:, BUS_I].astype(int) ].copy()

            ppc["gen"][:, GEN_BUS] = \
                o["bus"]["e2i"][ ppc["gen"][:, GEN_BUS].astype(int) ].copy()
            ppc["branch"][:, F_BUS] = \
                o["bus"]["e2i"][ ppc["branch"][:, F_BUS].astype(int) ].copy()
            ppc["branch"][:, T_BUS] = \
                o["bus"]["e2i"][ ppc["branch"][:, T_BUS].astype(int) ].copy()
            if 'areas' in ppc:
                ppc["areas"][:, PRICE_REF_BUS] = \
                    o["bus"]["e2i"][ ppc["areas"][:,
                        PRICE_REF_BUS].astype(int) ].copy()

            ## reorder gens in order of increasing bus number
            o["gen"]["e2i"] = argsort(ppc["gen"][:, GEN_BUS])
            o["gen"]["i2e"] = argsort(o["gen"]["e2i"])

            ppc["gen"] = ppc["gen"][o["gen"]["e2i"].astype(int), :]

            if 'int' in o:
                del o['int']
            o["state"] = 'i'
            ppc["order"] = o

            ## update gencost, A and N
            if 'gencost' in ppc:
                ordering = ['gen']            ## Pg cost only
                if ppc["gencost"].shape[0] == (2 * ng0):
                    ordering.append('gen')    ## include Qg cost
                ppc = e2i_field(ppc, 'gencost', ordering)
            if 'A' in ppc or 'N' in ppc:
                if dc:
                    ordering = ['bus', 'gen']
                    ordering = ['bus', 'bus', 'gen', 'gen']
            if 'A' in ppc:
                ppc = e2i_field(ppc, 'A', ordering, 1)
            if 'N' in ppc:
                ppc = e2i_field(ppc, 'N', ordering, 1)

            ## execute userfcn callbacks for 'ext2int' stage
            if 'userfcn' in ppc:
                ppc = run_userfcn(ppc['userfcn'], 'ext2int', ppc)
    else:                    ## convert extra data
        if isinstance(val_or_field, str) or isinstance(val_or_field, list):
            ## field
            warn('Calls of the form ppc = ext2int(ppc, '
                '\'field_name\', ...) have been deprecated. Please '
                'replace ext2int with e2i_field.', DeprecationWarning)
            gen, branch = val_or_field, ordering
            ppc = e2i_field(ppc, gen, branch, dim)

            ## value
            warn('Calls of the form val = ext2int(ppc, val, ...) have been '
                 'deprecated. Please replace ext2int with e2i_data.',
            gen, branch = val_or_field, ordering
            ppc = e2i_data(ppc, gen, branch, dim)

    return ppc
Exemplo n.º 6
def printpf(baseMVA,
    """Prints power flow results.

    Prints power flow and optimal power flow results to C{fd} (a file
    descriptor which defaults to C{stdout}), with the details of what
    gets printed controlled by the optional C{ppopt} argument, which is a
    PYPOWER options vector (see L{ppoption} for details).

    The data can either be supplied in a single C{results} dict, or
    in the individual arguments: C{baseMVA}, C{bus}, C{gen}, C{branch}, C{f},
    C{success} and C{et}, where C{f} is the OPF objective function value,
    C{success} is C{True} if the solution converged and C{False} otherwise,
    and C{et} is the elapsed time for the computation in seconds. If C{f} is
    given, it is assumed that the output is from an OPF run, otherwise it is
    assumed to be a simple power flow run.

        ppopt = ppoptions(OUT_GEN=1, OUT_BUS=0, OUT_BRANCH=0)
        fd = open(fname, 'w+b')
        results = runopf(ppc)
        printpf(results, fd)
        printpf(results, fd, ppopt)
        printpf(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, f, success, et)
        printpf(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, f, success, et, fd)
        printpf(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, f, success, et, fd, ppopt)

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    ##----- initialization -----
    ## default arguments
    if isinstance(baseMVA, dict):
        have_results_struct = 1
        results = baseMVA
        if gen is None:
            ppopt = ppoption()  ## use default options
            ppopt = gen
        if (ppopt['OUT_ALL'] == 0):
            return  ## nothin' to see here, bail out now
        if bus is None:
            fd = stdout  ## print to stdout by default
            fd = bus
        baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, success, et = \
            results["baseMVA"], results["bus"], results["gen"], \
            results["branch"], results["success"], results["et"]
        if 'f' in results:
            f = results["f"]
            f = None
        have_results_struct = 0
        if ppopt is None:
            ppopt = ppoption()  ## use default options
            if fd is None:
                fd = stdout  ## print to stdout by default
        if ppopt['OUT_ALL'] == 0:
            return  ## nothin' to see here, bail out now

    isOPF = f is not None  ## FALSE -> only simple PF data, TRUE -> OPF data

    ## options
    isDC = ppopt['PF_DC']  ## use DC formulation?
    OUT_ALL = ppopt['OUT_ALL']
    OUT_ANY = OUT_ALL == 1  ## set to true if any pretty output is to be generated
    OUT_SYS_SUM = (OUT_ALL == 1) or ((OUT_ALL == -1) and ppopt['OUT_SYS_SUM'])
    OUT_AREA_SUM = (OUT_ALL == 1) or ((OUT_ALL == -1)
                                      and ppopt['OUT_AREA_SUM'])
    OUT_BUS = (OUT_ALL == 1) or ((OUT_ALL == -1) and ppopt['OUT_BUS'])
    OUT_BRANCH = (OUT_ALL == 1) or ((OUT_ALL == -1) and ppopt['OUT_BRANCH'])
    OUT_GEN = (OUT_ALL == 1) or ((OUT_ALL == -1) and ppopt['OUT_GEN'])
    OUT_ANY = OUT_ANY | (
        (OUT_ALL == -1) and

    if OUT_ALL == -1:
        OUT_ALL_LIM = ppopt['OUT_ALL_LIM']
    elif OUT_ALL == 1:
        OUT_ALL_LIM = 2
        OUT_ALL_LIM = 0

    OUT_ANY = OUT_ANY or (OUT_ALL_LIM >= 1)
    if OUT_ALL_LIM == -1:
        OUT_V_LIM = ppopt['OUT_V_LIM']
        OUT_LINE_LIM = ppopt['OUT_LINE_LIM']
        OUT_PG_LIM = ppopt['OUT_PG_LIM']
        OUT_QG_LIM = ppopt['OUT_QG_LIM']

    OUT_ANY = OUT_ANY or (
        (OUT_ALL_LIM == -1) and
    ptol = 1e-4  ## tolerance for displaying shadow prices

    ## create map of external bus numbers to bus indices
    i2e = bus[:, BUS_I].astype(int)
    e2i = zeros(max(i2e) + 1, int)
    e2i[i2e] = arange(bus.shape[0])

    ## sizes of things
    nb = bus.shape[0]  ## number of buses
    nl = branch.shape[0]  ## number of branches
    ng = gen.shape[0]  ## number of generators

    ## zero out some data to make printout consistent for DC case
    if isDC:
        bus[:, r_[QD, BS]] = zeros((nb, 2))
        gen[:, r_[QG, QMAX, QMIN]] = zeros((ng, 3))
        branch[:, r_[BR_R, BR_B]] = zeros((nl, 2))

    ## parameters
    ties = find(
        bus[e2i[branch[:, F_BUS].real.astype(int)],
            BUS_AREA] != bus[e2i[branch[:, T_BUS].real.astype(int)], BUS_AREA])
    ## area inter-ties
    tap = ones(nl)  ## default tap ratio = 1 for lines
    xfmr = find(branch[:, TAP]).real  ## indices of transformers
    tap[xfmr] = branch[xfmr, TAP].real  ## include transformer tap ratios
    tap = tap * exp(-1j * pi / 180 * branch[:, SHIFT])  ## add phase shifters
    nzld = find((bus[:, PD] != 0.0) | (bus[:, QD] != 0.0))
    sorted_areas = sort(bus[:, BUS_AREA])
    ## area numbers
    s_areas = sorted_areas[r_[1, find(diff(sorted_areas)) + 1]]
    nzsh = find((bus[:, GS] != 0.0) | (bus[:, BS] != 0.0))
    allg = find(~isload(gen))
    ong = find((gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0) & ~isload(gen))
    onld = find((gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0) & isload(gen))
    V = bus[:, VM] * exp(-1j * pi / 180 * bus[:, VA])
    out = find(branch[:, BR_STATUS] == 0)  ## out-of-service branches
    nout = len(out)
    if isDC:
        loss = zeros(nl)
        loss = baseMVA * abs(V[e2i[ branch[:, F_BUS].real.astype(int) ]] / tap -
                             V[e2i[ branch[:, T_BUS].real.astype(int) ]])**2 / \
                    (branch[:, BR_R] - 1j * branch[:, BR_X])

    fchg = abs(V[e2i[branch[:, F_BUS].real.astype(int)]] /
               tap)**2 * branch[:, BR_B].real * baseMVA / 2
    tchg = abs(V[e2i[branch[:, T_BUS].real.astype(
        int)]])**2 * branch[:, BR_B].real * baseMVA / 2
    loss[out] = zeros(nout)
    fchg[out] = zeros(nout)
    tchg[out] = zeros(nout)

    ##----- print the stuff -----
    if OUT_ANY:
        ## convergence & elapsed time
        if success:
            fd.write('\nConverged in %.2f seconds' % et)
            fd.write('\nDid not converge (%.2f seconds)\n' % et)

        ## objective function value
        if isOPF:
            fd.write('\nObjective Function Value = %.2f $/hr' % f)

    if OUT_SYS_SUM:
            '\n|     System Summary                                                           |'
            '\n\nHow many?                How much?              P (MW)            Q (MVAr)'
            '\n---------------------    -------------------  -------------  -----------------'
            '\nBuses         %6d     Total Gen Capacity   %7.1f       %7.1f to %.1f'
            % (nb, sum(gen[allg, PMAX]), sum(gen[allg,
                                                 QMIN]), sum(gen[allg, QMAX])))
            '\nGenerators     %5d     On-line Capacity     %7.1f       %7.1f to %.1f'
            % (len(allg), sum(gen[ong, PMAX]), sum(
                gen[ong, QMIN]), sum(gen[ong, QMAX])))
            '\nCommitted Gens %5d     Generation (actual)  %7.1f           %7.1f'
            % (len(ong), sum(gen[ong, PG]), sum(gen[ong, QG])))
            '\nLoads          %5d     Load                 %7.1f           %7.1f'
            % (len(nzld) + len(onld), sum(bus[nzld, PD]) - sum(gen[onld, PG]),
               sum(bus[nzld, QD]) - sum(gen[onld, QG])))
            '\n  Fixed        %5d       Fixed              %7.1f           %7.1f'
            % (len(nzld), sum(bus[nzld, PD]), sum(bus[nzld, QD])))
            '\n  Dispatchable %5d       Dispatchable       %7.1f of %-7.1f%7.1f'
            % (len(onld), -sum(gen[onld, PG]), -sum(gen[onld, PMIN]),
               -sum(gen[onld, QG])))
            '\nShunts         %5d     Shunt (inj)          %7.1f           %7.1f'
            % (len(nzsh), -sum(bus[nzsh, VM]**2 * bus[nzsh, GS]),
               sum(bus[nzsh, VM]**2 * bus[nzsh, BS])))
            '\nBranches       %5d     Losses (I^2 * Z)     %8.2f          %8.2f'
            % (nl, sum(loss.real), sum(loss.imag)))
            '\nTransformers   %5d     Branch Charging (inj)     -            %7.1f'
            % (len(xfmr), sum(fchg) + sum(tchg)))
            '\nInter-ties     %5d     Total Inter-tie Flow %7.1f           %7.1f'
            % (len(ties), sum(abs(branch[ties, PF] - branch[ties, PT])) / 2,
               sum(abs(branch[ties, QF] - branch[ties, QT])) / 2))
        fd.write('\nAreas          %5d' % len(s_areas))
            '\n                          Minimum                      Maximum')
            '\n                 -------------------------  --------------------------------'
        minv = min(bus[:, VM])
        mini = argmin(bus[:, VM])
        maxv = max(bus[:, VM])
        maxi = argmax(bus[:, VM])
            '\nVoltage Magnitude %7.3f p.u. @ bus %-4d     %7.3f p.u. @ bus %-4d'
            % (minv, bus[mini, BUS_I], maxv, bus[maxi, BUS_I]))
        minv = min(bus[:, VA])
        mini = argmin(bus[:, VA])
        maxv = max(bus[:, VA])
        maxi = argmax(bus[:, VA])
            '\nVoltage Angle   %8.2f deg   @ bus %-4d   %8.2f deg   @ bus %-4d'
            % (minv, bus[mini, BUS_I], maxv, bus[maxi, BUS_I]))
        if not isDC:
            maxv = max(loss.real)
            maxi = argmax(loss.real)
                '\nP Losses (I^2*R)             -              %8.2f MW    @ line %d-%d'
                % (maxv, branch[maxi, F_BUS].real, branch[maxi, T_BUS].real))
            maxv = max(loss.imag)
            maxi = argmax(loss.imag)
                '\nQ Losses (I^2*X)             -              %8.2f MVAr  @ line %d-%d'
                % (maxv, branch[maxi, F_BUS].real, branch[maxi, T_BUS].real))
        if isOPF:
            minv = min(bus[:, LAM_P])
            mini = argmin(bus[:, LAM_P])
            maxv = max(bus[:, LAM_P])
            maxi = argmax(bus[:, LAM_P])
                '\nLambda P        %8.2f $/MWh @ bus %-4d   %8.2f $/MWh @ bus %-4d'
                % (minv, bus[mini, BUS_I], maxv, bus[maxi, BUS_I]))
            minv = min(bus[:, LAM_Q])
            mini = argmin(bus[:, LAM_Q])
            maxv = max(bus[:, LAM_Q])
            maxi = argmax(bus[:, LAM_Q])
                '\nLambda Q        %8.2f $/MWh @ bus %-4d   %8.2f $/MWh @ bus %-4d'
                % (minv, bus[mini, BUS_I], maxv, bus[maxi, BUS_I]))

    if OUT_AREA_SUM:
            '\n|     Area Summary                                                             |'
            '\nArea  # of      # of Gens        # of Loads         # of    # of   # of   # of'
            '\n Num  Buses   Total  Online   Total  Fixed  Disp    Shunt   Brchs  Xfmrs   Ties'
            '\n----  -----   -----  ------   -----  -----  -----   -----   -----  -----  -----'
        for i in range(len(s_areas)):
            a = s_areas[i]
            ib = find(bus[:, BUS_AREA] == a)
            ig = find((bus[e2i[gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a)
                      & ~isload(gen))
            igon = find((bus[e2i[gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a)
                        & (gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0) & ~isload(gen))
            ildon = find((bus[e2i[gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a)
                         & (gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0) & isload(gen))
            inzld = find((bus[:, BUS_AREA] == a)
                         & logical_or(bus[:, PD], bus[:, QD]))
            inzsh = find((bus[:, BUS_AREA] == a)
                         & logical_or(bus[:, GS], bus[:, BS]))
            ibrch = find(
                (bus[e2i[branch[:, F_BUS].real.astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a)
                & (bus[e2i[branch[:, T_BUS].real.astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a))
            in_tie = find(
                (bus[e2i[branch[:, F_BUS].real.astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a)
                & (bus[e2i[branch[:, T_BUS].real.astype(int)], BUS_AREA] != a))
            out_tie = find(
                (bus[e2i[branch[:, F_BUS].real.astype(int)], BUS_AREA] != a)
                & (bus[e2i[branch[:, T_BUS].real.astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a))
            if not any(xfmr + 1):
                nxfmr = 0
                nxfmr = len(
                    find((bus[e2i[branch[xfmr, F_BUS].real.astype(int)],
                              BUS_AREA] == a)
                         & (bus[e2i[branch[xfmr, T_BUS].real.astype(int)],
                                BUS_AREA] == a)))
            fd.write('\n%3d  %6d   %5d  %5d   %5d  %5d  %5d   %5d   %5d  %5d  %5d' %
                (a, len(ib), len(ig), len(igon), \
                len(inzld)+len(ildon), len(inzld), len(ildon), \
                len(inzsh), len(ibrch), nxfmr, len(in_tie)+len(out_tie)))

            '\n----  -----   -----  ------   -----  -----  -----   -----   -----  -----  -----'
            '\nTot: %6d   %5d  %5d   %5d  %5d  %5d   %5d   %5d  %5d  %5d' %
            (nb, len(allg), len(ong), len(nzld) + len(onld), len(nzld),
             len(onld), len(nzsh), nl, len(xfmr), len(ties)))
            '\nArea      Total Gen Capacity           On-line Gen Capacity         Generation'
            '\n Num     MW           MVAr            MW           MVAr             MW    MVAr'
            '\n----   ------  ------------------   ------  ------------------    ------  ------'
        for i in range(len(s_areas)):
            a = s_areas[i]
            ig = find((bus[e2i[gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a)
                      & ~isload(gen))
            igon = find((bus[e2i[gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a)
                        & (gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0) & ~isload(gen))
                '\n%3d   %7.1f  %7.1f to %-.1f  %7.1f  %7.1f to %-7.1f   %7.1f %7.1f'
                (a, sum(gen[ig, PMAX]), sum(gen[ig, QMIN]), sum(
                    gen[ig, QMAX]), sum(gen[igon, PMAX]), sum(gen[igon, QMIN]),
                 sum(gen[igon, QMAX]), sum(gen[igon, PG]), sum(gen[igon, QG])))

            '\n----   ------  ------------------   ------  ------------------    ------  ------'
        #        fd.write('\nTot:  %7.1f  %7.1f to %-7.1f  %7.1f  %7.1f to %-7.1f   %7.1f %7.1f' %
        #                (sum(gen[allg, PMAX]), sum(gen[allg, QMIN]), sum(gen[allg, QMAX]),
        #                sum(gen[ong, PMAX]), sum(gen[ong, QMIN]), sum(gen[ong, QMAX]),
        #                sum(gen[ong, PG]), sum(gen[ong, QG]) ))
            '\nArea    Disp Load Cap       Disp Load         Fixed Load        Total Load'
            '\n Num      MW     MVAr       MW     MVAr       MW     MVAr       MW     MVAr'
            '\n----    ------  ------    ------  ------    ------  ------    ------  ------'
        Qlim = (gen[:, QMIN] == 0) * gen[:, QMAX] + (gen[:, QMAX]
                                                     == 0) * gen[:, QMIN]
        for i in range(len(s_areas)):
            a = s_areas[i]
            ildon = find((bus[e2i[gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a)
                         & (gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0) & isload(gen))
            inzld = find((bus[:, BUS_AREA] == a)
                         & logical_or(bus[:, PD], bus[:, QD]))
                '\n%3d    %7.1f %7.1f   %7.1f %7.1f   %7.1f %7.1f   %7.1f %7.1f'
                % (a, -sum(gen[ildon, PMIN]), -sum(Qlim[ildon]),
                   -sum(gen[ildon, PG]), -sum(gen[ildon, QG]),
                   sum(bus[inzld, PD]), sum(bus[inzld, QD]),
                   -sum(gen[ildon, PG]) + sum(bus[inzld, PD]),
                   -sum(gen[ildon, QG]) + sum(bus[inzld, QD])))

            '\n----    ------  ------    ------  ------    ------  ------    ------  ------'
            '\nTot:   %7.1f %7.1f   %7.1f %7.1f   %7.1f %7.1f   %7.1f %7.1f' %
            (-sum(gen[onld, PMIN]), -sum(Qlim[onld]), -sum(gen[onld, PG]),
             -sum(gen[onld, QG]), sum(bus[nzld, PD]), sum(
                 bus[nzld, QD]), -sum(gen[onld, PG]) + sum(bus[nzld, PD]),
             -sum(gen[onld, QG]) + sum(bus[nzld, QD])))
            '\nArea      Shunt Inj        Branch      Series Losses      Net Export'
            '\n Num      MW     MVAr     Charging      MW     MVAr       MW     MVAr'
            '\n----    ------  ------    --------    ------  ------    ------  ------'
        for i in range(len(s_areas)):
            a = s_areas[i]
            inzsh = find((bus[:, BUS_AREA] == a)
                         & logical_or(bus[:, GS], bus[:, BS]))
            ibrch = find(
                (bus[e2i[branch[:, F_BUS].real.astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a)
                & (bus[e2i[branch[:, T_BUS].real.astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a)
                & branch[:, BR_STATUS].astype(bool))
            in_tie = find(
                (bus[e2i[branch[:, F_BUS].real.astype(int)], BUS_AREA] != a)
                & (bus[e2i[branch[:, T_BUS].real.astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a)
                & branch[:, BR_STATUS].astype(bool))
            out_tie = find(
                (bus[e2i[branch[:, F_BUS].real.astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a)
                & (bus[e2i[branch[:, T_BUS].real.astype(int)], BUS_AREA] != a)
                & branch[:, BR_STATUS].astype(bool))
                '\n%3d    %7.1f %7.1f    %7.1f    %7.2f %7.2f   %7.1f %7.1f' %
                (a, -sum(bus[inzsh, VM]**2 * bus[inzsh, GS]),
                 sum(bus[inzsh, VM]**2 * bus[inzsh, BS]), sum(fchg[ibrch]) +
                 sum(tchg[ibrch]) + sum(fchg[out_tie]) + sum(tchg[in_tie]),
                 sum(real(loss[ibrch])) +
                 sum(real(loss[r_[in_tie, out_tie]])) / 2,
                 sum(imag(loss[ibrch])) +
                 sum(imag(loss[r_[in_tie, out_tie]])) / 2,
                 sum(branch[in_tie, PT]) + sum(branch[out_tie, PF]) -
                 sum(real(loss[r_[in_tie, out_tie]])) / 2,
                 sum(branch[in_tie, QT]) + sum(branch[out_tie, QF]) -
                 sum(imag(loss[r_[in_tie, out_tie]])) / 2))

            '\n----    ------  ------    --------    ------  ------    ------  ------'
            '\nTot:   %7.1f %7.1f    %7.1f    %7.2f %7.2f       -       -' %
            (-sum(bus[nzsh, VM]**2 * bus[nzsh, GS]),
             sum(bus[nzsh, VM]**2 * bus[nzsh, BS]), sum(fchg) + sum(tchg),
             sum(real(loss)), sum(imag(loss))))

    ## generator data
    if OUT_GEN:
        if isOPF:
            genlamP = bus[e2i[gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)], LAM_P]
            genlamQ = bus[e2i[gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)], LAM_Q]

            '\n|     Generator Data                                                           |'
        fd.write('\n Gen   Bus   Status     Pg        Qg   ')
        if isOPF: fd.write('   Lambda ($/MVA-hr)')
        fd.write('\n  #     #              (MW)     (MVAr) ')
        if isOPF: fd.write('     P         Q    ')
        fd.write('\n----  -----  ------  --------  --------')
        if isOPF: fd.write('  --------  --------')
        for k in range(len(ong)):
            i = ong[k]
            fd.write('\n%3d %6d     %2d ' %
                     (i, gen[i, GEN_BUS], gen[i, GEN_STATUS]))
            if (gen[i, GEN_STATUS] > 0) & logical_or(gen[i, PG], gen[i, QG]):
                fd.write('%10.2f%10.2f' % (gen[i, PG], gen[i, QG]))
                fd.write('       -         -  ')
            if isOPF: fd.write('%10.2f%10.2f' % (genlamP[i], genlamQ[i]))

        fd.write('\n                     --------  --------')
        fd.write('\n            Total: %9.2f%10.2f' %
                 (sum(gen[ong, PG]), sum(gen[ong, QG])))
        if any(onld + 1):
                '\n|     Dispatchable Load Data                                                   |'
            fd.write('\n Gen   Bus   Status     Pd        Qd   ')
            if isOPF: fd.write('   Lambda ($/MVA-hr)')
            fd.write('\n  #     #              (MW)     (MVAr) ')
            if isOPF: fd.write('     P         Q    ')
            fd.write('\n----  -----  ------  --------  --------')
            if isOPF: fd.write('  --------  --------')
            for k in range(len(onld)):
                i = onld[k]
                fd.write('\n%3d %6d     %2d ' %
                         (i, gen[i, GEN_BUS], gen[i, GEN_STATUS]))
                if (gen[i, GEN_STATUS] > 0) & logical_or(
                        gen[i, PG], gen[i, QG]):
                    fd.write('%10.2f%10.2f' % (-gen[i, PG], -gen[i, QG]))
                    fd.write('       -         -  ')

                if isOPF: fd.write('%10.2f%10.2f' % (genlamP[i], genlamQ[i]))
            fd.write('\n                     --------  --------')
            fd.write('\n            Total: %9.2f%10.2f' %
                     (-sum(gen[onld, PG]), -sum(gen[onld, QG])))

    ## bus data
    if OUT_BUS:
            '\n|     Bus Data                                                                 |'
            '\n Bus      Voltage          Generation             Load        ')
        if isOPF: fd.write('  Lambda($/MVA-hr)')
            '\n  #   Mag(pu) Ang(deg)   P (MW)   Q (MVAr)   P (MW)   Q (MVAr)')
        if isOPF: fd.write('     P        Q   ')
            '\n----- ------- --------  --------  --------  --------  --------')
        if isOPF: fd.write('  -------  -------')
        for i in range(nb):
            fd.write('\n%5d%7.3f%9.3f' % tuple(bus[i, [BUS_I, VM, VA]]))
            if bus[i, BUS_TYPE] == REF:
                fd.write(' ')
            g = find((gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0)
                     & (gen[:, GEN_BUS] == bus[i, BUS_I]) & ~isload(gen))
            ld = find((gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0)
                      & (gen[:, GEN_BUS] == bus[i, BUS_I]) & isload(gen))
            if any(g + 1):
                fd.write('%9.2f%10.2f' % (sum(gen[g, PG]), sum(gen[g, QG])))
                fd.write('      -         -  ')

            if logical_or(bus[i, PD], bus[i, QD]) | any(ld + 1):
                if any(ld + 1):
                    fd.write('%10.2f*%9.2f*' % (bus[i, PD] - sum(gen[ld, PG]),
                                                bus[i, QD] - sum(gen[ld, QG])))
                    fd.write('%10.2f%10.2f ' % tuple(bus[i, [PD, QD]]))
                fd.write('       -         -   ')
            if isOPF:
                fd.write('%9.3f' % bus[i, LAM_P])
                if abs(bus[i, LAM_Q]) > ptol:
                    fd.write('%8.3f' % bus[i, LAM_Q])
                    fd.write('     -')
            '\n                        --------  --------  --------  --------')
        fd.write('\n               Total: %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f' %
                 (sum(gen[ong, PG]), sum(gen[ong, QG]), sum(bus[nzld, PD]) -
                  sum(gen[onld, PG]), sum(bus[nzld, QD]) - sum(gen[onld, QG])))

    ## branch data
    if OUT_BRANCH:
            '\n|     Branch Data                                                              |'
            '\nBrnch   From   To    From Bus Injection   To Bus Injection     Loss (I^2 * Z)  '
            '\n  #     Bus    Bus    P (MW)   Q (MVAr)   P (MW)   Q (MVAr)   P (MW)   Q (MVAr)'
            '\n-----  -----  -----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------'
        for i in range(nl):
                '\n%4d%7d%7d%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f%10.3f%10.2f' %
                (i, branch[i, F_BUS].real, branch[i, T_BUS].real,
                 branch[i, PF].real, branch[i, QF].real, branch[i, PT].real,
                 branch[i, QT].real, loss[i].real, loss[i].imag))
            '\n                                                             --------  --------'
            '\n                                                    Total:%10.3f%10.2f'
            % (sum(real(loss)), sum(imag(loss))))

    ##-----  constraint data  -----
    if isOPF:
        ctol = ppopt['OPF_VIOLATION']  ## constraint violation tolerance
        ## voltage constraints
        if (not isDC) & (
                OUT_V_LIM == 2 |
            (OUT_V_LIM == 1 &
             (any(bus[:, VM] < bus[:, VMIN] + ctol)
              | any(bus[:, VM] > bus[:, VMAX] - ctol)
              | any(bus[:, MU_VMIN] > ptol) | any(bus[:, MU_VMAX] > ptol)))):
                '\n|     Voltage Constraints                                                      |'
            fd.write('\nBus #  Vmin mu    Vmin    |V|   Vmax    Vmax mu')
            fd.write('\n-----  --------   -----  -----  -----   --------')
            for i in range(nb):
                if (OUT_V_LIM == 2) | (OUT_V_LIM == 1 &
                                       ((bus[i, VM] < bus[i, VMIN] + ctol) |
                                        (bus[i, VM] > bus[i, VMAX] - ctol) |
                                        (bus[i, MU_VMIN] > ptol) |
                                        (bus[i, MU_VMAX] > ptol))):
                    fd.write('\n%5d' % bus[i, BUS_I])
                    if ((bus[i, VM] < bus[i, VMIN] + ctol) |
                        (bus[i, MU_VMIN] > ptol)):
                        fd.write('%10.3f' % bus[i, MU_VMIN])
                        fd.write('      -   ')

                    fd.write('%8.3f%7.3f%7.3f' %
                             tuple(bus[i, [VMIN, VM, VMAX]]))
                    if (bus[i, VM] > bus[i, VMAX] - ctol) | (bus[i, MU_VMAX] >
                        fd.write('%10.3f' % bus[i, MU_VMAX])
                        fd.write('      -    ')

        ## generator P constraints
        if (OUT_PG_LIM == 2) | \
                ((OUT_PG_LIM == 1) & (any(gen[ong, PG] < gen[ong, PMIN] + ctol) |
                                      any(gen[ong, PG] > gen[ong, PMAX] - ctol) |
                                      any(gen[ong, MU_PMIN] > ptol) |
                                      any(gen[ong, MU_PMAX] > ptol))) | \
                ((not isDC) & ((OUT_QG_LIM == 2) |
                ((OUT_QG_LIM == 1) & (any(gen[ong, QG] < gen[ong, QMIN] + ctol) |
                                      any(gen[ong, QG] > gen[ong, QMAX] - ctol) |
                                      any(gen[ong, MU_QMIN] > ptol) |
                                      any(gen[ong, MU_QMAX] > ptol))))):
                '\n|     Generation Constraints                                                   |'

        if (OUT_PG_LIM == 2) | (
            (OUT_PG_LIM == 1) &
            (any(gen[ong, PG] < gen[ong, PMIN] + ctol)
             | any(gen[ong, PG] > gen[ong, PMAX] - ctol)
             | any(gen[ong, MU_PMIN] > ptol) | any(gen[ong, MU_PMAX] > ptol))):
            fd.write('\n Gen   Bus                Active Power Limits')
                '\n  #     #    Pmin mu    Pmin       Pg       Pmax    Pmax mu'
                '\n----  -----  -------  --------  --------  --------  -------'
            for k in range(len(ong)):
                i = ong[k]
                if (OUT_PG_LIM == 2) | ((OUT_PG_LIM == 1) &
                                        ((gen[i, PG] < gen[i, PMIN] + ctol) |
                                         (gen[i, PG] > gen[i, PMAX] - ctol) |
                                         (gen[i, MU_PMIN] > ptol) |
                                         (gen[i, MU_PMAX] > ptol))):
                    fd.write('\n%4d%6d ' % (i, gen[i, GEN_BUS]))
                    if (gen[i, PG] < gen[i, PMIN] + ctol) | (gen[i, MU_PMIN] >
                        fd.write('%8.3f' % gen[i, MU_PMIN])
                        fd.write('     -  ')
                    if gen[i, PG]:
                        fd.write('%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f' %
                                 tuple(gen[i, [PMIN, PG, PMAX]]))
                        fd.write('%10.2f       -  %10.2f' %
                                 tuple(gen[i, [PMIN, PMAX]]))
                    if (gen[i, PG] > gen[i, PMAX] - ctol) | (gen[i, MU_PMAX] >
                        fd.write('%9.3f' % gen[i, MU_PMAX])
                        fd.write('      -  ')

        ## generator Q constraints
        if (not isDC) & ((OUT_QG_LIM == 2) | (
            (OUT_QG_LIM == 1) &
            (any(gen[ong, QG] < gen[ong, QMIN] + ctol)
             | any(gen[ong, QG] > gen[ong, QMAX] - ctol) |
             any(gen[ong, MU_QMIN] > ptol) | any(gen[ong, MU_QMAX] > ptol)))):
            fd.write('\nGen  Bus              Reactive Power Limits')
                '\n #    #   Qmin mu    Qmin       Qg       Qmax    Qmax mu')
                '\n---  ---  -------  --------  --------  --------  -------')
            for k in range(len(ong)):
                i = ong[k]
                if (OUT_QG_LIM == 2) | ((OUT_QG_LIM == 1) &
                                        ((gen[i, QG] < gen[i, QMIN] + ctol) |
                                         (gen[i, QG] > gen[i, QMAX] - ctol) |
                                         (gen[i, MU_QMIN] > ptol) |
                                         (gen[i, MU_QMAX] > ptol))):
                    fd.write('\n%3d%5d' % (i, gen[i, GEN_BUS]))
                    if (gen[i, QG] < gen[i, QMIN] + ctol) | (gen[i, MU_QMIN] >
                        fd.write('%8.3f' % gen[i, MU_QMIN])
                        fd.write('     -  ')
                    if gen[i, QG]:
                        fd.write('%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f' %
                                 tuple(gen[i, [QMIN, QG, QMAX]]))
                        fd.write('%10.2f       -  %10.2f' %
                                 tuple(gen[i, [QMIN, QMAX]]))

                    if (gen[i, QG] > gen[i, QMAX] - ctol) | (gen[i, MU_QMAX] >
                        fd.write('%9.3f' % gen[i, MU_QMAX])
                        fd.write('      -  ')

        ## dispatchable load P constraints
        if (OUT_PG_LIM == 2) | (OUT_QG_LIM == 2) | \
                ((OUT_PG_LIM == 1) & (any(gen[onld, PG] < gen[onld, PMIN] + ctol) |
                                      any(gen[onld, PG] > gen[onld, PMAX] - ctol) |
                                      any(gen[onld, MU_PMIN] > ptol) |
                                      any(gen[onld, MU_PMAX] > ptol))) | \
                ((OUT_QG_LIM == 1) & (any(gen[onld, QG] < gen[onld, QMIN] + ctol) |
                                      any(gen[onld, QG] > gen[onld, QMAX] - ctol) |
                                      any(gen[onld, MU_QMIN] > ptol) |
                                      any(gen[onld, MU_QMAX] > ptol))):
                '\n|     Dispatchable Load Constraints                                            |'
        if (OUT_PG_LIM == 2) | (
            (OUT_PG_LIM == 1) &
            (any(gen[onld, PG] < gen[onld, PMIN] + ctol)
             | any(gen[onld, PG] > gen[onld, PMAX] - ctol) |
             any(gen[onld, MU_PMIN] > ptol) | any(gen[onld, MU_PMAX] > ptol))):
            fd.write('\nGen  Bus               Active Power Limits')
                '\n #    #   Pmin mu    Pmin       Pg       Pmax    Pmax mu')
                '\n---  ---  -------  --------  --------  --------  -------')
            for k in range(len(onld)):
                i = onld[k]
                if (OUT_PG_LIM == 2) | ((OUT_PG_LIM == 1) &
                                        ((gen[i, PG] < gen[i, PMIN] + ctol) |
                                         (gen[i, PG] > gen[i, PMAX] - ctol) |
                                         (gen[i, MU_PMIN] > ptol) |
                                         (gen[i, MU_PMAX] > ptol))):
                    fd.write('\n%3d%5d' % (i, gen[i, GEN_BUS]))
                    if (gen[i, PG] < gen[i, PMIN] + ctol) | (gen[i, MU_PMIN] >
                        fd.write('%8.3f' % gen[i, MU_PMIN])
                        fd.write('     -  ')
                    if gen[i, PG]:
                        fd.write('%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f' %
                                 gen[i, [PMIN, PG, PMAX]])
                        fd.write('%10.2f       -  %10.2f' %
                                 gen[i, [PMIN, PMAX]])

                    if (gen[i, PG] > gen[i, PMAX] - ctol) | (gen[i, MU_PMAX] >
                        fd.write('%9.3f' % gen[i, MU_PMAX])
                        fd.write('      -  ')

        ## dispatchable load Q constraints
        if (not isDC) & ((OUT_QG_LIM == 2) |
                         ((OUT_QG_LIM == 1) &
                          (any(gen[onld, QG] < gen[onld, QMIN] + ctol)
                           | any(gen[onld, QG] > gen[onld, QMAX] - ctol)
                           | any(gen[onld, MU_QMIN] > ptol)
                           | any(gen[onld, MU_QMAX] > ptol)))):
            fd.write('\nGen  Bus              Reactive Power Limits')
                '\n #    #   Qmin mu    Qmin       Qg       Qmax    Qmax mu')
                '\n---  ---  -------  --------  --------  --------  -------')
            for k in range(len(onld)):
                i = onld[k]
                if (OUT_QG_LIM == 2) | ((OUT_QG_LIM == 1) &
                                        ((gen[i, QG] < gen[i, QMIN] + ctol) |
                                         (gen[i, QG] > gen[i, QMAX] - ctol) |
                                         (gen[i, MU_QMIN] > ptol) |
                                         (gen[i, MU_QMAX] > ptol))):
                    fd.write('\n%3d%5d' % (i, gen(i, GEN_BUS)))
                    if (gen[i, QG] < gen[i, QMIN] + ctol) | (gen[i, MU_QMIN] >
                        fd.write('%8.3f' % gen[i, MU_QMIN])
                        fd.write('     -  ')

                    if gen[i, QG]:
                        fd.write('%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f' %
                                 gen[i, [QMIN, QG, QMAX]])
                        fd.write('%10.2f       -  %10.2f' %
                                 gen[i, [QMIN, QMAX]])

                    if (gen[i, QG] > gen[i, QMAX] - ctol) | (gen[i, MU_QMAX] >
                        fd.write('%9.3f' % gen[i, MU_QMAX])
                        fd.write('      -  ')

        ## line flow constraints
        if (ppopt['OPF_FLOW_LIM'] == 1) | isDC:  ## P limit
            Ff = branch[:, PF]
            Ft = branch[:, PT]
            strg = '\n  #     Bus    Pf  mu     Pf      |Pmax|      Pt      Pt  mu   Bus'
        elif ppopt['OPF_FLOW_LIM'] == 2:  ## |I| limit
            Ff = abs((branch[:, PF] + 1j * branch[:, QF]) /
                     V[e2i[branch[:, F_BUS].astype(int)]])
            Ft = abs((branch[:, PT] + 1j * branch[:, QT]) /
                     V[e2i[branch[:, T_BUS].astype(int)]])
            strg = '\n  #     Bus   |If| mu    |If|     |Imax|     |It|    |It| mu   Bus'
        else:  ## |S| limit
            Ff = abs(branch[:, PF] + 1j * branch[:, QF])
            Ft = abs(branch[:, PT] + 1j * branch[:, QT])
            strg = '\n  #     Bus   |Sf| mu    |Sf|     |Smax|     |St|    |St| mu   Bus'

        if (OUT_LINE_LIM == 2) | (
            (OUT_LINE_LIM == 1) &
            (any((branch[:, RATE_A] != 0) &
                 (abs(Ff) > branch[:, RATE_A] - ctol)) | any(
                     (branch[:, RATE_A] != 0) &
                     (abs(Ft) > branch[:, RATE_A] - ctol))
             | any(branch[:, MU_SF] > ptol) | any(branch[:, MU_ST] > ptol))):
                '\n|     Branch Flow Constraints                                                  |'
                '\nBrnch   From     "From" End        Limit       "To" End        To'
                '\n-----  -----  -------  --------  --------  --------  -------  -----'
            for i in range(nl):
                if (OUT_LINE_LIM == 2) | ((OUT_LINE_LIM == 1) & (
                    ((branch[i, RATE_A] != 0) &
                     (abs(Ff[i]) > branch[i, RATE_A] - ctol)) |
                    ((branch[i, RATE_A] != 0) &
                     (abs(Ft[i]) > branch[i, RATE_A] - ctol)) |
                    (branch[i, MU_SF] > ptol) | (branch[i, MU_ST] > ptol))):
                    fd.write('\n%4d%7d' % (i, branch[i, F_BUS]))
                    if (Ff[i] > branch[i, RATE_A] - ctol) | (branch[i, MU_SF] >
                        fd.write('%10.3f' % branch[i, MU_SF])
                        fd.write('      -   ')

                    fd.write('%9.2f%10.2f%10.2f' %
                             (Ff[i], branch[i, RATE_A], Ft[i]))
                    if (Ft[i] > branch[i, RATE_A] - ctol) | (branch[i, MU_ST] >
                        fd.write('%10.3f' % branch[i, MU_ST])
                        fd.write('      -   ')
                    fd.write('%6d' % branch[i, T_BUS])

    ## execute userfcn callbacks for 'printpf' stage
    if have_results_struct and 'userfcn' in results:
        if not isOPF:  ## turn off option for all constraints if it isn't an OPF
            ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, 'OUT_ALL_LIM', 0)
        run_userfcn(results["userfcn"], 'printpf', results, fd, ppopt)
Exemplo n.º 7
def printpf(baseMVA, bus=None, gen=None, branch=None, f=None, success=None,
            et=None, fd=None, ppopt=None):
    """Prints power flow results.

    Prints power flow and optimal power flow results to C{fd} (a file
    descriptor which defaults to C{stdout}), with the details of what
    gets printed controlled by the optional C{ppopt} argument, which is a
    PYPOWER options vector (see L{ppoption} for details).

    The data can either be supplied in a single C{results} dict, or
    in the individual arguments: C{baseMVA}, C{bus}, C{gen}, C{branch}, C{f},
    C{success} and C{et}, where C{f} is the OPF objective function value,
    C{success} is C{True} if the solution converged and C{False} otherwise,
    and C{et} is the elapsed time for the computation in seconds. If C{f} is
    given, it is assumed that the output is from an OPF run, otherwise it is
    assumed to be a simple power flow run.

        ppopt = ppoptions(OUT_GEN=1, OUT_BUS=0, OUT_BRANCH=0)
        fd = open(fname, 'w+b')
        results = runopf(ppc)
        printpf(results, fd)
        printpf(results, fd, ppopt)
        printpf(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, f, success, et)
        printpf(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, f, success, et, fd)
        printpf(baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, f, success, et, fd, ppopt)

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    ##----- initialization -----
    ## default arguments
    if isinstance(baseMVA, dict):
        have_results_struct = 1
        results = baseMVA
        if gen is None:
            ppopt = ppoption()   ## use default options
            ppopt = gen
        if (ppopt['OUT_ALL'] == 0):
            return     ## nothin' to see here, bail out now
        if bus is None:
            fd = stdout         ## print to stdout by default
            fd = bus
        baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, success, et = \
            results["baseMVA"], results["bus"], results["gen"], \
            results["branch"], results["success"], results["et"]
        if 'f' in results:
            f = results["f"]
            f = None
        have_results_struct = 0
        if ppopt is None:
            ppopt = ppoption()   ## use default options
            if fd is None:
                fd = stdout         ## print to stdout by default
        if ppopt['OUT_ALL'] == 0:
            return     ## nothin' to see here, bail out now

    isOPF = f is not None    ## FALSE -> only simple PF data, TRUE -> OPF data

    ## options
    isDC            = ppopt['PF_DC']        ## use DC formulation?
    OUT_ALL         = ppopt['OUT_ALL']
    OUT_ANY         = OUT_ALL == 1     ## set to true if any pretty output is to be generated
    OUT_SYS_SUM     = (OUT_ALL == 1) or ((OUT_ALL == -1) and ppopt['OUT_SYS_SUM'])
    OUT_AREA_SUM    = (OUT_ALL == 1) or ((OUT_ALL == -1) and ppopt['OUT_AREA_SUM'])
    OUT_BUS         = (OUT_ALL == 1) or ((OUT_ALL == -1) and ppopt['OUT_BUS'])
    OUT_BRANCH      = (OUT_ALL == 1) or ((OUT_ALL == -1) and ppopt['OUT_BRANCH'])
    OUT_GEN         = (OUT_ALL == 1) or ((OUT_ALL == -1) and ppopt['OUT_GEN'])
    OUT_ANY         = OUT_ANY | ((OUT_ALL == -1) and
                        (OUT_SYS_SUM or OUT_AREA_SUM or OUT_BUS or
                         OUT_BRANCH or OUT_GEN))

    if OUT_ALL == -1:
        OUT_ALL_LIM = ppopt['OUT_ALL_LIM']
    elif OUT_ALL == 1:
        OUT_ALL_LIM = 2
        OUT_ALL_LIM = 0

    OUT_ANY         = OUT_ANY or (OUT_ALL_LIM >= 1)
    if OUT_ALL_LIM == -1:
        OUT_V_LIM       = ppopt['OUT_V_LIM']
        OUT_LINE_LIM    = ppopt['OUT_LINE_LIM']
        OUT_PG_LIM      = ppopt['OUT_PG_LIM']
        OUT_QG_LIM      = ppopt['OUT_QG_LIM']
        OUT_V_LIM       = OUT_ALL_LIM
        OUT_PG_LIM      = OUT_ALL_LIM
        OUT_QG_LIM      = OUT_ALL_LIM

    OUT_ANY         = OUT_ANY or ((OUT_ALL_LIM == -1) and (OUT_V_LIM or OUT_LINE_LIM or OUT_PG_LIM or OUT_QG_LIM))
    ptol = 1e-4        ## tolerance for displaying shadow prices

    ## create map of external bus numbers to bus indices
    i2e = bus[:, BUS_I].astype(int)
    e2i = zeros(max(i2e) + 1, int)
    e2i[i2e] = arange(bus.shape[0])

    ## sizes of things
    nb = bus.shape[0]      ## number of buses
    nl = branch.shape[0]   ## number of branches
    ng = gen.shape[0]      ## number of generators

    ## zero out some data to make printout consistent for DC case
    if isDC:
        bus[:, r_[QD, BS]]          = zeros((nb, 2))
        gen[:, r_[QG, QMAX, QMIN]]  = zeros((ng, 3))
        branch[:, r_[BR_R, BR_B]]   = zeros((nl, 2))

    ## parameters
    ties = find(bus[e2i[branch[:, F_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] !=
                   bus[e2i[branch[:, T_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA])
                            ## area inter-ties
    tap = ones(nl)                           ## default tap ratio = 1 for lines
    xfmr = find(branch[:, TAP])           ## indices of transformers
    tap[xfmr] = branch[xfmr, TAP]            ## include transformer tap ratios
    tap = tap * exp(1j * pi / 180 * branch[:, SHIFT]) ## add phase shifters
    nzld = find((bus[:, PD] != 0.0) | (bus[:, QD] != 0.0))
    sorted_areas = sort(bus[:, BUS_AREA])
    ## area numbers
    s_areas = sorted_areas[r_[1, find(diff(sorted_areas)) + 1]]
    nzsh = find((bus[:, GS] != 0.0) | (bus[:, BS] != 0.0))
    allg = find( ~isload(gen) )
    ong  = find( (gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0) & ~isload(gen) )
    onld = find( (gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0) &  isload(gen) )
    V = bus[:, VM] * exp(-1j * pi / 180 * bus[:, VA])
    out = find(branch[:, BR_STATUS] == 0)        ## out-of-service branches
    nout = len(out)
    if isDC:
        loss = zeros(nl)
        loss = baseMVA * abs(V[e2i[ branch[:, F_BUS].astype(int) ]] / tap -
                             V[e2i[ branch[:, T_BUS].astype(int) ]])**2 / \
                    (branch[:, BR_R] - 1j * branch[:, BR_X])

    fchg = abs(V[e2i[ branch[:, F_BUS].astype(int) ]] / tap)**2 * branch[:, BR_B] * baseMVA / 2
    tchg = abs(V[e2i[ branch[:, T_BUS].astype(int) ]]      )**2 * branch[:, BR_B] * baseMVA / 2
    loss[out] = zeros(nout)
    fchg[out] = zeros(nout)
    tchg[out] = zeros(nout)

    ##----- print the stuff -----
    if OUT_ANY:
        ## convergence & elapsed time
        if success:
            fd.write('\nConverged in %.2f seconds' % et)
            fd.write('\nDid not converge (%.2f seconds)\n' % et)

        ## objective function value
        if isOPF:
            fd.write('\nObjective Function Value = %.2f $/hr' % f)

    if OUT_SYS_SUM:
        fd.write('\n|     System Summary                                                           |')
        fd.write('\n\nHow many?                How much?              P (MW)            Q (MVAr)')
        fd.write('\n---------------------    -------------------  -------------  -----------------')
        fd.write('\nBuses         %6d     Total Gen Capacity   %7.1f       %7.1f to %.1f' % (nb, sum(gen[allg, PMAX]), sum(gen[allg, QMIN]), sum(gen[allg, QMAX])))
        fd.write('\nGenerators     %5d     On-line Capacity     %7.1f       %7.1f to %.1f' % (len(allg), sum(gen[ong, PMAX]), sum(gen[ong, QMIN]), sum(gen[ong, QMAX])))
        fd.write('\nCommitted Gens %5d     Generation (actual)  %7.1f           %7.1f' % (len(ong), sum(gen[ong, PG]), sum(gen[ong, QG])))
        fd.write('\nLoads          %5d     Load                 %7.1f           %7.1f' % (len(nzld)+len(onld), sum(bus[nzld, PD])-sum(gen[onld, PG]), sum(bus[nzld, QD])-sum(gen[onld, QG])))
        fd.write('\n  Fixed        %5d       Fixed              %7.1f           %7.1f' % (len(nzld), sum(bus[nzld, PD]), sum(bus[nzld, QD])))
        fd.write('\n  Dispatchable %5d       Dispatchable       %7.1f of %-7.1f%7.1f' % (len(onld), -sum(gen[onld, PG]), -sum(gen[onld, PMIN]), -sum(gen[onld, QG])))
        fd.write('\nShunts         %5d     Shunt (inj)          %7.1f           %7.1f' % (len(nzsh),
            -sum(bus[nzsh, VM]**2 * bus[nzsh, GS]), sum(bus[nzsh, VM]**2 * bus[nzsh, BS]) ))
        fd.write('\nBranches       %5d     Losses (I^2 * Z)     %8.2f          %8.2f' % (nl, sum(loss.real), sum(loss.imag) ))
        fd.write('\nTransformers   %5d     Branch Charging (inj)     -            %7.1f' % (len(xfmr), sum(fchg) + sum(tchg) ))
        fd.write('\nInter-ties     %5d     Total Inter-tie Flow %7.1f           %7.1f' % (len(ties), sum(abs(branch[ties, PF]-branch[ties, PT])) / 2, sum(abs(branch[ties, QF]-branch[ties, QT])) / 2))
        fd.write('\nAreas          %5d' % len(s_areas))
        fd.write('\n                          Minimum                      Maximum')
        fd.write('\n                 -------------------------  --------------------------------')
        minv = min(bus[:, VM])
        mini = argmin(bus[:, VM])
        maxv = max(bus[:, VM])
        maxi = argmax(bus[:, VM])
        fd.write('\nVoltage Magnitude %7.3f p.u. @ bus %-4d     %7.3f p.u. @ bus %-4d' % (minv, bus[mini, BUS_I], maxv, bus[maxi, BUS_I]))
        minv = min(bus[:, VA])
        mini = argmin(bus[:, VA])
        maxv = max(bus[:, VA])
        maxi = argmax(bus[:, VA])
        fd.write('\nVoltage Angle   %8.2f deg   @ bus %-4d   %8.2f deg   @ bus %-4d' % (minv, bus[mini, BUS_I], maxv, bus[maxi, BUS_I]))
        if not isDC:
            maxv = max(loss.real)
            maxi = argmax(loss.real)
            fd.write('\nP Losses (I^2*R)             -              %8.2f MW    @ line %d-%d' % (maxv, branch[maxi, F_BUS], branch[maxi, T_BUS]))
            maxv = max(loss.imag)
            maxi = argmax(loss.imag)
            fd.write('\nQ Losses (I^2*X)             -              %8.2f MVAr  @ line %d-%d' % (maxv, branch[maxi, F_BUS], branch[maxi, T_BUS]))
        if isOPF:
            minv = min(bus[:, LAM_P])
            mini = argmin(bus[:, LAM_P])
            maxv = max(bus[:, LAM_P])
            maxi = argmax(bus[:, LAM_P])
            fd.write('\nLambda P        %8.2f $/MWh @ bus %-4d   %8.2f $/MWh @ bus %-4d' % (minv, bus[mini, BUS_I], maxv, bus[maxi, BUS_I]))
            minv = min(bus[:, LAM_Q])
            mini = argmin(bus[:, LAM_Q])
            maxv = max(bus[:, LAM_Q])
            maxi = argmax(bus[:, LAM_Q])
            fd.write('\nLambda Q        %8.2f $/MWh @ bus %-4d   %8.2f $/MWh @ bus %-4d' % (minv, bus[mini, BUS_I], maxv, bus[maxi, BUS_I]))

    if OUT_AREA_SUM:
        fd.write('\n|     Area Summary                                                             |')
        fd.write('\nArea  # of      # of Gens        # of Loads         # of    # of   # of   # of')
        fd.write('\n Num  Buses   Total  Online   Total  Fixed  Disp    Shunt   Brchs  Xfmrs   Ties')
        fd.write('\n----  -----   -----  ------   -----  -----  -----   -----   -----  -----  -----')
        for i in range(len(s_areas)):
            a = s_areas[i]
            ib = find(bus[:, BUS_AREA] == a)
            ig = find((bus[e2i[gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a) & ~isload(gen))
            igon = find((bus[e2i[gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a) & (gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0) & ~isload(gen))
            ildon = find((bus[e2i[gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a) & (gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0) & isload(gen))
            inzld = find((bus[:, BUS_AREA] == a) & logical_or(bus[:, PD], bus[:, QD]))
            inzsh = find((bus[:, BUS_AREA] == a) & logical_or(bus[:, GS], bus[:, BS]))
            ibrch = find((bus[e2i[branch[:, F_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a) & (bus[e2i[branch[:, T_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a))
            in_tie = find((bus[e2i[branch[:, F_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a) & (bus[e2i[branch[:, T_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] != a))
            out_tie = find((bus[e2i[branch[:, F_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] != a) & (bus[e2i[branch[:, T_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a))
            if not any(xfmr + 1):
                nxfmr = 0
                nxfmr = len(find((bus[e2i[branch[xfmr, F_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a) & (bus[e2i[branch[xfmr, T_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a)))
            fd.write('\n%3d  %6d   %5d  %5d   %5d  %5d  %5d   %5d   %5d  %5d  %5d' %
                (a, len(ib), len(ig), len(igon), \
                len(inzld)+len(ildon), len(inzld), len(ildon), \
                len(inzsh), len(ibrch), nxfmr, len(in_tie)+len(out_tie)))

        fd.write('\n----  -----   -----  ------   -----  -----  -----   -----   -----  -----  -----')
        fd.write('\nTot: %6d   %5d  %5d   %5d  %5d  %5d   %5d   %5d  %5d  %5d' %
            (nb, len(allg), len(ong), len(nzld)+len(onld),
            len(nzld), len(onld), len(nzsh), nl, len(xfmr), len(ties)))
        fd.write('\nArea      Total Gen Capacity           On-line Gen Capacity         Generation')
        fd.write('\n Num     MW           MVAr            MW           MVAr             MW    MVAr')
        fd.write('\n----   ------  ------------------   ------  ------------------    ------  ------')
        for i in range(len(s_areas)):
            a = s_areas[i]
            ig = find((bus[e2i[gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a) & ~isload(gen))
            igon = find((bus[e2i[gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a) & (gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0) & ~isload(gen))
            fd.write('\n%3d   %7.1f  %7.1f to %-7.1f  %7.1f  %7.1f to %-7.1f   %7.1f %7.1f' %
                (a, sum(gen[ig, PMAX]), sum(gen[ig, QMIN]), sum(gen[ig, QMAX]),
                sum(gen[igon, PMAX]), sum(gen[igon, QMIN]), sum(gen[igon, QMAX]),
                sum(gen[igon, PG]), sum(gen[igon, QG]) ))

        fd.write('\n----   ------  ------------------   ------  ------------------    ------  ------')
        fd.write('\nTot:  %7.1f  %7.1f to %-7.1f  %7.1f  %7.1f to %-7.1f   %7.1f %7.1f' %
                (sum(gen[allg, PMAX]), sum(gen[allg, QMIN]), sum(gen[allg, QMAX]),
                sum(gen[ong, PMAX]), sum(gen[ong, QMIN]), sum(gen[ong, QMAX]),
                sum(gen[ong, PG]), sum(gen[ong, QG]) ))
        fd.write('\nArea    Disp Load Cap       Disp Load         Fixed Load        Total Load')
        fd.write('\n Num      MW     MVAr       MW     MVAr       MW     MVAr       MW     MVAr')
        fd.write('\n----    ------  ------    ------  ------    ------  ------    ------  ------')
        Qlim = (gen[:, QMIN] == 0) * gen[:, QMAX] + (gen[:, QMAX] == 0) * gen[:, QMIN]
        for i in range(len(s_areas)):
            a = s_areas[i]
            ildon = find((bus[e2i[gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a) & (gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0) & isload(gen))
            inzld = find((bus[:, BUS_AREA] == a) & logical_or(bus[:, PD], bus[:, QD]))
            fd.write('\n%3d    %7.1f %7.1f   %7.1f %7.1f   %7.1f %7.1f   %7.1f %7.1f' %
                (a, -sum(gen[ildon, PMIN]),
                -sum(gen[ildon, PG]), -sum(gen[ildon, QG]),
                sum(bus[inzld, PD]), sum(bus[inzld, QD]),
                -sum(gen[ildon, PG]) + sum(bus[inzld, PD]),
                -sum(gen[ildon, QG]) + sum(bus[inzld, QD]) ))

        fd.write('\n----    ------  ------    ------  ------    ------  ------    ------  ------')
        fd.write('\nTot:   %7.1f %7.1f   %7.1f %7.1f   %7.1f %7.1f   %7.1f %7.1f' %
                (-sum(gen[onld, PMIN]),
                -sum(gen[onld, PG]), -sum(gen[onld, QG]),
                sum(bus[nzld, PD]), sum(bus[nzld, QD]),
                -sum(gen[onld, PG]) + sum(bus[nzld, PD]),
                -sum(gen[onld, QG]) + sum(bus[nzld, QD])) )
        fd.write('\nArea      Shunt Inj        Branch      Series Losses      Net Export')
        fd.write('\n Num      MW     MVAr     Charging      MW     MVAr       MW     MVAr')
        fd.write('\n----    ------  ------    --------    ------  ------    ------  ------')
        for i in range(len(s_areas)):
            a = s_areas[i]
            inzsh   = find((bus[:, BUS_AREA] == a) & logical_or(bus[:, GS], bus[:, BS]))
            ibrch   = find((bus[e2i[branch[:, F_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a) & (bus[e2i[branch[:, T_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a) & branch[:, BR_STATUS].astype(bool))
            in_tie  = find((bus[e2i[branch[:, F_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] != a) & (bus[e2i[branch[:, T_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a) & branch[:, BR_STATUS].astype(bool))
            out_tie = find((bus[e2i[branch[:, F_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] == a) & (bus[e2i[branch[:, T_BUS].astype(int)], BUS_AREA] != a) & branch[:, BR_STATUS].astype(bool))
            fd.write('\n%3d    %7.1f %7.1f    %7.1f    %7.2f %7.2f   %7.1f %7.1f' %
                (a, -sum(bus[inzsh, VM]**2 * bus[inzsh, GS]),
                 sum(bus[inzsh, VM]**2 * bus[inzsh, BS]),
                 sum(fchg[ibrch]) + sum(tchg[ibrch]) + sum(fchg[out_tie]) + sum(tchg[in_tie]),
                 sum(real(loss[ibrch])) + sum(real(loss[r_[in_tie, out_tie]])) / 2,
                 sum(imag(loss[ibrch])) + sum(imag(loss[r_[in_tie, out_tie]])) / 2,
                 sum(branch[in_tie, PT])+sum(branch[out_tie, PF]) - sum(real(loss[r_[in_tie, out_tie]])) / 2,
                 sum(branch[in_tie, QT])+sum(branch[out_tie, QF]) - sum(imag(loss[r_[in_tie, out_tie]])) / 2  ))

        fd.write('\n----    ------  ------    --------    ------  ------    ------  ------')
        fd.write('\nTot:   %7.1f %7.1f    %7.1f    %7.2f %7.2f       -       -' %
            (-sum(bus[nzsh, VM]**2 * bus[nzsh, GS]),
             sum(bus[nzsh, VM]**2 * bus[nzsh, BS]),
             sum(fchg) + sum(tchg), sum(real(loss)), sum(imag(loss)) ))

    ## generator data
    if OUT_GEN:
        if isOPF:
            genlamP = bus[e2i[gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)], LAM_P]
            genlamQ = bus[e2i[gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)], LAM_Q]

        fd.write('\n|     Generator Data                                                           |')
        fd.write('\n Gen   Bus   Status     Pg        Qg   ')
        if isOPF: fd.write('   Lambda ($/MVA-hr)')
        fd.write('\n  #     #              (MW)     (MVAr) ')
        if isOPF: fd.write('     P         Q    ')
        fd.write('\n----  -----  ------  --------  --------')
        if isOPF: fd.write('  --------  --------')
        for k in range(len(ong)):
            i = ong[k]
            fd.write('\n%3d %6d     %2d ' % (i, gen[i, GEN_BUS], gen[i, GEN_STATUS]))
            if (gen[i, GEN_STATUS] > 0) & logical_or(gen[i, PG], gen[i, QG]):
                fd.write('%10.2f%10.2f' % (gen[i, PG], gen[i, QG]))
                fd.write('       -         -  ')
            if isOPF: fd.write('%10.2f%10.2f' % (genlamP[i], genlamQ[i]))

        fd.write('\n                     --------  --------')
        fd.write('\n            Total: %9.2f%10.2f' % (sum(gen[ong, PG]), sum(gen[ong, QG])))
        if any(onld + 1):
            fd.write('\n|     Dispatchable Load Data                                                   |')
            fd.write('\n Gen   Bus   Status     Pd        Qd   ')
            if isOPF: fd.write('   Lambda ($/MVA-hr)')
            fd.write('\n  #     #              (MW)     (MVAr) ')
            if isOPF: fd.write('     P         Q    ')
            fd.write('\n----  -----  ------  --------  --------')
            if isOPF: fd.write('  --------  --------')
            for k in range(len(onld)):
                i = onld[k]
                fd.write('\n%3d %6d     %2d ' % (i, gen[i, GEN_BUS], gen[i, GEN_STATUS]))
                if (gen[i, GEN_STATUS] > 0) & logical_or(gen[i, PG], gen[i, QG]):
                    fd.write('%10.2f%10.2f' % (-gen[i, PG], -gen[i, QG]))
                    fd.write('       -         -  ')

                if isOPF: fd.write('%10.2f%10.2f' % (genlamP[i], genlamQ[i]))
            fd.write('\n                     --------  --------')
            fd.write('\n            Total: %9.2f%10.2f' % (-sum(gen[onld, PG]), -sum(gen[onld, QG])))

    ## bus data
    if OUT_BUS:
        fd.write('\n|     Bus Data                                                                 |')
        fd.write('\n Bus      Voltage          Generation             Load        ')
        if isOPF: fd.write('  Lambda($/MVA-hr)')
        fd.write('\n  #   Mag(pu) Ang(deg)   P (MW)   Q (MVAr)   P (MW)   Q (MVAr)')
        if isOPF: fd.write('     P        Q   ')
        fd.write('\n----- ------- --------  --------  --------  --------  --------')
        if isOPF: fd.write('  -------  -------')
        for i in range(nb):
            fd.write('\n%5d%7.3f%9.3f' % tuple(bus[i, [BUS_I, VM, VA]]))
            if bus[i, BUS_TYPE] == REF:
                fd.write(' ')
            g  = find((gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0) & (gen[:, GEN_BUS] == bus[i, BUS_I]) &
            ld = find((gen[:, GEN_STATUS] > 0) & (gen[:, GEN_BUS] == bus[i, BUS_I]) &
            if any(g + 1):
                fd.write('%9.2f%10.2f' % (sum(gen[g, PG]), sum(gen[g, QG])))
                fd.write('      -         -  ')

            if logical_or(bus[i, PD], bus[i, QD]) | any(ld + 1):
                if any(ld + 1):
                    fd.write('%10.2f*%9.2f*' % (bus[i, PD] - sum(gen[ld, PG]),
                                                bus[i, QD] - sum(gen[ld, QG])))
                    fd.write('%10.2f%10.2f ' % tuple(bus[i, [PD, QD]]))
                fd.write('       -         -   ')
            if isOPF:
                fd.write('%9.3f' % bus[i, LAM_P])
                if abs(bus[i, LAM_Q]) > ptol:
                    fd.write('%8.3f' % bus[i, LAM_Q])
                    fd.write('     -')
        fd.write('\n                        --------  --------  --------  --------')
        fd.write('\n               Total: %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f' %
            (sum(gen[ong, PG]), sum(gen[ong, QG]),
             sum(bus[nzld, PD]) - sum(gen[onld, PG]),
             sum(bus[nzld, QD]) - sum(gen[onld, QG])))

    ## branch data
    if OUT_BRANCH:
        fd.write('\n|     Branch Data                                                              |')
        fd.write('\nBrnch   From   To    From Bus Injection   To Bus Injection     Loss (I^2 * Z)  ')
        fd.write('\n  #     Bus    Bus    P (MW)   Q (MVAr)   P (MW)   Q (MVAr)   P (MW)   Q (MVAr)')
        fd.write('\n-----  -----  -----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------')
        for i in range(nl):
            fd.write('\n%4d%7d%7d%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f%10.3f%10.2f' %
                (i, branch[i, F_BUS], branch[i, T_BUS],
                     branch[i, PF], branch[i, QF], branch[i, PT], branch[i, QT],
                     loss[i].real, loss[i].imag))
        fd.write('\n                                                             --------  --------')
        fd.write('\n                                                    Total:%10.3f%10.2f' %
                (sum(real(loss)), sum(imag(loss))))

    ##-----  constraint data  -----
    if isOPF:
        ctol = ppopt['OPF_VIOLATION']   ## constraint violation tolerance
        ## voltage constraints
        if (not isDC) & (OUT_V_LIM == 2 | (OUT_V_LIM == 1 &
                             (any(bus[:, VM] < bus[:, VMIN] + ctol) |
                              any(bus[:, VM] > bus[:, VMAX] - ctol) |
                              any(bus[:, MU_VMIN] > ptol) |
                              any(bus[:, MU_VMAX] > ptol)))):
            fd.write('\n|     Voltage Constraints                                                      |')
            fd.write('\nBus #  Vmin mu    Vmin    |V|   Vmax    Vmax mu')
            fd.write('\n-----  --------   -----  -----  -----   --------')
            for i in range(nb):
                if (OUT_V_LIM == 2) | (OUT_V_LIM == 1 &
                             ((bus[i, VM] < bus[i, VMIN] + ctol) |
                              (bus[i, VM] > bus[i, VMAX] - ctol) |
                              (bus[i, MU_VMIN] > ptol) |
                              (bus[i, MU_VMAX] > ptol))):
                    fd.write('\n%5d' % bus[i, BUS_I])
                    if ((bus[i, VM] < bus[i, VMIN] + ctol) |
                            (bus[i, MU_VMIN] > ptol)):
                        fd.write('%10.3f' % bus[i, MU_VMIN])
                        fd.write('      -   ')

                    fd.write('%8.3f%7.3f%7.3f' % tuple(bus[i, [VMIN, VM, VMAX]]))
                    if (bus[i, VM] > bus[i, VMAX] - ctol) | (bus[i, MU_VMAX] > ptol):
                        fd.write('%10.3f' % bus[i, MU_VMAX])
                        fd.write('      -    ')

        ## generator P constraints
        if (OUT_PG_LIM == 2) | \
                ((OUT_PG_LIM == 1) & (any(gen[ong, PG] < gen[ong, PMIN] + ctol) |
                                      any(gen[ong, PG] > gen[ong, PMAX] - ctol) |
                                      any(gen[ong, MU_PMIN] > ptol) |
                                      any(gen[ong, MU_PMAX] > ptol))) | \
                ((not isDC) & ((OUT_QG_LIM == 2) |
                ((OUT_QG_LIM == 1) & (any(gen[ong, QG] < gen[ong, QMIN] + ctol) |
                                      any(gen[ong, QG] > gen[ong, QMAX] - ctol) |
                                      any(gen[ong, MU_QMIN] > ptol) |
                                      any(gen[ong, MU_QMAX] > ptol))))):
            fd.write('\n|     Generation Constraints                                                   |')

        if (OUT_PG_LIM == 2) | ((OUT_PG_LIM == 1) &
                                 (any(gen[ong, PG] < gen[ong, PMIN] + ctol) |
                                  any(gen[ong, PG] > gen[ong, PMAX] - ctol) |
                                  any(gen[ong, MU_PMIN] > ptol) |
                                  any(gen[ong, MU_PMAX] > ptol))):
            fd.write('\n Gen   Bus                Active Power Limits')
            fd.write('\n  #     #    Pmin mu    Pmin       Pg       Pmax    Pmax mu')
            fd.write('\n----  -----  -------  --------  --------  --------  -------')
            for k in range(len(ong)):
                i = ong[k]
                if (OUT_PG_LIM == 2) | ((OUT_PG_LIM == 1) &
                            ((gen[i, PG] < gen[i, PMIN] + ctol) |
                             (gen[i, PG] > gen[i, PMAX] - ctol) |
                             (gen[i, MU_PMIN] > ptol) | (gen[i, MU_PMAX] > ptol))):
                    fd.write('\n%4d%6d ' % (i, gen[i, GEN_BUS]))
                    if (gen[i, PG] < gen[i, PMIN] + ctol) | (gen[i, MU_PMIN] > ptol):
                        fd.write('%8.3f' % gen[i, MU_PMIN])
                        fd.write('     -  ')
                    if gen[i, PG]:
                        fd.write('%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f' % tuple(gen[i, [PMIN, PG, PMAX]]))
                        fd.write('%10.2f       -  %10.2f' % tuple(gen[i, [PMIN, PMAX]]))
                    if (gen[i, PG] > gen[i, PMAX] - ctol) | (gen[i, MU_PMAX] > ptol):
                        fd.write('%9.3f' % gen[i, MU_PMAX])
                        fd.write('      -  ')

        ## generator Q constraints
        if (not isDC) & ((OUT_QG_LIM == 2) | ((OUT_QG_LIM == 1) &
                                 (any(gen[ong, QG] < gen[ong, QMIN] + ctol) |
                                  any(gen[ong, QG] > gen[ong, QMAX] - ctol) |
                                  any(gen[ong, MU_QMIN] > ptol) |
                                  any(gen[ong, MU_QMAX] > ptol)))):
            fd.write('\nGen  Bus              Reactive Power Limits')
            fd.write('\n #    #   Qmin mu    Qmin       Qg       Qmax    Qmax mu')
            fd.write('\n---  ---  -------  --------  --------  --------  -------')
            for k in range(len(ong)):
                i = ong[k]
                if (OUT_QG_LIM == 2) | ((OUT_QG_LIM == 1) &
                            ((gen[i, QG] < gen[i, QMIN] + ctol) |
                             (gen[i, QG] > gen[i, QMAX] - ctol) |
                             (gen[i, MU_QMIN] > ptol) |
                             (gen[i, MU_QMAX] > ptol))):
                    fd.write('\n%3d%5d' % (i, gen[i, GEN_BUS]))
                    if (gen[i, QG] < gen[i, QMIN] + ctol) | (gen[i, MU_QMIN] > ptol):
                        fd.write('%8.3f' % gen[i, MU_QMIN])
                        fd.write('     -  ')
                    if gen[i, QG]:
                        fd.write('%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f' % tuple(gen[i, [QMIN, QG, QMAX]]))
                        fd.write('%10.2f       -  %10.2f' % tuple(gen[i, [QMIN, QMAX]]))

                    if (gen[i, QG] > gen[i, QMAX] - ctol) | (gen[i, MU_QMAX] > ptol):
                        fd.write('%9.3f' % gen[i, MU_QMAX])
                        fd.write('      -  ')

        ## dispatchable load P constraints
        if (OUT_PG_LIM == 2) | (OUT_QG_LIM == 2) | \
                ((OUT_PG_LIM == 1) & (any(gen[onld, PG] < gen[onld, PMIN] + ctol) |
                                      any(gen[onld, PG] > gen[onld, PMAX] - ctol) |
                                      any(gen[onld, MU_PMIN] > ptol) |
                                      any(gen[onld, MU_PMAX] > ptol))) | \
                ((OUT_QG_LIM == 1) & (any(gen[onld, QG] < gen[onld, QMIN] + ctol) |
                                      any(gen[onld, QG] > gen[onld, QMAX] - ctol) |
                                      any(gen[onld, MU_QMIN] > ptol) |
                                      any(gen[onld, MU_QMAX] > ptol))):
            fd.write('\n|     Dispatchable Load Constraints                                            |')
        if (OUT_PG_LIM == 2) | ((OUT_PG_LIM == 1) &
                                 (any(gen[onld, PG] < gen[onld, PMIN] + ctol) |
                                  any(gen[onld, PG] > gen[onld, PMAX] - ctol) |
                                  any(gen[onld, MU_PMIN] > ptol) |
                                  any(gen[onld, MU_PMAX] > ptol))):
            fd.write('\nGen  Bus               Active Power Limits')
            fd.write('\n #    #   Pmin mu    Pmin       Pg       Pmax    Pmax mu')
            fd.write('\n---  ---  -------  --------  --------  --------  -------')
            for k in range(len(onld)):
                i = onld[k]
                if (OUT_PG_LIM == 2) | ((OUT_PG_LIM == 1) &
                            ((gen[i, PG] < gen[i, PMIN] + ctol) |
                             (gen[i, PG] > gen[i, PMAX] - ctol) |
                             (gen[i, MU_PMIN] > ptol) |
                             (gen[i, MU_PMAX] > ptol))):
                    fd.write('\n%3d%5d' % (i, gen[i, GEN_BUS]))
                    if (gen[i, PG] < gen[i, PMIN] + ctol) | (gen[i, MU_PMIN] > ptol):
                        fd.write('%8.3f' % gen[i, MU_PMIN])
                        fd.write('     -  ')
                    if gen[i, PG]:
                        fd.write('%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f' % gen[i, [PMIN, PG, PMAX]])
                        fd.write('%10.2f       -  %10.2f' % gen[i, [PMIN, PMAX]])

                    if (gen[i, PG] > gen[i, PMAX] - ctol) | (gen[i, MU_PMAX] > ptol):
                        fd.write('%9.3f' % gen[i, MU_PMAX])
                        fd.write('      -  ')

        ## dispatchable load Q constraints
        if (not isDC) & ((OUT_QG_LIM == 2) | ((OUT_QG_LIM == 1) &
                                 (any(gen[onld, QG] < gen[onld, QMIN] + ctol) |
                                  any(gen[onld, QG] > gen[onld, QMAX] - ctol) |
                                  any(gen[onld, MU_QMIN] > ptol) |
                                  any(gen[onld, MU_QMAX] > ptol)))):
            fd.write('\nGen  Bus              Reactive Power Limits')
            fd.write('\n #    #   Qmin mu    Qmin       Qg       Qmax    Qmax mu')
            fd.write('\n---  ---  -------  --------  --------  --------  -------')
            for k in range(len(onld)):
                i = onld[k]
                if (OUT_QG_LIM == 2) | ((OUT_QG_LIM == 1) &
                            ((gen[i, QG] < gen[i, QMIN] + ctol) |
                             (gen[i, QG] > gen[i, QMAX] - ctol) |
                             (gen[i, MU_QMIN] > ptol) |
                             (gen[i, MU_QMAX] > ptol))):
                    fd.write('\n%3d%5d' % (i, gen(i, GEN_BUS)))
                    if (gen[i, QG] < gen[i, QMIN] + ctol) | (gen[i, MU_QMIN] > ptol):
                        fd.write('%8.3f' % gen[i, MU_QMIN])
                        fd.write('     -  ')

                    if gen[i, QG]:
                        fd.write('%10.2f%10.2f%10.2f' % gen[i, [QMIN, QG, QMAX]])
                        fd.write('%10.2f       -  %10.2f' % gen[i, [QMIN, QMAX]])

                    if (gen[i, QG] > gen[i, QMAX] - ctol) | (gen[i, MU_QMAX] > ptol):
                        fd.write('%9.3f' % gen[i, MU_QMAX])
                        fd.write('      -  ')

        ## line flow constraints
        if (ppopt['OPF_FLOW_LIM'] == 1) | isDC:  ## P limit
            Ff = branch[:, PF]
            Ft = branch[:, PT]
            strg = '\n  #     Bus    Pf  mu     Pf      |Pmax|      Pt      Pt  mu   Bus'
        elif ppopt['OPF_FLOW_LIM'] == 2:   ## |I| limit
            Ff = abs( (branch[:, PF] + 1j * branch[:, QF]) / V[e2i[branch[:, F_BUS].astype(int)]] )
            Ft = abs( (branch[:, PT] + 1j * branch[:, QT]) / V[e2i[branch[:, T_BUS].astype(int)]] )
            strg = '\n  #     Bus   |If| mu    |If|     |Imax|     |It|    |It| mu   Bus'
        else:                ## |S| limit
            Ff = abs(branch[:, PF] + 1j * branch[:, QF])
            Ft = abs(branch[:, PT] + 1j * branch[:, QT])
            strg = '\n  #     Bus   |Sf| mu    |Sf|     |Smax|     |St|    |St| mu   Bus'

        if (OUT_LINE_LIM == 2) | ((OUT_LINE_LIM == 1) &
                            (any((branch[:, RATE_A] != 0) & (abs(Ff) > branch[:, RATE_A] - ctol)) |
                             any((branch[:, RATE_A] != 0) & (abs(Ft) > branch[:, RATE_A] - ctol)) |
                             any(branch[:, MU_SF] > ptol) |
                             any(branch[:, MU_ST] > ptol))):
            fd.write('\n|     Branch Flow Constraints                                                  |')
            fd.write('\nBrnch   From     "From" End        Limit       "To" End        To')
            fd.write('\n-----  -----  -------  --------  --------  --------  -------  -----')
            for i in range(nl):
                if (OUT_LINE_LIM == 2) | ((OUT_LINE_LIM == 1) &
                       (((branch[i, RATE_A] != 0) & (abs(Ff[i]) > branch[i, RATE_A] - ctol)) |
                        ((branch[i, RATE_A] != 0) & (abs(Ft[i]) > branch[i, RATE_A] - ctol)) |
                        (branch[i, MU_SF] > ptol) | (branch[i, MU_ST] > ptol))):
                    fd.write('\n%4d%7d' % (i, branch[i, F_BUS]))
                    if (Ff[i] > branch[i, RATE_A] - ctol) | (branch[i, MU_SF] > ptol):
                        fd.write('%10.3f' % branch[i, MU_SF])
                        fd.write('      -   ')

                    fd.write('%9.2f%10.2f%10.2f' %
                        (Ff[i], branch[i, RATE_A], Ft[i]))
                    if (Ft[i] > branch[i, RATE_A] - ctol) | (branch[i, MU_ST] > ptol):
                        fd.write('%10.3f' % branch[i, MU_ST])
                        fd.write('      -   ')
                    fd.write('%6d' % branch[i, T_BUS])

    ## execute userfcn callbacks for 'printpf' stage
    if have_results_struct and 'userfcn' in results:
        if not isOPF:  ## turn off option for all constraints if it isn't an OPF
            ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, 'OUT_ALL_LIM', 0)
        run_userfcn(results["userfcn"], 'printpf', results, fd, ppopt)
Exemplo n.º 8
def _ppc2ppci(ppc, ppci, net):
    # BUS Sorting and lookups
    # get bus_lookup
    bus_lookup = net["_pd2ppc_lookups"]["bus"]
    # get OOS busses and place them at the end of the bus array (there are no OOS busses in the ppci)
    oos_busses = ppc['bus'][:, BUS_TYPE] == NONE
    ppci['bus'] = ppc['bus'][~oos_busses]
    # in ppc the OOS busses are included and at the end of the array
    ppc['bus'] = np.r_[ppc['bus'][~oos_busses], ppc['bus'][oos_busses]]

    # generate bus_lookup_ppc_ppci (ppc -> ppci lookup)
    ppc_former_order = (ppc['bus'][:, BUS_I]).astype(int)
    aranged_buses = np.arange(len(ppc["bus"]))

    # lookup ppc former order -> consecutive order
    e2i = np.zeros(len(ppc["bus"]), dtype=int)
    e2i[ppc_former_order] = aranged_buses

    # save consecutive indices in ppc and ppci
    ppc['bus'][:, BUS_I] = aranged_buses
    ppci['bus'][:, BUS_I] = ppc['bus'][:len(ppci['bus']), BUS_I]

    # update lookups (pandapower -> ppci internal)
    _update_lookup_entries(net, bus_lookup, e2i, "bus")
    # ToDo: The reverse lookup (ppc2pd) also needs to be updated when connectivity_check == True!

    if 'areas' in ppc:
        if len(ppc["areas"]) == 0:  # if areas field is empty
            del ppc['areas']  # delete it (so it's ignored)

    # bus types
    bt = ppc["bus"][:, BUS_TYPE]

    # update branch, gen and areas bus numbering
    ppc['gen'][:, GEN_BUS] = e2i[np.real(ppc["gen"][:, GEN_BUS]).astype(int)].copy()
    ppc["branch"][:, F_BUS] = e2i[np.real(ppc["branch"][:, F_BUS]).astype(int)].copy()
    ppc["branch"][:, T_BUS] = e2i[np.real(ppc["branch"][:, T_BUS]).astype(int)].copy()

    # Note: The "update branch, gen and areas bus numbering" does the same as this:
    # ppc['gen'][:, GEN_BUS] = get_indices(ppc['gen'][:, GEN_BUS], bus_lookup_ppc_ppci)
    # ppc["branch"][:, F_BUS] = get_indices(ppc["branch"][:, F_BUS], bus_lookup_ppc_ppci)
    # ppc["branch"][:, T_BUS] = get_indices( ppc["branch"][:, T_BUS], bus_lookup_ppc_ppci)
    # but faster...

    if 'areas' in ppc:
        ppc["areas"][:, PRICE_REF_BUS] = \
            e2i[np.real(ppc["areas"][:, PRICE_REF_BUS]).astype(int)].copy()

    # reorder gens (and gencosts) in order of increasing bus number
    sort_gens = ppc['gen'][:, GEN_BUS].argsort()
    new_gen_positions = np.arange(len(sort_gens))
    new_gen_positions[sort_gens] = np.arange(len(sort_gens))
    ppc['gen'] = ppc['gen'][sort_gens,]

    # update gen lookups
    _is_elements = net["_is_elements"]
    eg_end = np.sum(_is_elements['ext_grid'])
    gen_end = eg_end + np.sum(_is_elements['gen'])
    sgen_end = len(_is_elements["sgen_controllable"]) + gen_end if "sgen_controllable" in _is_elements else gen_end
    load_end = len(_is_elements["load_controllable"]) + sgen_end if "load_controllable" in _is_elements else sgen_end

    if eg_end > 0:
        _build_gen_lookups(net, "ext_grid", 0, eg_end, new_gen_positions)
    if gen_end > eg_end:
        _build_gen_lookups(net, "gen", eg_end, gen_end, new_gen_positions)
    if sgen_end > gen_end:
        _build_gen_lookups(net, "sgen_controllable", gen_end, sgen_end, new_gen_positions)
    if load_end > sgen_end:
        _build_gen_lookups(net, "load_controllable", sgen_end, load_end, new_gen_positions)

    # determine which buses, branches, gens are connected and
    # in-service
    n2i = ppc["bus"][:, BUS_I].astype(int)
    bs = (bt != NONE)  # bus status

    gs = ((ppc["gen"][:, GEN_STATUS] > 0) &  # gen status
          bs[n2i[np.real(ppc["gen"][:, GEN_BUS]).astype(int)]])
    ppci["internal"]["gen_is"] = gs

    brs = (np.real(ppc["branch"][:, BR_STATUS]).astype(int) &  # branch status
           bs[n2i[np.real(ppc["branch"][:, F_BUS]).astype(int)]] &
           bs[n2i[np.real(ppc["branch"][:, T_BUS]).astype(int)]]).astype(bool)
    ppci["internal"]["branch_is"] = brs

    if 'areas' in ppc:
        ar = bs[n2i[ppc["areas"][:, PRICE_REF_BUS].astype(int)]]
        # delete out of service areas
        ppci["areas"] = ppc["areas"][ar]

    # select in service elements from ppc and put them in ppci
    ppci["branch"] = ppc["branch"][brs]

    ppci["gen"] = ppc["gen"][gs]

    if 'dcline' in ppc:
        ppci['dcline'] = ppc['dcline']
    # execute userfcn callbacks for 'ext2int' stage
    if 'userfcn' in ppci:
        ppci = run_userfcn(ppci['userfcn'], 'ext2int', ppci)

    return ppci
Exemplo n.º 9
def opf_setup(ppc, ppopt):
    """Constructs an OPF model object from a PYPOWER case dict.

    Assumes that ppc is a PYPOWER case dict with internal indexing,
    all equipment in-service, etc.

    @see: L{opf}, L{ext2int}, L{opf_execute}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez (PSERC Cornell & Universidad
    Autonoma de Manizales)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    ## options
    dc  = ppopt['PF_DC']        ## 1 = DC OPF, 0 = AC OPF
    alg = ppopt['OPF_ALG']
    verbose = ppopt['VERBOSE']

    ## data dimensions
    nb = ppc['bus'].shape[0]    ## number of buses
    nl = ppc['branch'].shape[0] ## number of branches
    ng = ppc['gen'].shape[0]    ## number of dispatchable injections
    if 'A' in ppc:
        nusr = ppc['A'].shape[0]    ## number of linear user constraints
        nusr = 0

    if 'N' in ppc:
        nw = ppc['N'].shape[0]      ## number of general cost vars, w
        nw = 0

    if dc:
        ## ignore reactive costs for DC
        ppc['gencost'], _ = pqcost(ppc['gencost'], ng)

        ## reduce A and/or N from AC dimensions to DC dimensions, if needed
        if nusr or nw:
            acc = r_[nb + arange(nb), 2 * nb + ng + arange(ng)]   ## Vm and Qg columns

            if nusr and (ppc['A'].shape[1] >= 2*nb + 2*ng):
                ## make sure there aren't any constraints on Vm or Qg
                if ppc['A'][:, acc].nnz > 0:
                    stderr.write('opf_setup: attempting to solve DC OPF with user constraints on Vm or Qg\n')

                # FIXME: delete sparse matrix columns
                bcc = delete(arange(ppc['A'].shape[1]), acc)
                ppc['A'] = ppc['A'].tolil()[:, bcc].tocsr()           ## delete Vm and Qg columns

            if nw and (ppc['N'].shape[1] >= 2*nb + 2*ng):
                ## make sure there aren't any costs on Vm or Qg
                if ppc['N'][:, acc].nnz > 0:
                    ii, _ = nonzero(ppc['N'][:, acc])
                    _, ii = unique(ii, return_index=True)    ## indices of w with potential non-zero cost terms from Vm or Qg
                    if any(ppc['Cw'][ii]) | ( ('H' in ppc) & (len(ppc['H']) > 0) &
                            any(any(ppc['H'][:, ii])) ):
                        stderr.write('opf_setup: attempting to solve DC OPF with user costs on Vm or Qg\n')

                # FIXME: delete sparse matrix columns
                bcc = delete(arange(ppc['N'].shape[1]), acc)
                ppc['N'] = ppc['N'].tolil()[:, bcc].tocsr()               ## delete Vm and Qg columns

    ## convert single-block piecewise-linear costs into linear polynomial cost
    pwl1 = find((ppc['gencost'][:, MODEL] == PW_LINEAR) & (ppc['gencost'][:, NCOST] == 2))
    # p1 = array([])
    if len(pwl1) > 0:
        x0 = ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST]
        y0 = ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST + 1]
        x1 = ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST + 2]
        y1 = ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST + 3]
        m = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0)
        b = y0 - m * x0
        ppc['gencost'][pwl1, MODEL] = POLYNOMIAL
        ppc['gencost'][pwl1, NCOST] = 2
        ppc['gencost'][pwl1, COST:COST + 2] = r_[m, b]

    ## create (read-only) copies of individual fields for convenience
    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, gencost, _, lbu, ubu, ppopt, \
            _, fparm, H, Cw, z0, zl, zu, userfcn, _ = opf_args(ppc, ppopt)

    ## warn if there is more than one reference bus
    refs = find(bus[:, BUS_TYPE] == REF)
    if len(refs) > 1 and verbose > 0:
        errstr = '\nopf_setup: Warning: Multiple reference buses.\n' + \
            '           For a system with islands, a reference bus in each island\n' + \
            '           may help convergence, but in a fully connected system such\n' + \
            '           a situation is probably not reasonable.\n\n'

    ## set up initial variables and bounds
    gbus = gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)
    Va   = bus[:, VA] * (pi / 180.0)
    Vm   = bus[:, VM].copy()
    Vm[gbus] = gen[:, VG]   ## buses with gens, init Vm from gen data
    Pg   = gen[:, PG] / baseMVA
    Qg   = gen[:, QG] / baseMVA
    Pmin = gen[:, PMIN] / baseMVA
    Pmax = gen[:, PMAX] / baseMVA
    Qmin = gen[:, QMIN] / baseMVA
    Qmax = gen[:, QMAX] / baseMVA

    if dc:               ## DC model
        ## more problem dimensions
        nv    = 0            ## number of voltage magnitude vars
        nq    = 0            ## number of Qg vars
        q1    = array([])    ## index of 1st Qg column in Ay

        ## power mismatch constraints
        B, Bf, Pbusinj, Pfinj = makeBdc(baseMVA, bus, branch)
        neg_Cg = sparse((-ones(ng), (gen[:, GEN_BUS], arange(ng))), (nb, ng))   ## Pbus w.r.t. Pg
        Amis = hstack([B, neg_Cg], 'csr')
        bmis = -(bus[:, PD] + bus[:, GS]) / baseMVA - Pbusinj

        ## branch flow constraints
        il = find((branch[:, RATE_A] != 0) & (branch[:, RATE_A] < 1e10))
        nl2 = len(il)         ## number of constrained lines
        lpf = -Inf * ones(nl2)
        upf = branch[il, RATE_A] / baseMVA - Pfinj[il]
        upt = branch[il, RATE_A] / baseMVA + Pfinj[il]

        user_vars = ['Va', 'Pg']
        ycon_vars = ['Pg', 'y']
    else:                ## AC model
        ## more problem dimensions
        nv    = nb           ## number of voltage magnitude vars
        nq    = ng           ## number of Qg vars
        q1    = ng           ## index of 1st Qg column in Ay

        ## dispatchable load, constant power factor constraints
        Avl, lvl, uvl, _  = makeAvl(baseMVA, gen)

        ## generator PQ capability curve constraints
        Apqh, ubpqh, Apql, ubpql, Apqdata = makeApq(baseMVA, gen)

        user_vars = ['Va', 'Vm', 'Pg', 'Qg']
        ycon_vars = ['Pg', 'Qg', 'y']

    ## voltage angle reference constraints
    Vau = Inf * ones(nb)
    Val = -Vau
    Vau[refs] = Va[refs]
    Val[refs] = Va[refs]

    ## branch voltage angle difference limits
    Aang, lang, uang, iang  = makeAang(baseMVA, branch, nb, ppopt)

    ## basin constraints for piece-wise linear gen cost variables
    if alg == 545 or alg == 550:     ## SC-PDIPM or TRALM, no CCV cost vars
        ny = 0
        Ay = None
        by = array([])
        ipwl = find(gencost[:, MODEL] == PW_LINEAR)  ## piece-wise linear costs
        ny = ipwl.shape[0]   ## number of piece-wise linear cost vars
        Ay, by = makeAy(baseMVA, ng, gencost, 1, q1, 1+ng+nq)

    if any((gencost[:, MODEL] != POLYNOMIAL) & (gencost[:, MODEL] != PW_LINEAR)):
        stderr.write('opf_setup: some generator cost rows have invalid MODEL value\n')

    ## more problem dimensions
    nx = nb+nv + ng+nq;  ## number of standard OPF control variables
    if nusr:
        nz = ppc['A'].shape[1] - nx  ## number of user z variables
        if nz < 0:
            stderr.write('opf_setup: user supplied A matrix must have at least %d columns.\n' % nx)
        nz = 0               ## number of user z variables
        if nw:               ## still need to check number of columns of N
            if ppc['N'].shape[1] != nx:
                stderr.write('opf_setup: user supplied N matrix must have %d columns.\n' % nx)

    ## construct OPF model object
    om = opf_model(ppc)
    if len(pwl1) > 0:
        om.userdata('pwl1', pwl1)

    if dc:
        om.userdata('Bf', Bf)
        om.userdata('Pfinj', Pfinj)
        om.userdata('iang', iang)
        om.add_vars('Va', nb, Va, Val, Vau)
        om.add_vars('Pg', ng, Pg, Pmin, Pmax)
        om.add_constraints('Pmis', Amis, bmis, bmis, ['Va', 'Pg']) ## nb
        om.add_constraints('Pf',  Bf[il, :], lpf, upf, ['Va'])     ## nl
        om.add_constraints('Pt', -Bf[il, :], lpf, upt, ['Va'])     ## nl
        om.add_constraints('ang', Aang, lang, uang, ['Va'])        ## nang
        om.userdata('Apqdata', Apqdata)
        om.userdata('iang', iang)
        om.add_vars('Va', nb, Va, Val, Vau)
        om.add_vars('Vm', nb, Vm, bus[:, VMIN], bus[:, VMAX])
        om.add_vars('Pg', ng, Pg, Pmin, Pmax)
        om.add_vars('Qg', ng, Qg, Qmin, Qmax)
        om.add_constraints('Pmis', nb, 'nonlinear')
        om.add_constraints('Qmis', nb, 'nonlinear')
        om.add_constraints('Sf', nl, 'nonlinear')
        om.add_constraints('St', nl, 'nonlinear')
        om.add_constraints('PQh', Apqh, array([]), ubpqh, ['Pg', 'Qg'])   ## npqh
        om.add_constraints('PQl', Apql, array([]), ubpql, ['Pg', 'Qg'])   ## npql
        om.add_constraints('vl',  Avl, lvl, uvl,   ['Pg', 'Qg'])   ## nvl
        om.add_constraints('ang', Aang, lang, uang, ['Va'])        ## nang

    ## y vars, constraints for piece-wise linear gen costs
    if ny > 0:
        om.add_vars('y', ny)
        om.add_constraints('ycon', Ay, array([]), by, ycon_vars)          ## ncony

    ## add user vars, constraints and costs (as specified via A, ..., N, ...)
    if nz > 0:
        om.add_vars('z', nz, z0, zl, zu)

    if nusr:
        om.add_constraints('usr', ppc['A'], lbu, ubu, user_vars)      ## nusr

    if nw:
        user_cost = {}
        user_cost['N'] = ppc['N']
        user_cost['Cw'] = Cw
        if len(fparm) > 0:
            user_cost['dd'] = fparm[:, 0]
            user_cost['rh'] = fparm[:, 1]
            user_cost['kk'] = fparm[:, 2]
            user_cost['mm'] = fparm[:, 3]

#        if len(H) > 0:
        user_cost['H'] = H

        om.add_costs('usr', user_cost, user_vars)

    ## execute userfcn callbacks for 'formulation' stage
    run_userfcn(userfcn, 'formulation', om)

    return om
Exemplo n.º 10
def int2ext(ppc, val_or_field=None, oldval=None, ordering=None, dim=0):
    """Converts internal to external bus numbering.

    C{ppc = int2ext(ppc)}

    If the input is a single PYPOWER case dict, then it restores all
    buses, generators and branches that were removed because of being
    isolated or off-line, and reverts to the original generator ordering
    and original bus numbering. This requires that the 'order' key
    created by L{ext2int} be in place.

        ppc = int2ext(ppc)

    @see: L{ext2int}, L{i2e_field}, L{i2e_data}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    ppc = deepcopy(ppc)
    if val_or_field is None: # nargin == 1
        if 'order' not in ppc:
            sys.stderr.write('int2ext: ppc does not have the "order" field '
                'required for conversion back to external numbering.\n')
        o = ppc["order"]

        if o["state"] == 'i':
            ## execute userfcn callbacks for 'int2ext' stage
            if 'userfcn' in ppc:
                ppc = run_userfcn(ppc["userfcn"], 'int2ext', ppc)

            ## save data matrices with internal ordering & restore originals
            o["int"] = {}
            o["int"]["bus"]    = ppc["bus"].copy()
            o["int"]["branch"] = ppc["branch"].copy()
            o["int"]["gen"]    = ppc["gen"].copy()
            ppc["bus"]     = o["ext"]["bus"].copy()
            ppc["branch"]  = o["ext"]["branch"].copy()
            ppc["gen"]     = o["ext"]["gen"].copy()
            if 'gencost' in ppc:
                o["int"]["gencost"] = ppc["gencost"].copy()
                ppc["gencost"] = o["ext"]["gencost"].copy()
            if 'areas' in ppc:
                o["int"]["areas"] = ppc["areas"].copy()
                ppc["areas"] = o["ext"]["areas"].copy()
            if 'A' in ppc:
                o["int"]["A"] = ppc["A"].copy()
                ppc["A"] = o["ext"]["A"].copy()
            if 'N' in ppc:
                o["int"]["N"] = ppc["N"].copy()
                ppc["N"] = o["ext"]["N"].copy()

            ## update data (in bus, branch and gen only)
            ppc["bus"][o["bus"]["status"]["on"], :] = \
            ppc["branch"][o["branch"]["status"]["on"], :] = \
            ppc["gen"][o["gen"]["status"]["on"], :] = \
                o["int"]["gen"][o["gen"]["i2e"], :]
            if 'areas' in ppc:
                ppc["areas"][o["areas"]["status"]["on"], :] = \

            ## revert to original bus numbers
            ppc["bus"][o["bus"]["status"]["on"], BUS_I] = \
                o["bus"]["i2e"] \
                    [ ppc["bus"][o["bus"]["status"]["on"], BUS_I].astype(int) ]
            ppc["branch"][o["branch"]["status"]["on"], F_BUS] = \
                o["bus"]["i2e"][ ppc["branch"] \
                    [o["branch"]["status"]["on"], F_BUS].astype(int) ]
            ppc["branch"][o["branch"]["status"]["on"], T_BUS] = \
                o["bus"]["i2e"][ ppc["branch"] \
                    [o["branch"]["status"]["on"], T_BUS].astype(int) ]
            ppc["gen"][o["gen"]["status"]["on"], GEN_BUS] = \
                o["bus"]["i2e"][ ppc["gen"] \
                    [o["gen"]["status"]["on"], GEN_BUS].astype(int) ]
            if 'areas' in ppc:
                ppc["areas"][o["areas"]["status"]["on"], PRICE_REF_BUS] = \
                    o["bus"]["i2e"][ ppc["areas"] \
                    [o["areas"]["status"]["on"], PRICE_REF_BUS].astype(int) ]

            if 'ext' in o: del o['ext']
            o["state"] = 'e'
            ppc["order"] = o
            sys.stderr.write('int2ext: ppc claims it is already using '
                         'external numbering.\n')
    else:                    ## convert extra data
        if isinstance(val_or_field, str) or isinstance(val_or_field, list):
            ## field (key)
            warn('Calls of the form MPC = INT2EXT(MPC, ''FIELD_NAME'', ...) have been deprecated. Please replace INT2EXT with I2E_FIELD.')
            bus, gen = val_or_field, oldval
            if ordering is not None:
                dim = ordering
            ppc = i2e_field(ppc, bus, gen, dim)
            ## value
            warn('Calls of the form VAL = INT2EXT(MPC, VAL, ...) have been deprecated. Please replace INT2EXT with I2E_DATA.')
            bus, gen, branch = val_or_field, oldval, ordering
            ppc = i2e_data(ppc, bus, gen, branch, dim)

    return ppc
Exemplo n.º 11
def _ppc2ppci(ppc, bus_lookup):
    from numpy import array, zeros

    from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix as sparse

    from pypower.idx_bus import NONE, BUS_I, BUS_TYPE
    from pypower.idx_gen import GEN_BUS, GEN_STATUS
    from pypower.idx_brch import F_BUS, T_BUS, BR_STATUS, QT
    from pypower.idx_area import PRICE_REF_BUS

    from pypower.run_userfcn import run_userfcn

    # init ppci
    ppci = {"baseMVA": 1.,
           "version": 2,
           "bus": np.array([], dtype=float),
           "branch": np.array([], dtype=np.complex128),
           "gen": np.array([], dtype=float),
           "branch_is": np.array([], dtype=bool),
           "gen_is": np.array([], dtype=bool)}

    # BUS Sorting and lookup
    # sort busses in descending order of column 1 (namely: 4 (OOS), 3 (REF), 2 (PV), 1 (PQ))
    ppcBuses = ppc["bus"]
    ppc['bus'] = ppcBuses[ppcBuses[:, BUS_TYPE].argsort(axis=0)[::-1][:], ]
    # get OOS busses and place them at the end of the bus array (so that: 3
    # (REF), 2 (PV), 1 (PQ), 4 (OOS))
    oos_busses = ppc['bus'][:, BUS_TYPE] == NONE
    # there are no OOS busses in the ppci
    ppci['bus'] = ppc['bus'][~oos_busses]
    # in ppc the OOS busses are included and at the end of the array
    ppc['bus'] = np.r_[ppc['bus'][~oos_busses], ppc['bus'][oos_busses]]
    # generate bus_lookup_ppc_ppci (ppc -> ppci lookup)
    ppc_former_order = (ppc['bus'][:, BUS_I]).astype(int)
    arangedBuses = np.arange(len(ppcBuses))

    # lookup ppc former order -> consecutive order
    e2i = zeros(len(ppcBuses))
    e2i[ppc_former_order] = arangedBuses

    # save consecutive indices in ppc and ppci
    ppc['bus'][:, BUS_I] = arangedBuses
    ppci['bus'][:, BUS_I] = ppc['bus'][:len(ppci['bus']), BUS_I]

    # update bus_lookup (pandapower -> ppci internal)
    bus_lookup = {key: e2i[val] for (key, val) in bus_lookup.items()}

    # sizes
    nb = ppc["bus"].shape[0]
    ng = ppc["gen"].shape[0]

    if 'areas' in ppc:
        if len(ppc["areas"]) == 0:  # if areas field is empty
            del ppc['areas']  # delete it (so it's ignored)

    # bus types
    bt = ppc["bus"][:, BUS_TYPE]

    # update branch, gen and areas bus numbering
    ppc['gen'][:, GEN_BUS] = \
        e2i[np.real(ppc["gen"][:, GEN_BUS]).astype(int)].copy()
    ppc["branch"][:, F_BUS] = \
        e2i[np.real(ppc["branch"][:, F_BUS]).astype(int)].copy()
    ppc["branch"][:, T_BUS] = \
        e2i[np.real(ppc["branch"][:, T_BUS]).astype(int)].copy()

    # Note: The "update branch, gen and areas bus numbering" does the same as this:
    # ppc['gen'][:, GEN_BUS] = get_indices(ppc['gen'][:, GEN_BUS], bus_lookup_ppc_ppci)
    # ppc["branch"][:, F_BUS] = get_indices(ppc["branch"][:, F_BUS], bus_lookup_ppc_ppci)
    # ppc["branch"][:, T_BUS] = get_indices( ppc["branch"][:, T_BUS], bus_lookup_ppc_ppci)
    # but faster...

    if 'areas' in ppc:
        ppc["areas"][:, PRICE_REF_BUS] = \
            e2i[np.real(ppc["areas"][:, PRICE_REF_BUS]).astype(int)].copy()

    # reorder gens in order of increasing bus number
    ppc['gen'] = ppc['gen'][ppc['gen'][:, GEN_BUS].argsort(), ]

    # determine which buses, branches, gens are connected and
    # in-service
    # n2i = sparse((range(nb), (ppc["bus"][:, BUS_I], zeros(nb))),
    #              shape=(maxBus + 1, 1))
    # n2i = array(n2i.todense().flatten())[0, :]  # as 1D array
    n2i = ppc["bus"][:, BUS_I].astype(int)
    bs = (bt != NONE)  # bus status

    gs = ((ppc["gen"][:, GEN_STATUS] > 0) &  # gen status
          bs[n2i[np.real(ppc["gen"][:, GEN_BUS]).astype(int)]])
    ppci["gen_is"] = gs

    brs = (np.real(ppc["branch"][:, BR_STATUS]).astype(int) &  # branch status
           bs[n2i[np.real(ppc["branch"][:, F_BUS]).astype(int)]] &
           bs[n2i[np.real(ppc["branch"][:, T_BUS]).astype(int)]]).astype(bool)
    ppci["branch_is"] = brs

    if 'areas' in ppc:
        ar = bs[n2i[ppc["areas"][:, PRICE_REF_BUS].astype(int)]]
        # delete out of service areas
        ppci["areas"] = ppc["areas"][ar]

    # select in service elements from ppc and put them in ppci
    ppci["branch"] = ppc["branch"][brs]
    ppci["gen"] = ppc["gen"][gs]

    # execute userfcn callbacks for 'ext2int' stage
    if 'userfcn' in ppci:
        ppci = run_userfcn(ppci['userfcn'], 'ext2int', ppci)

    return ppci, bus_lookup