Exemplo n.º 1
def runopf_w_res(*args):
    """Runs an optimal power flow with fixed zonal reserves.

    Runs an optimal power flow with the addition of reserve requirements
    specified as a set of fixed zonal reserves. See L{runopf} for a
    description of the input and output arguments, which are the same,
    with the exception that the case file or dict C{casedata} must define
    a 'reserves' field, which is a dict with the following fields:
        - C{zones}   C{nrz x ng}, C{zone(i, j) = 1}, if gen C{j} belongs
        to zone C{i} 0, otherwise
        - C{req}     C{nrz x 1}, zonal reserve requirement in MW
        - C{cost}    (C{ng} or C{ngr}) C{x 1}, cost of reserves in $/MW
        - C{qty}     (C{ng} or C{ngr}) C{x 1}, max quantity of reserves
        in MW (optional)
    where C{nrz} is the number of reserve zones and C{ngr} is the number of
    generators belonging to at least one reserve zone and C{ng} is the total
    number of generators.

    In addition to the normal OPF output, the C{results} dict contains a
    new 'reserves' field with the following fields, in addition to those
    provided in the input:
        - C{R}       - C{ng x 1}, reserves provided by each gen in MW
        - C{Rmin}    - C{ng x 1}, lower limit on reserves provided by
        each gen, (MW)
        - C{Rmax}    - C{ng x 1}, upper limit on reserves provided by
        each gen, (MW)
        - C{mu.l}    - C{ng x 1}, shadow price on reserve lower limit, ($/MW)
        - C{mu.u}    - C{ng x 1}, shadow price on reserve upper limit, ($/MW)
        - C{mu.Pmax} - C{ng x 1}, shadow price on C{Pg + R <= Pmax}
        constraint, ($/MW)
        - C{prc}     - C{ng x 1}, reserve price for each gen equal to
        maximum of the shadow prices on the zonal requirement constraint
        for each zone the generator belongs to

    See L{t.t_case30_userfcns} for an example case file with fixed reserves,
    and L{toggle_reserves} for the implementation.

    Calling syntax options::
        results = runopf_w_res(casedata)
        results = runopf_w_res(casedata, ppopt)
        results = runopf_w_res(casedata, ppopt, fname)
        results = runopf_w_res(casedata, [popt, fname, solvedcase)
        results, success = runopf_w_res(...)

        results = runopf_w_res('t_case30_userfcns')

    @see: L{runopf}, L{toggle_reserves}, L{t.t_case30_userfcns}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    ppc = loadcase(args[0])
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'on')

    r = runopf(ppc, *args[1:])
    r = toggle_reserves(r, 'off')

    return r
Exemplo n.º 2
def runopf_w_res(*args):
    """Runs an optimal power flow with fixed zonal reserves.

    Runs an optimal power flow with the addition of reserve requirements
    specified as a set of fixed zonal reserves. See L{runopf} for a
    description of the input and output arguments, which are the same,
    with the exception that the case file or dict C{casedata} must define
    a 'reserves' field, which is a dict with the following fields:
        - C{zones}   C{nrz x ng}, C{zone(i, j) = 1}, if gen C{j} belongs
        to zone C{i} 0, otherwise
        - C{req}     C{nrz x 1}, zonal reserve requirement in MW
        - C{cost}    (C{ng} or C{ngr}) C{x 1}, cost of reserves in $/MW
        - C{qty}     (C{ng} or C{ngr}) C{x 1}, max quantity of reserves
        in MW (optional)
    where C{nrz} is the number of reserve zones and C{ngr} is the number of
    generators belonging to at least one reserve zone and C{ng} is the total
    number of generators.

    In addition to the normal OPF output, the C{results} dict contains a
    new 'reserves' field with the following fields, in addition to those
    provided in the input:
        - C{R}       - C{ng x 1}, reserves provided by each gen in MW
        - C{Rmin}    - C{ng x 1}, lower limit on reserves provided by
        each gen, (MW)
        - C{Rmax}    - C{ng x 1}, upper limit on reserves provided by
        each gen, (MW)
        - C{mu.l}    - C{ng x 1}, shadow price on reserve lower limit, ($/MW)
        - C{mu.u}    - C{ng x 1}, shadow price on reserve upper limit, ($/MW)
        - C{mu.Pmax} - C{ng x 1}, shadow price on C{Pg + R <= Pmax}
        constraint, ($/MW)
        - C{prc}     - C{ng x 1}, reserve price for each gen equal to
        maximum of the shadow prices on the zonal requirement constraint
        for each zone the generator belongs to

    See L{t.t_case30_userfcns} for an example case file with fixed reserves,
    and L{toggle_reserves} for the implementation.

    Calling syntax options::
        results = runopf_w_res(casedata)
        results = runopf_w_res(casedata, ppopt)
        results = runopf_w_res(casedata, ppopt, fname)
        results = runopf_w_res(casedata, [popt, fname, solvedcase)
        results, success = runopf_w_res(...)

        results = runopf_w_res('t_case30_userfcns')

    @see: L{runopf}, L{toggle_reserves}, L{t.t_case30_userfcns}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    ppc = loadcase(args[0])
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'on')

    r = runopf(ppc, *args[1:])
    r = toggle_reserves(r, 'off')

    return r
def t_opf_userfcns(quiet=False):
    """Tests for userfcn callbacks (reserves/iflims) w/OPF.

    Includes high-level tests of reserves and iflims implementations.

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    t_begin(38, quiet)

    tdir = dirname(__file__)
    casefile = join(tdir, 't_case30_userfcns')
    verbose = 0#not quiet

    ppopt = ppoption(OPF_VIOLATION=1e-6, PDIPM_GRADTOL=1e-8,
                     PDIPM_COMPTOL=1e-8, PDIPM_COSTTOL=1e-9)
    ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=verbose,
                     OPF_ALG=560, OPF_ALG_DC=200)
    #ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OUT_ALL=-1, VERBOSE=2, OUT_GEN=1)

    ## run the OPF with fixed reserves
    t = 'fixed reserves : '
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'on')
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['R'], [25, 15, 0, 0, 19.3906, 0.6094], 4, [t, 'reserves.R'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['prc'], [2, 2, 2, 2, 5.5, 5.5], 4, [t, 'reserves.prc'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['Pmax'], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0], 4, [t, 'reserves.mu.Pmax'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['l'], [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0], 4, [t, 'reserves.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['u'], [0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 4, [t, 'reserves.mu.u'])
    t_ok('P' not in r['if'], [t, 'no iflims'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['totalcost'], 177.8047, 4, [t, 'totalcost'])

    t = 'toggle_reserves(ppc, \'off\') : ';
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'off')
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves'])
    t_ok('P' not in r['if'], [t, 'no iflims'])

    t = 'interface flow lims (DC) : '
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc = toggle_iflims(ppc, 'on')
    r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['if']['P'], [-15, 20], 4, [t, 'if.P'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [4.8427, 0], 4, [t, 'if.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 13.2573], 4, [t, 'if.mu.u'])
    t_is(r['branch'][13, PF], 8.244, 3, [t, 'flow in branch 14'])
    t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves'])

    t = 'reserves + interface flow lims (DC) : '
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'on')
    ppc = toggle_iflims(ppc, 'on')
    r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['if']['P'], [-15, 20], 4, [t, 'if.P'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [4.8427, 0], 4, [t, 'if.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 38.2573], 4, [t, 'if.mu.u'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['R'], [25, 15, 0, 0, 16.9, 3.1], 4, [t, 'reserves.R'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['prc'], [2, 2, 2, 2, 5.5, 5.5], 4, [t, 'reserves.prc'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['Pmax'], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0], 4, [t, 'reserves.mu.Pmax'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['l'], [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0], 4, [t, 'reserves.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['u'], [0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 4, [t, 'reserves.mu.u'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['totalcost'], 179.05, 4, [t, 'totalcost'])

    t = 'interface flow lims (AC) : '
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'off')
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['if']['P'], [-9.101, 21.432], 3, [t, 'if.P'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [0, 0], 4, [t, 'if.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 10.198], 3, [t, 'if.mu.u'])
    t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves'])

    t = 'interface flow lims (line out) : '
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc = toggle_iflims(ppc, 'on')
    ppc['branch'][11, BR_STATUS] = 0      ## take out line 6-10
    r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['if']['P'], [-15, 20], 4, [t, 'if.P'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [4.8427, 0], 4, [t, 'if.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 13.2573], 4, [t, 'if.mu.u'])
    t_is(r['branch'][13, PF], 10.814, 3, [t, 'flow in branch 14'])
    t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves'])

    # r['reserves']['R']
    # r['reserves']['prc']
    # r['reserves']['mu.Pmax']
    # r['reserves']['mu']['l']
    # r['reserves']['mu']['u']
    # r['reserves']['totalcost']
    # r['if']['P']
    # r['if']['mu']['l']
    # r['if']['mu']['u']

Exemplo n.º 4
def t_opf_userfcns(quiet=False):
    """Tests for userfcn callbacks (reserves/iflims) w/OPF.

    Includes high-level tests of reserves and iflims implementations.

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    t_begin(38, quiet)

    tdir = dirname(__file__)
    casefile = join(tdir, 't_case30_userfcns')
    verbose = 0  #not quiet

    ppopt = ppoption(OPF_VIOLATION=1e-6,
    ppopt = ppoption(ppopt,
    #ppopt = ppoption(ppopt, OUT_ALL=-1, VERBOSE=2, OUT_GEN=1)

    ## run the OPF with fixed reserves
    t = 'fixed reserves : '
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'on')
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['R'], [25, 15, 0, 0, 19.3906, 0.6094], 4,
         [t, 'reserves.R'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['prc'], [2, 2, 2, 2, 5.5, 5.5], 4, [t, 'reserves.prc'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['Pmax'], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0], 4,
         [t, 'reserves.mu.Pmax'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['l'], [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0], 4, [t, 'reserves.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['u'], [0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 4,
         [t, 'reserves.mu.u'])
    t_ok('P' not in r['if'], [t, 'no iflims'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['totalcost'], 177.8047, 4, [t, 'totalcost'])

    t = 'toggle_reserves(ppc, \'off\') : '
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'off')
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves'])
    t_ok('P' not in r['if'], [t, 'no iflims'])

    t = 'interface flow lims (DC) : '
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc = toggle_iflims(ppc, 'on')
    r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['if']['P'], [-15, 20], 4, [t, 'if.P'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [4.8427, 0], 4, [t, 'if.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 13.2573], 4, [t, 'if.mu.u'])
    t_is(r['branch'][13, PF], 8.244, 3, [t, 'flow in branch 14'])
    t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves'])

    t = 'reserves + interface flow lims (DC) : '
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'on')
    ppc = toggle_iflims(ppc, 'on')
    r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['if']['P'], [-15, 20], 4, [t, 'if.P'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [4.8427, 0], 4, [t, 'if.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 38.2573], 4, [t, 'if.mu.u'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['R'], [25, 15, 0, 0, 16.9, 3.1], 4, [t, 'reserves.R'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['prc'], [2, 2, 2, 2, 5.5, 5.5], 4, [t, 'reserves.prc'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['Pmax'], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0], 4,
         [t, 'reserves.mu.Pmax'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['l'], [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0], 4, [t, 'reserves.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['mu']['u'], [0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 4,
         [t, 'reserves.mu.u'])
    t_is(r['reserves']['totalcost'], 179.05, 4, [t, 'totalcost'])

    t = 'interface flow lims (AC) : '
    ppc = toggle_reserves(ppc, 'off')
    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['if']['P'], [-9.101, 21.432], 3, [t, 'if.P'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [0, 0], 4, [t, 'if.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 10.198], 3, [t, 'if.mu.u'])
    t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves'])

    t = 'interface flow lims (line out) : '
    ppc = loadcase(casefile)
    ppc = toggle_iflims(ppc, 'on')
    ppc['branch'][11, BR_STATUS] = 0  ## take out line 6-10
    r = rundcopf(ppc, ppopt)
    t_ok(r['success'], [t, 'success'])
    t_is(r['if']['P'], [-15, 20], 4, [t, 'if.P'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['l'], [4.8427, 0], 4, [t, 'if.mu.l'])
    t_is(r['if']['mu']['u'], [0, 13.2573], 4, [t, 'if.mu.u'])
    t_is(r['branch'][13, PF], 10.814, 3, [t, 'flow in branch 14'])
    t_ok('R' not in r['reserves'], [t, 'no reserves'])

    # r['reserves']['R']
    # r['reserves']['prc']
    # r['reserves']['mu.Pmax']
    # r['reserves']['mu']['l']
    # r['reserves']['mu']['u']
    # r['reserves']['totalcost']
    # r['if']['P']
    # r['if']['mu']['l']
    # r['if']['mu']['u']
