Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(
        client: CDPSession,
        target: 'Target',
        frameTree: Dict,
        ignoreHTTPSErrors: bool = False,
        screenshotTaskQueue: list = None,
    ) -> None:
        self._client = client
        self._target = target
        self._keyboard = Keyboard(client)
        self._mouse = Mouse(client, self._keyboard)
        self._touchscreen = Touchscreen(client, self._keyboard)
        self._frameManager = FrameManager(client, frameTree, self)
        self._networkManager = NetworkManager(client, self._frameManager)
        self._emulationManager = EmulationManager(client)
        self._tracing = Tracing(client)
        self._pageBindings: Dict[str, Callable] = dict()
        self._ignoreHTTPSErrors = ignoreHTTPSErrors
        self._defaultNavigationTimeout = 30000  # milliseconds
        self._coverage = Coverage(client)

        if screenshotTaskQueue is None:
            screenshotTaskQueue = list()
        self._screenshotTaskQueue = screenshotTaskQueue

        _fm = self._frameManager
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.FrameAttached, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.FrameDetached, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.FrameNavigated, event))

        _nm = self._networkManager
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.Request, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.Response, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.RequestFailed, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.RequestFinished, event))

                  lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.Load))
                  lambda event: self._onConsoleAPI(event))
                  lambda event: self._onDialog(event))
            'Runtime.exceptionThrown', lambda exception: self._handleException(
                  lambda event: self._onCertificateError(event))
                  lambda event: self._onTargetCrashed())
                  lambda event: self._emitMetrics(event))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,
        self._client = client
        self._keyborad = Keyboard(client)
        self._mouse = Mouse(client, self._keyborad)
        self._frame_manager = FrameManager(client, self._mouse)
        self._network_manager = NetworkManager(client)
        self._emulation_manager = EmulationManager(client)

        self._tracing = None

        self._page_bindings = {}
        self._ignore_https_errors = ignore_https_errors

        self._screenshot_task_queue = screenshot_task_queue

            lambda ev: self.emit(Page.Events['FrameAttached'], ev))
            lambda ev: self.emit(Page.Events['FrameDetached'], ev))
            lambda ev: self.emit(Page.Events['FrameNavigated'], ev))

            lambda ev: self.emit(Page.Events['Request'], ev))
            lambda ev: self.emit(Page.Events['Response'], ev))
            lambda ev: self.emit(Page.Events['RequestFailed'], ev))
            lambda ev: self.emit(Page.Events['RequestFinished'], ev))

                  lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events['Load']))
        # client.on(
        #     'Runtime.consoleAPICalled',
        #     self._on_console_api
        # )
        # client.on(
        #     'Page.javascriptDialogOpening',
        #     self.on_dialog
        # )
        # client.on(
        #     'Runtime.exceptionThrown',
        #     self._handle_exception
        # )
        client.on('Security.certificateError', self._on_certificate_error)
        client.on('Inspector.targetCrashed', self._on_target_crashed)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(
        client: Session,
        ignoreHTTPSErrors: bool = True,
        screenshotTaskQueue: list = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Make new page object."""
        self._client = client
        self._keyboard = Keyboard(client)
        self._mouse = Mouse(client, self._keyboard)
        self._touchscreen = Touchscreen(client, self._keyboard)
        self._frameManager = FrameManager(client, self._mouse,
                                          self._touchscreen)  # noqa: E501
        self._networkManager = NetworkManager(client)
        self._emulationManager = EmulationManager(client)
        self._tracing = Tracing(client)
        self._pageBindings: Dict[str, Callable] = dict()
        self._ignoreHTTPSErrors = ignoreHTTPSErrors

        if screenshotTaskQueue is None:
            screenshotTaskQueue = list()
        self._screenshotTaskQueue = screenshotTaskQueue

        _fm = self._frameManager
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.FrameAttached, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.FrameDetached, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.FrameNavigated, event))

        _nm = self._networkManager
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.Request, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.Response, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.RequestFailed, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.RequestFinished, event))

                  lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.Load))
                  lambda event: self._onConsoleAPI(event))
                  lambda event: self._onDialog(event))
            'Runtime.exceptionThrown', lambda exception: self._handleException(
                  lambda event: self._onCertificateError(event))
                  lambda event: self._onTargetCrashed())
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, client: CDPSession, target: 'Target', frameTree: Dict,
                 ignoreHTTPSErrors: bool = False,
                 screenshotTaskQueue: list = None,
                 ) -> None:
        self._client = client
        self._target = target
        self._keyboard = Keyboard(client)
        self._mouse = Mouse(client, self._keyboard)
        self._touchscreen = Touchscreen(client, self._keyboard)
        self._frameManager = FrameManager(client, frameTree, self)
        self._networkManager = NetworkManager(client, self._frameManager)
        self._emulationManager = EmulationManager(client)
        self._tracing = Tracing(client)
        self._pageBindings: Dict[str, Callable] = dict()
        self._ignoreHTTPSErrors = ignoreHTTPSErrors
        self._defaultNavigationTimeout = 30000  # milliseconds
        self._coverage = Coverage(client)

        if screenshotTaskQueue is None:
            screenshotTaskQueue = list()
        self._screenshotTaskQueue = screenshotTaskQueue

        _fm = self._frameManager
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.FrameAttached, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.FrameDetached, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.FrameNavigated, event))

        _nm = self._networkManager
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.Request, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.Response, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.RequestFailed, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.RequestFinished, event))

                  lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.Load))
                  lambda event: self._onConsoleAPI(event))
                  lambda event: self._onDialog(event))
                  lambda exception: self._handleException(
                  lambda event: self._onCertificateError(event))
                  lambda event: self._onTargetCrashed())
                  lambda event: self._emitMetrics(event))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, client: CDPSession, page: Any,
                 ignoreHTTPSErrors) -> None:
        """Make new frame manager."""
        self._client = client
        self._page = page
        self._networkmanager = NetworkManager(client, self, ignoreHTTPSErrors)
        self._frames: OrderedDict[str, Frame] = OrderedDict()
        self._mainFrame: Optional[Frame] = None
        self._contextIdToContext: Dict[str, ExecutionContext] = dict()
        self._isolatedWorlds = set()

            'Page.frameAttached', lambda event: self._onFrameAttached(
                event.get('frameId', ''), event.get('parentFrameId', '')))
                  lambda event: self._onFrameNavigated(event.get('frame')))
            lambda event: self._onFrameNavigatedWithinDocument(
                event.get('frameId'), event.get('url')))
                  lambda event: self._onFrameDetached(event.get('frameId')))
            lambda event: self._onFrameStoppedLoading(event.get('frameId')))
            'Runtime.executionContextCreated', lambda event: self.
            lambda event: self._onExecutionContextDestroyed(
                  lambda event: self._onExecutionContextsCleared())
                  lambda event: self._onLifecycleEvent(event))
Exemplo n.º 6
class Page(EventEmitter):
    """Page class."""

    Events = SimpleNamespace(

    PaperFormats: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]] = dict(
            'width': 8.5,
            'height': 11
            'width': 8.5,
            'height': 14
            'width': 11,
            'height': 17
            'width': 17,
            'height': 11
            'width': 33.1,
            'height': 46.8
            'width': 23.4,
            'height': 33.1
            'width': 16.5,
            'height': 23.4
            'width': 11.7,
            'height': 16.5
            'width': 8.27,
            'height': 11.7
            'width': 5.83,
            'height': 8.27

    async def create(client: Session,
                     ignoreHTTPSErrors: bool = False,
                     appMode: bool = False,
                     screenshotTaskQueue: list = None) -> 'Page':
        """Async function which make new page."""
        await client.send('Network.enable', {}),
        await client.send('Page.enable', {}),
        await client.send('Runtime.enable', {}),
        await client.send('Security.enable', {}),
        await client.send('Performance.enable', {}),
        if ignoreHTTPSErrors:
            await client.send('Security.setOverrideCertificateErrors',
                              {'override': True})
        page = Page(client, ignoreHTTPSErrors, screenshotTaskQueue)
        await page.goto('about:blank')
        if not appMode:
            await page.setViewport({'width': 800, 'height': 600})
        return page

    def __init__(
        client: Session,
        ignoreHTTPSErrors: bool = True,
        screenshotTaskQueue: list = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Make new page object."""
        self._client = client
        self._keyboard = Keyboard(client)
        self._mouse = Mouse(client, self._keyboard)
        self._touchscreen = Touchscreen(client, self._keyboard)
        self._frameManager = FrameManager(client, self)
        self._networkManager = NetworkManager(client)
        self._emulationManager = EmulationManager(client)
        self._tracing = Tracing(client)
        self._pageBindings: Dict[str, Callable] = dict()
        self._ignoreHTTPSErrors = ignoreHTTPSErrors

        if screenshotTaskQueue is None:
            screenshotTaskQueue = list()
        self._screenshotTaskQueue = screenshotTaskQueue

        _fm = self._frameManager
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.FrameAttached, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.FrameDetached, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.FrameNavigated, event))

        _nm = self._networkManager
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.Request, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.Response, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.RequestFailed, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.RequestFinished, event))

                  lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.Load))
                  lambda event: self._onConsoleAPI(event))
                  lambda event: self._onDialog(event))
            'Runtime.exceptionThrown', lambda exception: self._handleException(
                  lambda event: self._onCertificateError(event))
                  lambda event: self._onTargetCrashed())
                  lambda event: self._emitMetrics(event))

    def _onTargetCrashed(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        self.emit('error', PageError('Page crashed!'))

    def mainFrame(self) -> Optional['Frame']:
        """Get main frame."""
        return self._frameManager._mainFrame

    def keyboard(self) -> Keyboard:
        """Get keybord object."""
        return self._keyboard

    def touchscreen(self) -> Touchscreen:
        """Get touchscreen object."""
        return self._touchscreen

    async def tap(self, selector: str) -> None:
        """Tap the element which matches selector."""
        handle = await self.J(selector)
        if not handle:
            raise PageError('No node found for selector: ' + selector)
        await handle.tap()
        await handle.dispose()

    def tracing(self) -> 'Tracing':
        """Get tracing object."""
        return self._tracing

    def frames(self) -> List['Frame']:
        """Get frames."""
        return list(self._frames.values())

    async def setRequestInterceptionEnabled(self, value: bool) -> None:
        """Enable request interception."""
        return await self._networkManager.setRequestInterceptionEnabled(value)

    def setOfflineMode(self, enabled: bool) -> Awaitable[None]:
        """Set offline mode enable/disable."""
        return self._networkManager.setOfflineMode(enabled)

    def _onCertificateError(self, event: Any) -> None:
        if not self._ignoreHTTPSErrors:
            self._client.send('Security.handleCertificateError', {
                'eventId': event.get('eventId'),
                'action': 'continue'

    async def querySelector(self, selector: str) -> Optional['ElementHandle']:
        """Get Element which matches `selector`."""
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.querySelector(selector)

    async def evaluateHandle(self, pageFunction: str, *args: Any) -> JSHandle:
        """Execute function on this page."""
        if not self.mainFrame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        if not self.mainFrame.executionContext:
            raise PageError('No context.')
        return await self.mainFrame.executionContext.evaluateHandle(
            pageFunction, *args)

    async def queryObject(self, prototypeHandle: JSHandle) -> JSHandle:
        """Send query to the object."""  # need better doc
        if not self.mainFrame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        if not self.mainFrame.executionContext:
            raise PageError('No context.')
        return await self.mainFrame.executionContext.queryObject(

    async def querySelectorEval(self, selector: str, pageFunction: str,
                                *args: Any) -> Optional[Any]:
        """Execute function on element which matches selector."""
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.querySelectorEval(selector, pageFunction, *args)

    async def querySelectorAllEval(self, selector: str, pageFunction: str,
                                   *args: Any) -> Optional[Any]:
        """Get Element which matches `selector`."""
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.querySelectorAllEval(selector, pageFunction, *args)

    async def querySelectorAll(self, selector: str) -> List['ElementHandle']:
        """Get Element which matches `selector`."""
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.querySelectorAll(selector)

    #: alias to querySelector
    J = querySelector
    #: alias to querySelectorEval
    Jeval = querySelectorEval
    #: alias to querySelectorAll
    JJ = querySelectorAll
    #: alias to querySelectorAllEval
    JJeval = querySelectorAllEval

    async def cookies(self, *urls: str) -> dict:
        """Get cookies."""
        if not urls:
            urls = (self.url, )
        resp = await self._client.send('Network.getCookies', {
            'urls': urls,
        return resp.get('cookies', {})

    async def deleteCookie(self, *cookies: dict) -> None:
        """Delete cookie."""
        pageURL = self.url
        for cookie in cookies:
            item = dict(**cookie)
            if not cookie.get('url') and pageURL.startswith('http'):
                item['url'] = pageURL
            await self._client.send('Network.deleteCookies', item)

    async def setCookie(self, *cookies: dict) -> None:
        """Set cookies."""
        items = []
        for cookie in cookies:
            item = dict(**cookie)
            pageURL = self.url
            if 'url' not in item and pageURL.startswith('http'):
                item['url'] = pageURL
        await self.deleteCookie(*items)
        if items:
            await self._client.send('Network.setCookies', {
                'cookies': items,

    async def addScriptTag(self, options: Dict = None, **kwargs: str) -> str:
        """Add script tag to this page."""
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        if options is None:
            options = {}
        return await frame.addScriptTag(options)

    async def addStyleTag(self, options: Dict = None, **kwargs: str) -> str:
        """Add script tag to this page."""
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        if options is None:
            options = {}
        return await frame.addStyleTag(options)

    async def injectFile(self, filePath: str) -> str:
        """[Deprecated] Inject file to this page."""
        warnings.warn('Page.injectFile is deprecated.', DeprecationWarning)
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.injectFile(filePath)

    async def exposeFunction(self, name: str,
                             puppeteerFunction: Callable) -> None:
        """Execute function on this page."""
        if self._pageBindings[name]:
            raise PageError(f'Failed to add page binding with name {name}: '
                            'window["{name}"] already exists!')
        self._pageBindings[name] = puppeteerFunction

        addPageBinding = '''
function addPageBinding(bindingName) {
  window[bindingName] = async(...args) => {
    const me = window[bindingName];
    let callbacks = me['callbacks'];
    if (!callbacks) {
      callbacks = new Map();
      me['callbacks'] = callbacks;
    const seq = (me['lastSeq'] || 0) + 1;
    me['lastSeq'] = seq;
    const promise = new Promise(fulfill => callbacks.set(seq, fulfill));
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    console.debug('driver:page-binding', JSON.stringify({name: bindingName, seq, args}));
    return promise;
        '''  # noqa: E501
        expression = helper.evaluationString(addPageBinding, name)
        await self._client.send('Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument',
                                {'source': expression})
        await self._client.send('Runtime.evaluate', {
            'expression': expression,
            'returnByValue': True

    async def authenticate(self, credentials: Dict[str, str]) -> Any:
        """Provide credentials for http authentication.

        `credentials` should be `None` or dict which has `username` and
        `password` in its keys.
        return await self._networkManager.authenticate(credentials)

    async def setExtraHTTPHeaders(self, headers: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
        """Set extra http headers."""
        return await self._networkManager.setExtraHTTPHeaders(headers)

    async def setUserAgent(self, userAgent: str) -> None:
        """Set user agent."""
        return await self._networkManager.setUserAgent(userAgent)

    async def getMetrics(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Get metrics."""
        response = await self._client.send('Performance.getMetrics')
        return self._buildMetricsObject(response['metrics'])

    def _emitMetrics(self, event: Dict) -> None:
            Page.Events.Metrics, {
                'title': event['title'],
                'metrics': self._buildMetricsObject(event['metrics']),

    def _buildMetricsObject(self, metrics: List) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        result = {}
        for metric in metrics or []:
            if metric['name'] in supportedMetrics:
                result[metric['name']] = metric['value']
        return result

    def _handleException(self, exceptionDetails: Dict) -> None:
        message = helper.getExceptionMessage(exceptionDetails)
        self.emit(Page.Events.PageError, PageError(message))

    async def _onConsoleAPI(self, event: dict) -> None:
        _args = event.get('args', [])
        if (event.get('type') == 'debug' and _args
                and _args[0]['value'] == 'driver:page-binding'):
            obj = json.loads(_args[1]['value'])
            name = obj.get('name')
            seq = obj.get('seq')
            args = obj.get('args')
            result = await self._pageBindings[name](*args)

            deliverResult = '''
function deliverResult(name, seq, result) {
            expression = helper.evaluationString(deliverResult, name, seq,
            await self._client.send('Runtime.evaluate',
                                    {'expression': expression})

        if not self.listeners(Page.Events.Console):
            for arg in _args:
                await helper.releaseObject(self._client, arg)

        _values = []
        for arg in _args:
        values = await asyncio.gather(*_values)
        self.emit(Page.Events.Console, *values)

    def _onDialog(self, event: Any) -> None:
        dialogType = ''
        _type = event.get('type')
        if _type == 'alert':
            dialogType = Dialog.Type.Alert
        elif (_type == 'confirm'):
            dialogType = Dialog.Type.Confirm
        elif (_type == 'prompt'):
            dialogType = Dialog.Type.Prompt
        elif (_type == 'beforeunload'):
            dialogType = Dialog.Type.BeforeUnload
        dialog = Dialog(self._client, dialogType, event.get('message'),
        self.emit(Page.Events.Dialog, dialog)

    def url(self) -> str:
        """Get url of this page."""
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return frame.url

    async def content(self) -> str:
        """Get the whole HTML contents of the page."""
        return await self.evaluate('''
() => {
  let retVal = '';
  if (document.doctype)
    retVal = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(document.doctype);
  if (document.documentElement)
    retVal += document.documentElement.outerHTML;
  return retVal;

    async def setContent(self, html: str) -> None:
        """Set content."""
        func = '''
function(html) {
        await self.evaluate(func, html)

    async def goto(self,
                   url: str,
                   options: dict = None,
                   **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Response]:
        """Got to url."""
        if options is None:
            options = dict()
        watcher = NavigatorWatcher(self._client, self._ignoreHTTPSErrors,
        responses: Dict[str, Response] = dict()
        listener = helper.addEventListener(
            self._networkManager, NetworkManager.Events.Response,
            lambda response: responses.__setitem__(response.url, response))
        navigationPromise = watcher.waitForNavigation()
        referrer = self._networkManager.extraHTTPHeaders().get('referer', '')

            await self._client.send('Page.navigate',
                                    dict(url=url, referrer=referrer))
        except Exception:
        error = await navigationPromise
        if error:
            raise error

        if self._frameManager.isMainFrameLoadingFailed():
            raise PageError('Failed to navigate: ' + url)
        return responses.get(self.url)

    async def reload(self,
                     options: dict = None,
                     **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Response]:
        """Reload this page."""
        if options is None:
            options = dict()
        response = (await asyncio.gather(
        return response

    async def waitForNavigation(self,
                                options: dict = None,
                                **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Response]:
        """Wait navigation completes."""
        if options is None:
            options = dict()
        watcher = NavigatorWatcher(self._client, self._ignoreHTTPSErrors,
        responses: Dict[str, Response] = dict()
        listener = helper.addEventListener(
            self._networkManager, NetworkManager.Events.Response,
            lambda response: responses.__setitem__(response.url, response))
        error = await watcher.waitForNavigation()

        if error:
            raise error
        response = responses.get(self.url, None)
        return response

    async def goBack(self,
                     options: dict = None,
                     **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Response]:
        """Go back history."""
        if options is None:
            options = dict()
        return await self._go(-1, options)

    async def goForward(self,
                        options: dict = None,
                        **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Response]:
        """Go forward history."""
        if options is None:
            options = dict()
        return await self._go(+1, options)

    async def _go(self, delta: int, options: dict) -> Optional[Response]:
        history = await self._client.send('Page.getNavigationHistory')
        _count = history.get('currentIndex', 0) + delta
        entries = history.get('entries', [])
        if len(entries) < _count:
            return None
        entry = entries[_count]
        response = (await asyncio.gather(
                              {'entryId': entry.get('id')})))[0]
        return response

    async def emulate(self, options: dict = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Emulate viewport and user agent."""
        if options is None:
            options = dict()
        await self.setViewport(options.get('viewport', {}))
        await self.setUserAgent(options.get('userAgent', ''))

    async def setJavaScriptEnabled(self, enabled: bool) -> None:
        """Set JavaScript enabled/disabled."""
        await self._client.send('Emulation.setScriptExecutionDisabled', {
            'value': not enabled,

    async def emulateMedia(self, mediaType: str = None) -> None:
        """Emulate css media type of the page."""
        if mediaType not in ['screen', 'print', None, '']:
            raise ValueError(f'Unsupported media type: {mediaType}')
        await self._client.send('Emulation.setEmulatedMedia', {
            'media': mediaType or '',

    async def setViewport(self, viewport: dict) -> None:
        """Set viewport."""
        needsReload = await self._emulationManager.emulateViewport(
        self._viewport = viewport
        if needsReload:
            await self.reload()

    def viewport(self) -> dict:
        """Get viewport."""
        return self._viewport

    async def evaluate(self, pageFunction: str, *args: Any) -> str:
        """Execute js-function on this page and get result."""
        frame = self._frameManager.mainFrame
        if frame is None:
            raise PageError('No main frame.')
        return await frame.evaluate(pageFunction, *args)

    async def evaluateOnNewDocument(self, pageFunction: str,
                                    *args: str) -> None:
        """Evaluate js-function on new document."""
        source = helper.evaluationString(pageFunction, *args)
        await self._client.send('Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument', {
            'source': source,

    async def screenshot(self, options: dict = None, **kwargs: Any) -> bytes:
        """Take screen shot."""
        options = options or dict()
        screenshotType = None
        if 'path' in options:
            mimeType, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(options['path'])
            if mimeType == 'image/png':
                screenshotType = 'png'
            elif mimeType == 'image/jpeg':
                screenshotType = 'jpeg'
                raise PageError('Unsupported screenshot '
                                f'mime type: {mimeType}')
        if 'type' in options:
            screenshotType = options['type']
        if not screenshotType:
            screenshotType = 'png'
        return await self._screenshotTask(screenshotType, options)

    async def _screenshotTask(self, format: str,
                              options: dict) -> bytes:  # noqa: C901,E501
        await self._client.send('Target.activateTarget', {
            'targetId': self._client.targetId,
        clip = options.get('clip')
        if clip:
            clip['scale'] = 1

        if options.get('fullPage'):
            metrics = await self._client.send('Page.getLayoutMetrics')
            width = math.ceil(metrics['contentSize']['width'])
            height = math.ceil(metrics['contentSize']['height'])

            # Overwrite clip for full page at all times.
            clip = dict(x=0, y=0, width=width, height=height, scale=1)
            mobile = self._viewport.get('isMobile', False)
            deviceScaleFactor = self._viewport.get('deviceScaleFactor', 1)
            landscape = self._viewport.get('isLandscape', False)
            if landscape:
                screenOrientation = dict(angle=90, type='landscapePrimary')
                screenOrientation = dict(angle=0, type='portraitPrimary')
            await self._client.send(
                'Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride', {
                    'mobile': mobile,
                    'width': width,
                    'height': height,
                    'deviceScaleFactor': deviceScaleFactor,
                    'screenOrientation': screenOrientation,

        if options.get('omitBackground'):
            await self._client.send(
                {'color': {
                    'r': 0,
                    'g': 0,
                    'b': 0,
                    'a': 0
        opt = {'format': format}
        if clip:
            opt['clip'] = clip
        result = await self._client.send('Page.captureScreenshot', opt)

        if options.get('omitBackground'):
            await self._client.send(

        if options.get('fullPage'):
            await self.setViewport(self._viewport)

        buffer = base64.b64decode(result.get('data', b''))
        _path = options.get('path')
        if _path:
            with open(_path, 'wb') as f:
        return buffer

    async def pdf(self, options: dict = None, **kwargs: Any) -> bytes:
        """Not yet implemented."""
        if options is None:
            options = dict()
        scale = options.get('scale', 1)
        displayHeaderFooter = bool(options.get('displayHeaderFooter'))
        headerTemplate = options.get('headerTemplate', '')
        footerTemplate = options.get('footerTemplate', '')
        printBackground = bool(options.get('printBackground'))
        landscape = bool(options.get('landscape'))
        pageRanges = options.get('pageRanges', '')

        paperWidth = 8.5
        paperHeight = 11.0
        if 'format' in options:
            fmt = Page.PaperFormats.get(options['format'].lower())
            if not fmt:
                raise ValueError('Unknown paper format: ' + options['format'])
            paperWidth = fmt['width']
            paperHeight = fmt['height']
            paperWidth = convertPrintParameterToInches(
                options.get('width')) or paperWidth  # noqa: E501
            paperHeight = convertPrintParameterToInches(
                options.get('height')) or paperHeight  # noqa: E501

        marginOptions = options.get('margin', {})
        marginTop = convertPrintParameterToInches(
            marginOptions.get('top')) or 0  # noqa: E501
        marginLeft = convertPrintParameterToInches(
            marginOptions.get('left')) or 0  # noqa: E501
        marginBottom = convertPrintParameterToInches(
            marginOptions.get('bottom')) or 0  # noqa: E501
        marginRight = convertPrintParameterToInches(
            marginOptions.get('right')) or 0  # noqa: E501

        result = await self._client.send(
        buffer = base64.b64decode(result.get('data', b''))
        if 'path' in options:
            with open(options['path'], 'wb') as f:
        return buffer

    async def plainText(self) -> str:
        """[Deprecated] Get page content as plain text."""
        warnings.warn('page.plainText is deprecated.', DeprecationWarning)
        return await self.evaluate('() => document.body.innerText')

    async def title(self) -> str:
        """Get page title."""
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.title()

    async def close(self) -> None:
        """Close connection."""
        await self._client.dispose()

    def mouse(self) -> Mouse:
        """Get mouse object."""
        return self._mouse

    async def click(self,
                    selector: str,
                    options: dict = None,
                    **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Click element which matches `selector`."""
        if options is None:
            options = dict()
        handle = await self.J(selector)
        if not handle:
            raise PageError('No node found for selector: ' + selector)
        await handle.click(options)
        await handle.dispose()

    async def hover(self, selector: str) -> None:
        """Mouse hover the element which matches `selector`."""
        handle = await self.J(selector)
        if not handle:
            raise PageError('No node found for selector: ' + selector)
        await handle.hover()
        await handle.dispose()

    async def focus(self, selector: str) -> None:
        """Focus the element which matches `selector`."""
        handle = await self.J(selector)
        if not handle:
            raise PageError('No node found for selector: ' + selector)
        await self.evaluate('element => element.focus()', handle)
        await handle.dispose()

    async def select(self, selector: str, *values: Any) -> None:
        """Select option(s)."""
        await self.querySelectorEval(
            selector, '''
(element, values) => {
    if (element.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'select')
        throw new Error('Element is not a <select> element.');

    const options = Array.from(element.options);

    if (element.multiple) {
        for (const option of options)
            option.selected = values.includes(option.value);
    } else {
        element.value = values.shift();
    element.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { 'bubbles': true }));
    element.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { 'bubbles': true }));
        ''', values)

    async def type(self,
                   selector: str,
                   text: str,
                   options: dict = None,
                   **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Type text on the selected element."""
        options = options or dict()
        handle = await self.querySelector(selector)
        if handle is None:
            raise PageError('Cannot find {} on this page'.format(selector))
        await handle.type(text, options)
        await handle.dispose()

    def waitFor(self,
                selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: Union[str, int, float],
                options: dict = None,
                *args: Any,
                **kwargs: Any) -> Awaitable:
        """Wait for function, timeout, or element which matches on page."""
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return frame.waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout, options, *args,

    def waitForSelector(self,
                        selector: str,
                        options: dict = None,
                        **kwargs: Any) -> Awaitable:
        """Wait until element which matches selector appears on page."""
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return frame.waitForSelector(selector, options, **kwargs)

    def waitForFunction(self,
                        pageFunction: str,
                        options: dict = None,
                        *args: str,
                        **kwargs: Any) -> Awaitable:
        """Wait for function."""
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return frame.waitForFunction(pageFunction, options, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 7
class Page(EventEmitter):
    """Page class.

    This class provides methods to interact with a single tab of chrome. One
    :class:`~pyppeteer.browser.Browser` object might have multiple Page object.

    The :class:`Page` class emits various :attr:`~Page.Events` which can be
    handled by using ``on`` or ``once`` method, which is inherited from
    `pyee <https://pyee.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_'s ``EventEmitter`` class.

    #: Available events.
    Events = SimpleNamespace(

    PaperFormats: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]] = dict(
        letter={'width': 8.5, 'height': 11},
        legal={'width': 8.5, 'height': 14},
        tabloid={'width': 11, 'height': 17},
        ledger={'width': 17, 'height': 11},
        a0={'width': 33.1, 'height': 46.8},
        a1={'width': 23.4, 'height': 33.1},
        a2={'width': 16.5, 'height': 23.4},
        a3={'width': 11.7, 'height': 16.5},
        a4={'width': 8.27, 'height': 11.7},
        a5={'width': 5.83, 'height': 8.27},

    async def create(client: CDPSession, target: 'Target',
                     ignoreHTTPSErrors: bool = False, appMode: bool = False,
                     screenshotTaskQueue: list = None) -> 'Page':
        """Async function which makes new page object."""
        await client.send('Page.enable'),
        frameTree = (await client.send('Page.getFrameTree'))['frameTree']
        page = Page(client, target, frameTree, ignoreHTTPSErrors,

        await asyncio.wait([
            client.send('Page.setLifecycleEventsEnabled', {'enabled': True}),
            client.send('Network.enable', {}),
            client.send('Runtime.enable', {}),
            client.send('Security.enable', {}),
            client.send('Performance.enable', {}),
        if ignoreHTTPSErrors:
            await client.send('Security.setOverrideCertificateErrors',
                              {'override': True})
        if not appMode:
            await page.setViewport({'width': 800, 'height': 600})
        return page

    def __init__(self, client: CDPSession, target: 'Target', frameTree: Dict,
                 ignoreHTTPSErrors: bool = False,
                 screenshotTaskQueue: list = None,
                 ) -> None:
        self._client = client
        self._target = target
        self._keyboard = Keyboard(client)
        self._mouse = Mouse(client, self._keyboard)
        self._touchscreen = Touchscreen(client, self._keyboard)
        self._frameManager = FrameManager(client, frameTree, self)
        self._networkManager = NetworkManager(client, self._frameManager)
        self._emulationManager = EmulationManager(client)
        self._tracing = Tracing(client)
        self._pageBindings: Dict[str, Callable] = dict()
        self._ignoreHTTPSErrors = ignoreHTTPSErrors
        self._defaultNavigationTimeout = 30000  # milliseconds
        self._coverage = Coverage(client)

        if screenshotTaskQueue is None:
            screenshotTaskQueue = list()
        self._screenshotTaskQueue = screenshotTaskQueue

        _fm = self._frameManager
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.FrameAttached, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.FrameDetached, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.FrameNavigated, event))

        _nm = self._networkManager
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.Request, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.Response, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.RequestFailed, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.RequestFinished, event))

                  lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.Load))
                  lambda event: self._onConsoleAPI(event))
                  lambda event: self._onDialog(event))
                  lambda exception: self._handleException(
                  lambda event: self._onCertificateError(event))
                  lambda event: self._onTargetCrashed())
                  lambda event: self._emitMetrics(event))

    def target(self) -> 'Target':
        """Return a target this page created from."""
        return self._target

    def _onTargetCrashed(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        self.emit('error', PageError('Page crashed!'))

    def mainFrame(self) -> Optional['Frame']:
        """Get main :class:`~pyppeteer.frame_manager.Frame` of this page."""
        return self._frameManager._mainFrame

    def keyboard(self) -> Keyboard:
        """Get :class:`~pyppeteer.input.Keyboard` object."""
        return self._keyboard

    def touchscreen(self) -> Touchscreen:
        """Get :class:`~pyppeteer.input.Touchscreen` object."""
        return self._touchscreen

    def coverage(self) -> Coverage:
        """Return :class:`~pyppeteer.coverage.Coverage`."""
        return self._coverage

    async def tap(self, selector: str) -> None:
        """Tap the element which matches the ``selector``.

        :arg str selector: A selector to search element to touch.
        handle = await self.J(selector)
        if not handle:
            raise PageError('No node found for selector: ' + selector)
        await handle.tap()
        await handle.dispose()

    def tracing(self) -> 'Tracing':
        """Get tracing object."""
        return self._tracing

    def frames(self) -> List['Frame']:
        """Get all frames of this page."""
        return list(self._frameManager.frames())

    async def setRequestInterception(self, value: bool) -> None:
        """Enable/disable request interception."""
        return await self._networkManager.setRequestInterception(value)

    async def setOfflineMode(self, enabled: bool) -> None:
        """Set offline mode enable/disable."""
        await self._networkManager.setOfflineMode(enabled)

    def setDefaultNavigationTimeout(self, timeout: int) -> None:
        """Change the default maximum navigation timeout.

        This method changes the default timeout of 30 seconds for the following

        * :meth:`goto`
        * :meth:`goBack`
        * :meth:`goForward`
        * :meth:`reload`
        * :meth:`waitForNavigation`

        :arg int timeout: Maximum navigation time in milliseconds.
        self._defaultNavigationTimeout = timeout

    def _onCertificateError(self, event: Any) -> None:
        if not self._ignoreHTTPSErrors:
            self._client.send('Security.handleCertificateError', {
                'eventId': event.get('eventId'),
                'action': 'continue'

    async def querySelector(self, selector: str) -> Optional['ElementHandle']:
        """Get an Element which matches ``selector``.

        :arg str selector: A selector to search element.
        :return Optional[ElementHandle]: If element which matches the
            ``selector`` is found, return its
            :class:`~pyppeteer.element_handle.ElementHandle`. If not found,
            returns ``None``.
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.querySelector(selector)

    async def evaluateHandle(self, pageFunction: str, *args: Any
                             ) -> JSHandle:
        """Execute function on this page.

        Difference between :meth:`~pyppeteer.page.Page.evaluate` and
        :meth:`~pyppeteer.page.Page.evaluateHandle` is that
        ``evaluateHandle`` returns JSHandle object (not value).

        :arg str pageFunction: JavaScript function to be executed.
        if not self.mainFrame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        context = await self.mainFrame.executionContext()
        if not context:
            raise PageError('No context.')
        return await context.evaluateHandle(pageFunction, *args)

    async def queryObjects(self, prototypeHandle: JSHandle) -> JSHandle:
        """Iterate js heap and finds all the objects with the handle.

        :arg JSHandle prototypeHandle: JSHandle of prototype object.
        if not self.mainFrame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        context = await self.mainFrame.executionContext()
        if not context:
            raise PageError('No context.')
        return await context.queryObjects(prototypeHandle)

    async def querySelectorEval(self, selector: str, pageFunction: str,
                                *args: Any) -> Optional[Any]:
        """Execute function with an element which matches ``selector``.

        :arg str selector: A selector to query page for.
        :arg str pageFunction: String of JavaScript function to be evaluated on
                               browser. This function takes an element which
                               matches the selector as a first argument.
        :arg Any args: Arguments to pass to ``pageFunction``.

        This method raises error if no element matched the ``selector``.
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.querySelectorEval(selector, pageFunction, *args)

    async def querySelectorAllEval(self, selector: str, pageFunction: str,
                                   *args: Any) -> Optional[Any]:
        """Execute function with all elements which matches ``selector``.

        :arg str selector: A selector to query page for.
        :arg str pageFunction: String of JavaScript function to be evaluated on
                               browser. This function takes Array of the
                               matched elements as the first argument.
        :arg Any args: Arguments to pass to ``pageFunction``.
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.querySelectorAllEval(selector, pageFunction, *args)

    async def querySelectorAll(self, selector: str) -> List['ElementHandle']:
        """Get all element which matches `selector` as a list.

        :arg str selector: A selector to search element.
        :return List[ElementHandle]: List of
            :class:`~pyppeteer.element_handle.ElementHandle` which matches the
            ``selector``. If no element is matched to the ``selector``, return
            empty list.
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.querySelectorAll(selector)

    async def xpath(self, expression: str) -> List[ElementHandle]:
        """Evaluate XPath expression.

        If there is no such element in this page, return None.

        :arg str expression: XPath string to be evaluated.
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.xpath(expression)

    #: alias to :meth:`querySelector`
    J = querySelector
    #: alias to :meth:`querySelectorEval`
    Jeval = querySelectorEval
    #: alias to :meth:`querySelectorAll`
    JJ = querySelectorAll
    #: alias to :meth:`querySelectorAllEval`
    JJeval = querySelectorAllEval
    #: alias to :meth:`xpath`
    Jx = xpath

    async def cookies(self, *urls: str) -> dict:
        """Get cookies."""
        if not urls:
            urls = (self.url, )
        resp = await self._client.send('Network.getCookies', {
            'urls': urls,
        return resp.get('cookies', {})

    async def deleteCookie(self, *cookies: dict) -> None:
        """Delete cookie."""
        pageURL = self.url
        for cookie in cookies:
            item = dict(**cookie)
            if not cookie.get('url') and pageURL.startswith('http'):
                item['url'] = pageURL
            await self._client.send('Network.deleteCookies', item)

    async def setCookie(self, *cookies: dict) -> None:
        """Set cookies."""
        pageURL = self.url
        startsWithHTTP = pageURL.startswith('http')
        items = []
        for cookie in cookies:
            item = dict(**cookie)
            if 'url' not in item and startsWithHTTP:
                item['url'] = pageURL
            if item.get('url') == 'about:blank':
                name = item.get('name', '')
                raise PageError(f'Blank page can not have cookie "{name}"')
            if item.get('url', '').startswith('data:'):
                name = item.get('name', '')
                raise PageError(f'Data URL page can not have cookie "{name}"')
        await self.deleteCookie(*items)
        if items:
            await self._client.send('Network.setCookies', {
                'cookies': items,

    async def addScriptTag(self, options: Dict = None, **kwargs: str
                           ) -> ElementHandle:
        """Add script tag to this page.

        One of ``url``, ``path`` or ``content`` option is necessary.
            * ``url`` (string): URL of a script to add.
            * ``path`` (string): Path to the local JavaScript file to add.
            * ``content`` (string): JavaScript string to add.

        :return ElementHandle: :class:`~pyppeteer.element_handle.ElementHandle`
                               of added tag.
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        return await frame.addScriptTag(options)

    async def addStyleTag(self, options: Dict = None, **kwargs: str
                          ) -> ElementHandle:
        """Add style or link tag to this page.

        One of ``url``, ``path`` or ``content`` option is necessary.
            * ``url`` (string): URL of the link tag to add.
            * ``path`` (string): Path to the local CSS file to add.
            * ``content`` (string): CSS string to add.

        :return ElementHandle: :class:`~pyppeteer.element_handle.ElementHandle`
                               of added tag.
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        return await frame.addStyleTag(options)

    async def injectFile(self, filePath: str) -> str:
        """[Deprecated] Inject file to this page.

        This method is deprecated. Use :meth:`addScriptTag` instead.
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.injectFile(filePath)

    async def exposeFunction(self, name: str, pyppeteerFunction: Callable
                             ) -> None:
        """Add python function to the browser's ``window`` object as ``name``.

        Registered function can be called from chrome process.

        :arg string name: Name of the function on the window object.
        :arg Callable pyppeteerFunction: Function which will be called on
                                         python process.
        if self._pageBindings.get(name):
            raise PageError(f'Failed to add page binding with name {name}: '
                            f'window["{name}"] already exists!')
        self._pageBindings[name] = pyppeteerFunction

        addPageBinding = '''
function addPageBinding(bindingName) {
  window[bindingName] = async(...args) => {
    const me = window[bindingName];
    let callbacks = me['callbacks'];
    if (!callbacks) {
      callbacks = new Map();
      me['callbacks'] = callbacks;
    const seq = (me['lastSeq'] || 0) + 1;
    me['lastSeq'] = seq;
    const promise = new Promise(fulfill => callbacks.set(seq, fulfill));
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    console.debug('driver:page-binding', JSON.stringify({name: bindingName, seq, args}));
    return promise;
        '''  # noqa: E501
        expression = helper.evaluationString(addPageBinding, name)
        await self._client.send('Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument',
                                {'source': expression})
        await asyncio.wait([
            frame.evaluate(expression, force_expr=True)
            for frame in self.frames

    async def authenticate(self, credentials: Dict[str, str]) -> Any:
        """Provide credentials for http authentication.

        ``credentials`` should be ``None`` or dict which has ``username`` and
        ``password`` field.
        return await self._networkManager.authenticate(credentials)

    async def setExtraHTTPHeaders(self, headers: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
        """Set extra http headers."""
        return await self._networkManager.setExtraHTTPHeaders(headers)

    async def setUserAgent(self, userAgent: str) -> None:
        """Set user agent to use in this page."""
        return await self._networkManager.setUserAgent(userAgent)

    async def metrics(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Get metrics."""
        response = await self._client.send('Performance.getMetrics')
        return self._buildMetricsObject(response['metrics'])

    def _emitMetrics(self, event: Dict) -> None:
        self.emit(Page.Events.Metrics, {
            'title': event['title'],
            'metrics': self._buildMetricsObject(event['metrics']),

    def _buildMetricsObject(self, metrics: List) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        result = {}
        for metric in metrics or []:
            if metric['name'] in supportedMetrics:
                result[metric['name']] = metric['value']
        return result

    def _handleException(self, exceptionDetails: Dict) -> None:
        message = helper.getExceptionMessage(exceptionDetails)
        self.emit(Page.Events.PageError, PageError(message))

    def _onConsoleAPI(self, event: dict) -> None:
        _args = event.get('args', [])
        if (event.get('type') == 'debug' and _args and
                _args[0]['value'] == 'driver:page-binding'):
            obj = json.loads(_args[1]['value'])
            name = obj.get('name')
            seq = obj.get('seq')
            args = obj.get('args')
            result = self._pageBindings[name](*args)

            deliverResult = '''
function deliverResult(name, seq, result) {
            expression = helper.evaluationString(
                deliverResult, name, seq, result)
            asyncio.ensure_future(self._client.send('Runtime.evaluate', {
                'expression': expression,
                'contextId': event['executionContextId'],

        if not self.listeners(Page.Events.Console):
            for arg in _args:
                asyncio.ensure_future(helper.releaseObject(self._client, arg))

        _id = event['executionContextId']
        values = []
        for arg in _args:
            values.append(self._frameManager.createJSHandle(_id, arg))

        textTokens = []
        for arg, value in zip(_args, values):
            if arg.get('objectId'):

        message = ConsoleMessage(event['type'], ' '.join(textTokens), values)
        self.emit(Page.Events.Console, message)

    def _onDialog(self, event: Any) -> None:
        dialogType = ''
        _type = event.get('type')
        if _type == 'alert':
            dialogType = Dialog.Type.Alert
        elif (_type == 'confirm'):
            dialogType = Dialog.Type.Confirm
        elif (_type == 'prompt'):
            dialogType = Dialog.Type.Prompt
        elif (_type == 'beforeunload'):
            dialogType = Dialog.Type.BeforeUnload
        dialog = Dialog(self._client, dialogType, event.get('message'),
        self.emit(Page.Events.Dialog, dialog)

    def url(self) -> str:
        """Get url of this page."""
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return frame.url

    async def content(self) -> str:
        """Get the whole HTML contents of the page."""
        frame = self._frameManager.mainFrame
        if frame is None:
            raise PageError('No main frame.')
        return await frame.content()

    async def setContent(self, html: str) -> None:
        """Set content to this page."""
        frame = self._frameManager.mainFrame
        if frame is None:
            raise PageError('No main frame.')
        await frame.setContent(html)

    async def goto(self, url: str, options: dict = None, **kwargs: Any
                   ) -> Optional[Response]:
        """Go to the ``url``.

        :arg string url: URL to navigate page to. The url should include
            scheme, e.g. ``https://``.

        Available options are:

        * ``timeout`` (int): Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults
          to 30 seconds, pass ``0`` to desable timeout. The default value can
          be changed by using the :meth:`setDefaultNavigationTimeout` method.
        * ``waitUntil`` (str|List[str]): When to consider navigation succeeded,
          defaults to ``load``. Given a list of event strings, navigation is
          considered to be successful after all events have been fired. Events
          can be either:

          * ``load``: when ``load`` event is fired.
          * ``documentloaded``: when the ``DOMContentLoaded`` event is fired.
          * ``networkidle0``: when there are no more than 0 network connections
            for at least 500 ms.
          * ``networkidle2``: when there are no more than 2 network connections
            for at least 500 ms.
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        referrer = self._networkManager.extraHTTPHeaders().get('referer', '')
        requests: Dict[str, Request] = dict()
        eventListeners = [helper.addEventListener(
            self._networkManager, NetworkManager.Events.Request,
            lambda request: requests.__setitem__(request.url, request)

        mainFrame = self._frameManager.mainFrame
        if mainFrame is None:
            raise PageError('No main frame.')
        timeout = options.get('timeout', self._defaultNavigationTimeout)
        watcher = NavigatorWatcher(self._frameManager, mainFrame, timeout,

        result = await self._navigate(url, referrer)
        if result is not None:
            raise PageError(result)
        result = await watcher.navigationPromise()
        error = result[0].pop().exception()  # type: ignore
        if error:
            raise error

        request = requests.get(mainFrame.url)
        return request.response if request else None

    async def _navigate(self, url: str, referrer: str) -> Optional[str]:
        response = await self._client.send(
            'Page.navigate', {'url': url, 'referrer': referrer})
        if response.get('errorText'):
            return response['errorText']
        return None

    async def reload(self, options: dict = None, **kwargs: Any
                     ) -> Optional[Response]:
        """Reload this page.

        Available options are same as :meth:`goto` method.
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        response = (await asyncio.gather(
        return response

    async def waitForNavigation(self, options: dict = None, **kwargs: Any
                                ) -> Optional[Response]:
        """Wait for navigation.

        Available options are same as :meth:`goto` method.
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        mainFrame = self._frameManager.mainFrame
        if mainFrame is None:
            raise PageError('No main frame.')
        timeout = options.get('timeout', self._defaultNavigationTimeout)
        watcher = NavigatorWatcher(self._frameManager, mainFrame, timeout,
        responses: Dict[str, Response] = dict()
        listener = helper.addEventListener(
            lambda response: responses.__setitem__(response.url, response)
        result = await watcher.navigationPromise()
        error = result[0].pop().exception()
        if error:
            raise error

        response = responses.get(self.url, None)
        return response

    async def goBack(self, options: dict = None, **kwargs: Any
                     ) -> Optional[Response]:
        """Navigate to the previous page in history.

        Available options are same as :meth:`goto` method.
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        return await self._go(-1, options)

    async def goForward(self, options: dict = None, **kwargs: Any
                        ) -> Optional[Response]:
        """Navigate to the next page in history.

        Available options are same as :meth:`goto` method.
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        return await self._go(+1, options)

    async def _go(self, delta: int, options: dict) -> Optional[Response]:
        history = await self._client.send('Page.getNavigationHistory')
        _count = history.get('currentIndex', 0) + delta
        entries = history.get('entries', [])
        if len(entries) <= _count:
            return None
        entry = entries[_count]
        response = (await asyncio.gather(
            self._client.send('Page.navigateToHistoryEntry', {
                'entryId': entry.get('id')
        return response

    async def bringToFront(self) -> None:
        """Bring page to front (activate tab)."""
        await self._client.send('Page.bringToFront')

    async def emulate(self, options: dict = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Emulate viewport and user agent."""
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        # TODO: if options does not have viewport or userAgent,
        # skip its setting.
        await self.setViewport(options.get('viewport', {}))
        await self.setUserAgent(options.get('userAgent', ''))

    async def setJavaScriptEnabled(self, enabled: bool) -> None:
        """Set JavaScript enable/disable."""
        await self._client.send('Emulation.setScriptExecutionDisabled', {
            'value': not enabled,

    async def emulateMedia(self, mediaType: str = None) -> None:
        """Emulate css media type of the page."""
        if mediaType not in ['screen', 'print', None, '']:
            raise ValueError(f'Unsupported media type: {mediaType}')
        await self._client.send('Emulation.setEmulatedMedia', {
            'media': mediaType or '',

    async def setViewport(self, viewport: dict) -> None:
        """Set viewport.

        Available options are:
            * ``width`` (int): page width in pixel.
            * ``height`` (int): page height in pixel.
            * ``deviceScaleFactor`` (float): Default to 1.0.
            * ``isMobile`` (bool): Default to ``False``.
            * ``hasTouch`` (bool): Default to ``False``.
            * ``isLandscape`` (bool): Default to ``False``.
        needsReload = await self._emulationManager.emulateViewport(
            self._client, viewport,
        self._viewport = viewport
        if needsReload:
            await self.reload()

    def viewport(self) -> dict:
        """Get viewport dict.

        Field of returned dict is same as :meth:`setViewport`.
        return self._viewport

    async def evaluate(self, pageFunction: str, *args: Any,
                       force_expr: bool = False) -> Any:
        """Execute js-function or js-expression on browser and get result.

        :arg str pageFunction: String of js-function/expression to be executed
                               on the browser.
        :arg bool force_expr: If True, evaluate `pageFunction` as expression.
                              If False (default), try to automatically detect
                              function or expression.

        note: ``force_expr`` option is a keyword only argument.
        frame = self._frameManager.mainFrame
        if frame is None:
            raise PageError('No main frame.')
        return await frame.evaluate(pageFunction, *args, force_expr=force_expr)

    async def evaluateOnNewDocument(self, pageFunction: str, *args: str
                                    ) -> None:
        """Add a JavaScript function to the document.

        This function would be invoked in one of the following scenarios:

        * whenever the page is navigated
        * whenever the child frame is attached or navigated. Inthis case, the
          function is invoked in the context of the newly attached frame.
        source = helper.evaluationString(pageFunction, *args)
        await self._client.send('Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument', {
            'source': source,

    async def screenshot(self, options: dict = None, **kwargs: Any) -> bytes:
        """Take a screen shot.

        The following options are available:

        * ``path`` (str): The file path to save the image to. The screenshot
          type will be inferred from the file extension.
        * ``type`` (str): Specify screenshot type, can be either ``jpeg`` or
          ``png``. Defaults to ``png``.
        * ``quality`` (int): The quality of the image, between 0-100. Not
          applicable to ``png`` image.
        * ``fullPage`` (bool): When true, take a screenshot of the full
          scrollable page. Defaults to ``False``.
        * ``clip`` (dict): An object which specifies clipping region of the
          page. This option should have the following fields:

          * ``x`` (int): x-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area.
          * ``y`` (int): y-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area.
          * ``width`` (int): width of clipping area.
          * ``height`` (int): height of clipping area.

        * ``omitBackground`` (bool): Hide default white background and allow
          capturing screenshot with transparency.
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        screenshotType = None
        if 'type' in options:
            screenshotType = options['type']
            if screenshotType not in ['png', 'jpeg']:
                raise ValueError(f'Unknown type value: {screenshotType}')
        elif 'path' in options:
            mimeType, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(options['path'])
            if mimeType == 'image/png':
                screenshotType = 'png'
            elif mimeType == 'image/jpeg':
                screenshotType = 'jpeg'
                raise ValueError('Unsupported screenshot '
                                 f'mime type: {mimeType}')
        if not screenshotType:
            screenshotType = 'png'
        return await self._screenshotTask(screenshotType, options)

    async def _screenshotTask(self, format: str, options: dict) -> bytes:  # noqa: C901,E501
        await self._client.send('Target.activateTarget', {
            'targetId': self._target._targetId,
        clip = options.get('clip')
        if clip:
            clip['scale'] = 1

        if options.get('fullPage'):
            metrics = await self._client.send('Page.getLayoutMetrics')
            width = math.ceil(metrics['contentSize']['width'])
            height = math.ceil(metrics['contentSize']['height'])

            # Overwrite clip for full page at all times.
            clip = dict(x=0, y=0, width=width, height=height, scale=1)
            mobile = self._viewport.get('isMobile', False)
            deviceScaleFactor = self._viewport.get('deviceScaleFactor', 1)
            landscape = self._viewport.get('isLandscape', False)
            if landscape:
                screenOrientation = dict(angle=90, type='landscapePrimary')
                screenOrientation = dict(angle=0, type='portraitPrimary')
            await self._client.send('Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride', {
                'mobile': mobile,
                'width': width,
                'height': height,
                'deviceScaleFactor': deviceScaleFactor,
                'screenOrientation': screenOrientation,

        if options.get('omitBackground'):
            await self._client.send(
                {'color': {'r': 0, 'g': 0, 'b': 0, 'a': 0}},
        opt = {'format': format}
        if clip:
            opt['clip'] = clip
        result = await self._client.send('Page.captureScreenshot', opt)

        if options.get('omitBackground'):
            await self._client.send(

        if options.get('fullPage'):
            await self.setViewport(self._viewport)

        buffer = base64.b64decode(result.get('data', b''))
        _path = options.get('path')
        if _path:
            with open(_path, 'wb') as f:
        return buffer

    async def pdf(self, options: dict = None, **kwargs: Any) -> bytes:
        """Generate a pdf of the page.


        * ``path`` (str): The file path to save the PDF.
        * ``scale`` (float): Scale of the webpage rendering, defaults to ``1``.
        * ``displayHeaderFooter`` (bool): Display header and footer.
          Defaults to ``False``.
        * ``headerTemplate`` (str): HTML template for the print header. Should
          be valid HTML markup with following classes.

          * ``data``: formatted print date
          * ``title``: document title
          * ``url``: document location
          * ``pageNumber``: current page number
          * ``totalPages``: total pages in the document

        * ``footerTemplate`` (str): HTML template for the print footer. Should
          use the same template as ``headerTemplate``.
        * ``printBackground`` (bool): Print background graphics. Defaults to
        * ``landscape`` (bool): Paper orientation. Defaults to ``False``.
        * ``pageRanges`` (string): Paper ranges to print, e.g., '1-5,8,11-13'.
          Defaults to empty string, which means all pages.
        * ``foramt`` (str): Paper format. If set, takes prioprity over
          ``width`` or ``height``. Defaults to ``Letter``.
        * ``width`` (str): Paper width, accepts values labeled with units.
        * ``height`` (str): Paper height, accepts values labeled with units.
        * ``margin`` (dict): Paper margins, defaults to ``None``.

          * ``top`` (str): Top margin, accepts values labeled with units.
          * ``right`` (str): Right margin, accepts values labeled with units.
          * ``bottom`` (str): Bottom margin, accepts values labeled with units.
          * ``left`` (str): Left margin, accepts values labeled with units.

        :return bytes: Return generated PDF ``bytes`` object.
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        scale = options.get('scale', 1)
        displayHeaderFooter = bool(options.get('displayHeaderFooter'))
        headerTemplate = options.get('headerTemplate', '')
        footerTemplate = options.get('footerTemplate', '')
        printBackground = bool(options.get('printBackground'))
        landscape = bool(options.get('landscape'))
        pageRanges = options.get('pageRanges', '')

        paperWidth = 8.5
        paperHeight = 11.0
        if 'format' in options:
            fmt = Page.PaperFormats.get(options['format'].lower())
            if not fmt:
                raise ValueError('Unknown paper format: ' + options['format'])
            paperWidth = fmt['width']
            paperHeight = fmt['height']
            paperWidth = convertPrintParameterToInches(options.get('width')) or paperWidth  # noqa: E501
            paperHeight = convertPrintParameterToInches(options.get('height')) or paperHeight  # noqa: E501

        marginOptions = options.get('margin', {})
        marginTop = convertPrintParameterToInches(marginOptions.get('top')) or 0  # noqa: E501
        marginLeft = convertPrintParameterToInches(marginOptions.get('left')) or 0  # noqa: E501
        marginBottom = convertPrintParameterToInches(marginOptions.get('bottom')) or 0  # noqa: E501
        marginRight = convertPrintParameterToInches(marginOptions.get('right')) or 0  # noqa: E501

        result = await self._client.send('Page.printToPDF', dict(
        buffer = base64.b64decode(result.get('data', b''))
        if 'path' in options:
            with open(options['path'], 'wb') as f:
        return buffer

    async def plainText(self) -> str:
        """[Deprecated] Get page content as plain text."""
        logger.warning('`Page.plainText` is deprecated.')
        return await self.evaluate('() => document.body.innerText')

    async def title(self) -> str:
        """Get page title."""
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.title()

    async def close(self) -> None:
        """Close connection."""
        conn = self._client._connection
        if conn is None:
            raise PageError('Protocol Error: Connectoin Closed. '
                            'Most likely the page has been closed.')
        await conn.send('Target.closeTarget',
                        {'targetId': self._target._targetId})

    def mouse(self) -> Mouse:
        """Get :class:`~pyppeteer.input.Mouse` object."""
        return self._mouse

    async def click(self, selector: str, options: dict = None, **kwargs: Any
                    ) -> None:
        """Click element which matches ``selector``.

        This method fetches an element with ``selector``, scrolls it into view
        if needed, and then uses :attr:`mouse` to click in the center of the
        element. If there's no element matching ``selector``, the method raises

        Available options are:

        * ``button`` (str): ``left``, ``right``, or ``middle``, defaults to
        * ``clickCount`` (int): defaults to 1.
        * ``delay`` (int|float): Time to wait between ``mousedown`` and
          ``mouseup`` in milliseconds. defaults to 0.

        .. note:: If this method triggers a navigation event and there's a
            separate :meth:`waitForNavigation`, you may end up with a race
            condition that yields unexpected results. The correct pattern for
            click and wait for navigation is the following::

                await asyncio.wait([
                    page.click(selector, clickOptions),
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        handle = await self.J(selector)
        if not handle:
            raise PageError('No node found for selector: ' + selector)
        await handle.click(options)
        await handle.dispose()

    async def hover(self, selector: str) -> None:
        """Mouse hover the element which matches ``selector``.

        If no element matched the ``selector``, raise ``PageError``.
        handle = await self.J(selector)
        if not handle:
            raise PageError('No node found for selector: ' + selector)
        await handle.hover()
        await handle.dispose()

    async def focus(self, selector: str) -> None:
        """Focus the element which matches ``selector``.

        If no element matched the ``selector``, raise ``PageError``.
        handle = await self.J(selector)
        if not handle:
            raise PageError('No node found for selector: ' + selector)
        await self.evaluate('element => element.focus()', handle)
        await handle.dispose()

    async def select(self, selector: str, *values: str) -> List[str]:
        """Select options and return selected values.

        If no element matched the ``selector``, raise ``ElementHandleError``.
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.select(selector, *values)

    async def type(self, selector: str, text: str, options: dict = None,
                   **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Type ``text`` on the element which matches ``selector``.

        If no element matched the ``selector``, raise ``PageError``.

        Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.input.Keyboard.type`.
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        handle = await self.querySelector(selector)
        if handle is None:
            raise PageError('Cannot find {} on this page'.format(selector))
        await handle.type(text, options)
        await handle.dispose()

    def waitFor(self, selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: Union[str, int, float],
                options: dict = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Awaitable:
        """Wait for function, timeout, or element which matches on page.

        This method behaves differently with respect to the first argument:

        * If ``selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout`` is number (int or float), then it
          is treated as a timeout in milliseconds and this returns future which
          will be done after the timeout.
        * If ``selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout`` is a string of JavaScript
          function, this method is a shortcut to :meth:`waitForFunction`.
        * If ``selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout`` is a selector string, this method
          is a shortcut to :meth:`waitForSelector`.

        Pyppeteer tries to automatically detect function or selector, but
        sometimes miss-detects. If not work as you expected, use
        :meth:`waitForFunction` or :meth:`waitForSelector` dilectly.

        :arg selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: A selector or
          function string, or timeout (milliseconds).
        :arg Any args: Arguments to pass the function.
        :return: Return awaitable object which resolves to a JSHandle of the
                 success value.

        Available options: see :meth:`waitForFunction` or
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return frame.waitFor(
            selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout, options, *args, **kwargs)

    def waitForSelector(self, selector: str, options: dict = None,
                        **kwargs: Any) -> Awaitable:
        """Wait until element which matches ``selector`` appears on page.

        Wait for the ``selector`` to appear in page. If at the moment of
        callingthe method the ``selector`` already exists, the method will
        return immediately. If the selector doesn't appear after the
        ``timeout`` milliseconds of waiting, the function will raise error.

        :arg str selector: A selector of an element to wait for.
        :return: Return awaitable object which resolves when element specified
                 by selector string is added to DOM.

        This method accepts the following options:

        * ``visible`` (bool): Wait for element to be present in DOM and to be
          visible; i.e. to not have ``display: none`` or ``visibility: hidden``
          CSS properties. Defaults to ``False``.
        * ``hidden`` (bool): Wait for eleemnt to not be found in the DOM or to
          be hidden, i.e. have ``display: none`` or ``visibility: hidden`` CSS
          properties. Defaults to ``False``.
        * ``timeout`` (int|float): Maximum time to wait for in milliseconds.
          Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds).
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return frame.waitForSelector(selector, options, **kwargs)

    def waitForFunction(self, pageFunction: str, options: dict = None,
                        *args: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Awaitable:
        """Wait until the function completes and returns a truethy value.

        :arg Any args: Arguments to pass to ``pageFunction``.
        :return: Return awaitable object which resolves when the
                 ``pageFunction`` returns a truethy value. It resolves to a
                 :class:`~pyppeteer.execution_context.JSHandle` of the truethy

        This method accepts the following options:

        * ``polling`` (str|number): An interval at which the ``pageFunction``
          is executed, defaults to ``raf``. If ``polling`` is a number, then
          it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function
          would be executed. If ``polling`` is a string, then it can be one of
          the following values:

          * ``raf``: to constantly execute ``pageFunction`` in
            ``requestAnimationFrame`` callback. This is the tightest polling
            mode which is suitable to observe styling changes.
          * ``mutation``: to execute ``pageFunction`` on every DOM mutation.

        * ``timeout`` (int|float): maximum time to wait for in milliseconds.
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return frame.waitForFunction(pageFunction, options, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 8
class Page(EventEmitter):
    """Page class.

    This class provides methods to interact with a single tab of chrome. One
    :class:`~pyppeteer.browser.Browser` object might have multiple Page object.

    The :class:`Page` class emits various :attr:`~Page.Events` which can be
    handled by using ``on`` or ``once`` method, which is inherited from
    `pyee <https://pyee.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_'s ``EventEmitter`` class.

    #: Available events.
    Events = SimpleNamespace(

    PaperFormats: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]] = dict(
            'width': 8.5,
            'height': 11
            'width': 8.5,
            'height': 14
            'width': 11,
            'height': 17
            'width': 17,
            'height': 11
            'width': 33.1,
            'height': 46.8
            'width': 23.4,
            'height': 33.1
            'width': 16.5,
            'height': 23.4
            'width': 11.7,
            'height': 16.5
            'width': 8.27,
            'height': 11.7
            'width': 5.83,
            'height': 8.27

    async def create(client: Session,
                     ignoreHTTPSErrors: bool = False,
                     appMode: bool = False,
                     screenshotTaskQueue: list = None) -> 'Page':
        """Async function which makes new page object."""
        await client.send('Page.enable'),
        frameTree = (await client.send('Page.getFrameTree'))['frameTree']
        page = Page(client, frameTree, ignoreHTTPSErrors, screenshotTaskQueue)

        await asyncio.wait([
            client.send('Page.setLifecycleEventsEnabled', {'enabled': True}),
            client.send('Network.enable', {}),
            client.send('Runtime.enable', {}),
            client.send('Security.enable', {}),
            client.send('Performance.enable', {}),
        if ignoreHTTPSErrors:
            await client.send('Security.setOverrideCertificateErrors',
                              {'override': True})
        if not appMode:
            await page.setViewport({'width': 800, 'height': 600})
        return page

    def __init__(
        client: Session,
        frameTree: Dict,
        ignoreHTTPSErrors: bool = False,
        screenshotTaskQueue: list = None,
    ) -> None:
        self._client = client
        self._keyboard = Keyboard(client)
        self._mouse = Mouse(client, self._keyboard)
        self._touchscreen = Touchscreen(client, self._keyboard)
        self._frameManager = FrameManager(client, frameTree, self)
        self._networkManager = NetworkManager(client)
        self._emulationManager = EmulationManager(client)
        self._tracing = Tracing(client)
        self._pageBindings: Dict[str, Callable] = dict()
        self._ignoreHTTPSErrors = ignoreHTTPSErrors

        if screenshotTaskQueue is None:
            screenshotTaskQueue = list()
        self._screenshotTaskQueue = screenshotTaskQueue

        _fm = self._frameManager
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.FrameAttached, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.FrameDetached, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.FrameNavigated, event))

        _nm = self._networkManager
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.Request, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.Response, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.RequestFailed, event))
               lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.RequestFinished, event))

                  lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events.Load))
                  lambda event: self._onConsoleAPI(event))
                  lambda event: self._onDialog(event))
            'Runtime.exceptionThrown', lambda exception: self._handleException(
                  lambda event: self._onCertificateError(event))
                  lambda event: self._onTargetCrashed())
                  lambda event: self._emitMetrics(event))

    def _onTargetCrashed(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        self.emit('error', PageError('Page crashed!'))

    def mainFrame(self) -> Optional['Frame']:
        """Get main :class:`~pyppeteer.frame_manager.Frame` of this page."""
        return self._frameManager._mainFrame

    def keyboard(self) -> Keyboard:
        """Get :class:`~pyppeteer.input.Keyboard` object."""
        return self._keyboard

    def touchscreen(self) -> Touchscreen:
        """Get :class:`~pyppeteer.input.Touchscreen` object."""
        return self._touchscreen

    async def tap(self, selector: str) -> None:
        """Tap the element which matches the ``selector``.

        :arg str selector: A selector to search element to touch.
        handle = await self.J(selector)
        if not handle:
            raise PageError('No node found for selector: ' + selector)
        await handle.tap()
        await handle.dispose()

    def tracing(self) -> 'Tracing':
        """Get tracing object."""
        return self._tracing

    def frames(self) -> List['Frame']:
        """Get all frames of this page."""
        return list(self._frameManager.frames())

    async def setRequestInterception(self, value: bool) -> None:
        """Enable/disable request interception."""
        return await self._networkManager.setRequestInterception(value)

    async def setOfflineMode(self, enabled: bool) -> None:
        """Set offline mode enable/disable."""
        await self._networkManager.setOfflineMode(enabled)

    def _onCertificateError(self, event: Any) -> None:
        if not self._ignoreHTTPSErrors:
            self._client.send('Security.handleCertificateError', {
                'eventId': event.get('eventId'),
                'action': 'continue'

    async def querySelector(self, selector: str) -> Optional['ElementHandle']:
        """Get an Element which matches ``selector``.

        :arg str selector: A selector to search element.
        :return Optional[ElementHandle]: If element which matches the
            ``selector`` is found, return its
            :class:`~pyppeteer.element_handle.ElementHandle`. If not found,
            returns ``None``.
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.querySelector(selector)

    async def evaluateHandle(self, pageFunction: str, *args: Any) -> JSHandle:
        """Execute function on this page.

        Difference between :meth:`~pyppeteer.page.Page.evaluate` and
        :meth:`~pyppeteer.page.Page.evaluateHandle` is that
        ``evaluateHandle`` returns JSHandle object (not value).

        :arg str pageFunction: JavaScript function to be executed.
        if not self.mainFrame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        if not self.mainFrame.executionContext:
            raise PageError('No context.')
        return await self.mainFrame.executionContext.evaluateHandle(
            pageFunction, *args)

    async def queryObjects(self, prototypeHandle: JSHandle) -> JSHandle:
        """Iterate js heap and finds all the objects with the handle.

        :arg JSHandle prototypeHandle: JSHandle of prototype object.
        if not self.mainFrame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        if not self.mainFrame.executionContext:
            raise PageError('No context.')
        return await self.mainFrame.executionContext.queryObjects(

    async def querySelectorEval(self, selector: str, pageFunction: str,
                                *args: Any) -> Optional[Any]:
        """Execute function with an element which matches ``selector``.

        :arg str selector: A selector to query page for.
        :arg str pageFunction: String of JavaScript function to be evaluated on
                               browser. This function takes an element which
                               matches the selector as a first argument.
        :arg Any args: Arguments to pass to ``pageFunction``.

        This method raises error if no element matched the ``selector``.
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.querySelectorEval(selector, pageFunction, *args)

    async def querySelectorAllEval(self, selector: str, pageFunction: str,
                                   *args: Any) -> Optional[Any]:
        """Execute function with all elements which matches ``selector``.

        :arg str selector: A selector to query page for.
        :arg str pageFunction: String of JavaScript function to be evaluated on
                               browser. This function takes Array of the
                               matched elements as the first argument.
        :arg Any args: Arguments to pass to ``pageFunction``.
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.querySelectorAllEval(selector, pageFunction, *args)

    async def querySelectorAll(self, selector: str) -> List['ElementHandle']:
        """Get all element which matches `selector` as a list.

        :arg str selector: A selector to search element.
        :return List[ElementHandle]: List of
            :class:`~pyppeteer.element_handle.ElementHandle` which matches the
            ``selector``. If no element is matched to the ``selector``, return
            empty list.
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.querySelectorAll(selector)

    #: alias to :meth:`Page.querySelector`
    J = querySelector
    #: alias to :meth:`Page.querySelectorEval`
    Jeval = querySelectorEval
    #: alias to :meth:`Page.querySelectorAll`
    JJ = querySelectorAll
    #: alias to :meth:`Page.querySelectorAllEval`
    JJeval = querySelectorAllEval

    async def cookies(self, *urls: str) -> dict:
        """Get cookies."""
        if not urls:
            urls = (self.url, )
        resp = await self._client.send('Network.getCookies', {
            'urls': urls,
        return resp.get('cookies', {})

    async def deleteCookie(self, *cookies: dict) -> None:
        """Delete cookie."""
        pageURL = self.url
        for cookie in cookies:
            item = dict(**cookie)
            if not cookie.get('url') and pageURL.startswith('http'):
                item['url'] = pageURL
            await self._client.send('Network.deleteCookies', item)

    async def setCookie(self, *cookies: dict) -> None:
        """Set cookies."""
        items = []
        for cookie in cookies:
            item = dict(**cookie)
            pageURL = self.url
            if 'url' not in item and pageURL.startswith('http'):
                item['url'] = pageURL
        await self.deleteCookie(*items)
        if items:
            await self._client.send('Network.setCookies', {
                'cookies': items,

    async def addScriptTag(self,
                           options: Dict = None,
                           **kwargs: str) -> ElementHandle:
        """Add script tag to this page.

        One of ``url``, ``path`` or ``content`` option is necessary.
            * ``url`` (string): URL of a script to add.
            * ``path`` (string): Path to the local JavaScript file to add.
            * ``content`` (string): JavaScript string to add.

        :return ElementHandle: :class:`~pyppeteer.element_handle.ElementHandle`
                               of added tag.
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        return await frame.addScriptTag(options)

    async def addStyleTag(self,
                          options: Dict = None,
                          **kwargs: str) -> ElementHandle:
        """Add style or link tag to this page.

        One of ``url``, ``path`` or ``content`` option is necessary.
            * ``url`` (string): URL of the link tag to add.
            * ``path`` (string): Path to the local CSS file to add.
            * ``content`` (string): CSS string to add.

        :return ElementHandle: :class:`~pyppeteer.element_handle.ElementHandle`
                               of added tag.
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        return await frame.addStyleTag(options)

    async def injectFile(self, filePath: str) -> str:
        """[Deprecated] Inject file to this page.

        This method is deprecated. Use :meth:`addScriptTag` instead.
        warnings.warn('Page.injectFile is deprecated.', DeprecationWarning)
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.injectFile(filePath)

    async def exposeFunction(self, name: str,
                             pyppeteerFunction: Callable) -> None:
        """Add python function to the browser's ``window`` object as ``name``.

        Registered function can be called from chrome process.

        :arg string name: Name of the function on the window object.
        :arg Callable pyppeteerFunction: Function which will be called on
                                         python process.
        if self._pageBindings.get(name):
            raise PageError(f'Failed to add page binding with name {name}: '
                            f'window["{name}"] already exists!')
        self._pageBindings[name] = pyppeteerFunction

        addPageBinding = '''
function addPageBinding(bindingName) {
  window[bindingName] = async(...args) => {
    const me = window[bindingName];
    let callbacks = me['callbacks'];
    if (!callbacks) {
      callbacks = new Map();
      me['callbacks'] = callbacks;
    const seq = (me['lastSeq'] || 0) + 1;
    me['lastSeq'] = seq;
    const promise = new Promise(fulfill => callbacks.set(seq, fulfill));
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    console.debug('driver:page-binding', JSON.stringify({name: bindingName, seq, args}));
    return promise;
        '''  # noqa: E501
        expression = helper.evaluationString(addPageBinding, name)
        await self._client.send('Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument',
                                {'source': expression})
        await asyncio.wait([
            frame.evaluate(expression, force_expr=True)
            for frame in self.frames

    async def authenticate(self, credentials: Dict[str, str]) -> Any:
        """Provide credentials for http authentication.

        ``credentials`` should be ``None`` or dict which has ``username`` and
        ``password`` field.
        return await self._networkManager.authenticate(credentials)

    async def setExtraHTTPHeaders(self, headers: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
        """Set extra http headers."""
        return await self._networkManager.setExtraHTTPHeaders(headers)

    async def setUserAgent(self, userAgent: str) -> None:
        """Set user agent."""
        return await self._networkManager.setUserAgent(userAgent)

    async def metrics(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Get metrics."""
        response = await self._client.send('Performance.getMetrics')
        return self._buildMetricsObject(response['metrics'])

    def _emitMetrics(self, event: Dict) -> None:
            Page.Events.Metrics, {
                'title': event['title'],
                'metrics': self._buildMetricsObject(event['metrics']),

    def _buildMetricsObject(self, metrics: List) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        result = {}
        for metric in metrics or []:
            if metric['name'] in supportedMetrics:
                result[metric['name']] = metric['value']
        return result

    def _handleException(self, exceptionDetails: Dict) -> None:
        message = helper.getExceptionMessage(exceptionDetails)
        self.emit(Page.Events.PageError, PageError(message))

    def _onConsoleAPI(self, event: dict) -> None:
        _args = event.get('args', [])
        if (event.get('type') == 'debug' and _args
                and _args[0]['value'] == 'driver:page-binding'):
            obj = json.loads(_args[1]['value'])
            name = obj.get('name')
            seq = obj.get('seq')
            args = obj.get('args')
            result = self._pageBindings[name](*args)

            deliverResult = '''
function deliverResult(name, seq, result) {
            expression = helper.evaluationString(deliverResult, name, seq,
                    'Runtime.evaluate', {
                        'expression': expression,
                        'contextId': event['executionContextId'],

        if not self.listeners(Page.Events.Console):
            for arg in _args:
                asyncio.ensure_future(helper.releaseObject(self._client, arg))

        _id = event['executionContextId']
        values = []
        for arg in _args:
            values.append(self._frameManager.createJSHandle(_id, arg))

        textTokens = []
        for arg, value in zip(_args, values):
            if arg.get('objectId'):

        message = ConsoleMessage(event['type'], ' '.join(textTokens), values)
        self.emit(Page.Events.Console, message)

    def _onDialog(self, event: Any) -> None:
        dialogType = ''
        _type = event.get('type')
        if _type == 'alert':
            dialogType = Dialog.Type.Alert
        elif (_type == 'confirm'):
            dialogType = Dialog.Type.Confirm
        elif (_type == 'prompt'):
            dialogType = Dialog.Type.Prompt
        elif (_type == 'beforeunload'):
            dialogType = Dialog.Type.BeforeUnload
        dialog = Dialog(self._client, dialogType, event.get('message'),
        self.emit(Page.Events.Dialog, dialog)

    def url(self) -> str:
        """Get url of this page."""
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return frame.url

    async def content(self) -> str:
        """Get the whole HTML contents of the page."""
        return await self.evaluate('''
() => {
  let retVal = '';
  if (document.doctype)
    retVal = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(document.doctype);
  if (document.documentElement)
    retVal += document.documentElement.outerHTML;
  return retVal;

    async def setContent(self, html: str) -> None:
        """Set content to this page."""
        func = '''
function(html) {
        await self.evaluate(func, html)

    async def goto(self,
                   url: str,
                   options: dict = None,
                   **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Response]:
        """Go to the url.

        :arg string url: URL to go.
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        referrer = self._networkManager.extraHTTPHeaders().get('referer', '')
        requests: Dict[str, Request] = dict()
        eventListeners = [
                self._networkManager, NetworkManager.Events.Request,
                lambda request: requests.__setitem__(request.url, request))

        mainFrame = self._frameManager.mainFrame
        if mainFrame is None:
            raise PageError('No main frame.')
        watcher = NavigatorWatcher(self._frameManager, mainFrame, options)

        result = await self._navigate(url, referrer)
        if result is not None:
            raise PageError(result)
        result = await watcher.navigationPromise()
        error = result[0].pop().exception()  # type: ignore
        if error:
            raise error

        request = requests.get(mainFrame.url)
        return request.response if request else None

    async def _navigate(self, url: str, referrer: str) -> Optional[str]:
        response = await self._client.send('Page.navigate', {
            'url': url,
            'referrer': referrer
        if response.get('errorText'):
            return response['errorText']
        return None

    async def reload(self,
                     options: dict = None,
                     **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Response]:
        """Reload this page."""
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        response = (await asyncio.gather(
        return response

    async def waitForNavigation(self,
                                options: dict = None,
                                **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Response]:
        """Wait for navigation completes."""
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        mainFrame = self._frameManager.mainFrame
        if mainFrame is None:
            raise PageError('No main frame.')
        watcher = NavigatorWatcher(self._frameManager, mainFrame, options)
        responses: Dict[str, Response] = dict()
        listener = helper.addEventListener(
            self._networkManager, NetworkManager.Events.Response,
            lambda response: responses.__setitem__(response.url, response))
        result = await watcher.navigationPromise()
        error = result[0].pop().exception()
        if error:
            raise error

        response = responses.get(self.url, None)
        return response

    async def goBack(self,
                     options: dict = None,
                     **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Response]:
        """Go back history."""
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        return await self._go(-1, options)

    async def goForward(self,
                        options: dict = None,
                        **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Response]:
        """Go forward history."""
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        return await self._go(+1, options)

    async def _go(self, delta: int, options: dict) -> Optional[Response]:
        history = await self._client.send('Page.getNavigationHistory')
        _count = history.get('currentIndex', 0) + delta
        entries = history.get('entries', [])
        if len(entries) < _count:
            return None
        entry = entries[_count]
        response = (await asyncio.gather(
                              {'entryId': entry.get('id')})))[0]
        return response

    async def bringToFront(self) -> None:
        """Bring page to front (activate tab)."""
        await self._client.send('Page.bringToFront')

    async def emulate(self, options: dict = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Emulate viewport and user agent."""
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        # TODO: if options does not have viewport or userAgent,
        # skip its setting.
        await self.setViewport(options.get('viewport', {}))
        await self.setUserAgent(options.get('userAgent', ''))

    async def setJavaScriptEnabled(self, enabled: bool) -> None:
        """Set JavaScript enable/disable."""
        await self._client.send('Emulation.setScriptExecutionDisabled', {
            'value': not enabled,

    async def emulateMedia(self, mediaType: str = None) -> None:
        """Emulate css media type of the page."""
        if mediaType not in ['screen', 'print', None, '']:
            raise ValueError(f'Unsupported media type: {mediaType}')
        await self._client.send('Emulation.setEmulatedMedia', {
            'media': mediaType or '',

    async def setViewport(self, viewport: dict) -> None:
        """Set viewport.

        Available options are:
            * ``width`` (int): page width in pixel.
            * ``height`` (int): page height in pixel.
            * ``deviceScaleFactor`` (float): Default to 1.0.
            * ``isMobile`` (bool): Default to ``False``.
            * ``hasTouch`` (bool): Default to ``False``.
            * ``isLandscape`` (bool): Default to ``False``.
        needsReload = await self._emulationManager.emulateViewport(
        self._viewport = viewport
        if needsReload:
            await self.reload()

    def viewport(self) -> dict:
        """Get viewport dict.

        Field of returned dict is same as :meth:`setViewport`.
        return self._viewport

    async def evaluate(self,
                       pageFunction: str,
                       *args: Any,
                       force_expr: bool = False) -> Any:
        """Execute js-function or js-expression on browser and get result.

        :arg str pageFunction: String of js-function/expression to be executed
                               on the browser.
        :arg bool force_expr: If True, evaluate `pageFunction` as expression.
                              If False (default), try to automatically detect
                              function or expression.

        note: ``force_expr`` option is a keyword only argument.
        frame = self._frameManager.mainFrame
        if frame is None:
            raise PageError('No main frame.')
        return await frame.evaluate(pageFunction, *args, force_expr=force_expr)

    async def evaluateOnNewDocument(self, pageFunction: str,
                                    *args: str) -> None:
        """Add a JavaScript function to the document.

        This function would be invoked in one of the following scenarios:

        * whenever the page is navigated
        * whenever the child frame is attached or navigated. Inthis case, the
          function is invoked in the context of the newly attached frame.
        source = helper.evaluationString(pageFunction, *args)
        await self._client.send('Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument', {
            'source': source,

    async def screenshot(self, options: dict = None, **kwargs: Any) -> bytes:
        """Take a screen shot.

        The following options are available:

        * ``path`` (str): The file path to save the image to. The screenshot
          type will be inferred from the file extension.
        * ``type`` (str): Specify screenshot type, can be either ``jpeg`` or
          ``png``. Defaults to ``png``.
        * ``quality`` (int): The quality of the image, between 0-100. Not
          applicable to ``png`` image.
        * ``fullpage`` (bool): When true, take a screenshot of the full
          scrollable page. Defaults to ``False``.
        * ``clip`` (dict): An object which specifies clipping region of the
          page. This option should have the following fields:

          * ``x`` (int): x-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area.
          * ``y`` (int): y-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area.
          * ``width`` (int): width of clipping area.
          * ``height`` (int): height of clipping area.

        * ``omitBackground`` (bool): Hide default white background and allow
          capturing screenshot with transparency.
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        screenshotType = None
        if 'path' in options:
            mimeType, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(options['path'])
            if mimeType == 'image/png':
                screenshotType = 'png'
            elif mimeType == 'image/jpeg':
                screenshotType = 'jpeg'
                raise PageError('Unsupported screenshot '
                                f'mime type: {mimeType}')
        if 'type' in options:
            screenshotType = options['type']
        if not screenshotType:
            screenshotType = 'png'
        return await self._screenshotTask(screenshotType, options)

    async def _screenshotTask(self, format: str,
                              options: dict) -> bytes:  # noqa: C901,E501
        await self._client.send('Target.activateTarget', {
            'targetId': self._client.targetId,
        clip = options.get('clip')
        if clip:
            clip['scale'] = 1

        if options.get('fullPage'):
            metrics = await self._client.send('Page.getLayoutMetrics')
            width = math.ceil(metrics['contentSize']['width'])
            height = math.ceil(metrics['contentSize']['height'])

            # Overwrite clip for full page at all times.
            clip = dict(x=0, y=0, width=width, height=height, scale=1)
            mobile = self._viewport.get('isMobile', False)
            deviceScaleFactor = self._viewport.get('deviceScaleFactor', 1)
            landscape = self._viewport.get('isLandscape', False)
            if landscape:
                screenOrientation = dict(angle=90, type='landscapePrimary')
                screenOrientation = dict(angle=0, type='portraitPrimary')
            await self._client.send(
                'Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride', {
                    'mobile': mobile,
                    'width': width,
                    'height': height,
                    'deviceScaleFactor': deviceScaleFactor,
                    'screenOrientation': screenOrientation,

        if options.get('omitBackground'):
            await self._client.send(
                {'color': {
                    'r': 0,
                    'g': 0,
                    'b': 0,
                    'a': 0
        opt = {'format': format}
        if clip:
            opt['clip'] = clip
        result = await self._client.send('Page.captureScreenshot', opt)

        if options.get('omitBackground'):
            await self._client.send(

        if options.get('fullPage'):
            await self.setViewport(self._viewport)

        buffer = base64.b64decode(result.get('data', b''))
        _path = options.get('path')
        if _path:
            with open(_path, 'wb') as f:
        return buffer

    async def pdf(self, options: dict = None, **kwargs: Any) -> bytes:
        """Generate a pdf of the page.


        * ``path`` (str): The file path to save the PDF.
        * ``scale`` (float): Scale of the webpage rendering, defaults to ``1``.
        * ``displayHeaderFooter`` (bool): Display header and footer.
          Defaults to ``False``.
        * ``headerTemplate`` (str): HTML template for the print header. Should
          be valid HTML markup with following classes.

          * ``data``: formatted print date
          * ``title``: document title
          * ``url``: document location
          * ``pageNumber``: current page number
          * ``totalPages``: total pages in the document

        * ``footerTemplate`` (str): HTML template for the print footer. Should
          use the same template as ``headerTemplate``.
        * ``printBackground`` (bool): Print background graphics. Defaults to
        * ``landscape`` (bool): Paper orientation. Defaults to ``False``.
        * ``pageRanges`` (string): Paper ranges to print, e.g., '1-5,8,11-13'.
          Defaults to empty string, which means all pages.
        * ``foramt`` (str): Paper format. If set, takes prioprity over
          ``width`` or ``height``. Defaults to ``Letter``.
        * ``width`` (str): Paper width, accepts values labeled with units.
        * ``height`` (str): Paper height, accepts values labeled with units.
        * ``margin`` (dict): Paper margins, defaults to ``None``.

          * ``top`` (str): Top margin, accepts values labeled with units.
          * ``right`` (str): Right margin, accepts values labeled with units.
          * ``bottom`` (str): Bottom margin, accepts values labeled with units.
          * ``left`` (str): Left margin, accepts values labeled with units.

        :return bytes: Return generated PDF ``bytes`` object.
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        scale = options.get('scale', 1)
        displayHeaderFooter = bool(options.get('displayHeaderFooter'))
        headerTemplate = options.get('headerTemplate', '')
        footerTemplate = options.get('footerTemplate', '')
        printBackground = bool(options.get('printBackground'))
        landscape = bool(options.get('landscape'))
        pageRanges = options.get('pageRanges', '')

        paperWidth = 8.5
        paperHeight = 11.0
        if 'format' in options:
            fmt = Page.PaperFormats.get(options['format'].lower())
            if not fmt:
                raise ValueError('Unknown paper format: ' + options['format'])
            paperWidth = fmt['width']
            paperHeight = fmt['height']
            paperWidth = convertPrintParameterToInches(
                options.get('width')) or paperWidth  # noqa: E501
            paperHeight = convertPrintParameterToInches(
                options.get('height')) or paperHeight  # noqa: E501

        marginOptions = options.get('margin', {})
        marginTop = convertPrintParameterToInches(
            marginOptions.get('top')) or 0  # noqa: E501
        marginLeft = convertPrintParameterToInches(
            marginOptions.get('left')) or 0  # noqa: E501
        marginBottom = convertPrintParameterToInches(
            marginOptions.get('bottom')) or 0  # noqa: E501
        marginRight = convertPrintParameterToInches(
            marginOptions.get('right')) or 0  # noqa: E501

        result = await self._client.send(
        buffer = base64.b64decode(result.get('data', b''))
        if 'path' in options:
            with open(options['path'], 'wb') as f:
        return buffer

    async def plainText(self) -> str:
        """[Deprecated] Get page content as plain text."""
        warnings.warn('page.plainText is deprecated.', DeprecationWarning)
        return await self.evaluate('() => document.body.innerText')

    async def title(self) -> str:
        """Get page title."""
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.title()

    async def close(self) -> None:
        """Close connection."""
        await self._client.dispose()

    def mouse(self) -> Mouse:
        """Get :class:`~pyppeteer.input.Mouse` object."""
        return self._mouse

    async def click(self,
                    selector: str,
                    options: dict = None,
                    **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Click element which matches `selector`."""
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        handle = await self.J(selector)
        if not handle:
            raise PageError('No node found for selector: ' + selector)
        await handle.click(options)
        await handle.dispose()

    async def hover(self, selector: str) -> None:
        """Mouse hover the element which matches ``selector``.

        If no element matched the ``selector``, raise ``PageError``.
        handle = await self.J(selector)
        if not handle:
            raise PageError('No node found for selector: ' + selector)
        await handle.hover()
        await handle.dispose()

    async def focus(self, selector: str) -> None:
        """Focus the element which matches ``selector``.

        If no element matched the ``selector``, raise ``PageError``.
        handle = await self.J(selector)
        if not handle:
            raise PageError('No node found for selector: ' + selector)
        await self.evaluate('element => element.focus()', handle)
        await handle.dispose()

    async def select(self, selector: str, *values: str) -> List[str]:
        """Select options and return selected values.

        If no element matched the ``selector``, raise ``ElementHandleError``.
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return await frame.select(selector, *values)

    async def type(self,
                   selector: str,
                   text: str,
                   options: dict = None,
                   **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Type ``text`` on the element which matches ``selector``.

        If no element matched the ``selector``, raise ``PageError``.

        Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.input.Keyboard.type`.
        options = merge_dict(options, kwargs)
        handle = await self.querySelector(selector)
        if handle is None:
            raise PageError('Cannot find {} on this page'.format(selector))
        await handle.type(text, options)
        await handle.dispose()

    def waitFor(self,
                selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: Union[str, int, float],
                options: dict = None,
                *args: Any,
                **kwargs: Any) -> Awaitable:
        """Wait for function, timeout, or element which matches on page.

        This method behaves differently with respect to the first argument:

        * If ``selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout`` is number (int or float), then it
          is treated as a timeout in milliseconds and this returns future which
          will be done after the timeout.
        * If ``selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout`` is a string of JavaScript
          function, this method is a shortcut to :meth:`waitForFunction`.
        * If ``selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout`` is a selector string, this method
          is a shortcut to :meth:`waitForSelector`.

        Pyppeteer tries to automatically detect function or selector, but
        sometimes miss-detects. If not work as you expected, use
        :meth:`waitForFunction` or :meth:`waitForSelector` dilectly.
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return frame.waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout, options, *args,

    def waitForSelector(self,
                        selector: str,
                        options: dict = None,
                        **kwargs: Any) -> Awaitable:
        """Wait until element which matches ``selector`` appears on page.

        This method accepts the following options:

        * ``visible`` (bool): Wait for element to be present in DOM and to be
          visible; i.e. to not have ``display: none`` or ``visibility: hidden``
          CSS properties. Defaults to ``False``.
        * ``hidden`` (bool): Wait for eleemnt to not be found in the DOM or to
          be hidden, i.e. have ``display: none`` or ``visibility: hidden`` CSS
          properties. Defaults to ``False``.
        * ``timeout`` (int|float): Maximum time to wait for in milliseconds.
          Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds).
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return frame.waitForSelector(selector, options, **kwargs)

    def waitForFunction(self,
                        pageFunction: str,
                        options: dict = None,
                        *args: str,
                        **kwargs: Any) -> Awaitable:
        """Wait until the function completes.

        This method accepts the following options:

        * ``polling`` (str|number): **Not Implemented Yet**
        * ``timeout`` (int|float): maximum time to wait for in milliseconds.
        frame = self.mainFrame
        if not frame:
            raise PageError('no main frame.')
        return frame.waitForFunction(pageFunction, options, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 9
class FrameManager(AsyncIOEventEmitter):
    """FrameManager class."""

    Events = SimpleNamespace(

    def __init__(self, client: CDPSession, page: Any,
                 ignoreHTTPSErrors) -> None:
        """Make new frame manager."""
        self._client = client
        self._page = page
        self._networkmanager = NetworkManager(client, self, ignoreHTTPSErrors)
        self._frames: OrderedDict[str, Frame] = OrderedDict()
        self._mainFrame: Optional[Frame] = None
        self._contextIdToContext: Dict[str, ExecutionContext] = dict()
        self._isolatedWorlds = set()

            'Page.frameAttached', lambda event: self._onFrameAttached(
                event.get('frameId', ''), event.get('parentFrameId', '')))
                  lambda event: self._onFrameNavigated(event.get('frame')))
            lambda event: self._onFrameNavigatedWithinDocument(
                event.get('frameId'), event.get('url')))
                  lambda event: self._onFrameDetached(event.get('frameId')))
            lambda event: self._onFrameStoppedLoading(event.get('frameId')))
            'Runtime.executionContextCreated', lambda event: self.
            lambda event: self._onExecutionContextDestroyed(
                  lambda event: self._onExecutionContextsCleared())
                  lambda event: self._onLifecycleEvent(event))

    async def initialize(self):
        _, FrameTree = await asyncio.gather(
        frameTree = FrameTree['frameTree']

        runtime = asyncio.ensure_future(self._client.send('Runtime.enable'))
        runtime.add_done_callback(lambda x: self._client._loop.create_task(
        await asyncio.gather(
                              {"enabled": True}), runtime,

    async def _ensureIsolatedWorld(self, name: str):
        if name in self._isolatedWorlds:
        await self._client.send('Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument', {
            "source": f'//# sourceURL={EVALUATION_SCRIPT_URL}',
            "worldName": name
        await asyncio.gather(*map(
            lambda frame: self._client.send(
                'Page.createIsolatedWorld', {
                    "frameId": frame._id,
                    "grantUniveralAccess": True,
                    "worldName": name
                }), self.frames()))

    def _onLifecycleEvent(self, event: Dict) -> None:
        frame = self._frames.get(event['frameId'])
        if not frame:
        frame._onLifecycleEvent(event['loaderId'], event['name'])
        self.emit(FrameManager.Events.LifecycleEvent, frame)

    def _onFrameStoppedLoading(self, frameId: str) -> None:
        frame = self._frames.get(frameId)
        if not frame:
        self.emit(FrameManager.Events.LifecycleEvent, frame)

    def _handleFrameTree(self, frameTree: Dict) -> None:
        frame = frameTree['frame']
        if 'parentId' in frame:
        if 'childFrames' not in frameTree:
        for child in frameTree['childFrames']:

    def mainFrame(self) -> Optional['Frame']:
        """Return main frame."""
        return self._mainFrame

    def frames(self) -> List['Frame']:
        """Return all frames."""
        return list(self._frames.values())

    def frame(self, frameId: str) -> Optional['Frame']:
        """Return :class:`Frame` of ``frameId``."""
        return self._frames.get(frameId)

    def _onFrameAttached(self, frameId: str, parentFrameId: str) -> None:
        if frameId in self._frames:
        parentFrame = self._frames.get(parentFrameId)
        frame = Frame(self, self._client, parentFrame, frameId)
        self._frames[frameId] = frame
        self.emit(FrameManager.Events.FrameAttached, frame)

    def _onFrameNavigated(self, framePayload: dict) -> None:
        isMainFrame = not framePayload.get('parentId')
        if isMainFrame:
            frame = self._mainFrame
            frame = self._frames.get(framePayload.get('id', ''))
        if not (isMainFrame or frame):
            raise PageError('We either navigate top level or have old version '
                            'of the navigated frame')

        # Detach all child frames first.
        if frame:
            for child in frame.childFrames:

        # Update or create main frame.
        _id = framePayload.get('id', '')
        if isMainFrame:
            if frame:
                # Update frame id to retain frame identity on cross-process navigation.  # noqa: E501
                self._frames.pop(frame._id, None)
                frame._id = _id
                # Initial main frame navigation.
                frame = Frame(self, self._client, None, _id)
            self._frames[_id] = frame
            self._mainFrame = frame

        # Update frame payload.
        frame._navigated(framePayload)  # type: ignore
        self.emit(FrameManager.Events.FrameNavigated, frame)

    def _onFrameNavigatedWithinDocument(self, frameId: str, url: str) -> None:
        frame = self._frames.get(frameId)
        if not frame:
        self.emit(FrameManager.Events.FrameNavigatedWithinDocument, frame)
        self.emit(FrameManager.Events.FrameNavigated, frame)

    def _onFrameDetached(self, frameId: str) -> None:
        frame = self._frames.get(frameId)
        if frame:

    def _onExecutionContextCreated(self, contextPayload: Dict) -> None:
        if (contextPayload.get('auxData')
                and contextPayload['auxData']['isDefault']):
            frameId = contextPayload['auxData']['frameId']
            frameId = None

        frame = self._frames.get(frameId) if frameId else None

        context = ExecutionContext(
        self._contextIdToContext[contextPayload['id']] = context

        if frame:

    def _removeContext(self, context: ExecutionContext) -> None:
        frame = self._frames[context._frameId] if context._frameId else None
        if frame and context._isDefault:

    def _onExecutionContextDestroyed(self, executionContextId: str) -> None:
        context = self._contextIdToContext.get(executionContextId)
        if not context:
        del self._contextIdToContext[executionContextId]

    def _onExecutionContextsCleared(self) -> None:
        for context in self._contextIdToContext.values():

    def createJSHandle(self,
                       contextId: str,
                       remoteObject: Dict = None) -> JSHandle:
        """Create JS handle associated to the context id and remote object."""
        if remoteObject is None:
            remoteObject = dict()
        context = self._contextIdToContext.get(contextId)
        if not context:
            raise ElementHandleError(f'missing context with id = {contextId}')
        return createJSHandle(context, remoteObject)

    def _removeFramesRecursively(self, frame: 'Frame') -> None:
        for child in frame.childFrames:
        self._frames.pop(frame._id, None)
        self.emit(FrameManager.Events.FrameDetached, frame)

    def NetworkManager(self):
        return self._networkmanager
Exemplo n.º 10
class Page(EventEmitter):

    Events = {
        'Console': 'console',
        'Dialog': 'dialog',
        'Error': 'error',
        'PageError': 'pageerror',
        'Request': 'request',
        'Response': 'response',
        'RequestFailed': 'requestfailed',
        'RequestFinished': 'requestfinished',
        'FrameAttached': 'frameattached',
        'FrameDetached': 'framedetached',
        'FrameNavigated': 'framenavigated',
        'Load': 'load',

    async def create(client, ignore_https_errors, screenshot_task_queue):
        await asyncio.gather(client.send('Network.enable', {}),
                             client.send('Page.enable', {}),
                             client.send('Runtime.enable', {}),
                             client.send('Security.enable', {}))
        if ignore_https_errors:
            await client.send('Security.setOverrideCertificateErrors',
                              {'override': True})
        page = Page(client, ignore_https_errors, screenshot_task_queue)
        await page.goto('about:blank')
        await page.set_viewport({'width': 800, 'height': 600})
        return page

    def __init__(self,
        self._client = client
        self._keyborad = Keyboard(client)
        self._mouse = Mouse(client, self._keyborad)
        self._frame_manager = FrameManager(client, self._mouse)
        self._network_manager = NetworkManager(client)
        self._emulation_manager = EmulationManager(client)

        self._tracing = None

        self._page_bindings = {}
        self._ignore_https_errors = ignore_https_errors

        self._screenshot_task_queue = screenshot_task_queue

            lambda ev: self.emit(Page.Events['FrameAttached'], ev))
            lambda ev: self.emit(Page.Events['FrameDetached'], ev))
            lambda ev: self.emit(Page.Events['FrameNavigated'], ev))

            lambda ev: self.emit(Page.Events['Request'], ev))
            lambda ev: self.emit(Page.Events['Response'], ev))
            lambda ev: self.emit(Page.Events['RequestFailed'], ev))
            lambda ev: self.emit(Page.Events['RequestFinished'], ev))

                  lambda event: self.emit(Page.Events['Load']))
        # client.on(
        #     'Runtime.consoleAPICalled',
        #     self._on_console_api
        # )
        # client.on(
        #     'Page.javascriptDialogOpening',
        #     self.on_dialog
        # )
        # client.on(
        #     'Runtime.exceptionThrown',
        #     self._handle_exception
        # )
        client.on('Security.certificateError', self._on_certificate_error)
        client.on('Inspector.targetCrashed', self._on_target_crashed)

    def _get_scope(self, responses):
        def _tmp(response):
            print('Resp cb----------')
            responses[response.url] = response

        return _tmp

    def _on_target_crashed(self):
        self.emit('error', Exception('Page crashed!'))

    def main_frame(self):
        return self._frame_manager.main_frame()

    def keyboard(self):
        return self._keyborad

    def tracing(self):
        return self._tracing

    def frames(self):
        return self._frame_manager.frames()

    async def set_request_interception_enabled(self, value):
        return await self._network_manager.set_request_interception_enabled(

    def _on_certificate_error(self, event):

    async def S(selector):
        return self.main_frame().S(selector)

    async def SS(selector):
        return self.main_frame().SS(selector)

    async def goto(self, url, options={}):
        watcher = NavigatorWatcher(self._client, self._ignore_https_errors,
        responses = {}

        listener = Helper.add_event_listener(self._network_manager,
        result = watcher.wait_for_navigation()

        referrer = self._network_manager.extra_http_headers().get(
            'referer', '')
            await self._client.send('Page.navigate', {
                'url': url,
                'referrer': referrer
        except Exception as e:
            raise e
        await result
        if self._frame_manager.is_main_frame_loading_failed():
            raise Exception('Failed to navigate: {}'.format(url))
        return responses.get(self.main_frame().url(), None)

    async def set_viewport(self, viewport={}):
        needs_reload = await self._emulation_manager.emulate_viewport(
            self._client, viewport)
        self._viewport = viewport
        if needs_reload:
            await self.reload()

    def viewport():
        return self._viewport

    async def reload(options):
        await self._client.send('Page.reload')
        return await self.wait_for_navigation(options)

    async def wait_for_navigation(self, options):
        watcher = NavigatorWatcher(self._client, self.ignore_https_errors,
        responses = {}

        def set_resp(response):
            global responses
            responses[response['url']] = response

        listener = Helper.add_event_listener(self._network_manager,
        fut = await watcher.wait_for_navigation()
        return responses.get(self.main_frame().url(), None)

    async def screenshot(self, options={}):
        screenshot_type = None
        if 'path' in options and options['path']:
            mime_type, enc = mimetypes.guess_type(options['path'])
            if mime_type == 'image/png':
                screenshot_type = 'png'
            elif mime_type == 'image/jpeg':
                screenshot_type = 'jpeg'
            assert screenshot_type
        if 'type' in options and options['type']:
            assert not screenshot_type or options['type'] == screenshot_type
            assert options['type'] in ['png', 'jpeg']
            screenshot_type = options['type']
        if not screenshot_type:
            screenshot_type = 'png'

        if 'quality' in options and options['quality']:
            assert screenshot_type == 'jpeg'
            assert isinstance(options['quality'], int)
            assert options['quality'] >= 0 and options['quality'] <= 100
        if 'clip' in options and options['clip']:
            assert isinstance(options['clip']['x'], (int, float))
            assert isinstance(options['clip']['y'], (int, float))
            assert isinstance(options['clip']['height'], (int, float))
            assert isinstance(options['clip']['width'], (int, float))
        # return await self._screenshot_task_queue.post_task(
        #     self._screenshot_task(
        #         screenshot_type,
        #         options
        #     )
        # )
        res = await self._screenshot_task(screenshot_type, options)
        return res

    async def _screenshot_task(self, _format, options={}):
        await self._client.send('Target.activateTarget',
                                {'targetId': self._client.target_id()})
        clip = options['clip'] if 'clip' in options else None
        if clip:
            clip['scale'] = 1

        if 'fullPage' in options and options['fullPage']:
            metrics = await self._client.send('Page.getLayoutMetrics')
            width = math.ceil(metrics['contentSize']['width'])
            height = math.ceil(metrics['contentSize']['height'])

            clip = {
                'x': 0,
                'y': 0,
                'width': width,
                'height': height,
                'scale': 1
            mobile = self._viewport['isMobile'] \
                if 'isMobile' in self._viewport else False
            device_scale_factor = self._viewport['deviceScaleFactor'] \
                if 'deviceScaleFactor' in self._viewport else 1
            landscape = self._viewport['isLandscape'] \
                if 'isLandscape' in self._viewport else False
            screen_orientation = {'angle': 90, 'type': 'landscapePrimary'} \
                if landscape else {'angle': 0, 'type': 'portraitPrimary'}
            await self._client.send(
                'Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride', {
                    'mobile': mobile,
                    'width': width,
                    'height': height,
                    'deviceScaleFactor': device_scale_factor,
                    'screenOrientation': screen_orientation
        if 'omitBackground' in options and options['omitBackground']:
            await self._client.send(
                {'color': {
                    'r': 0,
                    'g': 0,
                    'b': 0,
                    'a': 0
        screenshot_data = {'format': _format}
        if 'quality' in options:
            screenshot_data['quality'] = options['quality']
        if clip:
            screenshot_data['clip'] = clip
        result = await self._client.send('Page.captureScreenshot',
        if 'omitBackground' in options and options['omitBackground']:
            await self._client.send(
        if 'fullPage' in options and options['fullPage']:
            await self.set_viewport(self._viewport)
        buffr = base64.decodebytes(bytes(result['data'], 'utf-8'))
        if 'path' in options and options['path']:
            with open(options['path'], 'wb') as fl:
        return buffr

    async def title(self):
        return await self.main_frame().title()

    def mouse(self):
        return self._mouse

    async def close(self):
        await self._client.dispose()