Exemplo n.º 1
 def testEQ(self):
     for n in range(1, 6):
         mesh = tum.regularsquaremesh(n)
         mq = pmmu.MeshQuadratures(mesh, puq.legendrequadrature(6))
         for i in range(6 * n ** 2):
             if i % 3 == 1:
                 self.assertAlmostEquals(sum(mq.quadweights(i)), math.sqrt(2) / n)
                 self.assertAlmostEquals(sum(mq.quadweights(i)), 1.0 / n)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test2DMesh(self):
     for n in range(1,6,2):
         mesh = tum.regularsquaremesh(n, "TAG")
         # Count the number of faces.  There are 2 * n^2 elements, 3 faces per element
         self.assertEqual(mesh.nfaces, 6 * n**2) #
         # Count the number of elements.  There are 2 * n^2.
         self.assertEqual(mesh.nelements, 2 * n**2) 
         # Check that every face is either a boundary or an internal face 
         self.assertEqual((mesh.boundary + mesh.internal - ss.eye(mesh.nfaces, mesh.nfaces)).nnz, 0)
         # Check that the 2 ways of determining the boundary give the same faces
         self.assertEqual((mesh.boundary - mesh.entityfaces["TAG"]).nnz, 0) 
Exemplo n.º 3
def solvesquare(N, pdeg, g, basisrule, solve, k=20, dovolumes = True):
    impbd = pcbd.generic_boundary_data([-1j*k,1],[-1j*k,1],g)
    bdytag = "BDY"    
    mesh = tum.regularsquaremesh(N, bdytag)
    p = 1 if pdeg < 1 else pdeg
    alpha = ((p*1.0)**2 * N)  / k
    beta = k / (p * 1.0*N) 
    problem=psp.Problem(mesh,k, bnddata)
    computation = psc.Computation(problem, basisrule, pcp.HelmholtzSystem, 15, alpha = alpha, beta = beta)
    solution = computation.solution(solve, dovolumes=dovolumes)
    return solution
Exemplo n.º 4
def examplepic(n, k=20):
    origin = np.array([-0.2,-0.2])
    npoints=np.array([k * 20,k * 20], dtype=int)
    g = pcb.FourierHankel(origin, [0], k)
    pom.output2dfn(bounds, g.values, npoints, alpha=1.0, cmap=mp.cm.get_cmap('binary'))
    rt = PlaneWaveFromSourceRule(origin)
    mesh = tum.regularsquaremesh(n)
    etob = {}
    psp.Problem(mesh,k, None).populateBasis(etob, rt)
    pom.showdirections(mesh, etob)
Exemplo n.º 5
def bubblematerial(c = 1, N = 20):
#    slowness, gradslowness = bubble(c)
    slowness, gradslowness = hump(c)
    x0 = np.vstack((np.linspace(0,1,N), np.zeros(N))).T
    p0 = np.vstack((np.zeros(N), np.ones(N))).T
    wfs, idxs = prw.wavefront(x0, p0, slowness, gradslowness, 0.1, 1.2/c, 0.1)
    plotwavefront(wfs, idxs)
    mesh = ptum.regularsquaremesh(12, "BDY")
    etob = prb.getetob(wfs, idxs, mesh, "BDY")
    pom.showdirections(mesh, etob,scale=20)
Exemplo n.º 6
def variableNhConvergence(Ns, nfn, bdycond, basisrule, process, k = 20, scale = 4.0, pdeg = 1):
    bdytag = "BDY"    
    entityton ={1:nfn}
    for n in Ns:
        mesh = tum.regularsquaremesh(n, bdytag)
        alpha = ((pdeg*1.0)**2 * n)  / k
        beta = k / (pdeg * 1.0*n) 
        problem=psp.VariableNProblem(entityton, mesh,k, bnddata)
        computation = psc.Computation(problem, basisrule, pcp.HelmholtzSystem, 15, alpha = alpha, beta = beta)
        solution = computation.solution(psc.DirectSolver().solve, dovolumes=True)
        process(n, solution)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def testRaytraceMesh(self):
     c = 0.5
     for (Nmesh, Nrt) in [(10,10), (20,4), (4, 20)]:
         mesh = ptum.regularsquaremesh(Nmesh, "BDY")
         x0 = np.vstack((np.linspace(-0.2,1.2,Nrt), np.ones(Nrt)*(-0.2))).transpose()
         p0 = np.vstack((np.zeros(Nrt), np.ones(Nrt))).transpose()
         slowness = lambda x: np.ones(len(x))/c
         gradslowness = lambda x: np.zeros_like(x)
         wfs, fidxs = prw.wavefront(x0, p0, slowness, gradslowness, 1/(c * Nrt), 1.4 / c, 1/(c * Nrt))
         phases = prw.nodesToPhases(wfs, fidxs, mesh, ["BDY"])
         self.assertEqual(len(phases), (Nmesh+1)**2)
         for vp in phases:
             self.assertGreaterEqual(len(vp), 1)
             for p in vp:
                 np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(p, [0,1/c])
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test2D(self):
     for n in range(1,10):
         mesh = tum.regularsquaremesh(n, "BDY")
         faces = mesh.entityfaces["BDY"]
         tracer = pre.HomogenousTrace(mesh, [])
         for f in faces.tocsr().indices:
             if np.dot(mesh.normals[f], (-1,0)) > 0.5: # look for a face on the left side of the cube
                 point = mesh.directions[f][0] + np.sum(mesh.directions[f][1:-1], axis=0)/2.0 # pick a point in the middle
                 rt = prc.RayTracing(mesh, [prc.TracePoint(f, point, [1,0])], tracer)
                 etods = rt.getDirections()
                 lengths = np.array(map(len, etods))
                 self.assertEquals(len(lengths.nonzero()[0]), 2*n) # one strip contains 2n triangles
                 self.assertEquals(sum(lengths), 4*n) # each triangle should be painted twice
                 etods = prc.RayTracing(mesh, [prc.TracePoint(f, point, [math.sqrt(2),1])], tracer, -1, 100).getDirections()
                 self.assertLessEqual(sum(map(len, etods)), 100) # we should have managed to paint 100 elements
Exemplo n.º 9
 def testDubiner(self):
     # The Dubiner basis is L^2-orthogonal, so we can test that the SVN reduction doesn't do much to it
     # ... On reflection, this doesn't test very much.  But it at least exercises the code, so leaving it in
     k = 10
     N = 3
     sp = pug.StructuredPoints(bounds, npoints)
     for n in range(1,4):
         mesh = tum.regularsquaremesh(n)
         dubrule = pcbr.ReferenceBasisRule(pcbr.Dubiner(N))
         problem = psp.Problem(mesh, k, {})
         dubbasis = psp.constructBasis(problem, dubrule)     
         refquad = puq.trianglequadrature(N+1)
         svnrule = pcbred.SVDBasisReduceRule(refquad, dubrule)
         svnbasis = psp.constructBasis(problem, svnrule)
         # The bases should be equivalent:
         testEquivalentBases(dubbasis, svnbasis, mesh, sp)
Exemplo n.º 10
import numpy as np

import pypwdg.parallel.main

from numpy import array,sqrt

k = 20
n = 6
g = pcb.FourierHankel([-1,-1], [0], k)
bdytag = "BDY"

mesh = tum.regularsquaremesh(n, bdytag)
#print mesh.nodes
#print mesh.elements
problem = psp.Problem(mesh, k, bnddata)
basisrule = pcb.planeWaveBases(2,k,9)
nquad = 10
system = pcp.HelmholtzSystem
compinfo = psc.ComputationInfo(problem, basisrule, 10)
computation = psc.Computation(compinfo, system)

solblockdiagonal = computation.solution(psi.DiagonalBlockOperator(mesh), psi.GMRESSolver('ctor', psi.ItCounter()))
soldomaindecomp = computation.solution(psd.SchwarzOperator(mesh), psi.GMRESSolver('ctor', psi.ItCounter()))
mortarrule = pcbr.ReferenceBasisRule(pcbr.Legendre1D(6))
s = -1j*k
mc = psm.MortarComputation(problem, basisrule, mortarrule, nquad, system, system.boundaryclass, s)
Exemplo n.º 11
#g = pcb.PlaneWaves(direction, k)
g = pcb.FourierHankel([-0.5,-0.5], [0], k)
impbd = pcbd.generic_boundary_data([-1j*k,1],[-1j*k,1],g)

#         8:pcbd.dirichlet(g)}


n = 6

mesh = tum.regularsquaremesh(n, 'BDY')

quadpoints = 10
npws = []
conds = []
errs = []
problem = psp.Problem(mesh, k, bnddata)
for npw in range(7,45,2):
    quadpoints = npw
    # Original basis:
    pw = pcbv.PlaneWaveVariableN(pcb.uniformdirs(2,npw))
    basisrule = pw
    computation = psc.Computation(psc.ComputationInfo(problem, basisrule, quadpoints),pcp.HelmholtzSystem) 
    solution = computation.solution(psc.DirectOperator(), psc.DirectSolver())
    op = psc.DirectOperator()
Exemplo n.º 12
 def testMEQ(self):
     for n in range(1, 6):
         mesh = tum.regularsquaremesh(n)
         mq = pmmu.MeshElementQuadratures(mesh, puq.trianglequadrature(5))
         for i in range(2 * n ** 2):
             self.assertAlmostEquals(sum(mq.quadweights(i)), 1.0 / (2 * n ** 2))
Exemplo n.º 13
 def testReference(self):        
     meshes = [tum.regularsquaremesh(2)]
     meshes = tum.examplemeshes2d()
     structuredpoints = pug.StructuredPoints([[0.01,0.01],[0.99,0.99]], [20,30])
     rules = [pcbr.ReferenceBasisRule(pcbr.Dubiner(p)) for p in range(3)]
     pcbtt.basisDerivatives(rules, meshes, structuredpoints, k=1.0)