Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_call_obj_args(self):
        from pypy.interpreter.argument import Arguments

        space = self.space

        w_f = space.appexec([], """():
    def f(x, y):
        return (x, y)
    return f

        w_a = space.appexec([], """():
    class A(object):
        def __call__(self, x):
            return x
    return A()

        w_9 = space.wrap(9)
        w_1 = space.wrap(1)

        w_res = space.call_obj_args(w_f, w_9, Arguments(space, [w_1]))

        w_x, w_y = space.fixedview(w_res, 2)
        assert w_x is w_9
        assert w_y is w_1

        w_res = space.call_obj_args(w_a, w_9, Arguments(space, []))
        assert w_res is w_9
Exemplo n.º 2
 def build_args(self, op, args_s):
     space = RPythonCallsSpace()
     if op == "simple_call":
         return Arguments(space, list(args_s))
     elif op == "call_args":
         return Arguments.fromshape(space, args_s[0].const, # shape
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_unwrap_error(self):
        space = DummySpace()
        valuedummy = object()

        def utf8_w(w):
            if w is None:
                raise OperationError(TypeError, None)
            if w is valuedummy:
                raise OperationError(ValueError, None)
            return bytes(w, 'utf-8')

        space.utf8_w = utf8_w
        space.text_w = utf8_w
        with py.test.raises(OperationError) as excinfo:
            Arguments(space, [], ["a"], [1],
                      w_starstararg={None: 1},
        assert excinfo.value.w_type is TypeError
        assert excinfo.value._w_value is None
        with py.test.raises(OperationError) as excinfo:
            Arguments(space, [], ["a"], [1],
                      w_starstararg={valuedummy: 1},
        assert excinfo.value.w_type is ValueError
        assert excinfo.value._w_value is None
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_args_parsing_into_scope(self):
        space = DummySpace()
        args = Arguments(space, [])

        calls = []

        def _match_signature(w_firstarg,
            calls.append((w_firstarg, scope_w, signature.argnames,
                          signature.has_vararg(), signature.has_kwarg(),
                          defaults_w, blindargs))

        args._match_signature = _match_signature

        scope_w = [None, None]
        args.parse_into_scope(None, scope_w, "foo",
                              Signature(["a", "b"], None, None))
        assert len(calls) == 1
        assert calls[0] == (None, scope_w, ["a", "b"], False, False, [], 0)
        assert calls[0][1] is scope_w
        calls = []

        scope_w = [None, None, None, None]
                              Signature(["a", "b"], "args", "kw"),
                              defaults_w=['x', 'y'])
        assert len(calls) == 1
        assert calls[0] == (None, scope_w, ["a", "b"], True, True, ["x",
                                                                    "y"], 0)
        calls = []

        scope_w = [None, None, None, None]
                              Signature(["a", "b"], "args", "kw"),
                              defaults_w=['x', 'y'])
        assert len(calls) == 1
        assert calls[0] == ("obj", scope_w, ["a", "b"], True, True, ["x",
                                                                     "y"], 0)

        class FakeArgErr(ArgErr):
            def getmsg(self, fname):
                return "msg " + fname

        def _match_signature(*args):
            raise FakeArgErr()

        args._match_signature = _match_signature

        excinfo = py.test.raises(OperationError, args.parse_into_scope, "obj",
                                 [None, None], "foo",
                                 Signature(["a", "b"], None, None))
        assert excinfo.value.w_type is TypeError
        assert excinfo.value._w_value == "msg foo"
Exemplo n.º 5
 def appcaller(space, *args_w):
     if not isinstance(space, ObjSpace): 
         raise TypeError("first argument must be a space instance.")
     # redirect if the space handles this specially
     # XXX can this be factored a bit less flow space dependently?
     if hasattr(space, 'specialcases'):
         sc = space.specialcases
         if ApplevelClass in sc:
             ret_w = sc[ApplevelClass](space, self, name, args_w)
             if ret_w is not None: # it was RPython
                 return ret_w
     # the last argument can be an Arguments
     if not args_w:
         args = Arguments(space, [])
         args = args_w[-1]
         assert args is not None
         if not isinstance(args, AbstractArguments):
             args = Arguments(space, list(args_w))
             # ...which is merged with the previous arguments, if any
             if len(args_w) > 1:
                 more_args_w, more_kwds_w = args.unpack()
                 args = Arguments(space,
                                  list(args_w[:-1]) + more_args_w,
     w_func = self.wget(space, name) 
     return space.call_args(w_func, args)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, space, w_vector):
        W_AbstractSeqIterObject.__init__(self, w_vector)
        # TODO: this should live in rpythonize.py or something so that the
        # imports can move to the top w/o getting circles
        from pypy.module._cppyy import interp_cppyy
        assert isinstance(w_vector, interp_cppyy.W_CPPInstance)
        vector = space.interp_w(interp_cppyy.W_CPPInstance, w_vector)

        v_type = c_resolve_name(space, vector.clsdecl.name + '::value_type')
        v_size = c_size_of_type(space, v_type)

        if not v_type or not v_size:
            raise NotImplementedError  # fallback on getitem

        from pypy.module._cppyy import converter
        self.converter = converter.get_converter(space, v_type, '')

        # this 'data' is from the decl, so not the pythonized data from pythonify.py
        w_arr = space.call_obj_args(vector.clsdecl.get_overload('data'),
                                    w_vector, Arguments(space, []))
        arr = space.interp_w(W_ArrayInstance, w_arr, can_be_None=True)
        if not arr:
            raise OperationError(space.w_StopIteration, space.w_None)

        self.data = rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARP, space.uint_w(arr.getbuffer(space)))
        self.len = space.uint_w(
            space.call_obj_args(vector.clsdecl.get_overload('size'), w_vector,
                                Arguments(space, [])))
        self.stride = v_size
Exemplo n.º 7
def callparse(rtyper, graph, hop, opname, r_self=None):
    """Parse the arguments of 'hop' when calling the given 'graph'.
    rinputs = getrinputs(rtyper, graph)
    space = RPythonCallsSpace()

    def args_h(start):
        return [VarHolder(i, hop.args_s[i]) for i in range(start, hop.nb_args)]

    if r_self is None:
        start = 1
        start = 0
        rinputs[0] = r_self
    if opname == "simple_call":
        arguments = Arguments(space, args_h(start))
    elif opname == "call_args":
        arguments = Arguments.fromshape(space, hop.args_s[start].const, args_h(start + 1))  # shape
    # parse the arguments according to the function we are calling
    signature = graph.signature
    defs_h = []
    if graph.defaults:
        for x in graph.defaults:
        holders = arguments.match_signature(signature, defs_h)
    except ArgErr, e:
        raise TyperError, "signature mismatch: %s" % e.getmsg(graph.name)
Exemplo n.º 8
def callparse(rtyper, graph, hop, opname, r_self=None):
    """Parse the arguments of 'hop' when calling the given 'graph'.
    rinputs = getrinputs(rtyper, graph)
    space = RPythonCallsSpace()

    def args_h(start):
        return [VarHolder(i, hop.args_s[i]) for i in range(start, hop.nb_args)]

    if r_self is None:
        start = 1
        start = 0
        rinputs[0] = r_self
    if opname == "simple_call":
        arguments = Arguments(space, args_h(start))
    elif opname == "call_args":
        arguments = Arguments.fromshape(
            hop.args_s[start].const,  # shape
            args_h(start + 1))
    # parse the arguments according to the function we are calling
    signature = graph.signature
    defs_h = []
    if graph.defaults:
        for x in graph.defaults:
        holders = arguments.match_signature(signature, defs_h)
    except ArgErr, e:
        raise TyperError, "signature mismatch: %s" % e.getmsg(graph.name)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_prepend(self):
     space = DummySpace()
     args = Arguments(space, ["0"])
     args1 = args.prepend("thingy")
     assert args1 is not args
     assert args1.arguments_w == ["thingy", "0"]
     assert args1.keywords is args.keywords
     assert args1.keywords_w is args.keywords_w
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_argument_unicode(self):
     space = DummySpace()
     w_starstar = space.wrap({u"abc": 5})
     args = Arguments(space, [], w_starstararg=w_starstar)
     l = [None]
     args._match_signature(None, l, Signature(["abc"]))
     assert len(l) == 1
     assert l[0] == space.wrap(5)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_prepend(self):
     space = DummySpace()
     args = Arguments(space, ["0"])
     args1 = args.prepend("thingy")
     assert args1 is not args
     assert args1.arguments_w == ["thingy", "0"]
     assert args1.keywords is args.keywords
     assert args1.keywords_w is args.keywords_w
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_argument_unicode(self):
     space = DummySpace()
     w_starstar = space.wrap({u'abc': 5})
     args = Arguments(space, [], w_starstararg=w_starstar)
     l = [None]
     args._match_signature(None, l, Signature(['abc']))
     assert len(l) == 1
     assert l[0] == space.wrap(5)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_posonly_error(self):
        space = DummySpace()
        sig = Signature([], posonlyargnames=["x", "y", "z"])

        with pytest.raises(ArgErrPosonlyAsKwds) as info:
            args = Arguments(space, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ["x"], [6])
            l = [None] * 6
            args._match_signature(None, l, sig)
        assert info.value.getmsg() == "got an unexpected keyword argument 'x'"
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_topacked_frompacked(self):
     space = DummySpace()
     args = Arguments(space, [1], ['a', 'b'], [2, 3])
     w_args, w_kwds = args.topacked()
     assert w_args == (1,)
     assert w_kwds == {'a': 2, 'b': 3}
     args1 = Arguments.frompacked(space, w_args, w_kwds)
     assert args.arguments_w == [1]
     assert set(args.keywords) == set(['a', 'b'])
     assert args.keywords_w[args.keywords.index('a')] == 2
     assert args.keywords_w[args.keywords.index('b')] == 3        
Exemplo n.º 15
 def test_topacked_frompacked(self):
     space = DummySpace()
     args = Arguments(space, [1], ['a', 'b'], [2, 3])
     w_args, w_kwds = args.topacked()
     assert w_args == (1,)
     assert w_kwds == {'a': 2, 'b': 3}
     args1 = Arguments.frompacked(space, w_args, w_kwds)
     assert args.arguments_w == [1]
     assert set(args.keywords) == set(['a', 'b'])
     assert args.keywords_w[args.keywords.index('a')] == 2
     assert args.keywords_w[args.keywords.index('b')] == 3        
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_fixedunpacked(self):
        space = DummySpace()
        args = Arguments(space, [], ["k"], [1])
        py.test.raises(ValueError, args.fixedunpack, 1)

        args = Arguments(space, ["a", "b"])
        py.test.raises(ValueError, args.fixedunpack, 0)
        py.test.raises(ValueError, args.fixedunpack, 1)        
        py.test.raises(ValueError, args.fixedunpack, 3)
        py.test.raises(ValueError, args.fixedunpack, 4)

        assert args.fixedunpack(2) == ['a', 'b']
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_fixedunpacked(self):
        space = DummySpace()

        args = Arguments(space, [], ["k"], [1])
        py.test.raises(ValueError, args.fixedunpack, 1)

        args = Arguments(space, ["a", "b"])
        py.test.raises(ValueError, args.fixedunpack, 0)
        py.test.raises(ValueError, args.fixedunpack, 1)
        py.test.raises(ValueError, args.fixedunpack, 3)
        py.test.raises(ValueError, args.fixedunpack, 4)

        assert args.fixedunpack(2) == ['a', 'b']
Exemplo n.º 18
 def test_match_kwds2(self):
     space = DummySpace()
     kwds = [("c", 3), ('d', 4)]
     for i in range(4):
         kwds_w = dict(kwds[:i])
         keywords = kwds_w.keys()
         keywords_w = kwds_w.values()
         w_kwds = dict(kwds[i:])
         if i == 3:
             w_kwds = None
         args = Arguments(space, [1, 2], keywords, keywords_w, w_starstararg=w_kwds)
         l = [None, None, None, None]
         args._match_signature(None, l, Signature(["a", "b", "c"], None, "**"))
         assert l == [1, 2, 3, {'d': 4}]
Exemplo n.º 19
 def test_bad_type_for_star(self):
     space = self.space
     with pytest.raises(OperationError) as excinfo:
         Arguments(space, [],
     msg = space.text_w(excinfo.value.get_w_value(space))
     assert msg == "f1() argument after * must be an iterable, not int"
     with pytest.raises(OperationError) as excinfo:
         Arguments(space, [],
     msg = space.text_w(excinfo.value.get_w_value(space))
     assert msg == "f2() argument after ** must be a mapping, not int"
Exemplo n.º 20
 def test_match_kwds2(self):
     space = DummySpace()
     kwds = [("c", 3), ('d', 4)]
     for i in range(4):
         kwds_w = dict(kwds[:i])
         keywords = kwds_w.keys()
         keywords_w = kwds_w.values()
         w_kwds = dummy_wrapped_dict(kwds[i:])
         if i == 3:
             w_kwds = None
         args = Arguments(space, [1, 2], keywords, keywords_w, w_starstararg=w_kwds)
         l = [None, None, None, None]
         args._match_signature(None, l, Signature(["a", "b", "c"], None, "**"))
         assert l == [1, 2, 3, {'d': 4}]
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_args_parsing_into_scope(self):
        space = DummySpace()
        args = Arguments(space, [])

        calls = []

        def _match_signature(w_firstarg, scope_w, signature, defaults_w=None, blindargs=0):
            defaults_w = [] if defaults_w is None else defaults_w

        args._match_signature = _match_signature

        scope_w = [None, None]
        args.parse_into_scope(None, scope_w, "foo", Signature(["a", "b"], None, None))
        assert len(calls) == 1
        assert calls[0] == (None, scope_w, ["a", "b"], False, False, [], 0)
        assert calls[0][1] is scope_w
        calls = []

        scope_w = [None, None, None, None]
        args.parse_into_scope(None, scope_w, "foo", Signature(["a", "b"], "args", "kw"), defaults_w=["x", "y"])
        assert len(calls) == 1
        assert calls[0] == (None, scope_w, ["a", "b"], True, True, ["x", "y"], 0)
        calls = []

        scope_w = [None, None, None, None]
        args.parse_into_scope("obj", scope_w, "foo", Signature(["a", "b"], "args", "kw"), defaults_w=["x", "y"])
        assert len(calls) == 1
        assert calls[0] == ("obj", scope_w, ["a", "b"], True, True, ["x", "y"], 0)

        class FakeArgErr(ArgErr):
            def getmsg(self):
                return "msg"

        def _match_signature(*args):
            raise FakeArgErr()

        args._match_signature = _match_signature

        excinfo = py.test.raises(
            OperationError, args.parse_into_scope, "obj", [None, None], "foo", Signature(["a", "b"], None, None)
        assert excinfo.value.w_type is TypeError
        assert excinfo.value.get_w_value(space) == "foo() msg"
Exemplo n.º 22
 def send(self):
     st_to_py = utils.smalltalk_to_python
     wp_rcvr = st_to_py(self.space(), self.w_rcvr)
     wp_attrname = py_space.newtext(self.method_name)
         if self.method_name == '__call__':  # special __call__ case
             w_meth = py_space.getattr(wp_rcvr, wp_attrname)
             args_wp = [st_to_py(self.space(), a) for a in self.args_w]
             # use call_args() to allow variable number of args_w
             # (but this disables speed hacks in Pypy)
             args = Arguments(py_space, args_wp)
                 py_space.call_args(w_meth, args)))
         elif len(self.args_w) == 1:  # setattr when one argument
             wp_value = st_to_py(self.space(), self.args_w[0])
             py_space.setattr(wp_rcvr, wp_attrname, wp_value)
         else:  # otherwise getattr
                 py_space.getattr(wp_rcvr, wp_attrname)))
     except OperationError as operr:
         print 'Python error caught: %s' % operr
         error = utils.operr_to_w_object(operr)
     except Exception as e:
         self.fail('Unable to call %s on %s: %s' % (
             self.method_name, wp_rcvr, e))
Exemplo n.º 23
 def test_fail_call(self):
     space = self.space
     w_meth = descr_function_get(space, self.fn, space.wrap(5),
     meth = space.unwrap(w_meth)
     args = Arguments(space, [space.wrap("spam"), space.wrap("egg")])
     self.space.raises_w(self.space.w_TypeError, meth.call_args, args)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def test_call(self):
     space = self.space
     w_meth = descr_function_get(space, self.fn, space.wrap(5),
     meth = space.unwrap(w_meth)
     w_result = meth.call_args(Arguments(space, [space.wrap(42)]))
     assert space.unwrap(w_result) == 42
Exemplo n.º 25
def checkmodule(modname, backend, interactive=False, basepath='pypy.module'):
    "Compile a fake PyPy module."
    from pypy.objspace.fake.objspace import FakeObjSpace, W_Object
    from pypy.translator.driver import TranslationDriver

    space = FakeObjSpace()
    space.config.translating = True
    ModuleClass = __import__(basepath + '.%s' % modname,
                             None, None, ['Module']).Module
    module = ModuleClass(space, space.wrap(modname))
    w_moduledict = module.getdict()

    gateways = find_gateways(modname, basepath, module)
    functions = [gw.__spacebind__(space) for gw in gateways]
    arguments = Arguments.frompacked(space, W_Object(), W_Object())
    dummy_function = copy(functions[0])

    def main(argv): # use the standalone mode not to allow SomeObject
        for func in functions:
        return 0

    driver = TranslationDriver()
    driver.setup(main, None)
        driver.proceed(['compile_' + backend])
    except SystemExit:
        if not interactive:
        raise SystemExit(1)
Exemplo n.º 26
def call_many_to_one(space, shape, func, res_dtype, in_args, out):
    # out must hav been built. func needs no calc_type, is usually an
    # external ufunc
    nin = len(in_args)
    in_iters = [None] * nin
    in_states = [None] * nin
    for i in range(nin):
        in_i = in_args[i]
        assert isinstance(in_i, W_NDimArray)
        in_iter, in_state = in_i.create_iter(shape)
        in_iters[i] = in_iter
        in_states[i] = in_state
    shapelen = len(shape)
    assert isinstance(out, W_NDimArray)
    out_iter, out_state = out.create_iter(shape)
    vals = [None] * nin
    while not out_iter.done(out_state):
        for i in range(nin):
            vals[i] = in_iters[i].getitem(in_states[i])
        w_arglist = space.newlist(vals)
        w_out_val = space.call_args(func,
                                    Arguments.frompacked(space, w_arglist))
        out_iter.setitem(out_state, res_dtype.coerce(space, w_out_val))
        for i in range(nin):
            in_states[i] = in_iters[i].next(in_states[i])
        out_state = out_iter.next(out_state)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 27
    def acquire(self, space, __args__):
        (w_user, w_password, w_cclass, w_purity) = __args__.parse_obj(
            Signature(["user", "password", "cclass", "purity"]),
            defaults_w=[None, None, None, space.w_False])
        if self.homogeneous and (w_user or w_password):
            raise OperationError(
                space.wrap("pool is homogeneous. "
                           "Proxy authentication is not possible."))


        if __args__.keywords:
            keywords = __args__.keywords + ["pool"]
            keywords = ["pool"]
        if __args__.keywords_w:
            keywords_w = __args__.keywords_w + [space.wrap(self)]
            keywords_w = [space.wrap(self)]

        newargs = Arguments(space, __args__.arguments_w, keywords, keywords_w)
        return space.call_args(self.w_connectionType, newargs)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def test_method_get(self):
        space = self.space

        # Create some function for this test only
        def m(self):
            return self

        func = Function(space, PyCode._from_code(self.space, m.func_code),
        # Some shorthands
        obj1 = space.wrap(23)
        obj2 = space.wrap(42)
        args = Arguments(space, [])
        # Check method returned from func.__get__()
        w_meth1 = descr_function_get(space, func, obj1, space.type(obj1))
        meth1 = space.unwrap(w_meth1)
        assert isinstance(meth1, Method)
        assert meth1.call_args(args) == obj1
        # Check method returned from method.__get__()
        # --- meth1 is already bound so meth1.__get__(*) is meth1.
        w_meth2 = meth1.descr_method_get(obj2, space.type(obj2))
        meth2 = space.unwrap(w_meth2)
        assert isinstance(meth2, Method)
        assert meth2.call_args(args) == obj1
        # Check method returned from unbound_method.__get__()
        w_meth3 = descr_function_get(space, func, None, space.type(obj2))
        meth3 = space.unwrap(w_meth3)
        w_meth4 = meth3.descr_method_get(obj2, space.w_None)
        meth4 = space.unwrap(w_meth4)
        assert isinstance(meth4, Method)
        assert meth4.call_args(args) == obj2
        # Check method returned from unbound_method.__get__()
        # --- with an incompatible class
        w_meth5 = meth3.descr_method_get(space.wrap('hello'), space.w_str)
        assert space.is_w(w_meth5, w_meth3)
Exemplo n.º 29
def checkmodule(modname, backend, interactive=False, basepath='pypy.module'):
    "Compile a fake PyPy module."
    from pypy.objspace.fake.objspace import FakeObjSpace, W_Object
    from pypy.translator.driver import TranslationDriver

    space = FakeObjSpace()
    space.config.translating = True
    ModuleClass = __import__(basepath + '.%s' % modname,
                             None, None, ['Module']).Module
    module = ModuleClass(space, space.wrap(modname))
    w_moduledict = module.getdict(space)

    gateways = find_gateways(modname, basepath, module)
    functions = [gw.__spacebind__(space) for gw in gateways]
    arguments = Arguments.frompacked(space, W_Object(), W_Object())
    dummy_function = copy(functions[0])

    def main(argv): # use the standalone mode not to allow SomeObject
        for func in functions:
        return 0

    driver = TranslationDriver()
    driver.setup(main, None)
        driver.proceed(['compile_' + backend])
    except SystemExit:
        if not interactive:
        raise SystemExit(1)
Exemplo n.º 30
 def build_args(self, op, args_s):
     space = RPythonCallsSpace()
     if op == "simple_call":
         return Arguments(space, list(args_s))
     elif op == "call_args":
         return Arguments.fromshape(space, args_s[0].const, # shape
Exemplo n.º 31
 def test_bad_type_for_star(self):
     space = self.space
         Arguments(space, [], w_stararg=space.wrap(42))
     except OperationError as e:
         msg = space.str_w(space.str(e.get_w_value(space)))
         assert msg == "argument after * must be an iterable, not int"
         assert 0, "did not raise"
         Arguments(space, [], w_starstararg=space.wrap(42))
     except OperationError as e:
         msg = space.str_w(space.str(e.get_w_value(space)))
         assert msg == "argument after ** must be a mapping, not int"
         assert 0, "did not raise"
Exemplo n.º 32
 def funccall(self, *args_w):  # speed hack
     code = self.getcode()  # hook for the jit
     if len(args_w) == 0:
         w_res = code.fastcall_0(self.space, self)
         if w_res is not None:
             return w_res
     elif len(args_w) == 1:
         w_res = code.fastcall_1(self.space, self, args_w[0])
         if w_res is not None:
             return w_res
     elif len(args_w) == 2:
         w_res = code.fastcall_2(self.space, self, args_w[0], args_w[1])
         if w_res is not None:
             return w_res
     elif len(args_w) == 3:
         w_res = code.fastcall_3(self.space, self, args_w[0], args_w[1],
         if w_res is not None:
             return w_res
     elif len(args_w) == 4:
         w_res = code.fastcall_4(self.space, self, args_w[0], args_w[1],
                                 args_w[2], args_w[3])
         if w_res is not None:
             return w_res
     return self.call_args(Arguments(self.space, list(args_w)))
Exemplo n.º 33
    def test_topacked_frompacked(self):
        space = DummySpace()
        args = Arguments(space, [1], ["a", "b"], [2, 3])
        w_args, w_kwds = args.topacked()
        assert w_args == (1,)
        assert w_kwds == {"a": 2, "b": 3}
        args1 = Arguments.frompacked(space, w_args, w_kwds)
        assert args.arguments_w == [1]
        assert set(args.keywords) == set(["a", "b"])
        assert args.keywords_w[args.keywords.index("a")] == 2
        assert args.keywords_w[args.keywords.index("b")] == 3

        args = Arguments(space, [1])
        w_args, w_kwds = args.topacked()
        assert w_args == (1,)
        assert not w_kwds
Exemplo n.º 34
def call_args_expand(hop, takes_kwds = True):
    hop = hop.copy()
    from pypy.interpreter.argument import Arguments
    arguments = Arguments.fromshape(None, hop.args_s[1].const, # shape
    if arguments.w_starstararg is not None:
        raise TyperError("**kwds call not implemented")
    if arguments.w_stararg is not None:
        # expand the *arg in-place -- it must be a tuple
        from pypy.rpython.rtuple import AbstractTupleRepr
        if arguments.w_stararg != hop.nb_args - 3:
            raise TyperError("call pattern too complex")
        hop.nb_args -= 1
        v_tuple = hop.args_v.pop()
        s_tuple = hop.args_s.pop()
        r_tuple = hop.args_r.pop()
        if not isinstance(r_tuple, AbstractTupleRepr):
            raise TyperError("*arg must be a tuple")
        for i in range(len(r_tuple.items_r)):
            v_item = r_tuple.getitem_internal(hop.llops, v_tuple, i)
            hop.nb_args += 1

    kwds = arguments.kwds_w or {}
    if not takes_kwds and kwds:
        raise TyperError("kwds args not supported")
    # prefix keyword arguments with 'i_'
    kwds_i = {}
    for key, index in kwds.items():
        kwds_i['i_'+key] = index

    return hop, kwds_i
Exemplo n.º 35
    def test_create(self):
        space = DummySpace()
        args_w = []
        args = Arguments(space, args_w)
        assert args.arguments_w is args_w
        assert args.keywords is None
        assert args.keywords_w is None

        assert args.firstarg() is None

        args = Arguments(space, args_w, w_stararg=["*"], w_starstararg={"k": 1})
        assert args.arguments_w == ["*"]
        assert args.keywords == ["k"]
        assert args.keywords_w == [1]

        assert args.firstarg() == "*"
Exemplo n.º 36
Arquivo: loop.py Projeto: Qointum/pypy
def call_many_to_one(space, shape, func, res_dtype, in_args, out):
    # out must hav been built. func needs no calc_type, is usually an
    # external ufunc
    nin = len(in_args)
    in_iters = [None] * nin
    in_states = [None] * nin
    for i in range(nin):
        in_i = in_args[i]
        assert isinstance(in_i, W_NDimArray)
        in_iter, in_state = in_i.create_iter(shape)
        in_iters[i] = in_iter
        in_states[i] = in_state
    shapelen = len(shape)
    assert isinstance(out, W_NDimArray)
    out_iter, out_state = out.create_iter(shape)
    vals = [None] * nin
    while not out_iter.done(out_state):
        call_many_to_one_driver.jit_merge_point(shapelen=shapelen, func=func,
                                     res_dtype=res_dtype, nin=nin)
        for i in range(nin):
            vals[i] = in_iters[i].getitem(in_states[i])
        w_arglist = space.newlist(vals)
        w_out_val = space.call_args(func, Arguments.frompacked(space, w_arglist))
        out_iter.setitem(out_state, res_dtype.coerce(space, w_out_val))
        for i in range(nin):
            in_states[i] = in_iters[i].next(in_states[i])
        out_state = out_iter.next(out_state)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 37
    def test_globals_warnings(self):
        space = self.space
        w_mod = space.appexec((), '():\n import warnings\n return warnings\n') #sys.getmodule('warnings')
        w_filterwarnings = space.getattr(w_mod, space.wrap('filterwarnings'))
        filter_arg = Arguments(space, [ space.wrap('error') ], ["module"],

        for code in ('''
def wrong1():
    a = 1
    b = 2
    global a
    global b
''', '''
def wrong2():
    print x
    global x
''', '''
def wrong3():
    print x
    x = 2
    global x

            space.call_args(w_filterwarnings, filter_arg)
            e = py.test.raises(OperationError, self.compiler.compile,
                               code, '<tmp>', 'exec', 0)
            space.call_method(w_mod, 'resetwarnings')
            ex = e.value
            assert ex.match(space, space.w_SyntaxError)
Exemplo n.º 38
 def test_bad_type_for_star(self):
     space = self.space
         Arguments(space, [], w_stararg=space.wrap(42))
     except OperationError, e:
         msg = space.str_w(space.str(e.get_w_value(space)))
         assert msg == "argument after * must be a sequence, not int"
Exemplo n.º 39
def build_class(space, w_func, w_name, __args__):
    if not isinstance(w_func, Function):
        raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
                    "__build_class__: func must be a function")
    bases_w, kwds_w = __args__.unpack()
    w_bases = space.newtuple(bases_w)
    w_meta = kwds_w.pop('metaclass', None)
    if w_meta is not None:
        isclass = space.isinstance_w(w_meta, space.w_type)
        if bases_w:
            w_meta = space.type(bases_w[0])
            w_meta = space.w_type
        isclass = True
    if isclass:
        # w_meta is really a class, so check for a more derived
        # metaclass, or possible metaclass conflicts
        from pypy.objspace.std.typeobject import _calculate_metaclass
        w_meta = _calculate_metaclass(space, w_meta, bases_w)

        w_prep = space.getattr(w_meta, space.newtext("__prepare__"))
    except OperationError as e:
        if not e.match(space, space.w_AttributeError):
        w_namespace = space.newdict()
        keywords = kwds_w.keys()
        args = Arguments(space,
                         args_w=[w_name, w_bases],
        w_namespace = space.call_args(w_prep, args)
    code = w_func.getcode()
    frame = space.createframe(code, w_func.w_func_globals, w_func)
    w_cell = frame.run()
    keywords = kwds_w.keys()
    args = Arguments(space,
                     args_w=[w_name, w_bases, w_namespace],
    w_class = space.call_args(w_meta, args)
    if isinstance(w_cell, Cell):
    return w_class
Exemplo n.º 40
 def test_blindargs(self):
     space = DummySpace()
     kwds = [("a", 3), ("b", 4)]
     for i in range(4):
         kwds_w = dict(kwds[:i])
         keywords = kwds_w.keys()
         keywords_w = kwds_w.values()
         w_kwds = dict(kwds[i:])
         if i == 3:
             w_kwds = None
         args = Arguments(space, [1, 2], keywords[:], keywords_w[:], w_starstararg=w_kwds)
         l = [None, None, None]
         args._match_signature(None, l, Signature(["a", "b"], None, "**"), blindargs=2)
         assert l == [1, 2, {"a": 3, "b": 4}]
         args = Arguments(space, [1, 2], keywords[:], keywords_w[:], w_starstararg=w_kwds)
         l = [None, None, None]
         py.test.raises(ArgErrUnknownKwds, args._match_signature, None, l, Signature(["a", "b"]), blindargs=2)
Exemplo n.º 41
 def appcaller(space, *args_w):
     if not isinstance(space, ObjSpace): 
         raise TypeError("first argument must be a space instance.")
     # redirect if the space handles this specially
     # XXX can this be factored a bit less flow space dependently?
     if hasattr(space, 'specialcases'):
         sc = space.specialcases
         if ApplevelClass in sc:
             ret_w = sc[ApplevelClass](space, self, name, args_w)
             if ret_w is not None: # it was RPython
                 return ret_w
     # the last argument can be an Arguments
     if not args_w:
         args = Arguments(space, [])
         args = args_w[-1]
         assert args is not None
         if not isinstance(args, AbstractArguments):
             args = Arguments(space, list(args_w))
             # ...which is merged with the previous arguments, if any
             if len(args_w) > 1:
                 more_args_w, more_kwds_w = args.unpack()
                 args = Arguments(space,
                                  list(args_w[:-1]) + more_args_w,
     w_func = self.wget(space, name) 
     return space.call_args(w_func, args)
Exemplo n.º 42
 def test_starstararg_wrong_type(self):
     space = DummySpace()
     with pytest.raises(OperationError) as excinfo:
         Arguments(space, [], ["a"], [1],
     assert excinfo.value.w_type is TypeError
     assert excinfo.value.get_w_value(
         space) == "bar() argument after ** must be a mapping, not str"
Exemplo n.º 43
 def callback(ctx, js_function, js_this, js_args):
     arguments = Arguments(space,
         [self.js_to_python(arg) for arg in js_args])
     w_callable = self.applevel_callbacks.get(
         rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, js_function), None)
     if w_callable is None:
         raise Exception("Got wrong callback, should not happen")
     w_res = space.call_args(w_callable, arguments)
     return self.python_to_js(w_res)
Exemplo n.º 44
 def test_duplicate_kwds(self):
     space = DummySpace()
     with pytest.raises(OperationError) as excinfo:
         Arguments(space, [], ["a"], [1],
                   w_starstararg={"a": 2},
     assert excinfo.value.w_type is TypeError
     assert excinfo.value.get_w_value(
         space) == "foo() got multiple values for keyword argument 'a'"
Exemplo n.º 45
 def op_call_args(self):
     a = self.argnames
     shape = self.op.args[1].value
     args = Arguments.fromshape(None, shape, a[2:])
     lst = args.arguments_w[:]
     for key, value in args.kwds_w.items():
         lst.append("%s=%s" % (key, value))
     if args.w_stararg is not None:
         lst.append("*%s" % args.w_stararg)
     if args.w_starstararg is not None:
         lst.append("**%s" % args.w_starstararg)
     return "%s = %s(%s)" % (self.resultname, a[0], ", ".join(lst))
Exemplo n.º 46
    def test_args_parsing(self):
        space = DummySpace()
        args = Arguments(space, [])

        calls = []

        def _match_signature(w_firstarg, scope_w, signature,
                             defaults_w=[], blindargs=0):
            calls.append((w_firstarg, scope_w, signature.argnames, signature.has_vararg(),
                          signature.has_kwarg(), defaults_w, blindargs))
        args._match_signature = _match_signature

        scope_w = args.parse_obj(None, "foo", Signature(["a", "b"], None, None))
        assert len(calls) == 1
        assert calls[0] == (None, [None, None], ["a", "b"], False, False,
                            [], 0)
        assert calls[0][1] is scope_w
        calls = []
        scope_w = args.parse_obj(None, "foo", Signature(["a", "b"], "args", None),
        assert len(calls) == 1
        assert calls[0] == (None, [None, None, None], ["a", "b"], True, False,
                            [], 1)
        calls = []

        scope_w = args.parse_obj(None, "foo", Signature(["a", "b"], "args", "kw"),
                             defaults_w=['x', 'y'])
        assert len(calls) == 1
        assert calls[0] == (None, [None, None, None, None], ["a", "b"],
                            True, True,
                            ["x", "y"], 0)
        calls = []
        scope_w = args.parse_obj("obj", "foo", Signature(["a", "b"], "args", "kw"),
                             defaults_w=['x', 'y'], blindargs=1)
        assert len(calls) == 1
        assert calls[0] == ("obj", [None, None, None, None], ["a", "b"],
                            True, True,
                            ["x", "y"], 1)

        class FakeArgErr(ArgErr):

            def getmsg(self, fname):
                return "msg "+fname

        def _match_signature(*args):
            raise FakeArgErr()
        args._match_signature = _match_signature

        excinfo = py.test.raises(OperationError, args.parse_obj, "obj", "foo",
                       Signature(["a", "b"], None, None))
        assert excinfo.value.w_type is TypeError
        assert excinfo.value._w_value == "msg foo"
Exemplo n.º 47
def call_many_to_many(space, shape, func, in_dtypes, out_dtypes, in_args, out_args):
    # out must hav been built. func needs no calc_type, is usually an
    # external ufunc
    nin = len(in_args)
    in_iters = [None] * nin
    in_states = [None] * nin
    nout = len(out_args)
    out_iters = [None] * nout
    out_states = [None] * nout
    for i in range(nin):
        in_i = in_args[i]
        assert isinstance(in_i, W_NDimArray)
        in_iter, in_state = in_i.create_iter(shape)
        in_iters[i] = in_iter
        in_states[i] = in_state
    for i in range(nout):
        out_i = out_args[i]
        assert isinstance(out_i, W_NDimArray)
        out_iter, out_state = out_i.create_iter(shape)
        out_iters[i] = out_iter
        out_states[i] = out_state
    shapelen = len(shape)
    vals = [None] * nin
    test_iter, test_state = in_iters[-1], in_states[-1]
    if nout > 0:
        test_iter, test_state = out_iters[0], out_states[0]
    while not test_iter.done(test_state):
        call_many_to_many_driver.jit_merge_point(shapelen=shapelen, func=func,
                             in_dtypes=in_dtypes, out_dtypes=out_dtypes,
                             nin=nin, nout=nout)
        for i in range(nin):
            vals[i] = in_dtypes[i].coerce(space, in_iters[i].getitem(in_states[i]))
        w_arglist = space.newlist(vals)
        w_outvals = space.call_args(func, Arguments.frompacked(space, w_arglist))
        # w_outvals should be a tuple, but func can return a single value as well 
        if space.isinstance_w(w_outvals, space.w_tuple):
            batch = space.listview(w_outvals)
            for i in range(len(batch)):
                out_iters[i].setitem(out_states[i], out_dtypes[i].coerce(space, batch[i]))
                out_states[i] = out_iters[i].next(out_states[i])
        elif nout > 0:
            out_iters[0].setitem(out_states[0], out_dtypes[0].coerce(space, w_outvals))
            out_states[0] = out_iters[0].next(out_states[0])
        for i in range(nin):
            in_states[i] = in_iters[i].next(in_states[i])
        test_state = test_iter.next(test_state)
    return space.newtuple([convert_to_array(space, o) for o in out_args])
Exemplo n.º 48
 def descr__setstate__(self, space, w_args):
     w_flags, w_state, w_thunk, w_parent = space.unpackiterable(w_args,
     self.flags = space.int_w(w_flags)
     if space.is_w(w_parent, space.w_None):
         w_parent = self.w_getmain(space)
     self.parent = space.interp_w(AppCoroutine, w_parent)
     ec = self.space.getexecutioncontext()
     self.subctx.setstate(space, w_state)
     if space.is_w(w_thunk, space.w_None):
         if space.is_w(w_state, space.w_None):
             self.thunk = None
             self.bind(_ResumeThunk(space, self.costate, self.subctx.topframe))
         w_func, w_args, w_kwds = space.unpackiterable(w_thunk,
         args = Arguments.frompacked(space, w_args, w_kwds)
         self.bind(_AppThunk(space, self.costate, w_func, args))
Exemplo n.º 49
 def test_match_kwds(self):
     space = DummySpace()
     for i in range(3):
         kwds = [("c", 3)]
         kwds_w = dict(kwds[:i])
         keywords = kwds_w.keys()
         keywords_w = kwds_w.values()
         w_kwds = dict(kwds[i:])
         if i == 2:
             w_kwds = None
         assert len(keywords) == len(keywords_w)
         args = Arguments(space, [1, 2], keywords[:], keywords_w[:], w_starstararg=w_kwds)
         l = [None, None, None]
         args._match_signature(None, l, Signature(["a", "b", "c"]), defaults_w=[4])
         assert l == [1, 2, 3]
         args = Arguments(space, [1, 2], keywords[:], keywords_w[:], w_starstararg=w_kwds)
         l = [None, None, None, None]
         args._match_signature(None, l, Signature(["a", "b", "b1", "c"]), defaults_w=[4, 5])
         assert l == [1, 2, 4, 3]
         args = Arguments(space, [1, 2], keywords[:], keywords_w[:], w_starstararg=w_kwds)
         l = [None, None, None, None]
         args._match_signature(None, l, Signature(["a", "b", "c", "d"]), defaults_w=[4, 5])
         assert l == [1, 2, 3, 5]
         args = Arguments(space, [1, 2], keywords[:], keywords_w[:], w_starstararg=w_kwds)
         l = [None, None, None, None]
         py.test.raises(ArgErr, args._match_signature, None, l,
                        Signature(["c", "b", "a", "d"]), defaults_w=[4, 5])
         args = Arguments(space, [1, 2], keywords[:], keywords_w[:], w_starstararg=w_kwds)
         l = [None, None, None, None]
         py.test.raises(ArgErr, args._match_signature, None, l,
                        Signature(["a", "b", "c1", "d"]), defaults_w=[4, 5])
         args = Arguments(space, [1, 2], keywords[:], keywords_w[:], w_starstararg=w_kwds)
         l = [None, None, None]
         args._match_signature(None, l, Signature(["a", "b"], None, "**"))
         assert l == [1, 2, {'c': 3}]
Exemplo n.º 50
 def call(self, w_callable, w_args, w_kwds=None):
     args = Arguments.frompacked(self, w_args, w_kwds)
     return self.call_args(w_callable, args)
Exemplo n.º 51
 def test_starstarargs_special(self):
     class kwargs(object):
         def __init__(self, k, v):
             self.k = k
             self.v = v
     class MyDummySpace(DummySpace):
         def view_as_kwargs(self, kw):
             if isinstance(kw, kwargs):
                 return kw.k, kw.v
             return None, None
     space = MyDummySpace()
     for i in range(3):
         kwds = [("c", 3)]
         kwds_w = dict(kwds[:i])
         keywords = kwds_w.keys()
         keywords_w = kwds_w.values()
         rest = dict(kwds[i:])
         w_kwds = kwargs(rest.keys(), rest.values())
         if i == 2:
             w_kwds = None
         assert len(keywords) == len(keywords_w)
         args = Arguments(space, [1, 2], keywords[:], keywords_w[:], w_starstararg=w_kwds)
         l = [None, None, None]
         args._match_signature(None, l, Signature(["a", "b", "c"]), defaults_w=[4])
         assert l == [1, 2, 3]
         args = Arguments(space, [1, 2], keywords[:], keywords_w[:], w_starstararg=w_kwds)
         l = [None, None, None, None]
         args._match_signature(None, l, Signature(["a", "b", "b1", "c"]), defaults_w=[4, 5])
         assert l == [1, 2, 4, 3]
         args = Arguments(space, [1, 2], keywords[:], keywords_w[:], w_starstararg=w_kwds)
         l = [None, None, None, None]
         args._match_signature(None, l, Signature(["a", "b", "c", "d"]), defaults_w=[4, 5])
         assert l == [1, 2, 3, 5]
         args = Arguments(space, [1, 2], keywords[:], keywords_w[:], w_starstararg=w_kwds)
         l = [None, None, None, None]
         py.test.raises(ArgErr, args._match_signature, None, l,
                        Signature(["c", "b", "a", "d"]), defaults_w=[4, 5])
         args = Arguments(space, [1, 2], keywords[:], keywords_w[:], w_starstararg=w_kwds)
         l = [None, None, None, None]
         py.test.raises(ArgErr, args._match_signature, None, l,
                        Signature(["a", "b", "c1", "d"]), defaults_w=[4, 5])
         args = Arguments(space, [1, 2], keywords[:], keywords_w[:], w_starstararg=w_kwds)
         l = [None, None, None]
         args._match_signature(None, l, Signature(["a", "b"], None, "**"))
         assert l == [1, 2, {'c': 3}]
     excinfo = py.test.raises(OperationError, Arguments, space, [], ["a"],
                              [1], w_starstararg=kwargs(["a"], [2]))
     assert excinfo.value.w_type is TypeError
Exemplo n.º 52
    def test_unmatch_signature(self):
        space = DummySpace()
        args = Arguments(space, [1, 2, 3])
        sig = (["a", "b", "c"], None, None)
        data = args.match_signature(sig, [])
        new_args = args.unmatch_signature(sig, data)
        assert args.unpack() == new_args.unpack()

        args = Arguments(space, [1])
        sig = (["a", "b", "c"], None, None)
        data = args.match_signature(sig, [2, 3])
        new_args = args.unmatch_signature(sig, data)
        assert args.unpack() == new_args.unpack()

        args = Arguments(space, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        sig = (["a", "b", "c"], "r", None)
        data = args.match_signature(sig, [])
        new_args = args.unmatch_signature(sig, data)
        assert args.unpack() == new_args.unpack()

        args = Arguments(space, [1], {"c": 3, "b": 2})
        sig = (["a", "b", "c"], None, None)
        data = args.match_signature(sig, [])
        new_args = args.unmatch_signature(sig, data)
        assert args.unpack() == new_args.unpack()

        args = Arguments(space, [1], {"c": 5})
        sig = (["a", "b", "c"], None, None)
        data = args.match_signature(sig, [2, 3])
        new_args = args.unmatch_signature(sig, data)
        assert args.unpack() == new_args.unpack()

        args = Arguments(space, [1], {"c": 5, "d": 7})
        sig = (["a", "b", "c"], None, "kw")
        data = args.match_signature(sig, [2, 3])
        new_args = args.unmatch_signature(sig, data)
        assert args.unpack() == new_args.unpack()

        args = Arguments(space, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], {"e": 5, "d": 7})
        sig = (["a", "b", "c"], "r", "kw")
        data = args.match_signature(sig, [2, 3])
        new_args = args.unmatch_signature(sig, data)
        assert args.unpack() == new_args.unpack()

        args = Arguments(space, [], {}, w_stararg=[1], w_starstararg={"c": 5, "d": 7})
        sig = (["a", "b", "c"], None, "kw")
        data = args.match_signature(sig, [2, 3])
        new_args = args.unmatch_signature(sig, data)
        assert args.unpack() == new_args.unpack()

        args = Arguments(space, [1, 2], {"g": 9}, w_stararg=[3, 4, 5], w_starstararg={"e": 5, "d": 7})
        sig = (["a", "b", "c"], "r", "kw")
        data = args.match_signature(sig, [2, 3])
        new_args = args.unmatch_signature(sig, data)
        assert args.unpack() == new_args.unpack()
Exemplo n.º 53
 def test_match4(self):
     space = DummySpace()
     values = [4, 5, 6, 7]
     for havefirstarg in [0, 1]:
         for i in range(len(values)-havefirstarg):
             arglist = values[havefirstarg:i+havefirstarg]
             starargs = tuple(values[i+havefirstarg:])
             if havefirstarg:
                 firstarg = values[0]
                 firstarg = None
             args = Arguments(space, arglist, w_stararg=starargs)
             l = [None, None, None, None]
             args._match_signature(firstarg, l, Signature(["a", "b", "c", "d"]))
             assert l == [4, 5, 6, 7]
             args = Arguments(space, arglist, w_stararg=starargs)
             l = [None, None, None, None, None, None]
             py.test.raises(ArgErr, args._match_signature, firstarg, l, Signature(["a"]))
             args = Arguments(space, arglist, w_stararg=starargs)
             l = [None, None, None, None, None, None]
             py.test.raises(ArgErr, args._match_signature, firstarg, l, Signature(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]))
             args = Arguments(space, arglist, w_stararg=starargs)
             l = [None, None, None, None, None, None]
             py.test.raises(ArgErr, args._match_signature, firstarg, l, Signature(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"], "*"))
             l = [None, None, None, None, None]
             args = Arguments(space, arglist, w_stararg=starargs)
             args._match_signature(firstarg, l, Signature(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]), defaults_w=[1])
             assert l == [4, 5, 6, 7, 1]
             for j in range(len(values)):
                 l = [None] * (j + 1)
                 args = Arguments(space, arglist, w_stararg=starargs)
                 args._match_signature(firstarg, l, Signature(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"][:j], "*"))
                 assert l == values[:j] + [tuple(values[j:])]
             l = [None, None, None, None, None]
             args = Arguments(space, arglist, w_stararg=starargs)
             args._match_signature(firstarg, l, Signature(["a", "b", "c", "d"], None, "**"))
             assert l == [4, 5, 6, 7, {}]
Exemplo n.º 54
 def test_match0(self):
     space = DummySpace()
     args = Arguments(space, [])
     l = []
     args._match_signature(None, l, Signature([]))
     assert len(l) == 0
     l = [None, None]
     args = Arguments(space, [])
     py.test.raises(ArgErr, args._match_signature, None, l, Signature(["a"]))
     args = Arguments(space, [])
     py.test.raises(ArgErr, args._match_signature, None, l, Signature(["a"], "*"))
     args = Arguments(space, [])
     l = [None]
     args._match_signature(None, l, Signature(["a"]), defaults_w=[1])
     assert l == [1]
     args = Arguments(space, [])
     l = [None]
     args._match_signature(None, l, Signature([], "*"))
     assert l == [()]
     args = Arguments(space, [])
     l = [None]
     args._match_signature(None, l, Signature([], None, "**"))
     assert l == [{}]
     args = Arguments(space, [])
     l = [None, None]
     py.test.raises(ArgErr, args._match_signature, 41, l, Signature([]))
     args = Arguments(space, [])
     l = [None]
     args._match_signature(1, l, Signature(["a"]))
     assert l == [1]
     args = Arguments(space, [])
     l = [None]
     args._match_signature(1, l, Signature([], "*"))
     assert l == [(1,)]
Exemplo n.º 55
def slot_tp_init(space, w_self, w_args, w_kwds):
    w_descr = space.lookup(w_self, '__init__')
    args = Arguments.frompacked(space, w_args, w_kwds)
    space.get_and_call_args(w_descr, w_self, args)
    return 0