Exemplo n.º 1
 def pause_writing(self, args_gv):
     log('%s Builder.pause_writing' % self.block.label)
     assert self.asm is not None
     self.nextlabel = count.newlabel()   # for the next block
     self.asm.append(' br label %%%s' % (self.nextlabel,))
     self.asm = None
     return self
Exemplo n.º 2
 def jump_if_true(self, gv_condition, args_for_jump_gv):
     log('%s Builder.jump_if_true %s' % (self.block.label, gv_condition.operand()))
     targetbuilder = self._fork()
     self.nextlabel = count.newlabel()
     self.asm.append(' br %s,label %%%s,label %%%s' % (
         gv_condition.operand(), targetbuilder.nextlabel, self.nextlabel))
     return targetbuilder
Exemplo n.º 3
    def add_incoming_link(self, sourceblock, sourcevars):
        # check the types for debugging
        sourcevartypes = [var.type for var in sourcevars]
        targetvartypes = [var.type for var in self.inputargs]
        if sourcevartypes != targetvartypes:
            logger.dump('assert fails on: sourcevartypes(%s) != targetvartypes(%s)' % (
                sourcevartypes, targetvartypes))
            assert sourcevartypes == targetvartypes

        # Check if the source block jumps to 'self' from multiple
        # positions: in this case we need an intermediate block...
        if sourceblock in self.phinodes:
            tmplabel = count.newlabel()
            tmpblock = BasicBlock(self.rgenop, tmplabel, targetvartypes)
            tmpblock.add_incoming_link(sourceblock, sourcevars)
            sourceblock = tmpblock
            sourcevars = tmpblock.inputargs

        # Add this source for the phi nodes
        self.phinodes[sourceblock] = list(sourcevars)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def enter_next_block(self, kinds, args_gv):
        assert self.nextlabel is None
        coming_from = self.block
        newlabel = count.newlabel()
        # we still need to properly terminate the current block
        # (with a br to go to the next block)
        # see: http://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#terminators
        self.asm.append(' br label %%%s' % (newlabel,))
        # prepare the next block
        nextblock = BasicBlock(self.rgenop, newlabel, kinds)
        log('%s Builder enter block %s' % (
            nextblock.label, [v.operand() for v in nextblock.inputargs]))
        self.block = nextblock
        self.asm   = nextblock.asm

        # link the two blocks together and update args_gv
        nextblock.add_incoming_link(coming_from, args_gv)
        for i in range(len(args_gv)):
            args_gv[i] = nextblock.inputargs[i]

        return self.block
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, rgenop, coming_from):
     self.rgenop = rgenop
     self.nextlabel = count.newlabel()   # the label of the next block
     self.block = coming_from            # the old block that jumped here