Exemplo n.º 1
 def execute(self, interp):
     w_lhs = self.lhs.execute(interp)
     if isinstance(self.rhs, SliceConstant):
         w_rhs = self.rhs.wrap(interp.space)
         w_rhs = self.rhs.execute(interp)
     if not isinstance(w_lhs, W_NDimArray):
         # scalar
         dtype = get_dtype_cache(interp.space).w_float64dtype
         w_lhs = W_NDimArray.new_scalar(interp.space, dtype, w_lhs)
     assert isinstance(w_lhs, W_NDimArray)
     if self.name == '+':
         w_res = w_lhs.descr_add(interp.space, w_rhs)
     elif self.name == '*':
         w_res = w_lhs.descr_mul(interp.space, w_rhs)
     elif self.name == '-':
         w_res = w_lhs.descr_sub(interp.space, w_rhs)
     elif self.name == '->':
         if isinstance(w_rhs, FloatObject):
             w_rhs = IntObject(int(w_rhs.floatval))
         assert isinstance(w_lhs, W_NDimArray)
         w_res = w_lhs.descr_getitem(interp.space, w_rhs)
         raise NotImplementedError
     if (not isinstance(w_res, W_NDimArray) and
         not isinstance(w_res, interp_boxes.W_GenericBox)):
         dtype = get_dtype_cache(interp.space).w_float64dtype
         w_res = W_NDimArray.new_scalar(interp.space, dtype, w_res)
     return w_res
Exemplo n.º 2
def frombuffer(space, w_buffer, w_dtype=None, count=-1, offset=0):
    dtype = space.interp_w(descriptor.W_Dtype,
        space.call_function(space.gettypefor(descriptor.W_Dtype), w_dtype))
    if dtype.elsize == 0:
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError, "itemsize cannot be zero in type")

        buf = _getbuffer(space, w_buffer)
    except OperationError as e:
        if not e.match(space, space.w_TypeError):
        w_buffer = space.call_method(w_buffer, '__buffer__', 
        buf = _getbuffer(space, w_buffer)

    ts = buf.getlength()
    if offset < 0 or offset > ts:
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
                    "offset must be non-negative and no greater than "
                    "buffer length (%d)", ts)

    s = ts - offset
    if offset:
        buf = SubBuffer(buf, offset, s)

    n = count
    itemsize = dtype.elsize
    assert itemsize > 0
    if n < 0:
        if s % itemsize != 0:
            raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
                        "buffer size must be a multiple of element size")
        n = s / itemsize
        if s < n * itemsize:
            raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
                        "buffer is smaller than requested size")

        storage = buf.get_raw_address()
    except ValueError:
        a = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, [n], dtype=dtype)
        loop.fromstring_loop(space, a, dtype, itemsize, buf.as_str())
        return a
        writable = not buf.readonly
    return W_NDimArray.from_shape_and_storage(space, [n], storage, storage_bytes=s,
                                dtype=dtype, w_base=w_buffer, writable=writable)
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: iter.py Projeto: sota/pypy
 def apply(self, space, orig_arr):
     arr = orig_arr.implementation
     ofs, subdtype = arr.dtype.fields[self.name]
     # strides backstrides are identical, ofs only changes start
     return W_NDimArray.new_slice(space, arr.start + ofs, arr.get_strides(),
                                  arr.shape, arr, orig_arr, subdtype)
Exemplo n.º 4
def numpify(space, w_object):
    """Convert the object to a W_NumpyObject"""
    # XXX: code duplication with _array()
    from pypy.module.micronumpy import strides
    if isinstance(w_object, W_NumpyObject):
        return w_object
    # for anything that isn't already an array, try __array__ method first
    w_array = try_array_method(space, w_object)
    if w_array is not None:
        return w_array

    shape, elems_w = strides.find_shape_and_elems(space, w_object, None)
    dtype = find_dtype_for_seq(space, elems_w, None)
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = descriptor.get_dtype_cache(space).w_float64dtype
    elif dtype.is_str_or_unicode() and dtype.elsize < 1:
        # promote S0 -> S1, U0 -> U1
        dtype = descriptor.variable_dtype(space, dtype.char + '1')

    if len(elems_w) == 1:
        return dtype.coerce(space, elems_w[0])
        w_arr = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, dtype)
        loop.assign(space, w_arr, elems_w)
        return w_arr
Exemplo n.º 5
def new_view(space, w_arr, chunks):
    arr = w_arr.implementation
    r = calculate_slice_strides(space, arr.shape, arr.start, arr.get_strides(),
                                arr.get_backstrides(), chunks)
    shape, start, strides, backstrides = r
    return W_NDimArray.new_slice(space, start, strides[:], backstrides[:],
                                 shape[:], arr, w_arr)
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: loop.py Projeto: Qointum/pypy
def accumulate(space, func, w_arr, axis, calc_dtype, w_out, identity):
    out_iter, out_state = w_out.create_iter()
    arr_shape = w_arr.get_shape()
    temp_shape = arr_shape[:axis] + arr_shape[axis + 1:]
    temp = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, temp_shape, calc_dtype, w_instance=w_arr)
    temp_iter = AxisIter(temp.implementation, w_arr.get_shape(), axis)
    temp_state = temp_iter.reset()
    arr_iter, arr_state = w_arr.create_iter()
    arr_iter.track_index = False
    if identity is not None:
        identity = identity.convert_to(space, calc_dtype)
    shapelen = len(arr_shape)
    while not out_iter.done(out_state):
        accumulate_driver.jit_merge_point(shapelen=shapelen, func=func,
        w_item = arr_iter.getitem(arr_state).convert_to(space, calc_dtype)
        arr_state = arr_iter.next(arr_state)

        out_indices = out_iter.indices(out_state)
        if out_indices[axis] == 0:
            if identity is not None:
                w_item = func(calc_dtype, identity, w_item)
            cur_value = temp_iter.getitem(temp_state)
            w_item = func(calc_dtype, cur_value, w_item)

        out_iter.setitem(out_state, w_item)
        out_state = out_iter.next(out_state)
        temp_iter.setitem(temp_state, w_item)
        temp_state = temp_iter.next(temp_state)
    return w_out
Exemplo n.º 7
def zeros(space, w_shape, w_dtype=None, w_order=None):
    dtype = space.interp_w(descriptor.W_Dtype,
        space.call_function(space.gettypefor(descriptor.W_Dtype), w_dtype))
    if dtype.is_str_or_unicode() and dtype.elsize < 1:
        dtype = descriptor.variable_dtype(space, dtype.char + '1')
    shape = shape_converter(space, w_shape, dtype)
    return W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, dtype=dtype)
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: loop.py Projeto: bukzor/pypy
def call2(space, shape, func, calc_dtype, res_dtype, w_lhs, w_rhs, out):
    # handle array_priority
    # w_lhs and w_rhs could be of different ndarray subtypes. Numpy does:
    # 1. if __array_priorities__ are equal and one is an ndarray and the
    #        other is a subtype,  flip the order
    # 2. elif rhs.__array_priority__ is higher, flip the order
    # Now return the subtype of the first one

    w_ndarray = space.gettypefor(W_NDimArray)
    lhs_type = space.type(w_lhs)
    rhs_type = space.type(w_rhs)
    lhs_for_subtype = w_lhs
    rhs_for_subtype = w_rhs
    #it may be something like a FlatIter, which is not an ndarray
    if not space.is_true(space.issubtype(lhs_type, w_ndarray)):
        lhs_type = space.type(w_lhs.base)
        lhs_for_subtype = w_lhs.base
    if not space.is_true(space.issubtype(rhs_type, w_ndarray)):
        rhs_type = space.type(w_rhs.base)
        rhs_for_subtype = w_rhs.base
    if space.is_w(lhs_type, w_ndarray) and not space.is_w(rhs_type, w_ndarray):
        lhs_for_subtype = rhs_for_subtype

    # TODO handle __array_priorities__ and maybe flip the order

    if w_lhs.get_size() == 1:
        w_left = w_lhs.get_scalar_value().convert_to(space, calc_dtype)
        left_iter = left_state = None
        w_left = None
        left_iter, left_state = w_lhs.create_iter(shape)
        left_iter.track_index = False

    if w_rhs.get_size() == 1:
        w_right = w_rhs.get_scalar_value().convert_to(space, calc_dtype)
        right_iter = right_state = None
        w_right = None
        right_iter, right_state = w_rhs.create_iter(shape)
        right_iter.track_index = False

    if out is None:
        out = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, res_dtype,
    out_iter, out_state = out.create_iter(shape)
    shapelen = len(shape)
    while not out_iter.done(out_state):
        call2_driver.jit_merge_point(shapelen=shapelen, func=func,
                                     calc_dtype=calc_dtype, res_dtype=res_dtype)
        if left_iter:
            w_left = left_iter.getitem(left_state).convert_to(space, calc_dtype)
            left_state = left_iter.next(left_state)
        if right_iter:
            w_right = right_iter.getitem(right_state).convert_to(space, calc_dtype)
            right_state = right_iter.next(right_state)
        out_iter.setitem(out_state, func(calc_dtype, w_left, w_right).convert_to(
            space, res_dtype))
        out_state = out_iter.next(out_state)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 9
 def apply(self, space, orig_arr):
     arr = orig_arr.implementation
     shape = self.extend_shape(arr.shape)
     r = calculate_slice_strides(arr.shape, arr.start, arr.get_strides(),
                                 arr.get_backstrides(), self.l)
     _, start, strides, backstrides = r
     return W_NDimArray.new_slice(space, start, strides[:], backstrides[:],
                                  shape[:], arr, orig_arr)
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: scalar.py Projeto: sota/pypy
 def set_shape(self, space, orig_array, new_shape):
     if not new_shape:
         return self
     if support.product(new_shape) == 1:
         arr = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, new_shape, self.dtype)
         arr_iter = arr.create_iter(new_shape)
         return arr.implementation
     raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap("total size of the array must be unchanged"))
Exemplo n.º 11
 def swapaxes(self, space, orig_arr, axis1, axis2):
     shape = self.get_shape()[:]
     strides = self.get_strides()[:]
     backstrides = self.get_backstrides()[:]
     shape[axis1], shape[axis2] = shape[axis2], shape[axis1]
     strides[axis1], strides[axis2] = strides[axis2], strides[axis1]
     backstrides[axis1], backstrides[axis2] = backstrides[axis2], backstrides[axis1]
     return W_NDimArray.new_slice(space, self.start, strides,
                                  backstrides, shape, self, orig_arr)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def nonzero(self, space, index_type):
     s = loop.count_all_true_concrete(self)
     box = index_type.itemtype.box
     nd = len(self.get_shape()) or 1
     w_res = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, [s, nd], index_type)
     loop.nonzero(w_res, self, box)
     w_res = w_res.implementation.swapaxes(space, w_res, 0, 1)
     l_w = [w_res.descr_getitem(space, space.wrap(d)) for d in range(nd)]
     return space.newtuple(l_w)
Exemplo n.º 13
def concatenate(space, w_args, w_axis=None):
    args_w = space.listview(w_args)
    if len(args_w) == 0:
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError, "need at least one array to concatenate")
    args_w = [convert_to_array(space, w_arg) for w_arg in args_w]
    if w_axis is None:
        w_axis = space.wrap(0)
    if space.is_none(w_axis):
        args_w = [w_arg.reshape(space,
                  for w_arg in args_w]
        w_axis = space.wrap(0)
    dtype = args_w[0].get_dtype()
    shape = args_w[0].get_shape()[:]
    ndim = len(shape)
    if ndim == 0:
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
                    "zero-dimensional arrays cannot be concatenated")
    axis = space.int_w(w_axis)
    orig_axis = axis
    if axis < 0:
        axis = ndim + axis
    if ndim == 1 and axis != 0:
        axis = 0
    if axis < 0 or axis >= ndim:
        raise oefmt(space.w_IndexError, "axis %d out of bounds [0, %d)",
                    orig_axis, ndim)
    for arr in args_w[1:]:
        if len(arr.get_shape()) != ndim:
            raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
                        "all the input arrays must have same number of "
        for i, axis_size in enumerate(arr.get_shape()):
            if i == axis:
                shape[i] += axis_size
            elif axis_size != shape[i]:
                raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
                            "all the input array dimensions except for the "
                            "concatenation axis must match exactly")

    dtype = find_result_type(space, args_w, [])
    # concatenate does not handle ndarray subtypes, it always returns a ndarray
    res = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, dtype, NPY.CORDER)
    chunks = [Chunk(0, i, 1, i) for i in shape]
    axis_start = 0
    for arr in args_w:
        if arr.get_shape()[axis] == 0:
        chunks[axis] = Chunk(axis_start, axis_start + arr.get_shape()[axis], 1,
        view = new_view(space, res, chunks)
        view.implementation.setslice(space, arr)
        axis_start += arr.get_shape()[axis]
    return res
Exemplo n.º 14
def concatenate(space, w_args, w_axis=None):
    args_w = space.listview(w_args)
    if len(args_w) == 0:
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError, "need at least one array to concatenate")
    args_w = [convert_to_array(space, w_arg) for w_arg in args_w]
    if w_axis is None:
        w_axis = space.wrap(0)
    if space.is_none(w_axis):
        args_w = [w_arg.reshape(space,
                  for w_arg in args_w]
        w_axis = space.wrap(0)
    dtype = args_w[0].get_dtype()
    shape = args_w[0].get_shape()[:]
    ndim = len(shape)
    if ndim == 0:
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
                    "zero-dimensional arrays cannot be concatenated")
    axis = space.int_w(w_axis)
    orig_axis = axis
    if axis < 0:
        axis = ndim + axis
    if ndim == 1 and axis != 0:
        axis = 0
    if axis < 0 or axis >= ndim:
        raise oefmt(space.w_IndexError, "axis %d out of bounds [0, %d)",
                    orig_axis, ndim)
    for arr in args_w[1:]:
        if len(arr.get_shape()) != ndim:
            raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap(
                "all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions"))
        for i, axis_size in enumerate(arr.get_shape()):
            if i == axis:
                shape[i] += axis_size
            elif axis_size != shape[i]:
                raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap(
                    "all the input array dimensions except for the "
                    "concatenation axis must match exactly"))

    dtype = find_result_type(space, args_w, [])
    # concatenate does not handle ndarray subtypes, it always returns a ndarray
    res = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, dtype, NPY.CORDER)
    chunks = [Chunk(0, i, 1, i) for i in shape]
    axis_start = 0
    for arr in args_w:
        if arr.get_shape()[axis] == 0:
        chunks[axis] = Chunk(axis_start, axis_start + arr.get_shape()[axis], 1,
        view = new_view(space, res, chunks)
        view.implementation.setslice(space, arr)
        axis_start += arr.get_shape()[axis]
    return res
Exemplo n.º 15
def empty_like(space, w_a, w_dtype=None, w_order=None, subok=True):
    w_a = convert_to_array(space, w_a)
    if space.is_none(w_dtype):
        dtype = w_a.get_dtype()
        dtype = space.interp_w(descriptor.W_Dtype,
            space.call_function(space.gettypefor(descriptor.W_Dtype), w_dtype))
        if dtype.is_str_or_unicode() and dtype.elsize < 1:
            dtype = descriptor.variable_dtype(space, dtype.char + '1')
    return W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, w_a.get_shape(), dtype=dtype,
                                  w_instance=w_a if subok else None)
Exemplo n.º 16
def empty_like(space, w_a, w_dtype=None, w_order=None, subok=True):
    w_a = convert_to_array(space, w_a)
    if space.is_none(w_dtype):
        dtype = w_a.get_dtype()
        dtype = space.interp_w(descriptor.W_Dtype,
            space.call_function(space.gettypefor(descriptor.W_Dtype), w_dtype))
        if dtype.is_str_or_unicode() and dtype.elsize < 1:
            dtype = descriptor.variable_dtype(space, dtype.char + '1')
    return W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, w_a.get_shape(), dtype=dtype,
                                  w_instance=w_a if subok else None,
Exemplo n.º 17
def concatenate(space, w_args, axis=0):
    args_w = space.listview(w_args)
    if len(args_w) == 0:
        raise OperationError(
            space.wrap("need at least one array to concatenate"))
    args_w = [convert_to_array(space, w_arg) for w_arg in args_w]
    dtype = args_w[0].get_dtype()
    shape = args_w[0].get_shape()[:]
    _axis = axis
    if axis < 0:
        _axis = len(shape) + axis
    for arr in args_w[1:]:
        for i, axis_size in enumerate(arr.get_shape()):
            if len(arr.get_shape()) != len(shape) or (i != _axis and
                                                      axis_size != shape[i]):
                raise OperationError(
                        "all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions"
            elif i == _axis:
                shape[i] += axis_size
        a_dt = arr.get_dtype()
        if dtype.is_record_type() and a_dt.is_record_type():
            # Record types must match
            for f in dtype.fields:
                if f not in a_dt.fields or \
                             dtype.fields[f] != a_dt.fields[f]:
                    raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError,
                                         space.wrap("invalid type promotion"))
        elif dtype.is_record_type() or a_dt.is_record_type():
            raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError,
                                 space.wrap("invalid type promotion"))
        dtype = interp_ufuncs.find_binop_result_dtype(space, dtype,
        if _axis < 0 or len(arr.get_shape()) <= _axis:
            raise operationerrfmt(space.w_IndexError,
                                  "axis %d out of bounds [0, %d)", axis,
    # concatenate does not handle ndarray subtypes, it always returns a ndarray
    res = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, dtype, 'C')
    chunks = [Chunk(0, i, 1, i) for i in shape]
    axis_start = 0
    for arr in args_w:
        if arr.get_shape()[_axis] == 0:
        chunks[_axis] = Chunk(axis_start, axis_start + arr.get_shape()[_axis],
        Chunks(chunks).apply(space, res).implementation.setslice(space, arr)
        axis_start += arr.get_shape()[_axis]
    return res
Exemplo n.º 18
def array(space, w_object, w_dtype=None, copy=True, w_order=None, subok=False,
    w_res = _array(space, w_object, w_dtype, copy, w_order, subok)
    shape = w_res.get_shape()
    if len(shape) < ndmin:
        shape = [1] * (ndmin - len(shape)) + shape
        impl = w_res.implementation.set_shape(space, w_res, shape)
        if w_res is w_object:
            return W_NDimArray(impl)
            w_res.implementation = impl
    return w_res
Exemplo n.º 19
Arquivo: loop.py Projeto: charred/pypy
def tostring(space, arr):
    builder = StringBuilder()
    iter = arr.create_iter()
    w_res_str = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, [1], arr.get_dtype(), order='C')
    itemsize = arr.get_dtype().itemtype.get_element_size()
    res_str_casted = rffi.cast(rffi.CArrayPtr(lltype.Char),
    while not iter.done():
        w_res_str.implementation.setitem(0, iter.getitem())
        for i in range(itemsize):
    return builder.build()
Exemplo n.º 20
def repeat(space, w_arr, repeats, w_axis):
    arr = convert_to_array(space, w_arr)
    if space.is_none(w_axis):
        arr = arr.descr_flatten(space)
        orig_size = arr.get_shape()[0]
        shape = [arr.get_shape()[0] * repeats]
        w_res = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, arr.get_dtype(), w_instance=arr)
        for i in range(repeats):
            Chunks([Chunk(i, shape[0] - repeats + i, repeats, orig_size)]).apply(space, w_res).implementation.setslice(
                space, arr
        axis = space.int_w(w_axis)
        shape = arr.get_shape()[:]
        chunks = [Chunk(0, i, 1, i) for i in shape]
        orig_size = shape[axis]
        shape[axis] *= repeats
        w_res = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, arr.get_dtype(), w_instance=arr)
        for i in range(repeats):
            chunks[axis] = Chunk(i, shape[axis] - repeats + i, repeats, orig_size)
            Chunks(chunks).apply(space, w_res).implementation.setslice(space, arr)
    return w_res
Exemplo n.º 21
def tostring(space, arr):
    builder = StringBuilder()
    iter, state = arr.create_iter()
    w_res_str = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, [1], arr.get_dtype(), order="C")
    itemsize = arr.get_dtype().elsize
    with w_res_str.implementation as storage:
        res_str_casted = rffi.cast(rffi.CArrayPtr(lltype.Char), support.get_storage_as_int(storage))
        while not iter.done(state):
            w_res_str.implementation.setitem(0, iter.getitem(state))
            for i in range(itemsize):
            state = iter.next(state)
        return builder.build()
Exemplo n.º 22
def tostring(space, arr):
    builder = StringBuilder()
    iter, state = arr.create_iter()
    w_res_str = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, [1], arr.get_dtype(), order='C')
    itemsize = arr.get_dtype().elsize
    res_str_casted = rffi.cast(rffi.CArrayPtr(lltype.Char),
    while not iter.done(state):
        w_res_str.implementation.setitem(0, iter.getitem(state))
        for i in range(itemsize):
        state = iter.next(state)
    return builder.build()
Exemplo n.º 23
def call1(space, shape, func, calc_dtype, res_dtype, w_obj, out):
    if out is None:
        out = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, res_dtype, w_instance=w_obj)
    obj_iter, obj_state = w_obj.create_iter(shape)
    out_iter, out_state = out.create_iter(shape)
    shapelen = len(shape)
    while not out_iter.done(out_state):
        call1_driver.jit_merge_point(shapelen=shapelen, func=func,
                                     calc_dtype=calc_dtype, res_dtype=res_dtype)
        elem = obj_iter.getitem(obj_state).convert_to(space, calc_dtype)
        out_iter.setitem(out_state, func(calc_dtype, elem).convert_to(space, res_dtype))
        out_state = out_iter.next(out_state)
        obj_state = obj_iter.next(obj_state)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 24
 def descr_getitem(self, space, w_idx):
     if not (space.isinstance_w(w_idx, space.w_int) or
             space.isinstance_w(w_idx, space.w_slice)):
         raise oefmt(space.w_IndexError, 'unsupported iterator index')
     base = self.base
     start, stop, step, length = space.decode_index4(w_idx, base.get_size())
     base_iter, base_state = base.create_iter()
     base_state = base_iter.next_skip_x(base_state, start)
     if length == 1:
         return base_iter.getitem(base_state)
     res = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, [length], base.get_dtype(),
                                  base.get_order(), w_instance=base)
     return loop.flatiter_getitem(res, base_iter, base_state, step)
Exemplo n.º 25
def _fromstring_text(space, s, count, sep, length, dtype):
    sep_stripped = strip_spaces(sep)
    skip_bad_vals = len(sep_stripped) == 0

    items = []
    num_items = 0
    idx = 0

    while (num_items < count or count == -1) and idx < len(s):
        nextidx = s.find(sep, idx)
        if nextidx < 0:
            nextidx = length
        piece = strip_spaces(s[idx:nextidx])
        if len(piece) > 0 or not skip_bad_vals:
            if len(piece) == 0 and not skip_bad_vals:
                val = dtype.itemtype.default_fromstring(space)
                    val = dtype.coerce(space, space.newtext(piece))
                except OperationError as e:
                    if not e.match(space, space.w_ValueError):
                    gotit = False
                    while not gotit and len(piece) > 0:
                        piece = piece[:-1]
                            val = dtype.coerce(space, space.newtext(piece))
                            gotit = True
                        except OperationError as e:
                            if not e.match(space, space.w_ValueError):
                    if not gotit:
                        val = dtype.itemtype.default_fromstring(space)
                    nextidx = length
            num_items += 1
        idx = nextidx + 1

    if count > num_items:
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
                    "string is smaller than requested size")

    a = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, [num_items], dtype=dtype)
    ai, state = a.create_iter()
    for val in items:
        ai.setitem(state, val)
        state = ai.next(state)

    return a
Exemplo n.º 26
def _fromstring_text(space, s, count, sep, length, dtype):
    sep_stripped = strip_spaces(sep)
    skip_bad_vals = len(sep_stripped) == 0

    items = []
    num_items = 0
    idx = 0

    while (num_items < count or count == -1) and idx < len(s):
        nextidx = s.find(sep, idx)
        if nextidx < 0:
            nextidx = length
        piece = strip_spaces(s[idx:nextidx])
        if len(piece) > 0 or not skip_bad_vals:
            if len(piece) == 0 and not skip_bad_vals:
                val = dtype.itemtype.default_fromstring(space)
                    val = dtype.coerce(space, space.wrap(piece))
                except OperationError as e:
                    if not e.match(space, space.w_ValueError):
                    gotit = False
                    while not gotit and len(piece) > 0:
                        piece = piece[:-1]
                            val = dtype.coerce(space, space.wrap(piece))
                            gotit = True
                        except OperationError as e:
                            if not e.match(space, space.w_ValueError):
                    if not gotit:
                        val = dtype.itemtype.default_fromstring(space)
                    nextidx = length
            num_items += 1
        idx = nextidx + 1

    if count > num_items:
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
                    "string is smaller than requested size")

    a = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, [num_items], dtype=dtype)
    ai, state = a.create_iter()
    for val in items:
        ai.setitem(state, val)
        state = ai.next(state)

    return space.wrap(a)
Exemplo n.º 27
def repeat(space, w_arr, repeats, w_axis):
    arr = convert_to_array(space, w_arr)
    if space.is_none(w_axis):
        arr = arr.descr_flatten(space)
        orig_size = arr.get_shape()[0]
        shape = [arr.get_shape()[0] * repeats]
        w_res = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, arr.get_dtype(), w_instance=arr)
        for i in range(repeats):
            chunks = [Chunk(i, shape[0] - repeats + i, repeats, orig_size)]
            view = new_view(space, w_res, chunks)
            view.implementation.setslice(space, arr)
        axis = space.int_w(w_axis)
        shape = arr.get_shape()[:]
        chunks = [Chunk(0, i, 1, i) for i in shape]
        orig_size = shape[axis]
        shape[axis] *= repeats
        w_res = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, arr.get_dtype(), w_instance=arr)
        for i in range(repeats):
            chunks[axis] = Chunk(i, shape[axis] - repeats + i, repeats,
            view = new_view(space, w_res, chunks)
            view.implementation.setslice(space, arr)
    return w_res
Exemplo n.º 28
def _zeros_or_empty(space, w_shape, w_dtype, w_order, zero):
    dtype = space.interp_w(descriptor.W_Dtype,
        space.call_function(space.gettypefor(descriptor.W_Dtype), w_dtype))
    if dtype.is_str_or_unicode() and dtype.elsize < 1:
        dtype = descriptor.variable_dtype(space, dtype.char + '1')
    shape = shape_converter(space, w_shape, dtype)
    for dim in shape:
        if dim < 0:
            raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap(
                "negative dimensions are not allowed"))
    except OverflowError:
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError, "array is too big.")
    return W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, dtype=dtype, zero=zero)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def descr_getitem(self, space, w_idx):
     if not (space.isinstance_w(w_idx, space.w_int) or
         space.isinstance_w(w_idx, space.w_slice)):
         raise OperationError(space.w_IndexError,
                              space.wrap('unsupported iterator index'))
     base = self.base
     start, stop, step, length = space.decode_index4(w_idx, base.get_size())
     base_iter = base.create_iter()
     if length == 1:
         return base_iter.getitem()
     res = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, [length], base.get_dtype(),
                                  base.get_order(), w_instance=base)
     return loop.flatiter_getitem(res, base_iter, step)
Exemplo n.º 30
def call1(space, shape, func, calc_dtype, res_dtype, w_obj, out):
    obj_iter, obj_state = w_obj.create_iter(shape)
    obj_iter.track_index = False

    if out is None:
        out = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, res_dtype, w_instance=w_obj)
    out_iter, out_state = out.create_iter(shape)
    shapelen = len(shape)
    while not out_iter.done(out_state):
        call1_driver.jit_merge_point(shapelen=shapelen, func=func,
                                     calc_dtype=calc_dtype, res_dtype=res_dtype)
        elem = obj_iter.getitem(obj_state).convert_to(space, calc_dtype)
        out_iter.setitem(out_state, func(calc_dtype, elem).convert_to(space, res_dtype))
        out_state = out_iter.next(out_state)
        obj_state = obj_iter.next(obj_state)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 31
def _zeros_or_empty(space, w_shape, w_dtype, w_order, zero):
    dtype = space.interp_w(descriptor.W_Dtype,
        space.call_function(space.gettypefor(descriptor.W_Dtype), w_dtype))
    if dtype.is_str_or_unicode() and dtype.elsize < 1:
        dtype = descriptor.variable_dtype(space, dtype.char + '1')
    shape = shape_converter(space, w_shape, dtype)
    for dim in shape:
        if dim < 0:
            raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap(
                "negative dimensions are not allowed"))
    except OverflowError:
        raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap(
            "array is too big."))
    return W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, dtype=dtype, zero=zero)
Exemplo n.º 32
def _fromstring_bin(space, s, count, length, dtype):
    itemsize = dtype.elsize
    assert itemsize >= 0
    if count == -1:
        count = length / itemsize
    if length % itemsize != 0:
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
                    "string length %d not divisable by item size %d",
                    length, itemsize)
    if count * itemsize > length:
        raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap(
            "string is smaller than requested size"))

    a = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, [count], dtype=dtype)
    loop.fromstring_loop(space, a, dtype, itemsize, s)
    return space.wrap(a)
Exemplo n.º 33
def _fromstring_bin(space, s, count, length, dtype):
    itemsize = dtype.elsize
    assert itemsize >= 0
    if count == -1:
        count = length / itemsize
    if length % itemsize != 0:
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
                    "string length %d not divisable by item size %d", length,
    if count * itemsize > length:
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
                    "string is smaller than requested size")

    a = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, [count], dtype=dtype)
    loop.fromstring_loop(space, a, dtype, itemsize, s)
    return a
Exemplo n.º 34
 def argsort(arr, space, w_axis):
     if w_axis is space.w_None:
         # note that it's fine ot pass None here as we're not going
         # to pass the result around (None is the link to base in slices)
         if arr.get_size() > 0:
             arr = arr.reshape(None, [arr.get_size()])
         axis = 0
     elif w_axis is None:
         axis = -1
         axis = space.int_w(w_axis)
     # create array of indexes
     dtype = descriptor.get_dtype_cache(space).w_longdtype
     index_arr = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, arr.get_shape(), dtype)
     with index_arr.implementation as storage, arr as arr_storage:
         if len(arr.get_shape()) == 1:
             for i in range(arr.get_size()):
                 raw_storage_setitem(storage, i * INT_SIZE, i)
             r = Repr(INT_SIZE, arr.strides[0], arr.get_size(), arr_storage,
                      storage, 0, arr.start)
             shape = arr.get_shape()
             if axis < 0:
                 axis = len(shape) + axis
             if axis < 0 or axis >= len(shape):
                 raise oefmt(space.w_IndexError, "Wrong axis %d", axis)
             arr_iter = AllButAxisIter(arr, axis)
             arr_state = arr_iter.reset()
             index_impl = index_arr.implementation
             index_iter = AllButAxisIter(index_impl, axis)
             index_state = index_iter.reset()
             stride_size = arr.strides[axis]
             index_stride_size = index_impl.strides[axis]
             axis_size = arr.shape[axis]
             while not arr_iter.done(arr_state):
                 for i in range(axis_size):
                         i * index_stride_size + index_state.offset, i)
                 r = Repr(index_stride_size, stride_size, axis_size,
                          arr_storage, storage, index_state.offset,
                 arr_state = arr_iter.next(arr_state)
                 index_state = index_iter.next(index_state)
         return index_arr
Exemplo n.º 35
 def apply(self, space, orig_arr):
     arr = orig_arr.implementation
     ofs, subdtype = arr.dtype.fields[self.name]
     # ofs only changes start
     # create a view of the original array by extending
     # the shape, strides, backstrides of the array
     strides, backstrides = calc_strides(subdtype.shape, subdtype.subdtype,
     final_shape = arr.shape + subdtype.shape
     final_strides = arr.get_strides() + strides
     final_backstrides = arr.get_backstrides() + backstrides
     final_dtype = subdtype
     if subdtype.subdtype:
         final_dtype = subdtype.subdtype
     return W_NDimArray.new_slice(space, arr.start + ofs, final_strides,
                                  final_backstrides, final_shape, arr,
                                  orig_arr, final_dtype)
Exemplo n.º 36
def _fromstring_bin(space, s, count, length, dtype):
    itemsize = dtype.itemtype.get_element_size()
    assert itemsize >= 0
    if count == -1:
        count = length / itemsize
    if length % itemsize != 0:
        raise operationerrfmt(
            "string length %d not divisable by item size %d", length, itemsize)
    if count * itemsize > length:
        raise OperationError(
            space.wrap("string is smaller than requested size"))

    a = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, [count], dtype=dtype)
    loop.fromstring_loop(a, dtype, itemsize, s)
    return space.wrap(a)
Exemplo n.º 37
 def apply(self, space, orig_arr):
     arr = orig_arr.implementation
     ofs, subdtype = arr.dtype.fields[self.name]
     # ofs only changes start
     # create a view of the original array by extending
     # the shape, strides, backstrides of the array
     strides, backstrides = calc_strides(subdtype.shape,
                                         subdtype.subdtype, arr.order)
     final_shape = arr.shape + subdtype.shape
     final_strides = arr.get_strides() + strides
     final_backstrides = arr.get_backstrides() + backstrides
     final_dtype = subdtype
     if subdtype.subdtype:
         final_dtype = subdtype.subdtype
     return W_NDimArray.new_slice(space, arr.start + ofs, final_strides,
                                  final_shape, arr, orig_arr, final_dtype)
Exemplo n.º 38
 def argsort(arr, space, w_axis, itemsize):
     if w_axis is space.w_None:
         # note that it's fine ot pass None here as we're not going
         # to pass the result around (None is the link to base in slices)
         arr = arr.reshape(space, None, [arr.get_size()])
         axis = 0
     elif w_axis is None:
         axis = -1
         axis = space.int_w(w_axis)
     # create array of indexes
     dtype = interp_dtype.get_dtype_cache(space).w_longdtype
     index_arr = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, arr.get_shape(), dtype)
     storage = index_arr.implementation.get_storage()
     if len(arr.get_shape()) == 1:
         for i in range(arr.get_size()):
             raw_storage_setitem(storage, i * INT_SIZE, i)
         r = Repr(INT_SIZE, itemsize, arr.get_size(), arr.get_storage(),
                  storage, 0, arr.start)
         shape = arr.get_shape()
         if axis < 0:
             axis = len(shape) + axis
         if axis < 0 or axis >= len(shape):
             raise OperationError(space.w_IndexError,
                                  space.wrap("Wrong axis %d" % axis))
         iterable_shape = shape[:axis] + [0] + shape[axis + 1:]
         iter = AxisIterator(arr, iterable_shape, axis, False)
         index_impl = index_arr.implementation
         index_iter = AxisIterator(index_impl, iterable_shape, axis, False)
         stride_size = arr.strides[axis]
         index_stride_size = index_impl.strides[axis]
         axis_size = arr.shape[axis]
         while not iter.done():
             for i in range(axis_size):
                     storage, i * index_stride_size + index_iter.offset, i)
             r = Repr(index_stride_size, stride_size, axis_size,
                      arr.get_storage(), storage, index_iter.offset,
     return index_arr
Exemplo n.º 39
 def argsort(arr, space, w_axis):
     if w_axis is space.w_None:
         # note that it's fine ot pass None here as we're not going
         # to pass the result around (None is the link to base in slices)
         if arr.get_size() > 0:
             arr = arr.reshape(None, [arr.get_size()])
         axis = 0
     elif w_axis is None:
         axis = -1
         axis = space.int_w(w_axis)
     # create array of indexes
     dtype = descriptor.get_dtype_cache(space).w_longdtype
     index_arr = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, arr.get_shape(), dtype)
     with index_arr.implementation as storage, arr as arr_storage:
         if len(arr.get_shape()) == 1:
             for i in range(arr.get_size()):
                 raw_storage_setitem(storage, i * INT_SIZE, i)
             r = Repr(INT_SIZE, arr.strides[0], arr.get_size(), arr_storage,
                      storage, 0, arr.start)
             shape = arr.get_shape()
             if axis < 0:
                 axis = len(shape) + axis
             if axis < 0 or axis >= len(shape):
                 raise oefmt(space.w_IndexError, "Wrong axis %d", axis)
             arr_iter = AllButAxisIter(arr, axis)
             arr_state = arr_iter.reset()
             index_impl = index_arr.implementation
             index_iter = AllButAxisIter(index_impl, axis)
             index_state = index_iter.reset()
             stride_size = arr.strides[axis]
             index_stride_size = index_impl.strides[axis]
             axis_size = arr.shape[axis]
             while not arr_iter.done(arr_state):
                 for i in range(axis_size):
                     raw_storage_setitem(storage, i * index_stride_size +
                                         index_state.offset, i)
                 r = Repr(index_stride_size, stride_size, axis_size,
                      arr_storage, storage, index_state.offset, arr_state.offset)
                 arr_state = arr_iter.next(arr_state)
                 index_state = index_iter.next(index_state)
         return index_arr
Exemplo n.º 40
def _zeros_or_empty(space, w_shape, w_dtype, w_order, zero):
    # w_order can be None, str, or boolean
    order = order_converter(space, w_order, NPY.CORDER)
    dtype = space.interp_w(
        space.call_function(space.gettypefor(descriptor.W_Dtype), w_dtype))
    if dtype.is_str_or_unicode() and dtype.elsize < 1:
        dtype = descriptor.variable_dtype(space, dtype.char + '1')
    shape = shape_converter(space, w_shape, dtype)
    for dim in shape:
        if dim < 0:
            raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
                        "negative dimensions are not allowed")
    except OverflowError:
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError, "array is too big.")
    return W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, dtype, order, zero=zero)
Exemplo n.º 41
Arquivo: sort.py Projeto: charred/pypy
 def argsort(arr, space, w_axis, itemsize):
     if w_axis is space.w_None:
         # note that it's fine ot pass None here as we're not going
         # to pass the result around (None is the link to base in slices)
         arr = arr.reshape(space, None, [arr.get_size()])
         axis = 0
     elif w_axis is None:
         axis = -1
         axis = space.int_w(w_axis)
     # create array of indexes
     dtype = interp_dtype.get_dtype_cache(space).w_longdtype
     index_arr = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, arr.get_shape(), dtype)
     storage = index_arr.implementation.get_storage()
     if len(arr.get_shape()) == 1:
         for i in range(arr.get_size()):
             raw_storage_setitem(storage, i * INT_SIZE, i)
         r = Repr(INT_SIZE, itemsize, arr.get_size(), arr.get_storage(),
                  storage, 0, arr.start)
         shape = arr.get_shape()
         if axis < 0:
             axis = len(shape) + axis - 1
         if axis < 0 or axis > len(shape):
             raise OperationError(space.w_IndexError, space.wrap(
                                                 "Wrong axis %d" % axis))
         iterable_shape = shape[:axis] + [0] + shape[axis + 1:]
         iter = AxisIterator(arr, iterable_shape, axis, False)
         index_impl = index_arr.implementation
         index_iter = AxisIterator(index_impl, iterable_shape, axis, False)
         stride_size = arr.strides[axis]
         index_stride_size = index_impl.strides[axis]
         axis_size = arr.shape[axis]
         while not iter.done():
             for i in range(axis_size):
                 raw_storage_setitem(storage, i * index_stride_size +
                                     index_iter.offset, i)
             r = Repr(index_stride_size, stride_size, axis_size,
                      arr.get_storage(), storage, index_iter.offset, iter.offset)
     return index_arr
Exemplo n.º 42
def concatenate(space, w_args, axis=0):
    args_w = space.listview(w_args)
    if len(args_w) == 0:
        raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap("need at least one array to concatenate"))
    args_w = [convert_to_array(space, w_arg) for w_arg in args_w]
    dtype = args_w[0].get_dtype()
    shape = args_w[0].get_shape()[:]
    _axis = axis
    if axis < 0:
        _axis = len(shape) + axis
    for arr in args_w[1:]:
        for i, axis_size in enumerate(arr.get_shape()):
            if len(arr.get_shape()) != len(shape) or (i != _axis and axis_size != shape[i]):
                raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap(
                    "all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions"))
            elif i == _axis:
                shape[i] += axis_size
        a_dt = arr.get_dtype()
        if dtype.is_record_type() and a_dt.is_record_type():
            #Record types must match
            for f in dtype.fields:
                if f not in a_dt.fields or \
                             dtype.fields[f] != a_dt.fields[f]:
                    raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError,
                               space.wrap("record type mismatch"))
        elif dtype.is_record_type() or a_dt.is_record_type():
            raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError,
                        space.wrap("invalid type promotion"))
        dtype = interp_ufuncs.find_binop_result_dtype(space, dtype,
        if _axis < 0 or len(arr.get_shape()) <= _axis:
            raise operationerrfmt(space.w_IndexError, "axis %d out of bounds [0, %d)", axis, len(shape))
    # concatenate does not handle ndarray subtypes, it always returns a ndarray
    res = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, dtype, 'C')
    chunks = [Chunk(0, i, 1, i) for i in shape]
    axis_start = 0
    for arr in args_w:
        if arr.get_shape()[_axis] == 0:
        chunks[_axis] = Chunk(axis_start, axis_start + arr.get_shape()[_axis], 1,
        Chunks(chunks).apply(space, res).implementation.setslice(space, arr)
        axis_start += arr.get_shape()[_axis]
    return res
Exemplo n.º 43
def can_cast(space, w_from, w_totype, casting='safe'):
        target = as_dtype(space, w_totype, allow_None=False)
    except TypeError:
        raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
            "did not understand one of the types; 'None' not accepted")
    if isinstance(w_from, W_NDimArray):
        return space.wrap(can_cast_array(space, w_from, target, casting))
    elif is_scalar_w(space, w_from):
        w_scalar = as_scalar(space, w_from)
        w_arr = W_NDimArray.from_scalar(space, w_scalar)
        return space.wrap(can_cast_array(space, w_arr, target, casting))

        origin = as_dtype(space, w_from, allow_None=False)
    except TypeError:
        raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
            "did not understand one of the types; 'None' not accepted")
    return space.wrap(can_cast_type(space, origin, target, casting))
Exemplo n.º 44
def can_cast(space, w_from, w_totype, casting='safe'):
        target = as_dtype(space, w_totype, allow_None=False)
    except TypeError:
        raise oefmt(
            "did not understand one of the types; 'None' not accepted")
    if isinstance(w_from, W_NDimArray):
        return space.wrap(can_cast_array(space, w_from, target, casting))
    elif is_scalar_w(space, w_from):
        w_scalar = as_scalar(space, w_from)
        w_arr = W_NDimArray.from_scalar(space, w_scalar)
        return space.wrap(can_cast_array(space, w_arr, target, casting))

        origin = as_dtype(space, w_from, allow_None=False)
    except TypeError:
        raise oefmt(
            "did not understand one of the types; 'None' not accepted")
    return space.wrap(can_cast_type(space, origin, target, casting))
Exemplo n.º 45
def result_type(space, __args__):
    args_w, kw_w = __args__.unpack()
    if kw_w:
        raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
                    "result_type() takes no keyword arguments")
    if not args_w:
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
                    "at least one array or dtype is required")
    arrays_w = []
    dtypes_w = []
    for w_arg in args_w:
        if isinstance(w_arg, W_NDimArray):
        elif is_scalar_w(space, w_arg):
            w_scalar = as_scalar(space, w_arg)
            w_arr = W_NDimArray.from_scalar(space, w_scalar)
            dtype = as_dtype(space, w_arg)
    return find_result_type(space, arrays_w, dtypes_w)
Exemplo n.º 46
def result_type(space, __args__):
    args_w, kw_w = __args__.unpack()
    if kw_w:
        raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
            "result_type() takes no keyword arguments")
    if not args_w:
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
            "at least one array or dtype is required")
    arrays_w = []
    dtypes_w = []
    for w_arg in args_w:
        if isinstance(w_arg, W_NDimArray):
        elif is_scalar_w(space, w_arg):
            w_scalar = as_scalar(space, w_arg)
            w_arr = W_NDimArray.from_scalar(space, w_scalar)
            dtype = as_dtype(space, w_arg)
    return find_result_type(space, arrays_w, dtypes_w)
Exemplo n.º 47
def diagonal(space, arr, offset, axis1, axis2):
    shape = arr.get_shape()
    shapelen = len(shape)
    if offset < 0:
        offset = -offset
        axis1, axis2 = axis2, axis1
    size = min(shape[axis1], shape[axis2] - offset)
    dtype = arr.dtype
    if axis1 < axis2:
        shape = shape[:axis1] + shape[axis1 + 1 : axis2] + shape[axis2 + 1 :] + [size]
        shape = shape[:axis2] + shape[axis2 + 1 : axis1] + shape[axis1 + 1 :] + [size]
    out = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, dtype)
    if size == 0:
        return out
    if shapelen == 2:
        # simple case
        loop.diagonal_simple(space, arr, out, offset, axis1, axis2, size)
        loop.diagonal_array(space, arr, out, offset, axis1, axis2, shape)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 48
def empty_like(space, w_a, w_dtype=None, w_order=None, subok=True):
    w_a = convert_to_array(space, w_a)
    npy_order = order_converter(space, w_order, w_a.get_order())
    if space.is_none(w_dtype):
        dtype = w_a.get_dtype()
        dtype = space.interp_w(descriptor.W_Dtype,
            space.call_function(space.gettypefor(descriptor.W_Dtype), w_dtype))
        if dtype.is_str_or_unicode() and dtype.elsize < 1:
            dtype = descriptor.variable_dtype(space, dtype.char + '1')
    if npy_order in (NPY.KEEPORDER, NPY.ANYORDER):
        # Try to copy the stride pattern
        impl = w_a.implementation.astype(space, dtype, NPY.KEEPORDER)
        if subok:
            w_type = space.type(w_a)
            w_type = None
        return wrap_impl(space, w_type, w_a, impl)
    return W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, w_a.get_shape(), dtype=dtype,
                                  w_instance=w_a if subok else None,
Exemplo n.º 49
def numpify(space, w_object):
    """Convert the object to a W_NumpyObject"""
    # XXX: code duplication with _array()
    if isinstance(w_object, W_NumpyObject):
        return w_object
    # for anything that isn't already an array, try __array__ method first
    w_array = try_array_method(space, w_object)
    if w_array is not None:
        return w_array

    if is_scalar_like(space, w_object, dtype=None):
        dtype = scalar2dtype(space, w_object)
        if dtype.is_str_or_unicode() and dtype.elsize < 1:
            # promote S0 -> S1, U0 -> U1
            dtype = descriptor.variable_dtype(space, dtype.char + '1')
        return dtype.coerce(space, w_object)

    shape, elems_w = _find_shape_and_elems(space, w_object)
    dtype = find_dtype_for_seq(space, elems_w, None)
    w_arr = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, dtype)
    loop.assign(space, w_arr, elems_w)
    return w_arr
Exemplo n.º 50
def empty_like(space, w_a, w_dtype=None, w_order=None, subok=True):
    w_a = convert_to_array(space, w_a)
    npy_order = order_converter(space, w_order, w_a.get_order())
    if space.is_none(w_dtype):
        dtype = w_a.get_dtype()
        dtype = space.interp_w(descriptor.W_Dtype,
            space.call_function(space.gettypefor(descriptor.W_Dtype), w_dtype))
        if dtype.is_str_or_unicode() and dtype.elsize < 1:
            dtype = descriptor.variable_dtype(space, dtype.char + '1')
    if npy_order in (NPY.KEEPORDER, NPY.ANYORDER):
        # Try to copy the stride pattern
        impl = w_a.implementation.astype(space, dtype, NPY.KEEPORDER)
        if subok:
            w_type = space.type(w_a)
            w_type = None
        return wrap_impl(space, w_type, w_a, impl)
    return W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, w_a.get_shape(), dtype=dtype,
                                  w_instance=w_a if subok else None,
Exemplo n.º 51
def diagonal(space, arr, offset, axis1, axis2):
    shape = arr.get_shape()
    shapelen = len(shape)
    if offset < 0:
        offset = -offset
        axis1, axis2 = axis2, axis1
    size = min(shape[axis1], shape[axis2] - offset)
    dtype = arr.dtype
    if axis1 < axis2:
        shape = (shape[:axis1] + shape[axis1 + 1:axis2] + shape[axis2 + 1:] +
        shape = (shape[:axis2] + shape[axis2 + 1:axis1] + shape[axis1 + 1:] +
    out = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, dtype)
    if size == 0:
        return out
    if shapelen == 2:
        # simple case
        loop.diagonal_simple(space, arr, out, offset, axis1, axis2, size)
        loop.diagonal_array(space, arr, out, offset, axis1, axis2, shape)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 52
def new_view(space, w_arr, chunks):
    arr = w_arr.implementation
    dim = -1
    for i, c in enumerate(chunks):
        if isinstance(c, BooleanChunk):
            dim = i
    if dim >= 0:
        # filter by axis dim
        filtr = chunks[dim]
        assert isinstance(filtr, BooleanChunk)
        # XXX this creates a new array, and fails in setitem
        w_arr = w_arr.getitem_filter(space, filtr.w_idx, axis=dim)
        arr = w_arr.implementation
        chunks[dim] = SliceChunk(space.newslice(space.newint(0),
                                 space.w_None, space.w_None))
        r = calculate_slice_strides(space, arr.shape, arr.start,
                 arr.get_strides(), arr.get_backstrides(), chunks)
        r = calculate_slice_strides(space, arr.shape, arr.start,
                     arr.get_strides(), arr.get_backstrides(), chunks)
    shape, start, strides, backstrides = r
    return W_NDimArray.new_slice(space, start, strides[:], backstrides[:],
                                 shape[:], arr, w_arr)
Exemplo n.º 53
def where(space, w_arr, w_x=None, w_y=None):
    """where(condition, [x, y])

    Return elements, either from `x` or `y`, depending on `condition`.

    If only `condition` is given, return ``condition.nonzero()``.

    condition : array_like, bool
        When True, yield `x`, otherwise yield `y`.
    x, y : array_like, optional
        Values from which to choose. `x` and `y` need to have the same
        shape as `condition`.

    out : ndarray or tuple of ndarrays
        If both `x` and `y` are specified, the output array contains
        elements of `x` where `condition` is True, and elements from
        `y` elsewhere.

        If only `condition` is given, return the tuple
        ``condition.nonzero()``, the indices where `condition` is True.

    See Also
    nonzero, choose

    If `x` and `y` are given and input arrays are 1-D, `where` is
    equivalent to::

        [xv if c else yv for (c,xv,yv) in zip(condition,x,y)]

    >>> np.where([[True, False], [True, True]],
    ...          [[1, 2], [3, 4]],
    ...          [[9, 8], [7, 6]])
    array([[1, 8],
           [3, 4]])

    >>> np.where([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
    (array([0, 1]), array([1, 0]))

    >>> x = np.arange(9.).reshape(3, 3)
    >>> np.where( x > 5 )
    (array([2, 2, 2]), array([0, 1, 2]))
    >>> x[np.where( x > 3.0 )]               # Note: result is 1D.
    array([ 4.,  5.,  6.,  7.,  8.])
    >>> np.where(x < 5, x, -1)               # Note: broadcasting.
    array([[ 0.,  1.,  2.],
           [ 3.,  4., -1.],
           [-1., -1., -1.]])

    NOTE: support for not passing x and y is unsupported
    if space.is_none(w_y):
        if space.is_none(w_x):
            raise OperationError(
                space.wrap("1-arg where unsupported right now"))
        raise OperationError(
            space.wrap("Where should be called with either 1 or 3 arguments"))
    if space.is_none(w_x):
        raise OperationError(
            space.wrap("Where should be called with either 1 or 3 arguments"))
    arr = convert_to_array(space, w_arr)
    x = convert_to_array(space, w_x)
    y = convert_to_array(space, w_y)
    if x.is_scalar() and y.is_scalar() and arr.is_scalar():
        if arr.get_dtype().itemtype.bool(arr.get_scalar_value()):
            return x
        return y
    dtype = ufuncs.find_binop_result_dtype(space, x.get_dtype(), y.get_dtype())
    shape = shape_agreement(space, arr.get_shape(), x)
    shape = shape_agreement(space, shape, y)
    out = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, dtype)
    return loop.where(space, out, shape, arr, x, y, dtype)
Exemplo n.º 54
 def _get_item(self, it, st):
     return W_NDimArray(it.getoperand(st))
Exemplo n.º 55
def call2(space, shape, func, calc_dtype, res_dtype, w_lhs, w_rhs, out):
    # handle array_priority
    # w_lhs and w_rhs could be of different ndarray subtypes. Numpy does:
    # 1. if __array_priorities__ are equal and one is an ndarray and the
    #        other is a subtype,  flip the order
    # 2. elif rhs.__array_priority__ is higher, flip the order
    # Now return the subtype of the first one

    w_ndarray = space.gettypefor(W_NDimArray)
    lhs_type = space.type(w_lhs)
    rhs_type = space.type(w_rhs)
    lhs_for_subtype = w_lhs
    rhs_for_subtype = w_rhs
    #it may be something like a FlatIter, which is not an ndarray
    if not space.is_true(space.issubtype(lhs_type, w_ndarray)):
        lhs_type = space.type(w_lhs.base)
        lhs_for_subtype = w_lhs.base
    if not space.is_true(space.issubtype(rhs_type, w_ndarray)):
        rhs_type = space.type(w_rhs.base)
        rhs_for_subtype = w_rhs.base
    if space.is_w(lhs_type, w_ndarray) and not space.is_w(rhs_type, w_ndarray):
        lhs_for_subtype = rhs_for_subtype

    # TODO handle __array_priorities__ and maybe flip the order

    if w_lhs.get_size() == 1:
        w_left = w_lhs.get_scalar_value().convert_to(space, calc_dtype)
        left_iter = left_state = None
        w_left = None
        left_iter, left_state = w_lhs.create_iter(shape)
        left_iter.track_index = False

    if w_rhs.get_size() == 1:
        w_right = w_rhs.get_scalar_value().convert_to(space, calc_dtype)
        right_iter = right_state = None
        w_right = None
        right_iter, right_state = w_rhs.create_iter(shape)
        right_iter.track_index = False

    if out is None:
        out = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space,
    out_iter, out_state = out.create_iter(shape)
    shapelen = len(shape)
    while not out_iter.done(out_state):
        if left_iter:
            w_left = left_iter.getitem(left_state).convert_to(
                space, calc_dtype)
            left_state = left_iter.next(left_state)
        if right_iter:
            w_right = right_iter.getitem(right_state).convert_to(
                space, calc_dtype)
            right_state = right_iter.next(right_state)
            func(calc_dtype, w_left, w_right).convert_to(space, res_dtype))
        out_state = out_iter.next(out_state)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 56
 def getitem(self, it, st):
     res = it.getoperand(st)
     return W_NDimArray(res)
Exemplo n.º 57
    def __init__(self,
        self.external_loop = False
        self.buffered = False
        self.tracked_index = ''
        self.common_dtype = False
        self.delay_bufalloc = False
        self.grow_inner = False
        self.ranged = False
        self.refs_ok = False
        self.reduce_ok = False
        self.zerosize_ok = False
        self.index_iter = None
        self.done = False
        self.first_next = True
        self.op_axes = []
        self.allow_backward = allow_backward
        if not space.is_w(w_casting, space.w_None):
            self.casting = space.str_w(w_casting)
            self.casting = 'safe'
        # convert w_seq operands to a list of W_NDimArray
        if space.isinstance_w(w_seq, space.w_tuple) or \
           space.isinstance_w(w_seq, space.w_list):
            w_seq_as_list = space.listview(w_seq)
            self.seq = [
                convert_to_array(space, w_elem)
                if not space.is_none(w_elem) else None
                for w_elem in w_seq_as_list
            self.seq = [convert_to_array(space, w_seq)]
        if order == NPY.ANYORDER:
            # 'A' means "'F' order if all the arrays are Fortran contiguous,
            #            'C' order otherwise"
            order = NPY.CORDER
            for s in self.seq:
                if s and not (s.get_flags() & NPY.ARRAY_F_CONTIGUOUS):
                    order = NPY.FORTRANORDER
        elif order == NPY.KEEPORDER:
            # 'K' means "as close to the order the array elements appear in
            #     memory as possible", so match self.order to seq.order
            order = NPY.CORDER
            for s in self.seq:
                if s and not (s.get_order() == NPY.FORTRANORDER):
                    order = NPY.FORTRANORDER
        self.order = order
        parse_func_flags(space, self, w_flags)
        self.op_flags = parse_op_arg(space, 'op_flags', w_op_flags,
                                     len(self.seq), parse_op_flag)
        # handle w_op_axes
        oa_ndim = -1
        if not space.is_none(w_op_axes):
            oa_ndim = self.set_op_axes(space, w_op_axes)
        self.ndim = calculate_ndim(self.seq, oa_ndim)

        # handle w_op_dtypes part 1: creating self.dtypes list from input
        if not space.is_none(w_op_dtypes):
            w_seq_as_list = space.listview(w_op_dtypes)
            self.dtypes = [
                decode_w_dtype(space, w_elem) for w_elem in w_seq_as_list
            if len(self.dtypes) != len(self.seq):
                raise oefmt(
                    "op_dtypes must be a tuple/list matching the number of ops"
            self.dtypes = []

        # handle None or writable operands, calculate my shape
        outargs = [
            i for i in range(len(self.seq))
            if self.seq[i] is None or self.op_flags[i].rw == 'w'
        if len(outargs) > 0:
            out_shape = shape_agreement_multiple(
                space, [self.seq[i] for i in outargs])
            out_shape = None
        if space.isinstance_w(w_itershape, space.w_tuple) or \
           space.isinstance_w(w_itershape, space.w_list):
            self.shape = [space.int_w(i) for i in space.listview(w_itershape)]
            self.shape = shape_agreement_multiple(space,
        if len(outargs) > 0:
            # Make None operands writeonly and flagged for allocation
            if len(self.dtypes) > 0:
                out_dtype = self.dtypes[outargs[0]]
                out_dtype = None
                for i in range(len(self.seq)):
                    if self.seq[i] is None:
                        self.op_flags[i].allocate = True
                    if self.op_flags[i].rw == 'w':
                    out_dtype = find_binop_result_dtype(
                        space, self.seq[i].get_dtype(), out_dtype)
            for i in outargs:
                if self.seq[i] is None:
                    # XXX can we postpone allocation to later?
                    self.seq[i] = W_NDimArray.from_shape(
                        space, self.shape, out_dtype)
                    if not self.op_flags[i].broadcast:
                        # Raises if output cannot be broadcast
                            shape_agreement(space, self.shape, self.seq[i],
                        except OperationError as e:
                            raise oefmt(
                                space.w_ValueError, "non-broadcastable"
                                " output operand with shape %s doesn't match "
                                "the broadcast shape %s",
                                str(self.seq[i].get_shape()), str(self.shape))

        if self.tracked_index != "":
            order = self.order
            if order == NPY.KEEPORDER:
                order = self.seq[0].implementation.order
            if self.tracked_index == "multi":
                backward = False
                backward = ((order == NPY.CORDER and self.tracked_index != 'C')
                            or (order == NPY.FORTRANORDER
                                and self.tracked_index != 'F'))
            self.index_iter = IndexIterator(self.shape, backward=backward)

        # handle w_op_dtypes part 2: copy where needed if possible
        if len(self.dtypes) > 0:
            for i in range(len(self.seq)):
                self_d = self.dtypes[i]
                seq_d = self.seq[i].get_dtype()
                if not self_d:
                    self.dtypes[i] = seq_d
                elif self_d != seq_d:
                    impl = self.seq[i].implementation
                    if self.buffered or 'r' in self.op_flags[i].tmp_copy:
                        if not can_cast_array(space, self.seq[i], self_d,
                            raise oefmt(
                                space.w_TypeError, "Iterator operand %d"
                                " dtype could not be cast from %s to %s"
                                " according to the rule '%s'", i,
                        order = support.get_order_as_CF(impl.order, self.order)
                        new_impl = impl.astype(space, self_d,
                        self.seq[i] = W_NDimArray(new_impl)
                        raise oefmt(
                            space.w_TypeError, "Iterator "
                            "operand required copying or buffering, "
                            "but neither copying nor buffering was "
                    if 'w' in self.op_flags[i].rw:
                        if not can_cast_type(space, self_d, seq_d,
                            raise oefmt(
                                space.w_TypeError, "Iterator"
                                " requested dtype could not be cast from "
                                " %s to %s, the operand %d dtype, accord"
                                "ing to the rule '%s'",
                                space.str_w(seq_d.descr_repr(space)), i,
        elif self.buffered and not (self.external_loop and len(self.seq) < 2):
            for i in range(len(self.seq)):
                if i not in outargs:
                    self.seq[i] = self.seq[i].descr_copy(space,
            self.dtypes = [s.get_dtype() for s in self.seq]
            #copy them from seq
            self.dtypes = [s.get_dtype() for s in self.seq]

        # create an iterator for each operand
        self.iters = []
        for i in range(len(self.seq)):
            it = self.get_iter(space, i)
            it.contiguous = False
            self.iters.append((it, it.reset()))

        if self.external_loop:
            coalesce_axes(self, space)
Exemplo n.º 58
                        except OperationError, e:
                            if not e.match(space, space.w_ValueError):
                    if not gotit:
                        val = dtype.itemtype.default_fromstring(space)
                    nextidx = length
            num_items += 1
        idx = nextidx + 1

    if count > num_items:
        raise OperationError(
            space.wrap("string is smaller than requested size"))

    a = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, [num_items], dtype=dtype)
    ai, state = a.create_iter()
    for val in items:
        ai.setitem(state, val)
        state = ai.next(state)

    return space.wrap(a)

def _fromstring_bin(space, s, count, length, dtype):
    itemsize = dtype.elsize
    assert itemsize >= 0
    if count == -1:
        count = length / itemsize
    if length % itemsize != 0:
        raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
Exemplo n.º 59
def _array(space,
    from pypy.module.micronumpy import strides

    # for anything that isn't already an array, try __array__ method first
    if not isinstance(w_object, W_NDimArray):
        w_array = try_array_method(space, w_object, w_dtype)
        if w_array is not None:
            # continue with w_array, but do further operations in place
            w_object = w_array
            copy = False
    if not isinstance(w_object, W_NDimArray):
        w_array = try_interface_method(space, w_object)
        if w_array is not None:
            w_object = w_array
            copy = False
    dtype = descriptor.decode_w_dtype(space, w_dtype)

    if space.is_none(w_order):
        order = 'C'
        order = space.str_w(w_order)
        if order == 'K':
            order = 'C'
        if order != 'C':  # or order != 'F':
            raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError, "Unknown order: %s", order)

    if isinstance(w_object, W_NDimArray):
        if (dtype is None or w_object.get_dtype() is dtype):
            if copy and (subok or type(w_object) is W_NDimArray):
                return w_object.descr_copy(space, w_order)
            elif not copy and (subok or type(w_object) is W_NDimArray):
                return w_object
        if subok and not type(w_object) is W_NDimArray:
            raise oefmt(space.w_NotImplementedError,
                        "array(..., subok=True) only partially implemented")
        # we have a ndarray, but need to copy or change dtype
        if dtype is None:
            dtype = w_object.get_dtype()
        if dtype != w_object.get_dtype():
            # silently reject the copy value
            copy = True
        if copy:
            shape = w_object.get_shape()
            elems_w = [None] * w_object.get_size()
            elsize = w_object.get_dtype().elsize
            # TODO - use w_object.implementation without copying to a list
            # unfortunately that causes a union error in translation
            for i in range(w_object.get_size()):
                elems_w[i] = w_object.implementation.getitem(i * elsize)
            imp = w_object.implementation
            with imp as storage:
                sz = support.product(w_object.get_shape()) * dtype.elsize
                return W_NDimArray.from_shape_and_storage(space,
        # not an array
        shape, elems_w = strides.find_shape_and_elems(space, w_object, dtype)
    if dtype is None or (dtype.is_str_or_unicode() and dtype.elsize < 1):
        dtype = strides.find_dtype_for_seq(space, elems_w, dtype)
        if dtype is None:
            dtype = descriptor.get_dtype_cache(space).w_float64dtype
        elif dtype.is_str_or_unicode() and dtype.elsize < 1:
            # promote S0 -> S1, U0 -> U1
            dtype = descriptor.variable_dtype(space, dtype.char + '1')

    w_arr = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, dtype, order=order)
    if support.product(shape) == 1:
        w_arr.set_scalar_value(dtype.coerce(space, elems_w[0]))
        loop.assign(space, w_arr, elems_w)
    return w_arr
Exemplo n.º 60
 def getitem(self, it, st):
     w_res = W_NDimArray(it.getoperand(st))
     return w_res