Exemplo n.º 1
def getDataFrame(connection, appHandle, measures, dimensions, selections={}):
    engineGlobalApi = EngineGlobalApi(connection)
    # Define Dimensions of hypercube
    hc_inline_dim = Structs.nx_inline_dimension_def(dimensions)

    # Set sorting of Dimension by Measure
    hc_mes_sort = Structs.nx_sort_by()

    # Define Measure of hypercube
    hc_inline_mes = Structs.nx_inline_measure_def(measures)

    # Build hypercube from above definition
    hc_dim = Structs.nx_hypercube_dimensions(hc_inline_dim)
    hc_mes = Structs.nx_hypercube_measure(hc_mes_sort, hc_inline_mes)

    width = len(measures) + len(dimensions)
    height = int(math.floor(10000 / width))
    nx_page = Structs.nx_page(0, 0, height, width)
    hc_def = Structs.hypercube_def("$", hc_dim, hc_mes, [nx_page])

    engineAppApi = EngineAppApi(connection)
    hc_response = engineAppApi.create_object(appHandle, "CH01", "Chart",
                                             "qHyperCubeDef", hc_def)  # NOQA
    hc_handle = engineGlobalApi.get_handle(hc_response)

    engineGenericObjectApi = EngineGenericObjectApi(connection)

    engineFieldApi = EngineFieldApi(connection)

    for field in selections.keys():
        fieldHandle = engineGlobalApi.get_handle(
            engineAppApi.get_field(appHandle, field))  # NOQA
        values = []
        for selectedValue in selections[field]:
            values.append({'qText': selectedValue})

        engineFieldApi.select_values(fieldHandle, values)

    i = 0
    while i % height == 0:
        nx_page = Structs.nx_page(i, 0, height, width)
        hc_data = engineGenericObjectApi.get_hypercube_data(
            hc_handle, "/qHyperCubeDef", [nx_page])  # NOQA
        elems = hc_data["qDataPages"][0]['qMatrix']

        df = pd.DataFrame()

        for elem in elems:
            j = 0
            for dim in dimensions:
                df.set_value(i, dim, elem[j]["qText"])
                j += 1
            for meas in measures:
                df.set_value(i, meas, elem[j]["qNum"])
                j += 1

            i += 1

    return df
Exemplo n.º 2
### Define Dimensions of hypercube
hc_inline_dim = Structs.nx_inline_dimension_def(["Customer","Order Number"])

### Set sorting of Dimension by Measure
hc_mes_sort = Structs.nx_sort_by()

### Define Measure of hypercube
hc_inline_mes = Structs.nx_inline_measure_def(["=Sum([Sales Amount])", "=Sum([Sales Quantity])"])

### Build hypercube from above definition
hc_dim = Structs.nx_hypercube_dimensions(hc_inline_dim)
hc_mes = Structs.nx_hypercube_measure(hc_mes_sort, hc_inline_mes)
nx_page = Structs.nx_page(0, 0, 2500, 4)
hc_def = Structs.hypercube_def("$", hc_dim, hc_mes, [nx_page])
hc_response = eaa.create_object(app_handle, "CH01", "Chart", "qHyperCubeDef", hc_def)
hc_handle = ega.get_handle(hc_response)
print hc_response

### Get contents of the hypercube

### Identify field to make selection on
lb_field = eaa.get_field(app_handle, "Customer")
fld_handle = ega.get_handle(lb_field)

### Set values to select in chosen field above
values_to_select = [{'qText': 'Fins'}, {'qText': 'Bizmarts'}, {'qText': 'Benedict'}, {'qText': 'Earth'}, {'qText': 'Gate'}]
sel_res = efa.select_values(fld_handle,values_to_select)
#desel_res = eaa.clear_all(app_handle);
Exemplo n.º 3
class TestAppApi(unittest.TestCase):

    # Constructor to prepare everything before running the tests.
    def setUp(self):
        url = 'ws://localhost:4848/app'
        self.conn = EngineCommunicator(url)
        self.ega = EngineGlobalApi(self.conn)
        self.eaa = EngineAppApi(self.conn)
        self.egoa = EngineGenericObjectApi(self.conn)
        self.efa = EngineFieldApi(self.conn)
        self.struct = Structs()
        self.app = self.ega.create_app("TestApp")['qAppId']
        opened_app = self.ega.open_doc(self.app)
        self.app_handle = self.ega.get_handle(opened_app['qReturn'])

    def test_add_alternate_state(self):
        response = self.eaa.add_alternate_state(self.app_handle, "MyState")
        self.assertEqual(response, {}, "Failed to add alternate state")

    def test_create_hypercube_object(self):
        with open('./test/test_data/ctrl00_script.qvs') as f:
            script = f.read()
        self.eaa.set_script(self.app_handle, script)

        # Create the inline dimension structures
        hc_inline_dim1 = Structs.nx_inline_dimension_def(["Alpha"])
        hc_inline_dim2 = Structs.nx_inline_dimension_def(["Num"])

        # Create a sort structure
        hc_mes_sort = Structs.nx_sort_by()

        # Create the measure structures
        hc_inline_mes1 = Structs.nx_inline_measure_def("=Sum(Num)")
        hc_inline_mes2 = Structs.nx_inline_measure_def("=Avg(Num)")

        # Create hypercube dimensions from the inline dimension structures
        hc_dim1 = Structs.nx_hypercube_dimensions(hc_inline_dim1)
        hc_dim2 = Structs.nx_hypercube_dimensions(hc_inline_dim2)

        # Create hypercube measures from the inline measure structures
        hc_mes1 = Structs.nx_hypercube_measure(hc_mes_sort, hc_inline_mes1)
        hc_mes2 = Structs.nx_hypercube_measure(hc_mes_sort, hc_inline_mes2)

        # Create the paging model/structure (26 rows and 4 columns)
        nx_page = Structs.nx_page(0, 0, 26, 4)

        # Create a hypercube definition with arrays of
        # hc dims, measures and nxpages
        hc_def = Structs.hypercube_def("$", [hc_dim1, hc_dim2],
                                       [hc_mes1, hc_mes2], [nx_page])

        # Create a Chart object with the hypercube definitions as parameter
        hc_response = self.eaa.create_object(self.app_handle, "CH01", "Chart",
                                             "qHyperCubeDef", hc_def)

        # Get the handle to the chart object (this may be different
        # in my local repo. I have made some changes to thisfor
        # future versions)
        hc_handle = self.ega.get_handle(hc_response['qReturn'])

        # Validate the chart object by calling get_layout

        # Call the get_hypercube_data to get the resulting json object,
        # using the handle and nx page as paramters
        hc_data = self.egoa.get_hypercube_data(hc_handle, "/qHyperCubeDef",

        self.assertTrue(type(hc_data is {}),
                        "Unexpected type of hypercube data")
        first_element_number = hc_data["qDataPages"][0]["qMatrix"][0][0][
            "qElemNumber"]  # NOQA
        first_element_text = hc_data["qDataPages"][0]["qMatrix"][0][0][
            "qText"]  # NOQA
        self.assertTrue(first_element_number == 0,
                        "Incorrect value in first element number")
        self.assertTrue(first_element_text == 'A',
                        "Incorrect value in first element text")

    def tearDown(self):