from pub_dbi import pubdb_conn_info
# catch ctrl+C to terminate the program
import signal

# DB interface:
global dbi
dbi = ds_reader(pubdb_conn_info.reader_info())

#Establish a connection to the database through the DBI
    print "Unable to connect to database... womp womp :("

#suppress warnings temporarily:
QtCore.qInstallMsgHandler(lambda *args: None)

#Initialize the GUI to show plots from each project
#Initialize Qt (only once per application)
qapp = QtGui.QApplication([])
view = pg.GraphicsView()
#l is a GraphicsLayoutWidget
l = pg.GraphicsLayout()  #border=(100,100,100))
view.setWindowTitle('PUBS Monitoring GUI')
view.resize(600, 600)

#Get a list of all projects from the DBI
projects = dbi.list_all_projects(
)  # [project, command, server, sleepafter .... , enabled, resource]
Exemplo n.º 2
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore
import pyqtgraph as pg
from custom_piechart_class import PieChartItem
from custom_qgraphicsscene import CustomQGraphicsScene
import signal

#suppress warnings temporarily:
QtCore.qInstallMsgHandler(lambda *args: None)

#Always start with this
app = QtGui.QApplication([])

#These don't seem to change anything, so I'll leave them at zero
scene_xmin = 0
scene_ymin = 0
scene_width = 200
scene_height = 200

scene = CustomQGraphicsScene(scene_xmin,scene_ymin,scene_width,scene_height)

p1 = PieChartItem(('first_piechart',scene_xmin+scene_width*0.5, scene_ymin+scene_height*0.5, 50, [ (0.5, 'b'), (0.25, 'r'), (0.25, 'g') ]))
p1.setDescript('this is a test string that should be a description of the project. in fact let\'s make it really long so we can test if text wraps around or not when we draw it.')
p2 = PieChartItem(('second_piechart',scene_xmin+scene_width*0.75, scene_ymin+scene_height*0.75, 10, [ (1., 'r') ]))
p2.setDescript('this is the red pie chart!!!!!!1!!!11!!!!one')


view = QtGui.QGraphicsView(scene)
#Enforce the view to align with upper-left corner