inttype=inttype, debug=False) data[j, :] = zeroshift(data[j, :], xarr, nws, blank=blank, inttype=inttype) return data def zeroshift(data, xarr, nws, blank=0, inttype='interp'): """Calculate zeropoint shift and apply to the data """ if nws is not None: w_arr = nws.value(xarr) data = st.interpolate(xarr, w_arr, data, inttype, left=blank, right=blank) return data if not iraf.deftask('specselfid'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltspec$specselfid.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="specselfid", value=parfile, function=specselfid, pkgname='saltspec')
if afile[k].strip().upper()!=bfile[k].strip().upper(): return False if isinstance(afile[k], int): if afile[k]==bfile[k]: return False if isinstance(afile[k], float): if abs(afile[k]-bfile[k])>0.01: return False return True def linkfiles(fname, pdir, detmode, rawpath, prodpath, outpath, prefix='mbxgp', fprefix='bxgp', clobber=False): #copy the raw data infile=rawpath+fname link=outpath+pdir+'/raw/'+fname saltio.symlink(infile,link,clobber) #copy the product data if not fastmode(detmode): pfname=prefix+fname else: pfname=fprefix+fname infile = prodpath+pfname link = outpath+pdir+'/product/'+pfname if fname[0] in ['S', 'P', 'H', 'R']: saltio.symlink(infile,link,clobber) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltobsid'): parfile = iraf.osfn("pipetools$saltobsid.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltobsid",value=parfile,function=saltobsid, pkgname='pipetools')
' #Open file to write new time to header, if desired. if writetoheader: try:,mode='update') except Exception, e: print e for num in range(len(dateTimeString)): hdr=filetowrite[num].header if hdr.has_key(keyword)==1: if clobber: hdr.update(keyword,newTime[num],comment) print 'Keyword ' +keyword +' has been updated in header extension '+str(num)+' to the following value: '+ str(newTime[num]) else: print 'Keyword '+keyword+' has not been updated.' else: hdr.update(keyword,newTime[num],comment,after='TIME-OBS') print 'Keyword ' + keyword +' has been added to header extension '+str(num)+' as the following value: '+ str(newTime[num]) filetowrite.flush() filetowrite.close() # ----------------------------------------------------------- # end main code if not iraf.deftask('saltheadtime'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltheadtime.par") t =iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltheadtime",value=parfile,function=saltheadtime,pkgname='saltred')
msg += '#grating=%s\n' % grating.strip() msg += '#graang=%s\n' % grang msg += '#gratilt=%s\n' % grasteps msg += '#arang=%s\n' % arang msg += '#artilt=%s\n' % arsteps msg += '#filter=%s\n' % rfilter.strip() if objid: msg += '#slitid=%s\n' % objid msg += '#Function=%s\n' % function msg += '#Order=%s\n' % order msg += '#Starting Data\n' dout.write(msg) for i in range(len(ws_arr)): if ws_arr[i, 0]: msg = '%5.2f ' % ws_arr[i, 0] msg += ' '.join(['%e' % k for k in ws_arr[i, 1:]]) dout.write(msg + '\n') dout.write('\n') dout.close() return # main code if not iraf.deftask('specidentify'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltspec$specidentify.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory( taskname="specidentify", value=parfile, function=specidentify, pkgname='saltspec')
#set binning binstr = saltstring.makebinstr(flatkeys[2]) #set gain gnstr = saltstring.makegainstr(flatkeys[3]) #set readout rostr = saltstring.makereadoutstr(flatkeys[4]) fltstr = flatkeys[5].strip() if flatkeys[6].count('SKY'): skystr = 'Sky' else: skystr = '' flatname = '%s%s%sFlat%s%s%s%s%s.fits' % (instr, obsdate, skystr, mdstr, binstr, gnstr, rostr, fltstr) return flatname # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltclean'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltclean.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltclean", value=parfile, function=saltclean, pkgname='saltred')
for i in range(ys): x = numpy.arange(xs) rdata = data[i, :] rmask = mask[i, :] rmask = nd.minimum_filter(rmask, size=3) if rmask.any() == True: rdata = numpy.interp(x, x[rmask], rdata[rmask]) data[i, rmask == 0] = rdata[rmask == 0] return data def tran_func(a, xshift, yshift, xmag, ymag, xrot, yrot): xtran = ymag * a[0] * cos(yrot * pi / 180.0) \ - xmag * a[1] * sin(xrot * pi / 180) \ - yshift ytran = ymag * a[0] * sin(yrot * pi / 180.0) \ + xmag * a[1] * cos(xrot * pi / 180) \ - xshift return xtran, ytran # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltmosaic'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltmosaic.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltmosaic", value=parfile, function=saltmosaic, pkgname='saltred')
"""Return the keyword value. Throw a warning if it doesn't work """ try: value = saltkey.get(keyword, struct) if isinstance(default, str): value = value.strip() except SaltIOError: value = default infile = message = 'WARNING: cannot find keyword %s in %s' % (keyword, infile) if warn and log: log.message(message, with_header=False) if (str(value).strip() == ''): value = default if (type(value) != type(default)): infile = message = 'WARNING: Type mismatch for %s for %s in %s[0]' % ( str(value), keyword, infile) message += '/n ' + str(type(value)) + ' ' + str(type(default)) if warn and log: log.message(message, with_header=False) value = default return value # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltobslog'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltobslog.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltobslog", value=parfile, function=saltobslog, pkgname='saltred')
#if len(obsdate)<4: obsdate='' #set the mode string #mdstr=saltstring.makedetmodestr(biaskeys[2]) detstr='B' instr='H' ampstr='A2' if biaskeys[1]=='08443-03-01': detstr='R' instr='R' ampstr='A4' #set binning binstr=saltstring.makebinstr(biaskeys[3]) #set the AMP string biasname='%s%sBias%s%s%s.fits' % (instr, obsdate, detstr, binstr, ampstr) return biasname if not iraf.deftask('hrsclean'): parfile = iraf.osfn("salthrs$hrsclean.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="hrsclean",value=parfile,function=hrsclean, pkgname='salthrs')
winsect=saltio.getSection(saltkey.get('AMPSEC', struct[i+6*j]), iraf_format=True) y1=(winsect[0]-1)/ybin #y2=(winsect[1])/ybin+1 y2=y1+len(struct[i+6*j].data) x1=(winsect[2]-1)/xbin x2=len(struct[i+6*j].data[0]) #x2=(winsect[3])/xbin extdata[y1:y2,x1:x2]=struct[i+6*j].data xmax=max(xmax, x2) #add the correct header information *TODO* #append to the hdu list exthdu=yfits.ImageHDU(extdata[:,0:xmax]) outstruct.append(exthdu) #return the new extension return outstruct # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltembed'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltembed.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltembed",value=parfile,function=saltembed, pkgname='saltred')
#flat field the data for i in range(nextend): if struct[i].name=='SCI' or len(struct)==1: #create the median image if mask: bpmext = saltkey.get('BPMEXT', struct[i]) mask_arr = (struct[bpmext].data == 0) * (struct[i].data > minlevel) else: mask_arr = (struct[i].data < minlevel) #create the data coef=fit_surface(struct[i].data, mask=mask_arr, xorder=order, yorder=order, xyorder=0) y, x = np.indices(struct[i].data.shape) sf=surface(coef, xorder=order, yorder=order, xyorder=0) print coef struct[i].data=sf(x,y) #Account for variance frames if mask: struct[bpmext].data = struct[bpmext].data*0 return struct # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltsurface'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltsurface.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltsurface",value=parfile,function=saltsurface, pkgname='saltred')
message = infits+' is not a SALT File \n' try: i=infits.index("R") except: message = infits+' is not a SALT File \n' if i>=0: inname=infits[i:] else: inname='' message = 'SALTSDBLOADFITS -- ERROR : ' + message raise SaltError(message) return inname def findimagenumber (filename): """find the number for each image file""" #split the file so that name is a string equal to OBSDATE+number name=filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] return int(name[9:]) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltsdbloadfits'): parfile = iraf.osfn("pipetools$saltsdbloadfits.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltsdbloadfits",value=parfile,function=saltsdbloadfits, pkgname='pipetools')
status = saltkey.rem('BIASSEC',struct[hdu],infile,logfile) datasec = '[1:'+str(dx2_2-dx1_2)+',1:'+str(dy2_2-dy1_2)+']' status = saltkey.put('DATASEC',datasec,struct[hdu+1],infile,logfile) status = saltkey.rem('BIASSEC',struct[hdu+1],infile,logfile) # log coefficient table if (status == 0): infilename = infile.split('/') infilename = infilename[len(infilename)-1] message = '%25s[%3d] %5.2f %4d %8.6f' % \ (infilename, hdu, gain1, overlevel_1, float(xcoeff[amplifier+1])) saltprint.log(logfile,message,verbose) message = '%25s[%3d] %5.2f %4d %8.6f' % \ (infilename, hdu+1, gain2, overlevel_2,float(xcoeff[amplifier])) saltprint.log(logfile,message,verbose) # update image in HDU structure if (status == 0): struct,status = saltio.writeimage(struct,hdu,imagedata1,logfile) struct,status = saltio.writeimage(struct,hdu+1,imagedata2,logfile) return struct, status # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltslot'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltslot.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltslot",value=parfile,function=saltslot, pkgname='saltred')
""" # Determine the number of extensions nextend = len(struct) #flat field the data for i in range(nextend): if struct[i].name == 'SCI' or len(struct) == 1: #create the median image mdata = median_filter(struct[i].data, size=(mbox, mbox)) #create the data struct[i].data = struct[i].data / mdata #Account for variance frames if saltkey.found('VAREXT', struct[i]): varext = saltkey.get('VAREXT', struct[i]) struct[varext].data = struct[varext].data / mdata return struct # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltillum'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltillum.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltillum", value=parfile, function=saltillum, pkgname='saltred')
#setup the obsdate--assumes fixed naming scheme obsdate = saltstring.makeobsdatestr(infiles, x1=x1, x2=x2) #if len(obsdate)<4: obsdate='' #set the mode string #mdstr=saltstring.makedetmodestr(biaskeys[2]) detstr = 'B' instr = 'H' ampstr = 'A2' if biaskeys[1] == '08443-03-01': detstr = 'R' instr = 'R' ampstr = 'A4' #set binning binstr = saltstring.makebinstr(biaskeys[3]) #set the AMP string biasname = '%s%sBias%s%s%s.fits' % (instr, obsdate, detstr, binstr, ampstr) return biasname if not iraf.deftask('hrsclean'): parfile = iraf.osfn("salthrs$hrsclean.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="hrsclean", value=parfile, function=hrsclean, pkgname='salthrs')
winsect=saltio.getSection(saltkey.get('AMPSEC', struct[i+6*j]), iraf_format=True) y1=(winsect[0]-1)/ybin #y2=(winsect[1])/ybin+1 y2=y1+len(struct[i+6*j].data) x1=(winsect[2]-1)/xbin x2=len(struct[i+6*j].data[0]) #x2=(winsect[3])/xbin extdata[y1:y2,x1:x2]=struct[i+6*j].data xmax=max(xmax, x2) #add the correct header information *TODO* #append to the hdu list exthdu=pyfits.ImageHDU(extdata[:,0:xmax]) outstruct.append(exthdu) #return the new extension return outstruct # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltembed'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltembed.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltembed",value=parfile,function=saltembed, pkgname='saltred')
dbspeed, dbrate, dbgain, dbnoise, dbbias, dbamp=dblist #checkf or the gain if gainset not in dbrate: raise SaltError('GAINSET=%s does not match any vaue in gaindb file' % gainset) if rospeed not in dbspeed: raise SaltError('ROSPEED=%s does not match any vaue in gaindb file' % rospeed) #loop through the values and find the corresponding gain/rdnoise for i in range(len(dbspeed)): if dbspeed[i].strip().upper()==rospeed.strip().upper(): if dbrate[i].strip().upper()==gainset.strip().upper(): if int(dbamp[i])==int(amp): gain=float(dbgain[i]) rdnoise=float(dbnoise[i]) found=True return gain, rdnoise if not found: msg='Could not find a corresponding setting in the gaindb file for gainset=%s, rospeed=%s, amp=%i' \ % (gainset, rospeed, amp) raise SaltError(msg) return rdnoise, gain # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltgain'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltgain.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltgain",value=parfile,function=saltgain, pkgname='saltred')
"""Convert a SALT MEF file into a single extension fits file""" #open the image hdu = #if len one, copy and return if len(hdu) == 1: hdu.writeto(oimg) return #create the new output image odu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=hdu[ext].data, header=hdu[0].header) #combine the headers from the primary and first exention for c in hdu[ext] odu.header.set(c.keyword, c.value, c.comment) #write the data out saltio.writefits(odu, oimg, clobber=clobber) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('salt2iraf'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$salt2iraf.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="salt2iraf", value=parfile, function=salt2iraf, pkgname='saltred')
msg += '#filter=%s\n' % rfilter.strip() if objid: msg += '#slitid=%s\n' % objid msg += '#Function=%s\n' % function msg += '#Order=%s\n' % order if ws.func.func.domain is not None: msg += '#domain={},{}\n'.format(ws.func.func.domain[0], ws.func.func.domain[1]) msg += '#Starting Data\n' dout.write(msg) for i in range(len(ws_arr)): if ws_arr[i, 0]: msg = '%5.2f ' % ws_arr[i, 0] msg += ' '.join(['%e' % k for k in ws_arr[i, 1:]]) dout.write(msg + '\n') dout.write('\n') dout.close() return # main code if not iraf.deftask('specidentify'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltspec$specidentify.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="specidentify", value=parfile, function=specidentify, pkgname='saltspec')
# re-interpt the std_spectra over the same wavelength std_spectra.interp(obs_spectra.wavelength) # re-interp the ext_spetra over the sam ewavelength ext_spectra.interp(obs_spectra.wavelength) # create the calibration spectra cal_spectra = Spectrum.Spectrum(obs_spectra.wavelength, obs_spectra.flux.copy(), stype="continuum") # set up the bandpass bandpass = np.diff(obs_spectra.wavelength).mean() # correct for extinction cal_spectra.flux = obs_spectra.flux / 10 ** (-0.4 * airmass * ext_spectra.flux) # correct for the exposure time and calculation the calitivity curve cal_spectra.flux = cal_spectra.flux / exptime / bandpass / std_spectra.flux # correct the error calc if error: cal_spectra.var = obs_spectra.var * cal_spectra.flux / obs_spectra.flux return cal_spectra # main code if not iraf.deftask("speccal"): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltspec$speccal.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="speccal", value=parfile, function=speccal, pkgname="saltspec")
# for each line in the data, determine the wavelength solution # for a given line in the image wavemap = np.zeros_like(hdu[i].data) for j in range(len(hdu[i].data)): # find the wavelength solution for the data w_arr = sr.findsol(xarr, soldict, j, caltype, nearest, timeobs, exptime, instrume, grating, grang, arang, filtername, slit, xbin, ybin, slitid, function, order) if w_arr is not None: wavemap[j, :] = w_arr if array_only: return wavemap # write out the oimg hduwav = fits.ImageHDU(data=wavemap, header=hdu[i].header, name='WAV') hdu.append(hduwav)'WAVEXT', len(hdu) - 1, 'Extension for Wavelength Map', hdu[i]) return hdu if not iraf.deftask('specwavemap'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltspec$specwavemap.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="specwavemap", value=parfile, function=specwavemap, pkgname='saltspec')
def findwskeyword(keyword, sol): """Find and return a value for a keyword in the list of the wavelength solution""" i = sol.index(keyword) j = sol[i:].index('\n') return sol[i:i + j].split('=')[1].strip() def enterdatetime(dstr): """Break up the datetime string to create a datetime object return datetime """ dlist = dstr.split() year, month, day = dlist[0].split('-') hour, minute, second = dlist[1].split(':') return datetime.datetime( int(year), int(month), int(day), int(hour), int(minute), int(float(second))) def subtracttime(d1, d2): """Return the difference in two dates in seconds""" dt = max(d1, d2) - min(d1, d2) return 86400 * dt.days + dt.seconds # main code if not iraf.deftask('specrectify'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltspec$specrectify.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="specrectify", value=parfile, function=specrectify, pkgname='saltspec')
hdr = filetowrite[num].header if hdr.has_key(keyword) == 1: if clobber: hdr.update(keyword, newTime[num], comment) print 'Keyword ' + keyword + ' has been updated in header extension ' + str( num) + ' to the following value: ' + str( newTime[num]) else: print 'Keyword ' + keyword + ' has not been updated.' else: hdr.update(keyword, newTime[num], comment, after='TIME-OBS') print 'Keyword ' + keyword + ' has been added to header extension ' + str( num) + ' as the following value: ' + str( newTime[num]) filetowrite.flush() filetowrite.close() # ----------------------------------------------------------- # end main code if not iraf.deftask('saltheadtime'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltheadtime.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltheadtime", value=parfile, function=saltheadtime, pkgname='saltred')
x = numpy.arange(xs) rdata = data[i, :] rmask = mask[i, :] rmask = nd.minimum_filter(rmask, size=3) if rmask.any() == True: rdata = numpy.interp(x, x[rmask], rdata[rmask]) data[i, rmask == 0] = rdata[rmask == 0] return data def tran_func(a, xshift, yshift, xmag, ymag, xrot, yrot): xtran = ymag * a[0] * cos(yrot * pi / 180.0) \ - xmag * a[1] * sin(xrot * pi / 180) \ - yshift ytran = ymag * a[0] * sin(yrot * pi / 180.0) \ + xmag * a[1] * cos(xrot * pi / 180) \ - xshift return xtran, ytran # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltmosaic'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltmosaic.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory( taskname="saltmosaic", value=parfile, function=saltmosaic, pkgname='saltred')
if (status == 0): infilename = infile.split('/') infilename = infilename[len(infilename) - 1] message = '%25s[%3d] %5.2f %4d %8.6f' % \ (infilename, hdu, gain1, overlevel_1, float(xcoeff[amplifier+1])) saltprint.log(logfile, message, verbose) message = '%25s[%3d] %5.2f %4d %8.6f' % \ (infilename, hdu+1, gain2, overlevel_2,float(xcoeff[amplifier])) saltprint.log(logfile, message, verbose) # update image in HDU structure if (status == 0): struct, status = saltio.writeimage(struct, hdu, imagedata1, logfile) struct, status = saltio.writeimage(struct, hdu + 1, imagedata2, logfile) return struct, status # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltslot'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltslot.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltslot", value=parfile, function=saltslot, pkgname='saltred')
bpm: bad pixel mask array """ if bpm is None: bpm=arr*0.0+1.0 wei=None else: # correct the weights for the bad pixel mask if ivar is None: ivar=arr*0.0+1.0 wei=ivar*(1-bpm) #TODO: need to add a check to make sure that there are is a place #to make sure that one of the weights is at least zero check_wei=wei.sum(axis=0) wei[0][check_wei==0]=wei.min() if method=='average': c_arr, s_arr=np.average(arr, axis=0, weights=wei, returned=True) return c_arr, s_arr elif method=='median': return np.median(arr, axis=0), bpm.sum(axis=0) else: msg='%s is not a method for combining arrays' % method raise SaltError(msg) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltcombine'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltcombine.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltcombine",value=parfile,function=saltcombine, pkgname='saltred')
"""flat applies a flatfield to salt CCD data return struct """ # Determine the number of extensions nextend=len(struct) #flat field the data for i in range(nextend): if struct[i].name=='SCI' or len(struct)==1: #Account for variance frames if saltkey.found('VAREXT', struct[i]): varext=saltkey.get('VAREXT', struct[i]) if saltkey.found('VAREXT', fstruct[i]): fvarext=saltkey.get('VAREXT', fstruct[i]) fvar=fstruct[fvarext].data else: fvar=0 struct[varext].data=(struct[i].data/fstruct[i].data)*(struct[varext].data/struct[i].data**2+fvar/fstruct[i].data**2) #flatten the data struct[i].data = struct[i].data / fstruct[i].data return struct # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltflat'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltflat.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltflat",value=parfile,function=saltflat, pkgname='saltred')
vhdu1 = saltkey.get('VAREXT', struct[i]) vhdu2 = saltkey.get('VAREXT', struct[i + 1]) try: struct[vhdu1].data += xc2 * struct[vhdu2].data struct[vhdu2].data += xc1 * struct[vhdu1].data except Exception, e: msg = 'Cannot update the variance frame in %s[%i] because %s' % ( infile, vhdu1, e) raise SaltError(msg) #print the message if log: message = '%25s[%1d] Amp%1d - Amp%1d * %8.6f' % \ (infile, i, ext1, ext2, xc2) log.message(message, with_header=False, with_stdout=verbose) message = '%25s[%1d] Amp%1d - Amp%1d * %8.6f' % \ (infile, i+1, ext2, ext1, xc1) log.message(message, with_header=False, with_stdout=verbose) return struct # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltxtalk'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltxtalk.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltxtalk", value=parfile, function=saltxtalk, pkgname='saltred')
# left over by intersting way to call it: ORDER BY pr.Proposal_ID DESC" % pid,state_select,state_from,state_logic) if len(record)<1: message = pid + ' is not in the Science database' raise SaltError(message) elif len(record)==1: surname=[record[0][2]] email=[record[0][3]] propinfo[pid]=(surname,email) else: prop_id=-1 surname=[] email=[] for entry in record: if entry[0] > prop_id: prop_id=entry[0] prop_code=entry[1] surname.append(entry[2]) email.append(entry[3]) propinfo[pid]=(surname,email) return propinfo # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltemail'): parfile = iraf.osfn("pipetools$saltemail.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltemail",value=parfile,function=saltemail, pkgname='pipetools')
# ----------------------------------------------------------- # check to see if a given fits file is one to be edited def checkfitsfile(infile, frange, klist): #make sure the file exists if not os.path.isfile(infile): return False #expeand klist finstr, fstart, fstop, keyitems=klist #check that the file is of the right instrument and date if not infile.count(finstr): return False #check that the files are in the appropriate range try: nid=saltstring.filenumber(infile, -9, -5) except Exception, e: return False if fstart <= nid <= fstop: return True return False # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('salteditkey'): parfile = iraf.osfn("pipetools$salteditkey.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="salteditkey",value=parfile,function=salteditkey, pkgname='pipetools')
except SaltError, e: log.message('%s' % e) def convertsalt(img, oimg, ext=1, clobber=True): """Convert a SALT MEF file into a single extension fits file""" #open the image #if len one, copy and return if len(hdu)==1: hdu.writeto(oimg) return #create the new output image odu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=hdu[ext].data, header=hdu[0].header) #combine the headers from the primary and first exention for c in hdu[ext] odu.header.set(c.keyword, c.value, c.comment) #write the data out saltio.writefits(odu, oimg, clobber=clobber) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('salt2iraf'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$salt2iraf.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="salt2iraf",value=parfile,function=salt2iraf, pkgname='saltred')
message += ' using header file '+inhead saltprint.log(logfile,message,verbose) except: message = 'SALTBIN2FIT ERROR: Unable to create '+fitsimg+' from '+binimg message += ' using header file '+inhead saltprint.log(logfile,message,verbose) # end time if (status == 0): saltprint.log(logfile,' ',verbose) saltprint.time('SALTBIN2FIT completed at',logfile,verbose) else: saltprint.time('SALTBIN2FIT aborted at ',logfile,verbose) def findimagenumber (filename): """find the number for each image file""" #split the file so that name is a string equal to OBSDATE+number name=filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] return int(name[9:]) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltbin2fit'): parfile = iraf.osfn("pipetools$saltbin2fit.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltbin2fit",value=parfile,function=saltbin2fit, pkgname='pipetools')
else: default=-999 return default def getkey(struct,keyword,default,warn=True, log=None): """Return the keyword value. Throw a warning if it doesn't work """ try: value = saltkey.get(keyword, struct) if isinstance(default, str): value=value.strip() except SaltIOError: value = default message = 'WARNING: cannot find keyword %s in %s' %(keyword, infile) if warn and log: log.message(message, with_header=False) if (str(value).strip() == ''): value = default #if (type(value) != type(default)): # # message='WARNING: Type mismatch for %s for %s in %s[0]' % (str(value), keyword, infile) # if warn and log: log.message(message, with_header=False) # value=default return value # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltobslog'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltobslog.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltobslog",value=parfile,function=saltobslog, pkgname='saltred')
"""Apply an illumination correction to a set of images return struct """ # Determine the number of extensions nextend = len(struct) # flat field the data for i in range(nextend): if struct[i].name == "SCI" or len(struct) == 1: # create the median image mdata = median_filter(struct[i].data, size=(mbox, mbox)) # create the data struct[i].data = struct[i].data / mdata # Account for variance frames if saltkey.found("VAREXT", struct[i]): varext = saltkey.get("VAREXT", struct[i]) struct[varext].data = struct[varext].data / mdata return struct # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask("saltillum"): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltillum.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltillum", value=parfile, function=saltillum, pkgname="saltred")
#re-interpt the std_spectra over the same wavelength std_spectra.interp(obs_spectra.wavelength) #re-interp the ext_spetra over the sam ewavelength ext_spectra.interp(obs_spectra.wavelength) #create the calibration spectra cal_spectra=Spectrum.Spectrum(obs_spectra.wavelength, obs_spectra.flux.copy(), stype='continuum') #set up the bandpass bandpass=np.diff(obs_spectra.wavelength).mean() #correct for extinction cal_spectra.flux=obs_spectra.flux/10**(-0.4*airmass*ext_spectra.flux) #correct for the exposure time and calculation the calitivity curve cal_spectra.flux=cal_spectra.flux/exptime/bandpass/std_spectra.flux #correct the error calc if error: cal_spectra.sigma=obs_spectra.sigma*cal_spectra.flux/obs_spectra.flux return cal_spectra # main code if not iraf.deftask('speccal'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltspec$speccal.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="speccal",value=parfile,function=speccal, pkgname='saltspec')
if subbias and bstruct: struct[i].data -= bstruct[i].data #update the variance frame if saltkey.found('VAREXT', struct[i]): vhdu = saltkey.get('VAREXT', struct[i]) try: vdata = struct[vhdu].data struct[vhdu].data = vdata + bstruct[vhdu].data except Exception, e: msg = 'Cannot update the variance frame in %s[%i] because %s' % ( infile, vhdu, e) raise SaltError(msg) if plotover: plt.ioff() return struct # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltbias'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltbias.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltbias", value=parfile, function=saltbias, pkgname='saltred')
j, :], xarr, nws, blank=blank, inttype=inttype) return data def zeroshift(data, xarr, nws, blank=0, inttype='interp'): """Calculate zeropoint shift and apply to the data """ if nws is not None: w_arr = nws.value(xarr) data = st.interpolate( xarr, w_arr, data, inttype, left=blank, right=blank) return data if not iraf.deftask('specselfid'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltspec$specselfid.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory( taskname="specselfid", value=parfile, function=specselfid, pkgname='saltspec')
def crgrow(crarr, grad=3): """If a cosmic ray has been identified in the source, delete the pixels around it according to gradius. """ darr=np.where(crarr>0) xlen=len(crarr[0]) ylen=len(crarr) #set it up as a box if grad < 3: grad=3 mbox=int(grad/2) for i in range(len(darr[0])): y=darr[0][i] x=darr[1][i] x1, x2, y1, y2 = setbox(x, y, mbox, xlen, ylen) crarr[y1:y2,x1:x2]=crarr[y,x] return crarr #----------------------------------------------------------- # Function to calculate the sigma at each pixel # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltcrclean'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltcrclean.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltcrclean",value=parfile,function=saltcrclean, pkgname='saltred')
y2 = y2 x2 = x2 else: y1 = 0 x1 = x2 x2 = x1 + x2 elif detector == 'hrdet': y1 = 0 if i % 2 == 1: x1 = 0 if i % 2 == 0: x1 = x2 x2 = x1 + x2 if i > 2: y1 = y2 y2 = y1 + y2 data[y1:y2, x1:x2] = hdu[i].data ihdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(data) nhdu = pyfits.HDUList([hdu[0], ihdu]) return nhdu if not iraf.deftask('hrsstack'): parfile = iraf.osfn("salthrs$hrsstack.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="hrsstack", value=parfile, function=hrsstack, pkgname='salthrs')
#correct the variance frame if saltkey.found('VAREXT', struct[i]): vhdu1=saltkey.get('VAREXT', struct[i]) vhdu2=saltkey.get('VAREXT', struct[i+1]) try: struct[vhdu1].data+=xc2*struct[vhdu2].data struct[vhdu2].data+=xc1*struct[vhdu1].data except Exception, e: msg='Cannot update the variance frame in %s[%i] because %s' % (infile, vhdu1, e) raise SaltError(msg) #print the message if log: message = '%25s[%1d] Amp%1d - Amp%1d * %8.6f' % \ (infile, i, ext1, ext2, xc2) log.message(message, with_header=False, with_stdout=verbose) message = '%25s[%1d] Amp%1d - Amp%1d * %8.6f' % \ (infile, i+1, ext2, ext1, xc1) log.message(message, with_header=False, with_stdout=verbose) return struct # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltxtalk'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltxtalk.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltxtalk",value=parfile,function=saltxtalk, pkgname='saltred')
# open diagnostic log html file if (status == 0): saltprint.log(logfile,'SALTHTML -- creating InstrumentDiagnostics' + date + '.html',verbose) outfile, status = saltio.openascii(dlogfile,'w',logfile) # write html header if (status == 0): status = htmlheader(outfile,date,caldate,'InstrumentDiagnostics',0,logfile) # content pending outfile.write('Content pending\n') # write html footer if (status == 0): status = htmlfooter(outfile,logfile) # close htmlfile if (status == 0): status = saltio.closeascii(outfile,logfile) return status # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('salthtml'): parfile = iraf.osfn("pipetools$salthtml.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="salthtml",value=parfile,function=salthtml, pkgname='pipetools')
# Determine the number of extensions nextend=len(struct) #do the math for i in range(nextend): if struct[i].name!='PRIMARY' or len(struct)==1: #screw variance frames. Pay me more #actually do the math if is_image: struct[i].data = eval('struct[i].data'+str(op)+'opstruct[i].data') if op == '/': #find where division by zero is going to happen zidx = numpy.where(opstruct[i].data == 0) struct[i].data[zidx] = divzero else: struct[i].data = eval('struct[i].data'+str(op)+'opstruct') if op == '/' and opstruct == 0: struct[i].data = numpy.ones(struct[i].data.shape)*divzero return struct # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltarith'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltarith.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltarith",value=parfile,function=saltarith, pkgname='saltred')
else: try: except: infile=inhdu.filename bpfile=bphdu.filename if not[0], bphdu[0], 'INSTRUME', infile, bpfile): message = '%s and %s are not the same %s' % (infile,bpfile, 'INSTRUME') raise SaltError(message) for k in ['CCDSUM', 'NAXIS1', 'NAXIS2']: if not[sci_ext], bphdu[sci_ext], k, infile, bpfile): message = '%s and %s are not the same %s' % (infile,bpfile, k) raise SaltError(message) data=bphdu[sci_ext].data.copy() header=inhdu[sci_ext].header.copy() header['EXTVER']=bp_ext header['SCIEXT']=(sci_ext,'Extension of science frame') return fits.ImageHDU(data=data, header=header, name='BPM') # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltprepare'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltprepare.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltprepare",value=parfile,function=saltprepare, pkgname='saltred')
timeobs, exptime, instrume, grating, grang, arang, filtername, slit, xbin, ybin, slitid, function, order, ) if w_arr is not None: wavemap[j, :] = w_arr if array_only: return wavemap # write out the oimg hduwav = fits.ImageHDU(data=wavemap, header=hdu[i].header, name="WAV") hdu.append(hduwav)"WAVEXT", len(hdu) - 1, "Extension for Wavelength Map", hdu[i]) return hdu if not iraf.deftask("specwavemap"): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltspec$specwavemap.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="specwavemap", value=parfile, function=specwavemap, pkgname="saltspec")
if struct[i].name != 'PRIMARY' or len(struct) == 1: #screw variance frames. Pay me more #actually do the math if is_image: struct[i].data = eval('struct[i].data' + str(op) + 'opstruct[i].data') if op == '/': #find where division by zero is going to happen zidx = numpy.where(opstruct[i].data == 0) struct[i].data[zidx] = divzero else: struct[i].data = eval('struct[i].data' + str(op) + 'opstruct') if op == '/' and opstruct == 0: struct[i].data = numpy.ones(struct[i].data.shape) * divzero return struct # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltarith'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltarith.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltarith", value=parfile, function=saltarith, pkgname='saltred')
== 0) * (struct[i].data > minlevel) else: mask_arr = (struct[i].data < minlevel) #create the data coef = fit_surface(struct[i].data, mask=mask_arr, xorder=order, yorder=order, xyorder=0) y, x = np.indices(struct[i].data.shape) sf = surface(coef, xorder=order, yorder=order, xyorder=0) print coef struct[i].data = sf(x, y) #Account for variance frames if mask: struct[bpmext].data = struct[bpmext].data * 0 return struct # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltsurface'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltsurface.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltsurface", value=parfile, function=saltsurface, pkgname='saltred')
x1=0 y2=y2 x2=x2 else: y1=0 x1=x2 x2=x1+x2 elif detector=='hrdet': y1=0 if i%2==1: x1=0 if i%2==0: x1=x2 x2=x1+x2 if i>2: y1=y2 y2=y1+y2 data[y1:y2,x1:x2]=hdu[i].data ihdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(data) nhdu = pyfits.HDUList([hdu[0], ihdu]) return nhdu if not iraf.deftask('hrsstack'): parfile = iraf.osfn("salthrs$hrsstack.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="hrsstack",value=parfile,function=hrsstack, pkgname='salthrs')
if rospeed not in dbspeed: raise SaltError('ROSPEED=%s does not match any vaue in gaindb file' % rospeed) #loop through the values and find the corresponding gain/rdnoise for i in range(len(dbspeed)): if dbspeed[i].strip().upper() == rospeed.strip().upper(): if dbrate[i].strip().upper() == gainset.strip().upper(): if int(dbamp[i]) == int(amp): gain = float(dbgain[i]) rdnoise = float(dbnoise[i]) found = True return gain, rdnoise if not found: msg='Could not find a corresponding setting in the gaindb file for gainset=%s, rospeed=%s, amp=%i' \ % (gainset, rospeed, amp) raise SaltError(msg) return rdnoise, gain # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltgain'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltgain.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltgain", value=parfile, function=saltgain, pkgname='saltred')
def createbadpixel(inhdu, bphdu, sci_ext, bp_ext): """Create the bad pixel hdu from a bad pixel hdu""" if bphdu is None: data=inhdu[sci_ext].data*0.0 else: if not[0], bphdu[0], 'INSTRUME', infile, bpfile): message = '%s and %s are not the same %s' % (infile,bpfile, 'INSTRUME') raise SaltError(message) for k in ['CCDSUM', 'NAXIS1', 'NAXIS2']: if not[sci_ext], bphdu[sci_ext], k, infile, bpfile): message = '%s and %s are not the same %s' % (infile,bpfile, k) raise SaltError(message) data=bphdu[sci_ext].data.copy() header=inhdu[sci_ext].header.copy() header['EXTVER']=bp_ext header.update('SCIEXT',sci_ext,comment='Extension of science frame') return pyfits.ImageHDU(data=data, header=header, name='BPM') # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltprepare'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltprepare.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltprepare",value=parfile,function=saltprepare, pkgname='saltred')
if bpm is None: bpm = arr * 0.0 + 1.0 wei = None else: # correct the weights for the bad pixel mask if ivar is None: ivar = arr * 0.0 + 1.0 wei = ivar * (1 - bpm) #TODO: need to add a check to make sure that there are is a place #to make sure that one of the weights is at least zero check_wei = wei.sum(axis=0) wei[0][check_wei == 0] = wei.min() if method == 'average': c_arr, s_arr = np.average(arr, axis=0, weights=wei, returned=True) return c_arr, s_arr elif method == 'median': return np.median(arr, axis=0), bpm.sum(axis=0) else: msg = '%s is not a method for combining arrays' % method raise SaltError(msg) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltcombine'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltcombine.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltcombine", value=parfile, function=saltcombine, pkgname='saltred')
saltkey.put('DATASEC',datasec,struct[bhdu]) #subtract the master bias if necessary if subbias and bstruct: struct[i].data -= bstruct[i].data #update the variance frame if saltkey.found('VAREXT', struct[i]): vhdu=saltkey.get('VAREXT', struct[i]) try: vdata=struct[vhdu].data struct[vhdu].data=vdata+bstruct[vhdu].data except Exception, e: msg='Cannot update the variance frame in %s[%i] because %s' % (infile, vhdu, e) raise SaltError(msg) if plotover: plt.ioff() return struct # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltbias'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltbias.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltbias",value=parfile,function=saltbias, pkgname='saltred')
cal_spectra = Spectrum.Spectrum( obs_spectra.wavelength, obs_spectra.flux.copy(), stype='continuum') # set up the bandpass bandpass = np.diff(obs_spectra.wavelength).mean() # correct for extinction cal_spectra.flux = obs_spectra.flux / \ 10 ** (-0.4 * airmass * ext_spectra.flux) # correct for the exposure time and calculation the calitivity curve cal_spectra.flux = cal_spectra.flux / exptime / bandpass / std_spectra.flux # correct the error calc if error: cal_spectra.var = obs_spectra.var * cal_spectra.flux / obs_spectra.flux return cal_spectra # main code if not iraf.deftask('speccal'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltspec$speccal.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory( taskname="speccal", value=parfile, function=speccal, pkgname='saltspec')