def thar_cal(object_b_fn_ec, object_b_fn_ec_w, colour): # Import IRAF modules: iraf.noao(_doprint=0) iraf.onedspec(_doprint=0) # Check input file and reference extraction exist before proceeding: if os.path.isfile(object_b_fn_ec) == True: # Perform dispersion correction: iraf.dispcor(input=object_b_fn_ec, output=object_b_fn_ec_w) print ' ' print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' print colour.capitalize() + ' object spectrum ' print '(' + str(object_b_fn_ec) + ')' print 'successfully wavelength calibrated in file ' print str(object_b_fn_ec_w) + '.' print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' print ' ' else: print ' ' print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' print 'Input frame ' print str(object_b_fn_ec) print 'does not exist. Exiting script. ' print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' print ' ' print ' ' sys.exit()
def dispcor_err(msfile): '''Propagate error through wavelength rectification. Read wavelength solution information from the FITS header and resample an image to a linear wavelength scale. The error is propagated by simply passing a squared .ms.fits file to **dispcor** and taking the square root of the result. This method makes the following assumptions: 1. The wavelength solution in the header is close enough to linear that spline3 interpolation used by DISPCOR essentially becomes a linear interpolation. This means the error on each output pixel is just the quadrature sum of the errors of the input pixels that went into that output pixel (divided by the number of pixels). 2. Any effects of fractional pixels is minimal. ''' tmpname = 'tmp_sq{}'.format(msfile) outputname = msfile.replace('me.fits', 'me_lin.fits') tmpoutput = 'tmp_sq{}'.format(outputname) pow_image(msfile, tmpname, 2.) iraf.dispcor(tmpname, tmpoutput, linearize=True, samedisp=True) pow_image(tmpoutput, outputname, 0.5) return outputname
def wl_cal(filename, outname, cals): print 'run wavelength calibration...' if os.path.isfile(outname): print 'file %s is already exist' % outname else: iraf.imred() iraf.specred() print 'The calibration file is listed below:' for i in xrange(len(cals)): print i, cals[i], get_fits_objname(cals[i]) valget = 0 if len(cals) > 1: valget = raw_input('Which one are you want to use?:') while type(eval(valget)) != int: valget = raw_input('input is not a int type, please reinput:') valget = int(valget) iraf.refspectra(input = filename , references = cals[valget], apertures = '', refaps = '' , ignoreaps = True, select = 'interp', sort = '' , group = '', time = False, timewrap = 17.0 , override = False, confirm = True, assign = True , logfiles = 'STDOUT,logfile', verbose = False, answer = 'yes') print 'make file ' + outname + '...' iraf.dispcor(input = filename , output = outname, linearize = True, database = 'database' , table = '', w1 = 'INDEF', w2 = 'INDEF', dw = 'INDEF' , nw = 'INDEF', log = False, flux = True, blank = 0.0 , samedisp = False, ignoreaps = True , confirm = False, listonly = False, verbose = True , logfile = '') print 'splot %s' % outname iraf.splot(images = outname)
def correlate(): scilist = glob.glob('AGN*EX.fits') stdlist = glob.glob('STD*EX.fits') lamps = glob.glob('LAMP*EX.fits') for img in lamps: hdu = pyfits.getheader(img) if hdu['HIERARCH ESO DPR TECH'] == 'SPECTRUM': specref = img.rsplit('.fits',1)[0] elif hdu['HIERARCH ESO DPR TECH'] == 'MOS': mosref = img.rsplit('.fits',1)[0] for spec in scilist: spec = spec.rsplit('.fits',1)[0] iraf.refspectra(spec,references=specref,sort='',group='',confirm='no',assign='yes') name = spec.rsplit('_EX',1)[0]+'_EL' iraf.dispcor(spec,output=name) for spec in stdlist: spec = spec.rsplit('.fits',1)[0] iraf.refspectra(spec,references=mosref,sort='',group='',confirm='no',assign='yes') name = spec.rsplit('_EX',1)[0]+'_EL' iraf.dispcor(spec,output=name)
def dispcor_err(msfile): '''Propagate error through wavelength rectification. Read wavelength solution information from the FITS header and resample an image to a linear wavelength scale. The error is propagated by simply passing a squared .ms.fits file to **dispcor** and taking the square root of the result. This method makes the following assumptions: 1. The wavelength solution in the header is close enough to linear that spline3 interpolation used by DISPCOR essentially becomes a linear interpolation. This means the error on each output pixel is just the quadrature sum of the errors of the input pixels that went into that output pixel (divided by the number of pixels). 2. Any effects of fractional pixels is minimal. ''' tmpname = 'tmp_sq{}'.format(msfile) outputname = msfile.replace('me.fits','me_lin.fits') tmpoutput = 'tmp_sq{}'.format(outputname) pow_image(msfile,tmpname,2.) iraf.dispcor(tmpname, tmpoutput, linearize=True, samedisp=True) pow_image(tmpoutput,outputname,0.5) return outputname
def wave_cal (images): iraf.dispcor.glo = 'no' iraf.dispcor.flux = 'yes' iraf.dispcor.input = '@'+ images iraf.dispcor.output = 'd//@' + images iraf.lpar(iraf.dispcor) iraf.dispcor(mode = 'h')
def red_science(image, flats, spath, object=None, arc='Arc-Red.fits', smooth='BD284211.smooth.fits', telluric='telluric.fits', sens='BD284211.sens', biassec=REDBIAS, trimsec=REDTRIM, outflat='Flat-Red.fits', gain=REDGAIN, rdnoise=REDRDNOISE): '''Full reduction of KAST science spectra on red CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first redbias(image, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) redbias(flats, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) # Create and apply flat-field make_flat(flats, outflat, gain=gain, rdnoise=rdnoise) iraf.ccdproc(image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) # Cosmic ray rejection #iraf.lacos_spec(image[0], 'c%s' % image[0], 'cm%s' % image[0], # gain=gain, readn=rdnoise, xorder=9, yorder=3, # sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.5, objlim=1.0, niter=3) # Extract spectrum if object==None: object=get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall('%s' % image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Apply wavelength solution to standard shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, arc), '.') shutil.copy('%s/database/id%s' % (spath, arc.rstrip('.fits')), 'database') iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Smooth shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, smooth), '.') iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', smooth, '%s.s' % object) # Create and apply telluric correction shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, telluric), '.') iraf.telluric('%s.s' % object, '%s.t' % object, telluric, xcorr=yes, tweakrms=yes, interactive=yes, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Flux calibration shutil.copy('%s/%s.0001.fits' % (spath, sens), '.') iraf.calibrate('%s.t' % object, '%s.f' % object, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', observatory='Lick', sensitivity=sens, airmass='', exptime='') return
def blue_science(image, spath, object=None, flat='Flat-Blue.fits', arc='Arc-Blue.fits', smooth='BD284211.smooth.fits', sens='BD284211.sens', biassec1=BLUEBIAS1, trimsec1=BLUETRIM1, biassec2=BLUEBIAS2, trimsec2=BLUETRIM2, gain=BLUEGAIN, rdnoise=BLUERDNOISE): '''Full reduction of KAST science spectra on blue CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first bluebias(image, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) # Apply flat-field shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, flat), '.') iraf.ccdproc('j%s' % image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=flat) # Cosmic ray rejection #iraf.lacos_spec('j%s' % image[0], 'cj%s' % image[0], 'cmj%s' % image[0], # gain=gain, readn=rdnoise, xorder=9, yorder=3, # sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.5, objlim=1.0, niter=3) # Extract spectrum if object==None: object=get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall('j%s' % image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Apply wavelength solution to standard shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, arc), '.') shutil.copy('%s/database/id%s' % (spath, arc.rstrip('.fits')), 'database') iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Smooth shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, smooth), '.') iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', smooth, '%s.s' % object) # Flux calibration shutil.copy('%s/%s.0001.fits' % (spath, sens), '.') iraf.calibrate('%s.s' % object, '%s.f' % object, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', observatory='Lick', sensitivity=sens, airmass='', exptime='') return
def applywavesolution(inputre, calspec): ''' apply calibration solution to science spectra ''' inputlist = glob.glob(inputre) inputstring = ', '.join(inputlist) outputstring = ', '.join([inp[:-5] + '_spec.fits' for inp in inputlist]) iraf.hedit.unlearn() iraf.dispcor.unlearn() iraf.hedit.fields = 'REFSPEC1' iraf.hedit.value = calspec iraf.hedit.add = True iraf.hedit(images=inputstring) iraf.dispcor(input=inputstring, output=outputstring)
def applywavesolution(inputre, calspec): ''' apply calibration solution to science spectra ''' inputlist = glob.glob(inputre) inputstring = ', '.join(inputlist) outputstring = ', '.join([inp[:-5]+'_spec.fits' for inp in inputlist]) iraf.hedit.unlearn() iraf.dispcor.unlearn() iraf.hedit.fields = 'REFSPEC1' iraf.hedit.value = calspec iraf.hedit.add = True iraf.hedit(images=inputstring) iraf.dispcor(input=inputstring, output=outputstring)
def apply_wav_solution(WORK_DIR, include_cal=False): print '\n + Applying the wavelength solution\n' iraf.unlearn('dispcor') for i, obj in enumerate(observations[WORK_DIR]['objects']): cal = observations[WORK_DIR]['calibs'][i]+'.ec' # export wav calibrated spectra print 'Using cal:', cal for j in ['.ec', '.ec.nosky']: #iraf.hedit(images=obj, fields='refspec1', value=observations[WORK_DIR]['calibs'][0]+'.ec', add='yes', verify='no') iraf.refspectra(input=obj+j, referen=cal, sort='', group='', confirm='no', Stdout="/dev/null") iraf.dispcor(input=obj+j, output=obj+j, lineari='no', verbose='yes') if include_cal: os.remove(cal+'_wvl.fits') # export wav calibrated cal image iraf.refspectra(input=cal, referen=cal, sort='', group='', confirm='no', Stdout="/dev/null") iraf.dispcor(input=cal, output=cal+'_wvl', lineari='no', verbose='yes')
def dispcor(imlist_name, database='database'): """ dispcor -- Dispersion correct and resample spectra dispcor input output [records] database -- path in which idXXX file. ex) /data1/SN2019ein/work/SAO_Spectrum/red/20190509/arc/database/ dispcor """ import glob import os, sys from pyraf import iraf iraf.noao() iraf.imred() iraf.kpnoslit() imlist = glob.glob(imlist_name) imlist.sort() for i in range(len(imlist)): inim = imlist[i] iraf.dispcor(input=inim, output='w' + inim, database='database', linearize='no') iraf.splot(images='w' + inim)
def blue_standard(image, arcs, flats, object=None, biassec1=BLUEBIAS1, trimsec1=BLUETRIM1, biassec2=BLUEBIAS2, trimsec2=BLUETRIM2, outflat='Flat-Blue.fits', gain=BLUEGAIN, rdnoise=BLUERDNOISE, arc='Arc-Blue.fits', caldir='home$standards/'): '''Reduce and calibrate standard star observation with blue CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first bluebias(image, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) bluebias(arcs, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) bluebias(flats, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) # Create and apply flat-field for i in range(len(flats)): flats[i] = 'j%s' % flats[i] make_flat(flats, outflat, gain=gain, rdnoise=rdnoise) iraf.ccdproc('j%s' % image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) iraf.ccdproc('j%s' % arcs[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) # Extract spectrum of standard if object == None: object = get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall('j%s' % image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Extract arc and fit wavelength solution reference_arc('j%s' % arcs[0], arc, 'j%s' % image[0]) # Apply wavelength solution to standard iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Remove absorption features and smooth iraf.splot('%s.w' % object, 1, 1) iraf.gauss('temp1[*,1,1]', '%s.smooth' % object, 3.0) iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', '%s.smooth' % object, '%s.s' % object) # Define bandpasses for standard star calculation iraf.standard('%s.s' % object, '%s.std' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', caldir=caldir, observatory='Lick', interact=yes, star_name=object, airmass='', exptime='') # Determine sensitivity function iraf.sensfunc('%s.std' % object, '%s.sens' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Lick', function='legendre', order=3, interactive=yes) return
def salt_scombine(objlist): obj = np.loadtxt(objlist, dtype="str", unpack=True, ndmin=1) objlist1d = objlist + '1d' objj = os.path.splitext(obj[0])[0] if os.path.isfile(objj + 'wsf.fits'): os.system('sed s/.fits/wsf1d.fits/ ' + objlist + ' > ' + objlist1d) objnofits = string.split(obj[0], sep='.')[0] + 'wsf' os.system('sed s/.fits/wsf1d_var.fits/ ' + objlist + ' > templist') else: os.system('sed s/.fits/ws1d.fits/ ' + objlist + ' > ' + objlist1d) objnofits = string.split(obj[0], sep='.')[0] + 'ws' os.system('sed s/.fits/ws1d_var.fits/ ' + objlist + ' > templist') low_ap = float( rt.getsh("grep -i 'low\t' database/ap" + objnofits + " | awk '{print $3}'")) high_ap = float( rt.getsh("grep -i 'high\t' database/ap" + objnofits + " | awk '{print $3}'")) apradius = abs(low_ap) + abs(high_ap) readnoise = 2.45 * np.sqrt(apradius) print "ggg = %s" % readnoise iraf.scombine.combine = 'average' iraf.scombine.rdnoise = readnoise iraf.scombine.reject = 'ccdclip' iraf.scombine.scale = 'median' outnam = ''.join(rt.header(obj[0], 'OBJECT').split()).lower() outname = outnam + '_' + objlist if os.path.isfile(outname + '.fits'): os.system('rm ' + outname + '.fits') inname = str('@' + objlist1d) iraf.scombine(input=inname, output=outname, first='yes') tempfile = 'temp.fits' if os.path.isfile(tempfile): os.system('rm ' + tempfile) iraf.imsum('@templist', tempfile) nspec = len(obj) outname_var = outname + '_var' if os.path.isfile(outname_var + '.fits'): os.system('rm ' + outname_var + '.fits') nspec = nspec * nspec iraf.imarith(tempfile, '/', nspec, outname_var) os.system('rm *temp.fits') os.system('rm templist') iraf.dispcor(outname_var, output='', table=outname) outnametxt = outname + '.txt' outname_vartxt = outname_var + '.txt' iraf.wspectext(outname, outnametxt, header='no') iraf.wspectext(outname_var, outname_vartxt, header='no') rssdate = rt.header(obj[0], 'DATE-OBS') rssdate = string.replace(rssdate, '-', '') pastefinal = outname + '_final_' + rssdate + '.txt' os.system('paste ' + outnametxt + ' ' + outname_vartxt + ' > ' + pastefinal)
def wavelength_solution(targetdir, islog, w1, w2, npix, dw, dv): """ Applies wavelength solution using dispcor. Must be run in target directory. """ print 'Target directory is ' + targetdir print 'Applying wavelength solution...' if os.getcwd() != targetdir: raise ValueError('Current working directory must be target directory!') if os.path.exists(''): os.remove('') iraf.unlearn('dispcor') iraf.dispcor.setParam('input','') iraf.dispcor.setParam('output','') iraf.dispcor.setParam('confirm','yes') if len(w1) == 0: w1 = None if len(w2) == 0: w2 = None if len(npix) == 0: npix = None if len(dw) == 0: dw = None if len(dv) == 0: dv = None if islog == 'no': iraf.dispcor.setParam('log','no') if None not in (w1,w2,npix,dw): w1 = float(w1) w2 = float(w2) npix = float(npix) dw = float(dw) elif None not in (w1, w2, npix): w1 = float(w1) w2 = float(w2) npix = float(npix) dw = 'INDEF' elif None not in (w1, w2, dw): w1 = float(w1) w2 = float(w2) dw = float(dw) npix = 'INDEF' elif None not in (w1, dw, npix): w1 = float(w1) npix = float(npix) dw = float(dw) w2 = 'INDEF' elif None not in (w2, dw, npix): w2 = float(w1) npix = float(npix) dw = float(dw) w1 = 'INDEF' else: raise ValueError('Not enough info to make a wavelength scale!') print 'User input w1 = {}, w2 = {}, dw = {}, nw = {}'.format(w1,w2,dw,npix) iraf.dispcor.setParam('w1',w1) # Starting wavelength iraf.dispcor.setParam('w2',w2) # Ending wavelength iraf.dispcor.setParam('nw',npix) # Number of output pixels iraf.dispcor.setParam('dw',dw) # Wavelength interval per pixel elif islog == 'yes': iraf.dispcor.setParam('log','yes') # Leave everything black ecept dv if None not in (w1,w2,dv): w1 = float(w1) w2 = float(w2) dv = float(dv) print 'Constant dv = %.3f km/s' % dv from scipy.constants import c c = c / 1e3 dwlog = -np.log10(1 - dv / c) dw = dwlog * (w2 - w1) / (np.log10(w2) - np.log10(w1)) else: raise ValueError('Need w1, w2 and dv!') print 'User input w1 = {}, w2 = {}, dv = {}, nw = INDEF'.format(w1,w2,dv) iraf.dispcor.setParam('w1',w1) # Starting wavelength iraf.dispcor.setParam('w2',w2) # Ending wavelength iraf.dispcor.setParam('nw','INDEF') # Number of output pixels iraf.dispcor.setParam('dw',dw) # Wavelength interval per pixel iraf.dispcor() return None
verify="no", show="yes", update="yes") print('Starting dispersion correction') iraf.dispcor( input="J105829_250_3500_4_Grism_7_2015_06_17_yf170018bfcap.fits", output="J105829_250_3500_4_Grism_7_2015_06_17_yf170018bfcapw.fits", linearize="yes", database="database", table="", w1="3000", w2="8000", dw="INDEF", nw="INDEF", log="no", flux="yes", blank=0., samedisp="no", ignoreaps="no", confirm="yes", listonly="no", verbose="no", logfile="yes") #os.system("ls *apbfcw.fits>") #iraf.asthedit(' /home/aries/Music/Atsoa2018/airmass.dat') iraf.standard( input="J105829_250_3500_4_Grism_7_2015_06_17_yf170018bfcapw.fits",
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Associate wavelenght solution to science spectra # import glob from pyraf import iraf calspec = str(raw_input("Enter calibrated spectra: ")) inputre = str(raw_input("Enter regular expression for science spectra: ")) inputlist = glob.glob(inputre) iraf.hedit.unlearn() iraf.dispcor.unlearn() iraf.hedit.fields = 'REFSPEC1' iraf.hedit.value = calspec iraf.hedit.add = True for img in inputlist: iraf.hedit(images=img) iraf.dispcor(input=img, output=img[:-5] + '_spec') print '--- DONE ---'
def reduce_data(filelist_new, filelist_masterflats, filelist_masterthars): if len(filelist_new) == 0: print("Please, choose science files to reduce first!") elif len(filelist_masterflats) == 0: print("Please, choose masterflat files first!") elif len(filelist_masterthars) == 0: print("Please, choose Thorium-Argon reference files first!") else: print("Starting reduction process...") extracted_science_files = [] current_directory = os.getcwd() years = [ '{:04d}'.format(year) for year in range(2005, + 1) ] month = ['{:02d}'.format(mon) for mon in range(1, 13)] for i in range(len(filelist_new)): trim = trim_remove_bias(filelist_new[i]) chosen_masterflat = None dummyI = trim.replace(".trim_will_be_removed.fits", ".dummyI.fits") dummyII = trim.replace(".trim_will_be_removed.fits", ".dummyII.fits") if os.path.exists(dummyI): os.remove(dummyI) if os.path.exists(dummyII): os.remove(dummyII) for y in years: for mon in month: date_check_1 = y + "_" + mon date_check_2 = y + "-" + mon if ((date_check_1 in trim) or (date_check_2 in trim)) == True: for masterflat in filelist_masterflats: if ((date_check_1 in masterflat) or (date_check_2 in masterflat)) == True: chosen_masterflat = masterflat if chosen_masterflat is None: print("Masterflat File not found!!") continue iraf.imarith(trim, "/", chosen_masterflat, dummyI) iraf.apscatter(dummyI, output=dummyII, interactive="No", apertures="1-51", references="find_orders.fits") clean = trim.replace(".trim_will_be_removed.fits", ".clean.fits") mask = trim.replace(".trim_will_be_removed.fits", ".mask.fits") mean_image = iraf.imstat(dummyII, Stdout=1, fields="mean", format="no") print(mean_image) if float(mean_image[0]) > 5000: array, header = cosmics.fromfits(dummyII) sigclip = 50.0 objlim = 50.0 c = cosmics.cosmicsimage(array, gain=0.368, readnoise=3.7, sigclip=sigclip, sigfrac=10.0, objlim=objlim) cosmics.tofits(clean, c.cleanarray, header) cosmics.tofits(mask, c.mask, header) elif 5000 > float(mean_image[0]) > 1000: array, header = cosmics.fromfits(dummyII) sigclip = 20.0 objlim = 20.0 c = cosmics.cosmicsimage(array, gain=0.368, readnoise=3.7, sigclip=sigclip, sigfrac=4.0, objlim=objlim) cosmics.tofits(clean, c.cleanarray, header) cosmics.tofits(mask, c.mask, header) else: array, header = cosmics.fromfits(dummyII) sigclip = 5.0 objlim = 5.0 c = cosmics.cosmicsimage(array, gain=0.368, readnoise=3.7, sigclip=sigclip, sigfrac=1.8, objlim=objlim) cosmics.tofits(clean, c.cleanarray, header) cosmics.tofits(mask, c.mask, header) extract = trim.replace(".trim_will_be_removed.fits", ".extracted.fits") extracted_science_files.append(extract) iraf.apall(clean, output=extract, references="find_orders", profiles="find_orders", apertures="1-51") # iraf.apall(clean, output=extract, references= "find_orders", profiles= "find_orders", apertures = "3-50" ) # iraf.apall(clean, output=extract, references= "find_orders", profiles= "find_orders", apertures = "3-50" ) os.remove(dummyI) os.remove(dummyII) os.remove(trim) write_reftable(filelist_new, filelist_masterthars) thar_directory = os.path.dirname(filelist_masterthars[0]) if thar_directory == os.path.dirname(filelist_new[0]): pass else: remove_file(thar_directory, "science.lis") remove_file(thar_directory, "reftable.dat") shutil.move("science.lis", thar_directory) shutil.move("reftable.dat", thar_directory) os.chdir(thar_directory) iraf.refspectra("@science.lis", references="reftable.dat", ignoreaps="Yes", sort="", group="", override="yes", confirm="no", assign="yes") iraf.dispcor("@science.lis", output="@science.lis") if thar_directory == os.path.dirname(filelist_new[0]): pass else: remove_file(current_directory, "science.lis") remove_file(current_directory, "reftable.dat") shutil.move("science.lis", current_directory) shutil.move("reftable.dat", current_directory) os.chdir(current_directory) normalize_and_merge(extracted_science_files) print("Success! Reduction process complete.")
def red_standard(image, arcs, flats, object=None, biassec=REDBIAS, trimsec=REDTRIM, outflat='Flat-Red.fits', gain=REDGAIN, rdnoise=REDRDNOISE, arc='Arc-Red.fits', caldir='home$standards/'): '''Reduce and calibrate standard star observation with red CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first redbias(image, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) redbias(arcs, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) redbias(flats, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) # Create and apply flat-field make_flat(flats, outflat, gain=gain, rdnoise=rdnoise) iraf.ccdproc(image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) arcimages=','.join(arcs) iraf.ccdproc(arcs, ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) # Extract spectrum of standard if object==None: object=get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall(image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Extract arc and fit wavelength solution iraf.imarith(arcs[0], '+', arcs[1], 'Arc-Sum.fits') reference_arc('Arc-Sum.fits', arc, image[0]) # Apply wavelength solution to standard iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Remove absorption features and smooth iraf.splot('%s.w' % object, 1, 1) iraf.gauss('temp1[*,1,1]', '%s.smooth' % object, 3.0) iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', '%s.smooth' % object, '%s.s' % object) # Create and apply telluric correction iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', 'temp1', 'telluric') iraf.splot('telluric', 1, 1) iraf.telluric('%s.s' % object, '%s.t' % object, 'telluric', xcorr=no, tweakrms=no, interactive=no, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Define bandpasses for standard star calculation iraf.standard('%s.t' % object, '%s.std' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', caldir=caldir, observatory='Lick', interact=yes, star_name=object, airmass='', exptime='') # Determine sensitivity function iraf.sensfunc('%s.std' % object, '%s.sens' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Lick', function='legendre', order=3, interactive=yes) return
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Associate wavelenght solution to science spectra # import glob from pyraf import iraf calspec = str(raw_input("Enter calibrated spectra: ")) inputre = str(raw_input("Enter regular expression for science spectra: ")) inputlist = glob.glob(inputre) iraf.hedit.unlearn() iraf.dispcor.unlearn() iraf.hedit.fields = 'REFSPEC1' iraf.hedit.value = calspec iraf.hedit.add = True for img in inputlist: iraf.hedit(images=img) iraf.dispcor(input=img, output=img[:-5]+'_spec') print '--- DONE ---'
def red_science(image, flats, spath, object=None, arc='Arc-Red.fits', smooth='BD284211.smooth.fits', telluric='telluric.fits', sens='BD284211.sens', biassec=REDBIAS, trimsec=REDTRIM, outflat='Flat-Red.fits', gain=REDGAIN, rdnoise=REDRDNOISE): '''Full reduction of KAST science spectra on red CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first redbias(image, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) redbias(flats, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) # Create and apply flat-field make_flat(flats, outflat, gain=gain, rdnoise=rdnoise) iraf.ccdproc(image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) # Cosmic ray rejection #iraf.lacos_spec(image[0], 'c%s' % image[0], 'cm%s' % image[0], # gain=gain, readn=rdnoise, xorder=9, yorder=3, # sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.5, objlim=1.0, niter=3) # Extract spectrum if object == None: object = get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall('%s' % image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Apply wavelength solution to standard shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, arc), '.') shutil.copy('%s/database/id%s' % (spath, arc.rstrip('.fits')), 'database') iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Smooth shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, smooth), '.') iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', smooth, '%s.s' % object) # Create and apply telluric correction shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, telluric), '.') iraf.telluric('%s.s' % object, '%s.t' % object, telluric, xcorr=yes, tweakrms=yes, interactive=yes, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Flux calibration shutil.copy('%s/%s.0001.fits' % (spath, sens), '.') iraf.calibrate('%s.t' % object, '%s.f' % object, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', observatory='Lick', sensitivity=sens, airmass='', exptime='') return
def extractSpectra(): """ Extract 1D spectra using IRAF interactively Interpolate across the two arcs either side to get the most accurate wavelength solution TODO: Finish docstring Add method of using super arc for inital identify """ # load IRAF from the location of the file here = os.getcwd() os.chdir(loginCl_location) from pyraf import iraf os.chdir(here) time.sleep(2) # make a list of the science images to be analysed templist = g.glob('i_s*') # import IRAF packages for spectroscopy iraf.imred(_doprint=0) iraf.kpnoslit(_doprint=0) # apall parameters iraf.apall.setParam('format', 'multispec') iraf.apall.setParam('interac', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('find', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('recen', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('resize', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('trace', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('fittrac', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('extract', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('extras', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('review', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('line', 'INDEF') iraf.apall.setParam('nsum', '12') iraf.apall.setParam('lower', '-6') iraf.apall.setParam('upper', '6') iraf.apall.setParam('b_funct', 'chebyshev') iraf.apall.setParam('b_order', '1') iraf.apall.setParam('b_sampl', '-25:-15,15:25') iraf.apall.setParam('b_naver', '-100') iraf.apall.setParam('b_niter', '0') iraf.apall.setParam('b_low_r', '3') iraf.apall.setParam('b_high', '3') iraf.apall.setParam('b_grow', '0') iraf.apall.setParam('width', '10') iraf.apall.setParam('radius', '10') iraf.apall.setParam('threshold', '0') iraf.apall.setParam('nfind', '1') iraf.apall.setParam('t_nsum', '10') iraf.apall.setParam('t_step', '10') iraf.apall.setParam('t_nlost', '3') iraf.apall.setParam('t_niter', '7') iraf.apall.setParam('t_funct', 'spline3') iraf.apall.setParam('t_order', '3') iraf.apall.setParam('backgro', 'fit') iraf.apall.setParam('skybox', '1') iraf.apall.setParam('weights', 'variance') iraf.apall.setParam('pfit', 'fit1d') iraf.apall.setParam('clean', 'yes') iraf.apall.setParam('saturat', SATURATION) iraf.apall.setParam('readnoi', RDNOISE) iraf.apall.setParam('gain', GAIN) iraf.apall.setParam('lsigma', '4.0') iraf.apall.setParam('usigma', '4.0') iraf.apall.setParam('nsubaps', '1') iraf.apall.saveParList(filename="") # make reference arc for reidentify if '.' in args.refarc: args.refarc = args.refarc.split('.')[0] refarc = "a_s_{}_t.fits".format(args.refarc) refarc_out = "a_s_{}".format(args.refarc) # loop over all the the spectra for i in range(0, len(templist)): hdulist =[i]) prihdr = hdulist[0].header target_id = prihdr['CAT-NAME'] spectrum_id = int(templist[i].split('_')[2].split('r')[1]) if args.ds9: os.system('xpaset fuckingds9 fits < {}'.format(templist[i])) # extract the object spectrum print("[{}/{}] Extracting spectrum of {} from image {}".format(i+1, len(templist), target_id, templist[i])) print("[{}/{}] Check aperture and background. Change if required".format(i+1, len(templist))) print("[{}/{}] AP: m = mark aperture, d = delete aperture".format(i+1, len(templist))) print("[{}/{}] SKY: s = mark sky, t = delete sky, f = refit".format(i+1, len(templist))) print("[{}/{}] q = continue".format(i+1, len(templist))) iraf.apall(input=templist[i]) print("Spectrum extracted!") # find the arcs either side of the object arclist = [] arc1 = "a_s_r{0:d}_t.fits".format(spectrum_id-1) arc2 = "a_s_r{0:d}_t.fits".format(spectrum_id+1) arc1_out = "a_s_r{0:d}".format(spectrum_id-1) arc2_out = "a_s_r{0:d}".format(spectrum_id+1) # predict the arc names print("\nPredicting arcs names...") print("Arc1: {}".format(arc1)) print("Arc2: {}".format(arc2)) # setup a reference filename for the arc conditions in database reffile = templist[i].split('.fits')[0] # extract the arcs print("\nExtracting arcs under the same conditions...") if os.path.exists(arc1): iraf.apall(input=arc1, reference=reffile, recente="no", trace="no", backgro="no", interac="no") print("Arc1 {} extracted".format(arc1)) arclist.append(arc1_out) else: print("\n\nArc1 {} FILE NOT FOUND\n\n".format(arc1)) if os.path.exists(arc2): iraf.apall(input=arc2, reference=reffile, recente="no", trace="no", backgro="no", interac="no") print("Arc2 {} extracted".format(arc2)) arclist.append(arc2_out) else: print("\n\nArc2 {} FILE NOT FOUND\n\n".format(arc2)) # get a list of the extracted arcs and objects spectrum_out = "i_s_r{0:d}".format(spectrum_id) if i == 0: # extract the master reference arc print("\nExtracting master arc {} under the same conditions...".format(refarc)) iraf.apall(input=refarc, reference=reffile, recente="no", trace="no", backgro="no", interac="no") print("Reference arc {} extracted".format(refarc)) # identify the lines in it print("\nIdentify arc lines:") print("Enter the following in the splot window") print("\t:thres 500") print("\t:order 1, max = 3") print("\tfwidth 2") print("Select 3-5 arc lines from line atlas") print("Press 'm' to mark, then enter wavelength") print("Then press 'l' to automatically ID the other lines") print("Press 'f' to fit the dispersion correction") print("Use 'd' to remove bad points, 'f' to refit") print("'q' from fit, then 'q' from identify to continue\n") iraf.identify(images=refarc_out, coordlist=lineList_location) # use the refarc to ID all the subsequent arcs for arc in arclist: print("\nReidentifying arclines from {}".format(arc)) iraf.reidentify(reference=refarc_out, images=arc) # add the refspec keywords to the image header for dispcor # refspec_factor tells IRAF how to interpolate the arcs refspec_factor = round((1./len(arclist)), 1) for i in range(0, len(arclist)): refspec = "{} {}".format(arclist[i].split(".fits")[0], refspec_factor) print("REFSPEC{}: {}".format(i+1, refspec)) iraf.hedit(images=spectrum_out, fields="REFSPEC{}".format(i+1), value=refspec, add="yes", verify="no", show="yes") print("Headers updated!\n") # apply the dispersion correction print("Applying the dispersion correction") iraf.dispcor(input=spectrum_out, output=spectrum_out, lineari="yes", databas="database", table="") print("Correction applied!") # normalize the spectrum using continuum normspec_out = "{}".format(spectrum_out.split('.ms')[0]) iraf.continuum(input=spectrum_out, output=normspec_out, logfile="logfile", interac="yes", functio="spline3", order="5", niterat="10", markrej="yes") print("\n\n")
def blue_science(image, spath, object=None, flat='Flat-Blue.fits', arc='Arc-Blue.fits', smooth='BD284211.smooth.fits', sens='BD284211.sens', biassec1=BLUEBIAS1, trimsec1=BLUETRIM1, biassec2=BLUEBIAS2, trimsec2=BLUETRIM2, gain=BLUEGAIN, rdnoise=BLUERDNOISE): '''Full reduction of KAST science spectra on blue CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first bluebias(image, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) # Apply flat-field shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, flat), '.') iraf.ccdproc('j%s' % image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=flat) # Cosmic ray rejection #iraf.lacos_spec('j%s' % image[0], 'cj%s' % image[0], 'cmj%s' % image[0], # gain=gain, readn=rdnoise, xorder=9, yorder=3, # sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.5, objlim=1.0, niter=3) # Extract spectrum if object == None: object = get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall('j%s' % image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Apply wavelength solution to standard shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, arc), '.') shutil.copy('%s/database/id%s' % (spath, arc.rstrip('.fits')), 'database') iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Smooth shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (spath, smooth), '.') iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', smooth, '%s.s' % object) # Flux calibration shutil.copy('%s/%s.0001.fits' % (spath, sens), '.') iraf.calibrate('%s.s' % object, '%s.f' % object, extinct=yes, flux=yes, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', observatory='Lick', sensitivity=sens, airmass='', exptime='') return
def red_standard(image, arcs, flats, object=None, biassec=REDBIAS, trimsec=REDTRIM, outflat='Flat-Red.fits', gain=REDGAIN, rdnoise=REDRDNOISE, arc='Arc-Red.fits', caldir='home$standards/'): '''Reduce and calibrate standard star observation with red CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first redbias(image, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) redbias(arcs, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) redbias(flats, biassec=biassec, trimsec=trimsec) # Create and apply flat-field make_flat(flats, outflat, gain=gain, rdnoise=rdnoise) iraf.ccdproc(image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) arcimages = ','.join(arcs) iraf.ccdproc(arcs, ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) # Extract spectrum of standard if object == None: object = get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall(image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Extract arc and fit wavelength solution iraf.imarith(arcs[0], '+', arcs[1], 'Arc-Sum.fits') reference_arc('Arc-Sum.fits', arc, image[0]) # Apply wavelength solution to standard iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Remove absorption features and smooth iraf.splot('%s.w' % object, 1, 1) iraf.gauss('temp1[*,1,1]', '%s.smooth' % object, 3.0) iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', '%s.smooth' % object, '%s.s' % object) # Create and apply telluric correction iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', 'temp1', 'telluric') iraf.splot('telluric', 1, 1) iraf.telluric('%s.s' % object, '%s.t' % object, 'telluric', xcorr=no, tweakrms=no, interactive=no, sample='6850:6950,7575:7700') # Define bandpasses for standard star calculation iraf.standard('%s.t' % object, '%s.std' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', caldir=caldir, observatory='Lick', interact=yes, star_name=object, airmass='', exptime='') # Determine sensitivity function iraf.sensfunc('%s.std' % object, '%s.sens' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Lick', function='legendre', order=3, interactive=yes) return
#FROM NOW -> iraf iraf.noao.twodspec.apextract iraf.apall('spec*.fits') #assign dispersion solution - from now IRAF shutil.copy('./arc/database/','./database/.') for file in os.listdir(os.getcwd()): if file.endswith('ms.fits'): iraf.hedit(file,fields="REFSPEC1",value="",add='yes',ver='no',show='yes') #wavelength calinration for file in os.listdir(os.getcwd()): if file.endswith('ms.fits'): iraf.dispcor(file, 'd'+file) #flux calibration shutil.copy('./stds/sens.0001.fits','.') shutil.copy('./stds/lapalmaextinct.dat','.') for file in os.listdir(os.getcwd()): if file.startswith('dspec'): iraf.calibrate(file, 'f'+file) #combine spectra finalcomb = [] for file in os.listdir(os.getcwd()): if file.startswith('fds'):
iraf.apall(input=filename, find="No", recenter="No", resize="No", interactive="Yes") # Make sure that the dispersion axis is in the header. iraf.hedit(images=[filename], fields=["DISPAXIS"], value=["1"], add="Yes") iraf.identify(filename[:-5], coordli=home + "/Downloads/HgNe(1).dat", section="line 105 125", crval=crval, cdelt=dispersion, fwidth=5) # Tell the extracted spectrum what the wavelength solutions are. iraf.hedit(images=[extracted_filename], fields=["REFSPEC1"], \ value=[filename], add="Yes") iraf.refspec(input=extracted_filename, referen=filename[:-5], sort='', group='', confirm='no') iraf.dispcor(input=extracted_filename, output=calibrated_filename) # Plot the extracted spectrum? iraf.splot(calibrated_filename)
def blue_standard(image, arcs, flats, object=None, biassec1=BLUEBIAS1, trimsec1=BLUETRIM1, biassec2=BLUEBIAS2, trimsec2=BLUETRIM2, outflat='Flat-Blue.fits', gain=BLUEGAIN, rdnoise=BLUERDNOISE, arc='Arc-Blue.fits', caldir='home$standards/'): '''Reduce and calibrate standard star observation with blue CCD''' # Bias subtract everything first bluebias(image, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) bluebias(arcs, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) bluebias(flats, biassec1=biassec1, trimsec1=trimsec1, biassec2=biassec2, trimsec2=trimsec2) # Create and apply flat-field for i in range(len(flats)): flats[i]='j%s' % flats[i] make_flat(flats, outflat, gain=gain, rdnoise=rdnoise) iraf.ccdproc('j%s' % image[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) iraf.ccdproc('j%s' % arcs[0], ccdtype='', noproc=no, fixpix=no, overscan=no, trim=no, zerocor=no, darkcor=no, flatcor=yes, illumcor=no, fringecor=no, readcor=no, scancor=no, flat=outflat) # Extract spectrum of standard if object==None: object=get_head(image, 'OBJECT') iraf.apall('j%s' % image[0], output=object, references='', interactive=yes, find=yes, recenter=yes, resize=yes, edit=yes, trace=yes, fittrace=yes, extract=yes, extras=yes, review=no, background='fit', weights='variance', pfit='fit1d', readnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) # Extract arc and fit wavelength solution reference_arc('j%s' % arcs[0], arc, 'j%s' % image[0]) # Apply wavelength solution to standard iraf.refspec(object, references=arc, sort="", group="", override=yes, confirm=no, assign=yes) iraf.dispcor(object, '%s.w' % object, confirm=no, listonly=no) # Remove absorption features and smooth iraf.splot('%s.w' % object, 1, 1) iraf.gauss('temp1[*,1,1]', '%s.smooth' % object, 3.0) iraf.sarith('%s.w' % object, '/', '%s.smooth' % object, '%s.s' % object) # Define bandpasses for standard star calculation iraf.standard('%s.s' % object, '%s.std' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', caldir=caldir, observatory='Lick', interact=yes, star_name=object, airmass='', exptime='') # Determine sensitivity function iraf.sensfunc('%s.std' % object, '%s.sens' % object, extinction='onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat', newextinction='extinct.dat', observatory='Lick', function='legendre', order=3, interactive=yes) return
assign=yes) iraf.refspectra('@arcs_extracted', references='@arcs_extracted', select='match', confirm=no, override=yes, assign=yes) # APPLY DISPERSION SOLUTION TO OBJECT SPECTRA # Apply the dispersion solution to object spectra based on the previously- # assigned comparison spectra iraf.dispcor(input='@targets_extracted', output='@targets_extracted', flux=no, linearize=no, log=no, verbose=yes, samedisp=no) iraf.dispcor(input='sig_//@targets_extracted', output='sig_//@targets_extracted', flux=no, linearize=no, log=no, verbose=yes, samedisp=no) # Just as a check to the dispersion solution. iraf.dispcor(input='@arcs_extracted', output='z//@arcs_extracted',
interac='yes', find='yes', nfind=1, recente='yes', resize='yes', background='fit') print('\n' + 'Editing the header to point to the wavelength calibration...') iraf.hedit(images=n + '.ms', addonly='yes', fields='REFSPEC1', value='') print('\n' + 'Applying the dispersion correction...') iraf.dispcor(input=n + '.ms', output=n + '.w') print('\n' + 'Wavelength calibrated spectrum output as ' + n + '.w.fits') print('\nBeginning flux calibration...') ## create the speclist but importing all fits files in folder but rejecting the sensfunc file file_list = glob.glob('./*.fits') file_list.sort() final = [] for j in range(len(file_list)): if 'fits.w.fits' in file_list[j]: final.append(file_list[j]) np.savetxt('./speclist', final, fmt="%s")
# Delete previous results. os.system("rm "+extracted_filename+" "+calibrated_filename) # Make sure that the dispersion axis is in the header. iraf.hedit(images=[filename], fields=["DISPAXIS"], value=["1"], add="Yes") # Run the spectral extraction program. iraf.apextract.setParam("dispaxis", "1") iraf.apall(input=filename, find="No", recenter="No", resize="No") # Now identify the spectral lines in the arc lamps. Need to replace l1 l2 # with the range of rows that have the spectral lines. iraf.identify(filename, section="line 265 285") # Tell the extracted spectrum what the wavelength solutions are. iraf.hedit(images=[extracted_filename], fields=["REFSPEC1"], \ value=[filename], add="Yes") iraf.dispcor(input=extracted_filename, output=calibrated_filename) # Plot the extracted spectrum? iraf.splot(calibrated_filename)
update = 1) count = count + 1 ### Run dispcor to calibrate the object spectrum according to the dispersion ### solution print "Using dispcor to apply the dispersion solution to the object image" os.system("rm dispcorr_" + im_slice + "_" + file_name) iraf.dispcor( input = "t" + im_slice + "_" + string.split(file_name,".")[0] + ".ms.fits",\ output = "dispcorr_" + im_slice + "_" + file_name,\ linearize = "no",\ database = "database",\ log = 0,\ flux = 1,\ samedisp = 0,\ ignoreaps = 0,\ confirm = 0,\ listonly = 0,\ verbose = 1) iraf.hedit(images="dispcorr_" + im_slice + "_" + file_name,fields="SFIT",value="1",add=0,delete=1,verify=0,show=1,update=1) iraf.hedit(images="dispcorr_" + im_slice + "_" + file_name,fields="SFITB",value="1",add=0,delete=1,verify=0,show=1,update=1) ### Apply high rejection to remove cosmic rays, dead pixels, etc. print "Applying high rejection" ### Be more lenient if apertures will be combined if combine_aps == "true": lowrej = 50.0