Exemplo n.º 1
def get_wl_identy(filename, coordlistname):
    print 'run get_wl_identy identify...'
    print 'the input file is ' + filename
    print 'implot %s' % filename
    iraf.implot(image = filename)
    print 'run identify...'
    iraf.identify(images = filename
            , section = 'middle line', database = 'database'
            , coordlist = coordlistname, units = '', nsum = 10
            , match = -3.0, maxfeatures = 50, zwidth = 100.0
            , ftype = 'emission', fwidth = 18.0, cradius = 5.0
            , threshold = 0.0, minsep = 2.0, function = 'spline3'
            , order = 1, sample = '*', niterate = 0
            , low_reject = 3.0, high_reject = 3.0, grow = 0.0
            , autowrite = False, graphics = 'stdgraph', cursor = ''
            , crval = '', cdelt = '')
Exemplo n.º 2
def shift_align(filenames):
    if len(filenames) == 0:
        return ''
    fno = 1
    for i in filenames:
        iraf.display(image = i, frame = fno)
        fno += 1
    print 'The fits number is', len(filenames)
    if len(filenames) > 1:
        print 'Please check the fits pic and determine whether you need to shift the pic'
        print 'imexamine...'
        valget = raw_input('Are you need to shift the fits picture?(y)')
        if valget == 'y' or valget == 'Y':
            nfilenames = [filenames[0]]
            for i2 in filenames:
                print 'implot ' + i2
                iraf.implot(image = i2)
            fno = 1
            while fno < len(filenames):
                valget = raw_input('Please input ' + filenames[fno] + ' xshift, yshift: ')
                valget = valget.split()
                fxshift = float(valget[0])
                fyshift = float(valget[1])
                ims_key = 1
                if os.path.isfile('shift_' + filenames[fno]):
                    valget = raw_input('shift_' + filenames[fno] + ' is already exist, are you want to delete the old one?(y):')
                    if valget == 'y' or valget == 'Y' or valget == 'yes' or valget == 'Yes':
                        os.remove('shift_' + filenames[fno])
                        ims_key = 0
                if ims_key == 1:
                    print 'what happend????????????????'
                    iraf.imshift(input = filenames[fno]
                            , output = 'shift_' + filenames[fno], xshift = fxshift
                            , yshift = fyshift, shifts_file = '', interp_type = 'linear'
                            , boundary_type = 'nearest', constant = 0.0)
                nfilenames.append('shift_' + filenames[fno])
                fno += 1
            for i2 in xrange(len(nfilenames)):
                iraf.display(image = nfilenames[i2], frame = i2 + 1)
            return cos_clear(nfilenames)
    return cos_clear(filenames)