Exemplo n.º 1
def register_path(config, spec, discovery=False, indexes=[], request_type=None):
    """ Add a skin path to the current configuration state.

    If ``discovery`` is enabled, the path will automatically be
    monitored for changes.

    The ``indexes`` argument is an optional list of view registrations
    with the provided names.

    The ``request_type`` option decides the request type for which to
    make the registration.

    package_name, path = resolve_asset_spec(spec)
    if package_name is not None:
        path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(package_name, path)
        path = caller_path(path)

    directive = Skins(config, path, discovery, request_type)
    for index in indexes:
        directive.view(config, index)

    for action in directive():

    return directive
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(
     # package_name is for bw compat; it is preferred to pass in a
     # package-relative path as root_dir
     # (e.g. ``anotherpackage:foo/static``).
     self.cache_max_age = cache_max_age
     if package_name is None:
         package_name = caller_package().__name__
     package_name, docroot = resolve_asset_spec(root_dir, package_name)
     self.use_subpath = use_subpath
     self.package_name = package_name
     self.docroot = docroot
     self.norm_docroot = normcase(normpath(docroot))
     self.index = index
     self.reload = reload
     self.content_encodings = _compile_content_encodings(content_encodings)
     self.filemap = {}
Exemplo n.º 3
 def get_template(self, uri):
     """Fetch a template from the cache, or check the filesystem
     for it
     In addition to the basic filesystem lookup, this subclass will
     use pkg_resource to load a file using the asset
     specification syntax.
     isabs = os.path.isabs(uri)
     if (not isabs) and (':' in uri):
         # Windows can't cope with colons in filenames, so we replace the
         # colon with a dollar sign in the filename mako uses to actually
         # store the generated python code in the mako module_directory or
         # in the temporary location of mako's modules
         adjusted = uri.replace(':', '$')
             if self.filesystem_checks:
                 return self._check(adjusted, self._collection[adjusted])
                 return self._collection[adjusted]
         except KeyError:
             pname, path = resolve_asset_spec(uri)
             srcfile = abspath_from_asset_spec(path, pname)
             if os.path.isfile(srcfile):
                 return self._load(srcfile, adjusted)
             raise exceptions.TopLevelLookupException(
                 "Can not locate template for uri %r" % uri)
     return TemplateLookup.get_template(self, uri)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __call__(self, value, system):
     package, filename = resolve_asset_spec(self.info.name)
     template = os.path.join(package_path(self.info.package), filename)
     template_fh = open(template)
     template_stream = template_fh.read()
     return pystache.render(template_stream, value)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_template(self, uri):
        """Fetch a template from the cache, or check the filesystem
        for it

        In addition to the basic filesystem lookup, this subclass will
        use pkg_resource to load a file using the asset
        specification syntax.

        isabs = os.path.isabs(uri)
        if (not isabs) and (':' in uri):
            # Windows can't cope with colons in filenames, so we replace the
            # colon with a dollar sign in the filename mako uses to actually
            # store the generated python code in the mako module_directory or
            # in the temporary location of mako's modules
            adjusted = uri.replace(':', '$')
                if self.filesystem_checks:
                    return self._check(adjusted, self._collection[adjusted])
                    return self._collection[adjusted]
            except KeyError:
                pname, path = resolve_asset_spec(uri)
                srcfile = abspath_from_asset_spec(path, pname)
                if os.path.isfile(srcfile):
                    return self._load(srcfile, adjusted)
                raise exceptions.TopLevelLookupException(
                    "Can not locate template for uri %r" % uri)
        return TemplateLookup.get_template(self, uri)
Exemplo n.º 6
def config_defaults(configurator, config, files=['config.yml']):
        Reads and extends/creates configuration from yaml source.

        .. note::
            If exists, this method extends config with defaults, so it will not override existing values,
            merely add those, that were not defined already!

        :param pyramid.config.Configurator configurator: pyramid's app configurator
        :param string config: yaml file locations
        :param list files: list of files to include from location

    # getting spec path
    package_name, filename = resolve_asset_spec(config)
    if not package_name:
        path = filename
        package = sys.modules[package_name]
        path = os.path.join(package_path(package), filename)

    config = ConfigManager(files=[os.path.join(path, f) for f in files])

    # we could use this method both for creating and extending. Hence the checks to not override
    if not 'config' in configurator.registry:
        configurator.registry['config'] = config
        configurator.registry['config'] = config
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, template_name=None):
     pkg = caller_package(level=3)
     if template_name:
         _, template_name = resolve_asset_spec(
             template_name, pkg.__name__)
         template_name = '%s:%s' % (_, template_name)
     self.template_name = template_name
     self.exposed = True
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __call__(self, value, system):
        """Render the template."""
        pkg, name = resolve_asset_spec(self.info.name)

        pkg_path = package_path(self.info.package)
        tpl_path = os.path.join(pkg_path, name)
        tpl_dir = os.path.split(tpl_path)[0]

        renderer = pystache.Renderer(search_dirs=[tpl_dir, pkg_path])
        return renderer.render_path(tpl_path, value)
Exemplo n.º 9
def _asset_to_fixture(asset: str) -> Path:
    """Translate :term:`asset` to absolute fixture path."""
    package_name, file_name = resolve_asset_spec(asset)
    if package_name:
        package = __import__(package_name)
        path = Path(package_path(package), file_name)
        path = Path(file_name)
    if not path.is_dir():
        msg = 'This is not a directory {}'.format(asset)
        raise ConfigurationError(details=msg)
    return path
Exemplo n.º 10
def _asset_to_fixture(asset: str) -> Path:
    """Translate :term:`asset` to absolute fixture path."""
    package_name, file_name = resolve_asset_spec(asset)
    if package_name:
        package = __import__(package_name)
        path = Path(package_path(package), file_name)
        path = Path(file_name)
    if not path.is_dir():
        msg = 'This is not a directory {}'.format(asset)
        raise ConfigurationError(details=msg)
    return path
Exemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self, root_dir, cache_max_age=3600, package_name=None):
     # package_name is for bw compat; it is preferred to pass in a
     # package-relative path as root_dir
     # (e.g. ``anotherpackage:foo/static``).
     caller_package_name = caller_package().__name__
     package_name = package_name or caller_package_name
     package_name, root_dir = resolve_asset_spec(root_dir, package_name)
     if package_name is None:
         app = StaticURLParser(root_dir, cache_max_age=cache_max_age)
         app = PackageURLParser(
             package_name, root_dir, cache_max_age=cache_max_age)
     self.app = app
Exemplo n.º 12
 def __init__(self, root_dir, cache_max_age=3600, package_name=None):
     # package_name is for bw compat; it is preferred to pass in a
     # package-relative path as root_dir
     # (e.g. ``anotherpackage:foo/static``).
     if package_name is None:
         package_name = caller_package().__name__
     package_name, root_dir = resolve_asset_spec(root_dir, package_name)
     if package_name is None:
         app = StaticURLParser(root_dir, cache_max_age=cache_max_age)
         app = PackageURLParser(
             package_name, root_dir, cache_max_age=cache_max_age)
     self.app = app
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _translation_template_path(self, spec):  # pylint:disable=no-self-use
        Calculate path to translation template file.

        :param str spec: either full path, or package related path
        # resolving possible asset spec to path (pyramid way):
        package_name, filename = resolve_asset_spec(spec)
        if package_name is None:  # absolute filename
            return os.path.abspath(filename)
        package = sys.modules[package_name]
        return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(package_path(package), filename))
Exemplo n.º 14
 def __init__(self, root_dir, cache_max_age=3600, package_name=None, use_subpath=False, index="index.html"):
     # package_name is for bw compat; it is preferred to pass in a
     # package-relative path as root_dir
     # (e.g. ``anotherpackage:foo/static``).
     self.cache_max_age = cache_max_age
     if package_name is None:
         package_name = caller_package().__name__
     package_name, docroot = resolve_asset_spec(root_dir, package_name)
     self.use_subpath = use_subpath
     self.package_name = package_name
     self.docroot = docroot
     self.norm_docroot = normcase(normpath(docroot))
     self.index = index
Exemplo n.º 15
    def _translation_template_path(self, spec):
            calculates path to translation template file

            :param str spec: either full path, or package related path
        # resolving possible asset spec to path (pyramid way):
        package_name, filename = resolve_asset_spec(spec)
        if package_name is None:  # absolute filename
            return os.path.abspath(filename)
            package = sys.modules[package_name]
            return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(package_path(package),
Exemplo n.º 16
def prod_fullfile_app():
    """Configure the Pyramid application.
       We need to be sure that we get full path to pass always,
       no matter where this test is being run.

    package_name, filename = resolve_asset_spec('tests:config')
    package = sys.modules[package_name]
    path = os.path.join(package_path(package), filename)
    # Configure redirect routes
    config = config_factory(**{'env': 'prod', 'yml.location': path})
    # Add routes for change_password, change_username,
    app = TestApp(config.make_wsgi_app())
    return App(app, config)
Exemplo n.º 17
def destination_path(request):
        Returns absolute path of the translation destination

        :param pyramid.request.Request request: a request object

        :returns: A combined translation destination path
        :rtype: str
    package_name, filename = resolve_asset_spec(request.config.localize.translation.destination)

    if package_name is None:  # absolute filename
        directory = filename
        package = sys.modules[package_name]
        directory = os.path.join(package_path(package), filename)
    return directory
Exemplo n.º 18
def destination_path(request):
    Return absolute path of the translation destination.

    :param pyramid.request.Request request: a request object

    :returns: A combined translation destination path
    :rtype: str
    package_name, filename = resolve_asset_spec(

    if package_name is None:  # absolute filename
        directory = filename
        package = sys.modules[package_name]
        directory = os.path.join(package_path(package), filename)
    return directory
Exemplo n.º 19
    def _load_file(self, rule, name):

        name, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
        if ext:
            search_exts = [ext]
            search_exts = ['.scss', '.sass']

        dirname, name = os.path.split(name)

        seen_paths = []

        # search_path is an assetspec
        # relpath is relative to the parent
        # dirname is from the import statement
        # name is the file itself

        for search_path in self.search_paths:
            for relpath in [rule.source_file.parent_dir]:
            # for basepath in [rule.source_file.parent_dir]:

                full_path = os.path.join(search_path, relpath, dirname)

                if full_path in seen_paths:

                for prefix, suffix in product(('_', ''), search_exts):
                    full_filename = os.path.join(
                        full_path, prefix + name + suffix)

                    pname, filename = resolve_asset_spec(full_filename)
                    if resource_exists(pname, filename):
                        content = resource_string(pname,
                        return (filename,
                                os.path.join(relpath, dirname),

        return None, None, None, seen_paths
Exemplo n.º 20
def _translate_config_path(location):
    Translate location into fullpath according asset specification.

    Might be package:path for package related paths, or simply path

    :param str location: resource location
    :returns: fullpath

    :rtype: str
    # getting spec path
    package_name, filename = resolve_asset_spec(location.strip())
    if not package_name:
        path = filename
        package = __import__(package_name)
        path = os.path.join(package_path(package), filename)

    return path
Exemplo n.º 21
def _translate_config_path(location):
    Translate location into fullpath according asset specification.

    Might be package:path for package related paths, or simply path

    :param str location: resource location
    :returns: fullpath

    :rtype: str
    # getting spec path
    package_name, filename = resolve_asset_spec(location.strip())
    if not package_name:
        path = filename
        package = __import__(package_name)
        path = os.path.join(package_path(package), filename)

    return path
Exemplo n.º 22
 def __init__(self,
     # package_name is for bw compat; it is preferred to pass in a
     # package-relative path as root_dir
     # (e.g. ``anotherpackage:foo/static``).
     self.cache_max_age = cache_max_age
     if package_name is None:
         package_name = caller_package().__name__
     package_name, docroot = resolve_asset_spec(root_dir, package_name)
     self.use_subpath = use_subpath
     self.package_name = package_name
     self.docroot = docroot
     self.norm_docroot = normcase(normpath(docroot))
     self.index = index
     self.cachebust_match = cachebust_match
Exemplo n.º 23
 def get_template(self, uri):
     """Fetch a template from the cache, or check the filesystem
     for it
     In addition to the basic filesystem lookup, this subclass will
     use pkg_resource to load a file using the asset
     specification syntax.
     isabs = os.path.isabs(uri)
     if (not isabs) and (':' in uri):
             if self.filesystem_checks:
                 return self._check(uri, self._collection[uri])
                 return self._collection[uri]
         except KeyError:
             pname, path = resolve_asset_spec(uri)
             srcfile = abspath_from_asset_spec(path, pname)
             if os.path.isfile(srcfile):
                 return self._load(srcfile, uri)
             raise exceptions.TopLevelLookupException(
                 "Can not locate template for uri %r" % uri)
     return TemplateLookup.get_template(self, uri)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def get_template(self, uri):
     """Fetch a template from the cache, or check the filesystem
     for it
     In addition to the basic filesystem lookup, this subclass will
     use pkg_resource to load a file using the asset
     specification syntax.
     isabs = os.path.isabs(uri)
     if (not isabs) and (':' in uri):
             if self.filesystem_checks:
                 return self._check(uri, self._collection[uri])
                 return self._collection[uri]
         except KeyError:
             pname, path = resolve_asset_spec(uri)
             srcfile = abspath_from_asset_spec(path, pname)
             if os.path.isfile(srcfile):
                 return self._load(srcfile, uri)
             raise exceptions.TopLevelLookupException(
                 "Can not locate template for uri %r" % uri)
     return TemplateLookup.get_template(self, uri)
Exemplo n.º 25
def register_path(config, spec, discovery=False, indexes=[], request_type=None):
    """ Add a skin path to the current configuration state.

    If ``discovery`` is enabled, the path will automatically be
    monitored for changes.

    The ``indexes`` argument is an optional list of view registrations
    with the provided names.

    The ``request_type`` option decides the request type for which to
    make the registration.

    package_name, path = resolve_asset_spec(spec)
    if package_name is not None:
        path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(package_name, path)
        path = caller_path(path)

    if package_name is None: # absolute filename
        package = config.package
        package = sys.modules[package_name]
    context = ConfigurationMachine()
    context.registry = config.registry
    context.autocommit = False
    context.package = package
    context.route_prefix = getattr(config, 'route_prefix', None)

    directive = skins(context, path, discovery, request_type)
    for index in indexes:
        directive.view(config, index)

    for action in directive():
Exemplo n.º 26
 def _split_spec(self, path_or_spec):
     return resolve_asset_spec(path_or_spec, self.package_name)
Exemplo n.º 27
 def _make_spec(self, path_or_spec):
     package, filename = resolve_asset_spec(path_or_spec, self.package_name)
     if package is None:
         return filename # absolute filename
     return '%s:%s' % (package, filename)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        gzip_path = kwargs.pop('gzip_path')
        super(gzip_static_view, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        package_name, self.gzip_docroot = resolve_asset_spec(gzip_path, self.package_name)
        self.norm_gzip_docroot = normcase(normpath(self.gzip_docroot))
Exemplo n.º 29
def load_zcml(self, spec='configure.zcml', lock=threading.Lock(), features=()):
    """ Load configuration from a :term:`ZCML` file into the
    current configuration state.  The ``spec`` argument is an
    absolute filename, a relative filename, or a :term:`asset
    specification`, defaulting to ``configure.zcml`` (relative to
    the package of the method's caller).
    The ``features`` argument can be any iterable of strings. These are useful
    for conditionally including or excluding parts of a :term:`ZCML` file.
    package_name, filename = resolve_asset_spec(spec, self.package_name)
    if package_name is None:  # absolute filename
        package = self.package
        package = sys.modules[package_name]

    # To avoid breaking people's expectations of how ZCML works, we
    # cannot autocommit ZCML actions incrementally.  If we commit actions
    # incrementally, configuration outcome will be controlled purely by
    # ZCML directive execution order, which isn't what anyone who uses
    # ZCML expects.  So we don't autocommit each ZCML directive action
    # while parsing is happening, but we do make sure to commit right
    # after parsing if autocommit it True.
    context = ConfigurationMachine()
    for feature in features:
    context.registry = self.registry
    context.autocommit = False
    context.package = package
    context.route_prefix = getattr(self, 'route_prefix', None)
    context.introspection = getattr(self, 'introspection', True)
    context.config_class = self.__class__

    self.manager.push({'registry': self.registry, 'request': None})

        # old_action_state will be None for Pyramid 1.0 and 1.1, but
        # not for 1.2
        old_action_state = getattr(self.registry, 'action_state', None)
        if old_action_state is not None:
            # For Pyramid 1.2+, we need to assign a temporary action state to
            # the registry, because the configurator actions must populate
            # the context's action list (instead of the registry action
            # state's action list) in order for includeOverrides to work
            # properly.
            from pyramid.config import ActionState
            self.registry.action_state = ActionState()
            self.registry.action_state.actions = context.actions
        xmlconfig.file(filename, package, context=context, execute=False)
        if old_action_state is not None:
            # if we reassigned the action state, restore the old one (1.2 only)
            self.registry.action_state = old_action_state

    if self.autocommit:

    return self.registry
Exemplo n.º 30
def load_zcml(self, spec='configure.zcml', lock=threading.Lock(), features=()):
    """ Load configuration from a :term:`ZCML` file into the
    current configuration state.  The ``spec`` argument is an
    absolute filename, a relative filename, or a :term:`asset
    specification`, defaulting to ``configure.zcml`` (relative to
    the package of the method's caller).
    The ``features`` argument can be any iterable of strings. These are useful
    for conditionally including or excluding parts of a :term:`ZCML` file.
    package_name, filename = resolve_asset_spec(spec, self.package_name)
    if package_name is None: # absolute filename
        package = self.package
        package = sys.modules[package_name]

    # To avoid breaking people's expectations of how ZCML works, we
    # cannot autocommit ZCML actions incrementally.  If we commit actions
    # incrementally, configuration outcome will be controlled purely by
    # ZCML directive execution order, which isn't what anyone who uses
    # ZCML expects.  So we don't autocommit each ZCML directive action
    # while parsing is happening, but we do make sure to commit right
    # after parsing if autocommit it True.
    context = ConfigurationMachine()
    for feature in features:
    context.registry = self.registry
    context.autocommit = False
    context.package = package
    context.route_prefix = getattr(self, 'route_prefix', None)
    context.introspection = getattr(self, 'introspection', True)
    context.config_class = self.__class__

    self.manager.push({'registry':self.registry, 'request':None})

        # old_action_state will be None for Pyramid 1.0 and 1.1, but
        # not for 1.2
        old_action_state = getattr(self.registry, 'action_state', None)
        if old_action_state is not None:
            # For Pyramid 1.2+, we need to assign a temporary action state to
            # the registry, because the configurator actions must populate
            # the context's action list (instead of the registry action
            # state's action list) in order for includeOverrides to work
            # properly.
            from pyramid.config import ActionState 
            self.registry.action_state = ActionState()
            self.registry.action_state.actions = context.actions
        xmlconfig.file(filename, package, context=context, execute=False)
        if old_action_state is not None:
            # if we reassigned the action state, restore the old one (1.2 only)
            self.registry.action_state = old_action_state

    if self.autocommit:

    return self.registry
Exemplo n.º 31
 def _split_spec(self, path_or_spec):
     return resolve_asset_spec(path_or_spec, self.package_name)
Exemplo n.º 32
 def _make_spec(self, path_or_spec):
     package, filename = resolve_asset_spec(path_or_spec, self.package_name)
     if package is None:
         return filename  # absolute filename
     return '%s:%s' % (package, filename)
Exemplo n.º 33
 def __call__(self, value, system):
     """Render the template."""
     pkg, name = resolve_asset_spec(self.info.name)
     tpl = os.path.join(package_path(self.info.package), name)
     return pystache.render(open(tpl, 'r').read(), value)
Exemplo n.º 34
"""Tests conftest file."""
import os
import sys

import pytest
from pyramid.asset import resolve_asset_spec
from pyramid.path import package_path
from pytest_pyramid import factories

package_name, filename = resolve_asset_spec('tests:config')
package = sys.modules[package_name]
full_path = os.path.join(package_path(package), filename)

                params=['tests:config', 'tests:config/config.yaml', full_path])
def base_config(request):
    """Basic config parametrized for different configuration location."""
    return factories.pyramid_config({
        'yaml.location': request.param,
        'pyramid.includes': ['tzf.pyramid_yml']

                params=['tests:config', 'tests:config/config.yaml', full_path])
def prod_config(request):
    """Basic with env set parametrized for different configuration location."""
    return factories.pyramid_config({
Exemplo n.º 35
def notfound_view(request):
    package, filename = resolve_asset_spec('pylonsprojectjp:static/404.html',
    path = resource_filename(package, filename)
    return FileResponse(path)