Exemplo n.º 1
 def render(self, ctx, req, dump=True):
     res = {
         'type': 'FeatureCollection',
         'properties': self._featurecollection_properties(ctx, req),
         'features': list(self.get_features(ctx, req))
     return pyramid_render('json', res, request=req) if dump else res
Exemplo n.º 2
 def render(self, ctx, req, dump=True):
     res = {
         "type": "FeatureCollection",
         "properties": self._featurecollection_properties(ctx, req),
         "features": list(self.get_features(ctx, req)),
     return pyramid_render("json", res, request=req) if dump else res
Exemplo n.º 3
 def render(self, ctx, req):
     item = ctx.get_query(limit=1).first()
     cls = inspect(item).class_ if item else None
     doc = self.csvm_doc(req.url.replace('.csv-metadata.json', '.csv'), req,
                         [(field, getattr(cls, field, None))
                          for field in item.csv_head()])
     doc["dc:title"] = "{0} - {1}".format(req.dataset.name, ctx)
     return pyramid_render('json', doc, request=req)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def render(self, ctx, req):
     item = ctx.get_query(limit=1).first()
     cls = inspect(item).class_ if item else None
     doc = self.csvm_doc(
         req.url.replace('.csv-metadata.json', '.csv'),
         [(field, getattr(cls, field, None)) for field in item.csv_head()])
     doc["dc:title"] = "{0} - {1}".format(req.dataset.name, ctx)
     return pyramid_render('json', doc, request=req)
Exemplo n.º 5
def contactmail(req, ctx=None, title='contact maintainer'):
    params = {}
    for name in ['subject', 'body']:
        params[name] = pyramid_render(
            'contactmail_{0}.mako'.format(name), {'req': req, 'ctx': ctx}, request=req)\
    href = 'mailto:{0}?{1}'.format(req.dataset.contact, urlencode(params))
    return button(icon('bell'), title=title, href=href, class_='btn-warning btn-mini')
Exemplo n.º 6
def contactmail(req, ctx=None, title='contact maintainer'):
    """Format the contact address for a dataset as mailto: link."""
    params = {}
    for name in ['subject', 'body']:
        params[name] = pyramid_render(
            'contactmail_{0}.mako'.format(name), {'req': req, 'ctx': ctx}, request=req)\
        query = urlencode(params).replace('+', '%20')
    href = 'mailto:{0}?{1}'.format(req.contact_email_address, query)
    return button(icon('bell'), title=title, href=href, class_='btn-warning btn-mini')
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: helpers.py Projeto: clld/clld
def contactmail(req, ctx=None, title='contact maintainer'):
    """Format the contact address for a dataset as mailto: link."""
    params = {}
    for name in ['subject', 'body']:
        params[name] = pyramid_render(
            'contactmail_{0}.mako'.format(name), {'req': req, 'ctx': ctx}, request=req)\
        query = urlencode(params).replace('+', '%20')
    href = 'mailto:{0}?{1}'.format(req.dataset.contact, query)
    return button(icon('bell'), title=title, href=href, class_='btn-warning btn-mini')
Exemplo n.º 8
def contactmail(req, ctx=None, title="contact maintainer"):
    """Format the contact address for a dataset as mailto: link."""
    params = {}
    for name in ["subject", "body"]:
        params[name] = (
            pyramid_render("contactmail_{0}.mako".format(name), {"req": req, "ctx": ctx}, request=req)
        query = urlencode(params).replace("+", "%20")
    href = "mailto:{0}?{1}".format(req.dataset.contact, query)
    return button(icon("bell"), title=title, href=href, class_="btn-warning btn-mini")
Exemplo n.º 9
def contactmail(req, ctx=None, title='contact maintainer'):
    params = {}
    for name in ['subject', 'body']:
        params[name] = pyramid_render(
            'contactmail_{0}.mako'.format(name), {'req': req, 'ctx': ctx}, request=req)\
    href = 'mailto:{0}?{1}'.format(req.dataset.contact, urlencode(params))
    return button(icon('bell'),
                  class_='btn-warning btn-mini')
Exemplo n.º 10
def render(data, tspec):
    doc = pyramid_render(tspec,
                         dict(data=data, options=data.options),
    doc = doctree.rst2document(doc, promote=True)
    doc.extend(doctree.render_meta(data, doc.get('title')))

    # directives doc.endpoint & doc.type support ...
    # todo: perhaps move this sorting into `describe.py`
    #       ==> and make sorting configurable
    epstates = sorted([[endpoint, False, False]
                       for endpoint in data.endpoints],
                      key=lambda entry: entry[0].path.lower())

    for node in doctree.walk(doc):
        if isinstance(node, DocEndpoint):
            flagslot = 1 if not node.link else 2
            matched = [
                epstate for epstate in epstates
                if (not epstate[flagslot] or not node.unmatched)
                and node.cre.search(epstate[0].dpath)
            for match in matched:
                if not node.clone:
                    match[flagslot] = True
            renderDocEndpoint(data, node, [m[0] for m in matched])

    # NOTE: there is a *huge* assumption here that renderDocType will
    #       not render and `doc.endpoint` references...
    #       (and, conversely, the reason that there are *two* walks
    #       through the `doc` tree is that renderDocEndpoint *may*
    #       insert references to `doc.type` directives...)

    # note: TypeRegistry already sorts this. make sorting configurable?...
    typstates = [[typ, False, False] for typ in data.typereg.types()]

    for node in doctree.walk(doc):
        if isinstance(node, DocType):
            flagslot = 1 if not node.link else 2
            matched = [
                typstate for typstate in typstates
                if (not typstate[flagslot] or not node.unmatched)
                and node.cre.search(typstate[0].name)
            for match in matched:
                if not node.clone:
                    match[flagslot] = True
            renderDocType(data, node, [m[0] for m in matched])

    return doc
Exemplo n.º 11
    def render(self, ctx, req, dump=True):
        self.map_marker = req.registry.getUtility(interfaces.IMapMarker)
        features = []

        for feature in self.feature_iterator(ctx, req):
            language = self.get_language(ctx, req, feature)
            if language.longitude is None or language.latitude is None:
                continue  # pragma: no cover

                "type": "Feature",
                "geometry": {
                    "type": "Point",
                    "coordinates": [language.longitude, language.latitude]},
                "properties": self._feature_properties(ctx, req, feature, language),

        res = {
            'type': 'FeatureCollection',
            'properties': self._featurecollection_properties(ctx, req),
            'features': features}
        return pyramid_render('json', res, request=req) if dump else res
Exemplo n.º 12
 def render(self, ctx, req):
     return pyramid_render('json', ctx, request=req)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def render(self, ctx, req):
     return pyramid_render(self.template, {'ctx': ctx}, request=req)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def render(self, ctx, req):
     return pyramid_render('json', ctx.__solr__(req), request=req)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def render(self, ctx, req):
     context = self.template_context(ctx, req)
     context.setdefault('ctx', ctx)
     return pyramid_render(self.template, context, request=req)
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: base.py Projeto: mitcho/clld
 def render(self, ctx, req):
     return pyramid_render(self.template, {'ctx': ctx}, request=req)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def template_render(self, catalog):
     tpl = catalog.options.renderer \
       or 'pyramid_describe:template/' + catalog.format + '.mako'
     return pyramid_render(tpl,
Exemplo n.º 18
 def render(self, ctx, req):
     context = self.template_context(ctx, req)
     context.setdefault('ctx', ctx)
     return pyramid_render(self.template, context, request=req)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def render(**kw):
     out = pyramid_render(template_name, additional_args, request=request)
     return BeautifulSoup(out)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def render(self, ctx, req, dump=True):
     res = loads(GeoJson.render(self, ctx, req, dump=True))
     for f in res["features"]:
         f["properties"] = flatten(f["properties"])
     return pyramid_render("json", res, request=req) if dump else res
Exemplo n.º 21
 def render(self, ctx, req, dump=True):
     res = loads(GeoJson.render(self, ctx, req, dump=True))
     for f in res['features']:
         f['properties'] = flatten(f['properties'])
     return pyramid_render('json', res, request=req) if dump else res
Exemplo n.º 22
def dumps(obj):
    return JS.sub(pyramid_render("json", obj))
Exemplo n.º 23
 def template_render(self, catalog):
   tpl = catalog.options.renderer \
     or 'pyramid_describe:template/' + catalog.format + '.mako'
   return pyramid_render(
     tpl, dict(data=catalog), request=catalog.options.context.request)
Exemplo n.º 24
def dumps(obj):
    return JS.sub(pyramid_render('json', obj))
Exemplo n.º 25
 def render(self, ctx, req):
     return pyramid_render('json', ctx, request=req)
Exemplo n.º 26
def form_reprint(
    """reprint a form
        ``request`` -- request instance
        ``form_print_method`` -- bound method to execute
        ``frorm_stash`` (pyramid_formencode_classic.DEFAULT_FORM_STASH = _default) -- specify a stash
        ``auto_error_formatter`` (formatter_nobr) -- specify a formatter for rendering errors
            this is an htmlfill_kwargs, but we default to one without a br
        ``error_formatters`` (default None) is a dict of error formatters to be passed into htmlfill.
            in order to ensure compatibilty, this dict will be merged with a copy of the htmlfill defaults,
            allowing you to override them or add extras.
        `**htmlfill_kwargs` -- passed on to htmlfill
    if __debug__:
        log.debug("form_reprint - starting...")

    response = None
    if form_print_method:
        response = form_print_method()
    elif render_view and render_view_template:
        response = PyramidResponse(pyramid_render(render_view_template, render_view(), request=request))
        raise ValueError("invalid args submitted")

    # If the form_content is an exception response, return it
    # potential ways to check:
    # # hasattr(response, 'exception')
    # # resposne.code != 200
    # # repsonse.code == 302 <-- http found
    if hasattr(response, 'exception'):
        if __debug__:
            log.debug("form_reprint - response has exception, redirecting")
        return response

    formStash = request.pyramid_formencode_classic[form_stash]
    if __debug__:
        _debug = {'print_method': str(form_print_method),
                  'render_view': str(render_view),
                  'render_view_template': str(render_view_template),
                  'auto_error_formatter': str(auto_error_formatter),
                  'error_formatters': str(error_formatters),

    form_content = response.text

    # Ensure htmlfill can safely combine the form_content, params and
    # errors variables (that they're all of the same string type)
    if not formStash.is_unicode_params:
        if __debug__:
            log.debug("Raw string form params: ensuring the '%s' form and FormEncode errors are converted to raw strings for htmlfill", form_print_method)
        encoding = determine_response_charset(response)

        if hasattr(response, 'errors'):
            # WSGIResponse's content may (unlikely) be unicode in Python2
            if six.PY2:
                if isinstance(form_content, six.text_type):  # PY2=unicode()
                    form_content = form_content.encode(encoding, response.errors)

            # FormEncode>=0.7 errors are unicode (due to being localized via ugettext). Convert any of the possible formencode unpack_errors formats to contain raw strings
            response.errors = encode_formencode_errors({}, encoding, response.errors)

    elif not isinstance(form_content, six.text_type):  # PY2=unicode()
        if __debug__:
            log.debug("Unicode form params: ensuring the '%s' form is converted to unicode for htmlfill", formStash)
        # py3 - test
        encoding = determine_response_charset(response)
        form_content = form_content.decode(encoding)

    # copy these because we don't want to overwrite a dict in place
    _htmlfill_kwargs = htmlfill_kwargs.copy()
    _htmlfill_kwargs.setdefault('encoding', request.charset)
    if error_formatters is not None:
        _error_formatters = dict(list(formencode.htmlfill.default_formatter_dict.items()) + list(error_formatters.items()))
        _htmlfill_kwargs['error_formatters'] = _error_formatters

    # _form_content = form_content
    form_content = formencode.htmlfill.render(
        defaults = formStash.defaults,
        errors = formStash.errors,
        auto_error_formatter = auto_error_formatter,
    # import pdb
    # pdb.set_trace()
    response.text = form_content
    return response
Exemplo n.º 27
Arquivo: helpers.py Projeto: clld/clld
def dumps(obj):
    return JS.sub(pyramid_render('json', obj))
Exemplo n.º 28
 def render(**kw):
     out = pyramid_render(template_name, additional_args, request=request)
     return BeautifulSoup(out)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def render(self, ctx, req):
     return pyramid_render(
         'json', ctx.__solr__(req) if hasattr(ctx, '__solr__') else {}, request=req)
Exemplo n.º 30
 def render(self, ctx, req):
     return pyramid_render(
         ctx.__solr__(req) if hasattr(ctx, '__solr__') else {},