Exemplo n.º 1
def find_root(resource):
    """ Find the root node in the resource tree to which ``resource``
    belongs. Note that ``resource`` should be :term:`location`-aware.
    Note that the root resource is available in the request object by
    accessing the ``request.root`` attribute.
    for location in lineage(resource):
        if location.__parent__ is None:
            resource = location
    return resource
Exemplo n.º 2
def find_interface(resource, class_or_interface):
    Return the first resource found in the :term:`lineage` of ``resource``
    which, a) if ``class_or_interface`` is a Python class object, is an
    instance of the class or any subclass of that class or b) if
    ``class_or_interface`` is a :term:`interface`, provides the specified
    interface.  Return ``None`` if no resource providing ``interface_or_class``
    can be found in the lineage.  The ``resource`` passed in *must* be
    if IInterface.providedBy(class_or_interface):
        test = class_or_interface.providedBy
        test = lambda arg: isinstance(arg, class_or_interface)
    for location in lineage(resource):
        if test(location):
            return location
Exemplo n.º 3
def _resource_path_list(resource, *elements):
    """ Implementation detail shared by resource_path and resource_path_tuple"""
    path = [loc.__name__ or '' for loc in lineage(resource)]
    return path