Exemplo n.º 1
    def _api_request(self, uri, method, **kwargs):
        Manages the request by adding any auth information, and retries
        the request after authenticating if the initial request returned
        and Unauthorized exception.
        id_svc = pyrax.identity
        if not all((self.management_url, id_svc.token, id_svc.tenant_id)):

        if not self.management_url:
            # We've authenticated but no management_url has been set. This
            # indicates that the service is not available.
            raise exc.ServiceNotAvailable("The '%s' service is not available."
                    % self)
        # Perform the request once. If we get a 401 back then it
        # might be because the auth token expired, so try to
        # re-authenticate and try again. If it still fails, bail.
            kwargs.setdefault("headers", {})["X-Auth-Token"] = id_svc.token
            if id_svc.tenant_id:
                kwargs["headers"]["X-Auth-Project-Id"] = id_svc.tenant_id
            resp, body = self._time_request(self.management_url +
                    quote(uri), method, **kwargs)
            return resp, body
        except exc.Unauthorized as ex:
                kwargs["headers"]["X-Auth-Token"] = id_svc.token
                resp, body = self._time_request(self.management_url + uri,
                        method, **kwargs)
                return resp, body
            except exc.Unauthorized:
                raise ex
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _api_request(self, uri, method, **kwargs):
        Manages the request by adding any auth information, and retries
        the request after authenticating if the initial request returned
        and Unauthorized exception.
        id_svc = pyrax.identity
        if not all((self.management_url, id_svc.token, id_svc.tenant_id)):

        if not self.management_url:
            # We've authenticated but no management_url has been set. This
            # indicates that the service is not available.
            raise exc.ServiceNotAvailable(
                "The '%s' service is not available." % self)
        if uri.startswith("http"):
            parsed = list(urlparse.urlparse(uri))
            for pos, item in enumerate(parsed):
                if pos < 2:
                    # Don't escape the scheme or netloc
                parsed[pos] = urllib.quote(parsed[pos], safe="/.?&=,")
            safe_uri = urlparse.urlunparse(parsed)
            safe_uri = "%s%s" % (self.management_url,
                                 urllib.quote(uri, safe="/.?&=,"))
        # Perform the request once. If we get a 401 back then it
        # might be because the auth token expired, so try to
        # re-authenticate and try again. If it still fails, bail.
            kwargs.setdefault("headers", {})["X-Auth-Token"] = id_svc.token
            if id_svc.tenant_id:
                kwargs["headers"]["X-Auth-Project-Id"] = id_svc.tenant_id
            resp, body = self._time_request(safe_uri, method, **kwargs)
            return resp, body
        except exc.Unauthorized as ex:
                kwargs["headers"]["X-Auth-Token"] = id_svc.token
                resp, body = self._time_request(safe_uri, method, **kwargs)
                return resp, body
            except exc.Unauthorized:
                raise ex