Exemplo n.º 1
def sort(trialsfile, plots, unit=None, network='p', **kwargs):
    # Load trials
    data = utils.load(trialsfile)
    if len(data) == 9:
        trials, U, Z, A, P, M, perf, r_p, r_v = data
        trials, U, Z, Z_b, A, P, M, perf, r_p, r_v = data

    if network == 'p':
        print("Sorting policy network activity.")
        r = r_p
        print("Sorting value network activity.")
        r = r_v

    # Number of units
    N = r.shape[-1]

    # Time
    time = trials[0]['time']
    Ntime = len(time)

    # Aligned time
    time_a  = np.concatenate((-time[1:][::-1], time))
    Ntime_a = len(time_a)

    # Preferred targets

    preferred_targets = get_preferred_targets(trials, perf, r)

    # No-wager trials

    def get_no_wager(func_t0):
        trials_by_cond = {}
        for n, trial in enumerate(trials):
            if trial['wager']:

            if trial['coh'] == 0:

            if perf.choices[n] is None:

            cond = trial['left_right']

            m_n = np.tile(M[:,n], (N, 1)).T
            r_n = r[:,n]*m_n

            t0 = func_t0(trial['epochs'], perf.t_choices[n])

            # Storage
            trials_by_cond.setdefault(cond, {'r': np.zeros((Ntime_a, N)),
                                             'n': np.zeros((Ntime_a, N))})

            # Before
            n_b = r_n[:t0].shape[0]
            trials_by_cond[cond]['r'][Ntime-1-n_b:Ntime-1] += r_n[:t0]
            trials_by_cond[cond]['n'][Ntime-1-n_b:Ntime-1] += m_n[:t0]

            # After
            n_a = r_n[t0:].shape[0]
            trials_by_cond[cond]['r'][Ntime-1:Ntime-1+n_a] += r_n[t0:]
            trials_by_cond[cond]['n'][Ntime-1:Ntime-1+n_a] += m_n[t0:]

        # Average
        for cond in trials_by_cond:
            trials_by_cond[cond] = utils.div(trials_by_cond[cond]['r'],

        return trials_by_cond

    noTs_stimulus = get_no_wager(lambda epochs, t_choice: epochs['stimulus'][0] - 1)
    noTs_choice   = get_no_wager(lambda epochs, t_choice: t_choice)

    # Wager trials, aligned to stimulus onset

    def get_wager(func_t0):
        trials_by_cond      = {}
        trials_by_cond_sure = {}
        for n, trial in enumerate(trials):
            if not trial['wager']:

            if perf.choices[n] is None:

            if trial['coh'] == 0:

            cond = trial['left_right']

            m_n = np.tile(M[:,n], (N, 1)).T
            r_n = r[:,n]*m_n

            t0 = func_t0(trial['epochs'], perf.t_choices[n])

            if perf.choices[n] == 'S':
                # Storage
                trials_by_cond_sure.setdefault(cond, {'r': np.zeros((Ntime_a, N)),
                                                      'n': np.zeros((Ntime_a, N))})

                # Before
                n_b = r_n[:t0].shape[0]
                trials_by_cond_sure[cond]['r'][Ntime-1-n_b:Ntime-1] += r_n[:t0]
                trials_by_cond_sure[cond]['n'][Ntime-1-n_b:Ntime-1] += m_n[:t0]

                # After
                n_a = r_n[t0:].shape[0]
                trials_by_cond_sure[cond]['r'][Ntime-1:Ntime-1+n_a] += r_n[t0:]
                trials_by_cond_sure[cond]['n'][Ntime-1:Ntime-1+n_a] += m_n[t0:]
                # Storage
                trials_by_cond.setdefault(cond, {'r': np.zeros((Ntime_a, N)),
                                                 'n': np.zeros((Ntime_a, N))})

                # Before
                n_b = r_n[:t0].shape[0]
                trials_by_cond[cond]['r'][Ntime-1-n_b:Ntime-1] += r_n[:t0]
                trials_by_cond[cond]['n'][Ntime-1-n_b:Ntime-1] += m_n[:t0]

                # After
                n_a = r_n[t0:].shape[0]
                trials_by_cond[cond]['r'][Ntime-1:Ntime-1+n_a] += r_n[t0:]
                trials_by_cond[cond]['n'][Ntime-1:Ntime-1+n_a] += m_n[t0:]

        # Average
        for cond in trials_by_cond:
            trials_by_cond[cond] = utils.div(trials_by_cond[cond]['r'],

        # Average
        for cond in trials_by_cond_sure:
            trials_by_cond_sure[cond] = utils.div(trials_by_cond_sure[cond]['r'],

        return trials_by_cond, trials_by_cond_sure

    Ts_stimulus, Ts_stimulus_sure = get_wager(lambda epochs, t_choice: epochs['stimulus'][0] - 1)
    Ts_sure, Ts_sure_sure         = get_wager(lambda epochs, t_choice: epochs['sure'][0] - 1)
    Ts_choice, Ts_choice_sure     = get_wager(lambda epochs, t_choice: t_choice)

    # Plot

    lw     = kwargs.get('lw', 1.25)
    dashes = kwargs.get('dashes', [3, 1.5])

    in_opp_colors = {-1: '0.6', +1: 'k'}

    def plot_noTs(noTs, plot, unit, tmin, tmax):
        w,   = np.where((tmin <= time_a) & (time_a <= tmax))
        t    = time_a[w]
        yall = [[1]]

        for lr in noTs:
            color = in_opp_colors[lr*preferred_targets[unit]]
            y = noTs[lr][w,unit]
            plot.plot(t, y, color=color, lw=lw)

        plot.xlim(tmin, tmax)
        plot.xticks([0, tmax])
        plot.lim('y', yall, lower=0)

        return yall

    def plot_Ts(Ts, Ts_sure, plot, unit, tmin, tmax):
        w,   = np.where((tmin <= time_a) & (time_a <= tmax))
        t    = time_a[w]
        yall = [[1]]

        for lr in Ts:
            color = in_opp_colors[lr*preferred_targets[unit]]
            y = Ts[lr][w,unit]
            plot.plot(t, y, color=color, lw=lw)
        for lr in Ts_sure:
            color = in_opp_colors[lr*preferred_targets[unit]]
            y = Ts_sure[lr][w,unit]
            plot.plot(t, y, color=color, lw=lw, linestyle='--', dashes=dashes)

        plot.xlim(tmin, tmax)
        plot.xticks([0, tmax])
        plot.lim('y', yall, lower=0)

        return yall

    if unit is not None:
        y = []

        tmin = kwargs.get('noTs-stimulus-tmin', -100)
        tmax = kwargs.get('noTs-stimulus-tmax', 700)
        y += plot_noTs(noTs_stimulus, plots['noTs-stimulus'], unit, tmin, tmax)

        tmin = kwargs.get('noTs-choice-tmin', -500)
        tmax = kwargs.get('noTs-choice-tmax', 0)
        y += plot_noTs(noTs_choice, plots['noTs-choice'], unit, tmin, tmax)

        tmin = kwargs.get('Ts-stimulus-tmin', -100)
        tmax = kwargs.get('Ts-stimulus-tmax', 700)
        y += plot_Ts(Ts_stimulus, Ts_stimulus_sure, plots['Ts-stimulus'], unit, tmin, tmax)

        tmin = kwargs.get('Ts-sure-tmin', -200)
        tmax = kwargs.get('Ts-sure-tmax', 700)
        y += plot_Ts(Ts_sure, Ts_sure_sure, plots['Ts-sure'], unit, tmin, tmax)

        tmin = kwargs.get('Ts-choice-tmin', -500)
        tmax = kwargs.get('Ts-choice-tmax', 0)
        y += plot_Ts(Ts_choice, Ts_choice_sure, plots['Ts-choice'], unit, tmin, tmax)

        return y
        name = plots
        for unit in xrange(N):
            w   = utils.mm_to_inch(174)
            r   = 0.35
            fig = Figure(w=w, r=r)

            x0 = 0.09
            y0 = 0.15

            w = 0.13
            h = 0.75

            dx = 0.05
            DX = 0.08

            fig.add('noTs-stimulus', [x0, y0, w, h])
            fig.add('noTs-choice',   [fig[-1].right+dx, y0, w, h])
            fig.add('Ts-stimulus',   [fig[-1].right+DX, y0, w, h])
            fig.add('Ts-sure',       [fig[-1].right+dx, y0, w, h])
            fig.add('Ts-choice',     [fig[-1].right+dx, y0, w, h])


            y = []

            plot = fig['noTs-stimulus']
            y += plot_noTs(noTs_stimulus, plot, unit, -100, 700)

            plot = fig['noTs-choice']
            y += plot_noTs(noTs_choice, plot, unit, -500, 200)

            plot = fig['Ts-stimulus']
            y += plot_Ts(Ts_stimulus, Ts_stimulus_sure, plot, unit, -100, 700)

            plot = fig['Ts-sure']
            y += plot_Ts(Ts_sure, Ts_sure_sure, plot, unit, -200, 700)

            plot = fig['Ts-choice']
            y += plot_Ts(Ts_choice, Ts_choice_sure, plot, unit, -500, 200)

            for plot in fig.plots.values():
                plot.lim('y', y, lower=0)


            fig.save(name+'_{}{:03d}'.format(network, unit))
Exemplo n.º 2
# analysis/rdm
rdm_analysisfile = os.path.join(analysispath, 'rdm.py')
rdm_analysis = imp.load_source('rdm_analysis', rdm_analysisfile)

# models/rdm_fixed
rdm_fixed_modelfile = os.path.join(modelspath, 'rdm_fixed.py')
rdm_fixed_model = imp.load_source('rdm_fixed_model', rdm_fixed_modelfile)
rdm_fixed_behavior = os.path.join(trialspath, 'rdm_fixed',
rdm_fixed_activity = os.path.join(trialspath, 'rdm_fixed',


w = utils.mm_to_inch(174)
r = 0.5
fig = Figure(w=w, r=r)

x0 = 0.12
y0 = 0.15
w = 0.37
h = 0.8
dx = 1.3 * w

fig.add('on-stimulus', [x0, y0, w, h])
fig.add('on-choice', [x0 + dx, y0, w, h])


kwargs = {
Exemplo n.º 3
analysispath = os.path.join(parent, 'examples', 'analysis')
modelspath   = os.path.join(parent, 'examples', 'models')

# analysis/rdm
rdm_analysisfile = os.path.join(analysispath, 'rdm.py')
rdm_analysis     = imp.load_source('rdm_analysis', rdm_analysisfile)

# models/rdm_fixed
rdm_fixed_modelfile  = os.path.join(modelspath, 'rdm_fixed.py')
rdm_fixed_model      = imp.load_source('rdm_fixed_model', rdm_fixed_modelfile)
rdm_fixed_behavior   = os.path.join(trialspath, 'rdm_fixed', 'trials_behavior.pkl')
rdm_fixed_activity   = os.path.join(trialspath, 'rdm_fixed', 'trials_activity.pkl')


w = utils.mm_to_inch(174)
r = 0.5
fig = Figure(w=w, r=r)

x0 = 0.12
y0 = 0.15
w  = 0.37
h  = 0.8
dx = 1.3*w

fig.add('on-stimulus', [x0,    y0, w, h])
fig.add('on-choice',   [x0+dx, y0, w, h])


kwargs = {'on-stimulus-tmin': -200, 'on-stimulus-tmax': 600,
Exemplo n.º 4
def sort(trialsfile, plots, unit=None, network='p', **kwargs):
    # Load trials
    data = utils.load(trialsfile)
    if len(data) == 9:
        trials, U, Z, A, P, M, perf, r_p, r_v = data
        trials, U, Z, Z_b, A, P, M, perf, r_p, r_v = data

    if network == 'p':
        print("Sorting policy network activity.")
        r = r_p
        print("Sorting value network activity.")
        r = r_v

    # Number of units
    N = r.shape[-1]

    # Time
    time = trials[0]['time']
    Ntime = len(time)

    # Aligned time
    time_a  = np.concatenate((-time[1:][::-1], time))
    Ntime_a = len(time_a)

    # Preferred targets

    preferred_targets = get_preferred_targets(trials, perf, r)

    # No-wager trials

    def get_no_wager(func_t0):
        trials_by_cond = {}
        for n, trial in enumerate(trials):
            if trial['wager']:

            if trial['coh'] == 0:

            if perf.choices[n] is None:

            cond = trial['left_right']

            m_n = np.tile(M[:,n], (N, 1)).T
            r_n = r[:,n]*m_n

            t0 = func_t0(trial['epochs'], perf.t_choices[n])

            # Storage
            trials_by_cond.setdefault(cond, {'r': np.zeros((Ntime_a, N)),
                                             'n': np.zeros((Ntime_a, N))})

            # Before
            n_b = r_n[:t0].shape[0]
            trials_by_cond[cond]['r'][Ntime-1-n_b:Ntime-1] += r_n[:t0]
            trials_by_cond[cond]['n'][Ntime-1-n_b:Ntime-1] += m_n[:t0]

            # After
            n_a = r_n[t0:].shape[0]
            trials_by_cond[cond]['r'][Ntime-1:Ntime-1+n_a] += r_n[t0:]
            trials_by_cond[cond]['n'][Ntime-1:Ntime-1+n_a] += m_n[t0:]

        # Average
        for cond in trials_by_cond:
            trials_by_cond[cond] = utils.div(trials_by_cond[cond]['r'],

        return trials_by_cond

    noTs_stimulus = get_no_wager(lambda epochs, t_choice: epochs['stimulus'][0] - 1)
    noTs_choice   = get_no_wager(lambda epochs, t_choice: t_choice)

    # Wager trials, aligned to stimulus onset

    def get_wager(func_t0):
        trials_by_cond      = {}
        trials_by_cond_sure = {}
        for n, trial in enumerate(trials):
            if not trial['wager']:

            if perf.choices[n] is None:

            if trial['coh'] == 0:

            cond = trial['left_right']

            m_n = np.tile(M[:,n], (N, 1)).T
            r_n = r[:,n]*m_n

            t0 = func_t0(trial['epochs'], perf.t_choices[n])

            if perf.choices[n] == 'S':
                # Storage
                trials_by_cond_sure.setdefault(cond, {'r': np.zeros((Ntime_a, N)),
                                                      'n': np.zeros((Ntime_a, N))})

                # Before
                n_b = r_n[:t0].shape[0]
                trials_by_cond_sure[cond]['r'][Ntime-1-n_b:Ntime-1] += r_n[:t0]
                trials_by_cond_sure[cond]['n'][Ntime-1-n_b:Ntime-1] += m_n[:t0]

                # After
                n_a = r_n[t0:].shape[0]
                trials_by_cond_sure[cond]['r'][Ntime-1:Ntime-1+n_a] += r_n[t0:]
                trials_by_cond_sure[cond]['n'][Ntime-1:Ntime-1+n_a] += m_n[t0:]
                # Storage
                trials_by_cond.setdefault(cond, {'r': np.zeros((Ntime_a, N)),
                                                 'n': np.zeros((Ntime_a, N))})

                # Before
                n_b = r_n[:t0].shape[0]
                trials_by_cond[cond]['r'][Ntime-1-n_b:Ntime-1] += r_n[:t0]
                trials_by_cond[cond]['n'][Ntime-1-n_b:Ntime-1] += m_n[:t0]

                # After
                n_a = r_n[t0:].shape[0]
                trials_by_cond[cond]['r'][Ntime-1:Ntime-1+n_a] += r_n[t0:]
                trials_by_cond[cond]['n'][Ntime-1:Ntime-1+n_a] += m_n[t0:]

        # Average
        for cond in trials_by_cond:
            trials_by_cond[cond] = utils.div(trials_by_cond[cond]['r'],

        # Average
        for cond in trials_by_cond_sure:
            trials_by_cond_sure[cond] = utils.div(trials_by_cond_sure[cond]['r'],

        return trials_by_cond, trials_by_cond_sure

    Ts_stimulus, Ts_stimulus_sure = get_wager(lambda epochs, t_choice: epochs['stimulus'][0] - 1)
    Ts_sure, Ts_sure_sure         = get_wager(lambda epochs, t_choice: epochs['sure'][0] - 1)
    Ts_choice, Ts_choice_sure     = get_wager(lambda epochs, t_choice: t_choice)

    # Plot

    lw     = kwargs.get('lw', 1.25)
    dashes = kwargs.get('dashes', [3, 1.5])

    in_opp_colors = {-1: '0.6', +1: 'k'}

    def plot_noTs(noTs, plot, unit, tmin, tmax):
        w,   = np.where((tmin <= time_a) & (time_a <= tmax))
        t    = time_a[w]
        yall = [[1]]

        for lr in noTs:
            color = in_opp_colors[lr*preferred_targets[unit]]
            y = noTs[lr][w,unit]
            plot.plot(t, y, color=color, lw=lw)

        plot.xlim(tmin, tmax)
        plot.xticks([0, tmax])
        plot.lim('y', yall, lower=0)

        return yall

    def plot_Ts(Ts, Ts_sure, plot, unit, tmin, tmax):
        w,   = np.where((tmin <= time_a) & (time_a <= tmax))
        t    = time_a[w]
        yall = [[1]]

        for lr in Ts:
            color = in_opp_colors[lr*preferred_targets[unit]]
            y = Ts[lr][w,unit]
            plot.plot(t, y, color=color, lw=lw)
        for lr in Ts_sure:
            color = in_opp_colors[lr*preferred_targets[unit]]
            y = Ts_sure[lr][w,unit]
            plot.plot(t, y, color=color, lw=lw, linestyle='--', dashes=dashes)

        plot.xlim(tmin, tmax)
        plot.xticks([0, tmax])
        plot.lim('y', yall, lower=0)

        return yall

    if unit is not None:
        y = []

        tmin = kwargs.get('noTs-stimulus-tmin', -100)
        tmax = kwargs.get('noTs-stimulus-tmax', 700)
        y += plot_noTs(noTs_stimulus, plots['noTs-stimulus'], unit, tmin, tmax)

        tmin = kwargs.get('noTs-choice-tmin', -500)
        tmax = kwargs.get('noTs-choice-tmax', 0)
        y += plot_noTs(noTs_choice, plots['noTs-choice'], unit, tmin, tmax)

        tmin = kwargs.get('Ts-stimulus-tmin', -100)
        tmax = kwargs.get('Ts-stimulus-tmax', 700)
        y += plot_Ts(Ts_stimulus, Ts_stimulus_sure, plots['Ts-stimulus'], unit, tmin, tmax)

        tmin = kwargs.get('Ts-sure-tmin', -200)
        tmax = kwargs.get('Ts-sure-tmax', 700)
        y += plot_Ts(Ts_sure, Ts_sure_sure, plots['Ts-sure'], unit, tmin, tmax)

        tmin = kwargs.get('Ts-choice-tmin', -500)
        tmax = kwargs.get('Ts-choice-tmax', 0)
        y += plot_Ts(Ts_choice, Ts_choice_sure, plots['Ts-choice'], unit, tmin, tmax)

        return y
        name = plots
        for unit in xrange(N):
            w   = utils.mm_to_inch(174)
            r   = 0.35
            fig = Figure(w=w, r=r)

            x0 = 0.09
            y0 = 0.15

            w = 0.13
            h = 0.75

            dx = 0.05
            DX = 0.08

            fig.add('noTs-stimulus', [x0, y0, w, h])
            fig.add('noTs-choice',   [fig[-1].right+dx, y0, w, h])
            fig.add('Ts-stimulus',   [fig[-1].right+DX, y0, w, h])
            fig.add('Ts-sure',       [fig[-1].right+dx, y0, w, h])
            fig.add('Ts-choice',     [fig[-1].right+dx, y0, w, h])


            y = []

            plot = fig['noTs-stimulus']
            y += plot_noTs(noTs_stimulus, plot, unit, -100, 700)

            plot = fig['noTs-choice']
            y += plot_noTs(noTs_choice, plot, unit, -500, 200)

            plot = fig['Ts-stimulus']
            y += plot_Ts(Ts_stimulus, Ts_stimulus_sure, plot, unit, -100, 700)

            plot = fig['Ts-sure']
            y += plot_Ts(Ts_sure, Ts_sure_sure, plot, unit, -200, 700)

            plot = fig['Ts-choice']
            y += plot_Ts(Ts_choice, Ts_choice_sure, plot, unit, -500, 200)

            for plot in fig.plots.values():
                plot.lim('y', y, lower=0)


            fig.save(name+'_{}{:03d}'.format(network, unit))
Exemplo n.º 5
analysisfile = os.path.join(analysispath, 'postdecisionwager.py')
analysis = imp.load_source('postdecisionwager_analysis', analysisfile)

# model
modelfile = os.path.join(modelspath, 'postdecisionwager.py')
model = imp.load_source('model', modelfile)
trialsfile_b = os.path.join(trialspath, 'postdecisionwager',
trialsfile_a = os.path.join(trialspath, 'postdecisionwager',

# Figure

w = utils.mm_to_inch(114)
r = 0.9
thickness = 0.4
axislabelsize = 6
fig = Figure(w=w,

x0 = 0.16
y0 = 0.67
DX = 0.1
Exemplo n.º 6
# analysis
analysisfile = os.path.join(analysispath, 'postdecisionwager.py')
analysis     = imp.load_source('postdecisionwager_analysis', analysisfile)

# model
modelfile    = os.path.join(modelspath, 'postdecisionwager.py')
model        = imp.load_source('model', modelfile)
trialsfile_b = os.path.join(trialspath, 'postdecisionwager', 'trials_behavior.pkl')
trialsfile_a = os.path.join(trialspath, 'postdecisionwager', 'trials_activity.pkl')

# Figure

w = utils.mm_to_inch(114)
r = 0.9
thickness     = 0.4
axislabelsize = 6
fig = Figure(w=w, r=r, thickness=thickness, ticksize=3, ticklabelsize=5,
             axislabelsize=axislabelsize, labelpadx=3, labelpady=4.5)

x0 = 0.16
y0 = 0.67
DX = 0.1

w_task = 0.82
h_task = 0.3

dy0 = 0.09
dy  = 0.12