Exemplo n.º 1
def select_pairs_sequential(date_list,
    """Select Pairs in a Sequential way:
        For each acquisition, find its num_connection nearest acquisitions in the past time.
        date_list  : list of date in YYMMDD/YYYYMMDD format
        Fattahi, H., and F. Amelung (2013), DEM Error Correction in InSAR Time Series, IEEE TGRS, 51(7), 4249-4259.
    date8_list = sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list))
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list)
    date_idx_list = list(range(len(date6_list)))

    # Get pairs index list
    date12_idx_list = []
    for date_idx in date_idx_list:
        for i in range(num_connection):
            if date_idx - i - 1 >= 0:
                date12_idx_list.append([date_idx - i - 1, date_idx])
    date12_idx_list = [sorted(idx) for idx in sorted(date12_idx_list)]

    # Convert index into date12
    date12_list = [
        date6_list[idx[0]] + '-' + date6_list[idx[1]]
        for idx in date12_idx_list
    if date12_format == 'YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD':
        date12_list = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12_list)
    return date12_list
Exemplo n.º 2
def plot_coherence_matrix(ax, date12List, cohList, date12List_drop=[], plot_dict={}):
    """Plot Coherence Matrix of input network

    if date12List_drop is not empty, plot KEPT pairs in the upper triangle and
                                           ALL  pairs in the lower triangle.
    # Figure Setting
    if not 'fontsize'    in plot_dict.keys():   plot_dict['fontsize']    = 12
    if not 'linewidth'   in plot_dict.keys():   plot_dict['linewidth']   = 2
    if not 'markercolor' in plot_dict.keys():   plot_dict['markercolor'] = 'orange'
    if not 'markersize'  in plot_dict.keys():   plot_dict['markersize']  = 16
    if not 'disp_title'  in plot_dict.keys():   plot_dict['disp_title']  = True
    if not 'cbar_label'  in plot_dict.keys():   plot_dict['cbar_label']  = 'Coherence'

    date12List = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12List)
    coh_mat = pnet.coherence_matrix(date12List, cohList)

    if date12List_drop:
        # Date Convert
        m_dates = [i.split('_')[0] for i in date12List]
        s_dates = [i.split('_')[1] for i in date12List]
        dateList = sorted(list(set(m_dates + s_dates)))
        # Set dropped pairs' value to nan, in upper triangle only.
        for date12 in date12List_drop:
            idx1, idx2 = [dateList.index(i) for i in date12.split('_')]
            coh_mat[idx1, idx2] = np.nan

    # Show diagonal value as black, to be distinguished from un-selected interferograms
    diag_mat = np.diag(np.ones(coh_mat.shape[0]))
    diag_mat[diag_mat == 0.] = np.nan
    im = ax.imshow(diag_mat, cmap='gray_r', vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0, interpolation='nearest')
    im = ax.imshow(coh_mat, cmap='jet', vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0, interpolation='nearest')

    date_num = coh_mat.shape[0]
    if date_num < 30:
        tick_list = list(range(0, date_num, 5))
        tick_list = list(range(0, date_num, 10))
    ax.set_xlabel('Image Number', fontsize=plot_dict['fontsize'])
    ax.set_ylabel('Image Number', fontsize=plot_dict['fontsize'])

    if plot_dict['disp_title']:
        ax.set_title('Coherence Matrix')

    # Colorbar
    divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
    cax = divider.append_axes("right", "3%", pad="3%")
    cbar = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
    cbar.set_label(plot_dict['cbar_label'], fontsize=plot_dict['fontsize'])

    # Legend
    if date12List_drop:
        ax.plot([], [], label='Upper: used ifgrams')
        ax.plot([], [], label='Lower: all ifgrams')

    return ax
Exemplo n.º 3
def select_pairs_all(date_list, date12_format='YYMMDD-YYMMDD'):
    """Select All Possible Pairs/Interferograms
    Input : date_list   - list of date in YYMMDD/YYYYMMDD format
    Output: date12_list - list date12 in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format
        Berardino, P., G. Fornaro, R. Lanari, and E. Sansosti (2002), A new algorithm for surface deformation monitoring
        based on small baseline differential SAR interferograms, IEEE TGRS, 40(11), 2375-2383.
    date8_list = sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list))
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list)
    date12_list = list(itertools.combinations(date6_list, 2))
    date12_list = [date12[0] + '-' + date12[1] for date12 in date12_list]
    if date12_format == 'YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD':
        date12_list = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12_list)
    return date12_list
Exemplo n.º 4
def select_pairs_mst(date_list, pbase_list, date12_format='YYMMDD-YYMMDD'):
    """Select Pairs using Minimum Spanning Tree technique
        Connection Cost is calculated using the baseline distance in perp and scaled temporal baseline (Pepe and Lanari,
        2006, TGRS) plane.
        date_list  : list of date in YYMMDD/YYYYMMDD format
        pbase_list : list of float, perpendicular spatial baseline
        Pepe, A., and R. Lanari (2006), On the extension of the minimum cost flow algorithm for phase unwrapping
        of multitemporal differential SAR interferograms, IEEE TGRS, 44(9), 2374-2383.
        Perissin D., Wang T. (2012), Repeat-pass SAR interferometry with partially coherent targets. IEEE TGRS. 271-280
    # Get temporal baseline in days
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date_list)
    date8_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list)
    tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0]
    # Normalization (Pepe and Lanari, 2006, TGRS)
    temp2perp_scale = (max(pbase_list) - min(pbase_list)) / (max(tbase_list) -
    tbase_list = [tbase * temp2perp_scale for tbase in tbase_list]

    # Get weight matrix
    ttMat1, ttMat2 = np.meshgrid(np.array(tbase_list), np.array(tbase_list))
    ppMat1, ppMat2 = np.meshgrid(np.array(pbase_list), np.array(pbase_list))
    ttMat = np.abs(ttMat1 - ttMat2)  # temporal distance matrix
    ppMat = np.abs(ppMat1 - ppMat2)  # spatial distance matrix

    # 2D distance matrix in temp/perp domain
    weightMat = np.sqrt(np.square(ttMat) + np.square(ppMat))
    weightMat = sparse.csr_matrix(weightMat)  # compress sparse row matrix

    # MST path based on weight matrix
    mstMat = sparse.csgraph.minimum_spanning_tree(weightMat)

    # Convert MST index matrix into date12 list
    [s_idx_list, m_idx_list] = [
        date_idx_array.tolist() for date_idx_array in sparse.find(mstMat)[0:2]
    date12_list = []
    for i in range(len(m_idx_list)):
        idx = sorted([m_idx_list[i], s_idx_list[i]])
        date12 = date6_list[idx[0]] + '-' + date6_list[idx[1]]
    if date12_format == 'YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD':
        date12_list = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12_list)
    return date12_list
Exemplo n.º 5
def select_pairs_star(date_list,
    """Select Star-like network/interferograms/pairs, it's a single master network, similar to PS approach.
        m_date : master date, choose it based on the following cretiria:
                 1) near the center in temporal and spatial baseline
                 2) prefer winter season than summer season for less temporal decorrelation
        Ferretti, A., C. Prati, and F. Rocca (2001), Permanent scatterers in SAR interferometry, IEEE TGRS, 39(1), 8-20.
    date8_list = sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list))
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list)

    # Select master date if not existed
    if not m_date:
        m_date = select_master_date(date8_list, pbase_list)
        print(('auto select master date: ' + m_date))

    # Check input master date
    m_date8 = ptime.yyyymmdd(m_date)
    if m_date8 not in date8_list:
        print('Input master date is not existed in date list!')
        print(('Input master date: ' + str(m_date8)))
        print(('Input date list: ' + str(date8_list)))
        m_date8 = None

    # Generate star/ps network
    m_idx = date8_list.index(m_date8)
    date12_idx_list = [
        sorted([m_idx, s_idx]) for s_idx in range(len(date8_list))
        if s_idx is not m_idx
    date12_list = [
        date6_list[idx[0]] + '-' + date6_list[idx[1]]
        for idx in date12_idx_list
    if date12_format == 'YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD':
        date12_list = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12_list)
    return date12_list
Exemplo n.º 6
def select_pairs_delaunay(date_list,
    """Select Pairs using Delaunay Triangulation based on temporal/perpendicular baselines
        date_list  : list of date in YYMMDD/YYYYMMDD format
        pbase_list : list of float, perpendicular spatial baseline
        norm       : normalize temporal baseline to perpendicular baseline
    Key points
        1. Define a ratio between perpendicular and temporal baseline axis units (Pepe and Lanari, 2006, TGRS).
        2. Pairs with too large perpendicular / temporal baseline or Doppler centroid difference should be removed
           after this, using a threshold, to avoid strong decorrelations (Zebker and Villasenor, 1992, TGRS).
        Pepe, A., and R. Lanari (2006), On the extension of the minimum cost flow algorithm for phase unwrapping
        of multitemporal differential SAR interferograms, IEEE TGRS, 44(9), 2374-2383.
        Zebker, H. A., and J. Villasenor (1992), Decorrelation in interferometric radar echoes, IEEE TGRS, 30(5), 950-959.
    # Get temporal baseline in days
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date_list)
    date8_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list)
    tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0]

    # Normalization (Pepe and Lanari, 2006, TGRS)
    if norm:
        temp2perp_scale = (max(pbase_list) - min(pbase_list)) / (
            max(tbase_list) - min(tbase_list))
        tbase_list = [tbase * temp2perp_scale for tbase in tbase_list]

    # Generate Delaunay Triangulation
    date12_idx_list = Triangulation(tbase_list, pbase_list).edges.tolist()
    date12_idx_list = [sorted(idx) for idx in sorted(date12_idx_list)]

    # Convert index into date12
    date12_list = [
        date6_list[idx[0]] + '-' + date6_list[idx[1]]
        for idx in date12_idx_list
    if date12_format == 'YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD':
        date12_list = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12_list)
    return date12_list
Exemplo n.º 7
def select_pairs_hierarchical(date_list,
    """Select Pairs in a hierarchical way using list of temporal and perpendicular baseline thresholds
        For each temporal/perpendicular combination, select all possible pairs; and then merge all combination results
        together for the final output (Zhao, 2015).
        date_list  : list of date in YYMMDD/YYYYMMDD format
        pbase_list : list of float, perpendicular spatial baseline
        temp_perp_list : list of list of 2 floats, for list of temporal/perp baseline, e.g.
                         [[32.0, 800.0], [48.0, 600.0], [64.0, 200.0]]
        pairs = select_pairs_hierarchical(date_list, pbase_list, [[32.0, 800.0], [48.0, 600.0], [64.0, 200.0]])
        Zhao, W., (2015), Small deformation detected from InSAR time-series and their applications in geophysics, Doctoral
        dissertation, Univ. of Miami, Section 6.3.
    # Get all date12
    date12_list_all = select_pairs_all(date_list)

    # Loop of Threshold
    print('List of temporal and perpendicular spatial baseline thresholds:')
    date12_list = []
    for temp_perp in temp_perp_list:
        tbase_max = temp_perp[0]
        pbase_max = temp_perp[1]
        date12_list_tmp = threshold_temporal_baseline(date12_list_all,
        date12_list_tmp = threshold_perp_baseline(date12_list_tmp, date_list,
                                                  pbase_list, pbase_max)
        date12_list += date12_list_tmp
    date12_list = sorted(list(set(date12_list)))
    if date12_format == 'YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD':
        date12_list = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12_list)
    return date12_list
Exemplo n.º 8
def plot_coherence_history(ax, date12List, cohList, plot_dict={}):
    """Plot min/max Coherence of all interferograms for each date"""
    # Figure Setting
    if not 'fontsize'    in plot_dict.keys():   plot_dict['fontsize']    = 12
    if not 'linewidth'   in plot_dict.keys():   plot_dict['linewidth']   = 2
    if not 'markercolor' in plot_dict.keys():   plot_dict['markercolor'] = 'orange'
    if not 'markersize'  in plot_dict.keys():   plot_dict['markersize']  = 16
    if not 'disp_title'  in plot_dict.keys():   plot_dict['disp_title']  = True
    if not 'every_year'  in plot_dict.keys():   plot_dict['every_year']  = 1

    # Get date list
    date12List = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12List)
    m_dates = [date12.split('_')[0] for date12 in date12List]
    s_dates = [date12.split('_')[1] for date12 in date12List]
    dateList = sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(list(set(m_dates + s_dates))))

    dates, datevector = ptime.date_list2vector(dateList)
    bar_width = ut.most_common(np.diff(dates).tolist())*3/4
    x_list = [i-bar_width/2 for i in dates]

    coh_mat = pnet.coherence_matrix(date12List, cohList)

    ax.bar(x_list, np.nanmax(coh_mat, axis=0), bar_width.days, label='Max Coherence')
    ax.bar(x_list, np.nanmin(coh_mat, axis=0), bar_width.days, label='Min Coherence')

    if plot_dict['disp_title']:
        ax.set_title('Coherence History of All Related Interferograms')

    ax = auto_adjust_xaxis_date(ax, datevector, plot_dict['fontsize'],
    ax.set_ylim([0.0, 1.0])

    ax.set_xlabel('Time [years]', fontsize=plot_dict['fontsize'])
    ax.set_ylabel('Coherence', fontsize=plot_dict['fontsize'])
    ax.legend(loc='lower right')

    return ax
Exemplo n.º 9
def simulate_coherence(date12_list,
    """Simulate coherence for a given set of interferograms
        date12_list  - list of string in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format, indicating pairs configuration
        baseline_file - string, path of baseline list text file
        sensor_name     - string, SAR sensor name
        inc_angle  - float, incidence angle
        decor_time - float / 2D np.array in size of (1, pixel_num)
                     decorrelation rate in days, time for coherence to drop to 1/e of its initial value
        coh_resid  - float / 2D np.array in size of (1, pixel_num)
                     long-term coherence, minimum attainable coherence value
        display    - bool, display result as matrix or not
        cohs       - 2D np.array in size of (ifgram_num, pixel_num)
        date12_list = pnet.get_date12_list('ifgram_list.txt')
        cohs = simulate_coherences(date12_list, 'bl_list.txt', sensor_name='Tsx')

        Zebker, H. A., & Villasenor, J. (1992). Decorrelation in interferometric radar echoes.
            IEEE-TGRS, 30(5), 950-959. 
        Hanssen, R. F. (2001). Radar interferometry: data interpretation and error analysis
            (Vol. 2). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Pub.
        Morishita, Y., & Hanssen, R. F. (2015). Temporal decorrelation in L-, C-, and X-band satellite
            radar interferometry for pasture on drained peat soils. IEEE-TGRS, 53(2), 1096-1104. 
        Parizzi, A., Cong, X., & Eineder, M. (2009). First Results from Multifrequency Interferometry.
            A comparison of different decorrelation time constants at L, C, and X Band. ESA Scientific
            Publications(SP-677), 1-5. 
    date_list, pbase_list, dop_list = read_baseline_file(baseline_file)[0:3]
    tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date_list)[0]

    # Thermal decorrelation (Zebker and Villasenor, 1992, Eq.4)
    SNR = sensor.signal2noise_ratio(sensor_name)
    coh_thermal = 1. / (1. + 1. / SNR)

    pbase_c = critical_perp_baseline(sensor_name, inc_angle)
    bandwidth_az = sensor.azimuth_bandwidth(sensor_name)

    date12_list = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12_list)
    ifgram_num = len(date12_list)

    if isinstance(decor_time, (int, float)):
        pixel_num = 1
        decor_time = float(decor_time)
        pixel_num = decor_time.shape[1]
    if decor_time == 0.:
        decor_time = 0.01
    cohs = np.zeros((ifgram_num, pixel_num), np.float32)
    for i in range(ifgram_num):
        if display:
            sys.stdout.write('\rinterferogram = %4d/%4d' % (i, ifgram_num))
        m_date, s_date = date12_list[i].split('_')
        m_idx = date_list.index(m_date)
        s_idx = date_list.index(s_date)

        pbase = pbase_list[s_idx] - pbase_list[m_idx]
        tbase = tbase_list[s_idx] - tbase_list[m_idx]

        # Geometric decorrelation (Hanssen, 2001, Eq. 4.4.12)
        coh_geom = (pbase_c - abs(pbase)) / pbase_c
        if coh_geom < 0.:
            coh_geom = 0.

        # Doppler centroid decorrelation (Hanssen, 2001, Eq. 4.4.13)
        if not dop_list:
            coh_dc = 1.
            coh_dc = calculate_doppler_overlap(dop_list[m_idx],
                                               dop_list[s_idx], bandwidth_az)
            if coh_dc < 0.:
                coh_dc = 0.

        # Option 1: Temporal decorrelation - exponential delay model (Parizzi et al., 2009; Morishita and Hanssen, 2015)
        coh_temp = np.multiply(
            (coh_thermal - coh_resid), np.exp(
                -1 * abs(tbase) / decor_time)) + coh_resid

        coh = coh_geom * coh_dc * coh_temp
        cohs[i, :] = coh
    #epsilon = 1e-3
    #cohs[cohs < epsilon] = epsilon
    if display:

    if display:
        print(('critical perp baseline: %.f m' % pbase_c))
        cohs_mat = coherence_matrix(date12_list, cohs)
        plt.imshow(cohs_mat, vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0, cmap='jet')
        plt.xlabel('Image number')
        plt.ylabel('Image number')
        cbar = plt.colorbar()
        plt.title('Coherence matrix')
    return cohs
Exemplo n.º 10
def get_date12_to_drop(inps):
    """Get date12 list to dropped
    Return [] if no ifgram to drop, thus KEEP ALL ifgrams;
           None if nothing to change, exit without doing anything.
    obj = ifgramStack(inps.file)
    date12ListAll = obj.date12List
    dateList = obj.dateList
    print('number of interferograms: {}'.format(len(date12ListAll)))

    # Get date12_to_drop
    date12_to_drop = []

    # reference file
    if inps.referenceFile:
        date12_to_keep = ifgramStack(inps.referenceFile).get_date12_list(dropIfgram=True)
        print('use reference pairs info from file: {}'.format(inps.referenceFile))
        print('number of interferograms in reference: {}'.format(len(date12_to_keep)))
        tempList = sorted(list(set(date12ListAll) - set(date12_to_keep)))
        date12_to_drop += tempList
        print('date12 not in reference file: ({})\n{}'.format(len(tempList), tempList))

    # coherence file
    if inps.coherenceBased:
        print('use coherence-based network modification')
        coord = ut.coordinate(obj.metadata, lookup_file=inps.lookupFile)
        if inps.aoi_geo_box and inps.lookupFile:
            print('input AOI in (lon0, lat1, lon1, lat0): {}'.format(inps.aoi_geo_box))
            inps.aoi_pix_box = coord.bbox_geo2radar(inps.aoi_geo_box)
        if inps.aoi_pix_box:
            inps.aoi_pix_box = coord.check_box_within_data_coverage(inps.aoi_pix_box)
            print('input AOI in (x0,y0,x1,y1): {}'.format(inps.aoi_pix_box))

        # Calculate spatial average coherence
        cohList = ut.spatial_average(inps.file,
        coh_date12_list = list(np.array(date12ListAll)[np.array(cohList) >= inps.minCoherence])

        # MST network
        if inps.keepMinSpanTree:
            print('Get minimum spanning tree (MST) of interferograms with inverse of coherence.')
            msg = ('Drop ifgrams with '
                   '1) average coherence < {} AND '
                   '2) not in MST network: '.format(inps.minCoherence))
            mst_date12_list = pnet.threshold_coherence_based_mst(date12ListAll, cohList)
            mst_date12_list = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(mst_date12_list)
            msg = 'Drop ifgrams with average coherence < {}: '.format(inps.minCoherence)
            mst_date12_list = []

        tempList = sorted(list(set(date12ListAll) - set(coh_date12_list + mst_date12_list)))
        date12_to_drop += tempList
        msg += '({})'.format(len(tempList))
        if len(tempList) <= 200:
            msg += '\n{}'.format(tempList)

    # temp baseline threshold
    if inps.tempBaseMax:
        tempIndex = np.abs(obj.tbaseIfgram) > inps.tempBaseMax
        tempList = list(np.array(date12ListAll)[tempIndex])
        date12_to_drop += tempList
        print('Drop ifgrams with temporal baseline > {} days: ({})\n{}'.format(
            inps.tempBaseMax, len(tempList), tempList))

    # perp baseline threshold
    if inps.perpBaseMax:
        tempIndex = np.abs(obj.pbaseIfgram) > inps.perpBaseMax
        tempList = list(np.array(date12ListAll)[tempIndex])
        date12_to_drop += tempList
        print('Drop ifgrams with perp baseline > {} meters: ({})\n{}'.format(
            inps.perpBaseMax, len(tempList), tempList))

    # connection number threshold
    if inps.connNumMax:
        seq_date12_list = pnet.select_pairs_sequential(dateList, inps.connNumMax)
        seq_date12_list = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(seq_date12_list)
        tempList = [i for i in date12ListAll if i not in seq_date12_list]
        date12_to_drop += tempList
        msg = 'Drop ifgrams with temporal baseline beyond {} neighbors: ({})'.format(
            inps.connNumMax, len(tempList))
        if len(tempList) <= 200:
            msg += '\n{}'.format(tempList)

    # excludeIfgIndex
    if inps.excludeIfgIndex:
        tempList = [date12ListAll[i] for i in inps.excludeIfgIndex]
        date12_to_drop += tempList
        print('Drop ifgrams with the following index number: {}'.format(len(tempList)))
        for i in range(len(tempList)):
            print('{} : {}'.format(i, tempList[i]))
            #len(tempList), zip(inps.excludeIfgIndex, tempList)))

    # excludeDate
    if inps.excludeDate:
        tempList = [i for i in date12ListAll if any(j in inps.excludeDate for j in i.split('_'))]
        date12_to_drop += tempList
        print('-'*50+'\nDrop ifgrams including the following dates: ({})\n{}'.format(
            len(tempList), inps.excludeDate))

    # startDate
    if inps.startDate:
        minDate = int(inps.startDate)
        tempList = [i for i in date12ListAll if any(int(j) < minDate for j in i.split('_'))]
        date12_to_drop += tempList
        print('Drop ifgrams with date earlier than: {} ({})\n{}'.format(
            inps.startDate, len(tempList), tempList))

    # endDate
    if inps.endDate:
        maxDate = int(inps.endDate)
        tempList = [i for i in date12ListAll if any(int(j) > maxDate for j in i.split('_'))]
        date12_to_drop += tempList
        print('Drop ifgrams with date later than: {} ({})\n{}'.format(
            inps.endDate, len(tempList), tempList))

    # Manually drop pairs
    if inps.manual:
        tempList = manual_select_pairs_to_remove(inps.file)
        if tempList is None:
            return None
        tempList = [i for i in tempList if i in date12ListAll]
        print('date12 selected to remove: ({})\n{}'.format(len(tempList), tempList))
        date12_to_drop += tempList

    # drop duplicate date12 and sort in order
    date12_to_drop = sorted(list(set(date12_to_drop)))
    date12_to_keep = sorted(list(set(date12ListAll) - set(date12_to_drop)))
    print('number of interferograms to remove: {}'.format(len(date12_to_drop)))
    print('number of interferograms to keep  : {}'.format(len(date12_to_keep)))

    date_to_keep = [d for date12 in date12_to_keep for d in date12.split('_')]
    date_to_keep = sorted(list(set(date_to_keep)))
    date_to_drop = sorted(list(set(dateList) - set(date_to_keep)))
    if len(date_to_drop) > 0:
        print('number of acquisitions to remove: {}\n{}'.format(len(date_to_drop), date_to_drop))

    date12ListKept = obj.get_date12_list(dropIfgram=True)
    date12ListDropped = sorted(list(set(date12ListAll) - set(date12ListKept)))
    if date12_to_drop == date12ListDropped:
        print('Calculated date12 to drop is the same as exsiting marked input file, skip updating file.')
        date12_to_drop = None
    elif date12_to_drop == date12ListAll:
        raise Exception('Zero interferogram left! Please adjust your setting and try again.')
    return date12_to_drop
Exemplo n.º 11
def plot_network(ax, date12List, dateList, pbaseList, plot_dict={}, date12List_drop=[], print_msg=True):
    """Plot Temporal-Perp baseline Network
        ax : matplotlib axes object
        date12List : list of string for date12 in YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD format
        dateList   : list of string, for date in YYYYMMDD format
        pbaseList  : list of float, perp baseline, len=number of acquisition
        plot_dict   : dictionary with the following items:

                      cohList : list of float, coherence value of each interferogram, len = number of ifgrams
                      disp_min/max :  float, min/max range of the color display based on cohList
                      colormap : string, colormap name
                      coh_thres : float, coherence of where to cut the colormap for display
                      disp_title : bool, show figure title or not, default: True
                      disp_drop: bool, show dropped interferograms or not, default: True
        ax : matplotlib axes object

    # Figure Setting
    if not 'fontsize'    in plot_dict.keys():   plot_dict['fontsize']    = 12
    if not 'linewidth'   in plot_dict.keys():   plot_dict['linewidth']   = 2
    if not 'markercolor' in plot_dict.keys():   plot_dict['markercolor'] = 'orange'
    if not 'markersize'  in plot_dict.keys():   plot_dict['markersize']  = 16

    # For colorful display of coherence
    if not 'cohList'     in plot_dict.keys():  plot_dict['cohList']    = None
    if not 'cbar_label'  in plot_dict.keys():  plot_dict['cbar_label'] = 'Average Spatial Coherence'
    if not 'disp_min'    in plot_dict.keys():  plot_dict['disp_min']   = 0.2
    if not 'disp_max'    in plot_dict.keys():  plot_dict['disp_max']   = 1.0
    if not 'colormap'    in plot_dict.keys():  plot_dict['colormap']   = 'RdBu'
    if not 'disp_title'  in plot_dict.keys():  plot_dict['disp_title'] = True
    if not 'coh_thres'   in plot_dict.keys():  plot_dict['coh_thres']  = None
    if not 'disp_drop'   in plot_dict.keys():  plot_dict['disp_drop']  = True
    if not 'every_year'  in plot_dict.keys():  plot_dict['every_year'] = 1

    cohList = plot_dict['cohList']
    disp_min = plot_dict['disp_min']
    disp_max = plot_dict['disp_max']
    coh_thres = plot_dict['coh_thres']
    transparency = 0.7

    # Date Convert
    dateList = ptime.yyyymmdd(sorted(dateList))
    dates, datevector = ptime.date_list2vector(dateList)
    tbaseList = ptime.date_list2tbase(dateList)[0]

    ## maxBperp and maxBtemp
    date12List = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12List)
    ifgram_num = len(date12List)
    pbase12 = np.zeros(ifgram_num)
    tbase12 = np.zeros(ifgram_num)
    for i in range(ifgram_num):
        m_date, s_date = date12List[i].split('_')
        m_idx = dateList.index(m_date)
        s_idx = dateList.index(s_date)
        pbase12[i] = pbaseList[s_idx] - pbaseList[m_idx]
        tbase12[i] = tbaseList[s_idx] - tbaseList[m_idx]
    if print_msg:
        print('max perpendicular baseline: {:.2f} m'.format(np.max(np.abs(pbase12))))
        print('max temporal      baseline: {} days'.format(np.max(tbase12)))

    ## Keep/Drop - date12
    date12List_keep = sorted(list(set(date12List) - set(date12List_drop)))
    idx_date12_keep = [date12List.index(i) for i in date12List_keep]
    idx_date12_drop = [date12List.index(i) for i in date12List_drop]
    if not date12List_drop:
        plot_dict['disp_drop'] = False

    ## Keep/Drop - date
    m_dates = [i.split('_')[0] for i in date12List_keep]
    s_dates = [i.split('_')[1] for i in date12List_keep]
    dateList_keep = ptime.yyyymmdd(sorted(list(set(m_dates + s_dates))))
    dateList_drop = sorted(list(set(dateList) - set(dateList_keep)))
    idx_date_keep = [dateList.index(i) for i in dateList_keep]
    idx_date_drop = [dateList.index(i) for i in dateList_drop]

    # Ploting
    # ax=fig.add_subplot(111)
    # Colorbar when conherence is colored
    if cohList is not None:
        data_min = min(cohList)
        data_max = max(cohList)
        # Normalize
        normalization = False
        if normalization:
            cohList = [(coh-data_min) / (data_min-data_min) for coh in cohList]
            disp_min = data_min
            disp_max = data_max

        if print_msg:
            print('showing coherence')
            print(('colormap: '+plot_dict['colormap']))
            print(('display range: '+str([disp_min, disp_max])))
            print(('data    range: '+str([data_min, data_max])))

        splitColormap = True
        if splitColormap:
            # Use lower/upper part of colormap to emphasis dropped interferograms
            if not coh_thres:
                # Find proper cut percentage so that all keep pairs are blue and drop pairs are red
                cohList_keep = [cohList[i] for i in idx_date12_keep]
                cohList_drop = [cohList[i] for i in idx_date12_drop]
                if cohList_drop:
                    coh_thres = max(cohList_drop)
                    coh_thres = min(cohList_keep)
            if coh_thres < disp_min:
                disp_min = 0.0
                if print_msg:
                    print('data range exceed orginal display range, set new display range to: [0.0, %f]' % (disp_max))
            c1_num = np.ceil(200.0 * (coh_thres - disp_min) / (disp_max - disp_min)).astype('int')
            coh_thres = c1_num / 200.0 * (disp_max-disp_min) + disp_min
            cmap = plt.get_cmap(plot_dict['colormap'])
            colors1 = cmap(np.linspace(0.0, 0.3, c1_num))
            colors2 = cmap(np.linspace(0.6, 1.0, 200 - c1_num))
            cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('truncate_RdBu', np.vstack((colors1, colors2)))
            if print_msg:
                print(('color jump at '+str(coh_thres)))
            cmap = plt.get_cmap(plot_dict['colormap'])

        divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
        cax = divider.append_axes("right", "3%", pad="3%")
        norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=disp_min, vmax=disp_max)
        cbar = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
        cbar.set_label(plot_dict['cbar_label'], fontsize=plot_dict['fontsize'])

        # plot low coherent ifgram first and high coherence ifgram later
        cohList_keep = [cohList[date12List.index(i)] for i in date12List_keep]
        date12List_keep = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(cohList_keep, date12List_keep))]

    # Dot - SAR Acquisition
    if idx_date_keep:
        x_list = [dates[i] for i in idx_date_keep]
        y_list = [pbaseList[i] for i in idx_date_keep]
        ax.plot(x_list, y_list, 'ko', alpha=0.7,
                ms=plot_dict['markersize'], mfc=plot_dict['markercolor'])
    if idx_date_drop:
        x_list = [dates[i] for i in idx_date_drop]
        y_list = [pbaseList[i] for i in idx_date_drop]
        ax.plot(x_list, y_list, 'ko', alpha=0.7,
                ms=plot_dict['markersize'], mfc='gray')

    ## Line - Pair/Interferogram
    # interferograms dropped
    if plot_dict['disp_drop']:
        for date12 in date12List_drop:
            date1, date2 = date12.split('_')
            idx1 = dateList.index(date1)
            idx2 = dateList.index(date2)
            x = np.array([dates[idx1], dates[idx2]])
            y = np.array([pbaseList[idx1], pbaseList[idx2]])
            if cohList is not None:
                coh = cohList[date12List.index(date12)]
                coh_idx = (coh - disp_min) / (disp_max - disp_min)
                ax.plot(x, y, '--', lw=plot_dict['linewidth'],
                        alpha=transparency, c=cmap(coh_idx))
                ax.plot(x, y, '--', lw=plot_dict['linewidth'],
                        alpha=transparency, c='k')

    # interferograms kept
    for date12 in date12List_keep:
        date1, date2 = date12.split('_')
        idx1 = dateList.index(date1)
        idx2 = dateList.index(date2)
        x = np.array([dates[idx1], dates[idx2]])
        y = np.array([pbaseList[idx1], pbaseList[idx2]])
        if cohList is not None:
            coh = cohList[date12List.index(date12)]
            coh_idx = (coh - disp_min) / (disp_max - disp_min)
            ax.plot(x, y, '-', lw=plot_dict['linewidth'],
                    alpha=transparency, c=cmap(coh_idx))
            ax.plot(x, y, '-', lw=plot_dict['linewidth'],
                    alpha=transparency, c='k')

    if plot_dict['disp_title']:
        ax.set_title('Interferogram Network', fontsize=plot_dict['fontsize'])

    # axis format
    ax = auto_adjust_xaxis_date(ax, datevector, plot_dict['fontsize'],
    ax = auto_adjust_yaxis(ax, pbaseList, plot_dict['fontsize'])
    ax.set_xlabel('Time [years]', fontsize=plot_dict['fontsize'])
    ax.set_ylabel('Perp Baseline [m]', fontsize=plot_dict['fontsize'])

    # Legend
    if plot_dict['disp_drop']:
        solid_line = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='k', ls='solid', label='Interferograms')
        dash_line = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='k', ls='dashed', label='Interferograms dropped')
        ax.legend(handles=[solid_line, dash_line])

    return ax