Exemplo n.º 1
    def startup(self):
        """The starting point of the workflow. It runs everytime. 
        It 1) grab project name if given
           2) grab and go to work directory
           3) get and read template(s) options

        #1. Get projectName
        self.projectName = None
        if self.customTemplateFile:
            self.projectName = os.path.splitext(
            print('Project name:', self.projectName)

        #2. Go to the work directory
        #2.1 Get workDir
        if not self.workDir:
            if autoPath and 'SCRATCHDIR' in os.environ and self.projectName:
                self.workDir = os.path.join(os.getenv('SCRATCHDIR'),
                                            self.projectName, 'PYSAR')
                self.workDir = os.getcwd()
        self.workDir = os.path.abspath(self.workDir)

        #2.2 Go to workDir
        if not os.path.isdir(self.workDir):
            print('create directory:', self.workDir)
        print("Go to work directory:", self.workDir)

        #3. Read templates
        #3.1 Get default template file
        lfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
                             'defaults/pysarApp_template.txt')  #latest version
        cfile = os.path.join(self.workDir,
                             'pysarApp_template.txt')  #current version
        if not os.path.isfile(cfile):
            print('copy default template file {} to work directory'.format(
            shutil.copy2(lfile, self.workDir)
            #cfile is obsolete if any key is missing
            ldict = readfile.read_template(lfile)
            cdict = readfile.read_template(cfile)
            if any([key not in cdict.keys() for key in ldict.keys()]):
                    'obsolete default template detected, update to the latest version.'
                shutil.copy2(lfile, self.workDir)
                #keep the existing option value from obsolete template file
                ut.update_template_file(cfile, cdict)
        self.templateFile = cfile

        # 3.2 read (custom) template files into dicts
Exemplo n.º 2
def update_template_file(template_file, extra_dict):
    """Update option value in template_file with value from input extra_dict"""
    # Compare and skip updating template_file if no new option value found.
    update = False
    orig_dict = readfile.read_template(template_file)
    for key, value in orig_dict.items():
        if key in extra_dict.keys() and extra_dict[key] != value:
            update = True
    if not update:
        print('No new option value found, skip updating '+template_file)
        return template_file

    # Update template_file with new value from extra_dict
    tmp_file = template_file+'.tmp'
    f_tmp = open(tmp_file, 'w')
    for line in open(template_file, 'r'):
        c = [i.strip() for i in line.strip().split('=', 1)]
        if not line.startswith(('%', '#')) and len(c) > 1:
            key = c[0]
            value = str.replace(c[1], '\n', '').split("#")[0].strip()
            if key in extra_dict.keys() and extra_dict[key] != value:
                line = line.replace(value, extra_dict[key], 1)
                print('    {}: {} --> {}'.format(key, value, extra_dict[key]))

    # Overwrite exsting original template file
    mvCmd = 'mv {} {}'.format(tmp_file, template_file)
    return template_file
Exemplo n.º 3
def read_template2inps(templateFile, inps=None):
    """Update inps with pysar.residualRms.* option from templateFile"""
    if not inps:
        inps = cmd_line_parse()

    template = readfile.read_template(templateFile)
    prefix = 'pysar.residualRms.'

    key = prefix + 'maskFile'
    if key in template.keys():
        value = template[key]
        if value == 'auto':
            inps.mask_file = 'maskTempCoh.h5'
        elif value == 'no':
            inps.mask_file = None
            inps.mask_file = value

    key = prefix + 'ramp'
    if key in template.keys():
        value = template[key]
        if value == 'auto':
            inps.ramp_type = 'quadratic'
            inps.ramp_type = value

    key = prefix + 'threshold'
    if key in template.keys():
        value = template[key]
        if value == 'auto':
            inps.min_rms = 0.02
            inps.min_rms = float(value)

    return inps
Exemplo n.º 4
def read_template_file2inps(template_file, inps=None):
    """Read seed/reference info from template file and update input namespace"""
    if not inps:
        inps = cmd_line_parse([''])
    inps_dict = vars(inps)
    template = readfile.read_template(template_file)
    template = ut.check_template_auto_value(template)

    prefix = 'pysar.reference.'
    key_list = [i for i in list(inps_dict) if prefix + i in template.keys()]
    for key in key_list:
        value = template[prefix + key]
        if value:
            if key in ['coherenceFile', 'maskFile']:
                inps_dict[key] = value
            elif key == 'minCoherence':
                inps_dict[key] = float(value)

    key = prefix + 'yx'
    if key in template.keys():
        value = template[key]
        if value:
            inps.ref_y, inps.ref_x = [int(i) for i in value.split(',')]

    key = prefix + 'lalo'
    if key in template.keys():
        value = template[key]
        if value:
            inps.ref_lat, inps.ref_lon = [float(i) for i in value.split(',')]

    return inps
Exemplo n.º 5
def main(argv):
    parser = build_parser()
    parseArgs = parser.parse_args()

    username = parseArgs.user
    password = parseArgs.password
    host = parseArgs.host
    db = parseArgs.db
    working_dir = parseArgs.folder

    # make sure we have a final / so the below code doesn't break
    if working_dir[-1] != "/":
        working_dir += "/"

    unavco_name = parseArgs.unavco_name
    attributes_file = working_dir + "add_Attribute.txt"
    attributes = readfile.read_template(attributes_file)
    dbController = InsarDatabaseController(username, password, host, db)

    for key in attributes:
        print("Setting attribute " + key + " to " + attributes[key])
        if key == "plotAttributes":
            dbController.add_plot_attribute(unavco_name, key, attributes[key])
            dbController.add_attribute(unavco_name, key, attributes[key])

    dbController.index_table_on("extra_attributes", "area_id", "area_id_idx")
Exemplo n.º 6
def read_template2inps(template_file, inps):
    """Read input template options into Namespace inps"""
    print('read input option from template file: ' + template_file)
    if not inps:
        inps = cmd_line_parse()
    inps_dict = vars(inps)
    template = readfile.read_template(template_file)
    template = ut.check_template_auto_value(template)

    prefix = 'pysar.geocode.'
    key_list = [i for i in list(inps_dict.keys()) if prefix + i in template.keys()]
    for key in key_list:
        value = template[prefix + key]
        if value:
            if key == 'SNWE':
                inps_dict[key] = tuple([float(i) for i in value.split(',')])
            elif key in ['latStep', 'lonStep']:
                inps_dict[key] = float(value)
            elif key in ['interpMethod']:
                inps_dict[key] = value
            elif key == 'fillValue':
                if 'nan' in value.lower():
                    inps_dict[key] = np.nan
                    inps_dict[key] = float(value)

    inps.laloStep = [inps.latStep, inps.lonStep]
    if None in inps.laloStep:
        inps.laloStep = None
    return inps
Exemplo n.º 7
def check_obsolete_default_template(inps):
    """Update pysarApp_template.txt file if it's obsolete, a.k.a. lack new option names"""
    template_file = os.path.join(inps.workDir, 'pysarApp_template.txt')
    obsolete_template = False
    current_dict = readfile.read_template(template_file)
    latest_dict = readfile.read_template(inps.autoTemplateFile)
    for key in latest_dict.keys():
        if key not in current_dict.keys():
            obsolete_template = True

    if obsolete_template:
        print('obsolete default template detected, update to the latest template options.')
        shutil.copy2(inps.autoTemplateFile, inps.workDir)
        template_file = ut.update_template_file(template_file, current_dict)
        print('latest template file detected:', template_file)
    return template_file
Exemplo n.º 8
def check_obsolete_default_template(template_file='./pysarApp_template.txt'):
    """Update pysarApp_template.txt file if it's obsolete, a.k.a. lack new option names"""
    obsolete_template = False
    current_dict = readfile.read_template(template_file)
    latest_dict = readfile.read_template(TEMPLATE)
    for key in latest_dict.keys():
        if key not in current_dict.keys():
            obsolete_template = True

    if obsolete_template:
            'obsolete default template detected, update to the latest template options.'
        with open(template_file, 'w') as f:
        template_file = ut.update_template_file(template_file, current_dict)
        print('default template file exists: ' + template_file)
    return template_file
Exemplo n.º 9
def read_template2inps(template_file, inps=None):
    """Read input template options into Namespace inps"""
    if not inps:
        inps = cmd_line_parse()
    inpsDict = vars(inps)
    print('read options from template file: '+os.path.basename(template_file))
    template = readfile.read_template(inps.template_file)
    template = ut.check_template_auto_value(template)

    # Update inps if key existed in template file
    prefix = 'pysar.network.'
    keyList = [i for i in list(inpsDict.keys()) if prefix+i in template.keys()]
    for key in keyList:
        value = template[prefix+key]
        if key in ['coherenceBased', 'keepMinSpanTree']:
            inpsDict[key] = value
        elif value:
            if key in ['minCoherence', 'tempBaseMax', 'perpBaseMax']:
                inpsDict[key] = float(value)
            elif key in ['connNumMax']:
                inpsDict[key] = int(value)
            elif key in ['maskFile', 'referenceFile']:
                inpsDict[key] = value
            elif key == 'aoiYX':
                tmp = [i.strip() for i in value.split(',')]
                sub_y = sorted([int(i.strip()) for i in tmp[0].split(':')])
                sub_x = sorted([int(i.strip()) for i in tmp[1].split(':')])
                inps.aoi_pix_box = (sub_x[0], sub_y[0], sub_x[1], sub_y[1])
            elif key == 'aoiLALO':
                tmp = [i.strip() for i in value.split(',')]
                sub_lat = sorted([float(i.strip()) for i in tmp[0].split(':')])
                sub_lon = sorted([float(i.strip()) for i in tmp[1].split(':')])
                inps.aoi_geo_box = (sub_lon[0], sub_lat[1], sub_lon[1], sub_lat[0])
                # Check lookup file
                if not inps.lookupFile:
                    print('Warning: no lookup table file found! Can not use '+key+' option without it.')
                    print('skip this option.')
                    inps.aoi_pix_box = None
            elif key in ['startDate', 'endDate']:
                inpsDict[key] = ptime.yyyymmdd(value)
            elif key == 'excludeDate':
                inpsDict[key] = ptime.yyyymmdd(value.replace(',', ' ').split())
            elif key == 'excludeIfgIndex':
                inpsDict[key] += value.replace(',', ' ').split()
                inps.excludeIfgIndex = read_input_index_list(inps.excludeIfgIndex, stackFile=inps.file)

    # Turn reset on if 1) no input options found to drop ifgram AND 2) there is template input
    if all(not i for i in [inps.referenceFile, inps.tempBaseMax, inps.perpBaseMax, inps.connNumMax,
                           inps.excludeIfgIndex, inps.excludeDate, inps.coherenceBased,
                           inps.startDate, inps.endDate, inps.reset, inps.manual]):
        print('No input option found to remove interferogram')
        print('Keep all interferograms by enable --reset option')
        inps.reset = True
    return inps
Exemplo n.º 10
def read_template2inps(templateFile, inps=None):
    """Update inps with options from templateFile"""
    if not inps:
        inps = cmd_line_parse()
    template = readfile.read_template(templateFile)
    template = ut.check_template_auto_value(template)

    key = 'pysar.reference.date'
    if key in template.keys() and template[key]:
        inps.refDate = template[key]
    return inps
Exemplo n.º 11
def read_inps2dict(inps):
    print('read options from template file: '+os.path.basename(inps.templateFile))
    template = readfile.read_template(inps.templateFile)
    template = ut.check_template_auto_value(template)

    iDict = vars(inps)
    key_prefix = 'isce.'
    key_list = [i.split(key_prefix)[1] for i in template.keys() if i.startswith(key_prefix)]
    for key in key_list:
        iDict[key] = template[key_prefix+key]
    return iDict
Exemplo n.º 12
def read_inps2dict(inps):
    """Read input Namespace object info into inpsDict"""
    # Read input info into inpsDict
    inpsDict = vars(inps)
    inpsDict['PLATFORM'] = None

    # Read template file
    template = {}
    for fname in inps.template_file:
        temp = readfile.read_template(fname)
        temp = ut.check_template_auto_value(temp)
    for key, value in template.items():
        inpsDict[key] = value
    if 'processor' in template.keys():
        template['pysar.load.processor'] = template['processor']

    prefix = 'pysar.load.'
    key_list = [
        i.split(prefix)[1] for i in template.keys() if i.startswith(prefix)
    for key in key_list:
        value = template[prefix + key]
        if key in ['processor', 'updateMode', 'compression']:
            inpsDict[key] = template[prefix + key]
        elif value:
            inpsDict[prefix + key] = template[prefix + key]

    if inpsDict['compression'] == False:
        inpsDict['compression'] = None

    if not inpsDict['PROJECT_NAME']:
        inpsDict['PROJECT_NAME'] = sensor.project_name2sensor_name(
    inpsDict['PLATFORM'] = sensor.project_name2sensor_name(
    if inpsDict['PLATFORM']:
        print('platform : {}'.format(inpsDict['PLATFORM']))
    print('processor: {}'.format(inpsDict['processor']))

    # Here to insert code to check default file path for miami user
    if (auto_path.autoPath and 'SCRATCHDIR' in os.environ
            and inpsDict['PROJECT_NAME'] is not None):
        print(('check auto path setting for Univ of Miami users'
               ' for processor: {}'.format(inpsDict['processor'])))
        inpsDict = auto_path.get_auto_path(
    return inpsDict
Exemplo n.º 13
def read_template2inps(template_file, inps=None):
    """Read input template options into Namespace inps"""
    if not inps:
        inps = cmd_line_parse()
    inpsDict = vars(inps)
    print('read options from tempalte file: '+os.path.basename(inps.template_file))
    template = readfile.read_template(template_file)
    template = ut.check_template_auto_value(template)

    key_list = [i for i in list(inpsDict.keys()) if key_prefix+i in template.keys()]
    for key in key_list:
        value = template[key_prefix+key]
        if value:
            if key in ['waterMaskFile']:
                inpsDict[key] = value
    return inps
Exemplo n.º 14
def read_input_attribute(argv, print_msg=True):
    atr_new = dict()
    for i in range(1, len(argv)):
        if os.path.isfile(argv[i]):
            atr_tmp = readfile.read_template(argv[i])
            atr_tmp = argv[i].split('=')
            atr_new[atr_tmp[0].strip()] = atr_tmp[1].strip()

    if print_msg:
            "The following attributes will be added/updated, or removed if new value is 'None':"
    return atr_new
Exemplo n.º 15
def create_custom_template(custom_template_file, work_dir):
    """ Creates or restores custom template file. """

    if custom_template_file:
        # Copy custom template file to work directory
        if utils.run_or_skip(os.path.basename(custom_template_file),
                             check_readable=False) == 'run':
            shutil.copy2(custom_template_file, work_dir)

        # Read custom template
            'read custom template file: {}'.format(custom_template_file))
        return readfile.read_template(custom_template_file)
        return dict()
Exemplo n.º 16
def read_template2inps(template_file, inps=None):
    """Read input template options into Namespace inps"""
    if not inps:
        inps = cmd_line_parse()

    print('read options from tempalte file: ' + os.path.basename(inps.template_file))
    template = readfile.read_template(inps.template_file)
    prefix = 'pysar.unwrapError.'

    key = prefix+'method'
    if key in template.keys():
        value = template[key]
        if value in ['bridging', 'phase_closure']:
            inps.method = value
        elif value not in ['auto', 'no']:
            inps.method = None
            print('Unrecognized input for %s: %s' % (key, value))

    key = prefix+'maskFile'
    if key in template.keys():
        value = template[key]
        if value not in ['auto', 'no']:
            inps.mask_file = value

    key = prefix+'yx'
    if key in template.keys():
        value = template[key]
        if value not in ['auto', 'no']:
            yx = value.replace(';', ' ').replace(',', ' ').split()
            yx = [int(i) for i in yx]
            inps.y = yx[0::2]
            inps.x = yx[1::2]

    key = prefix+'ramp'
    if key in template.keys():
        value = template[key]
        if value in ['auto']:
            inps.ramp_type = 'plane'
        elif value in ['plane', 'quadratic']:
            inps.ramp_type = value
            print('Unrecognized input for %s: %s' % (key, value))

    return inps
Exemplo n.º 17
def read_template2inps(templateFile, inps):
    """Update inps with pysar.residualRms.* option from templateFile"""
    if not inps:
        inps = cmd_line_parse()
    inpsDict = vars(inps)
    print('read options from template file: '+os.path.basename(templateFile))
    template = readfile.read_template(templateFile)
    template = ut.check_template_auto_value(template)

    prefix = 'pysar.residualRms.'
    keyList = [i for i in list(inpsDict.keys()) if prefix+i in template.keys()]
    for key in keyList:
        value = template[prefix+key]
        if value:
            if key in ['maskFile', 'ramp']:
                inpsDict[key] = value
            elif key in ['cutoff']:
                inpsDict[key] = float(value)
    return inps
Exemplo n.º 18
def read_subset_template2box(template_file):
    """Read pysar.subset.lalo/yx option from template file into box type
    Return None if not specified.
    tmpl = readfile.read_template(template_file)
        sub = [i.strip() for i in tmpl['pysar.subset.lalo'].split(',')]
        sub_lat = sorted([float(i.strip()) for i in sub[0].split(':')])
        sub_lon = sorted([float(i.strip()) for i in sub[1].split(':')])
        geo_box = (sub_lon[0], sub_lat[1], sub_lon[1], sub_lat[0])
        geo_box = None
        sub = [i.strip() for i in tmpl['pysar.subset.yx'].split(',')]
        sub_y = sorted([int(i.strip()) for i in sub[0].split(':')])
        sub_x = sorted([int(i.strip()) for i in sub[1].split(':')])
        pix_box = (sub_x[0], sub_y[0], sub_x[1], sub_y[1])
        pix_box = None
    return pix_box, geo_box
Exemplo n.º 19
def read_template2inps(template_file, inps):
    """Read input template options into Namespace inps"""
    if not inps:
        inps = cmd_line_parse()
    inpsDict = vars(inps)
    template = readfile.read_template(template_file)
    template = ut.check_template_auto_value(template)

    keyList = [
        i for i in list(inpsDict.keys()) if key_prefix + i in template.keys()
    for key in keyList:
        value = template[key_prefix + key]
        if key in ['maskDataset']:
            inpsDict[key] = value
        elif value:
            if key in ['maskThreshold']:
                inpsDict[key] = float(value)
            elif key in ['weightFunc', 'residualNorm', 'waterMaskFile']:
                inpsDict[key] = value
    return inps
Exemplo n.º 20
def read_template2inps(template_file, inps=None):
    """Read input template file into inps.excludeDate"""
    if not inps:
        inps = cmd_line_parse()
    inpsDict = vars(inps)
    print('read options from template file: '+os.path.basename(template_file))
    template = readfile.read_template(inps.template_file)
    template = ut.check_template_auto_value(template)

    # Read template option
    keyList = [i for i in list(inpsDict.keys()) if key_prefix+i in template.keys()]
    for key in keyList:
        value = template[key_prefix+key]
        if key in ['phaseVelocity']:
            inpsDict[key] = value
        elif value:
            if key in ['polyOrder']:
                inpsDict[key] = int(value)
            elif key in ['excludeDate','stepFuncDate']:
                inpsDict[key] = ptime.yyyymmdd(value.replace(',', ' ').split())
    return inps
Exemplo n.º 21
def read_template2inps(template_file, inps=None):
    """Read input template options into Namespace inps"""
    if not inps:
        inps = cmd_line_parse()

    print('read options from template file: ' +
    template = readfile.read_template(template_file)

    # Coherence-based network modification
    prefix = 'pysar.save.hdfEos5.'

    key = prefix + 'update'
    if key in template.keys() and template[key] == 'yes':
        inps.update = True

    key = prefix + 'subset'
    if key in template.keys() and template[key] == 'yes':
        inps.subset = True

    return inps
Exemplo n.º 22
def read_template2inps(template_file, inps=None):
    """Read input template file into inps.ex_date"""
    if not inps:
        inps = cmd_line_parse()
    template = readfile.read_template(template_file)

    # Read template option
    prefix = 'pysar.topographicResidual.'

    key = prefix+'polyOrder'
    if key in template.keys():
        value = template[key]
        if value == 'auto':
            inps.poly_order = 2
            inps.poly_order = int(value)

    key = prefix+'excludeDate'
    if key in template.keys():
        value = template[key]
        if value not in ['auto', 'no']:
            value = value.replace(',', ' ').split()
            value = ptime.yyyymmdd(value)
            inps.ex_date += value

    key = prefix+'stepFuncDate'
    if key in template.keys():
        value = template[key]
        if value not in ['auto', 'no']:
            value = value.replace(',', ' ').split()
            value = ptime.yyyymmdd(value)
            inps.step_date += value

    key = prefix+'phaseVelocity'
    if key in template.keys():
        value = template[key]
        if value.lower() not in ['auto', 'no']:
            inps.min_phase_velocity = True

    return inps
Exemplo n.º 23
def read_template2inps(template_file, inps=None):
    """Read input template options into Namespace inps"""
    if not inps:
        inps = cmd_line_parse()
    inpsDict = vars(inps)
    print('read options from template file: ' +
    template = readfile.read_template(inps.template_file)
    template = ut.check_template_auto_value(template)

    # Coherence-based network modification
    prefix = 'pysar.network.'
    key = prefix + 'maskFile'
    if key in template.keys():
        if template[key]:
            inps.maskFile = template[key]

    key = prefix + 'minCoherence'
    if key in template.keys():
        if template[key]:
            inps.coh_thres = float(template[key])
    return inps
Exemplo n.º 24
def check_template_auto_value(templateDict, auto_file='../defaults/pysarApp.cfg'):
    """Replace auto value based on $PYSAR_HOME/pysar/defaults/template.cfg file."""
    # Read default template value and turn yes/no to True/False
    templateAutoFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), auto_file)
    templateAutoDict = readfile.read_template(templateAutoFile)

    # Update auto value of input template dict
    for key, value in templateDict.items():
        if value == 'auto' and key in templateAutoDict.keys():
            templateDict[key] = templateAutoDict[key]

    # Change yes --> True and no --> False
    specialValues = {'yes': True,
                     'True': True,
                     'no': False,
                     'False': False,
                     'none': None,
    for key, value in templateDict.items():
        if value in specialValues.keys():
            templateDict[key] = specialValues[value]
    return templateDict
Exemplo n.º 25
    def _read_template(self):
        # read custom template, to:
        # 1) update default template
        # 2) add metadata to ifgramStack file and HDF-EOS5 file
        self.customTemplate = None
        if self.customTemplateFile:
            cfile = self.customTemplateFile
            # Copy custom template file to INPUTS directory for backup
            inputs_dir = os.path.join(self.workDir, 'INPUTS')
            if not os.path.isdir(inputs_dir):
                print('create directory:', inputs_dir)
            if ut.run_or_skip(out_file=os.path.join(inputs_dir,
                              check_readable=False) == 'run':
                shutil.copy2(cfile, inputs_dir)
                print('copy {} to INPUTS directory for backup.'.format(

            # Read custom template
            print('read custom template file:', cfile)
            cdict = readfile.read_template(cfile)

            # correct some loose type errors
            standardValues = {
                'def': 'auto',
                'default': 'auto',
                'y': 'yes',
                'on': 'yes',
                'true': 'yes',
                'n': 'no',
                'off': 'no',
                'false': 'no'
            for key, value in cdict.items():
                if value in standardValues.keys():
                    cdict[key] = standardValues[value]

            for key in ['pysar.deramp', 'pysar.troposphericDelay.method']:
                if key in cdict.keys():
                    cdict[key] = cdict[key].lower().replace('-', '_')

            if 'processor' in cdict.keys():
                cdict['pysar.load.processor'] = cdict['processor']

            # these metadata are used in load_data.py only, not needed afterwards
            # (in order to manually add extra offset when the lookup table is shifted)
            # (seen in ROI_PAC product sometimes)
            for key in ['SUBSET_XMIN', 'SUBSET_YMIN']:
                if key in cdict.keys():

            self.customTemplate = dict(cdict)

            # Update default template file based on custom template
            print('update default template based on input custom template')
            self.templateFile = ut.update_template_file(
                self.templateFile, self.customTemplate)

        print('read default template file:', self.templateFile)
        self.template = readfile.read_template(self.templateFile)
        self.template = ut.check_template_auto_value(self.template)

        # correct some loose setup conflicts
        if self.template['pysar.geocode'] is False:
            for key in ['pysar.save.hdfEos5', 'pysar.save.kmz']:
                if self.template[key] is True:
                    self.template['pysar.geocode'] = True
                    print('Turn ON pysar.geocode in order to run {}.'.format(
Exemplo n.º 26
def read_template2inps(templateFile, inps=None):
    """Read network options from template file into Namespace variable inps"""
    if not inps:
        inps = cmd_line_parse()
    inpsDict = vars(inps)

    # Read template file
    template = readfile.read_template(templateFile)
    template = ut.check_template_auto_value(
        template, auto_file='../defaults/selectNetwork.cfg')
    if not template:
        log('Empty template: ' + templateFile)
        return None

    prefix = 'selectNetwork.'
    # Check obsolete option prefix
    for i in ['selectPairs.', 'select.network.']:
        if any(i in key for key in template.keys()):
            msg = 'obsolete option prefix detected: {}\n'.format(i)
            msg += 'Use {} instead'.format(prefix)
            raise Exception(msg)
    if all(prefix not in key for key in template.keys()):
        msg = 'no valid input option deteced in template file!\n'
        msg += 'Check the template below for supported options:\n'
        msg += TEMPLATE
        raise Exception(msg)

    # convert template into inpsDict
    keyList = [
        i for i in list(inpsDict.keys()) if prefix + i in template.keys()
    for key in keyList:
        value = template[prefix + key]
        # bool
        if key in ['keepSeasonal']:
            inpsDict[key] = value
        elif value:
            # str
            if key in ['method', 'referenceFile', 'tempPerpList']:
                inpsDict[key] = value
            # date in YYYYMMDD
            elif key in ['masterDate', 'startDate', 'endDate']:
                inpsDict[key] = ptime.yyyymmdd(value)
            # list of dates in YYYYMMDD
            elif key in ['excludeDate']:
                inps.excludeDate = ptime.yyyymmdd(
                    [i.strip() for i in value.split(',')])
            # float
            elif key in [
                    'perpBaseMax', 'tempBaseMax', 'tempBaseMin',
                inpsDict[key] = float(value)
            # int
            elif key in ['connNum']:
                inpsDict[key] = int(value)

    # read tempPerpList from str
    if isinstance(inps.tempPerpList, str):
        inps.tempPerpList = [[float(j) for j in i.split(',')]
                             for i in inps.tempPerpList.split(';')]

    # Initial network using input methods
    inps.method = inps.method.lower().replace('-', '_')
    if inps.method in ['star', 'ps']:
        inps.method = 'star'
    elif inps.method.startswith('seq'):
        inps.method = 'sequential'
    elif inps.method.startswith('hierar'):
        inps.method = 'hierarchical'
    elif inps.method in ['mst', 'min_spanning_tree', 'minimum_spanning_tree']:
        inps.method = 'mst'

    # for coherence prediction
    key = 'PLATFORM'
    if key in template.keys() and not inps.sensor:
        inps.sensor = template[key]

    key = 'COH_COLOR_JUMP'
    if key in template.keys():
        inps.coh_thres = float(template[key])

    # project name and sensor
    project_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inps.template_file))[0]
    log('project name: ' + project_name)
    if not inps.sensor:
        inps.sensor = sensor.project_name2sensor(project_name)[0]

    # Output directory/filename
    if not inps.outfile:
        if autoPath and 'SCRATCHDIR' in os.environ:
            inps.out_dir = os.getenv(
                'SCRATCHDIR') + '/' + project_name + '/PROCESS'
                inps.out_dir = os.path.dirname(
                inps.out_dir = os.path.dirname(
        inps.outfile = inps.out_dir + '/ifgram_list.txt'

    # Auto path of bl_list.txt file (for Miami user)
    if not inps.baseline_file and autoPath and 'SCRATCHDIR' in os.environ:
        bl_file = os.path.join(os.getenv('SCRATCHDIR'),
        if os.path.isfile(bl_file):
            inps.baseline_file = bl_file

    if not inps.referenceFile and not inps.baseline_file:
        raise Exception(
            'No baseline file or reference file found! At least one is required.'

    return inps
Exemplo n.º 27
def read_template(inps):
    print('\n**********  Read Template File  **********')
    # default template
    inps.templateFile = os.path.join(inps.workDir, 'pysarApp_template.txt')
    if not os.path.isfile(inps.templateFile):
        print('generate default template file:', inps.templateFile)
        shutil.copy2(inps.autoTemplateFile, inps.workDir)

    # custom template
    customTemplate = None
    if inps.customTemplateFile:
        # Copy custom template file to work directory
        inputs_dir = os.path.join(inps.workDir, 'INPUTS')
        if ut.run_or_skip(out_file=os.path.join(inputs_dir, os.path.basename(inps.customTemplateFile)),
                          check_readable=False) == 'run':
            if not os.path.isdir(inputs_dir):
                print('create directory:', inputs_dir)
            shutil.copy2(inps.customTemplateFile, inputs_dir)
            print('copy {} to INPUTS directory'.format(os.path.basename(inps.customTemplateFile)))

        # Read custom template
        print('read custom template file:', inps.customTemplateFile)
        customTemplate = readfile.read_template(inps.customTemplateFile)
        # correct some loose type errors
        standardValues = {'def':'auto', 'default':'auto',
                          'y':'yes', 'on':'yes', 'true':'yes',
                          'n':'no', 'off':'no', 'false':'no'
        for key, value in customTemplate.items():
            if value in standardValues.keys():
                customTemplate[key] = standardValues[value]
        for key in ['pysar.deramp', 'pysar.troposphericDelay.method']:
            if key in customTemplate.keys():
                customTemplate[key] = customTemplate[key].lower().replace('-', '_')
        if 'processor' in customTemplate.keys():
            customTemplate['pysar.load.processor'] = customTemplate['processor']
        for key in ['SUBSET_XMIN', 'SUBSET_YMIN']:
            if key in customTemplate.keys():

        # Update default template with custom input template
        print('update default template based on input custom template')
        inps.templateFile = ut.update_template_file(inps.templateFile, customTemplate)

    if inps.generate_template:
        raise SystemExit('Exit as planned after template file generation.')

    print('read default template file:', inps.templateFile)
    template = readfile.read_template(inps.templateFile)
    template = ut.check_template_auto_value(template)

    # Get existing files name: unavco_attributes.txt
        inps.unavcoMetadataFile = ut.get_file_list('unavco_attribute*txt', abspath=True)[0]
        inps.unavcoMetadataFile = None
        print('No UNAVCO attributes file found.')

    return inps, template, customTemplate
Exemplo n.º 28
def main(argv):
    messageRsmas.log(' '.join(argv))
    inps = dem_parser()
    custom_template = readfile.read_template(inps.custom_template_file)
    cwd = make_dem_dir()

    if 'sentinelStack.demMethod' not in list(custom_template.keys()):
        custom_template['sentinelStack.demMethod'] = '?'

    if custom_template['sentinelStack.demMethod'] == 'bbox' or custom_template[
            'sentinelStack.demMethod'] == 'isce' or inps.isce:
        print('You hace started isce')
        bbox = custom_template['sentinelStack.boundingBox']
        south = bbox.split(' ')[0].split('\'')[
            1]  # assumes quotes '-1 0.15 -91.3 -91.0'
        north = bbox.split(' ')[1]
        west = bbox.split(' ')[2]
        east = bbox.split(' ')[3].split('\'')[0]

        south = round(float(south) - 0.5)
        north = round(float(north) + 0.5)
        west = round(float(west) - 0.5)
        east = round(float(east) + 0.5)

        demBbox = str(int(south)) + ' ' + str(int(north)) + ' ' + str(
            int(west)) + ' ' + str(int(east))
        cmd = 'dem.py -a stitch -b ' + demBbox + ' -c -u https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MEASURES/SRTMGL1.003/2000.02.11/'

            output = subprocess.check_output(cmd,
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
            print("Command failed. Exit code, StdErr:", exc.returncode,
            sys.exit('Error produced by dem.py')
            if 'Could not create a stitched DEM. Some tiles are missing' in output:
                sys.exit('Error in dem.py: Tiles are missing. Ocean???')

        xmlFile = glob.glob('demLat_*.wgs84.xml')[0]
        fin = open(xmlFile, 'r')
        fout = open("tmp.txt", "wt")
        for line in fin:
            fout.write(line.replace('demLat', cwd + '/demLat'))
        os.rename('tmp.txt', xmlFile)

    elif custom_template['sentinelStack.demMethod'] == 'ssara' or inps.ssara:
        call_ssara_dem(custom_template, inps, cwd)
        print('You have finished SSARA!')
        sys.ext('Error unspported demMethod option: ' +

    print('End of dem_rsmas.py')
Exemplo n.º 29
def main(argv):

    messageRsmas.log(' '.join(argv))
    inps = dem_parser()
    custom_template = readfile.read_template(inps.custom_template_file)
    cwd = make_dem_dir()

    # can sentinelStack.demMethod be removed? I think parser is the replacement
    if 'sentinelStack.demMethod' not in custom_template.keys():
        custom_template['sentinelStack.demMethod'] = 'bbox'

    if custom_template['sentinelStack.demMethod'] == 'bbox':
        bbox = custom_template['sentinelStack.boundingBox']
        south = bbox.split(' ')[0].split('\'')[
            1]  # assumes quotes '-1 0.15 -91.3 -91.0'
        north = bbox.split(' ')[1]
        west = bbox.split(' ')[2]
        east = bbox.split(' ')[3].split('\'')[0]
    elif custom_template['sentinelStack.demMethod'] == 'ssara':
        call_ssara_dem(custom_template, inps)
        cmd = 'ssara_federated_query.py ' + custom_template[
            'ssaraopt'] + ' --dem'
        output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
        output = output.split("\n")
        for line in output:
            if line.startswith("wget"):
                coordList = line.split("?")[1].split("&")[0:4]
                for item in coordList:
                    if "north" in item:
                        north = item.split("=")[1]
                    if "south" in item:
                        south = item.split("=")[1]
                    if "east" in item:
                        east = item.split("=")[1]
                    if "west" in item:
                        west = item.split("=")[1]
        sys.ext('Error unspported demMethod option: ' +

    if inps.ssara:
        call_ssara_dem(custom_template, inps)
        print('####### CONTINUED')
        print('not ssara')
    south = round(float(south) - 0.5)
    north = round(float(north) + 0.5)
    west = round(float(west) - 0.5)
    east = round(float(east) + 0.5)

    demBbox = str(int(south)) + ' ' + str(int(north)) + ' ' + str(
        int(west)) + ' ' + str(int(east))
    cmd = 'dem.py -a stitch -b ' + demBbox + ' -c -u https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MEASURES/SRTMGL1.003/2000.02.11/'

        output = subprocess.check_output(cmd,
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
        print("Command failed. Exit code, StdErr:", exc.returncode, exc.output)
        sys.exit('Error produced by dem.py')
        #print("Success.        StdOut \n{}\n".format(output))
        if 'Could not create a stitched DEM. Some tiles are missing' in output:
            sys.exit('Error in dem.py: Tiles are missing. Ocean???')

    xmlFile = glob.glob('demLat_*.wgs84.xml')[0]
    fin = open(xmlFile, 'r')
    fout = open("tmp.txt", "wt")
    for line in fin:
        fout.write(line.replace('demLat', cwd + '/demLat'))
    os.rename('tmp.txt', xmlFile)

    print '\n###############################################'
    print 'End of dem_rsmas.py'
    print '################################################\n'
Exemplo n.º 30
def read_stripmap_baseline(baseline_file):
    fDict = readfile.read_template(baseline_file, delimiter=' ')
    bperp_top = float(fDict['PERP_BASELINE_TOP'])
    bperp_bottom = float(fDict['PERP_BASELINE_BOTTOM'])
    return [bperp_top, bperp_bottom]