Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_lsoda_jac_solver_run(self):
     """Test lsoda and analytic jacobian."""
     solver_lsoda_jac = ScipyOdeSimulator(self.model,
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_integrate_with_expression():
    """Ensure a model with Expressions simulates."""


    # Parameters should be able to contain s(\d+) without error
    Parameter('ka20', 1e5)

    Initial(s9(), Parameter('s9_0', 10000))

    Observable('s1_obs', s1())
    Observable('s9_obs', s9())
    Observable('s16_obs', s16())
    Observable('s20_obs', s20())

    Expression('keff', (ks0*ka20)/(ka20+s9_obs))

    Rule('R1', None >> s16(), ks0)
    Rule('R2', None >> s20(), ks0)
    Rule('R3', s16() + s20() >> s16() + s1(), keff)

    time = np.linspace(0, 40)
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(model, tspan=time)
    simres = sim.run()
    keff_vals = simres.expressions['keff']
    assert len(keff_vals) == len(time)
    assert np.allclose(keff_vals, 1.8181818181818182e-05)
Exemplo n.º 3
class Earm10ODESuite(object):
    def setup(self):
        self.nsims = 100
        self.timer = timeit.default_timer
        self.model = earm_1_0.model
        self.parameter_set = np.repeat(
            [[p.value for p in self.model.parameters]], self.nsims, axis=0)
        integrator_options_common = {
            'model': self.model,
            'tspan': np.linspace(0, 1000, 101),
            'atol': 1e-6,
            'rtol': 1e-6,
            'mxsteps': 20000,
            'param_values': self.parameter_set

        self.sim_lsoda = ScipyOdeSimulator(integrator='lsoda',
        self.sim_cupsoda = CupSodaSimulator(**integrator_options_common)

    def time_scipy_lsoda(self):

    def time_cupsoda(self):
Exemplo n.º 4
def parameter_sweep(model, sigma, ns):
    logp = [numpy.log10(p.value) for p in model.parameters]
    ts = numpy.linspace(0, 20 * 3600, 20 * 60)
    solver = Solver(model, ts)
    plt.figure(figsize=(1.8, 1), dpi=300)
    for i in range(ns):
        psample = sample_params(logp, 0.05)
        res = solver.run(param_values=psample)
        signal = res.observables['p53_active']
        plt.plot(signal, color=(0.7, 0.7, 0.7), alpha=0.3)
    # Highlighted
    colors = ['g', 'y', 'c']
    for c in colors:
        psample = sample_params(logp, 0.05)
        res = solver.run(param_values=psample)
        signal = res.observables['p53_active']
        plt.plot(signal, c)

    # Nominal
    solver = Solver(model, ts)
    res = solver.run()
    signal = res.observables['p53_active']
    plt.plot(signal, 'r')

    plt.xlabel('Time (a.u.)', fontsize=7)
    plt.ylabel('Active p53', fontsize=7)
    plt.savefig(model.name + '_sample.pdf')
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_simres_dataframe():
    """ Test SimulationResult.dataframe() """

    tspan1 = np.linspace(0, 100, 100)
    tspan2 = np.linspace(50, 100, 50)
    tspan3 = np.linspace(100, 150, 100)
    model = tyson_oscillator.model
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(model, integrator='lsoda')
    simres1 = sim.run(tspan=tspan1)
    # Check retrieving a single simulation dataframe
    df_single = simres1.dataframe

    # Generate multiple trajectories
    trajectories1 = simres1.species
    trajectories2 = sim.run(tspan=tspan2).species
    trajectories3 = sim.run(tspan=tspan3).species

    # Try a simulation result with two different tspan lengths
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(model, param_values={'k6' : [1.,1.]}, integrator='lsoda')
    simres = SimulationResult(sim, [tspan1, tspan2], [trajectories1, trajectories2])
    df = simres.dataframe

    assert df.shape == (len(tspan1) + len(tspan2),
                        len(model.species) + len(model.observables))

    # Next try a simulation result with two identical tspan lengths, stacked
    # into a single 3D array of trajectories
    simres2 = SimulationResult(sim, [tspan1, tspan3],
                               np.stack([trajectories1, trajectories3]))
    df2 = simres2.dataframe

    assert df2.shape == (len(tspan1) + len(tspan3),
                         len(model.species) + len(model.observables))
Exemplo n.º 6
def parameter_sweep(model, sigma, ns):
    logp = [numpy.log10(p.value) for p in model.parameters]
    ts = numpy.linspace(0, 20*3600, 20*60)
    solver = Solver(model, ts)
    plt.figure(figsize=(1.8, 1), dpi=300)
    for i in range(ns):
        psample = sample_params(logp, 0.05)
        res = solver.run(param_values=psample)
        signal = res.observables['p53_active']
        plt.plot(signal, color=(0.7, 0.7, 0.7), alpha=0.3)
    # Highlighted
    colors = ['g', 'y', 'c']
    for c in colors:
        psample = sample_params(logp, 0.05)
        res = solver.run(param_values=psample)
        signal = res.observables['p53_active']
        plt.plot(signal, c)

    # Nominal
    solver = Solver(model, ts)
    res = solver.run()
    signal = res.observables['p53_active']
    plt.plot(signal, 'r')

    plt.xlabel('Time (a.u.)', fontsize=7)
    plt.ylabel('Active p53', fontsize=7)
    plt.savefig(model.name + '_sample.pdf')
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_unicode_obsname_nonascii():
     """Ensure non-ascii unicode observable names error in python 2."""
     t = np.linspace(0, 100)
     rob_copy = copy.deepcopy(robertson.model)
     rob_copy.observables[0].name = u'A_total\u1234'
     sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(rob_copy)
     simres = sim.run(tspan=t)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_integrate_with_expression():
    """Ensure a model with Expressions simulates."""


    # Parameters should be able to contain s(\d+) without error
    Parameter('ks0', 2e-5)
    Parameter('ka20', 1e5)

    Initial(s9(), Parameter('s9_0', 10000))

    Observable('s1_obs', s1())
    Observable('s9_obs', s9())
    Observable('s16_obs', s16())
    Observable('s20_obs', s20())

    Expression('keff', (ks0 * ka20) / (ka20 + s9_obs))

    Rule('R1', None >> s16(), ks0)
    Rule('R2', None >> s20(), ks0)
    Rule('R3', s16() + s20() >> s16() + s1(), keff)

    time = np.linspace(0, 40)
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(model, tspan=time)
    simres = sim.run()
    keff_vals = simres.expressions['keff']
    assert len(keff_vals) == len(time)
    assert np.allclose(keff_vals, 1.8181818181818182e-05)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_unicode_obsname_nonascii():
     """Ensure non-ascii unicode observable names error in python 2."""
     t = np.linspace(0, 100)
     rob_copy = copy.deepcopy(robertson.model)
     rob_copy.observables[0].name = u'A_total\u1234'
     sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(rob_copy)
     simres = sim.run(tspan=t)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def setup(self):
        self.nsims = 100
        self.timer = timeit.default_timer
        self.model = earm_1_0.model
        self.parameter_set = np.repeat(
            [[p.value for p in self.model.parameters]], self.nsims, axis=0)
        integrator_options_common = {
            'model': self.model,
            'tspan': np.linspace(0, 20000, 101),
            'param_values': self.parameter_set

        self.sim_lsoda = ScipyOdeSimulator(
            integrator_options={'atol': 1e-6, 'rtol': 1e-6, 'mxstep': 20000},
        self.sim_lsoda_no_compiler_directives = ScipyOdeSimulator(
            integrator_options={'atol': 1e-6, 'rtol': 1e-6, 'mxstep': 20000},

        self.sim_cupsoda = CupSodaSimulator(
            integrator_options={'atol': 1e-6, 'rtol': 1e-6, 'max_steps': 20000},
Exemplo n.º 11
def param_sweep(param, low, high, outputs):
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(m.model, te)
    results = []
    params = {'k1': 0.03, 'k2': 10000}
    for k in np.linspace(low, high, 10):
        params['k3'] = k3
        result = sim.run(param_values=params)
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_earm_integration():
    """Ensure earm_1_0 model simulates."""
    t = np.linspace(0, 1e3)
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(earm_1_0.model, tspan=t, compiler="python")
    # Also run with cython compiler if available.
    if CythonRhsBuilder.check_safe():
        ScipyOdeSimulator(earm_1_0.model, tspan=t, compiler="cython").run()
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_unicode_obsname_ascii():
    """Ensure ascii-convetible unicode observable names are handled."""
    t = np.linspace(0, 100)
    rob_copy = copy.deepcopy(robertson.model)
    rob_copy.observables[0].name = u'A_total'
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(rob_copy)
    simres = sim.run(tspan=t)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestScipyOdeCompilerTests, self).setUp()
        self.args = {'model': self.model,
                     'tspan': self.time,
                     'integrator': 'vode',
                     'use_analytic_jacobian': True}

        self.python_sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(compiler='python', **self.args)
        self.python_res = self.python_sim.run()
Exemplo n.º 15
def setup_module(module):
    """Doctest fixture for nose."""
    # Distutils' temp directory creation code has a more-or-less unsuppressable
    # print to stdout which will break the doctest which triggers it (via
    # weave.inline). So here we run an end-to-end test of the inlining
    # system to get that print out of the way at a point where it won't matter.
    # As a bonus, the test harness is suppressing writes to stdout at this time
    # anyway so the message is just swallowed silently.
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_unicode_obsname_ascii():
    """Ensure ascii-convetible unicode observable names are handled."""
    t = np.linspace(0, 100)
    rob_copy = copy.deepcopy(robertson.model)
    rob_copy.observables[0].name = u'A_total'
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(rob_copy)
    simres = sim.run(tspan=t)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def test_unicode_exprname_nonascii():
     """Ensure non-ascii unicode expression names error in python 2."""
     t = np.linspace(0, 100)
     rob_copy = copy.deepcopy(robertson.model)
     ab = rob_copy.observables['A_total'] + rob_copy.observables['B_total']
     expr = Expression(u'A_plus_B\u1234', ab, _export=False)
     sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(rob_copy)
     simres = sim.run(tspan=t)
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_earm_integration():
    """Ensure earm_1_0 model simulates."""
    t = np.linspace(0, 1e3)
    # Run with or without inline
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(earm_1_0.model, tspan=t)
    if sim._compiler != 'python':
        # Also run without inline
        ScipyOdeSimulator(earm_1_0.model, tspan=t, compiler='python').run()
Exemplo n.º 19
 def test_unicode_exprname_nonascii():
     """Ensure non-ascii unicode expression names error in python 2."""
     t = np.linspace(0, 100)
     rob_copy = copy.deepcopy(robertson.model)
     ab = rob_copy.observables['A_total'] + rob_copy.observables['B_total']
     expr = Expression(u'A_plus_B\u1234', ab, _export=False)
     sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(rob_copy)
     simres = sim.run(tspan=t)
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_earm_integration():
    """Ensure earm_1_0 model simulates."""
    t = np.linspace(0, 1e3)
    # Run with or without inline
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(earm_1_0.model, tspan=t)
    if sim._compiler != 'python':
        # Also run without inline
        ScipyOdeSimulator(earm_1_0.model, tspan=t, compiler='python').run()
Exemplo n.º 21
def setup_module(module):
    """Doctest fixture for nose."""
    # Distutils' temp directory creation code has a more-or-less unsuppressable
    # print to stdout which will break the doctest which triggers it (via
    # scipy.weave.inline). So here we run an end-to-end test of the inlining
    # system to get that print out of the way at a point where it won't matter.
    # As a bonus, the test harness is suppressing writes to stdout at this time
    # anyway so the message is just swallowed silently.
Exemplo n.º 22
 def _check_parallel(self, integrator, use_analytic_jacobian):
     initials = [[10, 20, 30], [50, 60, 70]]
     sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(self.model,
     base_res = sim.run(initials=initials)
     res = sim.run(initials=initials, num_processors=2)
     assert np.allclose(res.species, base_res.species)
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_save_load_observables_expressions():
    buff = io.BytesIO()
    tspan = np.linspace(0, 100, 100)
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(tyson_oscillator.model, tspan).run()
    sim.save(buff, include_obs_exprs=True)

    sim2 = SimulationResult.load(buff)
    assert len(sim2.observables) == len(tspan)
    # Tyson oscillator doesn't have expressions
    assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: sim2.expressions)
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_earm_integration():
    """Ensure earm_1_0 model simulates."""
    t = np.linspace(0, 1e3)
    # Run with or without inline
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(earm_1_0.model, tspan=t)
    if ScipyOdeSimulator._use_inline:
        # Also run without inline
        ScipyOdeSimulator._use_inline = False
        ScipyOdeSimulator(earm_1_0.model, tspan=t).run()
        ScipyOdeSimulator._use_inline = True
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_unicode_exprname_ascii():
    """Ensure ascii-convetible unicode expression names are handled."""
    t = np.linspace(0, 100)
    rob_copy = copy.deepcopy(robertson.model)
    ab = rob_copy.observables['A_total'] + rob_copy.observables['B_total']
    expr = Expression(u'A_plus_B', ab, _export=False)
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(rob_copy)
    simres = sim.run(tspan=t)
Exemplo n.º 26
 def __init__(self, model, tspan, use_analytic_jacobian=False,
              integrator='vode', cleanup=True,
              verbose=False, **integrator_options):
     self._sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(model, verbose=verbose, tspan=tspan,
                                  integrator=integrator, cleanup=cleanup,
     self.result = None
     self._yexpr_view = None
     self._yobs_view = None
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_unicode_exprname_ascii():
    """Ensure ascii-convetible unicode expression names are handled."""
    t = np.linspace(0, 100)
    rob_copy = copy.deepcopy(robertson.model)
    ab = rob_copy.observables['A_total'] + rob_copy.observables['B_total']
    expr = Expression(u'A_plus_B', ab, _export=False)
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(rob_copy)
    simres = sim.run(tspan=t)
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_earm_integration():
    """Ensure earm_1_0 model simulates."""
    t = np.linspace(0, 1e3)
    # Run with or without inline
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(earm_1_0.model, tspan=t)
    if ScipyOdeSimulator._use_inline:
        # Also run without inline
        ScipyOdeSimulator._use_inline = False
        ScipyOdeSimulator(earm_1_0.model, tspan=t).run()
        ScipyOdeSimulator._use_inline = True
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_robertson_integration():
    """Ensure robertson model simulates."""
    t = np.linspace(0, 100)
    # Run with or without inline
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(robertson.model)
    simres = sim.run(tspan=t)
    assert simres.species.shape[0] == t.shape[0]
    if sim._compiler != 'python':
        # Also run without inline
        sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(robertson.model, tspan=t, compiler='python')
        simres = sim.run()
        assert simres.species.shape[0] == t.shape[0]
Exemplo n.º 30
    def initialize(self, cfg_file=None, mode=None):
        """Initialize the model for simulation, possibly given a config file.

        cfg_file : Optional[str]
            The name of the configuration file to load, optional.
        self.sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(self.model)
        self.state = numpy.array(copy.copy(self.sim.initials)[0])
        self.time = numpy.array(0.0)
        self.status = 'initialized'
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_robertson_integration():
    """Ensure robertson model simulates."""
    t = np.linspace(0, 100)
    # Run with or without inline
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(robertson.model)
    simres = sim.run(tspan=t)
    assert simres.species.shape[0] == t.shape[0]
    if ScipyOdeSimulator._use_inline:
        # Also run without inline
        ScipyOdeSimulator._use_inline = False
        sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(robertson.model, tspan=t)
        simres = sim.run()
        assert simres.species.shape[0] == t.shape[0]
        ScipyOdeSimulator._use_inline = True
Exemplo n.º 32
def plot_arrestin_noarrestin_ppjnk3():
    Plot ppJNK3 activation with and withou arrestin

    # Pre-equilibration
    exp_data = pd.read_csv('../data/exp_data_3min.csv')
    tspan = np.linspace(0, exp_data['Time (secs)'].values[-1], 181)
    solver = ScipyOdeSimulator(model, tspan=tspan)

    pars_arr = np.copy(par_set_calibrated)
    pars_noarr = np.copy(par_set_calibrated)

    # Pre-equilibration
    time_eq = np.linspace(0, 100, 100)
    pars_arr_eq = np.copy(par_set_calibrated)
    pars_noarr_eq = np.copy(par_set_calibrated)

    pars_noarr_eq[arrestin_idx] = 0
    pars_noarr_eq[jnk3_initial_idxs] = [0.5958, 0, 0.0042]

    all_pars = np.stack((pars_arr_eq, pars_noarr_eq))
             kcat_idx] = 0  # Setting catalytic reactions to zero for pre-equilibration
    eq_conc = pre_equilibration(model, time_eq, all_pars)[1]

    # Simulating models with initials from pre-equilibration and parameters for condition with/without arrestin
    sim = solver.run(param_values=[pars_arr, pars_noarr], initials=eq_conc).all

    print((sim[0]['all_jnk3'][-1]) / (sim[1]['all_jnk3'][-1]))
    print(sim[0]['all_jnk3'][-1], sim[1]['all_jnk3'][-1])

             label='ppJNK3 with Arrestin-3')
             label='ppJNK3 no Arrestin-3')
    plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
    plt.ylabel(r' Normalized Concentration')
Exemplo n.º 33
    def setUp(self):
        Monomer('A', ['a'])
        Monomer('B', ['b'])

        Parameter('ksynthA', 100)
        Parameter('ksynthB', 100)
        Parameter('kbindAB', 100)

        Parameter('A_init', 0)
        Parameter('B_init', 0)

        Initial(A(a=None), A_init)
        Initial(B(b=None), B_init)

        Observable("A_free", A(a=None))
        Observable("B_free", B(b=None))
        Observable("AB_complex", A(a=1) % B(b=1))

        Rule('A_synth', None >> A(a=None), ksynthA)
        Rule('B_synth', None >> B(b=None), ksynthB)
        Rule('AB_bind', A(a=None) + B(b=None) >> A(a=1) % B(b=1), kbindAB)

        self.model = model

        # Convenience shortcut for accessing model monomer objects
        self.mon = lambda m: self.model.monomers[m]

        # This timespan is chosen to be enough to trigger a Jacobian evaluation
        # on the various solvers.
        self.time = np.linspace(0, 1)
        self.sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(self.model,
Exemplo n.º 34
def fig_4b():
    print("Simulating model for figure 4B...")

    t = linspace(0, 6 * 3600, 6 * 60 + 1)  # 6 hours
    x = ScipyOdeSimulator(model).run(tspan=t).all

    x_norm = c_[x['Bid_unbound'], x['PARP_unbound'], x['mSmac_unbound']]
    x_norm = 1 - x_norm / x_norm[
        0, :]  # gets away without max() since first values are largest

    # this is what I originally thought 4B was plotting. it's actually very close. -JLM
    #x_norm = array([x['tBid_total'], x['CPARP_total'], x['cSmac_total']]).T
    #x_norm /= x_norm.max(0)

    tp = t / 3600  # x axis as hours

    plt.figure("Figure 4B")
    plt.plot(tp, x_norm[:, 0], 'b', label='IC substrate (tBid)')
    plt.plot(tp, x_norm[:, 1], 'y', label='EC substrate (cPARP)')
    plt.plot(tp, x_norm[:, 2], 'r', label='MOMP (cytosolic Smac)')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1)).draw_frame(False)
    plt.xlabel('Time (hr)')
    a = plt.gca()
    a.set_ylim((-.05, 1.05))
Exemplo n.º 35
class TestScipyOdeCompilerTests(TestScipySimulatorBase):
    """Test vode and analytic jacobian with different compiler backends"""
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestScipyOdeCompilerTests, self).setUp()
        self.args = {'model': self.model,
                     'tspan': self.time,
                     'integrator': 'vode',
                     'use_analytic_jacobian': True}

        self.python_sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(compiler='python', **self.args)
        self.python_res = self.python_sim.run()

    def test_cython(self):
        sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(compiler='cython', **self.args)
        simres = sim.run()
        assert simres.species.shape[0] == self.args['tspan'].shape[0]
        assert np.allclose(self.python_res.dataframe, simres.dataframe)

    def test_theano(self):
        sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(compiler='theano', **self.args)
        simres = sim.run()
        assert simres.species.shape[0] == self.args['tspan'].shape[0]
        assert np.allclose(self.python_res.dataframe, simres.dataframe)

    @unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info.major >= 3, 'weave not available for '
                                                  'Python 3')
    def test_weave(self):
        sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(compiler='weave', **self.args)
        simres = sim.run()
        assert simres.species.shape[0] == self.args['tspan'].shape[0]
        assert np.allclose(self.python_res.dataframe, simres.dataframe)
Exemplo n.º 36
    def setUp(self):
        Monomer('A', ['a'])
        Monomer('B', ['b'])

        Parameter('ksynthA', 100)
        Parameter('ksynthB', 100)
        Parameter('kbindAB', 100)

        Parameter('A_init', 0)
        Parameter('B_init', 0)

        Initial(A(a=None), A_init)
        Initial(B(b=None), B_init)

        Observable("A_free", A(a=None))
        Observable("B_free", B(b=None))
        Observable("AB_complex", A(a=1) % B(b=1))

        Rule('A_synth', None >> A(a=None), ksynthA)
        Rule('B_synth', None >> B(b=None), ksynthB)
        Rule('AB_bind', A(a=None) + B(b=None) >> A(a=1) % B(b=1), kbindAB)

        self.model = model

        # Convenience shortcut for accessing model monomer objects
        self.mon = lambda m: self.model.monomers[m]

        # This timespan is chosen to be enough to trigger a Jacobian evaluation
        # on the various solvers.
        self.time = np.linspace(0, 1)
        self.sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(self.model, tspan=self.time,
Exemplo n.º 37
class TestScipyOdeCompilerTests(TestScipySimulatorBase):
    """Test vode and analytic jacobian with different compiler backends"""
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestScipyOdeCompilerTests, self).setUp()
        self.args = {'model': self.model,
                     'tspan': self.time,
                     'integrator': 'vode',
                     'use_analytic_jacobian': True}

        self.python_sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(compiler='python', **self.args)
        self.python_res = self.python_sim.run()

    def test_cython(self):
        sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(compiler='cython', **self.args)
        simres = sim.run()
        assert simres.species.shape[0] == self.args['tspan'].shape[0]
        assert np.allclose(self.python_res.dataframe, simres.dataframe)

    def test_theano(self):
        sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(compiler='theano', **self.args)
        simres = sim.run()
        assert simres.species.shape[0] == self.args['tspan'].shape[0]
        assert np.allclose(self.python_res.dataframe, simres.dataframe)

    @unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info.major >= 3, 'weave not available for '
                                                  'Python 3')
    def test_weave(self):
        sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(compiler='weave', **self.args)
        simres = sim.run()
        assert simres.species.shape[0] == self.args['tspan'].shape[0]
        assert np.allclose(self.python_res.dataframe, simres.dataframe)
Exemplo n.º 38
    def setup_tropical(self, tspan, type_sign, find_passengers_by):

        :param tspan: time of simulation
        :param type_sign: type of dynamical signature. It can either 'production' or 'consumption
        :param find_passengers_by: Method to find non important species
        if tspan is not None:
            self.tspan = tspan
            raise SimulatorException("'tspan' must be defined.")

        if type_sign not in ['production', 'consumption']:
            raise Exception('Wrong type_sign')

        self.sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(self.model, self.tspan)

        if find_passengers_by is 'imp_nodes':

        if not self.all_comb:

        self.is_setup = True
Exemplo n.º 39
    def test_sequential_initials_dict_then_list(self):
        A, B = self.model.monomers

        base_sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(
            initials={A(a=None): 10, B(b=None): 20})

        assert np.allclose(base_sim.initials, [10, 20, 0])
        assert len(base_sim.initials_dict) == 2

        # Now set initials using a list, which should overwrite the dict
        base_sim.initials = [30, 40, 50]

        assert np.allclose(base_sim.initials, [30, 40, 50])
        assert np.allclose(
            sorted([x[0] for x in base_sim.initials_dict.values()]),
Exemplo n.º 40
def test_multiprocessing_lambdify():
    model = tyson_oscillator.model
    pars = [p.value for p in model.parameters]
    tspan = np.linspace(0, 100, 100)
        model, tspan=tspan, compiler='python',
    ).run(param_values=[pars, pars], num_processors=2)
Exemplo n.º 41
def simulation():
    pars = [[3.42477815e-02, 3.52565624e+02, 1.04957728e+01, 6.35198054e-02, 3.14044789e+02,
             5.28598128e+01, 1.00000000e+01, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02],
            [9.13676502e-03, 2.07253754e+00, 1.37740528e+02, 2.19960625e-01, 1.15007005e+04,
             5.16232342e+01, 1.00000000e+01, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02]]
    tspan = np.linspace(0, 50, 101)
    sims = ScipyOdeSimulator(model, tspan=tspan, param_values=pars).run()
    return sims
Exemplo n.º 42
    def test_sequential_initials_dict_then_list(self):
        A, B = self.model.monomers

        base_sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(
            initials={A(a=None): 10, B(b=None): 20})

        assert np.allclose(base_sim.initials, [10, 20, 0])
        assert len(base_sim.initials_dict) == 2

        # Now set initials using a list, which should overwrite the dict
        base_sim.initials = [30, 40, 50]

        assert np.allclose(base_sim.initials, [30, 40, 50])
        assert np.allclose(
            sorted([x[0] for x in base_sim.initials_dict.values()]),
Exemplo n.º 43
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestScipyOdeCompilerTests, self).setUp()
        self.args = {'model': self.model,
                     'tspan': self.time,
                     'integrator': 'vode',
                     'use_analytic_jacobian': True}

        self.python_sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(compiler='python', **self.args)
        self.python_res = self.python_sim.run()
Exemplo n.º 44
 def __init__(self, model, tspan, use_analytic_jacobian=False,
              integrator='vode', cleanup=True,
              verbose=False, **integrator_options):
     self._sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(model, verbose=verbose, tspan=tspan,
                                  integrator=integrator, cleanup=cleanup,
     self.result = None
Exemplo n.º 45
def get_pSTAT(kd4):
    mod = IFNaModelfile.model
    simres = ScipyOdeSimulator(mod,
                               tspan=[0, 5, 15, 30, 60],
                                   'kd4': kd4.random(size=1)
    timecourse = simres.all
    return timecourse['TotalpSTAT']
Exemplo n.º 46
def test_model(simbio_model, pysb_model):
    """Run models with SimBio and PySB, and compare results at each timepoint."""

    t = np.linspace(0, 20_000, 1_000)
    solver_options = {"atol": 1e-6, "rtol": 1e-6}

    # SimBio
    sim = Simulator(
        simbio_model, builder="numpy", solver=ODEint, solver_kwargs=solver_options
    _, df_simbio = sim.run(t)

    # PySB
    sim_pysb = ScipyOdeSimulator(
        pysb_model, integrator="lsoda", integrator_options=solver_options
    df_pysb = pysb_dataframe(sim_pysb.run(t), pysb_model)

    assert np.allclose(df_pysb, df_simbio[df_pysb.columns], rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-2)
Exemplo n.º 47
def visualize():
    pars = [[3.42477815e-02, 3.52565624e+02, 1.04957728e+01, 6.35198054e-02, 3.14044789e+02,
             5.28598128e+01, 1.00000000e+01, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02],
            [9.13676502e-03, 2.07253754e+00, 1.37740528e+02, 2.19960625e-01, 1.15007005e+04,
             5.16232342e+01, 1.00000000e+01, 1.00000000e+02, 1.00000000e+02]]
    tspan = np.linspace(0, 50, 101)
    labels = [1, 0]
    sims = ScipyOdeSimulator(model, tspan=tspan, param_values=pars).run()
    clus = VisualizeSimulations(model, clusters=labels, sim_results=sims)
    return clus
Exemplo n.º 48
def trajectories_signature_2_txt(model,

    model : pysb.Model
        PySB model to use
    tspan : vector-like
        Time values over which to simulate.
    sp_to_analyze: vector-like
        Species whose dynamic signature is going to be obtained
    parameters : vector-like or dict, optional
        Values to use for every parameter in the model. Ordering is
        determined by the order of model.parameters.
        If passed as a dictionary, keys must be parameter names.
        If not specified, parameter values will be taken directly from
    file_path : str
        Path for saving the file


    # TODO: make sure this functions works
    sim_result = ScipyOdeSimulator(model, tspan=tspan,
    y = sim_result.dataframe
    observables = [obs.name for obs in model.observables]
    y.drop(observables, axis=1, inplace=True)
    sp_short_names = [hf.parse_name(sp) for sp in model.species]
    y.columns = sp_short_names
    disc = Discretize(model, sim_result, diff_par=1)
    signatures = disc.get_signatures()
    # FIXME: This is not working. The signature data structure now uses pandas
    for sp in sp_to_analyze:
        y[hf.parse_name(model.species[sp]) + '_truncated'] = signatures[sp][0]
    y.to_csv(file_path + 'tr_sig.txt')

    if parameters is not None:
        initials = np.zeros([1, len(model.species)])
        initials_df = pd.DataFrame(data=initials, columns=sp_short_names)
        initial_pars = [ic[1] for ic in model.initial_conditions]
        for i, par in enumerate(model.parameters):
            if par in initial_pars:
                idx = initial_pars.index(par)
                ic_name = hf.parse_name(model.initial_conditions[idx][0])
                ic_value = parameters[i]
                initials_df[ic_name] = ic_value
        initials_df.to_csv(file_path + 'initials.txt', index=False)
Exemplo n.º 49
    def initialize(self, cfg_file=None, mode=None):
        """Initialize the model for simulation, possibly given a config file.

        cfg_file : Optional[str]
            The name of the configuration file to load, optional.
        self.sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(self.model)
        self.state = numpy.array(copy.copy(self.sim.initials)[0])
        self.time = numpy.array(0.0)
        self.status = 'initialized'
Exemplo n.º 50
def test_simres_dataframe():
    """ Test SimulationResult.dataframe() """

    tspan1 = np.linspace(0, 100, 100)
    tspan2 = np.linspace(50, 100, 50)
    tspan3 = np.linspace(100, 150, 100)
    model = tyson_oscillator.model
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(model, integrator='lsoda')
    simres1 = sim.run(tspan=tspan1)
    # Check retrieving a single simulation dataframe
    df_single = simres1.dataframe

    # Generate multiple trajectories
    trajectories1 = simres1.species
    trajectories2 = sim.run(tspan=tspan2).species
    trajectories3 = sim.run(tspan=tspan3).species

    # Try a simulation result with two different tspan lengths
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(model, param_values={'k6' : [1.,1.]}, integrator='lsoda')
    simres = SimulationResult(sim, [tspan1, tspan2], [trajectories1, trajectories2])
    df = simres.dataframe

    assert df.shape == (len(tspan1) + len(tspan2),
                        len(model.species) + len(model.observables))

    # Next try a simulation result with two identical tspan lengths, stacked
    # into a single 3D array of trajectories
    simres2 = SimulationResult(sim, [tspan1, tspan3],
                               np.stack([trajectories1, trajectories3]))
    df2 = simres2.dataframe

    assert df2.shape == (len(tspan1) + len(tspan3),
                         len(model.species) + len(model.observables))
Exemplo n.º 51
class TestSimulationResultEarm13(object):
    def setUp(self):
        self.model = earm_1_3.model
        self.tspan = np.linspace(0, 100, 101)
        self.sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(self.model, tspan=self.tspan)
        self.simres = self.sim.run()

    def test_dynamic_observable_nonpattern(self):

    def test_match_nonexistent_pattern(self):
        m = self.model.monomers
        self.simres.observable(m.cSmac() % m.Bid())

    def test_on_demand_observable(self):
        m = self.model.monomers
        assert isinstance(self.simres.observable(m.cSmac()), pd.Series)
Exemplo n.º 52
class Tropical:
    mach_eps = numpy.finfo(float).eps

    def __init__(self, model):
        Constructor of tropical function
        :param model: PySB model
        self.model = model
        self.tspan = None
        # self.y = None
        self.passengers = []
        self.eqs_for_tropicalization = {}
        # self.all_sp_signatures = {}
        self.all_comb = {}
        self.sim = None
        self.is_setup = False

    def tropicalize(self, tspan=None, param_values=None, type_sign='production', diff_par=1, ignore=1, epsilon=1,
                    find_passengers_by='imp_nodes', sp_to_visualize=None, plot_imposed_trace=False, verbose=False):
        tropicalization of driver species
        :param type_sign: Type of max-plus signature. This is to see the way a species is being produced or consumed
        :param diff_par: Parameter that defines when a monomial or combination of monomials is larger than the others
        :param find_passengers_by: Option to find passenger species. 'imp_nodes' finds the nodes that only have one edge.
        'qssa' finds passenger species using the quasi steady state approach
        :param plot_imposed_trace: Option to plot imposed trace
        :param tspan: Time span
        :param param_values: PySB model parameter values
        :param ignore: Initial time points to ignore
        :param epsilon: Order of magnitude difference between solution of ODE and imposed trace to consider species as
        :param verbose: Verbose
        all_signatures = dynamic_signatures(param_values, self, tspan=tspan, type_sign=type_sign,
                                            ignore=ignore, epsilon=epsilon, find_passengers_by=find_passengers_by,
                                            sp_to_visualize=sp_to_visualize, plot_imposed_trace=plot_imposed_trace,

        return all_signatures

    def setup_tropical(self, tspan, type_sign, find_passengers_by):

        :param tspan: time of simulation
        :param type_sign: type of dynamical signature. It can either 'production' or 'consumption
        :param find_passengers_by: Method to find non important species
        if tspan is not None:
            self.tspan = tspan
            raise SimulatorException("'tspan' must be defined.")

        if type_sign not in ['production', 'consumption']:
            raise Exception('Wrong type_sign')

        self.sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(self.model, self.tspan)

        if find_passengers_by is 'imp_nodes':

        if not self.all_comb:

        self.is_setup = True

    def merge_dicts(*dict_args):
        Given any number of dicts, shallow copy and merge into a new dict,
        precedence goes to key value pairs in latter dicts.
        result = {}
        for dictionary in dict_args:
        return result

    def choose_max2(pd_series, diff_par, mon_comb, type_sign='production'):

        :param type_sign: Type of signature. It can be 'consumption' or 'consumption'
        :param mon_comb: combinations of monomials that produce certain species
        :param pd_series: Pandas series whose axis labels are the monomials and the data is their values at a specific
        time point
        :param diff_par: Parameter to define when a monomial is larger
        :return: monomial or combination of monomials that dominate at certain time point

        if type_sign == 'production':
            monomials = pd_series[pd_series > 0]
            value_to_add = 1e-100
            sign = 1
            ascending = False
        elif type_sign == 'consumption':
            monomials = pd_series[pd_series < 0]
            value_to_add = -1e-100
            sign = -1
            ascending = True
            raise Exception('Wrong type_sign')

        # chooses the larger monomial or combination of monomials that satisfy diff_par
        largest_prod = 'ND'
        for comb in mon_comb.keys():
            # comb is an integer that represents the number of monomials in a combination
            if comb == mon_comb.keys()[-1]:

            if len(mon_comb[comb].keys()) == 1:
                largest_prod = mon_comb[comb].keys()[0]

            monomials_values = {}
            for idx in mon_comb[comb].keys():
                value = 0
                for j in mon_comb[comb][idx]:
                    # j(reversible) might not be in the prod df because it has a negative value
                    if j not in list(monomials.index):
                        value += value_to_add
                        value += monomials.loc[j]
                monomials_values[idx] = value

            foo2 = pd.Series(monomials_values).sort_values(ascending=ascending)
            comb_largest = mon_comb[comb][list(foo2.index)[0]]
            for cm in list(foo2.index):
                # Compares the largest combination of monomials to other combinations whose monomials that are not
                # present in comb_largest
                if len(set(comb_largest) - set(mon_comb[comb][cm])) == len(comb_largest):
                    value_prod_largest = math.log10(sign * foo2.loc[list(foo2.index)[0]])
                    if abs(value_prod_largest - math.log10(sign * foo2.loc[cm])) > diff_par and value_prod_largest > -5:
                        largest_prod = list(foo2.index)[0]
            if largest_prod != 'ND':
        return largest_prod

    def find_nonimportant_nodes(self):

        :return: a list of non-important nodes
        rcts_sp = list(sum([i['reactants'] for i in self.model.reactions_bidirectional], ()))
        pdts_sp = list(sum([i['products'] for i in self.model.reactions_bidirectional], ()))
        imp_rcts = set([x for x in rcts_sp if rcts_sp.count(x) > 1])
        imp_pdts = set([x for x in pdts_sp if pdts_sp.count(x) > 1])
        imp_nodes = set.union(imp_pdts, imp_rcts)
        idx = list(set(range(len(self.model.odes))) - set(imp_nodes))
        self.passengers = idx
        return self.passengers

    def find_passengers(self, y, epsilon=None, plot=False, verbose=False):
        Finds passenger species based in the Quasi Steady State Approach (QSSA) in the model
        :param verbose: Verbose
        :param y: Solution of the differential equations
        :param epsilon: Minimum difference between the imposed trace and the dynamic solution to be considered passenger
        :param plot: Boolean, True to plot the dynamic solution and the imposed trace.
        :return: The passenger species
        # TODO fix this function
        sp_imposed_trace = []
        assert not self.passengers

        # Loop through all equations
        for i, eq in enumerate(self.model.odes):
            # Solve equation of imposed trace. It can have more than one solution (Quadratic solutions)
            sol = sympy.solve(eq, sympy.Symbol('__s%d' % i))
        for sp_idx, trace_soln in enumerate(sp_imposed_trace):
            distance_imposed = 999
            for idx, solu in enumerate(trace_soln):
                # Check is solution is time independent
                if solu.is_real:
                    imp_trace_values = [float(solu) + self.mach_eps] * (len(self.tspan) - 1)
                    # If the imposed trace depends on the value of other species, then we replace species and parameter
                    # values to get the imposed trace
                    for p in self.param_values:
                        solu = solu.subs(p, self.param_values[p])

                    # After replacing parameter for its values, then we get the species in the equation and pass
                    # their dynamic solution
                    variables = [atom for atom in solu.atoms(sympy.Symbol)]
                    f = sympy.lambdify(variables, solu, modules=dict(sqrt=numpy.lib.scimath.sqrt))
                    args = [y[str(l)] for l in variables]  # arguments to put in the lambdify function
                    imp_trace_values = f(*args)

                if any(isinstance(n, complex) for n in imp_trace_values):
                    if verbose:
                        print("solution {0} from equation {1} is complex".format(idx, sp_idx))
                elif any(n < 0 for n in imp_trace_values):
                    if verbose:
                        print("solution {0} from equation {1} is negative".format(idx, sp_idx))
                diff_trace_ode = abs(numpy.log10(imp_trace_values) - numpy.log10(y['__s%d' % sp_idx]))
                if max(diff_trace_ode) < distance_imposed:
                    distance_imposed = max(diff_trace_ode)

                if plot:
                    self.plot_imposed_trace(y=y, tspan=self.tspan[1:], imp_trace_values=imp_trace_values,
                                            sp_idx=sp_idx, diff_trace_ode=diff_trace_ode, epsilon=epsilon)

            if distance_imposed < epsilon:

        return self.passengers

    def plot_imposed_trace(self, y, tspan, imp_trace_values, sp_idx, diff_trace_ode, epsilon):

        :param y: Solution of the differential equations
        :param tspan: time span of the solution of the differential equations
        :param imp_trace_values: Imposed trace values
        :param sp_idx: Index of the molecular species to be plotted
        :param diff_trace_ode: Maxmimum difference between the dynamic and the imposed trace
        :param epsilon: Order of magnitude difference between solution of ODE and imposed trace to consider species as
        :return: Plot of the imposed trace and the dnamic solution
        plt.semilogy(tspan, imp_trace_values, 'r--', linewidth=5, label='imposed')
        plt.semilogy(tspan, y['__s{0}'.format(sp_idx)], label='full')
        plt.xlabel('time', fontsize=20)
        plt.ylabel('population', fontsize=20)
        if max(diff_trace_ode) < epsilon:
            plt.title(str(self.model.species[sp_idx]) + 'passenger', fontsize=20)
            plt.title(self.model.species[sp_idx], fontsize=20)
        plt.savefig('s%d' % sp_idx + '_imposed_trace' + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=400)

    def equations_to_tropicalize(self):

        :return: Dict, keys are the index of the driver species, values are the differential equations

        idx = list(set(range(len(self.model.odes))) - set(self.passengers))
        eqs = {i: self.model.odes[i] for i in idx}
        self.eqs_for_tropicalization = eqs

    def signal_signature(self, param_values, diff_par=1, type_sign='production', sp_to_visualize=None):
        if param_values is not None:
            if type(param_values) is str:
                param_values = hf.read_pars(param_values)
            # accept vector of parameter values as an argument
            if len(param_values) != len(self.model.parameters):
                raise Exception("param_values must be the same length as model.parameters")
            if not isinstance(param_values, numpy.ndarray):
                param_values = numpy.array(param_values)
            # create parameter vector from the values in the model
            param_values = numpy.array([p.value for p in self.model.parameters])

        # convert model parameters into dictionary
        param_values = dict((p.name, param_values[i]) for i, p in enumerate(self.model.parameters))

        y = self.sim.run(param_values=param_values).dataframe
        # Dictionary whose keys are species and values are the monomial signatures
        all_signatures = {}

        if type_sign == 'production':
            mon_type = 'products'
        elif type_sign == 'consumption':
            mon_type = 'reactants'
            raise Exception("type sign must be 'production' or 'consumption'")

        for sp in self.eqs_for_tropicalization:

            # reaction terms
            monomials = []

            for term in self.model.reactions_bidirectional:
                if sp in term['reactants'] and term['reversible'] is True:
                    monomials.append((-1) * term['rate'])
                elif sp in term[mon_type]:

            # Dictionary whose keys are the symbolic monomials and the values are the simulation results
            mons_dict = {}
            for mon_p in monomials:
                mon_p_values = mon_p.subs(param_values)
                var_prod = [atom for atom in mon_p_values.atoms(sympy.Symbol)]  # Variables of monomial
                arg_prod = [numpy.maximum(self.mach_eps, y[str(va)]) for va in var_prod]
                f_prod = sympy.lambdify(var_prod, mon_p_values)
                prod_values = f_prod(*arg_prod)
                mons_dict[mon_p] = prod_values

            # Dataframe whose rownames are the monomials and the columns contain their values at each time point
            mons_df = pd.DataFrame(mons_dict).T

            signature_species = mons_df.apply(self.choose_max2, args=(diff_par, self.all_comb[sp], type_sign))
            all_signatures[sp] = list(signature_species)

        # self.all_sp_signatures = all_signatures

        if sp_to_visualize:
            self.visualization2(y, all_signatures, param_values, sp_to_visualize)

        return all_signatures

    def set_combinations_sm(self, type_sign='production', create_sm=False):
        if type_sign == 'production':
            mon_type = 'products'
        elif type_sign == 'consumption':
            mon_type = 'reactants'
            raise Exception("type sign must be 'production' or 'consumption'")

        for sp in self.eqs_for_tropicalization:

            # reaction terms
            monomials = []

            for term in self.model.reactions_bidirectional:
                if sp in term['reactants'] and term['reversible'] is True:
                    monomials.append((-1) * term['rate'])
                elif sp in term[mon_type]:

            mon_comb = OrderedDict()
            prod_idx = 0

            for L in range(1, len(monomials) + 1):
                prod_comb_names = {}
                for subset in itertools.combinations(monomials, L):
                    prod_comb_names['M{0}{1}'.format(L, prod_idx)] = subset
                    prod_idx += 1
                mon_comb[L] = prod_comb_names
            self.all_comb[sp] = mon_comb

            merged_mon_comb = self.merge_dicts(*mon_comb.values())
            merged_mon_comb.update({'ND': 'N'})
            # Substitution matrix
            len_ND = len(max(merged_mon_comb.values(), key=len)) + 1
            sm = numpy.zeros((len(merged_mon_comb.keys()), len(merged_mon_comb.keys())))
            for i, a in enumerate(merged_mon_comb):
                for j, b in enumerate(merged_mon_comb):
                    if a == 'ND' and b == 'ND':
                        sm[i, j] = 0
                    elif a == 'ND':
                        sm[i, j] = 2 * len_ND - len(merged_mon_comb[b])
                    elif b == 'ND':
                        sm[i, j] = 2 * len_ND - len(merged_mon_comb[a])
                        sm[i, j] = self.sub_value(merged_mon_comb[a], merged_mon_comb[b])
                        # max(len(self.all_comb[sp][a]), len(self.all_comb[sp][b])) - len(
                        #             set(self.all_comb[sp][a]).intersection(self.all_comb[sp][b]))

            if create_sm:
                sm_df = pd.DataFrame(data=sm, index=merged_mon_comb.keys(), columns=merged_mon_comb.keys())
                sm_df.to_csv('/home/oscar/Documents/tropical_earm/subs_matrix_consumption/sm_{0}.{1}'.format(sp, 'csv'))

    def sub_value(a, b):
        value = 2 * len(max(a, b, key=len)) - len(min(a, b, key=len)) - len(set(a).intersection(b))
        return value

    def visualization2(self, y, all_signatures, param_values, sp_to_vis=None):
        if sp_to_vis:
            species_ready = list(set(sp_to_vis).intersection(all_signatures.keys()))
            raise Exception('list of driver species must be defined')

        if not species_ready:
            raise Exception('None of the input species is a driver')

        for sp in species_ready:

            # Setting up figure

            mon_val = OrderedDict()
            signature = all_signatures[sp]

            if not signature:

            merged_mon_comb = self.merge_dicts(*self.all_comb[sp].values())
            merged_mon_comb.update({'ND': 'N'})

            for idx, mon in enumerate(list(set(signature))):
                mon_val[merged_mon_comb[mon]] = idx

            mon_rep = [0] * len(signature)
            for i, m in enumerate(signature):
                mon_rep[i] = mon_val[merged_mon_comb[m]]
            # mon_rep = [mon_val[self.all_comb[sp][m]] for m in signature]

            y_pos = numpy.arange(len(mon_val.keys()))
            plt.scatter(self.tspan, mon_rep)
            plt.yticks(y_pos, mon_val.keys())
            plt.ylabel('Monomials', fontsize=16)
            plt.xlabel('Time(s)', fontsize=16)
            plt.xlim(0, self.tspan[-1])
            plt.ylim(0, max(y_pos))

            for name in self.model.odes[sp].as_coefficients_dict():
                mon = name
                mon = mon.subs(param_values)
                var_to_study = [atom for atom in mon.atoms(sympy.Symbol)]
                arg_f1 = [numpy.maximum(self.mach_eps, y[str(va)]) for va in var_to_study]
                f1 = sympy.lambdify(var_to_study, mon)
                mon_values = f1(*arg_f1)
                mon_name = str(name).partition('__')[2]
                plt.plot(self.tspan, mon_values, label=mon_name)
            plt.ylabel('Rate(m/sec)', fontsize=16)
            plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(-0.1, 0.85), loc='upper right', ncol=3)

            plt.plot(self.tspan, y['__s%d' % sp], label=hf.parse_name(self.model.species[sp]))
            plt.ylabel('Molecules', fontsize=16)
            plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(-0.15, 0.85), loc='upper right', ncol=1)
            plt.suptitle('Tropicalization' + ' ' + str(self.model.species[sp]))

            # plt.show()
            plt.savefig('s%d' % sp + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=400)

    def get_passenger(self):

        :return: Passenger species of the systems
        return self.passengers
Exemplo n.º 53
 def test_weave(self):
     sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(compiler='weave', **self.args)
     simres = sim.run()
     assert simres.species.shape[0] == self.args['tspan'].shape[0]
     assert np.allclose(self.python_res.dataframe, simres.dataframe)
Exemplo n.º 54
def test_set_initial_to_zero():
    sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(robertson.model, tspan=np.linspace(0, 100))
    simres = sim.run(initials={robertson.model.monomers['A'](): 0})
    assert np.allclose(simres.observables['A_total'], 0)
Exemplo n.º 55
from __future__ import print_function
from pysb.simulator import ScipyOdeSimulator
from tutorial_a import model

t = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]
simulator = ScipyOdeSimulator(model, tspan=t)
simresult = simulator.run()
Exemplo n.º 56
class BMIModel(object):
    """This class represents a BMI model wrapping a model assembled by INDRA.

    model : pysb.Model
        A PySB model assembled by INDRA to be wrapped in BMI.
    inputs : Optional[list[str]]
        A list of variable names that are considered to be inputs to the model
        meaning that they are read from other models. Note that designating
        a variable as input means that it must be provided by another component
        during the simulation.
    stop_time : int
        The stopping time for this model, controlling the time units up to
        which the model is simulated.
    outside_name_map : dict
        A dictionary mapping outside variables names to inside variable names
        (i.e. ones that are in the wrapped model)
    def __init__(self, model, inputs=None, stop_time=1000,
        self.model = model

        self.inputs = inputs if inputs else []
        self.stop_time = stop_time
        self.outside_name_map = outside_name_map if outside_name_map else {}

        self.dt = numpy.array(10.0)
        self.units = 'seconds'
        self.sim = None
        self.attributes = copy.copy(default_attributes)
        self.species_name_map = {}
        for idx, species in enumerate(self.model.species):
            monomer = species.monomer_patterns[0].monomer
            self.species_name_map[monomer.name] = idx
        self.input_vars = self._get_input_vars()
        # These attributes are related to the simulation state
        self.state = numpy.array([100.0 for s in self.species_name_map.keys()])
        self.time = numpy.array(0.0)
        self.status = 'start'
        self.time_course = [(self.time, self.state)]
        # EMELI needs a DONE attribute
        self.DONE = False

    def _get_input_vars(self):
        return self.inputs
        # The code below attempts to discover input variables, it is currently
        # inactive but could be made optional later
        # species_is_obj = {s: False for s in self.species_name_map.keys()}
        # for ann in self.model.annotations:
        #     if ann.predicate == 'rule_has_object':
        #         species_is_obj[ann.object] = True
        # # Return all the variables that aren't objects in a rule
        # input_vars = [s for s, tf in species_is_obj.items() if not tf]
        # return input_vars

    # Simulation functions
    def initialize(self, cfg_file=None, mode=None):
        """Initialize the model for simulation, possibly given a config file.

        cfg_file : Optional[str]
            The name of the configuration file to load, optional.
        self.sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(self.model)
        self.state = numpy.array(copy.copy(self.sim.initials)[0])
        self.time = numpy.array(0.0)
        self.status = 'initialized'

    def update(self, dt=None):
        """Simulate the model for a given time interval.

        dt : Optional[float]
            The time step to simulate, if None, the default built-in time step
            is used.
        # EMELI passes dt = -1 so we need to handle that here
        dt = dt if (dt is not None and dt > 0) else self.dt
        tspan = [0, dt]
        # Run simulaton with initials set to current state
        res = self.sim.run(tspan=tspan, initials=self.state)
        # Set the state based on the result here
        self.state  = res.species[-1]
        self.time += dt
        if self.time > self.stop_time:
            self.DONE = True
        print((self.time, self.state))
        self.time_course.append((self.time.copy(), self.state.copy()))

    def finalize(self):
        """Finish the simulation and clean up resources as needed."""
        self.status = 'finalized'

    # Setter functions for state variables
    def set_value(self, var_name, value):
        """Set the value of a given variable to a given value.

        var_name : str
            The name of the variable in the model whose value should be set.

        value : float
            The value the variable should be set to
        if var_name in self.outside_name_map:
            var_name = self.outside_name_map[var_name]
            print('%s=%.5f' % (var_name, 1e9*value))
            if var_name == 'Precipitation':
                value = 1e9*value
        species_idx = self.species_name_map[var_name]
        self.state[species_idx] = value

    def set_values(self, var_name, value):
        """Set the value of a given variable to a given value.

        var_name : str
            The name of the variable in the model whose value should be set.

        value : float
            The value the variable should be set to
        self.set_value(var_name, value)

    # Getter functions for state
    def get_value(self, var_name):
        """Return the value of a given variable.

        var_name : str
            The name of the variable whose value should be returned

        value : float
            The value of the given variable in the current state
        if var_name in self.outside_name_map:
            var_name = self.outside_name_map[var_name]
        species_idx = self.species_name_map[var_name]
        return self.state[species_idx]

    def get_values(self, var_name):
        """Return the value of a given variable.

        var_name : str
            The name of the variable whose value should be returned

        value : float
            The value of the given variable in the current state
        return self.get_value(var_name)

    def get_status(self):
        """Return the current status of the model."""
        return self.status

    # Getter functions for basic properties
    def get_attribute(self, att_name):
        """Return the value of a given attribute.

        Atrributes include: model_name, version, author_name, grid_type,
        time_step_type, step_method, time_units

        att_name : str
            The name of the attribute whose value should be returned.

        value : str
            The value of the attribute
        return self.attributes.get(att_name)

    def get_input_var_names(self):
        """Return a list of variables names that can be set as input.

        var_names : list[str]
            A list of variable names that can be set from the outside
        in_vars = copy.copy(self.input_vars)
        for idx, var in enumerate(in_vars):
            if self._map_in_out(var) is not None:
                in_vars[idx] = self._map_in_out(var)
        return in_vars

    def get_output_var_names(self):
        """Return a list of variables names that can be read as output.

        var_names : list[str]
            A list of variable names that can be read from the outside
        # Return all the variables that aren't input variables
        all_vars = list(self.species_name_map.keys())
        output_vars = list(set(all_vars) - set(self.input_vars))
        # Re-map to outside var names if needed
        for idx, var in enumerate(output_vars):
            if self._map_in_out(var) is not None:
                output_vars[idx] = self._map_in_out(var)
        return output_vars

    def get_var_name(self, var_name):
        """Return the internal variable name given an outside variable name.

        var_name : str
            The name of the outside variable to map

        internal_var_name : str
            The internal name of the corresponding variable
        return self._map_out_in(var_name)

    def get_var_units(self, var_name):
        """Return the units of a given variable.

        var_name : str
            The name of the variable whose units should be returned

        unit : str
            The units of the variable
        return '1'

    def get_var_type(self, var_name):
        """Return the type of a given variable.

        var_name : str
            The name of the variable whose type should be returned

        unit : str
            The type of the variable as a string
        return 'float64'

    def get_var_rank(self, var_name):
        """Return the matrix rank of the given variable.

        var_name : str
            The name of the variable whose rank should be returned

        rank : int
            The dimensionality of the variable, 0 for scalar, 1 for vector,
        return numpy.int16(0)

    def get_start_time(self):
        """Return the initial time point of the model.

        start_time : float
            The initial time point of the model.
        return 0.0

    def get_current_time(self):
        """Return the current time point that the model is at during simulation

        time : float
            The current time point
        return self.time

    def get_time_step(self):
        """Return the time step associated with model simulation.

        dt : float
            The time step for model simulation
        return self.dt

    def get_time_units(self):
        """Return the time units of the model simulation.

        units : str
            The time unit of simulation as a string
        return self.units

    def make_repository_component(self):
        """Return an XML string representing this BMI in a workflow.

        This description is required by EMELI to discover and load models.

        xml : str
            String serialized XML representation of the component in the
            model repository.
        component = etree.Element('component')

        comp_name = etree.Element('comp_name')
        comp_name.text = self.model.name

        mod_path = etree.Element('module_path')
        mod_path.text = os.getcwd()

        mod_name = etree.Element('module_name')
        mod_name.text = self.model.name

        class_name = etree.Element('class_name')
        class_name.text = 'model_class'

        model_name = etree.Element('model_name')
        model_name.text = self.model.name

        lang = etree.Element('language')
        lang.text = 'python'

        ver = etree.Element('version')
        ver.text = self.get_attribute('version')

        au = etree.Element('author')
        au.text = self.get_attribute('author_name')

        hu = etree.Element('help_url')
        hu.text = 'http://github.com/sorgerlab/indra'

        for tag in ('cfg_template', 'time_step_type', 'time_units',
                    'grid_type', 'description', 'comp_type', 'uses_types'):
            elem = etree.Element(tag)
            elem.text = tag

        return etree.tounicode(component, pretty_print=True)

    def export_into_python(self):
        """Write the model into a pickle and create a module that loads it.

        The model basically exports itself as a pickle file and a Python
        file is then written which loads the pickle file. This allows importing
        the model in the simulation workflow.
        pkl_path = self.model.name + '.pkl'
        with open(pkl_path, 'wb') as fh:
            pickle.dump(self, fh, protocol=2)
        py_str = """
        import pickle
        with open('%s', 'rb') as fh:
            model_class = pickle.load(fh)
        """ % os.path.abspath(pkl_path)
        py_str = textwrap.dedent(py_str)
        py_path = self.model.name + '.py'
        with open(py_path, 'w') as fh:

    def _map_out_in(self, outside_var_name):
        """Return the internal name of a variable mapped from outside."""
        return self.outside_name_map.get(outside_var_name)

    def _map_in_out(self, inside_var_name):
        """Return the external name of a variable mapped from inside."""
        for out_name, in_name in self.outside_name_map.items():
            if inside_var_name == in_name:
                return out_name
        return None
def LSD(prob, n_exp, n_cell_types, n_cells):

    dip_dist = []

    low_dips = -0.04 * np.log(2)
    high_dips =  0.04 * np.log(2)
    dips = np.linspace(low_dips, high_dips, n_cell_types)
    # dip_mean = -0.01 * np.log(2)
    # dip_var = 0.01 * np.log(2)

    # Discretize normal distribution of dip rates - used in post drug simulation
    # normal = sp.norm.pdf(dips, dip_mean, dip_var)
    # print(normal)
    # sum = 0
    # for i in range(1, n_cell_types):
    #     sum += normal[i] * (dips[i] - dips[i - 1])
    # print(sum)

    # normal_hist = normal * (dips[1] - dips[0])
    # print(normal_hist)

    [Monomer("Cell", ['dip'], {'dip': ["%d" % i for i in range(n_cell_types)]})]

    Parameter('cellInit_0', 1)
    [Parameter('cellInit_%d' % i) for i in range(1, n_cell_types)]
    # Parameter('Cell_1init')

    Initial(Cell(dip="0"), cellInit_0)  # could not be a string - parameter only - didn't know how to set up
    [Initial(Cell(dip="%d" % i), model.parameters["cellInit_%d" % i]) for i in range(1, n_cell_types)]

    [Observable("Obs_Cell%d" % i, Cell(dip="%d" % i)) for i in range(n_cell_types)]
    Observable("Obs_All", Cell())

    k_div = 0.040 * np.log(2)
    [Parameter("k_div_%d" % i, k_div) for i in range(len(dips))]
    k_death = k_div-dips
    [Parameter("k_death_%d" % i, k) for i, k in enumerate(k_death)]

    [Rule("Cell%d_Div" % i, Cell(dip="%d" % i) >> Cell(dip="%d" % i) + Cell(dip="%d" % i),
          model.parameters["k_div_%d" % i]) for i in range(len(dips))]
    [Rule("Cell%d_Death" % i, Cell(dip="%d" % i) >> None,
          model.parameters["k_death_%d" % i]) for i in range(len(k_death))]
    # print(model.rules)
    # for i in range(n_cell_types):
    #     print(model.parameters['cellInit_%d' %i])
    # quit()


    for exp in range(n_exp):
        # num_cells = np.random.poisson(n_cells)
        num_cells = 1
        picks = np.random.multinomial(num_cells, prob)
        picks_total = np.sum(picks)
        if picks_total != 0:
            div_death = {}
            for i in range(n_cell_types):
                model.parameters['cellInit_%d' %i].value = picks[i]
                div_death["k_div_%d" %i] = 0.04 * np.log(2)
                div_death["k_death_%d" %i] = 0.005 * np.log(2)
        # print(model.parameters)
        t1 = np.linspace(0, 169, 168)  # 7 days
        sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(model, verbose=False)
        # sim1 = BngSimulator(model, tspan=t1, verbose=False)
        x1 = sim.run(tspan=t1,
                     param_values=div_death)  # returns np.array with species and obs
        # plt.plot(x1.tout[0], np.log2(x1.all["Obs_All"]), color = 'k', lw=2)
        # plt.plot(x1.tout[0], np.log2(x1.all["Obs_Cell0"]), color = 'b', lw=2)
        # plt.plot(x1.tout[0], np.log2(x1.all["Obs_Cell1"]), color = 'g', lw=2)
        # plt.plot(x1.tout[0], np.log2(x1.all["Obs_Cell2"]), color = 'r', lw=2)
        # print(model.parameters)
        # quit()
        t2 = np.linspace(0, 336, 337)
        # sim2 = BngSimulator(model, tspan=t2, verbose=False)
        # x2 = sim2.run(param_values={"cellInit_{}".format(i): x1.all["Obs_Cell%{}".format(i)][-1] for i in range(n_cell_types),
        #                             "k_death_{}".format(i): k_death[i] for i in range(n_cell_types)})
        # print(model.species)
        # print(x1.species[-1])
        # for r in model.reactions:
        #     print(r)
        x2 = sim.run(tspan=t2,
                     param_values=[p.value for p in model.parameters])

        # plt.plot(x2.tout[0]+x1.tout[0][-1], np.log2(x2.all["Obs_All"]), color = 'k', lw=2, label = "All")
        # plt.plot(x2.tout[0]+x1.tout[0][-1], np.log2(x2.all["Obs_Cell0"]), color = 'b', lw=2, label = "Cell0")
        # plt.plot(x2.tout[0]+x1.tout[0][-1], np.log2(x2.all["Obs_Cell1"]), color = 'g', lw=2, label = "Cell1")
        # plt.plot(x2.tout[0]+x1.tout[0][-1], np.log2(x2.all["Obs_Cell2"]), color = 'r', lw=2, label = "Cell2")
        # plt.legend()
        # plt.show()
        # print x1.all["Obs_Cell0"][-1]
        # print x1.all["Obs_Cell1"][-1]
        # print x1.all["Obs_Cell2"][-1]

        print(expt_dip(t_hours=x2.tout[0], assay_vals=np.log2(x2.all["Obs_All"])))

        dip,std_err,first_tp,intercept = expt_dip(t_hours=x2.tout[0], assay_vals=np.log2(x2.all["Obs_All"]))

        if dip is not None:

        plt.plot(x1.tout[0], np.log2(x1.all["Obs_All"]), '0.5', lw=2)
        plt.plot(x1.tout[0][-1] + x2.tout[0], np.log2(x2.all["Obs_All"]), '0.5', lw=2)
        plt.xlabel("Time (hours)")
        plt.ylabel("Population Doublings")
        plt.title("Deterministic LSD trajectories", weight = "bold")

    plt.figure("DIP Rate Distribution")
    sns.distplot(dip_dist, kde=False, color='k', hist_kws={"alpha":0.5}, bins = 5)
    plt.xlabel("DIP Rate")
    plt.title("LSD Biased DIP Rate Distribution", weight = "bold")

    return dip_dist
Exemplo n.º 58
 def test_lsoda_jac_solver_run(self):
     """Test lsoda and analytic jacobian."""
     solver_lsoda_jac = ScipyOdeSimulator(self.model, tspan=self.time,
Exemplo n.º 59
 def test_lsoda_solver_run(self):
     """Test lsoda."""
     solver_lsoda = ScipyOdeSimulator(self.model, tspan=self.time,
Exemplo n.º 60
"""Demonstrate the effect of fixed initial conditions."""

import copy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pysb.simulator import ScipyOdeSimulator

from pysb.examples.fixed_initial import model

n_obs = len(model.observables)
tspan = np.linspace(0, 0.5)


# Simulate the model as written, with free F fixed.
sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(model, tspan)
res = sim.run()
obs = res.observables.view(float).reshape(-1, n_obs)
plt.plot(res.tout[0], obs)
plt.legend([x.name for x in model.observables], frameon=False)
plt.title('Free F fixed')

# Make a copy of the model and unfix the initial condition for free F.
model2 = copy.deepcopy(model)
model2.initials[1].fixed = False
sim2 = ScipyOdeSimulator(model2, tspan)
res2 = sim2.run()