def add_custom_extension_structure(self, struct, opts):
        custom_extension_file_content = extension(self.get_class_name_from_opts(opts))
        filename = "{}.py".format(opts["package"])
        struct = helpers.ensure(struct, [opts["project"], "src", opts["package"], filename],
                                custom_extension_file_content, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

        struct = helpers.ensure(struct, [opts["project"], ""],
                                setup(opts), helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

        return struct, opts
Exemplo n.º 2
    def add_files(struct, opts):
        print("inside opts", opts)
        nov, ncr = helpers.NO_OVERWRITE, helpers.NO_CREATE
        struct = helpers.ensure(struct, "proj/tests/file0", "new")
        struct = helpers.ensure(struct, "proj/tests/file1", "new", nov)
        struct = helpers.ensure(struct, "proj/tests/file2", "new", ncr)
        struct = helpers.merge(struct, {
            "proj": {"tests": {"file3": ("new", nov),
                               "file4": ("new", ncr),
                               "file5": ("new", None),
                               "file6": "new"}}

        return struct, opts
Exemplo n.º 3
def remove_file(struct, opts):
    """Remove a file from the project tree representation if existent by our own

        struct (dict): project representation as (possibly) nested
        opts (dict): given options, see :obj:`create_project` for
            an extensive list.

        struct, opts: updated project representation and options
    # file_path = [opts['project'], "requirements.txt"]
    # struct = helpers.reject(struct, file_path)
    # file_path = [opts['project'], "environment.yaml"]
    # struct = helpers.reject(struct, file_path)

    file_path = [opts['project'], "setup.cfg"]
    struct = helpers.reject(struct, file_path)
    file_path = [opts['project'], ""]
    struct = helpers.reject(struct, file_path)

    file_path = [opts['project'], "src", opts["package"], ""]
    struct = helpers.reject(struct, file_path)

    file_path = [opts['project'], "docs", ""]
    struct = helpers.reject(struct, file_path)
    docs_conf = templates.sphinx_conf(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, file_path, docs_conf, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    return struct, opts
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_ensure_overriden():
    # When the original structure contains a leaf
    structure = {"a": {"b": "0"}}
    # that is overridden using the ensure method,
    structure = helpers.ensure(structure, Path("a", "b"), content="1")
    # and the file content should be overridden
    assert structure["a"]["b"] == "1"
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_ensure_overriden():
    # When the original structure contains a leaf
    structure = {"a": {"b": "0"}}
    # that is overridden using the ensure method,
    structure = helpers.ensure(structure, ["a", "b"], content="1")
    # and the file content should be overridden
    assert structure["a"]["b"] == "1"
Exemplo n.º 6
def add_dsproject(struct, opts):
    """Adds basic module for custom extension

        struct (dict): project representation as (possibly) nested
        opts (dict): given options, see :obj:`create_project` for
            an extensive list.

        struct, opts: updated project representation and options
    gitignore_all = templates.gitignore_all(opts)

    path = [opts["project"], "data", ".gitignore"]
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, templates.gitignore_data(opts),
    for folder in ('external', 'interim', 'preprocessed', 'raw'):
        path = [opts["project"], "data", folder, ".gitignore"]
        struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, gitignore_all,

    path = [opts["project"], "notebooks", "template.ipynb"]
    template_ipynb = templates.template_ipynb(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, template_ipynb, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], "scripts", ""]
    train_model_py = templates.train_model_py(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, train_model_py, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], "models", ".gitignore"]
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, gitignore_all, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], "references", ".gitignore"]
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, "", helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], "reports", "figures", ".gitignore"]
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, "", helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], "environment.yaml"]
    environment_yaml = templates.environment_yaml(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, environment_yaml,

    path = [opts["project"], "requirements.txt"]
    struct = helpers.reject(struct, path)

    path = [opts["project"], "configs", ".gitignore"]
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, "", helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)
    return struct, opts
Exemplo n.º 7
    def add_files(struct, opts):
        nov, ncr = helpers.NO_OVERWRITE, helpers.NO_CREATE
        struct = helpers.ensure(struct, "proj/tests/file0", "new")
        struct = helpers.ensure(struct, "proj/tests/file1", "new", nov)
        struct = helpers.ensure(struct, "proj/tests/file2", "new", ncr)
        struct = helpers.merge(
            struct, {
                "proj": {
                    "tests": {
                        "file3": ("new", nov),
                        "file4": ("new", ncr),
                        "file5": ("new", None),
                        "file6": "new"

        return struct, opts
Exemplo n.º 8
    def add_files(struct, opts):
        struct = helpers.ensure(struct, "proj/tests/extra.file", "content")
        struct = helpers.merge(
            struct, {"proj": {
                "tests": {
                    "another.file": "content"

        return struct, opts
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_ensure_nested():
    # When the original structure does not contain a leaf
    structure = {"a": {"b": "0"}}
    # that is added using the ensure method,
    structure = helpers.ensure(structure,
                               Path("a", "c", "d", "e", "f"), content="1")
    # then all the necessary parent folder should be included
    assert isinstance(structure["a"]["c"], dict)
    assert isinstance(structure["a"]["c"]["d"], dict)
    assert isinstance(structure["a"]["c"]["d"]["e"], dict)
    # and the file itself
    assert structure["a"]["c"]["d"]["e"]["f"] == "1"
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_ensure_nested():
    # When the original structure does not contain a leaf
    structure = {"a": {"b": "0"}}
    # that is added using the ensure method,
    structure = helpers.ensure(structure, ["a", "c", "d", "e", "f"],
    # then all the necessary parent folder should be included
    assert isinstance(structure["a"]["c"], dict)
    assert isinstance(structure["a"]["c"]["d"], dict)
    assert isinstance(structure["a"]["c"]["d"]["e"], dict)
    # and the file itself
    assert structure["a"]["c"]["d"]["e"]["f"] == "1"
    def add_pyproject_toml(self, struct, opts):
        """Add the pyproject.toml file

            struct (dict): project representation as (possibly) nested
            opts (dict): given options, see :obj:`create_project` for
                an extensive list.

            struct, opts: updated project representation and options
        file = [opts['project'], 'pyproject.toml']
        content = pyproject_toml(opts)
        struct = helpers.ensure(struct, file, content)
        return struct, opts
def add_readme(struct, opts):
    """Adds README template

        struct (dict): project representation as (possibly) nested
        opts (dict): given options, see :obj:`create_project` for
            an extensive list.

        struct, opts: updated project representation and options
    file_content = templates.readme(opts)
    path = [opts["project"], "README.rst"]
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path,

    return struct, opts
def add_test_custom_extension(struct, opts):
    """Adds tests/

        struct (dict): project representation as (possibly) nested
        opts (dict): given options, see :obj:`create_project` for
            an extensive list.

        struct, opts: updated project representation and options
    file_content = templates.test_custom_extension(opts)
    path = [opts["project"], "tests", ""]
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path,

    return struct, opts
Exemplo n.º 14
def replace_readme(struct, opts):
    """Replace the of the markdown extension by our own

        struct (dict): project representation as (possibly) nested
        opts (dict): given options, see :obj:`create_project` for
            an extensive list.

        struct, opts: updated project representation and options
    # let the markdown extension do its job first
    struct, opts = MarkDown("markdown").markdown(struct, opts)

    file_path = [opts["project"], ""]
    struct = helpers.reject(struct, file_path)
    readme = templates.readme_md(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, file_path, readme, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)
    return struct, opts
def add_custom_extension_structure(struct, opts):
    """Adds basic module for custom extension

        struct (dict): project representation as (possibly) nested
        opts (dict): given options, see :obj:`create_project` for
            an extensive list.

        struct, opts: updated project representation and options
    custom_extension_file_content = templates.extension(opts)
    filename = "{}.py".format(EXTENSION_FILE_NAME)
    path = [opts["project"], "src", opts["package"], filename]
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path,

    return struct, opts
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_ensure_path():
    # When the ensure method is called with an string path
    structure = {}
    structure = helpers.ensure(structure, "a/b/c/d", content="1")
    # Then the effect should be the same as if it were split
    assert structure["a"]["b"]["c"]["d"] == "1"
Exemplo n.º 17
    def add_files(struct, opts):
        struct = helpers.ensure(struct, "proj/tests/extra.file", "content")
        struct = helpers.merge(struct, {
            "proj": {"tests": {"another.file": "content"}}})

        return struct, opts
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_ensure_path():
    # When the ensure method is called with an string path
    structure = {}
    structure = helpers.ensure(structure, "a/b/c/d", content="1")
    # Then the effect should be the same as if it were split
    assert structure["a"]["b"]["c"]["d"] == "1"
Exemplo n.º 19
def add_dsproject_vscode(struct, opts):
    """Adds basic module for custom extension

        struct (dict): project representation as (possibly) nested
        opts (dict): given options, see :obj:`create_project` for
            an extensive list.

        struct, opts: updated project representation and options
    gitignore_all = templates.gitignore_all(opts)
    gitkeep = templates.gitkeep(opts)

    path = [opts["project"], "data", ".gitignore"]
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, templates.gitignore_data(opts),
    for folder in ("external", "interim", "preprocessed", "raw"):
        path = [opts["project"], "data", folder, ".gitignore"]
        struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, gitignore_all,

    path = [opts["project"], "data", "output", ".gitkeep"]
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, gitkeep, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], "notebooks", "template.ipynb"]
    template_ipynb = templates.template_ipynb(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, template_ipynb, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], "scripts", ""]
    train_model_py = templates.train_model_py(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, train_model_py, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], "models", ".gitignore"]
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, gitignore_all, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], "references", ".gitignore"]
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, "", helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], "reports", "figures", ".gitignore"]
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, "", helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    # path = [opts["project"], ".devcontainer", "devcontainer.json"]
    # devcontainer_json = templates.devcontainer_json(opts)
    # struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, devcontainer_json, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], ".devcontainer", "devcontainer.local.json"]
    devcontainer_local_json = templates.devcontainer_local_json(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, devcontainer_local_json,

    path = [opts["project"], ".devcontainer", "devcontainer.remote.json"]
    devcontainer_remote_json = templates.devcontainer_remote_json(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, devcontainer_remote_json,

    path = [opts["project"], ".devcontainer", ""]
    dockerfile_dev_base = templates.dockerfile_dev_base(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, dockerfile_dev_base,

    path = [opts["project"], ".vscode", "settings.json"]
    settings_json = templates.settings_json(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, settings_json, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], ""]
    environment_dev_base_yml = templates.environment_dev_base_yml(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, environment_dev_base_yml,

    path = [opts["project"], "docker-compose.yml"]
    docker_compose_yml = templates.docker_compose_yml(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, docker_compose_yml,

    path = [opts["project"], "docker-compose.remote.yml"]
    docker_compose_remote_yml = templates.docker_compose_remote_yml(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, docker_compose_remote_yml,

    path = [opts["project"], "path.env"]
    path_env = templates.path_env(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, path_env, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], "requirements.txt"]
    struct = helpers.reject(struct, path)

    path = [opts["project"], "configs", ".gitignore"]
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, "", helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)
    return struct, opts
Exemplo n.º 20
def add_beeproject(struct, opts):
    """Adds basic module for custom extension

        struct (dict): project representation as (possibly) nested
        opts (dict): given options, see :obj:`create_project` for
            an extensive list.

        struct, opts: updated project representation and options
    gitignore_all = templates.gitignore_all(opts)

    path = [opts["project"], ".gitignore"]
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, gitignore_all, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], "data", ".gitignore"]
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, templates.gitignore_data(opts),

    path = [opts["project"], "notebooks", "template.ipynb"]
    template_ipynb = templates.template_ipynb(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, template_ipynb, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], "models", ".gitignore"]
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, "", helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    #### custom package ####
    # path = [opts["project"], "src", opts['package'],  ""]
    # init = templates.init(opts)
    # struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path,
    #                         init,
    #                         helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], "src", opts["package"], ""]
    project_readmd = templates.package_readme(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, project_readmd, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], "src", opts["package"], "requirements.txt"]
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path)

    path = [opts["project"], "src", opts["package"], ""]
    run_project_main = templates.run_project_main(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, run_project_main,

    path = [opts["project"], "src", opts["package"], "supervisor_temp_pkg.ini"]
    supervisor_ini = templates.supervisor_ini(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, supervisor_ini, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], "src", opts['package'], 'temp_pkg', ""]
    init = templates.project_init(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, init, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], "src", opts["package"], ".env.example"]
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path)

    path = [opts["project"], "src", opts["package"], 'temp_pkg', ""]
    settings = templates.settings(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, settings, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], "src", opts["package"], 'temp_pkg', ""]
    project_manage = templates.manage(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, project_manage, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [opts["project"], "src", opts["package"], 'temp_pkg', ""]
    log = templates.project_logger(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, log, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [
        opts["project"], "src", opts["package"], 'temp_pkg', "submodule",
    init = templates.init(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, init, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [
        opts["project"], "src", opts["package"], 'temp_pkg', "submodule",
    subsettings = templates.subsettings(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, subsettings, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    path = [
        opts["project"], "src", opts["package"], 'temp_pkg', "submodule",
    submanage = templates.submanage(opts)
    struct = helpers.ensure(struct, path, submanage, helpers.NO_OVERWRITE)

    return struct, opts