Exemplo n.º 1
def _dip_nuc(mol: gto.Mole) -> np.ndarray:
        this function returns the nuclear contribution to the molecular dipole moment
        # coordinates and charges of nuclei
        coords = mol.atom_coords()
        charges = mol.atom_charges()
        return contract('i,ix->ix', charges, coords)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.mol = mol = Mole()
        mol.atom = [
            [8, (0., 0., 0.)],
            [1, (0., -0.757, 0.587)],
            [1, (0., 0.757, 0.587)]]

        mol.basis = 'cc-pvdz'
        mol.verbose = 5

        cls.model_rks = model_rks = RKS(mol)
        # model_rks.xc = 'hf'

        cls.td_model_rks = td_model_rks = TDRKS(model_rks)
        td_model_rks.nroots = 4

        cls.td_proxy_model = td_proxy_model = TDProxy(model_rks, "dft")
        td_proxy_model.nroots = td_model_rks.nroots

        testing.assert_allclose(td_model_rks.e, td_proxy_model.e, atol=1e-6)

        cls.gw = gw = GW(model_rks, td_model_rks)
Exemplo n.º 3
def _e_nuc(mol: gto.Mole, mm_mol: Union[None, gto.Mole]) -> np.ndarray:
        this function returns the nuclear repulsion energy
        # coordinates and charges of nuclei
        coords = mol.atom_coords()
        charges = mol.atom_charges()
        # internuclear distances (with self-repulsion removed)
        dist = gto.inter_distance(mol)
        dist[np.diag_indices_from(dist)] = 1e200
        e_nuc = contract('i,ij,j->i', charges, 1. / dist, charges) * .5
        # possible interaction with mm sites
        if mm_mol is not None:
            mm_coords = mm_mol.atom_coords()
            mm_charges = mm_mol.atom_charges()
            for j in range(mol.natm):
                q2, r2 = charges[j], coords[j]
                r = lib.norm(r2 - mm_coords, axis=1)
                e_nuc[j] += q2 * np.sum(mm_charges / r)
        return e_nuc
Exemplo n.º 4
def _mm_pot(mol: gto.Mole, mm_mol: gto.Mole) -> np.ndarray:
        this function returns the full mm potential
        (adapted from: qmmm/itrf.py:get_hcore() in PySCF)
        # settings
        coords = mm_mol.atom_coords()
        charges = mm_mol.atom_charges()
        blksize = BLKSIZE
        # integrals
        intor = 'int3c2e_cart' if mol.cart else 'int3c2e_sph'
        cintopt = gto.moleintor.make_cintopt(mol._atm, mol._bas,
                                             mol._env, intor)
        # compute interaction potential
        mm_pot = 0
        for i0, i1 in lib.prange(0, charges.size, blksize):
            fakemol = gto.fakemol_for_charges(coords[i0:i1])
            j3c = df.incore.aux_e2(mol, fakemol, intor=intor,
                                   aosym='s2ij', cintopt=cintopt)
            mm_pot += np.einsum('xk,k->x', j3c, -charges[i0:i1])
        mm_pot = lib.unpack_tril(mm_pot)
        return mm_pot
Exemplo n.º 5
    def make_molecule(self):
        mol = Mole()
        mol.atom = """
        O 0 0 0
        H 1 0 0
        H 0 1 0
        mol.basis = "sto-3g"


        return mol
Exemplo n.º 6
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.mol = mol = Mole()
        mol.atom = [
            [8, (0., 0., 0.)],
            [1, (0., -0.757, 0.587)],
            [1, (0., 0.757, 0.587)]]

        mol.basis = 'cc-pvdz'
        mol.verbose = 5

        cls.model_rhf = model_rhf = RHF(mol)

        cls.td_model_rhf = td_model_rhf = TDHF(model_rhf)
        td_model_rhf.nroots = 4

        cls.ref_m = retrieve_m(td_model_rhf)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.mol = mol = Mole()
        mol.atom = [
            [8, (0., 0., 0.)],
            [1, (0., -0.757, 0.587)],
            [1, (0., 0.757, 0.587)]]

        mol.basis = 'cc-pvdz'
        mol.verbose = 5

        cls.model_rks = model_rks = RKS(mol)

        cls.td_model_rks = td_model_rks = TDDFT(model_rks)
        td_model_rks.nroots = 4

        e = model_rks.mo_energy
        nocc = int(sum(model_rks.mo_occ) // 2)
        cls.ref_m = mk_make_canonic(retrieve_m(td_model_rks), e[:nocc], e[nocc:])
Exemplo n.º 8
def setUpModule():
    global mol, mf
    mol = Mole()
    mol.atom = '''
    C        0.681068338      0.605116159      0.307300799
    C       -0.733665805      0.654940451     -0.299036438
    C       -1.523996730     -0.592207689      0.138683275
    H        0.609941801      0.564304456      1.384183068
    H        1.228991034      1.489024155      0.015946420
    H       -1.242251083      1.542928348      0.046243898
    H       -0.662968178      0.676527364     -1.376503770
    H       -0.838473936     -1.344174292      0.500629028
    H       -2.075136399     -0.983173387     -0.703807608
    H       -2.212637905     -0.323898759      0.926200671
    O        1.368219958     -0.565620846     -0.173113101
    H        2.250134219     -0.596689848      0.204857736
    mol.basis = 'STO-3G'
    mol.verbose = 0
    mol.output = None
    mf = RHF(mol)
    mf.conv_tol = 1.0e-12
Exemplo n.º 9
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.mol = mol = Mole()
        mol.atom = [
            [8, (0., 0., 0.)],
            [1, (0., -0.757, 0.587)],
            [1, (0., 0.757, 0.587)]]

        mol.basis = 'cc-pvdz'
        mol.verbose = 5

        cls.model_rhf = model_rhf = RHF(mol)

        cls.model_rks = model_rks = RKS(mol)
        model_rks.xc = 'hf'

        testing.assert_allclose(model_rhf.mo_energy, model_rks.mo_energy)
        assert_vectors_close(model_rhf.mo_coeff.T, model_rks.mo_coeff.T)

        model_rks.mo_coeff = model_rhf.mo_coeff

        cls.td_model_rks = td_model_rks = TDRHF(model_rks)
        td_model_rks.nroots = 4

        cls.td_model_rhf_slow = td_model_rhf_slow = TDRHF_slow(model_rhf)
        td_model_rhf_slow.nroots = td_model_rks.nroots

        cls.td_proxy_model = td_proxy_model = TDProxy(model_rks, "dft")
        td_proxy_model.nroots = td_model_rks.nroots

        cls.gw = gw = GW(model_rks, td_model_rks)
Exemplo n.º 10
def _h_core(mol: gto.Mole, mm_mol: Union[None, gto.Mole]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, \
                                                                   np.ndarray, Union[None, np.ndarray]]:
        this function returns the components of the core hamiltonian
        # kinetic integrals
        kin = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_kin')
        # coordinates and charges of nuclei
        coords = mol.atom_coords()
        charges = mol.atom_charges()
        # individual atomic potentials
        sub_nuc = np.zeros([mol.natm, mol.nao_nr(), mol.nao_nr()], dtype=np.float64)
        for k in range(mol.natm):
            with mol.with_rinv_origin(coords[k]):
                sub_nuc[k] = -1. * mol.intor('int1e_rinv') * charges[k]
        # total nuclear potential
        nuc = np.sum(sub_nuc, axis=0)
        # possible mm potential
        if mm_mol is not None:
            mm_pot = _mm_pot(mol, mm_mol)
            mm_pot = None
        return kin, nuc, sub_nuc, mm_pot
Exemplo n.º 11
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import unittest
import numpy
from pyscf.gto import Mole
from pyscf.scf import RHF
from pyscf.lo.cholesky import cholesky_mos

mol = Mole()
mol.atom = '''
C        0.681068338      0.605116159      0.307300799
C       -0.733665805      0.654940451     -0.299036438
C       -1.523996730     -0.592207689      0.138683275
H        0.609941801      0.564304456      1.384183068
H        1.228991034      1.489024155      0.015946420
H       -1.242251083      1.542928348      0.046243898
H       -0.662968178      0.676527364     -1.376503770
H       -0.838473936     -1.344174292      0.500629028
H       -2.075136399     -0.983173387     -0.703807608
H       -2.212637905     -0.323898759      0.926200671
O        1.368219958     -0.565620846     -0.173113101
H        2.250134219     -0.596689848      0.204857736
mol.basis = 'STO-3G'
Exemplo n.º 12
#!/usr/bin/env python
DF-MP2 natural orbitals for the allyl radical

from pyscf.gto import Mole
from pyscf.scf import UHF
from pyscf.tools import molden
from pyscf.mp.dfump2_native import DFMP2

mol = Mole()
mol.atom = '''
C    -1.1528    -0.1151    -0.4645
C     0.2300    -0.1171    -0.3508
C     0.9378     0.2246     0.7924
H     0.4206     0.5272     1.7055
H     2.0270     0.2021     0.8159
H    -1.6484    -0.3950    -1.3937
H    -1.7866     0.1687     0.3784
H     0.8086    -0.4120    -1.2337
mol.basis = 'def2-TZVP'
mol.spin = 1

mf = UHF(mol).run()

# MP2 natural occupation numbers and natural orbitals
natocc, natorb = DFMP2(mf).make_natorbs()
# store the natural orbitals in a molden file
Exemplo n.º 13
#!/usr/bin/env python
Calculating densities with DF-MP2, demonstrated for the dipole moment of CH3Cl.

from numpy.linalg import norm
from pyscf.gto import Mole
from pyscf.scf import RHF
from pyscf.mp.dfmp2_native import DFMP2

mol = Mole()
mol.atom = '''
C   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000
Cl  0.000000   0.000000   1.785000
H   1.019297   0.000000  -0.386177
H  -0.509649   0.882737  -0.386177
H  -0.509649  -0.882737  -0.386177
mol.basis = 'aug-cc-pVTZ'

mf = RHF(mol).run()
pt = DFMP2(mf).run()

# The unrelaxed density always has got natural occupation numbers between 2 and 0.
# However, it is inaccurate for properties.
dm_ur = pt.make_rdm1_unrelaxed(ao_repr=True)

# The relaxed density is more accurate for properties when MP2 is well-behaved,
# whereas the natural occupation numbers can be above 2 or below 0 for ill-behaved systems.
Exemplo n.º 14
  def nr_uks(self,
             mol: gto.Mole,
             grids: dft.Grids,
             xc_code: str,
             dms: Union[Sequence[np.ndarray], Sequence[Sequence[np.ndarray]]],
             relativity: int = 0,
             hermi: int = 0,
             max_memory: float = 20000,
             verbose=None) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float, np.ndarray]:
    """Calculates UKS XC functional and potential matrix on a given grid.

      mol: PySCF molecule.
      grids: grid on which to evaluate the functional.
      xc_code: XC code. Unused. NeuralNumInt hard codes the XC functional
        based upon the functional argument given to the constructor.
      dms: the density matrix or sequence of density matrices for each spin
        channel. Multiple density matrices for each spin channel are not
        currently supported. Each density matrix is shape (nao, nao), where nao
        is the number of atomic orbitals.
      relativity: Unused. (pyscf.dft.numint.NumInt.nr_rks does not currently use
        this argument.)
      hermi: 0 if the density matrix is Hermitian, 1 if the density matrix is
      max_memory: the maximum cache to use, in MB.
      verbose: verbosity level. Unused. (PySCF currently does not handle the
        verbosity level passed in here.)

      nelec, excsum, vmat, where
        nelec is the number of alpha, beta electrons obtained by numerical
        integration of the density matrix as an array of size 2.
        excsum is the functional's XC energy.
        vmat is the functional's XC potential matrix, shape (2, nao, nao), where
        vmat[0] and vmat[1] are the potential matrices for the alpha and beta
        spin channels respectively.

      NotImplementedError: if multiple density matrices for each spin channel
      are supplied.
    # Wrap nr_uks so we can store internal variables required to evaluate the
    # contribution to the XC potential from local Hartree-Fock features.
    # See pyscf.dft.numint.nr_uks for more details.
    if isinstance(dms, np.ndarray) and dms.ndim == 2:  # RHF DM
      ndms = _get_number_of_density_matrices(dms)
      ndms = _get_number_of_density_matrices(dms[0])
    if ndms > 1:
      raise NotImplementedError(
          'NeuralNumInt does not support multiple density matrices. '
          'Only ground state DFT calculations are currently implemented.')

    nao = mol.nao_nr()
    self._vmat_hf = np.zeros((2, nao, nao))
    self._system_state = _SystemState(mol=mol, dms=dms)
    nelec, excsum, vmat = super().nr_uks(
    vmat[0] += self._vmat_hf[0] + self._vmat_hf[0].T
    vmat[1] += self._vmat_hf[1] + self._vmat_hf[1].T

    # Clear internal state to prevent accidental re-use.
    self._system_state = None
    self._grid_state = None
    self._vmat_hf = None
    return nelec, excsum, vmat
Exemplo n.º 15

This example performs separate (split) localizations of
1) the occupied orbitals and
2) the virtual orbitals,
and produces a molden output containing both orbital sets.

import numpy
from pyscf.gto import Mole
from pyscf.scf import RHF
from pyscf.lo import cholesky_mos
from pyscf.tools import molden

# Set up of the molecule (C3H7OH)
mol = Mole()
mol.atom = '''
C        0.681068338      0.605116159      0.307300799
C       -0.733665805      0.654940451     -0.299036438
C       -1.523996730     -0.592207689      0.138683275
H        0.609941801      0.564304456      1.384183068
H        1.228991034      1.489024155      0.015946420
H       -1.242251083      1.542928348      0.046243898
H       -0.662968178      0.676527364     -1.376503770
H       -0.838473936     -1.344174292      0.500629028
H       -2.075136399     -0.983173387     -0.703807608
H       -2.212637905     -0.323898759      0.926200671
O        1.368219958     -0.565620846     -0.173113101
H        2.250134219     -0.596689848      0.204857736
mol.basis = 'def2-SVP'
Exemplo n.º 16
    # Superfluous columns are cropped out.
    P = np.zeros((nao, nao))
    P[piv, np.arange(nao)] = 1
    mo_loc = np.dot(P, L[:, :nmo])

    return mo_loc

if __name__ == "__main__":

    import numpy
    from pyscf.gto import Mole
    from pyscf.scf import RHF
    from pyscf.tools.mo_mapping import mo_comps

    mol = Mole()
    mol.atom = '''
    C        0.681068338      0.605116159      0.307300799
    C       -0.733665805      0.654940451     -0.299036438
    C       -1.523996730     -0.592207689      0.138683275
    H        0.609941801      0.564304456      1.384183068
    H        1.228991034      1.489024155      0.015946420
    H       -1.242251083      1.542928348      0.046243898
    H       -0.662968178      0.676527364     -1.376503770
    H       -0.838473936     -1.344174292      0.500629028
    H       -2.075136399     -0.983173387     -0.703807608
    H       -2.212637905     -0.323898759      0.926200671
    O        1.368219958     -0.565620846     -0.173113101
    H        2.250134219     -0.596689848      0.204857736
    mol.basis = 'STO-3G'
Exemplo n.º 17
def prop_tot(mol: gto.Mole, mf: Union[scf.hf.SCF, dft.rks.KohnShamDFT], \
             mo_coeff: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], mo_occ: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], \
             ref: str, pop: str, prop_type: str, part: str, multiproc: bool, \
             **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]]:
        this function returns atom-decomposed mean-field properties
        # declare nested kernel functions in global scope
        global prop_atom
        global prop_eda
        global prop_bonds

        # dft logical
        dft_calc = isinstance(mf, dft.rks.KohnShamDFT)

        # ao dipole integrals with specified gauge origin
        if prop_type == 'dipole':
            with mol.with_common_origin(kwargs['dipole_origin']):
                ao_dip = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_r', comp=3)
            ao_dip = None

        # compute total 1-RDM (AO basis)
        rdm1_tot = np.array([make_rdm1(mo_coeff[0], mo_occ[0]), make_rdm1(mo_coeff[1], mo_occ[1])])

        # mol object projected into minao basis
        if pop == 'iao':
            pmol = lo.iao.reference_mol(mol)
            pmol = mol

        # effective atomic charges
        if 'weights' in kwargs:
            weights = kwargs['weights']
            charge_atom = pmol.atom_charges() - np.sum(weights[0] + weights[1], axis=0)
            charge_atom = 0.

        # possible mm region
        mm_mol = getattr(mf, 'mm_mol', None)

        # cosmo/pcm solvent model
        if getattr(mf, 'with_solvent', None):
            e_solvent = _solvent(mol, np.sum(rdm1_tot, axis=0), mf.with_solvent)
            e_solvent = None

        # nuclear repulsion property
        if prop_type == 'energy':
            prop_nuc_rep = _e_nuc(pmol, mm_mol)
        elif prop_type == 'dipole':
            prop_nuc_rep = _dip_nuc(pmol)

        # core hamiltonian
        kin, nuc, sub_nuc, mm_pot = _h_core(mol, mm_mol)
        # fock potential
        vj, vk = mf.get_jk(mol=mol, dm=rdm1_tot)

        # calculate xc energy density
        if dft_calc:
            # xc-type and ao_deriv
            xc_type, ao_deriv = _xc_ao_deriv(mf.xc)
            # update exchange operator wrt range-separated parameter and exact exchange components
            vk = _vk_dft(mol, mf, mf.xc, rdm1_tot, vk)
            # ao function values on given grid
            ao_value = _ao_val(mol, mf.grids.coords, ao_deriv)
            # grid weights
            grid_weights = mf.grids.weights
            # compute all intermediates
            c0_tot, c1_tot, rho_tot = _make_rho(ao_value, rdm1_tot, ref, xc_type)
            # evaluate xc energy density
            eps_xc = dft.libxc.eval_xc(mf.xc, rho_tot, spin=0 if isinstance(rho_tot, np.ndarray) else -1)[0]
            # nlc (vv10)
            if mf.nlc.upper() == 'VV10':
                nlc_pars = dft.libxc.nlc_coeff(mf.xc)
                ao_value_nlc = _ao_val(mol, mf.nlcgrids.coords, 1)
                grid_weights_nlc = mf.nlcgrids.weights
                c0_vv10, c1_vv10, rho_vv10 = _make_rho(ao_value_nlc, np.sum(rdm1_tot, axis=0), ref, 'GGA')
                eps_xc_nlc = numint._vv10nlc(rho_vv10, mf.nlcgrids.coords, rho_vv10, \
                                             grid_weights_nlc, mf.nlcgrids.coords, nlc_pars)[0]
                eps_xc_nlc = None
            xc_type = ''
            grid_weights = grid_weights_nlc = None
            ao_value = ao_value_nlc = None
            eps_xc = eps_xc_nlc = None
            c0_tot = c1_tot = None
            c0_vv10 = c1_vv10 = None

        # dimensions
        alpha = mol.alpha
        beta = mol.beta
        if part == 'eda':
            ao_labels = mol.ao_labels(fmt=None)

        def prop_atom(atom_idx: int) -> Dict[str, Any]:
                this function returns atom-wise energy/dipole contributions
                # init results
                if prop_type == 'energy':
                    res = {comp_key: 0. for comp_key in COMP_KEYS}
                    res = {'el': np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)}
                # atom-specific rdm1
                rdm1_atom = np.zeros_like(rdm1_tot)
                # loop over spins
                for i, spin_mo in enumerate((alpha, beta)):
                    # loop over spin-orbitals
                    for m, j in enumerate(spin_mo):
                        # get orbital(s)
                        orb = mo_coeff[i][:, j].reshape(mo_coeff[i].shape[0], -1)
                        # orbital-specific rdm1
                        rdm1_orb = make_rdm1(orb, mo_occ[i][j])
                        # weighted contribution to rdm1_atom
                        rdm1_atom[i] += rdm1_orb * weights[i][m][atom_idx]
                    # coulumb & exchange energy associated with given atom
                    if prop_type == 'energy':
                        res['coul'] += _trace(np.sum(vj, axis=0), rdm1_atom[i], scaling = .5)
                        res['exch'] -= _trace(vk[i], rdm1_atom[i], scaling = .5)
                # common energy contributions associated with given atom
                if prop_type == 'energy':
                    res['kin'] += _trace(kin, np.sum(rdm1_atom, axis=0))
                    res['nuc_att_glob'] += _trace(sub_nuc[atom_idx], np.sum(rdm1_tot, axis=0), scaling = .5)
                    res['nuc_att_loc'] += _trace(nuc, np.sum(rdm1_atom, axis=0), scaling = .5)
                    if mm_pot is not None:
                        res['solvent'] += _trace(mm_pot, np.sum(rdm1_atom, axis=0))
                    if e_solvent is not None:
                        res['solvent'] += e_solvent[atom_idx]
                    # additional xc energy contribution
                    if dft_calc:
                        # atom-specific rho
                        _, _, rho_atom = _make_rho(ao_value, np.sum(rdm1_atom, axis=0), ref, xc_type)
                        # energy from individual atoms
                        res['xc'] += _e_xc(eps_xc, grid_weights, rho_atom)
                        # nlc (vv10)
                        if eps_xc_nlc is not None:
                            _, _, rho_atom_vv10 = _make_rho(ao_value_nlc, np.sum(rdm1_atom, axis=0), ref, 'GGA')
                            res['xc'] += _e_xc(eps_xc_nlc, grid_weights_nlc, rho_atom_vv10)
                elif prop_type == 'dipole':
                    res['el'] -= _trace(ao_dip, np.sum(rdm1_atom, axis=0))
                # sum up electronic contributions
                if prop_type == 'energy':
                    for comp_key in COMP_KEYS[:-2]:
                        res['el'] += res[comp_key]
                return res

        def prop_eda(atom_idx: int) -> Dict[str, Any]:
                this function returns EDA energy/dipole contributions
                # init results
                if prop_type == 'energy':
                    res = {comp_key: 0. for comp_key in COMP_KEYS}
                    res = {'el': np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)}
                # get AOs on atom k
                select = np.where([atom[0] == atom_idx for atom in ao_labels])[0]
                # common energy contributions associated with given atom
                if prop_type == 'energy':
                    # loop over spins
                    for i, _ in enumerate((alpha, beta)):
                        res['coul'] += _trace(np.sum(vj, axis=0)[select], rdm1_tot[i][select], scaling = .5)
                        res['exch'] -= _trace(vk[i][select], rdm1_tot[i][select], scaling = .5)
                    res['kin'] += _trace(kin[select], np.sum(rdm1_tot, axis=0)[select])
                    res['nuc_att_glob'] += _trace(sub_nuc[atom_idx], np.sum(rdm1_tot, axis=0), scaling = .5)
                    res['nuc_att_loc'] += _trace(nuc[select], np.sum(rdm1_tot, axis=0)[select], scaling = .5)
                    if mm_pot is not None:
                        res['solvent'] += _trace(mm_pot[select], np.sum(rdm1_tot, axis=0)[select])
                    if e_solvent is not None:
                        res['solvent'] += e_solvent[atom_idx]
                    # additional xc energy contribution
                    if dft_calc:
                        # atom-specific rho
                        rho_atom = _make_rho_interm2(c0_tot[:, select], \
                                                     c1_tot if c1_tot is None else c1_tot[:, :, select], \
                                                     ao_value[:, :, select], xc_type)
                        # energy from individual atoms
                        res['xc'] += _e_xc(eps_xc, grid_weights, rho_atom)
                        # nlc (vv10)
                        if eps_xc_nlc is not None:
                            rho_atom_vv10 = _make_rho_interm2(c0_vv10[:, select], \
                                                              c1_vv10 if c1_vv10 is None else c1_vv10[:, :, select], \
                                                              ao_value_nlc[:, :, select], 'GGA')
                            res['xc'] += _e_xc(eps_xc_nlc, grid_weights_nlc, rho_atom_vv10)
                elif prop_type == 'dipole':
                    res['el'] -= _trace(ao_dip[:, select], np.sum(rdm1_tot, axis=0)[select])
                # sum up electronic contributions
                if prop_type == 'energy':
                    for comp_key in COMP_KEYS[:-2]:
                        res['el'] += res[comp_key]
                return res

        def prop_bonds(spin_idx: int, orb_idx: int) -> Dict[str, Any]:
                this function returns bond-wise energy/dipole contributions
                # init res
                if prop_type == 'energy':
                    res = {comp_key: 0. for comp_key in COMP_KEYS}
                    res = {}
                # get orbital(s)
                orb = mo_coeff[spin_idx][:, orb_idx].reshape(mo_coeff[spin_idx].shape[0], -1)
                # orbital-specific rdm1
                rdm1_orb = make_rdm1(orb, mo_occ[spin_idx][orb_idx])
                # total energy or dipole moment associated with given spin-orbital
                if prop_type == 'energy':
                    res['coul'] += _trace(np.sum(vj, axis=0), rdm1_orb, scaling = .5)
                    res['exch'] -= _trace(vk[spin_idx], rdm1_orb, scaling = .5)
                    res['kin'] += _trace(kin, rdm1_orb)
                    res['nuc_att'] += _trace(nuc, rdm1_orb)
                    if mm_pot is not None:
                        res['solvent'] += _trace(mm_pot, rdm1_orb)
                    # additional xc energy contribution
                    if dft_calc:
                        # orbital-specific rho
                        _, _, rho_orb = _make_rho(ao_value, rdm1_orb, ref, xc_type)
                        # xc energy from individual orbitals
                        res['xc'] += _e_xc(eps_xc, grid_weights, rho_orb)
                        # nlc (vv10)
                        if eps_xc_nlc is not None:
                            _, _, rho_orb_vv10 = _make_rho(ao_value_nlc, rdm1_orb, ref, 'GGA')
                            res['xc'] += _e_xc(eps_xc_nlc, grid_weights_nlc, rho_orb_vv10)
                elif prop_type == 'dipole':
                    res['el'] = -_trace(ao_dip, rdm1_orb)
                # sum up electronic contributions
                if prop_type == 'energy':
                    for comp_key in COMP_KEYS[:-2]:
                        res['el'] += res[comp_key]
                return res

        # perform decomposition
        if part in ['atoms', 'eda']:
            # init atom-specific energy or dipole arrays
            if prop_type == 'energy':
                prop = {comp_key: np.zeros(pmol.natm, dtype=np.float64) for comp_key in COMP_KEYS}
            elif prop_type == 'dipole':
                prop = {comp_key: np.zeros([pmol.natm, 3], dtype=np.float64) for comp_key in COMP_KEYS[-2:]}
            # domain
            domain = np.arange(pmol.natm)
            # execute kernel
            if multiproc:
                n_threads = min(domain.size, lib.num_threads())
                with mp.Pool(processes=n_threads) as pool:
                    res = pool.map(prop_atom if part == 'atoms' else prop_eda, domain) # type:ignore
                res = list(map(prop_atom if part == 'atoms' else prop_eda, domain)) # type:ignore
            # collect results
            for k, r in enumerate(res):
                for key, val in r.items():
                    prop[key][k] = val
            prop['struct'] = prop_nuc_rep
        else: # bonds
            # get rep_idx
            rep_idx = kwargs['rep_idx']
            # init orbital-specific energy or dipole array
            if prop_type == 'energy':
                prop = {comp_key: [np.zeros(len(rep_idx[0]), dtype=np.float64), np.zeros(len(rep_idx[1]), dtype=np.float64)] for comp_key in COMP_KEYS}
            elif prop_type == 'dipole':
                prop = {comp_key: [np.zeros([len(rep_idx[0]), 3], dtype=np.float64), np.zeros([len(rep_idx[1]), 3], dtype=np.float64)] for comp_key in COMP_KEYS}
            # domain
            domain = np.array([(i, j) for i, _ in enumerate((mol.alpha, mol.beta)) for j in rep_idx[i]])
            # execute kernel
            if multiproc:
                n_threads = min(domain.size, lib.num_threads())
                with mp.Pool(processes=n_threads) as pool:
                    res = pool.starmap(prop_bonds, domain) # type:ignore
                res = list(starmap(prop_bonds, domain)) # type:ignore
            # collect results
            for k, r in enumerate(res):
                for key, val in r.items():
                    prop[key][0 if k < len(rep_idx[0]) else 1][k % len(rep_idx[0])] = val
            prop['struct'] = prop_nuc_rep
        return {**prop, 'charge_atom': charge_atom}
Exemplo n.º 18
def main(mol: gto.Mole, decomp: DecompCls, \
         mf: Union[None, scf.hf.SCF, dft.rks.KohnShamDFT], \
         dipole_origin: Union[List[float], np.ndarray] = [0.] * 3) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        main decodense program
    # sanity check
    sanity_check(mol, decomp)

    # init time
    time = MPI.Wtime()

    # mf calculation
    mo_coeff, mo_occ, ref = format_mf(mf)

    # molecular dimensions
    mol.alpha, mol.beta = dim(mol, mo_occ)
    # overlap matrix
    s = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')

    # compute localized molecular orbitals
    if decomp.loc != '':
        mo_coeff = loc_orbs(mol, mo_coeff, s, ref, decomp.loc)

    # inter-atomic distance array
    dist = gto.mole.inter_distance(mol) * lib.param.BOHR

    # decompose property
    if decomp.part in ['atoms', 'eda']:
        weights = assign_rdm1s(mol, s, mo_coeff, mo_occ, ref, decomp.pop, \
                               decomp.part, decomp.multiproc, decomp.verbose)[0]
        decomp.res = prop_tot(mol, mf, mo_coeff, mo_occ, ref, decomp.pop, \
                              decomp.prop, decomp.part, decomp.multiproc, \
                              weights = weights, dipole_origin = dipole_origin)
    elif decomp.part == 'bonds':
        rep_idx, centres = assign_rdm1s(mol, s, mo_coeff, mo_occ, ref, decomp.pop, \
                                        decomp.part, decomp.multiproc, decomp.verbose, \
                                        thres = decomp.thres)
        decomp.res = prop_tot(mol, mf, mo_coeff, mo_occ, ref, decomp.pop, \
                              decomp.prop, decomp.part, decomp.multiproc, \
                              rep_idx = rep_idx, dipole_origin = dipole_origin)

    # write cube files
    if decomp.cube:
        write_cube(mol, decomp.part, mo_coeff, mo_occ, \
                   weights if decomp.part == 'atoms' else None, \
                   rep_idx if decomp.part == 'bonds' else None)

    # determine spin
    decomp.res['ss'], decomp.res['s'] = scf.uhf.spin_square((mo_coeff[0][:, mol.alpha], \
                                                             mo_coeff[1][:, mol.beta]), s)

    # collect time
    decomp.res['time'] = MPI.Wtime() - time

    # collect centres & dist
    if decomp.part == 'bonds':
        decomp.res['centres'] = centres
        decomp.res['dist'] = dist

    return decomp.res