Exemplo n.º 1
def get_kconserv3(cell, kpts, kijkab):
    '''Get the momentum conservation array for a set of k-points.

    This function is similar to get_kconserv, but instead finds the 'kc'
    that satisfies momentum conservation for 5 k-points,

    kc = ki + kj + kk - ka - kb (mod G),

    where these kpoints are stored in kijkab[ki,kj,kk,ka,kb].
    nkpts = kpts.shape[0]
    KLMN = np.zeros([nkpts, nkpts, nkpts], np.int)
    kvecs = 2 * np.pi * scipy.linalg.inv(cell._h)
    kijkab = np.array(kijkab)

    # Finds which indices in ijkab are integers and which are lists
    # TODO: try to see if it works for more than 1 list
    idx_sum = np.array(
        [not (isinstance(x, int) or isinstance(x, np.int)) for x in kijkab])
    idx_range = kijkab[idx_sum]
    min_idx_range = np.zeros(5, dtype=int)
    min_idx_range = np.array([min(x) for x in idx_range])
    out_array_shape = tuple([len(x) for x in idx_range])
    out_array = np.zeros(shape=out_array_shape, dtype=int)
    kpqrst_idx = np.zeros(5, dtype=int)

    # Order here matters! Search for most ``obvious" translation first to
    # get into 1st BZ, i.e. no translation!
    temp = [0, -1, 1, -2, 2]
    xyz = lib.cartesian_prod((temp, temp, temp))
    kshift = np.dot(xyz, kvecs)

    for L, kvL in enumerate(lib.cartesian_prod(idx_range)):
        kpqrst_idx[idx_sum], kpqrst_idx[~idx_sum] = kvL, kijkab[~idx_sum]
        idx = tuple(kpqrst_idx[idx_sum] - min_idx_range)

        kvec = kpts[kpqrst_idx]
        kvec = kvec[0:3].sum(axis=0) - kvec[3:5].sum(axis=0)

        found = 0
        kvNs = kvec + kshift
        for ishift in xrange(len(xyz)):
            kvN = kvNs[ishift]
            finder = np.where(
                np.logical_and(kpts < kvN + 1.e-12, kpts > kvN - 1.e-12).sum(
                    axis=1) == 3)
            # The k-point kvN is the one that conserves momentum
            if len(finder[0]) > 0:
                found = 1
                out_array[idx] = finder[0][0]

        if found == 0:
            print "** ERROR: Problem in get_kconserv3. Quitting."
            print kijkab
    return out_array
Exemplo n.º 2
def make_kpts(cell, nks, wrap_around=False, with_gamma_point=True):
    '''Given number of kpoints along x,y,z , generate kpoints

        nks : (3,) ndarray

        wrap_around : bool
            To ensure all kpts are in first Brillouin zone.
        with_gamma_point : bool
            Whether to shift Monkhorst-pack grid to include gamma-point.

        kpts in absolute value (unit 1/Bohr).  Gamma point is placed at the
        first place in the k-points list


    >>> cell.make_kpts((4,4,4))
    ks_each_axis = []
    for n in nks:
        if with_gamma_point:
            ks = np.arange(n, dtype=float) / n
            ks = (np.arange(n) + .5) / n - .5
        if wrap_around:
            ks[ks >= .5] -= 1
    scaled_kpts = lib.cartesian_prod(ks_each_axis)
    kpts = cell.get_abs_kpts(scaled_kpts)
    return kpts
Exemplo n.º 3
def cell_plus_imgs(cell, nimgs):
    '''Create a supercell via nimgs[i] in each +/- direction, as in get_lattice_Ls().
    Note this function differs from :fun:`super_cell` that super_cell only
    stacks the images in + direction.

        cell : instance of :class:`Cell`
        nimgs : (3,) array

        supcell : instance of :class:`Cell`
    supcell = cell.copy()
    a = cell.lattice_vectors()
    Ts = lib.cartesian_prod((np.arange(-nimgs[0],nimgs[0]+1),
    Ls = np.dot(Ts, a)
    symbs = [atom[0] for atom in cell._atom] * len(Ls)
    coords = Ls.reshape(-1,1,3) + cell.atom_coords()
    supcell.atom = list(zip(symbs, coords.reshape(-1,3)))
    supcell.unit = 'B'
    supcell.a = np.einsum('i,ij->ij', nimgs, a)
    supcell.build(False, False, verbose=0)
    supcell.verbose = cell.verbose
    return supcell
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: cell.py Projeto: eronca/pyscf
def make_kpts(cell, nks, wrap_around=False):
    '''Given number of kpoints along x,y,z , generate kpoints

        nks : (3,) ndarray

        wrap_around : bool
            To ensure all kpts are in first Brillouin zone.

        kpts in absolute value (unit 1/Bohr).  Gamma point is placed at the
        first place in the k-points list


    >>> cell.make_kpts((4,4,4))
    ks_each_axis = []
    for n in nks:
        ks = np.arange(n, dtype=float) / n
        if wrap_around:
            ks[ks>=.5] -= 1
    scaled_kpts = lib.cartesian_prod(ks_each_axis)
    kpts = cell.get_abs_kpts(scaled_kpts)
    return kpts
Exemplo n.º 5
    def ft_loop(self,
        Fourier transform iterator for all kpti which satisfy
            2pi*N = (kpts - kpti - q)*a,  N = -1, 0, 1
        cell = self.cell
        if mesh is None:
            mesh = self.mesh
        if kpts is None:
            assert (is_zero(q))
            kpts = self.kpts
        kpts = numpy.asarray(kpts)
        nkpts = len(kpts)

        ao_loc = cell.ao_loc_nr()
        b = cell.reciprocal_vectors()
        Gv, Gvbase, kws = cell.get_Gv_weights(mesh)
        gxyz = lib.cartesian_prod([numpy.arange(len(x)) for x in Gvbase])
        ngrids = gxyz.shape[0]

        if shls_slice is None:
            shls_slice = (0, cell.nbas, 0, cell.nbas)
        if aosym == 's2':
            assert (shls_slice[2] == 0)
            i0 = ao_loc[shls_slice[0]]
            i1 = ao_loc[shls_slice[1]]
            nij = i1 * (i1 + 1) // 2 - i0 * (i0 + 1) // 2
            ni = ao_loc[shls_slice[1]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[0]]
            nj = ao_loc[shls_slice[3]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[2]]
            nij = ni * nj

        blksize = max(16, int(max_memory * .9e6 / (nij * nkpts * 16 * comp)))
        blksize = min(blksize, ngrids, 16384)
        buf = numpy.empty(nkpts * nij * blksize * comp, dtype=numpy.complex128)

        for p0, p1 in self.prange(0, ngrids, blksize):
            dat = ft_ao.ft_aopair_kpts(cell,
            yield dat, p0, p1
Exemplo n.º 6
 def get_coords(self):
     """  Result: set of coordinates to compute a field which is to be stored
     in the file.
     coords = lib.cartesian_prod([self.xs, self.ys, self.zs])
     coords = numpy.asarray(coords, order='C') - (-self.boxorig)
     return coords
Exemplo n.º 7
def super_cell(cell, ncopy):
    '''Create an ncopy[0] x ncopy[1] x ncopy[2] supercell of the input cell
    Note this function differs from :fun:`cell_plus_imgs` that cell_plus_imgs
    creates images in both +/- direction.

        cell : instance of :class:`Cell`
        ncopy : (3,) array

        supcell : instance of :class:`Cell`
    a = cell.lattice_vectors()
    #:supcell.atom = []
    #:for Lx in range(ncopy[0]):
    #:    for Ly in range(ncopy[1]):
    #:        for Lz in range(ncopy[2]):
    #:            # Using cell._atom guarantees coord is in Bohr
    #:            for atom, coord in cell._atom:
    #:                L = np.dot([Lx, Ly, Lz], a)
    #:                supcell.atom.append([atom, coord + L])
    Ts = lib.cartesian_prod(
        (np.arange(ncopy[0]), np.arange(ncopy[1]), np.arange(ncopy[2])))
    Ls = np.dot(Ts, a)
    supcell = cell.copy()
    supcell.a = np.einsum('i,ij->ij', ncopy, a)
    supcell.mesh = np.array([
        ncopy[0] * cell.mesh[0], ncopy[1] * cell.mesh[1],
        ncopy[2] * cell.mesh[2]
    return _build_supcell_(supcell, cell, Ls)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def get_coords(self):
     """  Result: set of coordinates to compute a field which is to be stored
     in the file.
     xyz = lib.cartesian_prod((self.xs, self.ys, self.zs))
     coords = numpy.dot(xyz, self.box)
     return numpy.asarray(coords, order='C')
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: pbc.py Projeto: eronca/pyscf
def get_lattice_Ls(cell, nimgs=None, rcut=None, dimension=None):
    '''Get the (Cartesian, unitful) lattice translation vectors for nearby images.
    The translation vectors can be used for the lattice summation.'''
    b = cell.reciprocal_vectors(norm_to=1)
    heights_inv = lib.norm(b, axis=1)

    if nimgs is None:
        if rcut is None:
            rcut = cell.rcut
# plus 1 image in rcut to handle the case atoms within the adjacent cells are
# close to each other
        rcut = rcut + min(1./heights_inv)
        nimgs = np.ceil(rcut*heights_inv)
        rcut = max((np.asarray(nimgs))/heights_inv) + min(1./heights_inv) # ~ the inradius

    if dimension is None:
        dimension = cell.dimension
    if dimension == 0:
        nimgs = [0, 0, 0]
    elif dimension == 1:
        nimgs = [nimgs[0], 0, 0]
    elif dimension == 2:
        nimgs = [nimgs[0], nimgs[1], 0]

    Ts = lib.cartesian_prod((np.arange(-nimgs[0],nimgs[0]+1),
    Ls = np.dot(Ts, cell.lattice_vectors())
    Ls = Ls[lib.norm(Ls, axis=1)<rcut]
    return np.asarray(Ls, order='C')
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: pbc.py Projeto: pulkin/pyscf
def cell_plus_imgs(cell, nimgs):
    '''Create a supercell via nimgs[i] in each +/- direction, as in get_lattice_Ls().
    Note this function differs from :fun:`super_cell` that super_cell only
    stacks the images in + direction.

        cell : instance of :class:`Cell`
        nimgs : (3,) array

        supcell : instance of :class:`Cell`
    supcell = cell.copy()
    a = cell.lattice_vectors()
    Ts = lib.cartesian_prod(
        (np.arange(-nimgs[0], nimgs[0] + 1), np.arange(-nimgs[1],
                                                       nimgs[1] + 1),
         np.arange(-nimgs[2], nimgs[2] + 1)))
    Ls = np.dot(Ts, a)
    symbs = [atom[0] for atom in cell._atom] * len(Ls)
    coords = Ls.reshape(-1, 1, 3) + cell.atom_coords()
    supcell.atom = list(zip(symbs, coords.reshape(-1, 3)))
    supcell.unit = 'B'
    supcell.a = np.einsum('i,ij->ij', nimgs, a)
    supcell.build(False, False, verbose=0)
    supcell.verbose = cell.verbose
    return supcell
Exemplo n.º 11
 def get_coords(self) :
     """  Result: set of coordinates to compute a field which is to be stored
     in the file.
     coords = lib.cartesian_prod([self.xs,self.ys,self.zs])
     coords = numpy.asarray(coords, order='C') - (-self.boxorig)
     return coords
Exemplo n.º 12
def _ao_rotation_matrices(mol, axes):
    '''Cache the rotation matrices'''
    from pyscf import lib
    from pyscf.symm.Dmatrix import Dmatrix, get_euler_angles
    alpha, beta, gamma = get_euler_angles(numpy.eye(3), axes)
    ANG_OF = 1
    l_max = mol._bas[:,ANG_OF].max()

    if not mol.cart:
        return [Dmatrix(l, alpha, beta, gamma, reorder_p=True)
                for l in range(l_max+1)]

    pp = Dmatrix(1, alpha, beta, gamma, reorder_p=True)

    Ds = [numpy.ones((1,1))]
    for l in range(1, l_max+1):
        # All possible x,y,z combinations
        cidx = numpy.sort(lib.cartesian_prod([(0, 1, 2)] * l), axis=1)

        addr = 0
        affine = numpy.ones((1,1))
        for i in range(l):
            nd = affine.shape[0] * 3
            affine = numpy.einsum('ik,jl->ijkl', affine, pp).reshape(nd, nd)
            addr = addr * 3 + cidx[:,i]

        uniq_addr, rev_addr = numpy.unique(addr, return_inverse=True)
        ncart = (l + 1) * (l + 2) // 2
        assert ncart == uniq_addr.size
        trans = numpy.zeros((ncart,ncart))
        for i, k in enumerate(rev_addr):
            trans[k] += affine[i,uniq_addr]
    return Ds
Exemplo n.º 13
def density(mol, outfile, dm, nx=80, ny=80, nz=80):
    coord = mol.atom_coords()
    box = numpy.max(coord, axis=0) - numpy.min(coord, axis=0) + 4
    boxorig = numpy.min(coord, axis=0) - 2
    xs = numpy.arange(nx) * (box[0] / nx)
    ys = numpy.arange(ny) * (box[1] / ny)
    zs = numpy.arange(nz) * (box[2] / nz)
    coords = lib.cartesian_prod([xs, ys, zs])
    coords = numpy.asarray(coords, order="C") - (-boxorig)

    nao = mol.nao_nr()
    ngrids = nx * ny * nz
    blksize = min(200, ngrids)
    rho = numpy.empty(ngrids)
    for ip0, ip1 in gen_grid.prange(0, ngrids, blksize):
        ao = numint.eval_ao(mol, coords[ip0:ip1])
        rho[ip0:ip1] = numint.eval_rho(mol, ao, dm)
    rho = rho.reshape(nx, ny, nz)

    with open(outfile, "w") as f:
        f.write("Density in real space\n")
        f.write("Comment line\n")
        f.write("%5d" % mol.natm)
        f.write(" %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f\n" % tuple(boxorig.tolist()))
        f.write("%5d %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f\n" % (nx, xs[1], 0, 0))
        f.write("%5d %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f\n" % (ny, 0, ys[1], 0))
        f.write("%5d %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f\n" % (nz, 0, 0, zs[1]))
        for ia in range(mol.natm):
            chg = mol.atom_charge(ia)
            f.write("%5d %f" % (chg, chg))
            f.write(" %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f\n" % tuple(coord[ia]))
        fmt = " %14.8e" * nz + "\n"
        for ix in range(nx):
            for iy in range(ny):
                f.write(fmt % tuple(rho[ix, iy].tolist()))
Exemplo n.º 14
def _discard_edge_images(cell, Ls, rcut):
    Discard images if no basis in the image would contribute to lattice sum.
    if rcut <= 0:
        return np.zeros((1, 3))

    a = cell.lattice_vectors()
    scaled_atom_coords = np.linalg.solve(a.T, cell.atom_coords().T).T
    atom_boundary_max = scaled_atom_coords.max(axis=0)
    atom_boundary_min = scaled_atom_coords.min(axis=0)
    # ovlp_penalty ensures the overlap integrals for atoms in the adjcent
    # images are converged.
    ovlp_penalty = atom_boundary_max - atom_boundary_min
    # atom_boundary_min-1 ensures the values of basis at the grids on the edge
    # of the primitive cell converged
    boundary_max = np.ceil(np.max([atom_boundary_max, ovlp_penalty],
    boundary_min = np.floor(
        np.min([atom_boundary_min - 1, -ovlp_penalty], axis=0)).astype(int)
    penalty_x = np.arange(boundary_min[0], boundary_max[0] + 1)
    penalty_y = np.arange(boundary_min[1], boundary_max[1] + 1)
    penalty_z = np.arange(boundary_min[2], boundary_max[2] + 1)
    shifts = lib.cartesian_prod([penalty_x, penalty_y, penalty_z]).dot(a)
    Ls_mask = (np.linalg.norm(Ls + shifts[:, None, :], axis=2) < rcut).any(
    # cell0 (Ls == 0) should always be included.
    Ls_mask[len(Ls) // 2] = True
    return Ls[Ls_mask]
Exemplo n.º 15
  def get_phase(cell, kpts, kmesh=[]):
        The unitary transformation that transforms the supercell basis k-mesh
        adapted basis.
        latt_vec = cell.lattice_vectors()
        if kmesh is None:
            # Guess kmesh
            scaled_k = cell.get_scaled_kpts(kpts).round(8)
            kmesh = (len(numpy.unique(scaled_k[:,0])),
        R_rel_a = numpy.arange(kmesh[0])
        R_rel_b = numpy.arange(kmesh[1])
        R_rel_c = numpy.arange(kmesh[2])

        R_vec_rel = lib.cartesian_prod((R_rel_a, R_rel_b, R_rel_c))
        R_vec_abs = numpy.einsum('nu, uv -> nv', R_vec_rel, latt_vec)
        NR = len(R_vec_abs)
        phase = numpy.exp(1j*numpy.einsum('Ru, ku -> Rk', R_vec_abs, kpts))
        phase /= numpy.sqrt(NR)  # normalization in supercell
        # R_rel_mesh has to be construct exactly same to the Ts in super_cell function
        scell = tools.super_cell(cell, kmesh)
        return scell, phase
Exemplo n.º 16
def get_phase(cell, kpts, kmesh=None):
    The unitary transformation that transforms the supercell basis k-mesh
    adapted basis.

    latt_vec = cell.lattice_vectors()
    if kmesh is None:
        # Guess kmesh
        scaled_k = cell.get_scaled_kpts(kpts).round(8)
        kmesh = (len(np.unique(scaled_k[:,0])),

    R_rel_a = np.arange(kmesh[0])
    R_rel_b = np.arange(kmesh[1])
    R_rel_c = np.arange(kmesh[2])
    R_vec_rel = lib.cartesian_prod((R_rel_a, R_rel_b, R_rel_c))
    R_vec_abs = np.einsum('nu, uv -> nv', R_vec_rel, latt_vec)

    NR = len(R_vec_abs)
    phase = np.exp(1j*np.einsum('Ru, ku -> Rk', R_vec_abs, kpts))
    phase /= np.sqrt(NR)  # normalization in supercell

    # R_rel_mesh has to be construct exactly same to the Ts in super_cell function
    scell = tools.super_cell(cell, kmesh)
    return scell, phase
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_ft_aopair_bvk(self):
        from pyscf.pbc.tools import k2gamma
        n = 2
        cell = pgto.Cell()
        cell.a = numpy.eye(3) * 4
        cell.mesh = numpy.array([n, n, n])
        cell.atom = '''C    1.3    .2       .3
                       C     .1    .1      1.1
        cell.basis = 'ccpvdz'
        cell.unit = 'B'

        kpts = cell.make_kpts([2, 2, 2])
        Gv, Gvbase, kws = cell.get_Gv_weights()
        b = cell.reciprocal_vectors()
        gxyz = lib.cartesian_prod([numpy.arange(len(x)) for x in Gvbase])
        bvk_kmesh = k2gamma.kpts_to_kmesh(cell, kpts)

        ref = ft_ao.ft_aopair_kpts(cell,
        aopair = ft_ao.ft_aopair_kpts(cell,
        self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(ref - aopair).max(), 0, 8)
                               (-5.735639500461687 - 12.425151458809875j), 8)
Exemplo n.º 18
def density_cut(mol, dm, nx=80, ny=80, z_value=0):
    from scipy.constants import physical_constants
    from pyscf import lib
    from pyscf.dft import gen_grid, numint

    nz = 1

    coord = mol.atom_coords()
    box = np.max(coord,axis=0) - np.min(coord,axis=0) + 6
    boxorig = np.min(coord,axis=0) - 3
    xs = np.arange(nx) * (box[0]/nx)
    ys = np.arange(ny) * (box[1]/ny)
    zs = np.array([z_value]) 
    #zs = np.arange(nz) * (box[2]/nz)
    coords = lib.cartesian_prod([xs,ys,zs])
    coords = np.asarray(coords, order='C') - (-boxorig)

    ngrids = nx * ny * nz
    blksize = min(8000, ngrids)
    rho = np.empty(ngrids)
    ao = None
    for ip0, ip1 in gen_grid.prange(0, ngrids, blksize):
        ao = numint.eval_ao(mol, coords[ip0:ip1], out=ao)
        rho[ip0:ip1] = numint.eval_rho(mol, ao, dm)
    rho = rho.reshape(nx,ny)

    # needed for conversion as x,y are in bohr for some reason
    a0 = physical_constants["Bohr radius"][0]

    return rho.T, (xs + boxorig[0]) * a0, (ys + boxorig[1]) * a0
Exemplo n.º 19
def get_lattice_Ls(cell, nimgs=None, rcut=None, dimension=None):
    '''Get the (Cartesian, unitful) lattice translation vectors for nearby images.
    The translation vectors can be used for the lattice summation.'''
    b = cell.reciprocal_vectors(norm_to=1)
    heights_inv = lib.norm(b, axis=1)

    if nimgs is None:
        if rcut is None:
            rcut = cell.rcut

# plus 1 image in rcut to handle the case atoms within the adjacent cells are
# close to each other
        rcut = rcut + max(1. / (heights_inv + 1e-8))
        nimgs = np.ceil(rcut * heights_inv)
        rcut = max((np.asarray(nimgs)) / heights_inv) + min(
            1. / heights_inv)  # ~ the inradius

    if dimension is None:
        dimension = cell.dimension
    if dimension == 0:
        nimgs = [0, 0, 0]
    elif dimension == 1:
        nimgs = [nimgs[0], 0, 0]
    elif dimension == 2:
        nimgs = [nimgs[0], nimgs[1], 0]

    Ts = lib.cartesian_prod(
        (np.arange(-nimgs[0], nimgs[0] + 1), np.arange(-nimgs[1],
                                                       nimgs[1] + 1),
         np.arange(-nimgs[2], nimgs[2] + 1)))
    Ls = np.dot(Ts, cell.lattice_vectors())
    Ls = Ls[lib.norm(Ls, axis=1) < rcut]
    return np.asarray(Ls, order='C')
Exemplo n.º 20
def precompute_exx(cell, kpts):
    from pyscf.pbc import gto as pbcgto
    from pyscf.pbc.dft import gen_grid
    log = lib.logger.Logger(cell.stdout, cell.verbose)
    log.debug("# Precomputing Wigner-Seitz EXX kernel")
    Nk = get_monkhorst_pack_size(cell, kpts)
    log.debug("# Nk = %s", Nk)

    kcell = pbcgto.Cell()
    kcell.atom = 'H 0. 0. 0.'
    kcell.spin = 1
    kcell.unit = 'B'
    kcell.verbose = 0
    kcell.a = cell.lattice_vectors() * Nk
    Lc = 1.0/lib.norm(np.linalg.inv(kcell.a), axis=0)
    log.debug("# Lc = %s", Lc)
    Rin = Lc.min() / 2.0
    log.debug("# Rin = %s", Rin)
    # ASE:
    alpha = 5./Rin # sqrt(-ln eps) / Rc, eps ~ 10^{-11}
    log.info("WS alpha = %s", alpha)
    kcell.mesh = np.array([4*int(L*alpha*3.0) for L in Lc])  # ~ [120,120,120]
    # QE:
    #alpha = 3./Rin * np.sqrt(0.5)
    #kcell.mesh = (4*alpha*np.linalg.norm(kcell.a,axis=1)).astype(int)
    log.debug("# kcell.mesh FFT = %s", kcell.mesh)
    rs = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(kcell)
    kngs = len(rs)
    log.debug("# kcell kngs = %d", kngs)
    corners_coord = lib.cartesian_prod(([0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1]))
    corners = np.dot(corners_coord, kcell.a)
    #vR = np.empty(kngs)
    #for i, rv in enumerate(rs):
    #    # Minimum image convention to corners of kcell parallelepiped
    #    r = lib.norm(rv-corners, axis=1).min()
    #    if np.isclose(r, 0.):
    #        vR[i] = 2*alpha / np.sqrt(np.pi)
    #    else:
    #        vR[i] = scipy.special.erf(alpha*r) / r
    r = np.min([lib.norm(rs-c, axis=1) for c in corners], axis=0)
    vR = scipy.special.erf(alpha*r) / (r+1e-200)
    vR[r<1e-9] = 2*alpha / np.sqrt(np.pi)
    vG = (kcell.vol/kngs) * fft(vR, kcell.mesh)

    if abs(vG.imag).max() > 1e-6:
        # vG should be real in regular lattice. If imaginary part is observed,
        # this probably means a ws cell was built from a unconventional
        # lattice. The SR potential erfc(alpha*r) for the charge in the center
        # of ws cell decays to the region out of ws cell. The Ewald-sum based
        # on the minimum image convention cannot be used to build the kernel
        # Eq (12) of PRB 87, 165122
        raise RuntimeError('Unconventional lattice was found')

    ws_exx = {'alpha': alpha,
              'kcell': kcell,
              'q'    : kcell.Gv,
              'vq'   : vG.real.copy()}
    log.debug("# Finished precomputing")
    return ws_exx
Exemplo n.º 21
 def get_coords(self):
     xs = np.arange(self.nx) / (self.nx - 1)
     ys = np.arange(self.ny) / (self.ny - 1)
     zs = np.arange(self.nz) / (self.nz - 1)
     coords = lib.cartesian_prod([xs, ys, zs])
     coords = np.dot(coords, self.a)
     coords = np.asarray(coords, order='C') + self.origin
     return coords
Exemplo n.º 22
def setUpModule():
    global mol, b, Gvbase, Gv, gxyz
    mol = gto.Mole()
    mol.atom = '''
    C    1.3    .2       .3
    C     .1   -.1      1.1 '''
    mol.basis = 'ccpvdz'
    mesh = (7, 9, 11)

    invh = numpy.diag(numpy.random.random(3))
    b = 2 * numpy.pi * invh
    Gvbase = (numpy.fft.fftfreq(mesh[0], 1. / mesh[0]),
              numpy.fft.fftfreq(mesh[1], 1. / mesh[1]),
              numpy.fft.fftfreq(mesh[2], 1. / mesh[2]))
    Gv = numpy.dot(lib.cartesian_prod(Gvbase), b)
    gxyz = lib.cartesian_prod([numpy.arange(len(x)) for x in Gvbase])
Exemplo n.º 23
    def test_ft_aopair2(self):
        invh = numpy.random.random(3) + numpy.eye(3) * 2.5
        b = 2*numpy.pi * invh
        Gv = numpy.dot(lib.cartesian_prod(Gvbase), b)
        dat = ft_ao.ft_aopair(mol, Gv)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(finger(dat), (-3.1468496579780125-0.019209667673850885j), 9)

        dat1 = ft_ao.ft_aopair(mol, Gv, b=b, gxyz=gxyz, Gvbase=Gvbase)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(finger(dat1), (-3.1468496579780125-0.019209667673850885j), 9)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def get_coords(self):
     """  Result: set of coordinates to compute a field which is to be stored
     in the file.
     xs = numpy.arange(self.nx) * (1. / self.nx)
     ys = numpy.arange(self.ny) * (1. / self.ny)
     zs = numpy.arange(self.nz) * (1. / self.nz)
     xyz = lib.cartesian_prod((xs, ys, zs))
     coords = numpy.dot(xyz, self.box)
     return numpy.asarray(coords, order='C')
Exemplo n.º 25
def general_grid(cell, grid=[50, 50, 50]):
	Generate a general grid for a cell object, this is different to the periodic PySCF grid object
	This general grid is used to generate the *.xsf file
    ngrid = np.asarray(grid)
    qv = lib.cartesian_prod([np.arange(i) for i in ngrid])
    a_frac = np.einsum('i,ij->ij', 1. / (ngrid - 1), cell.lattice_vectors())
    coords = np.dot(qv, a_frac)

    return coords
Exemplo n.º 26
def get_lattice_Ls(cell, nimgs=None):
    '''Get the (Cartesian, unitful) lattice translation vectors for nearby images.'''
    if nimgs is None:
        nimgs = cell.nimgs
    Ts = lib.cartesian_prod((np.arange(-nimgs[0],nimgs[0]+1),
    #Ts = Ts[np.einsum('ix,ix->i',Ts,Ts) <= 1./3*np.dot(nimgs,nimgs)]
    Ts = Ts[np.einsum('ix,ix->i',Ts,Ts) <= max(nimgs)*max(nimgs)]
    Ls = np.dot(Ts, cell._h.astype(np.double).T)
    return Ls
Exemplo n.º 27
def translation_vectors_for_kmesh(cell, kmesh):
    Translation vectors to construct super-cell of which the gamma point is
    identical to the k-point mesh of primitive cell
    latt_vec = cell.lattice_vectors()
    R_rel_a = np.arange(kmesh[0])
    R_rel_b = np.arange(kmesh[1])
    R_rel_c = np.arange(kmesh[2])
    R_vec_rel = lib.cartesian_prod((R_rel_a, R_rel_b, R_rel_c))
    R_vec_abs = np.einsum('nu, uv -> nv', R_vec_rel, latt_vec)
    return R_vec_abs
Exemplo n.º 28
def get_Gv_weights(cell, gs=None):
    '''Calculate G-vectors and weights.

        Gv : (ngs, 3) ndarray of floats
            The array of G-vectors.
    if gs is None:
        gs = cell.gs

    def plus_minus(n):
        #rs, ws = dft.delley(n)
        #rs, ws = dft.treutler_ahlrichs(n)
        #rs, ws = dft.mura_knowles(n)
        rs, ws = dft.gauss_chebyshev(n)
        #return np.hstack((0,rs,-rs[::-1])), np.hstack((0,ws,ws[::-1]))
        return np.hstack((rs, -rs[::-1])), np.hstack((ws, ws[::-1]))

    # Default, the 3D uniform grids
    b = cell.reciprocal_vectors()
    rx = np.append(np.arange(gs[0] + 1.), np.arange(-gs[0], 0.))
    ry = np.append(np.arange(gs[1] + 1.), np.arange(-gs[1], 0.))
    rz = np.append(np.arange(gs[2] + 1.), np.arange(-gs[2], 0.))

    ngs = [i * 2 + 1 for i in gs]
    if cell.dimension == 0:
        rx, wx = plus_minus(gs[0])
        ry, wy = plus_minus(gs[1])
        rz, wz = plus_minus(gs[2])
        rx /= np.linalg.norm(b[0])
        ry /= np.linalg.norm(b[1])
        rz /= np.linalg.norm(b[2])
        weights = np.einsum('i,j,k->ijk', wx, wy, wz).reshape(-1)
    elif cell.dimension == 1:
        wx = np.repeat(np.linalg.norm(b[0]), ngs[0])
        ry, wy = plus_minus(gs[1])
        rz, wz = plus_minus(gs[2])
        ry /= np.linalg.norm(b[1])
        rz /= np.linalg.norm(b[2])
        weights = np.einsum('i,j,k->ijk', wx, wy, wz).reshape(-1)
    elif cell.dimension == 2:
        area = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(b[0], b[1]))
        wxy = np.repeat(area, ngs[0] * ngs[1])
        rz, wz = plus_minus(gs[2])
        rz /= np.linalg.norm(b[2])
        weights = np.einsum('i,k->ik', wxy, wz).reshape(-1)
        weights = abs(np.linalg.det(b))
    Gvbase = (rx, ry, rz)
    Gv = np.dot(lib.cartesian_prod(Gvbase), b)
    # 1/cell.vol == det(b)/(2pi)^3
    weights *= 1 / (2 * np.pi)**3
    return Gv, Gvbase, weights
Exemplo n.º 29
def get_lattice_Ls(cell, nimgs=None):
    '''Get the (Cartesian, unitful) lattice translation vectors for nearby images.'''
    if nimgs is None:
        nimgs = cell.nimgs
    Ts = lib.cartesian_prod(
        (np.arange(-nimgs[0], nimgs[0] + 1), np.arange(-nimgs[1],
                                                       nimgs[1] + 1),
         np.arange(-nimgs[2], nimgs[2] + 1)))
    #Ts = Ts[np.einsum('ix,ix->i',Ts,Ts) <= 1./3*np.dot(nimgs,nimgs)]
    Ts = Ts[np.einsum('ix,ix->i', Ts, Ts) <= max(nimgs) * max(nimgs)]
    Ls = np.dot(Ts, cell._h.astype(np.double).T)
    return Ls
Exemplo n.º 30
Arquivo: cell.py Projeto: eronca/pyscf
def get_Gv_weights(cell, gs=None):
    '''Calculate G-vectors and weights.

        Gv : (ngs, 3) ndarray of floats
            The array of G-vectors.
    if gs is None:
        gs = cell.gs
    def plus_minus(n):
        #rs, ws = dft.delley(n)
        #rs, ws = dft.treutler_ahlrichs(n)
        #rs, ws = dft.mura_knowles(n)
        rs, ws = dft.gauss_chebyshev(n)
        #return np.hstack((0,rs,-rs[::-1])), np.hstack((0,ws,ws[::-1]))
        return np.hstack((rs,-rs[::-1])), np.hstack((ws,ws[::-1]))

    # Default, the 3D uniform grids
    b = cell.reciprocal_vectors()
    rx = np.append(np.arange(gs[0]+1.), np.arange(-gs[0],0.))
    ry = np.append(np.arange(gs[1]+1.), np.arange(-gs[1],0.))
    rz = np.append(np.arange(gs[2]+1.), np.arange(-gs[2],0.))
    weights = np.linalg.det(b)

    ngs = [i*2+1 for i in gs]
    if cell.dimension == 0:
        rx, wx = plus_minus(gs[0])
        ry, wy = plus_minus(gs[1])
        rz, wz = plus_minus(gs[2])
        rx /= np.linalg.norm(b[0])
        ry /= np.linalg.norm(b[1])
        rz /= np.linalg.norm(b[2])
        weights = np.einsum('i,j,k->ijk', wx, wy, wz).reshape(-1)
    elif cell.dimension == 1:
        wx = np.repeat(np.linalg.norm(b[0]), ngs[0])
        ry, wy = plus_minus(gs[1])
        rz, wz = plus_minus(gs[2])
        ry /= np.linalg.norm(b[1])
        rz /= np.linalg.norm(b[2])
        weights = np.einsum('i,j,k->ijk', wx, wy, wz).reshape(-1)
    elif cell.dimension == 2:
        area = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(b[0], b[1]))
        wxy = np.repeat(area, ngs[0]*ngs[1])
        rz, wz = plus_minus(gs[2])
        rz /= np.linalg.norm(b[2])
        weights = np.einsum('i,k->ik', wxy, wz).reshape(-1)
    Gvbase = (rx, ry, rz)
    Gv = np.dot(lib.cartesian_prod(Gvbase), b)
    # 1/cell.vol == det(b)/(2pi)^3
    weights *= 1/(2*np.pi)**3
    return Gv, Gvbase, weights
Exemplo n.º 31
    def test_ft_aopair2(self):
        invh = numpy.random.random(3) + numpy.eye(3) * 2.5
        b = 2 * numpy.pi * invh
        Gv = numpy.dot(lib.cartesian_prod(Gvbase), b)
        dat = ft_ao.ft_aopair(mol, Gv)
                               (-3.1468496579780125 - 0.019209667673850885j),

        dat1 = ft_ao.ft_aopair(mol, Gv, b=b, gxyz=gxyz, Gvbase=Gvbase)
                               (-3.1468496579780125 - 0.019209667673850885j),
Exemplo n.º 32
    def pw_loop(self, mol, auxmol, gs, shls_slice=None, max_memory=2000):
        '''Plane wave part'''
        if isinstance(gs, int):
            gs = [gs]*3
        naux = auxmol.nao_nr()
        Gv, Gvbase, kws = non_uniform_kgrids(gs)
        nxyz = [i*2 for i in gs]
        gxyz = lib.cartesian_prod([range(i) for i in nxyz])
        kk = numpy.einsum('ki,ki->k', Gv, Gv)
        idx = numpy.argsort(kk)[::-1]
#        idx = idx[(kk[idx] < 300.) & (kk[idx] > 1e-4)]  # ~ Cut high energy plain waves
#        log.debug('Cut grids %d to %d', Gv.shape[0], len(idx))
        kk = kk[idx]
        Gv = Gv[idx]
        kws = kws[idx]
        gxyz = gxyz[idx]
        coulG = .5/numpy.pi**2 * kws / kk

        if shls_slice is None:
            ni = nj = mol.nao_nr()
            ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr()
            ni = ao_loc[shls_slice[1]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[0]]
            nj = ao_loc[shls_slice[3]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[2]]
        nij = ni * nj
        blksize = min(max(16, int(max_memory*1e6*.7/16/nij)), 16384)
        sublk = max(16,int(blksize//4))
        pqkRbuf = numpy.empty(nij*sublk)
        pqkIbuf = numpy.empty(nij*sublk)
        LkRbuf = numpy.empty(naux*sublk)
        LkIbuf = numpy.empty(naux*sublk)

        for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, coulG.size, blksize):
            aoao = ft_ao.ft_aopair(mol, Gv[p0:p1], shls_slice, 's1',
                                   Gvbase, gxyz[p0:p1], nxyz)
            aoaux = ft_ao.ft_ao(auxmol, Gv[p0:p1], None, Gvbase, gxyz[p0:p1], nxyz)

            for i0, i1 in lib.prange(0, p1-p0, sublk):
                nG = i1 - i0
                pqkR = numpy.ndarray((ni,nj,nG), buffer=pqkRbuf)
                pqkI = numpy.ndarray((ni,nj,nG), buffer=pqkIbuf)
                LkR = numpy.ndarray((naux,nG), buffer=LkRbuf)
                LkI = numpy.ndarray((naux,nG), buffer=LkIbuf)
                pqkR[:] = aoao[i0:i1].real.transpose(1,2,0)
                pqkI[:] = aoao[i0:i1].imag.transpose(1,2,0)
                LkR [:] = aoaux[i0:i1].real.T
                LkI [:] = aoaux[i0:i1].imag.T
                yield (pqkR.reshape(-1,nG), LkR, pqkI.reshape(-1,nG), LkI,
            aoao = aoaux = None
Exemplo n.º 33
    def test_ft_ao2(self):
        invh = numpy.random.random(3) + numpy.eye(3) * 2.5
        b = 2 * numpy.pi * invh
        Gv = numpy.dot(lib.cartesian_prod(Gvbase), b)
        ref = ft_ao_o0(mol, Gv)
        dat = ft_ao.ft_ao(mol, Gv)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(ref, dat))

        mol1 = mol.copy()
        mol1.cart = True
        ref = ft_ao.ft_ao(mol1, Gv)
        dat = ft_ao.ft_ao(mol1, Gv, b=b, gxyz=gxyz, Gvbase=Gvbase)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(ref, dat))
Exemplo n.º 34
    def test_ft_ao2(self):
        invh = numpy.random.random(3) + numpy.eye(3) * 2.5
        b = 2*numpy.pi * invh
        Gv = numpy.dot(lib.cartesian_prod(Gvbase), b)
        ref = ft_ao_o0(mol, Gv)
        dat = ft_ao.ft_ao(mol, Gv)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(ref, dat))

        mol1 = mol.copy()
        mol1.cart = True
        ref = ft_ao.ft_ao(mol1, Gv)
        dat = ft_ao.ft_ao(mol1, Gv, b=b, gxyz=gxyz, Gvbase=Gvbase)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(ref, dat))
Exemplo n.º 35
    def test_ft_aoao(self):
        #coords = pdft.gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
        #aoR = pdft.numint.eval_ao(cell, coords)
        #ngs, nao = aoR.shape
        #ref = numpy.asarray([tools.fft(aoR[:,i].conj()*aoR[:,j], cell.gs)
        #                     for i in range(nao) for j in range(nao)])
        #ref = ref.reshape(nao,nao,-1).transpose(2,0,1) * (cell.vol/ngs)
        #dat = ft_ao.ft_aopair(cell, cell.Gv, aosym='s1hermi')
        #self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:,0,0]-dat[:,0,0])    , 0, 5)
        #self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:,1,1]-dat[:,1,1])    , 0.02315483195832373, 4)
        #self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:,2:,2:]-dat[:,2:,2:]), 0, 9)
        #self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:,0,2:]-dat[:,0,2:])  , 0, 9)
        #self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:,2:,0]-dat[:,2:,0])  , 0, 9)
        #idx = numpy.tril_indices(nao)
        #ref = dat[:,idx[0],idx[1]]
        #dat = ft_ao.ft_aopair(cell, cell.Gv, aosym='s2')
        #self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(dat-ref).sum(), 0, 9)

        coords = pdft.gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell1)
        aoR = pdft.numint.eval_ao(cell1, coords)
        ngs, nao = aoR.shape
        ref = numpy.asarray([
            tools.fft(aoR[:, i].conj() * aoR[:, j], cell1.gs)
            for i in range(nao) for j in range(nao)
        ref = ref.reshape(nao, nao, -1).transpose(2, 0, 1) * (cell1.vol / ngs)
        Gv, Gvbase, kws = cell1.get_Gv_weights(cell1.gs)
        b = cell1.reciprocal_vectors()
        gxyz = lib.cartesian_prod([numpy.arange(len(x)) for x in Gvbase])
        dat = ft_ao.ft_aopair(cell1,
        self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:, 0, 0] - dat[:, 0, 0]),
                               0, 7)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:, 1, 1] - dat[:, 1, 1]),
                               0, 7)
            numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:, 2:, 2:] - dat[:, 2:, 2:]), 0, 7)
            numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:, 0, 2:] - dat[:, 0, 2:]), 0, 7)
            numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:, 2:, 0] - dat[:, 2:, 0]), 0, 7)
        idx = numpy.tril_indices(nao)
        ref = dat[:, idx[0], idx[1]]
        dat = ft_ao.ft_aopair(cell1, cell1.Gv, aosym='s2')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(dat - ref).sum(), 0, 9)
Exemplo n.º 36
def non_uniform_kgrids(gs):
    from pyscf.dft import gen_grid
    def plus_minus(n):
        #rs, ws = gen_grid.radi.delley(n)
        #rs, ws = gen_grid.radi.treutler_ahlrichs(n)
        #rs, ws = gen_grid.radi.mura_knowles(n)
        rs, ws = gen_grid.radi.gauss_chebyshev(n)
        return numpy.hstack((rs,-rs)), numpy.hstack((ws,ws))
    rx, wx = plus_minus(gs[0])
    ry, wy = plus_minus(gs[1])
    rz, wz = plus_minus(gs[2])
    Gvbase = (rx, ry, rz)
    Gv = lib.cartesian_prod(Gvbase)
    weights = numpy.einsum('i,j,k->ijk', wx, wy, wz).reshape(-1)
    return Gv, Gvbase, weights
Exemplo n.º 37
def get_wannier(w90, supercell=[1, 1, 1], grid=[50, 50, 50]):
    Evaluate the MLWF using a periodic grid
    import sys
    import libwannier90
    import pywannier90
    from pyscf.pbc.dft import gen_grid, numint

    grids_coor, weights = pywannier90.periodic_grid(w90.cell,
                                                    supercell=[1, 1, 1],
    kpts = w90.cell.get_abs_kpts(w90.kpt_latt_loc)
    ao_kpts = np.asarray(
        [numint.eval_ao(w90.cell, grids_coor, kpt=kpt) for kpt in kpts])

    u_mo = []
    for k_id in range(w90.num_kpts_loc):
        mo_included = w90.mo_coeff_kpts[k_id][:, w90.band_included_list]
        mo_in_window = w90.lwindow[k_id]
        C_opt = mo_included[:, mo_in_window].dot(w90.U_matrix_opt[k_id].T)
        C_tildle = C_opt.dot(w90.U_matrix[k_id].T)
        kpt = kpts[k_id]
        ao = numint.eval_ao(w90.cell, grids_coor, kpt=kpt)
        u_ao = np.einsum('x,xi->xi',
                         np.exp(-1j * np.dot(grids_coor, kpt)),
        u_mo.append(np.einsum('xi,in->xn', u_ao, C_tildle, optimize=True))

    u_mo = np.asarray(u_mo)

    nimgs = [kpt // 2 for kpt in w90.mp_grid_loc]
    Ts = lib.cartesian_prod(
        (np.arange(-nimgs[0], nimgs[0] + 1), np.arange(-nimgs[1],
                                                       nimgs[1] + 1),
         np.arange(-nimgs[2], nimgs[2] + 1)))

    Ts = np.asarray(
        order='C')  #lib.cartesian_prod store array in Fortran order in memory
    WFs = libwannier90.get_WFs(w90.kpt_latt_loc.shape[0], w90.kpt_latt_loc,
                               Ts.shape[0], Ts, supercell, grid, u_mo)

    return WFs
Exemplo n.º 38
def make_kpts(cell, nks):
    '''Given number of kpoints along x,y,z , generate kpoints

        nks : (3,) ndarray

        kpts in absolute value (unit 1/Bohr)

    >>> cell.make_kpts((4,4,4))
    ks_each_axis = [(np.arange(n)+.5)/n-.5 for n in nks]
    scaled_kpts = lib.cartesian_prod(ks_each_axis)
    kpts = cell.get_abs_kpts(scaled_kpts)
    return kpts
Exemplo n.º 39
def make_kpts(cell, nks):
    '''Given number of kpoints along x,y,z , generate kpoints

        nks : (3,) ndarray

        kpts in absolute value (unit 1/Bohr)

    >>> cell.make_kpts((4,4,4))
    ks_each_axis = [(np.arange(n)+.5)/n-.5 for n in nks]
    scaled_kpts = lib.cartesian_prod(ks_each_axis)
    kpts = cell.get_abs_kpts(scaled_kpts)
    return kpts
Exemplo n.º 40
    def pw_loop(self, cell, gs=None, kpti_kptj=None, shls_slice=None,
        '''Plane wave part'''
        if gs is None:
            gs = self.gs
        if kpti_kptj is None:
            kpti = kptj = numpy.zeros(3)
            kpti, kptj = kpti_kptj

        nao = cell.nao_nr()
        gxyz = lib.cartesian_prod((numpy.append(range(gs[0]+1), range(-gs[0],0)),
                                   numpy.append(range(gs[1]+1), range(-gs[1],0)),
                                   numpy.append(range(gs[2]+1), range(-gs[2],0))))
        invh = numpy.linalg.inv(cell._h)
        Gv = 2*numpy.pi * numpy.dot(gxyz, invh)
        ngs = gxyz.shape[0]

# Theoretically, hermitian symmetry can be also found for kpti == kptj:
#       f_ji(G) = \int f_ji exp(-iGr) = \int f_ij^* exp(-iGr) = [f_ij(-G)]^*
# The hermi operation needs reordering the axis-0.  It is inefficient
        if gamma_point(kpti) and gamma_point(kptj):
            aosym = 's1hermi'
            aosym = 's1'

        blksize = min(max(16, int(max_memory*1e6*.75/16/nao**2)), 16384)
        sublk = max(16, int(blksize//4))
        buf = [numpy.zeros(nao*nao*blksize, dtype=numpy.complex128)]
        pqkRbuf = numpy.empty(nao*nao*sublk)
        pqkIbuf = numpy.empty(nao*nao*sublk)

        for p0, p1 in self.prange(0, ngs, blksize):
            #aoao = ft_ao.ft_aopair(cell, Gv[p0:p1], shls_slice, aosym, invh,
            #                       gxyz[p0:p1], gs, (kpti, kptj))
            aoao = ft_ao._ft_aopair_kpts(cell, Gv[p0:p1], shls_slice, aosym,
                                         invh, gxyz[p0:p1], gs,
                                         kptj-kpti, kptj.reshape(1,3), out=buf)[0]
            for i0, i1 in lib.prange(0, p1-p0, sublk):
                nG = i1 - i0
                pqkR = numpy.ndarray((nao,nao,nG), buffer=pqkRbuf)
                pqkI = numpy.ndarray((nao,nao,nG), buffer=pqkIbuf)
                pqkR[:] = aoao[i0:i1].real.transpose(1,2,0)
                pqkI[:] = aoao[i0:i1].imag.transpose(1,2,0)
                yield (pqkR.reshape(-1,nG),
                       pqkI.reshape(-1,nG), p0+i0, p0+i1)
            aoao[:] = 0
Exemplo n.º 41
    def ft_loop(self, cell, gs=None, kpt=numpy.zeros(3),
                kpts=None, shls_slice=None, max_memory=4000):
        Fourier transform iterator for all kpti which satisfy  kpt = kpts - kpti
        if gs is None: gs = self.gs
        if kpts is None:
            kpts = self.kpts
        kpts = numpy.asarray(kpts)
        nkpts = len(kpts)

        nao = cell.nao_nr()
        gxyz = lib.cartesian_prod((numpy.append(range(gs[0]+1), range(-gs[0],0)),
                                   numpy.append(range(gs[1]+1), range(-gs[1],0)),
                                   numpy.append(range(gs[2]+1), range(-gs[2],0))))
        invh = numpy.linalg.inv(cell._h)
        Gv = 2*numpy.pi * numpy.dot(gxyz, invh)
        ngs = gxyz.shape[0]

# Theoretically, hermitian symmetry can be also found for kpti == kptj:
#       f_ji(G) = \int f_ji exp(-iGr) = \int f_ij^* exp(-iGr) = [f_ij(-G)]^*
# The hermi operation needs reordering the axis-0.  It is inefficient
        if gamma_point(kpt) and gamma_point(kpts):
            aosym = 's1hermi'
            aosym = 's1'

        blksize = min(max(16, int(max_memory*.9e6/(nao**2*(nkpts+1)*16))), 16384)
        buf = [numpy.zeros(nao*nao*blksize, dtype=numpy.complex128)
               for k in range(nkpts)]
        pqkRbuf = numpy.empty(nao*nao*blksize)
        pqkIbuf = numpy.empty(nao*nao*blksize)

        for p0, p1 in self.prange(0, ngs, blksize):
            ft_ao._ft_aopair_kpts(cell, Gv[p0:p1], shls_slice, aosym, invh,
                                  gxyz[p0:p1], gs, kpt, kpts, out=buf)
            nG = p1 - p0
            for k in range(nkpts):
                aoao = numpy.ndarray((nG,nao,nao), dtype=numpy.complex128,
                                     order='F', buffer=buf[k])
                pqkR = numpy.ndarray((nao,nao,nG), buffer=pqkRbuf)
                pqkI = numpy.ndarray((nao,nao,nG), buffer=pqkIbuf)
                pqkR[:] = aoao.real.transpose(1,2,0)
                pqkI[:] = aoao.imag.transpose(1,2,0)
                yield (k, pqkR.reshape(-1,nG), pqkI.reshape(-1,nG), p0, p1)
                aoao[:] = 0  # == buf[k][:] = 0
Exemplo n.º 42
    def get_phase(self, cell=None, kpts=None, kmesh=None):
        Get a super cell and the phase matrix that transform from real to k-space 
        if kmesh is None: kmesh = w90.mp_grid_loc
        if cell is None: cell = self.cell
        if kpts is None: kpts = self.kpts

        a = cell.lattice_vectors()
        Ts = lib.cartesian_prod(
            (np.arange(kmesh[0]), np.arange(kmesh[1]), np.arange(kmesh[2])))
        Rs = np.dot(Ts, a)
        NRs = Rs.shape[0]
        phase = 1 / np.sqrt(NRs) * np.exp(1j * Rs.dot(kpts.T))
        scell = pbctools.super_cell(cell, kmesh)

        return scell, phase
Exemplo n.º 43
Arquivo: cell.py Projeto: eronca/pyscf
def gen_uniform_grids(cell, gs=None):
    '''Generate a uniform real-space grid consistent w/ samp thm; see MH (3.19).

        cell : instance of :class:`Cell`

        coords : (ngx*ngy*ngz, 3) ndarray
            The real-space grid point coordinates.

    if gs is None: gs = cell.gs
    ngs = 2*np.asarray(gs)+1
    qv = lib.cartesian_prod([np.arange(x) for x in ngs])
    a_frac = np.einsum('i,ij->ij', 1./ngs, cell.lattice_vectors())
    coords = np.dot(qv, a_frac)
    return coords
Exemplo n.º 44
def gen_uniform_grids(cell, gs=None):
    '''Generate a uniform real-space grid consistent w/ samp thm; see MH (3.19).

        cell : instance of :class:`Cell`

        coords : (ngx*ngy*ngz, 3) ndarray
            The real-space grid point coordinates.

    if gs is None: gs = cell.gs
    ngs = 2 * np.asarray(gs) + 1
    qv = lib.cartesian_prod([np.arange(x) for x in ngs])
    a_frac = np.einsum('i,ij->ij', 1. / ngs, cell.lattice_vectors())
    coords = np.dot(qv, a_frac)
    return coords
Exemplo n.º 45
def make_kpts(cell, nks):
    '''Given number of kpoints along x,y,z , generate kpoints

        nks : (3,) ndarray

        kpts in absolute value (unit 1/Bohr).  Gamma point is placed at the
        first place in the k-points list


    >>> cell.make_kpts((4,4,4))
    ks_each_axis = [np.arange(n,dtype=float)/n for n in nks]
    scaled_kpts = lib.cartesian_prod(ks_each_axis)
    kpts = cell.get_abs_kpts(scaled_kpts)
    return kpts
Exemplo n.º 46
    def __init__(self, cell, kpts):
        '''Helper class for handling k-points in correlated calculations.

            kconserv : (nkpts,nkpts,nkpts) ndarray
                The index of the fourth momentum-conserving k-point, given
                indices of three k-points
            symm_map : OrderedDict of list of (3,) tuples
                Keys are (3,) tuples of symmetry-unique k-point indices and
                values are lists of (3,) tuples, enumerating all
                symmetry-related k-point indices for ERI generation
        self.kconserv = get_kconserv(cell, kpts)
        nkpts = len(kpts)
        temp = range(0,nkpts)
        kptlist = lib.cartesian_prod((temp,temp,temp))
        completed = np.zeros((nkpts,nkpts,nkpts), dtype=bool)

        self._operation = np.zeros((nkpts,nkpts,nkpts), dtype=int)
        self.symm_map = OrderedDict()

        for kpt in kptlist:
            kpt = tuple(kpt)
            kp,kq,kr = kpt
            if not completed[kp,kq,kr]:
                self.symm_map[kpt] = list()
                ks = self.kconserv[kp,kq,kr]

                completed[kp,kq,kr] = True
                self._operation[kp,kq,kr] = 0

                completed[kr,ks,kp] = True
                self._operation[kr,ks,kp] = 1 #.transpose(2,3,0,1)

                completed[kq,kp,ks] = True
                self._operation[kq,kp,ks] = 2 #np.conj(.transpose(1,0,3,2))

                completed[ks,kr,kq] = True
                self._operation[ks,kr,kq] = 3 #np.conj(.transpose(3,2,1,0))
Exemplo n.º 47
    def ft_loop(self, mesh=None, q=numpy.zeros(3), kpts=None, shls_slice=None,
                max_memory=4000, aosym='s1', intor='GTO_ft_ovlp', comp=1):
        Fourier transform iterator for all kpti which satisfy
            2pi*N = (kpts - kpti - q)*a,  N = -1, 0, 1
        cell = self.cell
        if mesh is None:
            mesh = self.mesh
        if kpts is None:
            kpts = self.kpts
        kpts = numpy.asarray(kpts)
        nkpts = len(kpts)

        ao_loc = cell.ao_loc_nr()
        b = cell.reciprocal_vectors()
        Gv, Gvbase, kws = cell.get_Gv_weights(mesh)
        gxyz = lib.cartesian_prod([numpy.arange(len(x)) for x in Gvbase])
        ngrids = gxyz.shape[0]

        if shls_slice is None:
            shls_slice = (0, cell.nbas, 0, cell.nbas)
        if aosym == 's2':
            assert(shls_slice[2] == 0)
            i0 = ao_loc[shls_slice[0]]
            i1 = ao_loc[shls_slice[1]]
            nij = i1*(i1+1)//2 - i0*(i0+1)//2
            ni = ao_loc[shls_slice[1]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[0]]
            nj = ao_loc[shls_slice[3]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[2]]
            nij = ni*nj

        blksize = max(16, int(max_memory*.9e6/(nij*nkpts*16*comp)))
        blksize = min(blksize, ngrids, 16384)
        buf = numpy.empty(nkpts*nij*blksize*comp, dtype=numpy.complex128)

        for p0, p1 in self.prange(0, ngrids, blksize):
            dat = ft_ao._ft_aopair_kpts(cell, Gv[p0:p1], shls_slice, aosym,
                                        b, gxyz[p0:p1], Gvbase, q, kpts,
                                        intor, comp, out=buf)
            yield dat, p0, p1
Exemplo n.º 48
    def get_Gv(self):
        """Calculate three-dimensional G-vectors for the cell; see MH (3.8).

        Indices along each direction go as [0...self.gs, -self.gs...-1]
        to follow FFT convention. Note that, for each direction, ngs = 2*self.gs+1.

            self : instance of :class:`Cell`

            Gv : (ngs, 3) ndarray of floats
                The array of G-vectors.
        gxrange = range(self.gs[0] + 1) + range(-self.gs[0], 0)
        gyrange = range(self.gs[1] + 1) + range(-self.gs[1], 0)
        gzrange = range(self.gs[2] + 1) + range(-self.gs[2], 0)
        gxyz = lib.cartesian_prod((gxrange, gyrange, gzrange))

        invh = scipy.linalg.inv(self.lattice_vectors())
        Gv = 2 * np.pi * np.dot(gxyz, invh)
        return Gv
Exemplo n.º 49
Arquivo: pbc.py Projeto: eronca/pyscf
def get_kconserv(cell, kpts):
    '''Get the momentum conservation array for a set of k-points.

    Given k-point indices (k, l, m) the array kconserv[k,l,m] returns
    the index n that satifies momentum conservation,

       k(k) - k(l) = - k(m) + k(n)

    This is used for symmetry e.g. integrals of the form
        [\phi*[k](1) \phi[l](1) | \phi*[m](2) \phi[n](2)]
    are zero unless n satisfies the above.
    nkpts = kpts.shape[0]
    KLMN = np.zeros([nkpts,nkpts,nkpts], np.int)
    kvecs = cell.reciprocal_vectors()

    for K, kvK in enumerate(kpts):
        for L, kvL in enumerate(kpts):
            for M, kvM in enumerate(kpts):
                # Here we find where kvN = kvM + kvL - kvK (mod K)
                temp = range(-1,2)
                xyz = lib.cartesian_prod((temp,temp,temp))
                found = 0
                kvMLK = kvK - kvL + kvM
                kvN = kvMLK
                for ishift in xrange(len(xyz)):
                    kvN = kvMLK + np.dot(xyz[ishift],kvecs)
                    finder = np.where(np.logical_and(kpts < kvN + 1.e-12,
                                                     kpts > kvN - 1.e-12).sum(axis=1)==3)
                    # The k-point should be the same in all 3 indices as kvN
                    if len(finder[0]) > 0:
                        KLMN[K, L, M] = finder[0][0]
                        found = 1

                if found == 0:
                    print("** ERROR: Problem in get_kconserv. Quitting.")
    return KLMN
Exemplo n.º 50
def get_Gv(cell, gs=None):
    '''Calculate three-dimensional G-vectors for the cell; see MH (3.8).

    Indices along each direction go as [0...cell.gs, -cell.gs...-1]
    to follow FFT convention. Note that, for each direction, ngs = 2*cell.gs+1.

        cell : instance of :class:`Cell`

        Gv : (ngs, 3) ndarray of floats
            The array of G-vectors.
    if gs is None:
        gs = cell.gs
    gxrange = np.append(range(gs[0]+1), range(-gs[0],0))
    gyrange = np.append(range(gs[1]+1), range(-gs[1],0))
    gzrange = np.append(range(gs[2]+1), range(-gs[2],0))
    gxyz = lib.cartesian_prod((gxrange, gyrange, gzrange))

    invh = scipy.linalg.inv(cell.lattice_vectors())
    Gv = 2*np.pi* np.dot(gxyz, invh)
    return Gv
Exemplo n.º 51
def super_cell(cell, ncopy):
    '''Create an ncopy[0] x ncopy[1] x ncopy[2] supercell of the input cell
    Note this function differs from :fun:`cell_plus_imgs` that cell_plus_imgs
    creates images in both +/- direction.

        cell : instance of :class:`Cell`
        ncopy : (3,) array

        supcell : instance of :class:`Cell`
    supcell = cell.copy()
    a = cell.lattice_vectors()
    #:supcell.atom = []
    #:for Lx in range(ncopy[0]):
    #:    for Ly in range(ncopy[1]):
    #:        for Lz in range(ncopy[2]):
    #:            # Using cell._atom guarantees coord is in Bohr
    #:            for atom, coord in cell._atom:
    #:                L = np.dot([Lx, Ly, Lz], a)
    #:                supcell.atom.append([atom, coord + L])
    Ts = lib.cartesian_prod((np.arange(ncopy[0]),
    Ls = np.dot(Ts, a)
    symbs = [atom[0] for atom in cell._atom] * len(Ls)
    coords = Ls.reshape(-1,1,3) + cell.atom_coords()
    supcell.atom = list(zip(symbs, coords.reshape(-1,3)))
    supcell.unit = 'B'
    supcell.a = np.einsum('i,ij->ij', ncopy, a)
    supcell.mesh = np.array([ncopy[0]*cell.mesh[0],
    supcell.build(False, False, verbose=0)
    supcell.verbose = cell.verbose
    return supcell
Exemplo n.º 52
def get_lattice_Ls(cell, nimgs=None, rcut=None, dimension=None):
    '''Get the (Cartesian, unitful) lattice translation vectors for nearby images.
    The translation vectors can be used for the lattice summation.'''
    a = cell.lattice_vectors()
    b = cell.reciprocal_vectors(norm_to=1)
    heights_inv = lib.norm(b, axis=1)

    if nimgs is None:
        if rcut is None:
            rcut = cell.rcut
# plus 1 image in rcut to handle the case atoms within the adjacent cells are
# close to each other
        nimgs = np.ceil(rcut*heights_inv + 1.1).astype(int)
        rcut = max((np.asarray(nimgs))/heights_inv)

    if dimension is None:
        dimension = cell.dimension
    if dimension == 0:
        nimgs = [0, 0, 0]
    elif dimension == 1:
        nimgs = [nimgs[0], 0, 0]
    elif dimension == 2:
        nimgs = [nimgs[0], nimgs[1], 0]

    Ts = lib.cartesian_prod((np.arange(-nimgs[0],nimgs[0]+1),
    Ls = np.dot(Ts, a)
    idx = np.zeros(len(Ls), dtype=bool)
    for ax in (-a[0], 0, a[0]):
        for ay in (-a[1], 0, a[1]):
            for az in (-a[2], 0, a[2]):
                idx |= lib.norm(Ls+(ax+ay+az), axis=1) < rcut
    Ls = Ls[idx]
    return np.asarray(Ls, order='C')
Exemplo n.º 53
def _make_j3c(mydf, cell, auxcell, kptij_lst, cderi_file):
    log = logger.Logger(mydf.stdout, mydf.verbose)
    t1 = t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())

    fused_cell, fuse = fuse_auxcell(mydf, mydf.auxcell)
    ao_loc = cell.ao_loc_nr()
    nao = ao_loc[-1]
    naux = auxcell.nao_nr()
    nkptij = len(kptij_lst)
    mesh = mydf.mesh
    Gv, Gvbase, kws = cell.get_Gv_weights(mesh)
    b = cell.reciprocal_vectors()
    gxyz = lib.cartesian_prod([numpy.arange(len(x)) for x in Gvbase])
    ngrids = gxyz.shape[0]

    kptis = kptij_lst[:,0]
    kptjs = kptij_lst[:,1]
    kpt_ji = kptjs - kptis
    uniq_kpts, uniq_index, uniq_inverse = unique(kpt_ji)
    log.debug('Num uniq kpts %d', len(uniq_kpts))
    log.debug2('uniq_kpts %s', uniq_kpts)
    # j2c ~ (-kpt_ji | kpt_ji)
    j2c = fused_cell.pbc_intor('int2c2e', hermi=1, kpts=uniq_kpts)
    j2ctags = []
    t1 = log.timer_debug1('2c2e', *t1)

    swapfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=os.path.dirname(cderi_file))
    fswap = lib.H5TmpFile(swapfile.name)
    # Unlink swapfile to avoid trash
    swapfile = None

    for k, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts):
        coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(kpt, False, mesh)
        j2c[k] = fuse(fuse(j2c[k]).T).T.copy()
        j2c_k = numpy.zeros_like(j2c[k])
        for p0, p1 in mydf.mpi_prange(0, ngrids):
            aoaux = ft_ao.ft_ao(fused_cell, Gv[p0:p1], None, b, gxyz[p0:p1], Gvbase, kpt).T
            aoaux = fuse(aoaux)
            LkR = numpy.asarray(aoaux.real, order='C')
            LkI = numpy.asarray(aoaux.imag, order='C')
            aoaux = None

            if is_zero(kpt):  # kpti == kptj
                j2cR   = lib.dot(LkR*coulG[p0:p1], LkR.T)
                j2c_k += lib.dot(LkI*coulG[p0:p1], LkI.T, 1, j2cR, 1)
                # aoaux ~ kpt_ij, aoaux.conj() ~ kpt_kl
                j2cR, j2cI = zdotCN(LkR*coulG[p0:p1], LkI*coulG[p0:p1], LkR.T, LkI.T)
                j2c_k += j2cR + j2cI * 1j
            LkR = LkI = None
        j2c[k] -= mpi.allreduce(j2c_k)

            fswap['j2c/%d'%k] = scipy.linalg.cholesky(j2c[k], lower=True)
        except scipy.linalg.LinAlgError:
            w, v = scipy.linalg.eigh(j2c[k])
            log.debug2('metric linear dependency for kpt %s', k)
            log.debug2('cond = %.4g, drop %d bfns',
                       w[0]/w[-1], numpy.count_nonzero(w<mydf.linear_dep_threshold))
            v1 = v[:,w>mydf.linear_dep_threshold].T.conj()
            v1 /= numpy.sqrt(w[w>mydf.linear_dep_threshold]).reshape(-1,1)
            fswap['j2c/%d'%k] = v1
            if cell.dimension == 2 and cell.low_dim_ft_type != 'inf_vacuum':
                idx = numpy.where(w < -mydf.linear_dep_threshold)[0]
                if len(idx) > 0:
                    fswap['j2c-/%d'%k] = (v[:,idx]/numpy.sqrt(-w[idx])).conj().T
            w = v = v1 = v2 = None
        aoaux = kLR = kLI = j2cR = j2cI = coulG = None
    j2c = None

    aosym_s2 = numpy.einsum('ix->i', abs(kptis-kptjs)) < 1e-9
    j_only = numpy.all(aosym_s2)
    if gamma_point(kptij_lst):
        dtype = 'f8'
        dtype = 'c16'
    t1 = log.timer_debug1('aoaux and int2c', *t1)

# Estimates the buffer size based on the last contraction in G-space.
# This contraction requires to hold nkptj copies of (naux,?) array
# simultaneously in memory.
    mem_now = max(comm.allgather(lib.current_memory()[0]))
    max_memory = max(2000, mydf.max_memory - mem_now)
    nkptj_max = max((uniq_inverse==x).sum() for x in set(uniq_inverse))
    buflen = max(int(min(max_memory*.5e6/16/naux/(nkptj_max+2)/nao,
                         nao/3/mpi.pool.size)), 1)
    chunks = (buflen, nao)

    j3c_jobs = mpi_df.grids2d_int3c_jobs(cell, auxcell, kptij_lst, chunks, j_only)
    log.debug1('max_memory = %d MB (%d in use)  chunks %s',
               max_memory, mem_now, chunks)
    log.debug2('j3c_jobs %s', j3c_jobs)

    if j_only:
        int3c = wrap_int3c(cell, fused_cell, 'int3c2e', 's2', 1, kptij_lst)
        int3c = wrap_int3c(cell, fused_cell, 'int3c2e', 's1', 1, kptij_lst)
        idxb = numpy.tril_indices(nao)
        idxb = (idxb[0] * nao + idxb[1]).astype('i')
    aux_loc = fused_cell.ao_loc_nr(fused_cell.cart)

    def gen_int3c(job_id, ish0, ish1):
        dataname = 'j3c-chunks/%d' % job_id
        i0 = ao_loc[ish0]
        i1 = ao_loc[ish1]
        dii = i1*(i1+1)//2 - i0*(i0+1)//2
        dij = (i1 - i0) * nao
        if j_only:
            buflen = max(8, int(max_memory*1e6/16/(nkptij*dii+dii)))
            buflen = max(8, int(max_memory*1e6/16/(nkptij*dij+dij)))
        auxranges = balance_segs(aux_loc[1:]-aux_loc[:-1], buflen)
        buflen = max([x[2] for x in auxranges])
        buf = numpy.empty(nkptij*dij*buflen, dtype=dtype)
        buf1 = numpy.empty(dij*buflen, dtype=dtype)

        naux = aux_loc[-1]
        for kpt_id, kptij in enumerate(kptij_lst):
            key = '%s/%d' % (dataname, kpt_id)
            if aosym_s2[kpt_id]:
                shape = (naux, dii)
                shape = (naux, dij)
            if gamma_point(kptij):
                fswap.create_dataset(key, shape, 'f8')
                fswap.create_dataset(key, shape, 'c16')

        naux0 = 0
        for istep, auxrange in enumerate(auxranges):
            log.alldebug2("aux_e1 job_id %d step %d", job_id, istep)
            sh0, sh1, nrow = auxrange
            sub_slice = (ish0, ish1, 0, cell.nbas, sh0, sh1)
            if j_only:
                mat = numpy.ndarray((nkptij,dii,nrow), dtype=dtype, buffer=buf)
                mat = numpy.ndarray((nkptij,dij,nrow), dtype=dtype, buffer=buf)
            mat = int3c(sub_slice, mat)

            for k, kptij in enumerate(kptij_lst):
                h5dat = fswap['%s/%d'%(dataname,k)]
                v = lib.transpose(mat[k], out=buf1)
                if not j_only and aosym_s2[k]:
                    idy = idxb[i0*(i0+1)//2:i1*(i1+1)//2] - i0 * nao
                    out = numpy.ndarray((nrow,dii), dtype=v.dtype, buffer=mat[k])
                    v = numpy.take(v, idy, axis=1, out=out)
                if gamma_point(kptij):
                    h5dat[naux0:naux0+nrow] = v.real
                    h5dat[naux0:naux0+nrow] = v
            naux0 += nrow

    def ft_fuse(job_id, uniq_kptji_id, sh0, sh1):
        kpt = uniq_kpts[uniq_kptji_id]  # kpt = kptj - kpti
        adapted_ji_idx = numpy.where(uniq_inverse == uniq_kptji_id)[0]
        adapted_kptjs = kptjs[adapted_ji_idx]
        nkptj = len(adapted_kptjs)

        Gaux = ft_ao.ft_ao(fused_cell, Gv, None, b, gxyz, Gvbase, kpt).T
        Gaux = fuse(Gaux)
        Gaux *= mydf.weighted_coulG(kpt, False, mesh)
        kLR = lib.transpose(numpy.asarray(Gaux.real, order='C'))
        kLI = lib.transpose(numpy.asarray(Gaux.imag, order='C'))
        j2c = numpy.asarray(fswap['j2c/%d'%uniq_kptji_id])
        j2ctag = j2ctags[uniq_kptji_id]
        naux0 = j2c.shape[0]
        if ('j2c-/%d' % uniq_kptji_id) in fswap:
            j2c_negative = numpy.asarray(fswap['j2c-/%d'%uniq_kptji_id])
            j2c_negative = None

        if is_zero(kpt):
            aosym = 's2'
            aosym = 's1'

        if aosym == 's2' and cell.dimension == 3:
            vbar = fuse(mydf.auxbar(fused_cell))
            ovlp = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', hermi=1, kpts=adapted_kptjs)
            ovlp = [lib.pack_tril(s) for s in ovlp]

        j3cR = [None] * nkptj
        j3cI = [None] * nkptj
        i0 = ao_loc[sh0]
        i1 = ao_loc[sh1]
        for k, idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            key = 'j3c-chunks/%d/%d' % (job_id, idx)
            v = fuse(numpy.asarray(fswap[key]))
            if aosym == 's2' and cell.dimension == 3:
                for i in numpy.where(vbar != 0)[0]:
                    v[i] -= vbar[i] * ovlp[k][i0*(i0+1)//2:i1*(i1+1)//2].ravel()
            j3cR[k] = numpy.asarray(v.real, order='C')
            if v.dtype == numpy.complex128:
                j3cI[k] = numpy.asarray(v.imag, order='C')
            v = None

        ncol = j3cR[0].shape[1]
        Gblksize = max(16, int(max_memory*1e6/16/ncol/(nkptj+1)))  # +1 for pqkRbuf/pqkIbuf
        Gblksize = min(Gblksize, ngrids, 16384)
        pqkRbuf = numpy.empty(ncol*Gblksize)
        pqkIbuf = numpy.empty(ncol*Gblksize)
        buf = numpy.empty(nkptj*ncol*Gblksize, dtype=numpy.complex128)
        log.alldebug2('    blksize (%d,%d)', Gblksize, ncol)

        if aosym == 's2':
            shls_slice = (sh0, sh1, 0, sh1)
            shls_slice = (sh0, sh1, 0, cell.nbas)
        for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, ngrids, Gblksize):
            dat = ft_ao._ft_aopair_kpts(cell, Gv[p0:p1], shls_slice, aosym, b,
                                        gxyz[p0:p1], Gvbase, kpt,
                                        adapted_kptjs, out=buf)
            nG = p1 - p0
            for k, ji in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
                aoao = dat[k].reshape(nG,ncol)
                pqkR = numpy.ndarray((ncol,nG), buffer=pqkRbuf)
                pqkI = numpy.ndarray((ncol,nG), buffer=pqkIbuf)
                pqkR[:] = aoao.real.T
                pqkI[:] = aoao.imag.T

                lib.dot(kLR[p0:p1].T, pqkR.T, -1, j3cR[k], 1)
                lib.dot(kLI[p0:p1].T, pqkI.T, -1, j3cR[k], 1)
                if not (is_zero(kpt) and gamma_point(adapted_kptjs[k])):
                    lib.dot(kLR[p0:p1].T, pqkI.T, -1, j3cI[k], 1)
                    lib.dot(kLI[p0:p1].T, pqkR.T,  1, j3cI[k], 1)

        for k, idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            if is_zero(kpt) and gamma_point(adapted_kptjs[k]):
                v = j3cR[k]
                v = j3cR[k] + j3cI[k] * 1j
            if j2ctag == 'CD':
                v = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(j2c, v, lower=True, overwrite_b=True)
                fswap['j3c-chunks/%d/%d'%(job_id,idx)][:naux0] = v
                fswap['j3c-chunks/%d/%d'%(job_id,idx)][:naux0] = lib.dot(j2c, v)

            # low-dimension systems
            if j2c_negative is not None:
                fswap['j3c-/%d/%d'%(job_id,idx)] = lib.dot(j2c_negative, v)

    mpi_df._assemble(mydf, kptij_lst, j3c_jobs, gen_int3c, ft_fuse, cderi_file, fswap, log)
Exemplo n.º 54
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from pyscf import gto

    mol = gto.Mole()
    mol.atom = '''C    1.3    .2       .3
                  C     .1    .1      1.1
    mol.basis = 'ccpvdz'
    #mol.basis = {'C': [[0, (2.4, .1, .6), (1.0,.8, .4)], [1, (1.1, 1)]]}
    #mol.basis = {'C': [[0, (2.4, 1)]]}
    mol.unit = 'B'

    L = 5.
    n = 20
    a = numpy.diag([L,L,L])
    b = scipy.linalg.inv(a)
    gs = [n,n,n]
    gxrange = range(gs[0]+1)+range(-gs[0],0)
    gyrange = range(gs[1]+1)+range(-gs[1],0)
    gzrange = range(gs[2]+1)+range(-gs[2],0)
    gxyz = lib.cartesian_prod((gxrange, gyrange, gzrange))
    Gv = 2*numpy.pi * numpy.dot(gxyz, b)

    import time
    print(numpy.linalg.norm(ft_aopair(mol, Gv, None, 's1', b, gxyz, gs)) - 63.0239113778)
    print(numpy.linalg.norm(ft_ao(mol, Gv, None, b, gxyz, gs))-56.8273147065)
Exemplo n.º 55
 def test_cartesian_prod(self):
     arrs = (range(3,9), range(4))
     cp = lib.cartesian_prod(arrs)
     for i,x in enumerate(itertools.product(*arrs)):
Exemplo n.º 56
Arquivo: df.py Projeto: chrinide/pyscf
def _make_j3c(mydf, cell, auxcell, kptij_lst, cderi_file):
    t1 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    log = logger.Logger(mydf.stdout, mydf.verbose)
    max_memory = max(2000, mydf.max_memory-lib.current_memory()[0])
    fused_cell, fuse = fuse_auxcell(mydf, auxcell)

    # The ideal way to hold the temporary integrals is to store them in the
    # cderi_file and overwrite them inplace in the second pass.  The current
    # HDF5 library does not have an efficient way to manage free space in
    # overwriting.  It often leads to the cderi_file ~2 times larger than the
    # necessary size.  For now, dumping the DF integral intermediates to a
    # separated temporary file can avoid this issue.  The DF intermediates may
    # be terribly huge. The temporary file should be placed in the same disk
    # as cderi_file.
    swapfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=os.path.dirname(cderi_file))
    fswap = lib.H5TmpFile(swapfile.name)
    # Unlink swapfile to avoid trash
    swapfile = None

    outcore._aux_e2(cell, fused_cell, fswap, 'int3c2e', aosym='s2',
                    kptij_lst=kptij_lst, dataname='j3c-junk', max_memory=max_memory)
    t1 = log.timer_debug1('3c2e', *t1)

    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    naux = auxcell.nao_nr()
    mesh = mydf.mesh
    Gv, Gvbase, kws = cell.get_Gv_weights(mesh)
    b = cell.reciprocal_vectors()
    gxyz = lib.cartesian_prod([numpy.arange(len(x)) for x in Gvbase])
    ngrids = gxyz.shape[0]

    kptis = kptij_lst[:,0]
    kptjs = kptij_lst[:,1]
    kpt_ji = kptjs - kptis
    uniq_kpts, uniq_index, uniq_inverse = unique(kpt_ji)

    log.debug('Num uniq kpts %d', len(uniq_kpts))
    log.debug2('uniq_kpts %s', uniq_kpts)
    # j2c ~ (-kpt_ji | kpt_ji)
    j2c = fused_cell.pbc_intor('int2c2e', hermi=1, kpts=uniq_kpts)

    max_memory = max(2000, mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0])
    blksize = max(2048, int(max_memory*.5e6/16/fused_cell.nao_nr()))
    log.debug2('max_memory %s (MB)  blocksize %s', max_memory, blksize)
    for k, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts):
        coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(kpt, False, mesh)
        for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, ngrids, blksize):
            aoaux = ft_ao.ft_ao(fused_cell, Gv[p0:p1], None, b, gxyz[p0:p1], Gvbase, kpt).T
            LkR = numpy.asarray(aoaux.real, order='C')
            LkI = numpy.asarray(aoaux.imag, order='C')
            aoaux = None

            if is_zero(kpt):  # kpti == kptj
                j2c[k][naux:] -= lib.ddot(LkR[naux:]*coulG[p0:p1], LkR.T)
                j2c[k][naux:] -= lib.ddot(LkI[naux:]*coulG[p0:p1], LkI.T)
                j2c[k][:naux,naux:] = j2c[k][naux:,:naux].T
                j2cR, j2cI = zdotCN(LkR[naux:]*coulG[p0:p1],
                                    LkI[naux:]*coulG[p0:p1], LkR.T, LkI.T)
                j2c[k][naux:] -= j2cR + j2cI * 1j
                j2c[k][:naux,naux:] = j2c[k][naux:,:naux].T.conj()
            LkR = LkI = None
        fswap['j2c/%d'%k] = fuse(fuse(j2c[k]).T).T
    j2c = coulG = None

    def cholesky_decomposed_metric(uniq_kptji_id):
        j2c = numpy.asarray(fswap['j2c/%d'%uniq_kptji_id])
        j2c_negative = None
            j2c = scipy.linalg.cholesky(j2c, lower=True)
            j2ctag = 'CD'
        except scipy.linalg.LinAlgError as e:
            #msg =('===================================\n'
            #      'J-metric not positive definite.\n'
            #      'It is likely that mesh is not enough.\n'
            #      '===================================')
            #raise scipy.linalg.LinAlgError('\n'.join([str(e), msg]))
            w, v = scipy.linalg.eigh(j2c)
            log.debug('DF metric linear dependency for kpt %s', uniq_kptji_id)
            log.debug('cond = %.4g, drop %d bfns',
                      w[-1]/w[0], numpy.count_nonzero(w<mydf.linear_dep_threshold))
            v1 = v[:,w>mydf.linear_dep_threshold].conj().T
            v1 /= numpy.sqrt(w[w>mydf.linear_dep_threshold]).reshape(-1,1)
            j2c = v1
            if cell.dimension == 2 and cell.low_dim_ft_type != 'inf_vacuum':
                idx = numpy.where(w < -mydf.linear_dep_threshold)[0]
                if len(idx) > 0:
                    j2c_negative = (v[:,idx]/numpy.sqrt(-w[idx])).conj().T
            w = v = None
            j2ctag = 'eig'
        return j2c, j2c_negative, j2ctag

    feri = h5py.File(cderi_file, 'w')
    feri['j3c-kptij'] = kptij_lst
    nsegs = len(fswap['j3c-junk/0'])
    def make_kpt(uniq_kptji_id, cholesky_j2c):
        kpt = uniq_kpts[uniq_kptji_id]  # kpt = kptj - kpti
        log.debug1('kpt = %s', kpt)
        adapted_ji_idx = numpy.where(uniq_inverse == uniq_kptji_id)[0]
        adapted_kptjs = kptjs[adapted_ji_idx]
        nkptj = len(adapted_kptjs)
        log.debug1('adapted_ji_idx = %s', adapted_ji_idx)

        j2c, j2c_negative, j2ctag = cholesky_j2c

        shls_slice = (auxcell.nbas, fused_cell.nbas)
        Gaux = ft_ao.ft_ao(fused_cell, Gv, shls_slice, b, gxyz, Gvbase, kpt)
        wcoulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(kpt, False, mesh)
        Gaux *= wcoulG.reshape(-1,1)
        kLR = Gaux.real.copy('C')
        kLI = Gaux.imag.copy('C')
        Gaux = None

        if is_zero(kpt):  # kpti == kptj
            aosym = 's2'
            nao_pair = nao*(nao+1)//2

            if cell.dimension == 3:
                vbar = fuse(mydf.auxbar(fused_cell))
                ovlp = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', hermi=1, kpts=adapted_kptjs)
                ovlp = [lib.pack_tril(s) for s in ovlp]
            aosym = 's1'
            nao_pair = nao**2

        mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0]
        log.debug2('memory = %s', mem_now)
        max_memory = max(2000, mydf.max_memory-mem_now)
        # nkptj for 3c-coulomb arrays plus 1 Lpq array
        buflen = min(max(int(max_memory*.38e6/16/naux/(nkptj+1)), 1), nao_pair)
        shranges = _guess_shell_ranges(cell, buflen, aosym)
        buflen = max([x[2] for x in shranges])
        # +1 for a pqkbuf
        if aosym == 's2':
            Gblksize = max(16, int(max_memory*.1e6/16/buflen/(nkptj+1)))
            Gblksize = max(16, int(max_memory*.2e6/16/buflen/(nkptj+1)))
        Gblksize = min(Gblksize, ngrids, 16384)
        pqkRbuf = numpy.empty(buflen*Gblksize)
        pqkIbuf = numpy.empty(buflen*Gblksize)
        # buf for ft_aopair
        buf = numpy.empty(nkptj*buflen*Gblksize, dtype=numpy.complex128)
        def pw_contract(istep, sh_range, j3cR, j3cI):
            bstart, bend, ncol = sh_range
            if aosym == 's2':
                shls_slice = (bstart, bend, 0, bend)
                shls_slice = (bstart, bend, 0, cell.nbas)

            for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, ngrids, Gblksize):
                dat = ft_ao._ft_aopair_kpts(cell, Gv[p0:p1], shls_slice, aosym,
                                            b, gxyz[p0:p1], Gvbase, kpt,
                                            adapted_kptjs, out=buf)
                nG = p1 - p0
                for k, ji in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
                    aoao = dat[k].reshape(nG,ncol)
                    pqkR = numpy.ndarray((ncol,nG), buffer=pqkRbuf)
                    pqkI = numpy.ndarray((ncol,nG), buffer=pqkIbuf)
                    pqkR[:] = aoao.real.T
                    pqkI[:] = aoao.imag.T

                    lib.dot(kLR[p0:p1].T, pqkR.T, -1, j3cR[k][naux:], 1)
                    lib.dot(kLI[p0:p1].T, pqkI.T, -1, j3cR[k][naux:], 1)
                    if not (is_zero(kpt) and gamma_point(adapted_kptjs[k])):
                        lib.dot(kLR[p0:p1].T, pqkI.T, -1, j3cI[k][naux:], 1)
                        lib.dot(kLI[p0:p1].T, pqkR.T,  1, j3cI[k][naux:], 1)

            for k, ji in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
                if is_zero(kpt) and gamma_point(adapted_kptjs[k]):
                    v = fuse(j3cR[k])
                    v = fuse(j3cR[k] + j3cI[k] * 1j)
                if j2ctag == 'CD':
                    v = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(j2c, v, lower=True, overwrite_b=True)
                    feri['j3c/%d/%d'%(ji,istep)] = v
                    feri['j3c/%d/%d'%(ji,istep)] = lib.dot(j2c, v)

                # low-dimension systems
                if j2c_negative is not None:
                    feri['j3c-/%d/%d'%(ji,istep)] = lib.dot(j2c_negative, v)

        with lib.call_in_background(pw_contract) as compute:
            col1 = 0
            for istep, sh_range in enumerate(shranges):
                log.debug1('int3c2e [%d/%d], AO [%d:%d], ncol = %d', \
                           istep+1, len(shranges), *sh_range)
                bstart, bend, ncol = sh_range
                col0, col1 = col1, col1+ncol
                j3cR = []
                j3cI = []
                for k, idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
                    v = numpy.vstack([fswap['j3c-junk/%d/%d'%(idx,i)][0,col0:col1].T
                                      for i in range(nsegs)])
                    # vbar is the interaction between the background charge
                    # and the auxiliary basis.  0D, 1D, 2D do not have vbar.
                    if is_zero(kpt) and cell.dimension == 3:
                        for i in numpy.where(vbar != 0)[0]:
                            v[i] -= vbar[i] * ovlp[k][col0:col1]
                    j3cR.append(numpy.asarray(v.real, order='C'))
                    if is_zero(kpt) and gamma_point(adapted_kptjs[k]):
                        j3cI.append(numpy.asarray(v.imag, order='C'))
                v = None
                compute(istep, sh_range, j3cR, j3cI)
        for ji in adapted_ji_idx:

    # Wrapped around boundary and symmetry between k and -k can be used
    # explicitly for the metric integrals.  We consider this symmetry
    # because it is used in the df_ao2mo module when contracting two 3-index
    # integral tensors to the 4-index 2e integral tensor. If the symmetry
    # related k-points are treated separately, the resultant 3-index tensors
    # may have inconsistent dimension due to the numerial noise when handling
    # linear dependency of j2c.
    def conj_j2c(cholesky_j2c):
        j2c, j2c_negative, j2ctag = cholesky_j2c
        if j2c_negative is None:
            return j2c.conj(), None, j2ctag
            return j2c.conj(), j2c_negative.conj(), j2ctag

    a = cell.lattice_vectors() / (2*numpy.pi)
    def kconserve_indices(kpt):
        '''search which (kpts+kpt) satisfies momentum conservation'''
        kdif = numpy.einsum('wx,ix->wi', a, uniq_kpts + kpt)
        kdif_int = numpy.rint(kdif)
        mask = numpy.einsum('wi->i', abs(kdif - kdif_int)) < KPT_DIFF_TOL
        uniq_kptji_ids = numpy.where(mask)[0]
        return uniq_kptji_ids

    done = numpy.zeros(len(uniq_kpts), dtype=bool)
    for k, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts):
        if done[k]:

        log.debug1('Cholesky decomposition for j2c at kpt %s', k)
        cholesky_j2c = cholesky_decomposed_metric(k)

        # The k-point k' which has (k - k') * a = 2n pi. Metric integrals have the
        # symmetry S = S
        uniq_kptji_ids = kconserve_indices(-kpt)
        log.debug1("Symmetry pattern (k - %s)*a= 2n pi", kpt)
        log.debug1("    make_kpt for uniq_kptji_ids %s", uniq_kptji_ids)
        for uniq_kptji_id in uniq_kptji_ids:
            if not done[uniq_kptji_id]:
                make_kpt(uniq_kptji_id, cholesky_j2c)
        done[uniq_kptji_ids] = True

        # The k-point k' which has (k + k') * a = 2n pi. Metric integrals have the
        # symmetry S = S*
        uniq_kptji_ids = kconserve_indices(kpt)
        log.debug1("Symmetry pattern (k + %s)*a= 2n pi", kpt)
        log.debug1("    make_kpt for %s", uniq_kptji_ids)
        cholesky_j2c = conj_j2c(cholesky_j2c)
        for uniq_kptji_id in uniq_kptji_ids:
            if not done[uniq_kptji_id]:
                make_kpt(uniq_kptji_id, cholesky_j2c)
        done[uniq_kptji_ids] = True

Exemplo n.º 57
def _make_j3c(mydf, mol, auxmol):
    log = logger.Logger(mydf.stdout, mydf.verbose)
    atm, bas, env, ao_loc = incore._env_and_aoloc('cint3c2e_sph', mol, auxmol)
    nao = ao_loc[mol.nbas]
    naux = ao_loc[-1] - nao
    nao_pair = nao * (nao+1) // 2
    cintopt = gto.moleintor.make_cintopt(atm, bas, env, 'cint3c2e_sph')
    if mydf.approx_sr_level == 0:
        get_Lpq = _make_Lpq(mydf, mol, auxmol)
        get_Lpq = _make_Lpq_atomic_approx(mydf, mol, auxmol)

    feri = h5py.File(mydf._cderi)
    chunks = (min(256,naux), min(256,nao_pair)) # 512K
    feri.create_dataset('j3c', (naux,nao_pair), 'f8', chunks=chunks)
    feri.create_dataset('Lpq', (naux,nao_pair), 'f8', chunks=chunks)

    def save(label, dat, col0, col1):
        feri[label][:,col0:col1] = dat

    Gv, Gvbase, kws = non_uniform_kgrids(mydf.gs)
    nxyz = [i*2 for i in mydf.gs]
    gxyz = lib.cartesian_prod([range(i) for i in nxyz])
    kk = numpy.einsum('ki,ki->k', Gv, Gv)
    idx = numpy.argsort(kk)[::-1]
    kk = kk[idx]
    Gv = Gv[idx]
    kws = kws[idx]
    gxyz = gxyz[idx]
    coulG = .5/numpy.pi**2 * kws / kk

    aoaux = ft_ao.ft_ao(auxmol, Gv, None, Gvbase, gxyz, nxyz)
    kLR = numpy.asarray(aoaux.real, order='C')
    kLI = numpy.asarray(aoaux.imag, order='C')
    j2c = auxmol.intor('cint2c2e_sph', hermi=1).T  # .T to C-ordr
    lib.dot(kLR.T*coulG, kLR, -1, j2c, 1)
    lib.dot(kLI.T*coulG, kLI, -1, j2c, 1)

    kLR *= coulG.reshape(-1,1)
    kLI *= coulG.reshape(-1,1)
    aoaux = coulG = kk = kws = idx = None

    max_memory = max(2000, mydf.max_memory-lib.current_memory()[0])
    buflen = min(max(int(max_memory*.3*1e6/8/naux), 1), nao_pair)
    shranges = outcore._guess_shell_ranges(mol, buflen, 's2ij')
    buflen = max([x[2] for x in shranges])
    blksize = max(16, int(max_memory*.15*1e6/16/buflen))
    pqkbuf = numpy.empty(buflen*blksize)
    bufs1 = numpy.empty((buflen*naux))
    # bufs2 holds either Lpq and ft_aopair
    bufs2 = numpy.empty(max(buflen*(naux+1),buflen*blksize*2)) # *2 for cmplx

    col1 = 0
    for istep, sh_range in enumerate(shranges):
        log.debug('int3c2e [%d/%d], AO [%d:%d], ncol = %d', \
                  istep+1, len(shranges), *sh_range)
        bstart, bend, ncol = sh_range
        col0, col1 = col1, col1+ncol
        shls_slice = (bstart, bend, 0, bend, mol.nbas, mol.nbas+auxmol.nbas)

        Lpq = get_Lpq(shls_slice, col0, col1, bufs2)
        save('Lpq', Lpq, col0, col1)

        j3c = _ri.nr_auxe2('cint3c2e_sph', atm, bas, env, shls_slice, ao_loc,
                           's2ij', 1, cintopt, bufs1)
        j3c = j3c.T  # -> (L|pq) in C-order
        lib.dot(j2c, Lpq, -.5, j3c, 1)
        Lpq = None

        for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, Gv.shape[0], blksize):
            aoao = ft_ao.ft_aopair(mol, Gv[p0:p1], shls_slice[:4], 's2',
                                   Gvbase, gxyz[p0:p1], nxyz, buf=bufs2)
            nG = p1 - p0
            pqkR = numpy.ndarray((ncol,nG), buffer=pqkbuf)
            pqkR[:] = aoao.real.T
            lib.dot(kLR[p0:p1].T, pqkR.T, -1, j3c, 1)
            pqkI = numpy.ndarray((ncol,nG), buffer=pqkbuf)
            pqkI[:] = aoao.imag.T
            lib.dot(kLI[p0:p1].T, pqkI.T, -1, j3c, 1)
            aoao = aoaux = None
        save('j3c', j3c, col0, col1)

Exemplo n.º 58
def ewald(cell, ew_eta=None, ew_cut=None):
    '''Perform real (R) and reciprocal (G) space Ewald sum for the energy.

    Formulation of Martin, App. F2.

            The Ewald energy consisting of overlap, self, and G-space sum.

    See Also:
    if ew_eta is None: ew_eta = cell.ew_eta
    if ew_cut is None: ew_cut = cell.ew_cut
    chargs = cell.atom_charges()
    coords = cell.atom_coords()

    ewovrl = 0.

    # set up real-space lattice indices [-ewcut ... ewcut]
    ewxrange = np.arange(-ew_cut[0],ew_cut[0]+1)
    ewyrange = np.arange(-ew_cut[1],ew_cut[1]+1)
    ewzrange = np.arange(-ew_cut[2],ew_cut[2]+1)
    ewxyz = lib.cartesian_prod((ewxrange,ewyrange,ewzrange)).T

    nx = len(ewxrange)
    ny = len(ewyrange)
    nz = len(ewzrange)
    Lall = np.einsum('ij,jk->ik', cell._h, ewxyz).reshape(3,nx,ny,nz)
    #exclude the point where Lall == 0
    Lall[:,ew_cut[0],ew_cut[1],ew_cut[2]] = 1e200
    Lall = Lall.reshape(3,nx*ny*nz)
    Lall = Lall.T

    for ia in range(cell.natm):
        qi = chargs[ia]
        ri = coords[ia]
        for ja in range(ia):
            qj = chargs[ja]
            rj = coords[ja]
            r = np.linalg.norm(ri-rj)
            ewovrl += 2 * qi * qj / r * scipy.special.erfc(ew_eta * r)

    for ia in range(cell.natm):
        qi = chargs[ia]
        ri = coords[ia]
        for ja in range(cell.natm):
            qj = chargs[ja]
            rj = coords[ja]
            r1 = ri-rj + Lall
            r = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ji,ji->j', r1, r1))
            ewovrl += (qi * qj / r * scipy.special.erfc(ew_eta * r)).sum()

    ewovrl *= 0.5

    # last line of Eq. (F.5) in Martin
    ewself  = -1./2. * np.dot(chargs,chargs) * 2 * ew_eta / np.sqrt(np.pi)
    ewself += -1./2. * np.sum(chargs)**2 * np.pi/(ew_eta**2 * cell.vol)

    # g-space sum (using g grid) (Eq. (F.6) in Martin, but note errors as below)
    SI = cell.get_SI()
    ZSI = np.einsum("i,ij->j", chargs, SI)

    # Eq. (F.6) in Martin is off by a factor of 2, the
    # exponent is wrong (8->4) and the square is in the wrong place
    # Formula should be
    #   1/2 * 4\pi / Omega \sum_I \sum_{G\neq 0} |ZS_I(G)|^2 \exp[-|G|^2/4\eta^2]
    # where
    #   ZS_I(G) = \sum_a Z_a exp (i G.R_a)
    # See also Eq. (32) of ewald.pdf at
    #   http://www.fisica.uniud.it/~giannozz/public/ewald.pdf

    coulG = pbctools.get_coulG(cell)
    absG2 = np.einsum('gi,gi->g', cell.Gv, cell.Gv)

    ZSIG2 = np.abs(ZSI)**2
    expG2 = np.exp(-absG2/(4*ew_eta**2))
    JexpG2 = coulG*expG2
    ewgI = np.dot(ZSIG2,JexpG2)
    ewg = .5*np.sum(ewgI)
    ewg /= cell.vol

    #log.debug('Ewald components = %.15g, %.15g, %.15g', ewovrl, ewself, ewg)
    return ewovrl + ewself + ewg