Exemplo n.º 1
def diet(F,N,a,b,c,d):
    """diet -- model for the modern diet problem
        F - set of foods
        N - set of nutrients
        a[i] - minimum intake of nutrient i
        b[i] - maximum intake of nutrient i
        c[j] - cost of food j
        d[j][i] - amount of nutrient i in food j
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    model = Model("modern diet")

    # Create variables
    x,y,z = {},{},{}
    for j in F:
        x[j] = model.addVar(vtype="I", name="x(%s)" % j)

    for i in N:
        z[i] = model.addVar(lb=a[i], ub=b[i], vtype="C", name="z(%s)" % i)

    # Constraints:
    for i in N:
        model.addCons(quicksum(d[j][i]*x[j] for j in F) == z[i], name="Nutr(%s)" % i)

    model.setObjective(quicksum(c[j]*x[j]  for j in F), "minimize")

    model.data = x,y,z
    return model
Exemplo n.º 2
def vrp(V, c, m, q, Q):
    """solve_vrp -- solve the vehicle routing problem.
       - start with assignment model (depot has a special status)
       - add cuts until all components of the graph are connected
        - V: set/list of nodes in the graph
        - c[i,j]: cost for traversing edge (i,j)
        - m: number of vehicles available
        - q[i]: demand for customer i
        - Q: vehicle capacity
    Returns the optimum objective value and the list of edges used.

    model = Model("vrp")
    vrp_conshdlr = VRPconshdlr()

    x = {}
    for i in V:
        for j in V:
            if j > i and i == V[0]:       # depot
                x[i,j] = model.addVar(ub=2, vtype="I", name="x(%s,%s)"%(i,j))
            elif j > i:
                x[i,j] = model.addVar(ub=1, vtype="I", name="x(%s,%s)"%(i,j))

    model.addCons(quicksum(x[V[0],j] for j in V[1:]) == 2*m, "DegreeDepot")
    for i in V[1:]:
        model.addCons(quicksum(x[j,i] for j in V if j < i) +
                        quicksum(x[i,j] for j in V if j > i) == 2, "Degree(%s)"%i)

    model.setObjective(quicksum(c[i,j]*x[i,j] for i in V for j in V if j>i), "minimize")
    model.data = x

    return model, vrp_conshdlr
Exemplo n.º 3
def gpp(V,E):
    """gpp -- model for the graph partitioning problem
        - V: set/list of nodes in the graph
        - E: set/list of edges in the graph
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    model = Model("gpp")

    x = {}
    y = {}
    for i in V:
        x[i] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="x(%s)"%i)
    for (i,j) in E:
        y[i,j] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="y(%s,%s)"%(i,j))

    model.addCons(quicksum(x[i] for i in V) == len(V)/2, "Partition")

    for (i,j) in E:
        model.addCons(x[i] - x[j] <= y[i,j], "Edge(%s,%s)"%(i,j))
        model.addCons(x[j] - x[i] <= y[i,j], "Edge(%s,%s)"%(j,i))

    model.setObjective(quicksum(y[i,j] for (i,j) in E), "minimize")

    model.data = x
    return model
Exemplo n.º 4
def sils(T,f,c,d,h):
    """sils -- LP lotsizing for the single item lot sizing problem
        - T: number of periods
        - P: set of products
        - f[t]: set-up costs (on period t)
        - c[t]: variable costs
        - d[t]: demand values
        - h[t]: holding costs
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    model = Model("single item lotsizing")
    Ts = range(1,T+1)
    M = sum(d[t] for t in Ts)
    y,x,I = {},{},{}
    for t in Ts:
        y[t] = model.addVar(vtype="I", ub=1, name="y(%s)"%t)
        x[t] = model.addVar(vtype="C", ub=M, name="x(%s)"%t)
        I[t] = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="I(%s)"%t)
    I[0] = 0

    for t in Ts:
        model.addCons(x[t] <= M*y[t], "ConstrUB(%s)"%t)
        model.addCons(I[t-1] + x[t] == I[t] + d[t], "FlowCons(%s)"%t)

        quicksum(f[t]*y[t] + c[t]*x[t] + h[t]*I[t] for t in Ts),\

    model.data = y,x,I
    return model
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_instance(instance):
    s = Model()
    name = os.path.split(instance)[1]
    if name.rsplit('.',1)[1].lower() == 'gz':
        name = name.rsplit('.',2)[0]
        name = name.rsplit('.',1)[0]

    # we do not need the solution status
    primalbound = s.getObjVal()
    dualbound = s.getDualbound()

    # get solution data from solu file
    primalsolu = primalsolutions.get(name, None)
    dualsolu = dualsolutions.get(name, None)

    if s.getObjectiveSense() == 'minimize':
        assert relGE(primalbound, dualsolu)
        assert relLE(dualbound, primalsolu)
        if( primalsolu == infinity ): primalsolu = -infinity
        if( dualsolu == infinity ): dualsolu = -infinity
        assert relLE(primalbound, dualsolu)
        assert relGE(dualbound, primalsolu)
Exemplo n.º 6
def gcp(V,E,K):
    """gcp -- model for minimizing the number of colors in a graph
        - V: set/list of nodes in the graph
        - E: set/list of edges in the graph
        - K: upper bound on the number of colors
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    model = Model("gcp")
    x,y = {},{}
    for k in range(K):
        y[k] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="y(%s)"%k)
        for i in V:
            x[i,k] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="x(%s,%s)"%(i,k))

    for i in V:
        model.addCons(quicksum(x[i,k] for k in range(K)) == 1, "AssignColor(%s)"%i)

    for (i,j) in E:
        for k in range(K):
            model.addCons(x[i,k] + x[j,k] <= y[k], "NotSameColor(%s,%s,%s)"%(i,j,k))

    model.setObjective(quicksum(y[k] for k in range(K)), "minimize")

    model.data = x
    return model
Exemplo n.º 7
def gcp_fixed_k(V,E,K):
    """gcp_fixed_k -- model for minimizing number of bad edges in coloring a graph
        - V: set/list of nodes in the graph
        - E: set/list of edges in the graph
        - K: number of colors to be used
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    model = Model("gcp - fixed k")

    x,z = {},{}
    for i in V:
        for k in range(K):
            x[i,k] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="x(%s,%s)"%(i,k))
    for (i,j) in E:
        z[i,j] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="z(%s,%s)"%(i,j))

    for i in V:
        model.addCons(quicksum(x[i,k] for k in range(K)) == 1, "AssignColor(%s)" % i)

    for (i,j) in E:
        for k in range(K):
            model.addCons(x[i,k] + x[j,k] <= 1 + z[i,j], "BadEdge(%s,%s,%s)"%(i,j,k))

    model.setObjective(quicksum(z[i,j] for (i,j) in E), "minimize")

    model.data = x,z
    return model
Exemplo n.º 8
def _init():
    model = Model()
    x = model.addVar("x","B")
    y = model.addVar("y","B")
    z = model.addVar("z","B")
    return model, x, y, z
Exemplo n.º 9
def eoq_soco(I,F,h,d,w,W):
    """eoq_soco --  multi-item capacitated economic ordering quantity model using soco
        - I: set of items
        - F[i]: ordering cost for item i
        - h[i]: holding cost for item i
        - d[i]: demand for item i
        - w[i]: unit weight for item i
        - W: capacity (limit on order quantity)
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    model = Model("EOQ model using SOCO")

    T,c = {},{}
    for i in I:
        T[i] = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="T(%s)"%i)  # cycle time for item i
        c[i] = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="c(%s)"%i)  # total cost for item i

    for i in I:
        model.addCons(F[i] <= c[i]*T[i])

    model.addCons(quicksum(w[i]*d[i]*T[i] for i in I) <= W)

    model.setObjective(quicksum(c[i] + h[i]*d[i]*T[i]*0.5 for i in I), "minimize")

    model.data = T,c
    return model
Exemplo n.º 10
def mctransp(I,J,K,c,d,M):
    """mctransp -- model for solving the Multi-commodity Transportation Problem
        - I: set of customers
        - J: set of facilities
        - K: set of commodities
        - c[i,j,k]: unit transportation cost on arc (i,j) for commodity k
        - d[i][k]: demand for commodity k at node i
        - M[j]: capacity
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.

    model = Model("multi-commodity transportation")

    # Create variables
    x = {}

    for (i,j,k) in c:
        x[i,j,k] = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="x(%s,%s,%s)" % (i,j,k))

    # Demand constraints
    for i in I:
        for k in K:
            model.addCons(sum(x[i,j,k] for j in J if (i,j,k) in x) == d[i,k], "Demand(%s,%s)" % (i,k))

    # Capacity constraints
    for j in J:
        model.addCons(sum(x[i,j,k] for (i,j2,k) in x if j2 == j) <= M[j], "Capacity(%s)" % j)

    # Objective
    model.setObjective(quicksum(c[i,j,k]*x[i,j,k]  for (i,j,k) in x), "minimize")

    model.data = x

    return model
Exemplo n.º 11
def scheduling_time_index(J,p,r,w):
    scheduling_time_index: model for the one machine total weighted tardiness problem

    Model for the one machine total weighted tardiness problem
    using the time index formulation

        - J: set of jobs
        - p[j]: processing time of job j
        - r[j]: earliest start time of job j
        - w[j]: weighted of job j; the objective is the sum of the weighted completion time

    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    model = Model("scheduling: time index")
    T = max(r.values()) + sum(p.values())
    X = {}   # X[j,t]=1 if job j starts processing at time t, 0 otherwise
    for j in J:
        for t in range(r[j], T-p[j]+2):
            X[j,t] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="x(%s,%s)"%(j,t))

    for j in J:
        model.addCons(quicksum(X[j,t] for t in range(1,T+1) if (j,t) in X) == 1, "JobExecution(%s)"%(j))

    for t in range(1,T+1):
        ind = [(j,t2) for j in J for t2 in range(t-p[j]+1,t+1) if (j,t2) in X]
        if ind != []:
            model.addCons(quicksum(X[j,t2] for (j,t2) in ind) <= 1, "MachineUB(%s)"%t)

    model.setObjective(quicksum((w[j] * (t - 1 + p[j])) * X[j,t] for (j,t) in X), "minimize")

    model.data = X
    return model
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_quicksum_model():
    m = Model("quicksum")
    x = m.addVar("x")
    y = m.addVar("y")
    z = m.addVar("z")
    c = 2.3

    q = quicksum([x,y,z,c]) == 0.0
    s =      sum([x,y,z,c]) == 0.0

    assert(q.expr.terms == s.expr.terms)
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_largequadratic():
    # inspired from performance issue on
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38434300

    m = Model("dense_quadratic")
    dim = 200
    x = [m.addVar("x_%d" % i) for i in range(dim)]
    expr = quicksum((i+j+1)*x[i]*x[j]
                    for i in range(dim)
                    for j in range(dim))
    cons = expr <= 1.0
    #                              upper triangle,     diagonal
    assert len(cons.expr.terms) == dim * (dim-1) / 2 + dim
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_lpi():
    # create LP instance
    myLP = LP()

    myLP.addRow(entries = [(0,1),(1,2)] ,lhs = 5)
    lhs, rhs = myLP.getSides()
    assert lhs[0] == 5.0
    assert rhs[0] == myLP.infinity()

    assert(myLP.ncols() == 2)
    myLP.chgObj(0, 1.0)
    myLP.chgObj(1, 2.0)

    solval = myLP.solve()
    # create solver instance

    s = Model()
    # add some variables
    x = s.addVar("x", obj=1.0)
    y = s.addVar("y", obj=2.0)
    # add some constraint
    s.addCons(x + 2*y >= 5)
    # solve problem

    # check solution
    assert round(s.getVal(x)) == 5.0
    assert round(s.getVal(y)) == 0.0

    assert round(s.getObjVal() == solval)
Exemplo n.º 15
def flp_nonlinear_sos(I,J,d,M,f,c,K):
    """flp_nonlinear_sos --  use model with SOS constraints
        - I: set of customers
        - J: set of facilities
        - d[i]: demand for customer i
        - M[j]: capacity of facility j
        - f[j]: fixed cost for using a facility in point j
        - c[i,j]: unit cost of servicing demand point i from facility j
        - K: number of linear pieces for approximation of non-linear cost function
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    a,b = {},{}
    for j in J:
        U = M[j]
        L = 0
        width = U/float(K)
        a[j] = [k*width for k in range(K+1)]
        b[j] = [f[j]*math.sqrt(value) for value in a[j]]

    model = Model("nonlinear flp -- use model with SOS constraints")
    x = {}
    for j in J:
        for i in I:
            x[i,j] = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="x(%s,%s)"%(i,j))  # i's demand satisfied from j
    # total volume transported from plant j, corresponding (linearized) cost, selection variable:
    X,F,z = {},{},{}
    for j in J:
        # add constraints for linking piecewise linear part:
        X[j],F[j],z[j] = convex_comb_sos(model,a[j],b[j])
        X[j].ub = M[j]
        # for i in I:
        #     model.addCons(
        #         x[i,j] <= \
        #         quicksum(min(d[i],a[j][k+1]) * (z[j][k] + z[j][k+1])\
        #                  for k in range(len(a[j])-1)),
        #         "Strong(%s,%s)"%(i,j))

    # constraints for customer's demand satisfaction
    for i in I:
        model.addCons(quicksum(x[i,j] for j in J) == d[i], "Demand(%s)"%i)

    for j in J:
        model.addCons(quicksum(x[i,j] for i in I) == X[j], "Capacity(%s)"%j)

    model.setObjective(quicksum(F[j] for j in J) +\
                       quicksum(c[i,j]*x[i,j] for j in J for i in I),\
    model.data = x,X,F
    return model
Exemplo n.º 16
def mctransp(I,J,K,c,d,M):
    """mctransp -- model for solving the Multi-commodity Transportation Problem
        - I: set of customers
        - J: set of facilities
        - K: set of commodities
        - c[i,j,k]: unit transportation cost on arc (i,j) for commodity k
        - d[i][k]: demand for commodity k at node i
        - M[j]: capacity
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.

    model = Model("multi-commodity transportation")

    # Create variables
    x = {}
    for (i,j,k) in c:
        x[i,j,k] = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="x(%s,%s,%s)" % (i,j,k), obj=c[i,j,k])
# todo
    arcs = tuplelist([(i,j,k) for (i,j,k) in x])

    # Demand constraints
    for i in I:
        for k in K:
            model.addCons(sum(x[i,j,k] for (i,j,k) in arcs.select(i,"*",k)) == d[i,k], "Demand(%s,%s)" % (i,k))

    # Capacity constraints
    for j in J:
        model.addConstr(sum(x[i,j,k] for (i,j,k) in arcs.select("*",j,"*")) <= M[j], "Capacity(%s)" % j)

    model.data = x
    return model
Exemplo n.º 17
def tsp(V,c):
    """tsp -- model for solving the traveling salesman problem with callbacks
       - start with assignment model
       - add cuts until there are no sub-cycles
        - V: set/list of nodes in the graph
        - c[i,j]: cost for traversing edge (i,j)
    Returns the optimum objective value and the list of edges used.
    model = Model("TSP_lazy")
    conshdlr = TSPconshdlr()

    x = {}
    for i in V:
        for j in V:
            if j > i:
                x[i,j] = model.addVar(vtype = "B",name = "x(%s,%s)" % (i,j))

    for i in V:
        model.addCons(quicksum(x[j, i] for j in V if j < i) +
                      quicksum(x[i, j] for j in V if j > i) == 2, "Degree(%s)" % i)

    model.setObjective(quicksum(c[i, j] * x[i, j] for i in V for j in V if j > i), "minimize")

    model.data = x
    return model, conshdlr
Exemplo n.º 18
def create_tsp(vertices, distance):
    model = Model("TSP")

    x = {}  # binary variable to select edges
    for (i, j) in pairs(vertices):
        x[i, j] = model.addVar(vtype = "B", name = "x(%s,%s)" % (i, j))

    for i in vertices:
        model.addCons(quicksum(x[j, i] for j in vertices if j < i) +
                      quicksum(x[i, j] for j in vertices if j > i) == 2, "Degree(%s)" % i)

    conshdlr = TSPconshdlr(x)

    model.includeConshdlr(conshdlr, "TSP", "TSP subtour eliminator",
                          chckpriority = -10, needscons = False)
    model.setBoolParam("misc/allowdualreds", False)

    model.setObjective(quicksum(distance[i, j] * x[i, j] for (i, j) in pairs(vertices)),

    return model, x
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_quad_coeffs():
    """test coefficient access method for quadratic constraints"""
    scip = Model()
    x = scip.addVar()
    y = scip.addVar()
    z = scip.addVar()

    c = scip.addCons(2*x*y + 0.5*x**2 + 4*z >= 10)
    assert c.isQuadratic()

    bilinterms, quadterms, linterms = scip.getTermsQuadratic(c)

    assert bilinterms[0][0].name == x.name
    assert bilinterms[0][1].name == y.name
    assert bilinterms[0][2] == 2

    assert quadterms[0][0].name == x.name
    assert quadterms[0][1] == 0.5

    assert linterms[0][0].name == z.name
    assert linterms[0][1] == 4
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_lp():
    # create solver instance
    s = Model()

    # add some variables
    x = s.addVar("x", vtype='C', obj=1.0)
    y = s.addVar("y", vtype='C', obj=2.0)

    # add some constraint
    s.addCons(x + 2*y >= 5.0)

    # solve problem

    solution = s.getBestSol()

    # print solution
    assert (s.getVal(x) == s.getSolVal(solution, x))
    assert (s.getVal(y) == s.getSolVal(solution, y))
    assert round(s.getVal(x)) == 5.0
    assert round(s.getVal(y)) == 0.0
Exemplo n.º 21
def maxflow(V,M,source,sink):
    """maxflow: maximize flow from source to sink, taking into account arc capacities M
        - V: set of vertices
        - M[i,j]: dictionary or capacity for arcs (i,j)
        - source: flow origin
        - sink: flow target
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    # create max-flow underlying model, on which to find cuts
    model = Model("maxflow")
    f = {} # flow variable
    for (i,j) in M:
        f[i,j] = model.addVar(lb=-M[i,j], ub=M[i,j], name="flow(%s,%s)"%(i,j))

    cons = {}
    for i in V:
        if i != source and i != sink:
            cons[i] = model.addCons(
                quicksum(f[i,j] for j in V if i<j and (i,j) in M) - \
                quicksum(f[j,i] for j in V if i>j and (j,i) in M) == 0,

    model.setObjective(quicksum(f[i,j] for (i,j) in M if i==source), "maximize")

    # model.write("tmp.lp")
    model.data = f,cons
    return model
Exemplo n.º 22
def eld_another(U,p_min,p_max,d,brk):
    """eld -- economic load dispatching in electricity generation
        - U: set of generators (units)
        - p_min[u]: minimum operating power for unit u
        - p_max[u]: maximum operating power for unit u
        - d: demand
        - brk[u][k]: (x,y) coordinates of breakpoint k, k=0,...,K for unit u
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    model = Model("Economic load dispatching")

    # set objective based on piecewise linear approximation
    p,F,z = {},{},{}
    for u in U:
        abrk = [X for (X,Y) in brk[u]]
        bbrk = [Y for (X,Y) in brk[u]]
        p[u],F[u],z[u] = convex_comb_sos(model,abrk,bbrk)
        p[u].lb = p_min[u]
        p[u].ub = p_max[u]

    # demand satisfaction
    model.addCons(quicksum(p[u] for u in U) == d, "demand")

    # objective
    model.setObjective(quicksum(F[u] for u in U), "minimize")

    model.data = p
    return model
Exemplo n.º 23
def scheduling_disjunctive(J,p,r,w):
    scheduling_disjunctive: model for the one machine total weighted completion time problem

    Disjunctive optimization model for the one machine total weighted
    completion time problem with release times.

        - J: set of jobs
        - p[j]: processing time of job j
        - r[j]: earliest start time of job j
        - w[j]: weighted of job j; the objective is the sum of the weighted completion time

    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    model = Model("scheduling: disjunctive")

    M = max(r.values()) + sum(p.values())       # big M
    s,x = {},{}      # start time variable, x[j,k] = 1 if job j precedes job k, 0 otherwise
    for j in J:
        s[j] = model.addVar(lb=r[j], vtype="C", name="s(%s)"%j)
        for k in J:
            if j != k:
                x[j,k] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="x(%s,%s)"%(j,k))

    for j in J:
        for k in J:
            if j != k:
                model.addCons(s[j] - s[k] + M*x[j,k] <= (M-p[j]), "Bound(%s,%s)"%(j,k))

            if j < k:
                model.addCons(x[j,k] + x[k,j] == 1, "Disjunctive(%s,%s)"%(j,k))

    model.setObjective(quicksum(w[j]*s[j] for j in J), "minimize")

    model.data = s,x
    return model
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_nicelp():
    # create solver instance
    s = Model()

    # add some variables
    x = s.addVar("x", obj=1.0)
    y = s.addVar("y", obj=2.0)

    # add some constraint
    s.addCons(x + 2*y >= 5)

    # solve problem

    # print solution
    assert round(s.getVal(x)) == 5.0
    assert round(s.getVal(y)) == 0.0

Exemplo n.º 25
def test_simplelp():
    # create solver instance
    s = Model()

    # add some variables
    x = s.addVar("x", vtype='C', obj=1.0)
    y = s.addVar("y", vtype='C', obj=2.0)

    # add some constraint
    coeffs = {x: 1.0, y: 2.0}
    s.addCons(coeffs, 5.0)

    # solve problem

    # retrieving the best solution
    solution = s.getBestSol()

    # print solution
    assert round(s.getVal(x, solution)) == 5.0
    assert round(s.getVal(y, solution)) == 0.0

Exemplo n.º 26
def ssa(n,h,K,f,T):
    """ssa -- multi-stage (serial) safety stock allocation model
        - n: number of stages
        - h[i]: inventory cost on stage i
        - K: number of linear segments
        - f: (non-linear) cost function
        - T[i]: production lead time on stage i
    Returns the model with the piecewise linear relation on added variables x, f, and z.

    model = Model("safety stock allocation")

    # calculate endpoints for linear segments
    a,b = {},{}
    for i in range(1,n+1):
        a[i] = [k for k in range(K)]
        b[i] = [f(i,k) for k in range(K)]

    # x: net replenishment time for stage i
    # y: corresponding cost
    # s: piecewise linear segment of variable x
    x,y,s = {},{},{}
    L = {} # service time of stage i
    for i in range(1,n+1):
        x[i],y[i],s[i] = convex_comb_sos(model,a[i],b[i])
        if i == 1:
            L[i] = model.addVar(ub=0, vtype="C", name="L[%s]"%i)
            L[i] = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="L[%s]"%i)
    L[n+1] = model.addVar(ub=0, vtype="C", name="L[%s]"%(n+1))

    for i in range(1,n+1):
        # net replenishment time for each stage i
        model.addCons(x[i] + L[i] == T[i] + L[i+1])

    model.setObjective(quicksum(h[i]*y[i] for i in range(1,n+1)), "minimize")

    model.data = x,s,L
    return model
Exemplo n.º 27
def markowitz(I,sigma,r,alpha):
    """markowitz -- simple markowitz model for portfolio optimization.
        - I: set of items
        - sigma[i]: standard deviation of item i
        - r[i]: revenue of item i
        - alpha: acceptance threshold
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    model = Model("markowitz")

    x = {}
    for i in I:
        x[i] = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="x(%s)"%i)  # quantity of i to buy

    model.addCons(quicksum(r[i]*x[i] for i in I) >= alpha)
    model.addCons(quicksum(x[i] for i in I) == 1)

    model.setObjective(quicksum(sigma[i]**2 * x[i] * x[i] for i in I), "minimize")

    model.data = x
    return model
Exemplo n.º 28
def setModel(vtype="B", name=None, imax=2):
    """initialize model and its variables.
    imax (int): number of operators"""
    if name is None:
        name = "model"
    m = Model(name)
    i = 0
    r = m.addVar("r", vtype)
    while i < imax:
        m.addVar("v%s" % i, vtype)
        i += 1
    return m
Exemplo n.º 29
def gpp_qo_ps(V,E):
    """gpp_qo_ps -- quadratic optimization, positive semidefinite model for the graph partitioning problem
        - V: set/list of nodes in the graph
        - E: set/list of edges in the graph
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    model = Model("gpp")

    x = {}
    for i in V:
        x[i] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="x(%s)"%i)

    model.addCons(quicksum(x[i] for i in V) == len(V)/2, "Partition")

    model.setObjective(quicksum((x[i] - x[j]) * (x[i] - x[j]) for (i,j) in E), "minimize")

    model.data = x
    return model
Exemplo n.º 30
def ssp(V,E):
    """ssp -- model for the stable set problem
        - V: set/list of nodes in the graph
        - E: set/list of edges in the graph
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    model = Model("ssp")

    x = {}
    for i in V:
        x[i] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="x(%s)"%i)

    for (i,j) in E:
        model.addCons(x[i] + x[j] <= 1, "Edge(%s,%s)"%(i,j))

    model.setObjective(quicksum(x[i] for i in V), "maximize")

    model.data = x
    return model
    def create_model(self):
        model = Model()
        x, b = {}, {}
        _A = [(i, t) for i in self.tasks for t in self.periods]
        for (i, t) in _A:
            x[i, t] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="x(%s,%s)" %
                                   (i, t))  # create decision variables
            b[i, t] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="b(%s,%s)" %
                                   (i, t))  # create decision variables

        # create constraints
        for t in self.periods:
                quicksum(self.p[i, t] * (1 - x[i, t])
                         for i in self.tasks) - self.d[t] >= 0)  # 1
            model.addCons(quicksum(x[i, t]
                                   for i in self.tasks) <= self.LT[t])  # 6
                quicksum((self.MV[i] + self.MH[i] + self.ML[i]) * x[i, t]
                         for i in self.tasks) <= self.AM[t])  # 11
                quicksum(self.V[i] * x[i, t]
                         for i in self.tasks) <= self.AV[t])  # 12
                quicksum(self.H[i] * x[i, t]
                         for i in self.tasks) <= self.AH[t])  # 13

        for i in self.tasks:
            model.addCons(quicksum(b[i, t] for t in self.periods) == 1)  # 2
                quicksum(x[i, t] for t in self.periods) == self.LP[i])  # 5
                quicksum(b[i, t]
                         for t in self.periods[:self.L[i] - self.LP[i] +
                                               2]) == 1)  # 9
            for t in self.periods:
                model.addCons(x[i, t] >= b[i, t])  # 3

            for t in self.periods[1:]:
                model.addCons(x[i, t] - x[i, t - 1] <= b[i, t])  # 3, t >= 2
                    x[i, t] + x[i, t - 1] + b[i, t] <= 1 + self.LP[i])  # 4

            for j in self.tasks:
                if j != i:
                    model.addCons(x[i, t] + x[j, t] <= 1)  # 8
                    for t in self.periods:
                            quicksum(b[i, k] for k in self.periods) - b[j, t]
                            >= 0)  # 7

            for t in self.U:
                model.addCons(x[i, t] == 0)  # 10

        # create costs
        C_M, C_T = {}, {}
        for i in self.tasks:
            for t in self.periods:
                C_M[i,t] = self.C_MV[t] * self.MV[i] + self.C_MH[t] * self.MH[i] + \
                    self.C_ML[t] * self.ML[i]
                C_T[i,t] = (self.C_FV * self.V[i] + self.C_FH * self.H[i])/self.LP[i] + \
                    self.C_SV[i,t] * self.V[i] + self.C_SH[i,t] * self.H[i]

        # create ojective function
        model.setObjective(quicksum((C_M[i,t] + self.C_EQ[i,t] + self.C_I[i,t] + \
            C_T[i,t]) * x[i,t] for t in self.periods for i in self.tasks), "minimize")
        model.hideOutput()  # silent mode
        if model.getStatus() != 'optimal':
            print('Model is not feasible!')
            c_total = model.getObjVal()
            print("Total cost is: ", c_total)
            for (i, t) in _A:
                if model.getVal(x[i, t]) == 1.0:
                    print(x[i, t], " = 1")
                if model.getVal(b[i, t]) == 1.0:
                    print(b[i, t], " = 1")
Exemplo n.º 32
def flp(I,J,d,M,f,c,cp,cU):
    """flp -- model for the capacitated facility location problem
        - I: set of customers
        - J: set of facilities
        - d[i]: demand for customer i
        - M[j]: capacity of facility j
        - f[j]: fixed cost for using a facility in point j
        - c[i,j]: unit cost of servicing demand point i from facility j
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    model = Model("flp")

    x,y,y2 = {},{},{}
    for j in range(len(J)):
        y[j] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="y(%s)"%j)
        for i in range(I):
            x[i,j] = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="x(%s,%s)"%(i,j))
            y2[i,j] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="y2(%s,%s)"%(i,j))

    for i in range(I):
        model.addCons(quicksum(x[i,j]*y2[i,j] for j in range(len(J))) == d[i], "Demand(%s)"%i) #demand has to be completely served by the facilities

    for j in range(len(M)):
        model.addCons(quicksum(x[i,j]*y2[i,j] for i in range(I)) <= M[j]*y[j], "Capacity(%s)"%i)

    for (i,j) in x:
        model.addCons(x[i,j]*y2[i,j] <= d[i]*y[j], "Strong(%s,%s)"%(i,j))
#    for i in range(I):
#        #i = 0
#        for j in range(len(J)):
#            #j = 0
#            model.addCons(y2[i,j] <= y[j])
    for i in range(I):
        model.addCons(quicksum(y2[i,j] for j in range(len(J))) == 1.0)

#        quicksum(f[j]*y[j] for j in J) +
        quicksum(c[i+3,j]*x[i,j]*cU for i in range(I) for j in J) + 
        quicksum(y[j]*((instance['deport%d' %(j)]['due_time']-\
                 instance['deport%d' %(j)]['ready_time'])*cp) for j in range(len(J))),"minimize")
    model.data = x,y,y2

    return model
Exemplo n.º 33
def create_sudoku():
    scip = Model("Sudoku")

    x = {}  # values of squares
    for row in range(9):
        for col in range(9):
            # some variables are fix
            if init[row * 9 + col] != 0:
                x[row, col] = scip.addVar(vtype="I",
                                          lb=init[row * 9 + col],
                                          ub=init[row * 9 + col],
                                          name="x(%s,%s)" % (row, col))
                x[row, col] = scip.addVar(vtype="I",
                                          name="x(%s,%s)" % (row, col))
            var = x[row, col]
            #print("built var ", var.name, " with bounds: (%d,%d)"%(var.getLbLocal(), var.getUbLocal()))

    conshdlr = ALLDIFFconshdlr()

    # hoping to get called when all vars have integer values
                         "All different constraint",

    # row constraints; also we specify the domain of all variables here
    # TODO/QUESTION: in principle domain is of course associated to the var and not the constraint. it should be "var.data"
    # But ideally that information would be handle by SCIP itself... the reason we can't is because domain holes is not implemented, right?
    domains = {}
    for row in range(9):
        vars = []
        for col in range(9):
            var = x[row, col]
            vals = set(
                      int(round(var.getUbLocal())) + 1))
            domains[var.ptr()] = vals
        # this is kind of ugly, isn't it?
        cons = scip.createCons(conshdlr, "row_%d" % row)
        #print("in test: received a constraint with id ", id(cons)) ### DELETE
        cons.data = SimpleNamespace(
        )  # so that data behaves like an instance of a class (ie, cons.data.whatever is allowed)
        cons.data.vars = vars
        cons.data.domains = domains

    # col constraints
    for col in range(9):
        vars = []
        for row in range(9):
            var = x[row, col]
        cons = scip.createCons(conshdlr, "col_%d" % col)
        cons.data = SimpleNamespace()
        cons.data.vars = vars
        cons.data.domains = domains

    # square constraints
    for idx1 in range(3):
        for idx2 in range(3):
            vars = []
            for row in range(3):
                for col in range(3):
                    var = x[3 * idx1 + row, 3 * idx2 + col]
            cons = scip.createCons(conshdlr, "square_%d-%d" % (idx1, idx2))
            cons.data = SimpleNamespace()
            cons.data.vars = vars
            cons.data.domains = domains


    return scip, x
Exemplo n.º 34
def sils(T, f, c, d, h):
    """sils -- LP lotsizing for the single item lot sizing problem
        - T: number of periods
        - P: set of products
        - f[t]: set-up costs (on period t)
        - c[t]: variable costs
        - d[t]: demand values
        - h[t]: holding costs
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    model = Model("single item lotsizing")
    Ts = range(1, T + 1)
    M = sum(d[t] for t in Ts)
    y, x, I = {}, {}, {}
    for t in Ts:
        y[t] = model.addVar(vtype="I", ub=1, name="y(%s)" % t)
        x[t] = model.addVar(vtype="C", ub=M, name="x(%s)" % t)
        I[t] = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="I(%s)" % t)
    I[0] = 0
    for t in Ts:
        model.addCons(x[t] <= M * y[t], "ConstrUB(%s)" % t)
        model.addCons(I[t - 1] + x[t] == I[t] + d[t], "FlowCons(%s)" % t)
        quicksum(f[t] * y[t] + c[t] * x[t] + h[t] * I[t] for t in Ts),

    model.data = y, x, I
    return model
Exemplo n.º 35
from pyscipopt import Model, quicksum

#Initialize model
model = Model("UPS_Controller")

Solar_Forecast = 
Water_Forecast = 
P_Grid = 2500
Theta_Max = 314
eta = 1

Ap = .000127
As = 1.12
Am = 15.6
Km = .0000000064
Vp = .00002075/6.28
rho = 1007
P_Osmotic = 377490

s_opt = 1
hmax = 1.2;

weight1 = .01
weight2 = .01
weight3 = .001
weight4 = .01

# Create variables
P_Solar_Ref, P_In_G, P_In_S, P_RO, st, Fp, Yopt, P_Sys, Vf, hdot, h, Theta_VFD, Vr = {}

for t in time:
Exemplo n.º 36
def test_multiple_cons_simple():
    def assert_conss_eq(a, b):
        assert a.name == b.name
        assert a.isInitial() == b.isInitial()
        assert a.isSeparated() == b.isSeparated()
        assert a.isEnforced() == b.isEnforced()
        assert a.isChecked() == b.isChecked()
        assert a.isPropagated() == b.isPropagated()
        assert a.isLocal() == b.isLocal()
        assert a.isModifiable() == b.isModifiable()
        assert a.isDynamic() == b.isDynamic()
        assert a.isRemovable() == b.isRemovable()
        assert a.isStickingAtNode() == b.isStickingAtNode()

    s = Model()
    s_x = s.addVar("x", vtype = 'C', obj = 1.0)
    s_y = s.addVar("y", vtype = 'C', obj = 2.0)
    s_cons = s.addCons(s_x + 2 * s_y <= 1.0)

    m = Model()
    m_x = m.addVar("x", vtype = 'C', obj = 1.0)
    m_y = m.addVar("y", vtype = 'C', obj = 2.0)
    m_conss = m.addConss([m_x + 2 * m_y <= 1.0])

    assert len(m_conss) == 1
    assert_conss_eq(s_cons, m_conss[0])

Exemplo n.º 37
def maxConcurrentMFP(n, e, d):
    maxConcurrentMFP: max concurrent multi-commodity flow Problem
        - n: number of nodes
        - e[i,j]['cap','cost']: edges of graph, 'cap': capacity of edge, 'cost': cost for traversing edge (i,j)
        - d[i,j]: demande from node i to j
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    print("\n========concurrent multi-commodity flow Problem======")
    model = Model("maxConcurrentMFP")
    x = {}  # flow variable
    lamb = model.addVar(ub=1000000, lb=1.0, vtype="C", name="lamb")
    for (i, j) in e.keys():
        for (s, t) in d.keys():
            x[i, j, s, t] = model.addVar(ub=1000000,
                                         name="x[%s,%s,%s,%s]" % (i, j, s, t))
    # node flow conservation
    for (s, t) in d.keys():
        for j in n.keys():
            # for destination node
            if j == t:
                    quicksum(x[i, j, s, t]
                             for i in n.keys() if (i, j) in e.keys()) -
                    quicksum(x[j, i, s, t] for i in n.keys()
                             if (j, i) in e.keys()) == d[s, t] * lamb,
                    "DesNode(%s)" % j)
            # for source node
            elif j == s:
                    quicksum(x[i, j, s, t]
                             for i in n.keys() if (i, j) in e.keys()) -
                    quicksum(x[j, i, s, t] for i in n.keys()
                             if (j, i) in e.keys()) == -d[s, t] * lamb,
                    "SourceNode(%s)" % j)
                    quicksum(x[i, j, s, t]
                             for i in n.keys() if (i, j) in e.keys()) -
                    quicksum(x[j, i, s, t]
                             for i in n.keys() if (j, i) in e.keys()) == 0,
                    "SourceNode(%s)" % j)
    # constrains for edge capacity, take into consideration of tree optimization, using variable f
    for (i, j) in e.keys():
            quicksum(x[i, j, s, t] for (s, t) in d.keys()) <= e[i, j]['cap'],
            'edge(%s,%s)' % (i, j))
    model.data = x

    model.setObjective(lamb, "maximize")
    return model
Exemplo n.º 38
def create_tsp(vertices, distance):
    model = Model("TSP")

    x = {}  # binary variable to select edges
    for (i, j) in pairs(vertices):
        x[i, j] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="x(%s,%s)" % (i, j))

    for i in vertices:
            quicksum(x[j, i] for j in vertices if j < i) +
            quicksum(x[i, j] for j in vertices if j > i) == 2,
            "Degree(%s)" % i)

    conshdlr = TSPconshdlr(x)

                          "TSP subtour eliminator",
    model.setBoolParam("misc/allowdualreds", False)

        quicksum(distance[i, j] * x[i, j] for (i, j) in pairs(vertices)),

    return model, x
Exemplo n.º 39
def convert():
    milp = MILP()
    milp.problem_type = args.problem_type

    model = Model()
    heur = LogBestSol()
                      "custom heuristic implemented in python",

    model.setRealParam('limits/gap', args.gap)
    milp.mip = scip_to_milps(model)

    milp.optimal_objective = model.getObjVal()
    milp.optimal_solution = {
        var.name: model.getVal(var)
        for var in model.getVars()
    milp.is_optimal = (model.getStatus() == 'optimal')
    milp.optimal_sol_metadata.n_nodes = model.getNNodes()
    milp.optimal_sol_metadata.gap = model.getGap()
    milp.optimal_sol_metadata.primal_integral = heur.primal_integral
    milp.optimal_sol_metadata.primal_gaps = heur.l

    feasible_sol = model.getSols()[-1]
    milp.feasible_objective = model.getSolObjVal(feasible_sol)
    milp.feasible_solution = {
        var.name: model.getSolVal(feasible_sol, var)
        for var in model.getVars()
    model = Model()
    assert model.getStatus() == 'optimal'
    milp.optimal_lp_sol = {
        var.name: model.getVal(var)
        for var in model.getVars()
    return milp
Exemplo n.º 40
    def test_reopt(self):

        m = Model()

        x = m.addVar(name="x", ub=5)
        y = m.addVar(name="y", lb=-2, ub=10)

        m.addCons(2 * x + y >= 8)
        m.setObjective(x + y)
        print("x", m.getVal(x))
        print("y", m.getVal(y))
        self.assertEqual(m.getVal(x), 5.0)
        self.assertEqual(m.getVal(y), -2.0)

        m.addCons(y <= 3)
        m.addCons(y + x <= 6)
        m.chgReoptObjective(-x - 2 * y)

        print("x", m.getVal(x))
        print("y", m.getVal(y))
        self.assertEqual(m.getVal(x), 3.0)
        self.assertEqual(m.getVal(y), 3.0)
Exemplo n.º 41
def diet(F, N, a, b, c, d):
    """diet -- model for the modern diet problem
        - F: set of foods
        - N: set of nutrients
        - a[i]: minimum intake of nutrient i
        - b[i]: maximum intake of nutrient i
        - c[j]: cost of food j
        - d[j][i]: amount of nutrient i in food j
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.

    model = Model("modern diet")

    # Create variables
    x, y, z = {}, {}, {}
    for j in F:
        x[j] = model.addVar(vtype="I", name="x(%s)" % j)
        y[j] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="y(%s)" % j)
    for i in N:
        z[i] = model.addVar(lb=a[i], ub=b[i], name="z(%s)" % j)
    v = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="v")

    # Constraints:
    for i in N:
        model.addCons(quicksum(d[j][i] * x[j] for j in F) == z[i],
                      name="Nutr(%s)" % i)

    model.addCons(quicksum(c[j] * x[j] for j in F) == v, name="Cost")

    for j in F:
        model.addCons(y[j] <= x[j], name="Eat(%s)" % j)

    # Objective:
    model.setObjective(quicksum(y[j] for j in F), "maximize")
    model.data = x, y, z, v

    return model
Exemplo n.º 42
v_m = {}
W_m = {}
for i in range(1, M + 1):
    sum_produce = T3_mlg[i - 1].sum()
    V_m[i - 1] = int(sum_produce / 30 * 3)
    v_m[i] = np.random.randint(high=35, low=20, size=(V_m[i - 1][0]))
    W_m[i] = v_m[i].mean()
    # 晚上不产奶
T3_mlg[:, :, int(G / 2):] = 0
# 工厂需要的l级奶
T1_fl = T * np.random.randint(low=1, high=10, size=(F, L))
# 每个牧场的车次数
N_m = np.ceil((48. / H_fm.mean(axis=0)).reshape((M, 1)) * V_m)
# 定义决策变量
m = Model()

T2_fmlg = {}
for a in range(1, F + 1):
    for b in range(1, M + 1):
        for c in range(1, L + 1):
            for d in range(1, G + 1):
                name = "T2_fmlg_" + str(a) + ',' + str(b) + ',' + str(
                    c) + ',' + str(d)
                T2_fmlg[a, b, c, d] = m.addVar(name,

Exemplo n.º 43
def test_event():
    # create solver instance
    s = Model()
    eventhdlr = MyEvent()
    s.includeEventhdlr(eventhdlr, "TestFirstLPevent",
                       "python event handler to catch FIRSTLPEVENT")

    # add some variables
    x = s.addVar("x", obj=1.0)
    y = s.addVar("y", obj=2.0)

    # add some constraint
    s.addCons(x + 2 * y >= 5)
    # solve problem

    # print solution
    assert round(s.getVal(x)) == 5.0
    assert round(s.getVal(y)) == 0.0

    del s

    assert 'eventinit' in calls
    assert 'eventexit' in calls
    assert 'eventexec' in calls
    assert len(calls) == 3
Exemplo n.º 44
def test_solution_getbest():
    m = Model()

    x = m.addVar("x", lb=0, ub=2, obj=-1)
    y = m.addVar("y", lb=0, ub=4, obj=0)
    m.addCons(x * x <= y)


    sol = m.getBestSol()
    assert round(sol[x]) == 2.0
    assert round(sol[y]) == 4.0
    print(sol)  # prints the solution in the transformed space

    sol = m.getBestSol()
    assert round(sol[x]) == 2.0
    assert round(sol[y]) == 4.0
    print(sol)  # prints the solution in the original space
Exemplo n.º 45
lo_simple.py: Simple SCIP example of linear programming:

maximize  15x + 18y + 30z
subject to 2x +   y +   z <= 60
           x  +  2y +   z <= 60
                        z <= 30
           x,y,z >= 0

Copyright (c) by Joao Pedro PEDROSO and Mikio KUBO, 2015
from pyscipopt import Model

model = Model("Simple linear optimization")

x1 = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="x1")
x2 = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="x2")
x3 = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="x3")

model.addCons(2 * x1 + x2 + x3 <= 60)
model.addCons(x1 + 2 * x2 + x3 <= 60)
model.addCons(x3 <= 30)

model.setObjective(15 * x1 + 18 * x2 + 30 * x3, "maximize")


if model.getStatus() == "optimal":
    print("Optimal value:", model.getObjVal())
    print("  x1 = ", model.getVal(x1))
Exemplo n.º 46
def mintreeMFP(n, e, d):
    mintreeMFP: min Cost Tree based on Flow Conservation 
        - n: number of nodes
        - e[i,j]['cap','cost']: edges of graph, 'cap': capacity of edge, 'cost': cost for traversing edge (i,j)
        - d[i,j]: demande(data) from node i to j
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    print("\n========min Cost Tree based on Flow Conservation======")

    model = Model("mintreeMFP")
    x, f, z = {}, {}, {}  # flow variable
    In our model, f[i,j] is the sum of flow on edge, if f[i,j]>0 then z[i,j]=1 else z[i,j]=0, such that get minTree
    In order to express the logical constraint, define a Big M, and z is Binary, 
    z[i,j]>=f[i,j]/M (gurantee f/M <1) and z[i,j]<=f[i,j]*M (gurantee f[i,j]*M >1)
    M = 100000000
    for (i, j) in e.keys():
        f[i, j] = model.addVar(ub=1000000,
                               name="f[%s,%s]" % (i, j))
        z[i, j] = model.addVar(ub=1, lb=0, vtype="B", name="z[%s,%s]" % (i, j))
        for (s, t) in d.keys():
            x[i, j, s, t] = model.addVar(ub=1000000,
                                         name="x[%s,%s,%s,%s]" % (i, j, s, t))
    # node flow conservation
    for (s, t) in d.keys():
        for j in n.keys():
            # for destination node
            if j == t:
                    quicksum(x[i, j, s, t]
                             for i in n.keys() if (i, j) in e.keys()) -
                    quicksum(x[j, i, s, t]
                             for i in n.keys() if (j, i) in e.keys()) == d[s,
                    "DesNode(%s)" % j)
            # for source node
            elif j == s:
                    quicksum(x[i, j, s, t]
                             for i in n.keys() if (i, j) in e.keys()) -
                    quicksum(x[j, i, s, t] for i in n.keys()
                             if (j, i) in e.keys()) == -d[s, t],
                    "SourceNode(%s)" % j)
                    quicksum(x[i, j, s, t]
                             for i in n.keys() if (i, j) in e.keys()) -
                    quicksum(x[j, i, s, t]
                             for i in n.keys() if (j, i) in e.keys()) == 0,
                    "SourceNode(%s)" % j)
    # constrains for edge capacity, take into consideration of tree optimization, using variable f
    for (i, j) in e.keys():
        f[i, j] = quicksum(x[i, j, s, t] for (s, t) in d.keys())
        model.addCons(f[i, j] <= e[i, j]['cap'], 'edge(%s,%s)' % (i, j))
        # logical constraint
        model.addCons(M * z[i, j] >= f[i, j])
        model.addCons(z[i, j] <= f[i, j] * M)

    model.data = x, f

    #model.setObjective(quicksum(f[i,j]*e[i,j]['cost'] for (i,j) in e.keys()), "minimize")
    model.setObjective(quicksum(z[i, j] for (i, j) in e.keys()), "minimize")
    return model
Exemplo n.º 47
def permutation_flow_shop(n, m, p):
    """gpp -- model for the graph partitioning problem
        - n: number of jobs
        - m: number of machines
        - p[i,j]: processing time of job i on machine j
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    model = Model("permutation flow shop")

    x, s, f = {}, {}, {}
    for j in range(1, n + 1):
        for k in range(1, n + 1):
            x[j, k] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="x(%s,%s)" % (j, k))

    for i in range(1, m + 1):
        for k in range(1, n + 1):
            s[i, k] = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="start(%s,%s)" % (i, k))
            f[i, k] = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="finish(%s,%s)" % (i, k))

    for j in range(1, n + 1):
            quicksum(x[j, k] for k in range(1, n + 1)) == 1,
            "Assign1(%s)" % (j))
            quicksum(x[k, j] for k in range(1, n + 1)) == 1,
            "Assign2(%s)" % (j))

    for i in range(1, m + 1):
        for k in range(1, n + 1):
            if k != n:
                model.addCons(f[i, k] <= s[i, k + 1],
                              "FinishStart(%s,%s)" % (i, k))
            if i != m:
                model.addCons(f[i, k] <= s[i + 1, k],
                              "Machine(%s,%s)" % (i, k))

                s[i, k] + quicksum(p[i, j] * x[j, k]
                                   for j in range(1, n + 1)) <= f[i, k],
                "StartFinish(%s,%s)" % (i, k))

    model.setObjective(f[m, n], "minimize")

    model.data = x, s, f
    return model
Exemplo n.º 48
def scip_solver_2(customers, customer_count, vehicle_count, vehicle_capacity):
    model = Model("vrp")

    c_range = range(0, customer_count)
    cd_range = range(1, customer_count)

    x, d, w, v = {}, {}, {}, {}
    for i in c_range:
        for j in c_range:
            d[i, j] = length(customers[i], customers[j])
            w[i, j] = customers[i].demand + customers[j].demand
            if j > i and i == 0:  # depot
                x[i, j] = model.addVar(ub=2,
                                       name="x(%s,%s)" % (i, j))
            elif j > i:
                x[i, j] = model.addVar(ub=1,
                                       name="x(%s,%s)" % (i, j))

        quicksum(x[0, j] for j in cd_range) <= 2 * vehicle_count,

    for i in cd_range:
            quicksum(x[j, i] for j in c_range if j < i) +
            quicksum(x[i, j] for j in c_range if j > i) == 2, "Degree(%s)" % i)

        quicksum(d[i, j] * x[i, j] for i in c_range for j in c_range if j > i),

    mip_gaps = [0.0]
    runs = 0

    start = datetime.now()
    for gap in mip_gaps:
        model.setRealParam("limits/gap", gap)
        model.setRealParam("limits/time", 60 * 20)  # Time limit in seconds
        edges, final_edges, runs = optimize(customer_count, customers, model,
                                            vehicle_capacity, vehicle_count, x)

    run_time = datetime.now() - start

    output = [[]] * vehicle_count
    for i in range(vehicle_count):
        output[i] = []
        current_item = None
        if len(final_edges) > 0:

            for e in final_edges:
                if e[0] == 0:
                    current_item = e
            if current_item:
                a = current_item[0]
                current_node = current_item[1]
                searching_connections = True
                while searching_connections and len(final_edges) > 0:
                    for edge in final_edges:
                        found_connection = False
                        a_edge = edge[0]
                        b_edge = edge[1]

                        if b_edge == current_node and a_edge == 0:

                        if a_edge == current_node:
                            current_node = b_edge
                            found_connection = True
                        elif b_edge == current_node:
                            current_node = a_edge
                            found_connection = True

                        if found_connection:

                    if not found_connection:
                        searching_connections = False


    sol = model.getBestSol()
    obj = model.getSolObjVal(sol)

    print("RUN TIME: %s" % str(run_time))
    print("NUMBER OF OPTIMIZATION RUNS: %s" % runs)

    return obj, output
Exemplo n.º 49
def test_model():
    # create solver instance
    s = Model()

    # test parameter methods
    pric = s.getParam('lp/pricing')
    s.setParam('lp/pricing', 'q')
    assert 'q' == s.getParam('lp/pricing')
    s.setParam('lp/pricing', pric)
    s.setParam('visual/vbcfilename', 'vbcfile')
    assert 'vbcfile' == s.getParam('visual/vbcfilename')

    assert 'lp/pricing' in s.getParams()
    s.setParams({'visual/vbcfilename': '-'})
    assert '-' == s.getParam('visual/vbcfilename')

    # add some variables
    x = s.addVar("x", vtype = 'C', obj = 1.0)
    y = s.addVar("y", vtype = 'C', obj = 2.0)

    assert x.getObj() == 1.0
    assert y.getObj() == 2.0

    s.setObjective(4.0 * y + 10.5, clear = False)
    assert x.getObj() == 1.0
    assert y.getObj() == 4.0
    assert s.getObjoffset() == 10.5

    # add some constraint
    c = s.addCons(x + 2 * y >= 1.0)
    assert c.isLinear()
    s.chgLhs(c, 5.0)
    s.chgRhs(c, 6.0)

    assert s.getLhs(c) == 5.0
    assert s.getRhs(c) == 6.0

    # solve problem

    solution = s.getBestSol()

    # print solution
    assert (s.getVal(x) == s.getSolVal(solution, x))
    assert (s.getVal(y) == s.getSolVal(solution, y))
    assert round(s.getVal(x)) == 5.0
    assert round(s.getVal(y)) == 0.0
    assert s.getSlack(c, solution) == 0.0
    assert s.getSlack(c, solution, 'lhs') == 0.0
    assert s.getSlack(c, solution, 'rhs') == 1.0
    assert s.getActivity(c, solution) == 5.0

    # check expression evaluations
    expr = x*x + 2*x*y + y*y
    expr2 = x + 1
    assert s.getVal(expr) == s.getSolVal(solution, expr)
    assert s.getVal(expr2) == s.getSolVal(solution, expr2)
    assert round(s.getVal(expr)) == 25.0
    assert round(s.getVal(expr2)) == 6.0


    s = Model()
    x = s.addVar("x", vtype = 'C', obj = 1.0)
    y = s.addVar("y", vtype = 'C', obj = 2.0)
    c = s.addCons(x + 2 * y <= 1.0)



    assert s.getStatus() == 'unbounded'
Exemplo n.º 50
def vehicle_assignment_solver(K,
    v_range = range(0, K)
    c_range = range(1, customer_count)
    samples = []

    a_ord = sorted(a.items(), key=lambda k: k[1])
    del a_ord[0]

    while True:
        a_ord = sorted(a_ord,
                       key=lambda el: dist_between_nodes(el, samples, c),
        del a_ord[0]

        if len(samples) == K:

    w = {}
    for i in v_range:
        w[i] = samples[i][0]

    # Resolve MIP problem to find the best possible vehicle-customers combinations
    model = Model("vrp_vehicles")

    if customer_count >= 200:
        model.setRealParam("limits/gap", 0.005)

    y = {}
    for v in v_range:
        for i in c_range:
            # customer i is visited by vehicle v
            y[i, v] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="y(%s,%s)" % (i, v))
    for v in v_range:
        # Constraint: the demand of customers assigned to vehicle V cannot exceed its capacity
        model.addCons(quicksum(a[i] * y[i, v] for i in c_range) <= b)

        # Constraint: for this model, we enforce every vehicle to visit a customer
        # model.addCons(quicksum(y[i, v] for i in c_range) >= 1)

        # Constraint: we enforce the customers on 'w' to be visited by the defined vehicle
        #model.addCons(y[w[v], v] == 1)

        #if predefined_vehicle_nodes and v == predefined_vehicle_index:
        #    for p in predefined_vehicle_nodes:
        #        model.addCons(y[p, predefined_vehicle_index] == 1)

    for i in c_range:
        # if i > 0:
        # Constraint: each customer has to be visited by exactly one vehicle
        model.addCons(quicksum(y[i, v] for v in v_range) == 1)

                cost_of_new_customer_in_vehicle(c, i, w[v]) * y[i, v]
                for i in c_range) for v in v_range), "maximize")

    # best_sol = model.getBestSol()
    vehicle_tours = {}
    for v in v_range:
        vehicle_tours[v] = []
        for i in c_range:
            # val = model.getSolVal(best_sol, y[i, v])
            val = model.getVal(y[i, v])
            if val > 0.5:

    obj = model.getObjVal()

    return obj, vehicle_tours
Exemplo n.º 51
def model():
    m = Model()
    x = m.addVar("x")
    y = m.addVar("y")
    z = m.addVar("z")
    return m, x, y, z
Exemplo n.º 52
def eoq(I,F,h,d,w,W,a0,aK,K):
    """eoq --  multi-item capacitated economic ordering quantity model
        - I: set of items
        - F[i]: ordering cost for item i
        - h[i]: holding cost for item i
        - d[i]: demand for item i
        - w[i]: unit weight for item i
        - W: capacity (limit on order quantity)
        - a0: lower bound on the cycle time (x axis)
        - aK: upper bound on the cycle time (x axis)
        - K: number of linear pieces to use in the approximation
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.

    # construct points for piecewise-linear relation, store in a,b
    a,b = {},{}
    delta = float(aK-a0)/K
    for i in I:
        for k in range(K):
            T = a0 + delta*k
            a[i,k] = T                          # abscissa: cycle time
            b[i,k] = F[i]/T + h[i]*d[i]*T/2.    # ordinate: (convex) cost for this cycle time

    model = Model("multi-item, capacitated EOQ")

    x,c,w_ = {},{},{}
    for i in I:
        x[i] = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="x(%s)"%i)  # cycle time for item i
        c[i] = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="c(%s)"%i)  # total cost for item i
        for k in range(K):
            w_[i,k] = model.addVar(ub=1, vtype="C", name="w(%s,%s)"%(i,k)) #todo ??

    for i in I:
        model.addCons(quicksum(w_[i,k] for k in range(K)) == 1)
        model.addCons(quicksum(a[i,k]*w_[i,k] for k in range(K)) == x[i])
        model.addCons(quicksum(b[i,k]*w_[i,k] for k in range(K)) == c[i])

    model.addCons(quicksum(w[i]*d[i]*x[i] for i in I) <= W)

    model.setObjective(quicksum(c[i] for i in I), "minimize")

    model.data = x,w
    return model
Exemplo n.º 53
def parity(number):
        assert number == int(round(number))
        m = Model()

        ### variables are non-negative by default since 0 is the default lb.
        ### To allow for negative values, give None as lower bound
        ### (None means -infinity as lower bound and +infinity as upper bound)
        x = m.addVar("x", vtype="I", lb=None, ub=None)  #ub=None is default
        n = m.addVar("n", vtype="I", lb=None)
        s = m.addVar("s", vtype="B")

        ### CAVEAT: if number is negative, x's lb must be None
        ### if x is set by default as non-negative and number is negative:
        ###     there is no feasible solution (trivial) but the program
        ###     does not highlight which constraints conflict.
        m.addCons(x == number)

        m.addCons(s == x - 2 * n)

        assert m.getStatus() == "optimal"
        if verbose:
            for v in m.getVars():
                print("%s %d" % (v, m.getVal(v)))
            print("%d%%2 == %d?" % (m.getVal(x), m.getVal(s)))
            print(m.getVal(s) == m.getVal(x) % 2)

        xval = m.getVal(x)
        sval = m.getVal(s)
        sstr = sdic[sval]
        print("%d is %s" % (xval, sstr))
    except (AssertionError, TypeError):
        print("%s is neither even nor odd!" % number.__repr__())
Exemplo n.º 54
def test_lp():
    # create solver instance
    s = Model()

    # add some variables
    x = s.addVar("x", vtype='C', obj=1.0)
    y = s.addVar("y", vtype='C', obj=2.0)

    # add some constraint
    s.addCons(x + 2 * y >= 5.0)

    # solve problem

    solution = s.getBestSol()

    # print solution
    assert (s.getVal(x) == s.getSolVal(solution, x))
    assert (s.getVal(y) == s.getSolVal(solution, y))
    assert round(s.getVal(x)) == 5.0
    assert round(s.getVal(y)) == 0.0
Exemplo n.º 55
def tsp_solver(c, customers, vehicle_tours):
    def addcut(cut_edges):
        G = networkx.Graph()
        Components = list(networkx.connected_components(G))
        if len(Components) == 1:
            return False
        for S in Components:
                quicksum(x[i, j] for i in S for j in S) <= len(S) - 1)

        return True

    # Add the depot on each vehicle
    vehicle_tours = {k: vehicle_tours[k] + [0] for k in vehicle_tours.keys()}
    final_obj = 0
    final_tours = []
    for key, value in vehicle_tours.items():
        v_customers = value
        model = Model("vrp_tsp")

        x = {}

        for i in v_customers:
            for j in v_customers:
                # vehicle moves from customer i to customer j
                x[i, j] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="x(%s,%s)" % (i, j))

        for i in v_customers:
            # Constraint: every customer can only be visited once
            # (or, every node must be connected and connect to another node)
            model.addCons(quicksum(x[i, j] for j in v_customers) == 1)
            model.addCons(quicksum(x[j, i] for j in v_customers) == 1)

            for j in v_customers:
                if i == j:
                    # Constraint: a node cannot conect to itself
                    model.addCons(x[i, j] == 0)

        # Objective function: minimize total distance of the tour
            quicksum(x[i, j] * c[(i, j)] for i in v_customers
                     for j in v_customers), "minimize")

        EPS = 1.e-6
        isMIP = False
        while True:
            edges = []
            for (i, j) in x:
                if model.getVal(x[i, j]) > EPS:
                    edges.append((i, j))

            if addcut(edges) == False:
                if isMIP:  # integer variables, components connected: solution found
                for (
                        i, j
                ) in x:  # all components connected, switch to integer model
                    model.chgVarType(x[i, j], "B")
                    isMIP = True

        # model.optimize()
        best_sol = model.getBestSol()
        sub_tour = []

        # Build the graph path
        # Retrieve the last node of the graph, i.e., the last one connecting to the depot
        last_node = [n for n in edges if n[1] == 0][0][0]
        G = networkx.Graph()
        path = list(networkx.all_simple_paths(G, source=0, target=last_node))
        path.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda u: len(u))

        if len(path) > 0:
            path = path[0][1:]
            path = path[1:]

        obj = model.getSolObjVal(best_sol)
        final_obj += obj
        final_tours.append([customers[i] for i in path])

    return final_obj, final_tours
Exemplo n.º 56
def build_model(facilities, customers, d_m):
    model = Model('Facility')

    xw = [
        model.addVar('x{}'.format(w.index), vtype='BINARY') for w in facilities

    ywc = [[
        model.addVar('y{}{}'.format(w.index, c.index), vtype='BINARY')
        for w in facilities
    ] for c in customers]
    for c in ywc:
        model.addCons(sum(c) == 1)

        for w in facilities:
            model.addCons(c[w.index] <= xw[w.index])

    l_w = len(facilities)
    l_c = len(customers)

    # Not allow overheading the facility capacity
    for w in facilities:
        cw = w.capacity
        cons = [(customers[c.index].demand, ywc[c.index][w.index])
                for c in customers]
        model.addCons(sum([c[0] * c[1] for c in cons]) <= cw)

    # [ (d, ywc), ... ]
    obj_1 = [(d_m[c.index][w.index], ywc[c.index][w.index]) for c in customers
             for w in facilities]

    obj_2 = [(facilities[w.index].setup_cost, xw[w.index]) for w in facilities]

    model.setObjective(sum([o[0] * o[1] for o in obj_1 + obj_2]),
    return model, {'xw': xw, 'ywc': ywc}
Exemplo n.º 57
from pyscipopt import Model

model = Model("Animal quiz")

x = model.addVar(vtype="I", name="octopus")
y = model.addVar(vtype="I", name="turtel")
z = model.addVar(vtype="I", name="bird")

model.addCons(x + y + z == 32, name="Heads")
model.addCons(8 * x + 4 * y + 2 * z == 80, name="Legs")

model.setObjective(x + y, "minimize")


print("Optimal value:", model.getObjVal())
print((x.name, y.name, z.name), " = ",
      (model.getVal(x), model.getVal(y), model.getVal(z)))
Exemplo n.º 58
def flp(I, J, d, M, f, c):
    """flp -- model for the capacitated facility location problem
        - I: set of customers
        - J: set of facilities
        - d[i]: demand for customer i
        - M[j]: capacity of facility j
        - f[j]: fixed cost for using a facility in point j
        - c[i,j]: unit cost of servicing demand point i from facility j
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.

    model = Model("flp")

    x, y = {}, {}
    for j in J:
        y[j] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="y(%s)" % j)
        for i in I:
            x[i, j] = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="x(%s,%s)" % (i, j))

    for i in I:
        model.addCons(quicksum(x[i, j] for j in J) == d[i], "Demand(%s)" % i)

    for j in J:
            quicksum(x[i, j] for i in I) <= M[j] * y[j], "Capacity(%s)" % i)

    for (i, j) in x:
        model.addCons(x[i, j] <= min(d[i], M[j]) * y[j],
                      "Strong(%s,%s)" % (i, j))

        quicksum(f[j] * y[j] for j in J) + quicksum(c[i, j] * x[i, j]
                                                    for i in I
                                                    for j in J), "minimize")
    model.data = x, y, M, d, c, I

    return model
Exemplo n.º 59
    (1, 3): 9,  # cost
    (2, 1): 5,
    (2, 2): 4,
    (2, 3): 7,
    (3, 1): 6,
    (3, 2): 3,
    (3, 3): 4,
    (4, 1): 8,
    (4, 2): 5,
    (4, 3): 3,
    (5, 1): 10,
    (5, 2): 8,
    (5, 3): 4,

model = Model("transportation")

# Create variables
x = {}

for i in I:
    for j in J:
        x[i, j] = model.addVar(vtype="C", name="x(%s,%s)" % (i, j))

# Demand constraints
for i in I:
    model.addCons(sum(x[i, j] for j in J if (i, j) in x) == d[i],
                  name="Demand(%s)" % i)

# Capacity constraints
for j in J:
Exemplo n.º 60
def gcp_fixed_k(V, E, K):
    """gcp_fixed_k -- model for minimizing number of bad edges in coloring a graph
        - V: set/list of nodes in the graph
        - E: set/list of edges in the graph
        - K: number of colors to be used
    Returns a model, ready to be solved.
    model = Model("gcp - fixed k")

    x, z = {}, {}
    for i in V:
        for k in range(K):
            x[i, k] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="x(%s,%s)" % (i, k))
    for (i, j) in E:
        z[i, j] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="z(%s,%s)" % (i, j))

    for i in V:
            quicksum(x[i, k] for k in range(K)) == 1, "AssignColor(%s)" % i)

    for (i, j) in E:
        for k in range(K):
            model.addCons(x[i, k] + x[j, k] <= 1 + z[i, j],
                          "BadEdge(%s,%s,%s)" % (i, j, k))

    model.setObjective(quicksum(z[i, j] for (i, j) in E), "minimize")

    model.data = x, z
    return model