Exemplo n.º 1
def test_angle2int():
    for angle in [0, 90, 180, 270, 300]:
        a = int(angle/300.0*1023.0)
        assert angle2int(angle, True) == le(a)

    for angle in [0, pi/4, pi/2, 3*pi/2]:
        a = int(180*angle/300.0/pi*1023.0)
        assert angle2int(angle, False) == le(a)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def makeSyncMovePacket(self, info, degrees=True):
        Write sync angle information to servos.

        info = [[ID, angle], [ID, angle], ...]
        ID: servo ID
        angle: 0-300 degrees or in radians
        data = []

        # since all servo angles have the same register addr (GOAL_POSITION)
        # and data size (2), a sinc packet is smart choice
        # compare bulk vs sync for the same commands:
        # bulk = 94 bytes
        # sync = 50 bytes
        for cmd in info:
            dataN = []  # data for specific actuator
            dataN.append(cmd[0])  # ID
            angle = angle2int(cmd[1], degrees)
            dataN.append(angle[0])  # LSB
            dataN.append(angle[1])  # MSB

        pkt = self.makeSyncWritePacket(self.GOAL_POSITION, data)
        return pkt
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():

    port = "/dev/tty.usbserial-AL034G1T"

    serial = ServoSerial(port=port)

    servo = Packet(pyservos.AX12)
    # servo = Packet(pyservos.XL320)

    # build
    # 59 rpm max
    data = []
    ids = [1, 2, 3]
    pos = [150, 200, 90]
    vel = [200, 100, 300]  # 0.111 rpm

    for i, p, v in zip(ids, pos, vel):
        data.append([i] + angle2int(p) + le(v))

    pkt = servo.makeSyncWritePacket(pyservos.AX12.GOAL_POSITION, data)

    ans = serial.sendPkt(pkt)  # send packet to servo
    ans = servo.processStatusPacket(ans)

    if ans:
        print('status: {}'.format(ans))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def makeServoMovePacket(self, ID, angle, degrees=True):
        Commands the servo to an angle (0-300 deg) or radians (0-5.24 rads)
        angle: [0-300] deg or [0.0-5.24] rads
        degrees: True (default) or False
        val = angle2int(angle, degrees)
        pkt = self.makeWritePacket(ID, self.GOAL_POSITION, val)

        return pkt
Exemplo n.º 5
    def makeServoMovePacket(self, ID, angle, degrees=True):
        Commands the servo to an angle (in degrees)
        # if degrees and not (0.0 <= angle <= 300.0):
        #     raise Exception('makeServoMovePacket(), angle [deg] out of bounds: {}'.format(angle))
        # elif (not degrees) and (not (0.0 <= angle <= 5.23598776)):
        #     raise Exception('makeServoMovePacket(), angle [rads] out of bounds: {}'.format(angle))
        # val = int(angle/300*1023)
        val = angle2int(angle, degrees)
        pkt = self.makeWritePacket(ID, self.GOAL_POSITION, val)

        return pkt
Exemplo n.º 6
    def makeSyncMoveSpeedPacket(self, info, degrees=True):
        Write sync angle information to servos.

        info = [[ID, angle, speed], [ID, angle, speed], ...]
        ID: servo ID
        angle: 0-300 degrees or in radians
        speed: 0-1023
        data = []
        for cmd in info:
            dataN = []  # data for specific actuator
            dataN.append(cmd[0])  # ID
            angle = angle2int(cmd[1], degrees)
            dataN.append(angle[0])  # LSB
            dataN.append(angle[1])  # MSB
            speed = le(cmd[2])
            dataN.append(speed[0])  # LSB
            dataN.append(speed[1])  # MSB

        pkt = self.makeSyncWritePacket(self.GOAL_POSITION, data)
        return pkt
Exemplo n.º 7
def set_angle(id, angle):
    val = angle2int(angle, degrees=True) + le(speed)
    pkt = servo.makeWritePacket(id, servo.base.GOAL_POSITION, val)
    serial.sendPkt(pkt)  # send packet to servo