Exemplo n.º 1
 def __lv2ibt(segment):
     stack = []
     has_crit_b = False
     if segment.empty():
         raise EmptyError(
             "An empty Segment cannot be transformed into a BTree")
     for i in range(segment.length() - 1, -1, -1):
         v = segment[i]
         if v.is_leaf():
         elif v.is_critical():
             if has_crit_b:
                 raise IllFormedError(
                     "A ill-formed Segment cannot be transformed into a BTree"
                 has_crit_b = True
             if len(stack) < 2:
                 raise IllFormedError(
                     "A ill-formed Segment cannot be transformed into a BTree"
             lv = stack.pop()
             rv = stack.pop()
             stack.append(Node(v, lv, rv))
     if len(stack) != 1:
         raise IllFormedError(
             "A ill-formed Segment cannot be transformed into a BTree")
         return has_crit_b, stack[0]
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __node_uacc_local_compute(stack, d, phi, v, psi_l, res, psi_r, i, k):
     """Computes when the value is a node"""
     if len(stack) < 2:
         raise IllFormedError(
             "uacc_local cannot be applied if there is a node that does not have two children "
             "in the current instance")
     # We get the values of two sub upward accumulation
     lv = stack.pop()
     rv = stack.pop()
     if d == 0:
         # The current node is an ancestor of a critical value by the left
         # That is, there is a critical value on its left children in a BTree representation
         # We process and stack the value of a partial accumulation
         val = phi(v.get_value())
         stack.append(psi_l(lv, val, rv))
         res[i] = None
     elif d == 1:
         # The current node is an ancestor of a critical value by the left
         # That is, there is a critical value on its left children in a BTree representation
         # We process and stack the value of a partial accumulation
         val = phi(v.get_value())
         stack.append(psi_r(lv, val, rv))
         res[i] = None
         d = 0
         # We did not meet a critical value, we can process a normal upward accumulation with k
         val = k(lv, v.get_value(), rv)
         res[i] = TaggedValue(val, v.get_tag())
         d = d - 1
     return d, stack, res
Exemplo n.º 3
    def dacc_local(self, gl, gr, c):
        """Computes local downward accumulation for the current instance using an
        accumulative parameter resulting of a global downward accumulation

        gl : callable
            Function to make a downward accumulation to the left
        gr : callable
            Function to make a downward accumulation to the right
            Initial value of the accumulator

            If the current instance does not represent a correct linearized subtree
            That is there are several leaves that doesn't have a parent in a BTree representation
            or if there is not a value to accumulate from above
        # We update not finished accumulation locally using the value from the parent in the global
        # representation of a linearized tree
        stack = [c]
        res = Segment([None] * self.length())
        for i in range(self.length()):
            v = self[i]
            if v.is_leaf() or v.is_critical():
                if len(stack) == 0:
                    raise IllFormedError(
                        "dacc_local cannot be applied if there are two leaf values, or critical "
                        "values that do not have a parent")
                # We get the accumulated value passed from the last parent
                val = stack.pop()
                res[i] = TaggedValue(val, v.get_tag())
            else:  # v.is_node()
                if len(stack) == 0:
                    raise IllFormedError(
                        "dacc_local cannot be applied if there is not a value to accumulate from "
                val = stack.pop()
                # We get the accumulated value passed from the last parent
                # And two new ones, one for the left children, and one to the right, using
                # the gr and gl functions
                res[i] = TaggedValue(val, v.get_tag())
                stack.append(gr(val, v.get_value()))
                stack.append(gl(val, v.get_value()))
        return res
Exemplo n.º 4
    def uacc_update(self, seg2, k, lc, rc):
        """Makes an update of the current accumulation, using initial values and the top
         accumulated values

        The lengths of self and seg2 should be equal

        seg2 : :obj:`Segment`
            Result of a local accumulation
        k : callable
            The function used to reduce a BTree into a single value
            Top value of the left children in a global structure
            Top value of the left children in a global structure

            If the current instance does not represent a correct linearized subtree
            That is there is a node that doesn't have two children
        assert self.length() == seg2.length(), "uacc_update cannot needs to " \
                                               "Segment of same size as input"
        stack = [rc, lc]
        d = MINUS_INFINITY
        res = Segment([None] * self.length())
        for i in reversed(range(seg2.length())):
            v1 = self[i]
            v2 = seg2[i]
            # We update the accumulation from seg2
            # We stack the values already updated to process updates on nodes
            if v1.is_leaf():
                # The result of the accumulation is the node made in seg2
                res[i] = v2
                d = d + 1
            elif v1.is_node():
                res, stack, d = self.__node_uacc_update_compute(
                    stack, d, res, k, v1, v2, i)
            else:  # v1.is_critical()
                if len(stack) < 2:
                    raise IllFormedError(
                        "uacc_update cannot be applied if there is a node that "
                        "does not have two children in the current instance")
                # We need two sub accumulation values to process the accumulation of a critical node
                lv = stack.pop()
                rv = stack.pop()
                val = k(lv, v1.get_value(), rv)
                res[i] = TaggedValue(val, v1.get_tag())
                d = 0
        return res
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __rev_segment_to_trees(lb, glob):
     stack = []
     for i in range(lb.length() - 1, -1, -1):
         if glob[i] == TAG_LEAF:
         else:  # gt[i] == VTag_Node
             lbt = stack.pop()
             rbt = stack.pop()
             stack.append(__graft(lb[i], lbt, rbt))
     if len(stack) != 1:
         raise IllFormedError(
             "A ill-formed list of incomplete BTree cannot be transformed into a BTree"
     return stack[0]
Exemplo n.º 6
    def dacc_global(self, psi_d, c):
        """Performs sequential downwards accumulation

        self should bot have critical nodes

        psi_d : callable
            A function used to respect the closure property on gr and gl (initial functions used for up accumulation)
            to make partial downward accumulation
            Initial value of the accumulator

            If the current instance does not represent a correct linearized subtree
            That is there are several leaves that doesn't have a parent in a BTree representation
        stack = [c]
        res = Segment([None] * self.length())
        assert not self.has_critical(
        ), "dacc_global cannot be applied to Segment which contains a critical node"

        for i in range(self.length()):
            v = self[i]
            if len(stack) == 0:
                raise IllFormedError(
                    "dacc_global cannot be applied to ill-formed Segments that is two leaf values do not have a parent"
            # We add the previous accumulation as a new value of our result
            val = stack.pop()
            res[i] = TaggedValue(val, v.get_tag())

            # If the current value is node, we need to update the value to pass to the right, and left children
            # These values are contained in the stack
            if v.is_node():
                (to_l, to_r) = v.get_value()
                stack.append(psi_d(val, to_r))
                stack.append(psi_d(val, to_l))
        return res
Exemplo n.º 7
    def uacc_global(self, psi_n):
        """Performs sequential upwards accumulation

        self should not have critical nodes

        psi_n : callable
            A function used to respect the closure property on k (the initial function used for accumulation)
            to allow partial computation

            If the current instance does not represent a correct linearized subtree
            That is there is a node that doesn't have two children
        assert not self.has_critical(
        ), "uacc_global cannot be applied to a Segments which contains a critical"

        stack = []
        res = Segment([None] * self.length())
        for i in reversed(range(self.length())):
            g = self[i]
            # We process a global accumulation using a stack to store previous accumulation,
            # to get them for the accumulation on nodes
            if g.is_leaf():
                res[i] = g
                val = g.get_value()
            else:  # g.is_node()
                if len(stack) < 2:
                    raise IllFormedError(
                        "uacc_global cannot be applied if there is a node that does not have two children "
                        "in the current instance")
                lv = stack.pop()
                rv = stack.pop()
                val = psi_n(lv, g.get_value(), rv)
                res[i] = TaggedValue(val, g.get_tag())
        # We get the top value of the accumulation
        return res
Exemplo n.º 8
    def reduce_global(self, psi_n):
        """Makes a global reduction using local reductions of Segments

        self should empty, and should not have critical nodes

        psi_n : callable
            A function used to respect the closure property on k
            (the initial function used for reduction) to allow partial computation

            If the current instance does not represent a list of top values of a correct
            list of subtrees
            That is for each node, there is not exist two children, of there is a critical
            value in the current instance
        assert not self.has_critical(), "reduce_global cannot be applied to a" \
                                        "Segments which contains a critical"
        assert self != [], "reduce_global cannot be applied to an empty Segment"
        stack = []
        for g in reversed(self):
            # We stack every value we already reduced
            if g.is_leaf():
                # Nothing to calculate, we only stack the value
            else:  # g.is_node()
                # We get two sub reductions to make a total reduction of the current node
                if len(stack) < 2:
                    raise IllFormedError(
                        "reduce_global cannot be applied if there is a node that"
                        "does not have two children in the current instance")
                lv = stack.pop()
                rv = stack.pop()
                # We process and stack a reduction
                stack.append(psi_n(lv, g.get_value(), rv))
        top = stack.pop()
        return top
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __node_uacc_update_compute(stack, d, res, k, v1, v2, i):
     """Computes when the value is a node"""
     if len(stack) < 2:
         raise IllFormedError(
             "uacc_update cannot be applied if there is a node that does not have two children "
             "in the current instance")
     # We need two sub accumulation values to process the accumulation of a node
     lv = stack.pop()
     rv = stack.pop()
     if d in (0, 1):
         # We met a critical value before, so the accumulation is not completed yet
         val = k(lv, v1.get_value(), rv)
         res[i] = TaggedValue(val, v1.get_tag())
         d = 0
         # We did not meet a critical value before, so the accumulation is completed yet
         res[i] = v2
         d = d - 1
     return res, stack, d
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __node_reduce_local_compute(stack, d, k, psi_l, phi, v, psi_r):
     """Computes when the value is a node"""
     if len(stack) < 2:
         raise IllFormedError(
             "reduce_local cannot be applied if there is a node that does not have "
             "two children in the current instance")
     # We get two sub-reductions to make a reduction with the current node value
     lv = stack.pop()
     rv = stack.pop()
     if d == 0:
         # The current node is an ancestor of a critical value by the left
         # That is, there is a critical value on its left children in a BTree representation
         # We process and stack a partial reduction
         stack.append(psi_l(lv, phi(v.get_value()), rv))
     elif d == 1:
         # The current node is an ancestor of a critical value by the right
         # That is, there is a critical value on its right children in a BTree representation
         # We process and stack a partial reduction
         stack.append(psi_r(lv, phi(v.get_value()), rv))
         d = 0
         # We did not meet a critical value, we process and stack a normal reduction
         stack.append(k(lv, v.get_value(), rv))
     return stack, d
Exemplo n.º 11
    def uacc_local(self, k, phi, psi_l, psi_r):
        """Computes local upwards accumulation and reduction

        self should empty

        k : callable
            The function used to reduce a BTree into a single value
        phi : callable
            A function used to respect the closure property
        psi_l : callable
            A function used to respect the closure property to make partial computation on the left
        psi_r : callable
            A function used to respect the closure property to make partial computation on the right

            If the current instance does not represent a correct linearized subtree
            That is there is a node that doesn't have two children which can be either a leaf value or a critical value
        assert self != [], "uacc_local cannot be applied to an empty Segment"
        stack = []
        d = MINUS_INFINITY
        res = Segment([None] * self.length())
        has_crit = False
        for i in reversed(range(self.length())):
            v = self[i]
            # We stack all the values of previous accumulation
            if v.is_leaf():
                res[i] = v
                d = d + 1

            elif v.is_node():
                if len(stack) < 2:
                    raise IllFormedError(
                        "uacc_local cannot be applied if there is a node that does not have two children "
                        "in the current instance")
                # We get the values of two sub upward accumulation
                lv = stack.pop()
                rv = stack.pop()
                if d == 0:
                    # The current node is an ancestor of a critical value by the left
                    # That is, there is a critical value on its left children in a BTree representation
                    # We process and stack the value of a partial accumulation
                    val = phi(v.get_value())
                    stack.append(psi_l(lv, val, rv))
                    res[i] = None
                elif d == 1:
                    # The current node is an ancestor of a critical value by the left
                    # That is, there is a critical value on its left children in a BTree representation
                    # We process and stack the value of a partial accumulation
                    val = phi(v.get_value())
                    stack.append(psi_r(lv, val, rv))
                    res[i] = None
                    d = 0
                    # We did not meet a critical value, we can process a normal upward accumulation with k
                    val = k(lv, v.get_value(), rv)
                    res[i] = TaggedValue(val, v.get_tag())
                    d = d - 1

            else:  # v.is_critical()
                # The current value is critical. We make a partial accumulation with phi and stack the result
                res[i] = None
                d = 0
                has_crit = True

        top = stack.pop()
        tag = "N" if has_crit else "L"
        # We return both the top values for following global upward accumulation, and the current accumulated subtree
        return TaggedValue(top, tag), res
Exemplo n.º 12
    def reduce_local(self, k, phi, psi_l, psi_r):
        """Reduces a local Segment into a value

        self should not be empty

        k : callable
            The function used to reduce a BTree into a single value
        phi : callable
            A function used to respect the closure property
        psi_l : callable
            A function used to respect the closure property to make partial computation on the left
        psi_r : callable
            A function used to respect the closure property to make partial computation on the right

            If the current instance does not represent a correct linearized subtree
            That is there is a node that does not have two children which can be either a leaf value or a critical value
        assert self != [], "reduce_local cannot be applied to an empty Segment"
        stack = []
        d = MINUS_INFINITY
        has_critical = False
        for v in reversed(self):
            # Starts by the end, that is the most deep leaves
            # We stack every elements we already reduced
            if v.is_leaf():
                # We cannot reduce a leaf value
                d = d + 1
            elif v.is_node():
                if len(stack) < 2:
                    raise IllFormedError(
                        "reduce_local cannot be applied if there is a node that does not have"
                        "two children in the current instance")
                # We get two sub-reductions to make a reduction with the current node value
                lv = stack.pop()
                rv = stack.pop()
                if d == 0:
                    # The current node is an ancestor of a critical value by the left
                    # That is, there is a critical value on its left children in a BTree representation
                    # We process and stack a partial reduction
                    stack.append(psi_l(lv, phi(v.get_value()), rv))
                elif d == 1:
                    # The current node is an ancestor of a critical value by the right
                    # That is, there is a critical value on its right children in a BTree representation
                    # We process and stack a partial reduction
                    stack.append(psi_r(lv, phi(v.get_value()), rv))
                    d = 0
                    # We did not meet a critical value, we process and stack a normal reduction
                    stack.append(k(lv, v.get_value(), rv))
            else:  # v.is_critical()
                # we process and stack the reduction of critical value
                has_critical = True
                d = 0
        top = stack.pop()
        if has_critical:
            # The current instance represented a node in the global structure of a linearized tree
            return TaggedValue(top, "N")
            # The current instance represented a leaf in the global structure of a linearized tree
            return TaggedValue(top, "L")