Exemplo n.º 1
def filter_by_snr(utc_date, observable_asts, obs_config, obs_filter, exptime, snr_cut, sky_delta_mag=0.0, dbg=False):

    obs_tech_dict_list = construct_obs_tech_dict()

    site_code = obs_tech_dict_list[obs_config]['mpc_site_code']
    (site_name, site_long, site_lat, site_hgt) = get_sitepos(site_code)
    moon_ra, moon_dec, moon_diam = moon_ra_dec(utc_date, site_long, site_lat, site_hgt, dbg)
    moon_sep = radians(30.0)

    detected_asts = []
    num_moon_filtered = 0
    for asteroid in observable_asts:
#         emp_line = (ra, dec, mag, total_motion, alt_deg)
        emp_line = asteroid.values()[0]
        ra = emp_line[0]
        dec = emp_line[1]
        obj_moon_sep = S.sla_dsep(ra, dec, moon_ra, moon_dec)
        if obj_moon_sep > moon_sep:
            mag = emp_line[2]
            airmass = calculate_airmass(emp_line[4])
            if dbg: print("ra, dec, mag, total_motion, alt_deg,airmass", emp_line, airmass)
            snr = compute_snr(obs_tech_dict_list, obs_config, obs_filter, mag, airmass, exptime, sky_delta_mag, dbg)
            if snr >= snr_cut:
            if dbg: print("Too close to the moon (%.1f deg) for %s: %s" % (degrees(obj_moon_sep), asteroid.keys()[0], emp_line))
            num_moon_filtered += 1
    return detected_asts, num_moon_filtered
Exemplo n.º 2
def compute_moon_sep(date, object_ra, object_dec, site='500'):
    '''Compute the separation between an object at <object_ra>, <object_dec> and the Moon
    at time <date> from the specified [site] (defaults to geocenter if not specified.
    The separation is returned in degrees.'''

    site_name, site_long, site_lat, site_hgt = get_sitepos(site)
    moon_ra, moon_dec, diam = moon_ra_dec(date, site_long, site_lat, site_hgt)
    moon_obj_sep = sla_dsep(object_ra, object_dec, moon_ra, moon_dec)
    moon_obj_sep = degrees(moon_obj_sep)

    return moon_obj_sep
Exemplo n.º 3
def angular_distance_between(app_ra1, app_dec1, app_ra2, app_dec2):
    radians_between = sla.sla_dsep(app_ra1.in_radians(), app_dec1.in_radians(),
                                   app_ra2.in_radians(), app_dec2.in_radians())
    return Angle(radians=radians_between)
Exemplo n.º 4
def Known_Pulsar_Rating(pfd):
    Calculate the probability that a candidate is a known pulsar or a harmonic
    of a known pulsar.

    pfd : class
        An instance of the prepfold.pfd class

    names : list
        A list of ratings names
    ratings : list
        A list of ratings values
    # The rating name
    name1 = "Known_Pulsar_Rating"
    # A fudge factor for error calculations
    factor = 0.3*pfd.proflen

    # Get the candidate RA and DEC (in radians)
    cand_ra  = PU.ra_to_rad(pfd.rastr)
    cand_dec = PU.dec_to_rad(pfd.decstr)

    # Get the period and folding epoch from bestprof, if it exists
    if hasattr(pfd.bestprof, "p0"):
        cand_p     = pfd.bestprof.p0
        cand_epoch = pfd.bestprof.epochi + pfd.bestprof.epochf
        # Get the candidate period error from bestprof, if it exists
        if hasattr(pfd.bestprof, "p0err"):
            cand_p_err = factor*pfd.bestprof.p0err
        # Otherwise, try to estimate it
            cand_p_err = factor*cand_p**2/(pfd.proflen*pfd.T)
    # Otherwise, use the barycentric or topocentric values
    elif pfd.bary_p1 != 0.0:
        cand_p     = pfd.bary_p1
        cand_epoch = pfd.bepoch
        cand_p_err = factor*cand_p**2/(pfd.proflen*pfd.T)
    elif pfd.topo_p1 != 0.0:
        cand_p     = pfd.topo_p1
        cand_epoch = pfd.tepoch
        cand_p_err = factor*cand_p**2/(pfd.proflen*pfd.T)
    # Get the min and max frequencies for this observation
    f_min       = pfd.subfreqs.min()
    f_max       = pfd.subfreqs.max()
    # Get the candidate's best DM
    cand_dm     = pfd.bestdm
    # Try to estimate the DM error
    cand_dm_err = factor*cand_p*f_max**2*f_min**2/ \
                  (4.15e3*pfd.proflen*(f_max**2 - f_min**2))

    # Now loop through the catalog of known pulsars and find any that are
    # close to the candidate
    nearby_psrs = [psr for psr in PSRCAT.psrs \
                   if (hasattr(psr, "ra") and hasattr(psr, "dec") and \

    # If there were no pulsars nearby, return a rating of 0.0 and exit
    if len(nearby_psrs) == 0:
        rating1 = 0.0
        return [name1],[rating1]
    # Otherwise, try to estimate the probability that the candidate is a
    # known pulsar or its harmonic.  This is done by calculting the difference
    # between the candidates period and DM and those any nearby known pulsars,
    # normalized by the error in the candidate values (i.e., difference in
    # "sigmas").  Calculate the probability assuming Gaussian statistics.
        # Start off assuming zero probability that the candidate is known
        max_prob     = 0.0
        for psr in nearby_psrs:
            # If possible, calculate the known pulsar period at the observing
            # epoch
            if hasattr(psr,"pepoch"):
                delta_t = (cand_epoch - psr.pepoch)*86400.0 # seconds
                if hasattr(psr,"pd") and hasattr(psr,"pdd"):
                    psr_p = psr.p + psr.pd*delta_t + 0.5*psr.pdd*delta_t**2
                elif hasattr(psr,"pd"):
                    psr_p = psr.p + psr.pd*delta_t
                psr_p = psr.p
            p_prob  = 0.0 # The probability that the periods are the same
            # Try all harmonic ratios with up to 16 harmonics
            for a in xrange(16):
                a += 1.0 # Since xrange starts with 0
                for b in xrange(16):
                    b += 1.0 # Since xrange starts with 0
                    # Difference between candidate and known pulsar harmonic
                    delta_p = abs(a/b*cand_p - psr_p)
                    # Calculate the equivalent Gaussian probability
                    tmp_prob  = \
                         S.special.erfc(delta_p/((a/b)**2*cand_p_err)/ \
                    # If this is the highest probability so far, store it
                    if tmp_prob > p_prob: p_prob       = tmp_prob

            # Update the total probability
            prob      = p_prob
            # Get the difference in DM
            delta_dm  = abs(cand_dm - psr.dm)
            # Multiply the total probability by the DM probability
            prob     *= S.special.erfc(delta_dm/cand_dm_err/N.sqrt(2))
            # Update max_prob if necessary
            if prob > max_prob: max_prob = prob

        # Store the rating
        rating1 = max_prob

        return [name1],[rating1]
Exemplo n.º 5
def Known_Pulsar_Rating(pfd):
    Calculate the probability that a candidate is a known pulsar or a harmonic
    of a known pulsar.

    pfd : class
        An instance of the prepfold.pfd class

    names : list
        A list of ratings names
    ratings : list
        A list of ratings values
    # The rating name
    name1 = "Known_Pulsar_Rating"
    # A fudge factor for error calculations
    factor = 0.3 * pfd.proflen

    # Get the candidate RA and DEC (in radians)
    cand_ra = PU.ra_to_rad(pfd.rastr)
    cand_dec = PU.dec_to_rad(pfd.decstr)

    # Get the period and folding epoch from bestprof, if it exists
    if hasattr(pfd.bestprof, "p0"):
        cand_p = pfd.bestprof.p0
        cand_epoch = pfd.bestprof.epochi + pfd.bestprof.epochf
        # Get the candidate period error from bestprof, if it exists
        if hasattr(pfd.bestprof, "p0err"):
            cand_p_err = factor * pfd.bestprof.p0err
        # Otherwise, try to estimate it
            cand_p_err = factor * cand_p**2 / (pfd.proflen * pfd.T)
    # Otherwise, use the barycentric or topocentric values
    elif pfd.bary_p1 != 0.0:
        cand_p = pfd.bary_p1
        cand_epoch = pfd.bepoch
        cand_p_err = factor * cand_p**2 / (pfd.proflen * pfd.T)
    elif pfd.topo_p1 != 0.0:
        cand_p = pfd.topo_p1
        cand_epoch = pfd.tepoch
        cand_p_err = factor * cand_p**2 / (pfd.proflen * pfd.T)
    # Get the min and max frequencies for this observation
    f_min = pfd.subfreqs.min()
    f_max = pfd.subfreqs.max()
    # Get the candidate's best DM
    cand_dm = pfd.bestdm
    # Try to estimate the DM error
    cand_dm_err = factor*cand_p*f_max**2*f_min**2/ \
                  (4.15e3*pfd.proflen*(f_max**2 - f_min**2))

    # Now loop through the catalog of known pulsars and find any that are
    # close to the candidate
    nearby_psrs = [psr for psr in PSRCAT.psrs \
                   if (hasattr(psr, "ra") and hasattr(psr, "dec") and \

    # If there were no pulsars nearby, return a rating of 0.0 and exit
    if len(nearby_psrs) == 0:
        rating1 = 0.0
        return [name1], [rating1]
    # Otherwise, try to estimate the probability that the candidate is a
    # known pulsar or its harmonic.  This is done by calculting the difference
    # between the candidates period and DM and those any nearby known pulsars,
    # normalized by the error in the candidate values (i.e., difference in
    # "sigmas").  Calculate the probability assuming Gaussian statistics.
        # Start off assuming zero probability that the candidate is known
        max_prob = 0.0
        for psr in nearby_psrs:
            # If possible, calculate the known pulsar period at the observing
            # epoch
            if hasattr(psr, "pepoch"):
                delta_t = (cand_epoch - psr.pepoch) * 86400.0  # seconds
                if hasattr(psr, "pd") and hasattr(psr, "pdd"):
                    psr_p = psr.p + psr.pd * delta_t + 0.5 * psr.pdd * delta_t**2
                elif hasattr(psr, "pd"):
                    psr_p = psr.p + psr.pd * delta_t
                psr_p = psr.p

            p_prob = 0.0  # The probability that the periods are the same
            # Try all harmonic ratios with up to 16 harmonics
            for a in xrange(16):
                a += 1.0  # Since xrange starts with 0
                for b in xrange(16):
                    b += 1.0  # Since xrange starts with 0
                    # Difference between candidate and known pulsar harmonic
                    delta_p = abs(a / b * cand_p - psr_p)
                    # Calculate the equivalent Gaussian probability
                    tmp_prob  = \
                         S.special.erfc(delta_p/((a/b)**2*cand_p_err)/ \
                    # If this is the highest probability so far, store it
                    if tmp_prob > p_prob: p_prob = tmp_prob

            # Update the total probability
            prob = p_prob
            # Get the difference in DM
            delta_dm = abs(cand_dm - psr.dm)
            # Multiply the total probability by the DM probability
            prob *= S.special.erfc(delta_dm / cand_dm_err / N.sqrt(2))
            # Update max_prob if necessary
            if prob > max_prob: max_prob = prob

        # Store the rating
        rating1 = max_prob

        return [name1], [rating1]
Exemplo n.º 6
    def handle(self, *args, **options):

        # Suppress incorrect FITSFixedWarnings
        warnings.simplefilter('ignore', FITSFixedWarning)
        self.stdout.write("==== Light curve building %s ====" % (datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')))

            start_super_block = SuperBlock.objects.get(tracking_number=options['supblock'])
        except SuperBlock.DoesNotExist:
            self.stdout.write("Cannot find SuperBlock with Tracking Number %d" % options['supblock'])
        start_blocks = Block.objects.filter(superblock=start_super_block.id)
        start_block = start_blocks[0]
        if options['single'] is True:
            super_blocks = [start_super_block, ]
            super_blocks = SuperBlock.objects.filter(body=start_super_block.body, block_start__gte=start_super_block.block_start-timedelta(days=options['timespan']))
        obs_date = None
        if options['date']:
            if isinstance(options['date'], str):
                    obs_date = datetime.strptime(options['date'], '%Y%m%d')
                except ValueError:
                    raise CommandError(usage)
                obs_date = options['date']

        # Initialize lists
        times = []
        alltimes = []
        mags = []
        mag_errs = []
        zps = []
        zp_errs = []
        mpc_lines = []
        psv_lines = []
        total_frame_count = 0
        mpc_site = []
        fwhm = []
        air_mass = []
        output_file_list = []

        # build directory path / set permissions
        obj_name = sanitize_object_name(start_super_block.body.current_name())
        datadir = os.path.join(options['datadir'], obj_name)
        out_path = settings.DATA_ROOT
        data_path = ''
        rw_permissions = stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IROTH
        if not os.path.exists(datadir) and not settings.USE_S3:
                # Set directory permissions correctly for shared directories
                # Sets to (r)ead,(w)rite,e(x)ecute for owner & group, r-x for others
                os.chmod(datadir, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH)
                msg = "Error creating output path %s" % datadir
                raise CommandError(msg)
        sb_day = start_super_block.block_start.strftime("%Y%m%d")

        # Turn telescope class into a diameter for theoretical FWHM curve
        tel_classes = start_super_block.get_telclass()
        if len(tel_classes.split(",")) > 1:
            self.stdout.write("Multiple telescope sizes found; theoretical FWHM curve will be wrong")
            tel_class = tel_classes.split(",")[0]
            tel_class = tel_classes
            tel_diameter = float(tel_class.replace('m', '.'))
            tel_diameter *= u.m
        except ValueError:
            self.stdout.write("Error determining telescope diameter, assuming 0.4m")
            tel_diameter = 0.4*u.m

        # Set offsets, convert from Arcsec to Radians
        ra_offset = radians(options['ra_offset'] / 3600)
        dec_offset = radians(options['dec_offset'] / 3600)
        for super_block in super_blocks:
            # Create, name, open ALCDEF file.
            if obs_date:
                alcdef_date = options['date']
                alcdef_date = super_block.block_start.strftime("%Y%m%d")
            base_name = '{}_{}_{}_{}_'.format(obj_name, super_block.get_sites().replace(',', ''), alcdef_date, super_block.tracking_number)
            alcdef_filename = base_name + 'ALCDEF.txt'
            output_file_list.append('{},{}'.format(alcdef_filename, datadir.lstrip(out_path)))
            alcdef_txt = ''
            block_list = Block.objects.filter(superblock=super_block.id)
            if obs_date:
                block_list = block_list.filter(when_observed__lt=obs_date+timedelta(days=2)).filter(when_observed__gt=obs_date)
            self.stdout.write("Analyzing SuperblockBlock# %s for %s" % (super_block.tracking_number, super_block.body.current_name()))
            for block in block_list:
                block_mags = []
                block_mag_errs = []
                block_times = []
                outmag = "NONE"
                self.stdout.write("Analyzing Block# %d" % block.id)

                obs_site = block.site
                # Get all Useful frames from each block
                frames_red = Frame.objects.filter(block=block.id, frametype__in=[Frame.BANZAI_RED_FRAMETYPE]).order_by('filter', 'midpoint')
                frames_ql = Frame.objects.filter(block=block.id, frametype__in=[Frame.BANZAI_QL_FRAMETYPE]).order_by('filter', 'midpoint')
                if len(frames_red) >= len(frames_ql):
                    frames_all_zp = frames_red
                    frames_all_zp = frames_ql
                frames = frames_all_zp.filter(zeropoint__isnull=False)
                self.stdout.write("Found %d frames (of %d total) for Block# %d with good ZPs" % (frames.count(), frames_all_zp.count(), block.id))
                self.stdout.write("Searching within %.1f arcseconds and +/-%.2f delta magnitudes" % (options['boxwidth'], options['deltamag']))
                total_frame_count += frames.count()
                frame_data = []
                if frames_all_zp.count() != 0:
                    elements = model_to_dict(block.body)
                    filter_list = []

                    for frame in frames_all_zp:
                        # get predicted position and magnitude of target during time of each frame
                        emp_line = compute_ephem(frame.midpoint, elements, frame.sitecode)
                        ra = S.sla_dranrm(emp_line['ra'] + ra_offset)
                        dec = copysign(S.sla_drange(emp_line['dec'] + dec_offset), emp_line['dec'] + dec_offset)
                        mag_estimate = emp_line['mag']
                        (ra_string, dec_string) = radec2strings(ra, dec, ' ')
                        # Find list of frame sources within search region of predicted coordinates
                        sources = search_box(frame, ra, dec, options['boxwidth'])
                        midpoint_string = frame.midpoint.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
                        self.stdout.write("%s %s %s V=%.1f %s (%d) %s" % (midpoint_string, ra_string, dec_string, mag_estimate, frame.sitecode, len(sources), frame.filename))
                        best_source = None
                        # Find source most likely to be target (Could Use Some Work)
                        if len(sources) != 0 and frame.zeropoint is not None:
                            if len(sources) == 1:
                                best_source = sources[0]
                            elif len(sources) > 1:  # If more than 1 source, pick closest within deltamag
                                min_sep = options['boxwidth'] * options['boxwidth']
                                for source in sources:
                                    sep = S.sla_dsep(ra, dec, radians(source.obs_ra), radians(source.obs_dec))
                                    sep = degrees(sep) * 3600.0
                                    src_ra_string, src_dec_string = radec2strings(radians(source.obs_ra), radians(source.obs_dec))
                                    if len(block_mags) > 0:
                                        delta_mag = abs(block_mags[-1] - source.obs_mag)
                                        delta_mag = abs(mag_estimate - source.obs_mag)
                                    self.stdout.write("%s %s %s %s %.1f %.1f-%.1f %.1f" % ( ra_string, dec_string, src_ra_string, src_dec_string, sep, mag_estimate, source.obs_mag, delta_mag))
                                    if sep < min_sep and delta_mag <= options['deltamag']:
                                        min_sep = sep
                                        best_source = source

                            # Save target source and add to output files.
                            if best_source and best_source.obs_mag > 0.0 and abs(mag_estimate - best_source.obs_mag) <= 3 * options['deltamag']:
                                mpc_line, psv_line = self.make_source_measurement(block.body, frame, best_source, persist=options['persist'])

                        # We append these even if we don't have a matching source or zeropoint
                        # so we can plot conditions for all frames
                        frame_data.append({'ra': ra,
                                           'dec': dec,
                                           'mag': mag_estimate,
                                           'bw': options['boxwidth'],
                                           'dm': options['deltamag'],
                                           'best_source': best_source})
                        azimuth, altitude = moon_alt_az(frame.midpoint, ra, dec, *get_sitepos(frame.sitecode)[1:])
                        zenith_distance = radians(90) - altitude
                        obs_site = frame.sitecode
                        catalog = frame.photometric_catalog
                        if catalog == 'GAIA-DR2':
                            outmag = 'GG'
                        elif catalog == 'UCAC4':
                            outmag = 'SR'
                        if obs_site not in mpc_site:
                    if len(block_times) > 1:
                        filter_set = list(set(filter_list))
                        for filt in filter_set:
                            mag_set = [m for m, f in zip(block_mags, filter_list) if f == filt]
                            time_set = [t for t, f in zip(block_times, filter_list) if f == filt]
                            error_set = [e for e, f in zip(block_mag_errs, filter_list) if f == filt]
                            alcdef_txt += self.output_alcdef(block, obs_site, time_set, mag_set, error_set, filt, outmag)
                    mags += block_mags
                    mag_errs += block_mag_errs
                    times += block_times

                    # Create gif of fits files used for LC extraction
                    data_path = make_data_dir(out_path, model_to_dict(frames_all_zp[0]))
                    frames_list = [os.path.join(data_path, f.filename) for f in frames_all_zp]
                    if not options['nogif']:
                        movie_file = make_gif(frames_list, sort=False, init_fr=100, center=3, out_path=data_path, plot_source=True,
                                              target_data=frame_data, show_reticle=True, progress=True)
                        if "WARNING" not in movie_file:
                            # Add write permissions to movie file
                                os.chmod(movie_file, rw_permissions)
                            except PermissionError:
                            # Create DataProduct
                            save_dataproduct(obj=block, filepath=movie_file, filetype=DataProduct.FRAME_GIF, force=options['overwrite'])
                            output_file_list.append('{},{}'.format(movie_file, data_path.lstrip(out_path)))
                            self.stdout.write("New gif created: {}".format(movie_file))
            save_dataproduct(obj=super_block, filepath=None, filetype=DataProduct.ALCDEF_TXT, filename=alcdef_filename, content=alcdef_txt, force=options['overwrite'])
            self.stdout.write("Found matches in %d of %d frames" % (len(times), total_frame_count))

        if not settings.USE_S3:

            # Write light curve data out in similar format to Make_lc.csh
            i = 0

            lightcurve_file = open(os.path.join(datadir, base_name + 'lightcurve_data.txt'), 'w')
            mpc_file = open(os.path.join(datadir, base_name + 'mpc_positions.txt'), 'w')
            psv_file = open(os.path.join(datadir, base_name + 'ades_positions.psv'), 'w')
            output_file_list.append('{},{}'.format(os.path.join(datadir, base_name + 'lightcurve_data.txt'), datadir.lstrip(out_path)))
            output_file_list.append('{},{}'.format(os.path.join(datadir, base_name + 'mpc_positions.txt'), datadir.lstrip(out_path)))
            output_file_list.append('{},{}'.format(os.path.join(datadir, base_name + 'ades_positions.psv'), datadir.lstrip(out_path)))

            # Calculate integer part of JD for first frame and use this as a
            # constant in case of wrapover to the next day
            if len(times) > 0 and len(mags) > 0:
                mjd_offset = int(datetime2mjd_utc(times[0]))
                for time in times:
                    time_jd = datetime2mjd_utc(time)
                    time_jd_truncated = time_jd - mjd_offset
                    if i == 0:
                        lightcurve_file.write('#Object: %s\n' % start_super_block.body.current_name())
                        lightcurve_file.write("#MJD-%.1f Mag. Mag. error\n" % mjd_offset)
                    lightcurve_file.write("%7.5lf %6.3lf %5.3lf\n" % (time_jd_truncated, mags[i], mag_errs[i]))
                    i += 1
                    os.chmod(os.path.join(datadir, base_name + 'lightcurve_data.txt'), rw_permissions)
                except PermissionError:

                # Write out MPC1992 80 column file
                for mpc_line in mpc_lines:
                    mpc_file.write(mpc_line + '\n')
                    os.chmod(os.path.join(datadir, base_name + 'mpc_positions.txt'), rw_permissions)
                except PermissionError:

                # Write out ADES Pipe Separated Value file
                for psv_line in psv_lines:
                    psv_file.write(psv_line + '\n')
                    os.chmod(os.path.join(datadir, base_name + 'ades_positions.psv'), rw_permissions)
                except PermissionError:

                # Create Default Plot Title
                if options['title'] is None:
                    sites = ', '.join(mpc_site)
                        # for single dates and short site lists, put everything on single line.
                        if options['timespan'] < 1 and len(sites) <= 13:
                            plot_title = '%s from %s (%s) on %s' % (start_super_block.body.current_name(),
                                                                    start_block.site.upper(), sites, start_super_block.block_end.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
                            subtitle = ''
                        # for lc covering multiple nights, reformat title
                        elif options['timespan'] < 1:
                            plot_title = '%s from %s to %s' % (start_block.body.current_name(),
                                                               (start_super_block.block_end - timedelta(
                            subtitle = 'Sites: ' + sites
                        # for single night LC using many sites, put sites on 2nd line.
                            plot_title = '%s from %s on %s' % (start_super_block.body.current_name(),
                            subtitle = 'Sites: ' + sites
                    except TypeError:
                        plot_title = 'LC for %s' % (start_super_block.body.current_name())
                        subtitle = ''
                    plot_title = options['title']
                    subtitle = ''

                # Make plots
                if not settings.USE_S3:
                    self.plot_timeseries(times, alltimes, mags, mag_errs, zps, zp_errs, fwhm, air_mass, title=plot_title, sub_title=subtitle, datadir=datadir, filename=base_name, diameter=tel_diameter)
                    output_file_list.append('{},{}'.format(os.path.join(datadir, base_name + 'lightcurve_cond.png'), datadir.lstrip(out_path)))
                    output_file_list.append('{},{}'.format(os.path.join(datadir, base_name + 'lightcurve.png'), datadir.lstrip(out_path)))
                        os.chmod(os.path.join(datadir, base_name + 'lightcurve_cond.png'), rw_permissions)
                    except PermissionError:
                        os.chmod(os.path.join(datadir, base_name + 'lightcurve.png'), rw_permissions)
                    except PermissionError:
                    self.stdout.write("No sources matched.")

                if data_path:
                    with open(os.path.join(data_path, base_name + 'lc_file_list.txt'), 'w') as outfut_file_file:
                        outfut_file_file.write('# == Files created by Lightcurve Extraction for {} on {} ==\n'.format(obj_name, sb_day))
                        for output_file in output_file_list:
                    self.stdout.write(f"New lc file list created: {os.path.join(data_path, base_name + 'lc_file_list.txt')}")
                        os.chmod(os.path.join(data_path, base_name + 'lc_file_list.txt'), rw_permissions)
                    except PermissionError: