Exemplo n.º 1
    def __call__(self, row_in):
        row_out = pd.Series()
        dt = pd.Timestamp(row_in.name).to_pydatetime()
        alt = solar.get_altitude(self.lat, self.lng, dt)
        row_out['SolarAltitude'] = alt
        if alt < 0:
            row_out['SolarRadiationNorm'] = 0
            row_out['SolarRadiationHoriz'] = 0
            return row_out

        # SolarRadiationNorm is the solar radiation on a surface which is always
        # normal (i.e. perpendicular) to the angle of the sun. This is usually not
        # what you want.
        norm_rad = radiation.get_radiation_direct(dt, alt)
        row_out['SolarRadiationNorm'] = norm_rad

        # alt is angle from horizon to sun; we want angle from normal (which is
        # vertical) so we subtract alt from 90 degrees (or pi / 2).
        theta = math.pi / 2 - math.radians(alt)
        row_out['alt_rad'] = math.radians(alt)
        row_out['theta'] = theta

        # SolarRadiationHoriz is the solar radiation on a surface which is
        # horizontal (like the ground).
        row_out['SolarRadiationHoriz'] = math.cos(theta) * norm_rad
        return row_out
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_flux_surface( coords, date, sigma, phi_C ):
    coords: gps deg  (  )
    date: datetime object
    Surface orientation :
    sigma : deg, vertical angle of the surface, ref. to the horizontal
    phi_C : deg, azimuth, relative to south, with positive values
            in the southeast direction and negative values in the southwest
    return: flux solaire (W/m2)
    # Sun position
    phi_S_deg = solar.get_azimuth( *coords, date ) # deg, azimuth of the sun,relative to south
    beta_deg = solar.get_altitude( *coords, date ) # deg, altitude angle of the sun
    I0 = radiation.get_radiation_direct( date, beta_deg )   # W/m2
    I0 = I0* isUpperHorizon( phi_S_deg, beta_deg )
    # Projection: 
    beta = beta_deg*math.pi/180  # rad
    phi_S = phi_S_deg*math.pi/180  #rad
    sigma = sigma*math.pi/180
    phi_C = phi_C*math.pi/180
    cosTheta = math.cos(beta)*math.cos( phi_S - phi_C )*math.sin( sigma ) + math.cos( sigma )*math.sin( beta )
    if cosTheta >0 :
        Isurf = I0*cosTheta   # flux projeté, W/m2
        Isurf = 0  # mais diffuse... ?
    return Isurf
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_solar_radiation(lat, lon, date):

    solarAlt = solar.get_altitude(lat, lon, date)

    solarPower = 0

    if solarAlt <= 0:
        return 0

    return radiation.get_radiation_direct(date, solarAlt)
Exemplo n.º 4
def solar_calc(longitude, latitude, date, high_accuracy=False):
    numpy vectorize func
    altitude_deg = None
    if high_accuracy:
        altitude_deg = get_altitude(latitude, longitude, date)
        altitude_deg = get_altitude_fast(latitude, longitude, date)
    return get_radiation_direct(date, altitude_deg)
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_solar_radiation(lat, lon, date):
            date should be in UTC

    solarAlt = solar.get_altitude(lat, lon, date)

    if solarAlt <= 0:
        return 0

    return radiation.get_radiation_direct(date, solarAlt)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def getSunPosData(self):
        # in case quadra not functioning
        import pytz

        tz = pytz.timezone('Europe/Berlin')
        date = datetime.now(tz)

        latitude_deg = 51.05667 # positive in the northern hemisphere (Drongen 51.05)
        longitude_deg = 3.66410 # negative reckoning west from prime meridian in Greenwich, England (Drongen
                                # 3.66)

        from pysolar.solar import get_position
        from pysolar.radiation import get_radiation_direct   
        sun_azimuth, sun_altitude = get_position(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, date,elevation=4)
        expectedRad = get_radiation_direct(date, latitude_deg)
        return sun_azimuth, sun_altitude ,expectedRad
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_solar(self):
        latitude_deg = 42.364908
        longitude_deg = -71.112828
        d = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        thirty_minutes = datetime.timedelta(hours=0.5)

        for i in range(48):
            timestamp = d.ctime()
            altitude_deg = solar.get_altitude(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, d)
            azimuth_deg = solar.get_azimuth(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, d)
            power = radiation.get_radiation_direct(d, altitude_deg)
            if altitude_deg > 0:
                # TODO: save results as a fixture and apply assertion
                # print(timestamp, "UTC", altitude_deg, azimuth_deg, power)

            d = d + thirty_minutes
Exemplo n.º 8
def getRadiation(day_sample, interval):
    secs = interval * 60 * sample_interval_minutes
    day = day_sample * sample_interval_days
    dt = start_date + d.timedelta(day, secs)
    alt = get_altitude(lat, lon, dt)
    azi = get_azimuth(lat, lon, dt)
    if (alt < 0):
        direct_radiation = 0
        direct_radiation = get_radiation_direct(dt, alt)
    # get_azimuth returns bearing with respect to north, positive clockwise. Rotate so x is west, y is south
    azi_rad = math.radians(270 - azi)
    alt_rad = math.radians(alt)
    sun_vec = np.array(
        (math.cos(alt_rad) * math.cos(azi_rad),
         math.cos(alt_rad) * math.sin(azi_rad), math.sin(alt_rad)))
    rad = [max(0, sun_vec @ v * direct_radiation) for v in tilt_vecs]
    return rad
Exemplo n.º 9
def sun_positionAndFlux( coords, date ):
    """ Obtient la position et le flux solaire pour une date particulière
        coords: tuple gps
        date: datetime object
        return: ( flux solaire (W/m2), sunAzimuth, sunAltitude )
    # Sun position
    phi_S_deg = solar.get_azimuth( *coords, date ) # deg, azimuth of the sun,relative to south
    beta_deg = solar.get_altitude( *coords, date ) # deg, altitude angle of the sun
    if isUpperHorizon( phi_S_deg, beta_deg ):  
        I0 = radiation.get_radiation_direct( date, beta_deg )   # W/m2
        I0 = 0
    return (I0, phi_S_deg, beta_deg)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_numpy_radiation():
    get_radiation_direct with lat, lon, and date as arrays

    lat = np.array([45., 40., 40.])
    lon = np.array([3., 4., 3.])

    time = np.array([

    altitude = solar.get_altitude_fast(lat, lon, time)
    rad_results = radiation.get_radiation_direct(time, altitude)
    assert rad_results[2] == 0
Exemplo n.º 11
def current_global_irradiance(site_properties, solar_properties, timestamp):
    """Calculate the clear-sky POA (plane of array) irradiance for a specific time (seconds timestamp)."""
    dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp=timestamp, tz=tz.gettz(site_properties.tz))
    n = dt.timetuple().tm_yday

    sigma = math.radians(solar_properties.tilt)
    rho = solar_properties.get('rho', 0.0)

    C = 0.095 + 0.04 * math.sin(math.radians((n - 100) / 365))
    sin_sigma = math.sin(sigma)
    cos_sigma = math.cos(sigma)

    altitude = get_altitude(latitude_deg=site_properties.latitude, longitude_deg=site_properties.longitude, when=dt)
    beta = math.radians(altitude)
    sin_beta = math.sin(beta)
    cos_beta = math.cos(beta)

    azimuth = get_azimuth(latitude_deg=site_properties.latitude, longitude_deg=site_properties.longitude, when=dt)
    phi_s = math.radians(180 - azimuth)
    phi_c = math.radians(180 - solar_properties.azimuth)
    phi = phi_s - phi_c
    cos_phi = math.cos(phi)

    # Workaround for a quirk of pvsolar since the airmass for the sun ele===altitude of zero
    # is infinite and very small numbers close to zero result in NaNs being returned rather
    # than zero
    if altitude < 0.0:
        altitude = -1.0

    cos_theta = cos_beta * cos_phi * sin_sigma + sin_beta * cos_sigma
    ib = get_radiation_direct(when=dt, altitude_deg=altitude)
    ibc = ib * cos_theta
    idc = C * ib * (1 + cos_sigma) / 2
    irc = rho * ib * (sin_beta + C) * ((1 - cos_sigma) / 2)
    igc = ibc + idc + irc

    # If we still get a bad result just return 0
    if math.isnan(igc):
        igc = 0.0
    return igc
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, lat, lng, cloud_data, cmap, prop):
        print('Creating Solar Irradiance Plot.')
        self.cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap)
        self.prop = prop
        tf = timezonefinder.TimezoneFinder()
        self.time_zone = pytz.timezone(tf.certain_timezone_at(lng=lng,

        date_rng = pd.date_range(
            end='1/1/{}'.format(datetime.datetime.now().year + 1),

        alts = get_altitude_fast(lat, lng, date_rng.values)

        irradiances = np.array([
            get_radiation_direct(date, alt) if alt > 0 else 0
            for date, alt in zip(date_rng, alts)

        irr = pd.DataFrame({
            'Month': date_rng.month,
            'Day': date_rng.day,
            'irradiance': irradiances

        irr_by_day = irr.groupby(['Month', 'Day']).irradiance.sum() / 1000.0

        irr = pd.DataFrame({
            'Mean': irr_by_day.groupby('Month').mean(),
            'Std': irr_by_day.groupby('Month').std()

        self.irr = irr

        self.clouds = cloud_data.clouds
Exemplo n.º 13
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        sun_altitude = get_altitude(51.462246, -0.182502, timezone.now())
        radiation = get_radiation_direct(timezone.now(), sun_altitude)

        fields = {
            'sun_altitude': sun_altitude,
            'sun_clearsky_radiation': radiation

        entries = []
        for field, value in fields.items():
            if value is None:

                source = 'solar',
                field = field,
                value = value


        self.stdout.write(self.style.SUCCESS(f"Successfully calculated solar data"))
Exemplo n.º 14
def get_radiation_direct(dutc):
    alt_deg = get_altitude(dutc)
    rad_wm2 = radiation.get_radiation_direct(dutc, alt_deg) * np.sin(
    return rad_wm2
Exemplo n.º 15
def findSoilBankArea(waterMass,
    import pdb
    from pysolar import radiation
    from pysolar import solar

    greenhouseVolume = greenhouseDimensions[0] * greenhouseDimensions[
        1] * greenhouseDimensions[2]
    greenhouseHeight = greenhouseDimensions[2]
    greenhouseSurfaceArea = greenhouseDimensions[0] * greenhouseDimensions[1]

    airMass = greenhouseVolume * ThermalConstants.Density.air
    soilBankMass = 10  #g
    soilBedVolume = soilBedMass / ThermalConstants.Density.soil

    pexRadius = 1.5875  #cm
    surfaceAreaPex = (2 * math.pi * pexRadius) / 100  #m^2

    solar_efficiency = 0.7
    greenhouse_effect = 0.10  #you will regain this percentage of radiated energy

    fail = True
    failDate = None
    failTemperature = None

    while fail:
        water = Water(mass=waterMass, temperature=startingTemperature)
        soilBank = Soil(mass=soilBankMass, temperature=startingTemperature)
        soilBed = Soil(mass=soilBedMass, temperature=startingTemperature)
        greenhouse = Soil(mass=greenhouseSurfaceArea *
        air = Air(mass=airMass, temperature=startingTemperature)
        air_outside = Air(mass=99999999999999, temperature=startingTemperature)

        soilBankVolume = soilBankMass / ThermalConstants.Density.soil

        fail = False
        date = datetime(year, 1, 1)

        for day in range(364):
            if hasOtherSide:
                pyotherside.send("day", day + 1)

            if fail:

            minAirTemp, maxAirTemp, observations = wuGetAirTemperature(date)
            condition = "Clear"
            outsideAirTemp = float(minAirTemp)

                "calculating day: {}.  Soil bed: {}, water: {}, greenhouse: {}"
                .format(date, soilBed.temperature, water.temperature,

            air_high_temp = 15

            "run through every second in the day"
            for second in range(86400):

                solarAlt = solar.get_altitude(45.542384, -122.961576, date)

                solarPower = 0

                cond = weatherGetConditions(date, observations)

                if cond:
                    condition = cond

                if solarAlt > 0:
                    solarPower = radiation.get_radiation_direct(date, solarAlt)
                    "factor in clouds "
                    solarPower = solarPower * getRadiationVisibilityCoefficient(
                    if solarPower >= 1:
                        outsideAirTemp = float(maxAirTemp)
                        #debugOut("solarInput: {0}".format(solarPower * greenhouseSurfaceArea))

                        outsideAirTemp = float(minAirTemp)

                air_outside.temperature = outsideAirTemp

                "add solar energy to system:"

                water.energy += solarPower * waterSurfaceArea * solar_efficiency
                greenhouse.energy += solarPower * greenhouseSurfaceArea * solar_efficiency

                "the soil bed is likely shadowed by plants"
                #soilBed.energy += solarPower * soilBedSurfaceArea * solar_efficiency

                "transfer energy first to soil bed then remove the energy transferred from the water"
                pl = pexLength(surfaceAreaPex, soilBedVolume)

                water.transferTo(soilBed, pl, length=0.22)

                "now transfer energy to the soil bank from water:"

                pl = pexLength(surfaceAreaPex, soilBankVolume)

                water.transferTo(soilBank, pl, length=0.22)

                "radiant aisle heating"
                pl = pexLength(surfaceAreaPex, greenhouseSurfaceArea * 0.06)

                water.transferTo(greenhouse, pl)

                "greenhouse surface area can xfer to soilBed too"

                greenhouse.transferTo(soilBed, soilBedSurfaceArea)

                "caculate losses to the air."

                greenhouse.transferTo(air, greenhouseSurfaceArea)
                soilBed.transferTo(air, soilBedSurfaceArea)
                water.transferTo(air, waterSurfaceArea)

                "determine air loss to outside air"

                airInsulationThickness = 0.127  #m


                "radiate to the outside world minus greenhouse effect"

                greenhouse.energy += greenhouse.radiate() * greenhouse_effect
                water.energy += water.radiate() * greenhouse_effect
                soilBed.energy += soilBed.radiate() * greenhouse_effect

                if air.temperature > air_high_temp:
                    air_high_temp = air.temperature

                if debug:

                "emit updated results to UI"
                if hasOtherSide:
                    pyotherside.send("waterTemperature", waterTemp)
                    pyotherside.send("soilBedTemp", soilBedTemp)
                    pyotherside.send("soilBankTemp", soilBankTemp)
                    pyotherside.send("date", str(date))
                    pyotherside.send("soilBankVolume", soilBankVolume)
                    pyotherside.send("airTemp", airTemp)
                    pyotherside.send("condition", condition)

                "Check to see if bank temp is higher than soilBed or water.  If so, we need to transfer energy from the bank to the soil"

                date += timedelta(seconds=1)

            print("daily high air temp: {}".format(air_high_temp))

            "check to see if we are colder than the min temperature"
            if soilBed.temperature < minimumTemperature:
                failDate = date
                failTemperature = soilBed.temperature
                fail = True
                if hasOtherSide:
                    pyotherside.send("failDate", failDate)

                    "We failed at {0} with soil bed temperature = {1}C and soil bank mass = {2}g"
                    .format(failDate, failTemperature, soilBankMass))
                print("air temps: inside: {}C outside: {}C".format(
                    air.temperature, air_outside.temperature))

        if fail:
            "we kinda failed, so let's double our soilBankVolume and try again"
            soilBankMass += soilBankMass

    print("success with soil bank mass: {0}".format(soilBankMass))
Exemplo n.º 16
def getglobalvar(varname):
 global SysVars, suntimesupported
 svname = varname.strip().lower()
 par = ""
 if ("-" in svname):
  resarr = svname.split("-")
  svname = resarr[0]
  par = "-"+resarr[1]
 if ("+" in svname):
  resarr = svname.split("+")
  svname = resarr[0]
  par = "+"+resarr[1]
 res = ""
 if svname in SysVars:
   if svname==SysVars[0]: #%systime%	01:23:54
    return datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M:%S')
   elif svname==SysVars[1]: #%systm_hm% 	01:23 
    return datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M')
   elif svname==SysVars[2]: #%lcltime% 	2018-03-16 01:23:54 
    return datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
   elif svname==SysVars[3]: #%syshour% 	11 	Current hour (hh)
    return int(datetime.now().strftime('%H'))
   elif svname==SysVars[4]: #%sysmin% 	22 	Current minute (mm)
    return int(datetime.now().strftime('%M'))
   elif svname==SysVars[5]: #%syssec% 	33 	Current second (ss)
    return int(datetime.now().strftime('%S'))
   elif svname==SysVars[6]: #%sysday% 	16 	Current day of month (DD)
    return int(datetime.now().strftime('%d'))
   elif svname==SysVars[7]: #%sysmonth% 	3 	Current month (MM)
    return int(datetime.now().strftime('%m'))
   elif svname==SysVars[8]: #%sysyear% 	2018 	4 digits (YYYY)
    return datetime.now().strftime('%Y')
   elif svname==SysVars[9]: #%sysyears% 	18 	2 digits (YY)
    return datetime.now().strftime('%y')
   elif svname==SysVars[10]: #%sysweekday% 	5 	Weekday (integer) - 1, 2, 3... (1=Sunday, 2=Monday etc.)
    return str(int(datetime.now().strftime('%w'))+1)
   elif svname==SysVars[11]: #%sysweekday_s% 	Fri 	Weekday (verbose) - Sun, Mon, Tue
    return datetime.now().strftime('%a')
   elif svname==SysVars[12]: #%unixtime% 	1521731277 	Unix time (seconds since epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00)
    return str(int(time.time()))
   elif svname==SysVars[13]: #%uptime% 	3244 	Uptime in minutes
    return str(rpieTime.getuptime(2))
   elif svname==SysVars[14]: #%rssi% 	-45 	WiFi signal strength (dBm)
    return str(OS.get_rssi())
   elif svname==SysVars[15]: #%ip% 	Current IP address
    return str(OS.get_ip())
   elif svname==SysVars[16]: #%ip4% ipcim 4.byte
    res2 = str(OS.get_ip())
    resarr = res2.split(".")
    if len(resarr)>3:
     return resarr[3]
   elif svname==SysVars[17]: #%sysname%	name
    return Settings.Settings["Name"]
   elif svname==SysVars[18]: #%unit% 	32 	Unit number
    return Settings.Settings["Unit"]
   elif svname==SysVars[19]: #%ssid% 	H4XX0R njietwork! 
    wdev = False
     wdev = Settings.NetMan.getfirstwirelessdev()
     wdev = False
    if wdev:
     res = str(Network.get_ssid(wdev))
   elif svname==SysVars[20]: #%mac% 	00:14:22:01:23:45 	MAC address
    pd = -1
     pd = Settings.NetMan.getprimarydevice()
     pd = -1
    if pd<0 and len(Settings.NetworkDevices)>0:
     pd = 0
    if pd!="" and pd>=0:
     return Settings.NetworkDevices[pd].mac
   elif svname==SysVars[21]: #%mac_int% 	2212667 	MAC address in integer to be used in rules (only the last 24 bit)
    pd = -1
     pd = Settings.NetMan.getprimarydevice()
     pd = -1
    if pd<0 and len(Settings.NetworkDevices)>0:
     pd = 0
    if pd>=0:
      res2 = Settings.NetworkDevices[pd].mac
      resarr = res2.split(":")
      if len(resarr)>5:
       res = str(int("0x"+resarr[3]+resarr[4]+resarr[5],16))
      res = ""
    return res
   elif svname==SysVars[22]: #%build%
    bstr = str(rpieGlobals.BUILD)
    return bstr
   elif svname==SysVars[23]: #sunrise
      from suntime import Sun
      suntimesupported = 1
      suntimesupported = 0
    if suntimesupported==1:
      sun = Sun(Settings.AdvSettings["Latitude"],Settings.AdvSettings["Longitude"])
      abd_sr = sun.get_local_sunrise_time(datetime.now())
      if par!="":
       abd_sr = addtoTime(abd_sr,par)
      res = abd_sr.strftime('%H:%M')
     except Exception as e:
      res = "00:00"
     return res
   elif svname==SysVars[24]: #sunset
      from suntime import Sun
      suntimesupported = 1
      suntimesupported = 0
    if suntimesupported==1:
      sun = Sun(Settings.AdvSettings["Latitude"],Settings.AdvSettings["Longitude"])
      abd_ss = sun.get_local_sunset_time(datetime.now())
      if par!="":
       abd_ss = addtoTime(abd_ss,par)
      res = abd_ss.strftime('%H:%M')
     except Exception as e:
      res = "00:00"
     return res

   elif svname==SysVars[25]: #sun altitude
      from pytz import reference
      from pysolar.solar import get_altitude
      pysolarsupported = 1
      pysolarsupported = 0
    res = "0"
    if pysolarsupported==1:
      localtime = reference.LocalTimezone()
      today = datetime.now(localtime)
      res = get_altitude(Settings.AdvSettings["Latitude"],Settings.AdvSettings["Longitude"], today)
     except Exception as e:
      res = "0"
     return res

   elif svname==SysVars[26]: #sun azimuth
      from pytz import reference
      from pysolar.solar import get_azimuth
      pysolarsupported = 1
      pysolarsupported = 0
    res = "0"
    if pysolarsupported==1:
      localtime = reference.LocalTimezone()
      today = datetime.now(localtime)
      res = get_azimuth(Settings.AdvSettings["Latitude"],Settings.AdvSettings["Longitude"], today)
     except Exception as e:
      res = "0"
     return res

   elif svname==SysVars[27]: #sun radiation
      from pytz import reference
      from pysolar.solar import get_altitude
      from pysolar.radiation import get_radiation_direct
      pysolarsupported = 1
      pysolarsupported = 0
    res = "-1"
    if pysolarsupported==1:
      localtime = reference.LocalTimezone()
      today = datetime.now(localtime)
      altitude_deg = get_altitude(Settings.AdvSettings["Latitude"],Settings.AdvSettings["Longitude"], today)
      res = get_radiation_direct(today, altitude_deg)
     except Exception as e:
     return res

   elif svname==SysVars[28]: #%br%
    return str("\r\n")

   elif svname==SysVars[29]: #%lf%
    return str("\n")

   elif svname==SysVars[30]: #%tab%
    return str("	")

 return res
Exemplo n.º 17
for date in dates:
    previous_solar_center_x = None
    previous_solar_center_y = None

    print('{:10} {:20} {:20} {}'.format('time', 'elevation', 'azimuth', 'radiation_w_m2'))

    for hour in range(0, 24):
        for minute in [0, 15, 30, 45]:
            sample_time = tz.localize(datetime(*date, hour, minute, 0), is_dst=None)
            elevation = solar.get_altitude(*position, sample_time)
            # Move the 0 point to the north
            azimuth = (540 - solar.get_azimuth(*position, sample_time)) % 360
            radiation_w_m2 = radiation.get_radiation_direct(sample_time, elevation)

            print('{:10} {:20} {:20} {}'.format(sample_time.strftime('%H:%M %Z'), elevation, azimuth, radiation_w_m2))

            if elevation < 0:
                previous_solar_center_x = None
                previous_solar_center_y = None

            distance_pixel = calculateDistance(elevation)
            elevation_pixel = calculateX(distance_pixel, azimuth)
            azimuth_pixel = calculateY(distance_pixel, azimuth)

            # radius = radiation_w_m2 / 20
            # if radius > 50:
Exemplo n.º 18
 def radiation(self, t: [int, datetime, time.struct_time] = None) -> float:
     """Calculates the clear-sky irradiation in W/m^2"""
     dt = self.__getdatetime(t)
     alt = self.altitude(t)
     return alt > 0 and radiation.get_radiation_direct(dt, alt) or 0.0
Exemplo n.º 19
#시간데이터 대신 시간별 태양고도데이터로 대체
df_data['Forecast_time'] = df_data['fcst_date'].astype(str).str.slice(
    0, 10).map(str) + ' ' + df_data['fcst_hour'].astype(str) + ':00'
df_data['altitude'] = df_data.apply(lambda x: get_altitude(
    x['lat'], x['long'],
    datetime.strptime(x['Forecast_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M').replace(tzinfo=KST)
df_data['altitude'] = df_data['altitude'].apply(lambda x: x if x >= 0 else 0)
df_data['angle'] = df_data.apply(lambda x: get_azimuth(
    x['lat'], x['long'],
    datetime.strptime(x['Forecast_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M').replace(tzinfo=KST)
df_data['radiation'] = df_data.apply(lambda x: get_radiation_direct(
    datetime.strptime(x['Forecast_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M').replace(
        tzinfo=KST), x['altitude']),


#2월 예측을 위한 Test dataset 생성
df_real_test = df_fcst_avg[(df_fcst_avg['fcst_date'] >= '2021-02-01') &
                           (df_fcst_avg['fcst_date'] <= '2021-02-28')].copy()
#시간데이터 대신 시간별 태양고도데이터로 대체
df_real_test['Forecast_time'] = df_real_test['fcst_date'].astype(
        0, 10).map(str) + ' ' + df_real_test['fcst_hour'].astype(str) + ':00'
df_real_test['altitude'] = df_real_test.apply(lambda x: get_altitude(
    x['lat'], x['long'],
    datetime.strptime(x['Forecast_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M').replace(tzinfo=KST)