def csr_scp_lil_pysp(A_scp):
    [n_row, n_col] = A_scp.shape

    if n_row != n_col:
        raise Exception('give a square matrix please')

    n = n_row

    A_real_pysp = spmatrix.ll_mat(
        n, n, A_scp.nnz
    )  #The third option is a sizehint, the number of nonzeros. Prevents new memory allocations.
    A_imag_pysp = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n, A_scp.nnz)

    [row_nonzero, col_nonzero] = A_scp.nonzero()

    #pysparse assignments need python integers and not numpy.int32. Problems otherwise.  ->tolist() returns python ints.
    row_nonzero = row_nonzero.tolist()
    col_nonzero = col_nonzero.tolist()

        np.array(A_scp[row_nonzero, col_nonzero].real.tolist()[0]),
        row_nonzero, col_nonzero)
        np.array(A_scp[row_nonzero, col_nonzero].imag.tolist()[0]),
        row_nonzero, col_nonzero)

    return [A_real_pysp, A_imag_pysp]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, rows, cols, bandwidth=0, sizeHint=None, matrix=None, storeZeros=True):
        """Instantiates and wraps a Pysparse `ll_mat` matrix

        rows : int
            The number of matrix rows
        cols : int
            The number of matrix columns
        bandwidth : int
            The proposed band width of the matrix.
        sizeHint : int
            Estimate of the number of non-zeros
        matrix : ~pysparse.spmatrix.ll_mat
            Pre-assembled Pysparse matrix to use for storage
        storeZeros : bool
            Instructs pysparse to store zero values if possible.
        sizeHint = sizeHint or max(rows, cols) * bandwidth
        if matrix is None:
            tmpMatrix = spmatrix.ll_mat(1, 1, 1)
            if hasattr(tmpMatrix, 'storeZeros'):
                matrix = spmatrix.ll_mat(rows, cols, sizeHint, storeZeros)
                matrix = spmatrix.ll_mat(rows, cols, sizeHint)

        super(_PysparseMatrixFromShape, self).__init__(matrix=matrix)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,
        """Instantiates and wraps a pysparse `ll_mat` matrix

          - `rows`: The number of matrix rows
          - `cols`: The number of matrix columns
          - `bandwidth`: The proposed band width of the matrix.
          - `sizeHint`: estimate of the number of non-zeros
          - `matrix`: pre-assembled `ll_mat` to use for storage
          - `storeZeros`: Instructs pysparse to store zero values if possible.

        sizeHint = sizeHint or max(rows, cols) * bandwidth
        if matrix is None:
            tmpMatrix = spmatrix.ll_mat(1, 1, 1)
            if hasattr(tmpMatrix, 'storeZeros'):
                matrix = spmatrix.ll_mat(rows, cols, sizeHint, storeZeros)
                matrix = spmatrix.ll_mat(rows, cols, sizeHint)

        _PysparseMatrix.__init__(self, matrix=matrix)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def initA(self, urt=None, nu=0, nr=0, nt=0):
        Create the relation matrix A
        A is an adjacency matrix for the graph, where:
           - graph nodes are either users, resources or tags)
           - edges link either users and tags, users and resources or resources and tags
        # beginning positions for users, resources and tags in the matrix
        self.u_beg = 0
        self.r_beg =
        self.t_beg = +
        if urt == None:
            urt = []

        # total number of entities --> gives the size of the matrix
        self.n = + + self.nt

        # create the relation matrix A
        self.A = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.n, self.n)

        # create adjacency matrix in the graph
        for u,r,t in urt:
             i = self.u_beg + u
             j = self.r_beg + r
             k = self.t_beg + t

             self.A[i,j] = self.A[j,i] = self.A[i,j] + 1
             self.A[i,k] = self.A[k,i] = self.A[i,k] + 1
             self.A[k,j] = self.A[j,k] = self.A[k,j] + 1
Exemplo n.º 5
 def getSparseWeightMatrix(self, format="lil"):
     Returns a weight matrix representation of the graph as a scipy sparse 
     lil_matrix by default. The indices in the matrix correspond to the keys 
     returned by getAllVertexIds. Edge labels are assigned to 1 for edges with 
     non-numeric values. Available formats are: lil for scipy.sparse.lil_matrix, 
     csr for scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, csc for scipy.sparse.csc_matrix, and 
     pysparse for pysparse's ll_mat. 
     :param format: The format of the sparse matrix. 
     if format=="lil": 
         W = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((self.size, self.size))
         W = self.__populateWeightMatrix(W) 
     elif format=="csr": 
         W = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((self.size, self.size))
         W = self.__populateWeightMatrix(W)
         W = W.tocsr()
     elif format=="csc":
         W = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((self.size, self.size))
         W = self.__populateWeightMatrix(W)
         W = W.tocsc()
     elif format=="pysparse": 
         from pysparse import spmatrix
         W = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.size, self.size)
         W = self.__populateWeightMatrix(W)
         raise ValueError("Invalid format: " + format)
     return W 
    def setWeightMatrix(self, W):
        Set the weight matrix of this graph. Requires as input an ndarray with the
        same dimensions as the current weight matrix. Edges are represented by
        non-zero edges.

        :param W: The name of the file to load.
        :type W: :class:`ndarray`
        #Parameter.checkClass(W, numpy.ndarray)

        if W.shape != (self.vList.getNumVertices(), self.vList.getNumVertices()):
            raise ValueError("Weight matrix has wrong shape : " + str(W.shape))

        if self.undirected and type(W) == numpy.ndarray and (W != W.T).any():
            raise ValueError("Weight matrix of undirected graph must be symmetric")

        self.W = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.getNumVertices(), self.getNumVertices())
        if type(W) == numpy.ndarray:         
            rowInds, colInds = numpy.nonzero(W)
            self.W.put(W[(rowInds, colInds)], rowInds, colInds)
        elif isinstance(W, spmatrix.LLMatType): 
            raise ValueError("Invalid matrix type: " + str(type(W)))
    def getSparseWeightMatrix(self, format="lil"):
        Returns a weight matrix representation of the graph as a scipy sparse 
        lil_matrix by default. The indices in the matrix correspond to the keys 
        returned by getAllVertexIds. Available formats are: lil for scipy.sparse.lil_matrix, 
        csr for scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, csc for scipy.sparse.csc_matrix, and 
        pysparse for pysparse's ll_mat. 
        :param format: The format of the sparse matrix. 
        if format == "lil":
            W = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((self.size, self.size))
            W = self.__populateWeightMatrix(W)
        elif format == "csr":
            W = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((self.size, self.size))
            W = self.__populateWeightMatrix(W)
            W = W.tocsr()
        elif format == "csc":
            W = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((self.size, self.size))
            W = self.__populateWeightMatrix(W)
            W = W.tocsc()
        elif format == "pysparse":
            from pysparse import spmatrix
            W = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.size, self.size)
            W = self.__populateWeightMatrix(W)
            raise ValueError("Invalid format: " + format)

        return W
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        nrow = kwargs.get('nrow', 0)
        ncol = kwargs.get('ncol', 0)
        bandwidth = kwargs.get('bandwidth', 0)
        matrix = kwargs.get('matrix', None)
        sizeHint = kwargs.get('sizeHint', 0)
        symmetric = 'symmetric' in kwargs and kwargs['symmetric']
        size = kwargs.get('size',0)
        if size > 0:
            if nrow > 0 or ncol > 0:
                if size != nrow or size != ncol:
                    msg =  'size argument was given but does not match '
                    msg += 'nrow and ncol'
                raise ValueError, msg
                nrow = ncol = size

        if matrix is not None:
            self.matrix = matrix
            if symmetric and nrow==ncol:
                if sizeHint is None:
                    sizeHint = nrow
                    if bandwidth > 0:
                        sizeHint += 2*(bandwidth-1)*(2*nrow-bandwidth-2)
                self.matrix = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(nrow, sizeHint)
                if sizeHint is None:
                    sizeHint = min(nrow,ncol)
                    if bandwidth > 0:
                        sizeHint = bandwidth * (2*sizeHint-bandwidth-1)/2
                self.matrix = spmatrix.ll_mat(nrow, ncol, sizeHint)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def testNonzero(self):
            from pysparse import spmatrix
            from apgl.util.PySparseUtils import PySparseUtils
        except ImportError as error:

        n = 10
        X = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n)

            (PySparseUtils.nonzero(X)[0] == numpy.array([],
            (PySparseUtils.nonzero(X)[0] == numpy.array([],

        X[1, 1] = 5
        X[2, 4] = 6.1
        X[3, 1] = 2.5

            (PySparseUtils.nonzero(X)[0] == numpy.array([1, 2, 3],
            (PySparseUtils.nonzero(X)[1] == numpy.array([1, 4, 1],
Exemplo n.º 10
 def testEntry(self):
     def assignUP(): self.S[0,1] = 1.0
     def assignLeft(): self.S[-11,0] = 1.0
     def assignRight(): self.S[10,0] = 1.0
     def assignTop(): self.S[0,-11] = 1.0
     def assignBottom(): self.S[0,10] = 1.0
     self.A[0,0] = 1.0
     self.S[0,0] = 1.0
     self.failUnless(self.A[0,0] == 1.0)
     self.failUnless(self.A.nnz == 1)
     self.failUnless(self.S[0,0] == 1.0)
     self.failUnless(self.S.nnz == 1)
     self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, assignUP)
     self.A[0,0] += 1.0
     self.failUnless(self.A[0,0] == 2.0)
     self.failUnless(self.A.nnz == 1)
     self.A[0,0] -= 2.0
     self.failUnless(self.A[0,0] == 0.0)
     self.failUnless(self.A.nnz == 0)
     # indices out of bounds
     #for f in [assignLeft, assignRight, assignTop, assignBottom]:
     #for f in [assignRight, assignTop, assignBottom]:
     #    self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, f)
     self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, assignRight)
     self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, assignTop)
     self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, assignBottom)
     # negative indices
     I = spmatrix.ll_mat(10, 10, 100)
     for i in range(10):
         for j in range(10):
             I[i,j] = 10*i + j
     for i in range(-10, 0):
         for j in range(-10, 0):
             self.failUnless(I[i,j] == I[10+i,10+j])
 def removeAllEdges(self):
     Removes all edges from this graph.
     #Not sure why this doesn't work 
     self.W = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.getNumVertices(), self.getNumVertices())
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _thckEvolve(self, rhs, ans, mask, calc_rhs, old_thck, new_thck, diffu,
                    lsrf, acab):

        matrix = pysp.ll_mat(self.totpts, self.totpts)

        # Boundary Conditions ---------------------------------------------------------------
        self._applyULBCs(matrix, old_thck, new_thck, self.mask, calc_rhs, rhs,
        self._applyLRBCs(matrix, old_thck, new_thck, self.mask, calc_rhs, rhs,

        # Ice body
        sumd = np.zeros(5, dtype=np.float)

        for ns in range(1, self.mainGrid.ny - 1):
            for ew in range(1, self.mainGrid.nx - 1):
                if mask[ew, ns] != 0:
                    self._findSums(diffu, sumd, ew - 1, ew, ns - 1, ns)
                    # Matrix elements
                    self._fillMatrix(matrix, self.mask, sumd, ew, ns)
                    # RHS vector
                    if calc_rhs:
                        rhs[mask[ew, ns] - 1] = self._calcRHS(
                            old_thck, lsrf, acab, sumd, ew, ns)
                    ans[mask[ew, ns] - 1] = new_thck[ew, ns]

        # Solve system
        self._solveSystem(matrix, rhs, ans)

        # Rejig the solution onto a 2D array
        self._regrid(new_thck, self.mask, ans)

        # Remove negatives
        new_thck[:] = np.maximum(0.0, new_thck)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def to_ll_mat(self):
     n = self.n
     nnz = self.nnz
     H = spmatrix.ll_mat(n,n, nnz)
     for i,j,h in self:
         H[i,j] = h
     return H 
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _thckEvolve(self,rhs,ans,mask,calc_rhs,old_thck,new_thck,diffu,lsrf,acab):

        matrix = pysp.ll_mat(self.totpts,self.totpts)

        # Boundary Conditions ---------------------------------------------------------------

        # Ice body
        sumd = np.zeros(5,dtype=np.float)

        for ns in range(1,self.mainGrid.ny-1):
            for ew in range(1,self.mainGrid.nx-1):
                if mask[ew,ns] != 0:
                    # Matrix elements
                    # RHS vector
                    if calc_rhs:
                        rhs[mask[ew,ns]-1] = self._calcRHS(old_thck,lsrf,acab,sumd,ew,ns)
                    ans[mask[ew,ns]-1] = new_thck[ew,ns]

        # Solve system

        # Rejig the solution onto a 2D array

        # Remove negatives
        new_thck[:] = np.maximum(0.0,new_thck)
    def setWeightMatrix(self, W):
        Set the weight matrix of this graph. Requires as input an ndarray with the
        same dimensions as the current weight matrix. Edges are represented by
        non-zero edges.

        :param W: The name of the file to load.
        :type W: :class:`ndarray`
        #Parameter.checkClass(W, numpy.ndarray)

        if W.shape != (self.vList.getNumVertices(),
            raise ValueError("Weight matrix has wrong shape : " + str(W.shape))

        if self.undirected and type(W) == numpy.ndarray and (W != W.T).any():
            raise ValueError(
                "Weight matrix of undirected graph must be symmetric")

        self.W = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.getNumVertices(), self.getNumVertices())

        if type(W) == numpy.ndarray:
            rowInds, colInds = numpy.nonzero(W)
            self.W.put(W[(rowInds, colInds)], rowInds, colInds)
        elif isinstance(W, spmatrix.LLMatType):
            raise ValueError("Invalid matrix type: " + str(type(W)))
 def removeAllEdges(self):
     Removes all edges from this graph.
     #Not sure why this doesn't work
     self.W = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.getNumVertices(), self.getNumVertices())
Exemplo n.º 17
 def _convert_mat(mtx):
     from pysparse import spmatrix
     A = spmatrix.ll_mat(*mtx.shape)
     for i in range(mtx.indptr.shape[0] - 1):
         ii = slice(mtx.indptr[i], mtx.indptr[i + 1])
         n_in_row = ii.stop - ii.start
         A.update_add_at([ii], [i] * n_in_row, mtx.indices[ii])
     return A
Exemplo n.º 18
 def to_csr(self):
     n = self.n
     nnz = self.nnz
     H = spmatrix.ll_mat(n,n, nnz)
     for i,j,h in self:
         H[i,j] = h
     mat = H.to_csr()
     return mat
Exemplo n.º 19
Arquivo: Projeto: rc/sfepy
 def _convert_mat(mtx):
     from pysparse import spmatrix
     A = spmatrix.ll_mat(*mtx.shape)
     for i in range(mtx.indptr.shape[0] - 1):
         ii = slice(mtx.indptr[i], mtx.indptr[i+1])
         n_in_row = ii.stop - ii.start
         A.update_add_at([ii], [i] * n_in_row, mtx.indices[ii])
     return A
Exemplo n.º 20
def poisson1d_vec(n):
    L = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n, 3*n-2)
    e = numpy.ones(n)
    d = numpy.arange(n,
    L.put(2*e, d, d)
    L.put(-e[1:], d[1:], d[:-1])
    L.put(-e[1:], d[:-1], d[1:])
    return L
Exemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self, size, bandwidth=0, sizeHint=None, matrix=None, storeZeros=True):
        """Creates a `_PysparseMatrix`.

          - `mesh`: The `Mesh` to assemble the matrix for.
          - `bandwidth`: The proposed band width of the matrix.
          - `storeZeros`: Instructs pysparse to store zero values if possible.
        sizeHint = sizeHint or size * bandwidth
        if matrix is None:
            tmpMatrix = spmatrix.ll_mat(1, 1, 1)
            if hasattr(tmpMatrix, "storeZeros"):
                matrix = spmatrix.ll_mat(size, size, sizeHint, storeZeros)
                matrix = spmatrix.ll_mat(size, size, sizeHint)

        _PysparseMatrixBase.__init__(self, matrix=matrix)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def profileSlicePys(self): 
     A = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.N, self.N)  
     A.put(self.val, self.rowInds, self.colInds)
     def runSlice():     
         for i in range(10):  
             sliceInds = numpy.array(numpy.random.randint(0, self.M, self.N), dtype=numpy.int32)
             B = A[:, sliceInds]
     ProfileUtils.profile('runSlice()', globals(), locals())
    def testInit(self):
        numVertices = 0
        numFeatures = 1
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = PySparseGraph(vList)

        numVertices = 10
        numFeatures = 1
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = PySparseGraph(vList)

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, PySparseGraph, [])
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, PySparseGraph, vList, 1)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, PySparseGraph, vList, True, 1)

        #Now test invalid values of W
        W = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((numVertices, numVertices))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, PySparseGraph, vList, True, W)

        W = numpy.zeros((numVertices + 1, numVertices))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, PySparseGraph, vList, True, W)

        W = numpy.zeros((numVertices, numVertices))
        W[0, 1] = 1
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, PySparseGraph, vList, True, W)

        W = spmatrix.ll_mat(numVertices, numVertices)
        graph = PySparseGraph(vList, W=W)

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(W, spmatrix.LLMatType))

        #Test intialising with non-empty graph
        numVertices = 10
        W = spmatrix.ll_mat(numVertices, numVertices)
        W[1, 0] = 1.1
        W[0, 1] = 1.1
        graph = PySparseGraph(numVertices, W=W)

        self.assertEquals(graph[1, 0], 1.1)

        #Test just specifying number of vertices
        graph = PySparseGraph(numVertices)
        self.assertEquals(graph.size, numVertices)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def testInit(self):
        numVertices = 0
        numFeatures = 1
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = PySparseGraph(vList)

        numVertices = 10
        numFeatures = 1
        vList = VertexList(numVertices, numFeatures)
        graph = PySparseGraph(vList)

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, PySparseGraph, [])
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, PySparseGraph, vList, 1)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, PySparseGraph, vList, True, 1)

        #Now test invalid values of W
        W = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((numVertices, numVertices))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, PySparseGraph, vList, True, W)

        W = numpy.zeros((numVertices+1, numVertices))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, PySparseGraph, vList, True, W)

        W = numpy.zeros((numVertices, numVertices))
        W[0, 1] = 1
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, PySparseGraph, vList, True, W)

        W = spmatrix.ll_mat(numVertices, numVertices)
        graph = PySparseGraph(vList, W=W)

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(W, spmatrix.LLMatType))
        #Test intialising with non-empty graph 
        numVertices = 10 
        W = spmatrix.ll_mat(numVertices, numVertices)
        W[1, 0] = 1.1 
        W[0, 1] = 1.1 
        graph = PySparseGraph(numVertices, W=W)
        self.assertEquals(graph[1, 0], 1.1)
        #Test just specifying number of vertices 
        graph = PySparseGraph(numVertices)
        self.assertEquals(graph.size, numVertices)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def profileSumPys(self): 
     A = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.N, self.N)  
     A.put(self.val, self.rowInds, self.colInds)
     def runSum():     
         for i in range(1000):  
              i = PySparseUtils.sum(A)
     ProfileUtils.profile('runSum()', globals(), locals())
    def nativeAdjacencyMatrix(self):
        Return the adjacency matrix in sparse format.

        A = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.vList.getNumVertices(), self.vList.getNumVertices())

        nonzeros = PySparseUtils.nonzero(self.W)
        A.put(1, nonzeros[0], nonzeros[1])
        return A
Exemplo n.º 27
    def profileSumPys(self):
        A = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.N, self.N)
        A.put(self.val, self.rowInds, self.colInds)

        def runSum():
            for i in range(1000):
                i = PySparseUtils.sum(A)

        ProfileUtils.profile('runSum()', globals(), locals())
Exemplo n.º 28
    def T(self):
        """Transpose matrix



        >>> import fipy as fp

        >>> mesh = fp.Grid1D(nx=10)
        >>> ids = fp.CellVariable(mesh=mesh, value=mesh._globalOverlappingCellIDs)

        >>> mat = _PysparseColMeshMatrix(mesh=mesh, rows=1)
        >>> mat.put(vector=ids.value,
        ...         id1=[fp.parallelComm.procID] * mesh.numberOfCells,
        ...         id2=mesh._localOverlappingCellIDs,
        ...         overlapping=True) # doctest: +SERIAL

        >>> print(mat.T.numpyArray) # doctest: +SERIAL
        [[ 0.]
         [ 1.]
         [ 2.]
         [ 3.]
         [ 4.]
         [ 5.]
         [ 6.]
         [ 7.]
         [ 8.]
         [ 9.]]
        val, irow, jcol = self.matrix.find()
        rows, cols = self.matrix.shape
        if hasattr(self.matrix, 'storeZeros'):
            A_T = spmatrix.ll_mat(cols, rows, self.matrix.nnz, self.matrix.storeZeros)
            A_T = spmatrix.ll_mat(cols, rows, self.matrix.nnz)

        A_T.put(val, jcol, irow)

        return _PysparseMatrix(matrix=A_T)
Exemplo n.º 29
def convert_mat(mtx):
    Converts a scipy matrix "mtx" to a pysparse matrix.
    mtx = mtx.tocsr()
    A = spmatrix.ll_mat(*mtx.shape)
    for i in xrange( mtx.indptr.shape[0] - 1 ):
        ii = slice( mtx.indptr[i], mtx.indptr[i+1] )
        n_in_row = ii.stop - ii.start
        A.update_add_at([ii], [i] * n_in_row, mtx.indices[ii] )
    return A
    def nativeAdjacencyMatrix(self):
        Return the adjacency matrix in sparse format.

        A = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.vList.getNumVertices(),

        nonzeros = PySparseUtils.nonzero(self.W)
        A.put(1, nonzeros[0], nonzeros[1])
        return A
Exemplo n.º 31
    def profileGetNonZerosPys(self):
        A = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.N, self.N)
        A.put(self.val, self.rowInds, self.colInds)

        def runNonZeros():
            for i in range(1000):
                (rows, cols) = PySparseUtils.nonzero(A)
                nzVals = numpy.zeros(len(rows))
                A.take(nzVals, rows, cols)

        ProfileUtils.profile('runNonZeros()', globals(), locals())
Exemplo n.º 32
 def profileGetNonZerosPys(self): 
     A = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.N, self.N)  
     A.put(self.val, self.rowInds, self.colInds)
     def runNonZeros(): 
         for i in range(1000):
             (rows, cols) = PySparseUtils.nonzero(A)
             nzVals = numpy.zeros(len(rows))
             A.take(nzVals, rows, cols)
     ProfileUtils.profile('runNonZeros()', globals(), locals())
Exemplo n.º 33
def spmatrixmul(matrix_a, matrix_b):
    Sparse Matrix Multiplication using pysparse matrix

    To multiply two sparse matrices - relatively dense

    Scipy.sparse unfortunately has matrix indices with datatype
    int32. While pysparse is more robust and more efficient.

    It saves the scipy matrices to disk in the standard matrix market
    format to the disk. Then reads it to a pysparse format and uses
    Pysparse's inbuilt matrixmultipy operation. The result is
    converted back to a scipy csr matrix.

    This function takes two scipy matrices as input.

    sp_matrix_a = spmatrix.ll_mat(matrix_a.shape[0], matrix_a.shape[1])
    sp_matrix_b = spmatrix.ll_mat(matrix_b.shape[0], matrix_b.shape[1])
    # read it to form a pysparse spmatrix.
    # multiply the matrices.
    sp_result = spmatrix.matrixmultiply(sp_matrix_a, sp_matrix_b)
    #conversion to scipy sparse matrix
    data, row, col = sp_result.find()
    result = ss.csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=sp_result.shape)
    #deleting files and refreshing memory
    del sp_result, sp_matrix_a, sp_matrix_b, matrix_a, matrix_b

    return result
    def setWeightMatrixSparse(self, W):
        Set the weight matrix of this graph. Requires as input a scipy sparse matrix with the
        same dimensions as the current weight matrix. Edges are represented by
        non-zero edges.

        :param W:  The weight matrix to use. 

        if not isinstance(W, spmatrix.LLMatType) and not sparse.issparse(W):
            raise ValueError("Input must be a sparse matrix, not " +

        if W.shape != (self.vList.getNumVertices(),
            raise ValueError("Weight matrix has wrong shape : " + str(W.shape))

            self.W = spmatrix.ll_mat(W.shape[0], W.shape[0], W.getnnz())
        except AttributeError:
            self.W = spmatrix.ll_mat(W.shape[0], W.shape[0], W.nnz)

        if isinstance(W, spmatrix.LLMatType):
            #Warning: no check for symmetric matrix
            #if self.undirected:
            #    raise ValueError("Weight matrix of undirected graph must be symmetric")

            items = W.items()

            for inds, val in items:
                self.W[inds[0], inds[1]] = val
            if self.undirected and (W - W.transpose()).nonzero()[0].shape[0]:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Weight matrix of undirected graph must be symmetric")

            rowInds, colInds = W.nonzero()

            for i in range(rowInds.shape[0]):
                self.W[int(rowInds[i]), int(colInds[i])] = W[int(rowInds[i]),
    def inDegreeSequence(self):
        Return a vector of the (in)degree sequence for each vertex.
        A = self.nativeAdjacencyMatrix()
        j = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.vList.getNumVertices(), 1)
        j[:, 0] = 1

        degrees =, j)
        degrees = PysparseMatrix(matrix=degrees)
        degrees = numpy.array(degrees.getNumpyArray().ravel(),
        return degrees
Exemplo n.º 36
def convert_mat(mtx):
    Converts a scipy matrix "mtx" to a pysparse matrix.
    from pysparse import spmatrix
    mtx = mtx.tocsr()
    A = spmatrix.ll_mat(*mtx.shape)
    for i in xrange(mtx.indptr.shape[0] - 1):
        ii = slice(mtx.indptr[i], mtx.indptr[i + 1])
        n_in_row = ii.stop - ii.start
        A.update_add_at([ii], [i] * n_in_row, mtx.indices[ii])
    return A
Exemplo n.º 37
def poisson2d_vec(n):
    n2 = n * n
    L = spmatrix.ll_mat(n2, n2, 5 * n2 - 4 * n)
    d = numpy.arange(n2,
    L.put(4.0, d)
    L.put(-1.0, d[:-n], d[n:])
    L.put(-1.0, d[n:], d[:-n])
    for i in xrange(n):
        di = d[i * n:(i + 1) * n]
        L.put(-1.0, di[1:], di[:-1])
        L.put(-1.0, di[:-1], di[1:])
    return L
Exemplo n.º 38
def poisson2d_vec(n):
    n2 = n*n
    L = spmatrix.ll_mat(n2, n2, 5*n2-4*n)
    d = numpy.arange(n2,
    L.put(4.0, d)
    L.put(-1.0, d[:-n], d[n:])
    L.put(-1.0, d[n:], d[:-n])
    for i in xrange(n):
        di = d[i*n:(i+1)*n]
        L.put(-1.0, di[1:], di[:-1])
        L.put(-1.0, di[:-1], di[1:])
    return L
    def inDegreeSequence(self):
        Return a vector of the (in)degree sequence for each vertex.
        A = self.nativeAdjacencyMatrix()
        j = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.vList.getNumVertices(), 1)
        j[:, 0] = 1

        degrees =, j)
        degrees = PysparseMatrix(matrix=degrees)
        degrees = numpy.array(degrees.getNumpyArray().ravel(),
        return degrees
Exemplo n.º 40
    def __init__(self, rows, cols, bandwidth=0, sizeHint=None, matrix=None, storeZeros=True):
        """Instantiates and wraps a pysparse `ll_mat` matrix

          - `rows`: The number of matrix rows
          - `cols`: The number of matrix columns
          - `bandwidth`: The proposed band width of the matrix.
          - `sizeHint`: estimate of the number of non-zeros
          - `matrix`: pre-assembled `ll_mat` to use for storage
          - `storeZeros`: Instructs pysparse to store zero values if possible.

        sizeHint = sizeHint or max(rows, cols) * bandwidth
        if matrix is None:
            tmpMatrix = spmatrix.ll_mat(1, 1, 1)
            if hasattr(tmpMatrix, 'storeZeros'):
                matrix = spmatrix.ll_mat(rows, cols, sizeHint, storeZeros)
                matrix = spmatrix.ll_mat(rows, cols, sizeHint)

        _PysparseMatrix.__init__(self, matrix=matrix)
Exemplo n.º 41
 def testCompressStress(self):
     n = 20
     A = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n)
     for k in range(20):
         for i in range(n*n/2):
             i = random.randrange(n)
             j = random.randrange(n)
             A[i, j] = 1.0
         for i in range(n*n/2):
             i = random.randrange(n)
             j = random.randrange(n)
             A[i, j] = 0.0
Exemplo n.º 42
    def profileSlicePys(self):
        A = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.N, self.N)
        A.put(self.val, self.rowInds, self.colInds)

        def runSlice():
            for i in range(10):
                sliceInds = numpy.array(numpy.random.randint(
                    0, self.M, self.N),
                B = A[:, sliceInds]

        ProfileUtils.profile('runSlice()', globals(), locals())
Exemplo n.º 43
def as_llmat(A,tol= 1e-10):
    """Fill out any matrix as ll_mat type."""
    if isinstance(A,np.ndarray):
        dim = A.shape
        m,n = dim[0],dim[1]
        if min(m,n)>1:
            spmat_ = spmatrix.ll_mat(m,n) 
            nz = np.nonzero(A)
            r = nz[0].size
            for i in range(r):
                ii =[0][i])
                ij =[1][i])
                spmat_[ii,ij] = A[nz[0][i],nz[1][i]]
            spmat= spmat_
            return spmat
            n,m =dim
            vec = np.zeros((1,max(n,m)))
            for i in range(max(n,m)):
                vec[0,i] = A[0,i]
            return vec
    elif isinstance(A, PysparseMatrix):
        dim = A.shape
        m,n =dim
        spmat_ = spmatrix.ll_mat(m,n) 
        #nz = np.nonzero(A)
        #print nz
        for i in range(m):
            for j in range(n):
                spmat_[i,j] = A[i,j]
        spmat= spmat_
        return spmat
        t = type(A)
        m,n= A.shape
        spmat_ = spmatrix.ll_mat(m,n) 
        return spmat_
Exemplo n.º 44
def spmatrixmul(matrix_a, matrix_b):
    Sparse Matrix Multiplication using pysparse matrix

    To multiply two sparse matrices - relatively dense

    Scipy.sparse unfortunately has matrix indices with datatype
    int32. While pysparse is more robust and more efficient.

    It saves the scipy matrices to disk in the standard matrix market
    format to the disk. Then reads it to a pysparse format and uses
    Pysparse's inbuilt matrixmultipy operation. The result is
    converted back to a scipy csr matrix.

    This function takes two scipy matrices as input.

    sp_matrix_a = spmatrix.ll_mat(matrix_a.shape[0], matrix_a.shape[1])
    sp_matrix_b = spmatrix.ll_mat(matrix_b.shape[0], matrix_b.shape[1])
    # read it to form a pysparse spmatrix.
    sp_matrix_a.update_add_at(matrix_a.tocoo().data, matrix_a.tocoo().row,
    sp_matrix_b.update_add_at(matrix_b.tocoo().data, matrix_b.tocoo().row,
    # multiply the matrices.
    sp_result = spmatrix.matrixmultiply(sp_matrix_a, sp_matrix_b)
    #conversion to scipy sparse matrix
    data, row, col = sp_result.find()
    result = ss.csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=sp_result.shape)
    #deleting files and refreshing memory
    del sp_result, sp_matrix_a, sp_matrix_b, matrix_a, matrix_b

    return result
Exemplo n.º 45
    def solved(self):
        A = spmatrix.ll_mat(5, 5)
        for i in range(5):
            A[i, i] = i + 1
        A = A.to_csr()
        B = np.ones(5)
        x = np.empty(5)
        LU = superlu.factorize(A, diag_pivot_thresh=0.0)
        LU.solve(B, x)
        return np.array_str(x)

        def build(self):
            return Label(text=self.solved)
Exemplo n.º 46
    def convert(self, matrix):

        psp_mat = spmatrix.ll_mat(matrix.shape[0], matrix.shape[1])

        for i in range(matrix.shape[0]):
            for j in range(matrix.shape[1]):
                if matrix[i, j]:
                    psp_mat[i, j] = matrix[i, j]

        data, row, col = psp_mat.find()
        csrmat = ss.csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=psp_mat.shape)

        return csrmat
Exemplo n.º 47
    def _thckEvolve(self, rhs, ans, mask, calc_rhs, old_thck, new_thck, diffu,
                    lsrf, acab):

        matrix = pysp.ll_mat(self.totpts, self.totpts)

        # Boundary Conditions ---------------------------------------------------------------
        self._applyULBCs(matrix, old_thck, new_thck, self.mask, calc_rhs, rhs,
        self._applyLRBCs(matrix, old_thck, new_thck, self.mask, calc_rhs, rhs,

        # Ice body
        sumd = np.zeros(5, dtype=np.float)

        rawIdx = np.nonzero(self.mask[1:-1, 1:-1])
        idx = (self.mask[1:-1, 1:-1])[rawIdx] - 1

        idx2 = (self.mask[0:-2, 1:-1])[rawIdx] - 1
        sum1 = (self.fc2_1 * (diffu[0:-1, 0:-1] + diffu[0:-1, 1:]))
        matrix.put(sum1.ravel(), idx, idx2)

        idx2 = (self.mask[2:, 1:-1])[rawIdx] - 1
        sum2 = (self.fc2_1 * (diffu[1:, 0:-1] + diffu[1:, 1:]))
        matrix.put(sum2.ravel(), idx, idx2)

        idx2 = (self.mask[1:-1, 0:-2])[rawIdx] - 1
        sum3 = (self.fc2_5 * (diffu[0:-1, 0:-1] + diffu[1:, 0:-1]))
        matrix.put(sum3.ravel(), idx, idx2)

        idx2 = (self.mask[1:-1, 2:])[rawIdx] - 1
        sum4 = (self.fc2_5 * (diffu[0:-1, 1:] + diffu[1:, 1:]))
        matrix.put(sum4.ravel(), idx, idx2)

        sum5 = -(sum1 + sum2 + sum3 + sum4)
        matrix.put(1. + sum5.ravel(), idx, idx)

        # RHS vector
        if calc_rhs:
            rhs[idx] = self._calcRHS(old_thck, lsrf, acab, sum1, sum2, sum3,
                                     sum4, sum5, rawIdx)

        ans[idx] = (new_thck[1:-1, 1:-1])[rawIdx]

        # Solve system
        self._solveSystem(matrix, rhs, ans)

        # Rejig the solution onto a 2D array
        self._regrid(new_thck, self.mask, ans)

        # Remove negatives
        new_thck[:] = np.maximum(0.0, new_thck)
Exemplo n.º 48
    def convert(self, matrix):
        psp_mat = spmatrix.ll_mat(matrix.shape[0], matrix.shape[1])
        for i in range(matrix.shape[0]):
            for j in range(matrix.shape[1]):
                if matrix[i,j]:
                    psp_mat[i,j] = matrix[i,j]

        data, row, col = psp_mat.find()
        csrmat = ss.csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=psp_mat.shape)

        return csrmat
    def setWeightMatrixSparse(self, W):
        Set the weight matrix of this graph. Requires as input a scipy sparse matrix with the
        same dimensions as the current weight matrix. Edges are represented by
        non-zero edges.

        :param W:  The weight matrix to use. 
        if not isinstance(W, spmatrix.LLMatType) and not sparse.issparse(W):
            raise ValueError("Input must be a sparse matrix, not " + str(type(W)))

        if W.shape != (self.vList.getNumVertices(), self.vList.getNumVertices()):
            raise ValueError("Weight matrix has wrong shape : " + str(W.shape))
            self.W = spmatrix.ll_mat(W.shape[0], W.shape[0], W.getnnz())
        except AttributeError: 
            self.W = spmatrix.ll_mat(W.shape[0], W.shape[0], W.nnz)
        if isinstance(W, spmatrix.LLMatType): 
            #Warning: no check for symmetric matrix 
            #if self.undirected:
            #    raise ValueError("Weight matrix of undirected graph must be symmetric")
            items = W.items()
            for inds, val in items:
                self.W[inds[0], inds[1]] = val
            if self.undirected and (W - W.transpose()).nonzero()[0].shape[0]:
                raise ValueError("Weight matrix of undirected graph must be symmetric")
            rowInds, colInds = W.nonzero()
            for i in range(rowInds.shape[0]):
                self.W[int(rowInds[i]), int(colInds[i])] = W[int(rowInds[i]), int(colInds[i])]
Exemplo n.º 50
def poisson2d(n):
    L = spmatrix.ll_mat(n*n, n*n)
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            k = i + n*j
            L[k,k] = 4
            if i > 0:
                L[k,k-1] = -1
            if i < n-1:
                L[k,k+1] = -1
            if j > 0:
                L[k,k-n] = -1
            if j < n-1:
                L[k,k+n] = -1
    return L
Exemplo n.º 51
def poisson2d(n):
    L = spmatrix.ll_mat(n*n, n*n)
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            k = i + n*j
            L[k,k] = 4
            if i > 0:
                L[k,k-1] = -1
            if i < n-1:
                L[k,k+1] = -1
            if j > 0:
                L[k,k-n] = -1
            if j < n-1:
                L[k,k+n] = -1
    return L
Exemplo n.º 52
    def __init__(self, size = None, bandwidth = 0, matrix = None, sizeHint = None):
        Creates a `_PysparseMatrix`.

          - `size`: The size N for an N by N matrix.
          - `bandwidth`: The proposed band width of the matrix.
          - `matrix`: The starting `spmatrix` id there is one.

        if matrix != None:
            self.matrix = matrix
            sizeHint = sizeHint or size * bandwidth
            self.matrix = spmatrix.ll_mat(size, size, sizeHint)
Exemplo n.º 53
    def __mul__(self, other):
        Multiply a sparse matrix by another sparse matrix

            >>> L1 = _PysparseMatrixFromShape(rows=3, cols=3)
            >>> L1.put([3.,10.,numerix.pi,2.5], [0,0,1,2], [2,1,1,0])
            >>> L2 = _PysparseIdentityMatrix(size=3)
            >>> L2.put([4.38,12357.2,1.1], [2,1,0], [1,0,2])

            >>> tmp = numerix.array(((1.23572000e+05, 2.31400000e+01, 3.00000000e+00),
            ...                      (3.88212887e+04, 3.14159265e+00, 0.00000000e+00),
            ...                      (2.50000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 2.75000000e+00)))

            >>> numerix.allclose((L1 * L2).numpyArray, tmp)

        or a sparse matrix by a vector

            >>> tmp = numerix.array((29., 6.28318531, 2.5))
            >>> numerix.allclose(L1 * numerix.array((1,2,3),'d'), tmp)

        or a vector by a sparse matrix

            >>> tmp = numerix.array((7.5, 16.28318531,  3.))
            >>> numerix.allclose(numerix.array((1,2,3),'d') * L1, tmp) ## The multiplication is broken. Numpy is calling __rmul__ for every element instead of with  the whole array.

        N = self.matrix.shape[1]

        if isinstance(other, _PysparseMatrix):
            return _PysparseMatrix(
                matrix=spmatrix.matrixmultiply(self.matrix, other.matrix))
            shape = numerix.shape(other)
            if shape == ():
                L = spmatrix.ll_mat(N, N, N)
                L.put(other * numerix.ones(N, 'l'))
                return _PysparseMatrix(
                    matrix=spmatrix.matrixmultiply(self.matrix, L))
            elif shape == (N, ):
                y = numerix.empty((self.matrix.shape[0], ))
                self.matrix.matvec(other, y)
                return y
                raise TypeError
Exemplo n.º 54
def poisson2d_sym_blk_vec(n):
    n2 = n*n
    L = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(n2, 3*n2-2*n)
    D = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(n, 2*n-1)
    e = numpy.ones(n)
    d = numpy.arange(n,
    D.put(4*e, d, d)
    D.put(-e[1:], d[1:], d[:-1])
    P = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n, n-1)
    for i in xrange(n-1):
        L[i*n:(i+1)*n, i*n:(i+1)*n] = D
        L[(i+1)*n:(i+2)*n, i*n:(i+1)*n] = P
    # Last diagonal block
    L[n2-n:n2, n2-n:n2] = D
    return L
Exemplo n.º 55
    def _thckEvolve(self,rhs,ans,mask,calc_rhs,old_thck,new_thck,diffu,lsrf,acab):

        matrix = pysp.ll_mat(self.totpts,self.totpts)

        # Boundary Conditions ---------------------------------------------------------------

        # Ice body
        sumd = np.zeros(5,dtype=np.float)

        rawIdx = np.nonzero(self.mask[1:-1,1:-1])
        idx  = (self.mask[1:-1,1:-1])[rawIdx] -1

        idx2 = (self.mask[0:-2,1:-1])[rawIdx] -1
        sum1 = (self.fc2_1 * (diffu[0:-1,0:-1] + diffu[0:-1,1:]))
        matrix.put(sum1.ravel(), idx, idx2)

        idx2 = (self.mask[2:,1:-1])[rawIdx] -1
        sum2 = (self.fc2_1 * (diffu[1:,0:-1] + diffu[1:,1:]))
        matrix.put(sum2.ravel(), idx, idx2)

        idx2 = (self.mask[1:-1,0:-2])[rawIdx] -1
        sum3 = (self.fc2_5 * (diffu[0:-1,0:-1] + diffu[1:,0:-1]))
        matrix.put(sum3.ravel(), idx, idx2)

        idx2 = (self.mask[1:-1,2:])[rawIdx] -1
        sum4 = (self.fc2_5 * (diffu[0:-1,1:] + diffu[1:,1:]))
        matrix.put(sum4.ravel(), idx, idx2)

        sum5 = -(sum1 + sum2 + sum3 + sum4)

        # RHS vector
        if calc_rhs:
            rhs[idx] = self._calcRHS(old_thck,lsrf,acab,sum1,sum2,sum3,sum4,sum5,rawIdx)

        ans[idx] = (new_thck[1:-1,1:-1])[rawIdx]

        # Solve system

        # Rejig the solution onto a 2D array

        # Remove negatives
        new_thck[:] = np.maximum(0.0,new_thck)
Exemplo n.º 56
    def testSum(self):
            from pysparse import spmatrix
            from apgl.util.PySparseUtils import PySparseUtils
        except ImportError as error:

        n = 10
        X = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n)

        self.assertEquals(PySparseUtils.sum(X), 0.0)

        X[1, 1] = 5
        X[2, 4] = 6.1
        X[3, 1] = 2.5

        self.assertEquals(PySparseUtils.sum(X), 13.6)
Exemplo n.º 57
    def __mul__(self, other):
        Multiply a sparse matrix by another sparse matrix
            >>> L1 = _PysparseMatrix(size = 3)
            >>> L1.put([3.,10.,numerix.pi,2.5], [0,0,1,2], [2,1,1,0])
            >>> L2 = _PysparseIdentityMatrix(size = 3)
            >>> L2.put([4.38,12357.2,1.1], [2,1,0], [1,0,2])
            >>> tmp = numerix.array(((1.23572000e+05, 2.31400000e+01, 3.00000000e+00),
            ...                      (3.88212887e+04, 3.14159265e+00, 0.00000000e+00),
            ...                      (2.50000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 2.75000000e+00)))

            >>> numerix.allclose((L1 * L2).getNumpyArray(), tmp)

        or a sparse matrix by a vector

            >>> tmp = numerix.array((29., 6.28318531, 2.5))       
            >>> numerix.allclose(L1 * numerix.array((1,2,3),'d'), tmp)
        or a vector by a sparse matrix

            >>> tmp = numerix.array((7.5, 16.28318531,  3.))  
            >>> numerix.allclose(numerix.array((1,2,3),'d') * L1, tmp) ## The multiplication is broken. Numpy is calling __rmul__ for every element instead of with  the whole array.

        N = self.matrix.shape[0]

        if isinstance(other, _PysparseMatrix):
            return _PysparseMatrix(matrix = spmatrix.matrixmultiply(self.matrix, other._getMatrix()))
            shape = numerix.shape(other)
            if shape == ():
                L = spmatrix.ll_mat(N, N, N)
                L.put(other * numerix.ones(N))
                return _PysparseMatrix(matrix = spmatrix.matrixmultiply(self.matrix, L))
            elif shape == (N,):
                y = other.copy()
                self.matrix.matvec(other, y)
                return y
                raise TypeError
    def __init__(self, vertices, undirected=True, W=None, sizeHint=1000):
        Create a PySparseGraph with a given AbstractVertexList or number of 
        vertices, and specify whether it is directed. One can optionally pass 
        in a sparse matrix W which is used as the weight matrix of the 
        graph. Different kinds of sparse matrix can impact the speed of various
        operations. The currently supported sparse matrix types are: ll_mat. 

        :param vertices: the initial set of vertices as a AbstractVertexList object, or an int to specify the number of vertices in which case vertices are stored in a GeneralVertexList.  
        :param undirected: a boolean variable to indicate if the graph is undirected.
        :type undirected: :class:`boolean`

        :param W: a square sparse matrix of the same size as the number of vertices, or None to create the default one.

        :param sizeHint: the expected number of edges in the graph for efficient memory usage.
        :type sizeHint: :class:`int`

        if isinstance(vertices, AbstractVertexList):
            self.vList = vertices
        elif isinstance(vertices, int):
            self.vList = GeneralVertexList(vertices)
            raise ValueError("Invalid vList parameter: " + str(vertices))

        if W != None and not (isinstance(W, spmatrix.LLMatType) and W.shape ==
                              (len(self.vList), len(self.vList))):
            raise ValueError(
                "Input argument W must be None or spmatrix.ll_mat of size " +

        self.undirected = undirected

        if W == None:
            #Should use ll_mat_sym for undirected graphs but it has several unimplemented methods
            self.W = spmatrix.ll_mat(len(self.vList), len(self.vList),
            self.W = W
            #The next line is for error checking mainly
Exemplo n.º 59
def psp_pseudoinverse(Mat, precision):

    list_nz = (Mat.sum(axis=1) == 1)
    list_mat = []

    for i in range(list_nz):
        if list_nz[i]:

    temp_Mat = Mat[list_mat, :]
    matrix = spmatrix.ll_mat(temp_Mat.shape[0], temp_Mat.shape[1])

    if matrix.shape[0] <= matrix.shape[1]:

        k = int((precision * matrix.shape[0]) / 100)
        ut, s, vt = sparsesvd(matrix.tocsc(), k)
        UT = ss.csr_matrix(ut)
        SI = ss.csr_matrix(np.diag(1 / s))
        VT = ss.csr_matrix(vt)

        temp_matrix = spmatrixmul(VT.transpose(), SI)
        pinv_matrix = spmatrixmul(temp_matrix, UT)
        del ut, s, vt, UT, SI, VT, temp_matrix


        k = int((precision * matrix.transpose().shape[0]) / 100)
        ut, s, vt = sparsesvd(matrix.transpose().tocsc(), k)
        UT = ss.csr_matrix(ut)
        SI = ss.csr_matrix(np.diag(1 / s))
        VT = ss.csr_matrix(vt)

        temp_matrix = spmatrixmul(UT.transpose(), SI)
        pinv_matrix = spmatrixmul(temp_matrix, VT)
        del ut, s, vt, UT, SI, VT, temp_matrix

    return pinv_matrix.tocsr()
Exemplo n.º 60
    def __init__(self, size=100, conn=1, inputs=1, outputs=1):
        self.N = size
        self.ins = inputs
        self.outs = outputs

        self.Wout = np.random.rand(self.outs, self.N + self.ins) * 2 - 1
        self.W = np.random.rand(self.N, self.N) * 2 - 1
        self.Win = np.random.rand(self.N, self.ins) * 2 - 1
        self.x = np.zeros((self.N))

        # for aureservoir
        self.aunet = au.DoubleESN()
        self.aunet.setInitParam(au.ALPHA, 1.)
        self.aunet.setInitParam(au.CONNECTIVITY, conn)
        self.aunet.setInitParam(au.IN_CONNECTIVITY, 1.)

        # for sparse simulation
        self.Wsp = sparse.csr_matrix(
            self.W)  # not efficient, use lil to construct matrix

        # create matrix for pysparse and pyublas.sparse
        tmp = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.N, self.N, int(self.N * self.N * conn))
        #        tmp2 = pyublas.zeros((self.N, self.N), flavor=pyublas.SparseBuildMatrix )
        for i in range(self.N):
            for j in range(self.N):
                if self.W[i, j] != 0:
                    tmp[i, j] = self.W[i, j]
#                    tmp2[i,j] = self.W[i,j]
        self.Wsp2 = tmp.to_csr()