Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_result(self):
     for answer, question in (("table like 'lala'", "lala"),
                              ("table like 'lala%'", "lala%"),
                              ("table like 'lala%' or table like 'loulou'", "lala% or loulou"),
                              ("table like 'lala%' or table not like 'loulou'", "lala% or !loulou"),
                              ("( table like 'lala%' or table like 'loulou' )", "(lala% or loulou)"),
                              ("( table like 'lala%' or table like 'loulou' ) and table like 'lala'",
                               "(lala% or loulou) and lala"),
                              ("( table like 'lala%' or table like 'loulou' ) and table like 'lala'",
                               "(   lala%     or   loulou  )  and   lala"),
                               ("( table like 'lala%' or table like 'loulou' ) and table like 'lala'",
                               "(lala%  OR loulou ) aNd lala")):
                      pysqlhelpers.generateWhere("table", question))
Exemplo n.º 2
def searchObject(db, objectType, objectName, objectOwner):
    """Searches for Oracle objects by name with wildcard if needed"""
    result = {}
    objectType = objectType.lower()
        sql = searchObjectSql[objectType][0]
        keyword = searchObjectSql[objectType][1]
        if len(objectName.split()) == 1:
            # Single word search. Just add wildcart % if needed
            whereClause = "%s like '%s'" % (keyword, addWildCardIfNeeded(objectName))
            whereClause = generateWhere(keyword, objectName)
        objects = db.executeAll(sql % (whereClause, objectOwner, keyword))
    except KeyError:
        raise PysqlException(_("SQL entry not defined for searchObjectSql: %s") % objectType)
    # Returns a dict with key=schemaNAme and Value=list of object
    for (owner, name) in objects:
        if result.has_key(owner):
            result[owner] = [name]
    return result
Exemplo n.º 3
def datamodel(db, userName, tableFilter=None, withColumns=True):
    """Extracts the datamodel of the current user as a picture
The generation of the picture is powered by Graphviz (http://www.graphviz.org)
through the PyDot API (http://www.dkbza.org/pydot.html)
@param db: pysql db connection
@param userName: schema to be extracted
@param tableFilter: filter pattern (in pysql extended syntax to extract only some tables (None means all)
@param withColumns: Indicate whether columns are included or not in datamodel picture
    # Tries to import pydot module
        from pydot import find_graphviz, Dot, Edge, Node
    except ImportError:
        message = _("Function not available because pydot module is not installed.\n\t")
        message += _("Go to http://dkbza.org/pydot.html to get it.")
        raise PysqlException(message)

    # Reads conf
    conf = PysqlConf.getConfig()
    format = conf.get("graph_format") # Output format of the picture
    fontname = conf.get("graph_fontname") # Font used for table names
    fontsize = conf.get("graph_fontsize") # Font size for table names
    fontcolor = conf.get("graph_fontcolor") # Color of table and column names
    tablecolor = conf.get("graph_tablecolor") # Color of tables
    bordercolor = conf.get("graph_bordercolor") # Color of tables borders
    linkcolor = conf.get("graph_linkcolor") # Color of links between tables
    linklabel = conf.get("graph_linklabel") # Display constraints name or not

    # Gets picture generator
    prog = getProg(find_graphviz(), conf.get("graph_program"), "fdp")

    graph = Dot(splines="compound")

    # Tables, columns and constraints (temporary and external tables are excluded. So are TOAD tables)
    if tableFilter:
        whereClause = generateWhere("table_name", tableFilter)
        whereClause = "1=1"
    tables = db.executeAll(datamodelSql["tablesFromOwner"] % (userName, whereClause))
    nbTables = len(tables)
    if nbTables == 0:
        raise PysqlException(_("No table found. Your filter clause is too restrictive or the schema is empty"))
    tableList = ", ".join(["'%s'" % table[0] for table in tables]) # Table list formated to be used in SQL query
    print CYAN + _("Extracting %d tables...      ") % nbTables + RESET,
    current = 0
    for table in tables:
        tableName = table[0]
        content = """<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0">"""
        content += """\n<TR><TD PORT="%s">""" % tableName
        content += """<FONT FACE="%s" POINT-SIZE="%f" COLOR="%s">""" % (fontname, fontsize, fontcolor)
        content += tableName
        content += "</FONT></TD></TR>"
        if withColumns:
            columns = db.executeAll(datamodelSql["columnsFromOwnerAndTable"], [userName, tableName])
            for column in columns:
                columnName = column[0]
                columnType = column[1]
                content += """\n<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT" PORT="%s_%s">""" % (tableName, columnName)
                content += """<FONT FACE="%s" POINT-SIZE="%f" COLOR="%s">""" % \
                         (fontname, fontsize - 2, fontcolor)
                if column[2] is None: # Normal field
                    content += " "
                else: # Primary key field
                    content += "PK%d" % int(column[2])
                content += " %s (%s)" % (columnName, columnType)
                content += "</FONT></TD></TR>"
        content += "\n</TABLE>>"
        graph.add_node(Node(tableName, shape="none", label=content, style="filled", \
                            fillcolor=tablecolor, color=bordercolor))
        current += 1
        sys.stdout.write("\b\b\b\b\b%4.1f%%" % round(100 * float(current) / nbTables, 1))

    # Links between tables (foreign key -> primary key)
    # Only extract links from considered tables
    links = db.executeAll(datamodelSql["constraintsFromOwner"] % (userName, tableList, tableList))
    nbLinks = len(links)
    print (CYAN + _("Extracting %d links...      ") % nbLinks + RESET),
    current = 0
    for link in links:
        if linklabel == "yes":
            graph.add_edge(Edge(src=link[1], dst=link[2], color=linkcolor))
            graph.add_edge(Edge(src=link[1], dst=link[2], label=link[0], color=linkcolor, \
                                fontcolor=linkcolor, fontname=fontname, fontsize=str(fontsize - 3)))
        current += 1
        sys.stdout.write("\b\b\b\b\b%4.1f%%" % round(100 * float(current) / nbLinks, 1))

    filename = db.getDSN() + "_" + userName + "." + format
    generateImage(graph, filename, prog, format)