Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, normal_direction, stencil, name=None):
        if isinstance(normal_direction, str):
            normal_direction = direction_string_to_offset(normal_direction, dim=len(stencil[0]))

        if name is None:
            name = f"Simple Outflow: {offset_to_direction_string(normal_direction)}"

        self.normal_direction = normal_direction
        super(SimpleExtrapolationOutflow, self).__init__(name)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __getitem__(self, offset):
     if type(offset) is np.ndarray:
         offset = tuple(offset)
     if type(offset) is str:
         offset = tuple(
             direction_string_to_offset(offset, self.spatial_dimensions))
     if type(offset) is not tuple:
         offset = (offset, )
     if len(offset) != self.spatial_dimensions:
         raise ValueError("Wrong number of spatial indices: "
                          "Got %d, expected %d" %
                          (len(offset), self.spatial_dimensions))
     return Field.Access(self, offset)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_field_slice():
    """Tests (un)packing slices of a scalar field (from)to a buffer."""
    fields = _generate_fields()
    for d in ['N', 'S', 'NW', 'SW', 'TNW', 'B']:
        for (src_arr, gpu_src_arr, gpu_dst_arr, gpu_buffer_arr) in fields:
            # Extract slice from N direction of the field
            slice_dir = direction_string_to_offset(d, dim=len(src_arr.shape))
            pack_slice = get_slice_before_ghost_layer(slice_dir)
            unpack_slice = get_ghost_region_slice(slice_dir)

            src_field = Field.create_from_numpy_array("src_field",
            dst_field = Field.create_from_numpy_array("dst_field",
            buffer = Field.create_generic("buffer",

            pack_eqs = [Assignment(buffer.center(), src_field.center())]
            pack_types = {
                'src_field': gpu_src_arr.dtype,
                'buffer': gpu_buffer_arr.dtype
            pack_code = create_cuda_kernel(pack_eqs, type_info=pack_types)

            pack_kernel = make_python_function(pack_code)

            # Unpack into ghost layer of dst_field in N direction
            unpack_eqs = [Assignment(dst_field.center(), buffer.center())]
            unpack_types = {
                'dst_field': gpu_dst_arr.dtype,
                'buffer': gpu_buffer_arr.dtype
            unpack_code = create_cuda_kernel(unpack_eqs,

            unpack_kernel = make_python_function(unpack_code)

            dst_arr = gpu_dst_arr.get()

            np.testing.assert_equal(src_arr[pack_slice], dst_arr[unpack_slice])
Exemplo n.º 4
    def condition(direction):
        """exclude those staggered points that correspond to fluxes between ghost cells"""
        exclusions = set(["E", "W", "N", "S", "T", "B"][:2 * dim])

        for elementary_direction in direction:
        conditions = []
        for e in exclusions:
            if e in common_exclusions:
            offset = direction_string_to_offset(e)
            for i, o in enumerate(offset):
                if o == 1:
                    conditions.append(counters[i] < shape[i] - 1)
                elif o == -1:
                    conditions.append(counters[i] > 0)
        return sp.And(*conditions)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, normal_direction, lb_method, dt=1, dx=1, name=None,
                 streaming_pattern='pull', zeroth_timestep=Timestep.BOTH,
                 initial_density=None, initial_velocity=None, data_type='double'):

        self.lb_method = lb_method
        self.stencil = lb_method.stencil
        self.dim = len(self.stencil[0])

        if isinstance(normal_direction, str):
            normal_direction = direction_string_to_offset(normal_direction, dim=self.dim)

        if name is None:
            name = f"Outflow: {offset_to_direction_string(normal_direction)}"

        self.normal_direction = normal_direction
        self.streaming_pattern = streaming_pattern
        self.zeroth_timestep = zeroth_timestep
        self.dx = sp.Number(dx)
        self.dt = sp.Number(dt)
        self.c = sp.sqrt(sp.Rational(1, 3)) * (self.dx / self.dt)

        self.initial_density = initial_density
        self.initial_velocity = initial_velocity
        self.equilibrium_calculation = None

        self.data_type = data_type

        if initial_density and initial_velocity:
            equilibrium = lb_method.get_equilibrium(conserved_quantity_equations=AssignmentCollection([]))
            rho = lb_method.zeroth_order_equilibrium_moment_symbol
            u_vec = lb_method.first_order_equilibrium_moment_symbols
            eq_lambda = equilibrium.lambdify((rho,) + u_vec)
            post_pdf_symbols = lb_method.post_collision_pdf_symbols

            def calc_eq_pdfs(density, velocity, j):
                return eq_lambda(density, *velocity)[post_pdf_symbols[j]]

            self.equilibrium_calculation = calc_eq_pdfs

        super(ExtrapolationOutflow, self).__init__(name)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self,
        if type(neighbor) is str:
            neighbor = direction_string_to_offset(neighbor)
        if dim == 2:
            assert neighbor[dim:] == 0
        assert derivative is tuple() or max(derivative) < dim
        neighbor = sp.Matrix(neighbor[:dim])
        pos = neighbor / 2

        def unitvec(i):
            """return the `i`-th unit vector in three dimensions"""
            a = np.zeros(dim, dtype=int)
            a[i] = 1
            return a

        def flipped(a, i):
            """return `a` with its `i`-th element's sign flipped"""
            a = a.copy()
            a[i] *= -1
            return a

        # determine the points to use, coordinates are relative to position
        points = []
        if np.linalg.norm(neighbor, 1) == 1:
            main_points = [neighbor / 2, neighbor / -2]
        elif np.linalg.norm(neighbor, 1) == 2:
            nonzero_indices = [
                i for i, v in enumerate(neighbor) if v != 0 and i < dim
            main_points = [
                neighbor / 2, neighbor / -2,
                flipped(neighbor / 2, nonzero_indices[0]),
                flipped(neighbor / -2, nonzero_indices[0])
            main_points = [
                                      sp.Matrix(c) / 2))
                for c in itertools.product([-1, 1], repeat=3)
        points += main_points
        zero_indices = [
            i for i, v in enumerate(neighbor) if v == 0 and i < dim
        for i in zero_indices:
            points += [point + sp.Matrix(unitvec(i)) for point in main_points]
            points += [point - sp.Matrix(unitvec(i)) for point in main_points]
        points_tuple = tuple([tuple(p) for p in points])
        self._stencil = points_tuple

        # determine the stencil weights
        if len(derivative) == 0:
            weights = None
            derivation = FiniteDifferenceStencilDerivation(
                derivative, points_tuple).get_stencil()
            if not derivation.accuracy:
                raise Exception(
                    'the requested derivative cannot be performed with the available neighbors'
            weights = derivation.weights

            # if the weights are underdefined, we can choose the free symbols to find the sparsest stencil
            free_weights = set(
                itertools.chain(*[w.free_symbols for w in weights]))
            if free_weights_prefix is not None:
                weights = [
                        fw: sp.Symbol(f"{free_weights_prefix}_{i}")
                        for i, fw in enumerate(free_weights)
                    }) for w in weights
            elif len(free_weights) > 0:
                zero_counts = defaultdict(list)
                for values in itertools.product(
                    [-1, -sp.Rational(1, 2), 0, 1,
                     sp.Rational(1, 2)],
                    subs = {
                        free_weight: value
                        for free_weight, value in zip(free_weights, values)
                    weights = [w.subs(subs) for w in derivation.weights]
                    if not all(a == 0 for a in weights):
                        zero_count = sum([1 for w in weights if w == 0])
                best = zero_counts[max(zero_counts.keys())]
                if len(
                ) > 1:  # if there are multiple, pick the one that contains a nonzero center weight
                    center = [tuple(p + pos) for p in points].index(
                        (0, 0, 0)[:dim])
                    best = [b for b in best if b[center] != 0]
                if len(
                ) > 1:  # if there are still multiple, they are equivalent, so we average
                    weights = [
                        sum([b[i] for b in best]) / len(best)
                        for i in range(len(weights))
                    weights = best[0]
                assert weights

        points_tuple = tuple([tuple(p + pos) for p in points])
        self._points = points_tuple
        self._weights = weights
Exemplo n.º 7
def create_staggered_kernel(assignments,
                            target: Target = Target.CPU,
    """Kernel that updates a staggered field.

    .. image:: /img/staggered_grid.svg

    For a staggered field, the first index coordinate defines the location of the staggered value.
    Further index coordinates can be used to store vectors/tensors at each point.

        assignments: a sequence of assignments or an AssignmentCollection.
                     Assignments to staggered field are processed specially, while subexpressions and assignments to
                     regular fields are passed through to `create_kernel`. Multiple different staggered fields can be
                     used, but they all need to use the same stencil (i.e. the same number of staggered points) and
        target: 'CPU' or 'GPU'
        gpu_exclusive_conditions: disable the use of multiple conditionals inside the loop. The outer layers are then
                                  handled in an else branch.
        kwargs: passed directly to create_kernel, iteration_slice and ghost_layers parameters are not allowed

        AST, see `create_kernel`
    if 'ghost_layers' in kwargs:
        assert kwargs['ghost_layers'] is None
        del kwargs['ghost_layers']
    if 'iteration_slice' in kwargs:
        assert kwargs['iteration_slice'] is None
        del kwargs['iteration_slice']
    if 'omp_single_loop' in kwargs:
        assert kwargs['omp_single_loop'] is False
        del kwargs['omp_single_loop']

    if isinstance(assignments, AssignmentCollection):
        subexpressions = assignments.subexpressions + [
            a for a in assignments.main_assignments
            if not hasattr(a, 'lhs') or type(a.lhs) is not Field.Access
            or not FieldType.is_staggered(a.lhs.field)
        assignments = [
            a for a in assignments.main_assignments
            if hasattr(a, 'lhs') and type(a.lhs) is Field.Access
            and FieldType.is_staggered(a.lhs.field)
        subexpressions = [
            a for a in assignments
            if not hasattr(a, 'lhs') or type(a.lhs) is not Field.Access
            or not FieldType.is_staggered(a.lhs.field)
        assignments = [
            a for a in assignments
            if hasattr(a, 'lhs') and type(a.lhs) is Field.Access
            and FieldType.is_staggered(a.lhs.field)
    if len(set([tuple(a.lhs.field.staggered_stencil)
                for a in assignments])) != 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "All assignments need to be made to staggered fields with the same stencil"
    if len(set([a.lhs.field.shape for a in assignments])) != 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "All assignments need to be made to staggered fields with the same shape"

    staggered_field = assignments[0].lhs.field
    stencil = staggered_field.staggered_stencil
    dim = staggered_field.spatial_dimensions
    shape = staggered_field.shape

    counters = [
        LoopOverCoordinate.get_loop_counter_symbol(i) for i in range(dim)

    final_assignments = []

    # find out whether any of the ghost layers is not needed
    common_exclusions = set(["E", "W", "N", "S", "T", "B"][:2 * dim])
    for direction in stencil:
        exclusions = set(["E", "W", "N", "S", "T", "B"][:2 * dim])
        for elementary_direction in direction:
    ghost_layers = [[0, 0] for d in range(dim)]
    for direction in common_exclusions:
        direction = direction_string_to_offset(direction)
        for d, s in enumerate(direction):
            if s == 1:
                ghost_layers[d][1] = 1
            elif s == -1:
                ghost_layers[d][0] = 1

    def condition(direction):
        """exclude those staggered points that correspond to fluxes between ghost cells"""
        exclusions = set(["E", "W", "N", "S", "T", "B"][:2 * dim])

        for elementary_direction in direction:
        conditions = []
        for e in exclusions:
            if e in common_exclusions:
            offset = direction_string_to_offset(e)
            for i, o in enumerate(offset):
                if o == 1:
                    conditions.append(counters[i] < shape[i] - 1)
                elif o == -1:
                    conditions.append(counters[i] > 0)
        return sp.And(*conditions)

    if gpu_exclusive_conditions:
        outer_assignment = None
        conditions = {direction: condition(direction) for direction in stencil}
        for num_conditions in range(len(stencil)):
            for combination in itertools.combinations(conditions.values(),
                for assignment in assignments:
                    direction = stencil[assignment.lhs.index[0]]
                    if conditions[direction] in combination:
                        assignment = SympyAssignment(assignment.lhs,
                        outer_assignment = Conditional(sp.And(*combination),

        inner_assignment = []
        for assignment in assignments:
                SympyAssignment(assignment.lhs, assignment.rhs))
        last_conditional = Conditional(
            sp.And(*[condition(d) for d in stencil]), Block(inner_assignment),
        final_assignments = [s for s in subexpressions if not hasattr(s, 'lhs')] + \
                            [SympyAssignment(s.lhs, s.rhs) for s in subexpressions if hasattr(s, 'lhs')] + \

        if target == Target.CPU:
            from pystencils.cpu import create_kernel as create_kernel_cpu
            ast = create_kernel_cpu(final_assignments,
            ast = create_kernel(final_assignments,
        return ast

    for assignment in assignments:
        direction = stencil[assignment.lhs.index[0]]
        sp_assignments = [s for s in subexpressions if not hasattr(s, 'lhs')] + \
                         [SympyAssignment(s.lhs, s.rhs) for s in subexpressions if hasattr(s, 'lhs')] + \
                         [SympyAssignment(assignment.lhs, assignment.rhs)]
        last_conditional = Conditional(condition(direction),

    remove_start_conditional = any([gl[0] == 0 for gl in ghost_layers])
    prepend_optimizations = [
        lambda ast: remove_conditionals_in_staggered_kernel(
            ast, remove_start_conditional), move_constants_before_loop
    if 'cpu_prepend_optimizations' in kwargs:
        prepend_optimizations += kwargs['cpu_prepend_optimizations']
        del kwargs['cpu_prepend_optimizations']
    ast = create_kernel(final_assignments,
    return ast