def test_bad_client_id(tmpdir, docs, invalid):
    """Test unset or invalid client_id values.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param docs: conftest fixture.
    :param bool invalid: Set invalid client_id instead of unsetting.
    html = tmpdir.join('html')

    # Remove/invalidate client_id line.
    conf_py = '\n'.join(l for l in docs.join('').read().splitlines() if 'imgur_client_id' not in l)  # Remove.
    if invalid:
        conf_py += "\nimgur_client_id = 'inv@lid'"

    # Run.
    result, stderr = pytest.build_isolated(docs, html, None)[::2]

    assert result != 0
    assert 'WARNING' not in stderr
    assert not html.listdir('*.html')
    if invalid:
        assert 'imgur_client_id config value must be 5-30 lower case hexadecimal characters only.' in stderr
        assert 'imgur_client_id config value must be set for Imgur API calls.' in stderr
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_valid(tmpdir, docs, httpretty_common_mock):
    """Test valid imgur_id value.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param docs: conftest fixture.
    :param httpretty_common_mock: conftest fixture.
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'one', (
        'Album Title: :imgur-title:`a/VMlM6`;\n'
        'Album Description: :imgur-description:`a/VMlM6`;\n'
        'Image Title: :imgur-title:`611EovQ`;\n'
        'Image Description: :imgur-description:`611EovQ`;\n'
    html = tmpdir.join('html')
    result, stderr = pytest.build_isolated(docs, html, httpretty_common_mock)[::2]

    assert result == 0
    assert not stderr
    contents = html.join('one.html').read()
    assert 'Album Title: Screenshots;' in contents
    assert 'Album Description: Screenshots of my various devices.;' in contents
    assert 'Image Title: Work, June 1st, 2016: Uber;' in contents
    expected = ('Image Description: Right before I moved desks for the 6th time in 1.5 years. '
                'I lost my nice window desk, oh well.;')
    assert expected in contents
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_basic(tmpdir, docs, httpretty_common_mock):
    """Verify imgur-image directive generates the same HTML as the built-in image directive when using no options.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param docs: conftest fixture.
    :param httpretty_common_mock: conftest fixture.
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'album', 'SEP\n\n.. image:: 2QcXR3R.png\n\nSEP\n\n.. imgur-image:: a/VMlM6\n\nSEP\n')
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'image', 'SEP\n\n.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n\nSEP\n\n.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n\nSEP\n')
    html = tmpdir.join('html')
    result, stdout, stderr = pytest.build_isolated(docs, html, httpretty_common_mock)

    # Verify return code and console output.
    assert result == 0
    assert not stderr
    actual = sorted(re.compile(r'^querying http.+$', re.MULTILINE).findall(stdout))
    expected = [
    assert actual == expected

    # Verify HTML contents.
    contents = [c.strip() for c in html.join('album.html').read().split('<p>SEP</p>')[1:-1]]
    assert contents[0] == '<img alt="_images/2QcXR3R.png" src="_images/2QcXR3R.png" />'
    assert contents[1] == '<img alt="" src="//">'
    contents = [c.strip() for c in html.join('image.html').read().split('<p>SEP</p>')[1:-1]]
    assert contents[0] == '<img alt="_images/611EovQ.jpg" src="_images/611EovQ.jpg" />'
    assert contents[1] == '<img alt="Work, June 1st, 2016: Uber" src="//">'

    # Verify newlines.
    contents = html.join('image.html').read()
    assert '\n<img alt="Work, June 1st, 2016: Uber" src="//">\n' in contents
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_no_save_environment(httpretty_common_mock, tmpdir_module, overflow):
    """Verify extension still works when users disable the saved environment (e.g. sphinx-build -E).

    :param httpretty_common_mock: conftest fixture.
    :param tmpdir_module: conftest fixture.
    :param tuple overflow: Passed to build_isolated().
    docs = tmpdir_module.join('docs')
    html = tmpdir_module.join('html')

    # Run.
    result, stdout, stderr = pytest.build_isolated(docs, html, httpretty_common_mock, overflow)
    assert result == 0
    assert not stderr

    # Verify queries.
    actual = sorted(re.compile(r'^querying http.+$', re.MULTILINE).findall(stdout))
    if overflow:
        expected = [
        expected = []
    assert actual == expected

    # Verify HTML.
    contents = html.join('one.html').read()
    assert 'Title: 2010 JSW, 2012 Projects;' in contents
    assert 'Description: Screenshots of my various devices.;' in contents
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_embed(tmpdir, docs, hpd_conf):
    """Test valid imgur_id value in imgur-embed directive.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param docs: conftest fixture.
    :param bool hpd_conf: Value of imgur_hide_post_details in or don't set if None.
    if hpd_conf is not None:
        docs.join('').write('imgur_hide_post_details = {}\n'.format(hpd_conf), mode='a')

    for page, hpd_option in [('one', None), ('two', False), ('three', True)]:
        hpd = '\n    :hide_post_details: {}'.format(hpd_option) if hpd_option is not None else ''
        pytest.add_page(docs, page, '.. imgur-embed:: a/VMlM6{0}\n\n.. imgur-embed:: 611EovQ{0}\n'.format(hpd))

    html = tmpdir.join('html')
    result, stderr = pytest.build_isolated(docs, html, None)[::2]

    assert result == 0
    assert not stderr

    # Verify blockquotes/scripts.
    for page in ('one.html', 'two.html', 'three.html'):
        contents = html.join(page).read()
        blockquotes = RE_BLOCKQUOTES.findall(contents)
        scripts = RE_SCRIPTS.findall(contents)
        assert len(blockquotes) == 2
        assert len(scripts) == 2
        assert 'data-id="a/VMlM6"' in blockquotes[0]
        assert 'data-id="611EovQ"' in blockquotes[1]

    # Verify data-context.
    for page, expected in [('one.html', 2 if hpd_conf else 0), ('two.html', 0), ('three.html', 2)]:
        contents = html.join(page).read()
        actual = contents.count('data-context="false"')
        assert actual == expected
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_second_cached_run(tmpdir_module, update):
    """Run with nothing changed. Ensure no API queries happen.

    :param tmpdir_module: conftest fixture.
    :param str update: Which file to edit. two.rst edits a file with Imgur IDs, ignore.rst edits file without.

    docs = tmpdir_module.join('docs')
    docs.join(update).write('Edited\n', mode='a')
    html = tmpdir_module.join('html')
    result, stderr = pytest.build_isolated(docs, html, None)[::2]

    assert result == 0
    assert not stderr

    contents = html.join('one.html').read()
    assert 'Title: 2010 JSW, 2012 Projects;' in contents
    assert 'Description: Screenshots of my various devices.;' in contents
    contents = html.join('two.html').read()
    assert 'Title: Work, June 1st, 2016: Uber;' in contents
    assert 'Description: None;' in contents
    if update == 'two.rst':
        assert 'Edited' in contents
        contents = html.join('ignore.html').read()
        assert 'Edited' in contents
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_bad_album_largest(tmpdir, docs):
    """Test :target_largest: being used on albums.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param docs: conftest fixture.
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'one', '\n.. imgur-image:: a/valid\n    :target_largest: true\n')
    html = tmpdir.join('html')
    result, stderr = pytest.build_isolated(docs, html, None)[::2]

    assert result != 0
    assert 'WARNING' not in stderr
    assert not html.listdir('*.html')
    expected = 'Imgur albums (whose covers are displayed) do not support :target_largest: option.'
    assert expected in stderr
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_bad_imgur_id(tmpdir, docs, album):
    """Test invalid imgur_id value.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param docs: conftest fixture.
    :param bool album: Invalid album vs image ID.
    iid = 'a/inv@lid' if album else 'inv@lid'
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'one', '\n.. imgur-embed:: {}\n'.format(iid))
    html = tmpdir.join('html')
    result, stderr = pytest.build_isolated(docs, html, None)[::2]

    assert result != 0
    assert 'WARNING' not in stderr
    assert not html.listdir('*.html')
    expected = 'Invalid Imgur ID specified. Must be 5-10 letters and numbers. Albums prefixed with "a/".'
    assert expected in stderr
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_bad_imgur_id(tmpdir, docs, album, role):
    """Test invalid imgur_id value.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param docs: conftest fixture.
    :param bool album: Invalid album vs image ID.
    :param str role: Sphinx role to test.
    iid = 'a/inv@lid' if album else 'inv@lid'
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'one', 'Testing: :{}:`{}`;\n'.format(role, iid))
    html = tmpdir.join('html')
    result, stderr = pytest.build_isolated(docs, html, None)[::2]

    assert result != 0
    assert 'WARNING' not in stderr
    assert not html.listdir('*.html')
    expected = 'Invalid Imgur ID specified. Must be 5-10 letters and numbers. Got "{id}" from ":{role}:`{id}`".'
    assert expected.format(id=iid, role=role) in stderr
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_alt_align(tmpdir, docs, httpretty_common_mock):
    """Verify image alignment and alt text.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param docs: conftest fixture.
    :param httpretty_common_mock: conftest fixture.
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'alt', (
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n'
        '    :alt: Alternative Text\n'
        '    :align: right\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n'
        '    :alt: Alternative Text\n'
        '    :align: right\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n\nSEP\n\n'
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'aligns', (
        '.. image:: 2QcXR3R.png\n    :align: left\n\nSEP\n\n.. imgur-image:: 2QcXR3R\n    :align: left\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. image:: 2QcXR3R.png\n    :align: center\n\nSEP\n\n.. imgur-image:: 2QcXR3R\n    :align: center\n\nSEP\n\n'
    html = tmpdir.join('html')
    result, stderr = pytest.build_isolated(docs, html, httpretty_common_mock)[::2]

    assert result == 0
    assert not stderr

    contents = [c.strip() for c in html.join('alt.html').read().split('<p>SEP</p>')[1:-1]]
    assert contents[0] == '<img alt="Alternative Text" class="align-right" src="_images/611EovQ.jpg" />'
    assert contents[1] == '<img alt="Alternative Text" class="align-right" src="//">'
    assert contents[2] == '<img alt="Work, June 1st, 2016: Uber" src="//">'

    contents = [c.strip() for c in html.join('aligns.html').read().split('<p>SEP</p>')[1:-1]]
    assert contents[0] == '<img alt="_images/2QcXR3R.png" class="align-left" src="_images/2QcXR3R.png" />'
    assert contents[1] == '<img alt="" class="align-left" src="//">'
    assert contents[2] == '<img alt="_images/2QcXR3R.png" class="align-center" src="_images/2QcXR3R.png" />'
    assert contents[3] == '<img alt="" class="align-center" src="//">'
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_single_id_update(httpretty_common_mock, tmpdir_module):
    """Make sure only one ID is updated.

    :param httpretty_common_mock: conftest fixture.
    :param tmpdir_module: conftest fixture.

    docs = tmpdir_module.join('docs')
    docs.join('three.rst').write('Title: :imgur-title:`hiX02`;\n', mode='a')
    html = tmpdir_module.join('html')
    result, stdout, stderr = pytest.build_isolated(docs, html, httpretty_common_mock)

    assert result == 0
    assert not stderr
    actual = re.compile(r'^querying http.+$', re.MULTILINE).findall(stdout)
    assert actual == ['querying']

    contents = html.join('three.html').read()
    assert 'Title: None;' in contents
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_expire_everything_single_update(httpretty_common_mock, tmpdir_module):
    """Make sure only one API query is done when only one document is updated even though other entries are old.

    :param httpretty_common_mock: conftest fixture.
    :param tmpdir_module: conftest fixture.

    docs = tmpdir_module.join('docs')
    docs.join('').write('imgur_api_cache_ttl = 1\n', mode='a')
    docs.join('three.rst').write('.. _three:\n\nThree\n=====\n\nTitle: :imgur-title:`a/VMlM6`;\n')
    html = tmpdir_module.join('html')
    result, stdout, stderr = pytest.build_isolated(docs, html, httpretty_common_mock)

    assert result == 0
    assert not stderr
    actual = re.compile(r'^querying http.+$', re.MULTILINE).findall(stdout)
    assert actual == ['querying']

    contents = html.join('three.html').read()
    assert 'Title: Screenshots;' in contents
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_new_rst_old_id(tmpdir_module):
    """Add a new RST file but use a pre-existing Imgur ID.

    :param tmpdir_module: conftest fixture.

    docs = tmpdir_module.join('docs')
    docs.join('contents.rst').write('    three\n', mode='a')
    assert not docs.join('three.rst').check()
    docs.join('three.rst').write('.. _three:\n\nThree\n=====\n\nTitle: :imgur-title:`a/VMlM6`;\n'
                                 'Description: :imgur-description:`pc8hc`;\n')
    html = tmpdir_module.join('html')
    result, stderr = pytest.build_isolated(docs, html, None)[::2]

    assert result == 0
    assert not stderr

    contents = html.join('three.html').read()
    assert 'Title: Screenshots;' in contents
    assert 'Description: Closeup of Nokia DT-900 charger wedged in my door panel.;' in contents
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_width_invalid(tmpdir, docs, httpretty_common_mock):
    """Test invalid values for width option.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param docs: conftest fixture.
    :param httpretty_common_mock: conftest fixture.
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'one', (
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n    :width: 300db\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :width: 300db\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n    :height: 300db\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :height: 300db\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n    :scale: 300db\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :scale: 300db\n\nSEP\n\n'
    html = tmpdir.join('html')
    results = pytest.build_isolated(docs, html, httpretty_common_mock)

    assert results[0] == 0

    contents = [c.strip() for c in html.join('one.html').read().split('<p>SEP</p>')[1:-1]]
    assert contents == ['', '', '', '', '', '']  # Sphinx just omits the bad directive from the final HTML.
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_first_run(docs, httpretty_common_mock, tmpdir_module):
    """Run sphinx-build once. Persist output files in module-scoped tmpdir.

    :param docs: conftest fixture.
    :param httpretty_common_mock: conftest fixture.
    :param tmpdir_module: conftest fixture.
    docs = tmpdir_module.join('docs')
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'one', 'Title: :imgur-title:`a/V76cJ`;\nDescription: :imgur-description:`a/VMlM6`;\n')
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'two', 'Title: :imgur-title:`611EovQ`;\nDescription: :imgur-description:`2QcXR3R`;\n')
    html = tmpdir_module.join('html')
    result, stderr = pytest.build_isolated(docs, html, httpretty_common_mock)[::2]

    assert result == 0
    assert not stderr
    assert html.join('contents.html').check()

    contents = html.join('one.html').read()
    assert 'Title: 2010 JSW, 2012 Projects;' in contents
    assert 'Description: Screenshots of my various devices.;' in contents
    contents = html.join('two.html').read()
    assert 'Title: Work, June 1st, 2016: Uber;' in contents
    assert 'Description: None;' in contents
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_target(tmpdir, docs, httpretty_common_mock, set_conf):
    """Test combination of "target" and directive options.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param docs: conftest fixture.
    :param httpretty_common_mock: conftest fixture.
    :param str set_conf: Set config setting.
    if set_conf:
        docs.join('').write('imgur_target_default_{} = True\n'.format(set_conf), mode='a')

    pytest.add_page(docs, 'no_gallery', (
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n    :target:\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :target:\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :target_gallery: true\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :target_largest: true\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :target_page: true\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n\nSEP\n\n'
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'gallery_image', (
        '.. imgur-image:: zXVtETZ\n    :target:\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: zXVtETZ\n    :target_gallery: true\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: zXVtETZ\n    :target_largest: true\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: zXVtETZ\n    :target_page: true\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: zXVtETZ\n\nSEP\n\n'
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'gallery_album', (
        '.. imgur-image:: a/ePSyN\n    :target:\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: a/ePSyN\n    :target_gallery: true\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: a/ePSyN\n    :target_page: true\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: a/ePSyN\n\nSEP\n\n'
    html = tmpdir.join('html')
    result, stderr = pytest.build_isolated(docs, html, httpretty_common_mock)[::2]

    assert result == 0
    assert not stderr

    img_i = '<img alt="_images/611EovQ.jpg" src="_images/611EovQ.jpg" />'
    img = '<img alt="Work, June 1st, 2016: Uber" src="//">'
    dat = [c.strip() for c in html.join('no_gallery.html').read().split('<p>SEP</p>')[1:-1]]
    assert dat[0] == '<a class="reference external image-reference" href="">%s</a>' % img_i
    assert dat[1] == '<a class="reference external image-reference" href="">%s</a>' % img
    assert dat[2] == img  # No link since this isn't in gallery.
    assert dat[3] == '<a class="reference external image-reference" href="//">%s</a>' % img
    assert dat[4] == '<a class="reference external image-reference" href="//">%s</a>' % img
    if set_conf == 'largest':
        assert dat[5] == '<a class="reference external image-reference" href="//">%s</a>' % img
    elif set_conf == 'page':
        assert dat[5] == '<a class="reference external image-reference" href="//">%s</a>' % img
        assert dat[5] == img  # No link.

    img = '<img alt="Blow me a kiss!" src="//">'
    dat = [c.strip() for c in html.join('gallery_image.html').read().split('<p>SEP</p>')[1:-1]]
    assert dat[0] == '<a class="reference external image-reference" href="">%s</a>' % img
    assert dat[1] == '<a class="reference external image-reference" href="//">%s</a>' % img
    assert dat[2] == '<a class="reference external image-reference" href="//">%s</a>' % img
    assert dat[3] == '<a class="reference external image-reference" href="//">%s</a>' % img
    if set_conf == 'largest':
        assert dat[4] == '<a class="reference external image-reference" href="//">%s</a>' % img
    elif set_conf == 'page':
        assert dat[4] == '<a class="reference external image-reference" href="//">%s</a>' % img
    elif set_conf == 'gallery':
        assert dat[4] == '<a class="reference external image-reference" href="//">%s</a>' % img
        assert dat[4] == img

    img = '<img alt="Rack Cabinet" src="//">'
    dat = [c.strip() for c in html.join('gallery_album.html').read().split('<p>SEP</p>')[1:-1]]
    assert dat[0] == '<a class="reference external image-reference" href="">%s</a>' % img
    assert dat[1] == '<a class="reference external image-reference" href="//">%s</a>' % img
    assert dat[2] == '<a class="reference external image-reference" href="//">%s</a>' % img
    if set_conf == 'page':
        assert dat[3] == '<a class="reference external image-reference" href="//">%s</a>' % img
    elif set_conf == 'gallery':
        assert dat[3] == '<a class="reference external image-reference" href="//">%s</a>' % img
        assert dat[3] == img
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_parallel(tmpdir, docs, httpretty_common_mock):
    """Run sphinx-build with -j option.

    :param py.path.local tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param py.path.local docs: conftest fixture.
    :param dict httpretty_common_mock: conftest fixture.
    html = tmpdir.join('html')

    # Add pages to build in parallel.
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'one', 'Title: :imgur-title:`a/V76cJ`;\nDescription: :imgur-description:`a/VMlM6`;\n')
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'two', 'Title: :imgur-title:`611EovQ`;\nDescription: :imgur-description:`2QcXR3R`;\n')
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'three', 'Title: :imgur-title:`hiX02`;\n')
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'four', 'Title: :imgur-title:`Pwx1G5j`;\n')
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'five', 'Title: :imgur-title:`mGQBV`;\n')
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'six', 'Title: :imgur-title:`pc8hc`;\n')
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'seven', 'Title: :imgur-title:`ojGG7`;\n')
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'eight', 'Title: :imgur-title:`Hqw7KHM`;\n')

    # Add empty pages to test event_env_merge_info() if statement.
    for i in range(8):
        pytest.add_page(docs, 'ignore{}'.format(i), 'Hello World\n')

    # Run.
    result, stdout, stderr = pytest.build_isolated(docs, html, httpretty_common_mock, ('-j', '4'))

    # Verify return code and console output.
    assert result == 0
    assert not stderr
    actual = sorted(re.compile(r'^querying http.+$', re.MULTILINE).findall(stdout))
    expected = [
    assert actual == expected

    # Verify HTML contents.
    contents = html.join('one.html').read()
    assert 'Title: 2010 JSW, 2012 Projects;' in contents
    assert 'Description: Screenshots of my various devices.;' in contents
    contents = html.join('two.html').read()
    assert 'Title: Work, June 1st, 2016: Uber;' in contents
    assert 'Description: None;' in contents
    contents = html.join('three.html').read()
    assert 'Title: None;' in contents
    contents = html.join('four.html').read()
    assert 'Title: None;' in contents
    contents = html.join('five.html').read()
    assert 'Title: Wireless Charging 1: Testing;' in contents
    contents = html.join('six.html').read()
    assert 'Title: Wireless Charging 2: Testing Closeup;' in contents
    contents = html.join('seven.html').read()
    assert 'Title: Wireless Charging 3: Works;' in contents
    contents = html.join('eight.html').read()
    assert 'Title: None;' in contents

    # Verify pickled environment.
    handle = html.join('.doctrees', 'environment.pickle').open(mode='rb')
    env = pickle.load(handle)
    actual = sorted(env.imgur_album_cache)
    assert actual == ['V76cJ', 'VMlM6']
    actual = sorted(env.imgur_image_cache)
    assert actual == ['2QcXR3R', '611EovQ', 'Hqw7KHM', 'Pwx1G5j', 'hiX02', 'mGQBV', 'ojGG7', 'pc8hc']
    assert env.imgur_image_cache['2QcXR3R'].title is None
    assert env.imgur_image_cache['611EovQ'].title == 'Work, June 1st, 2016: Uber'
    assert env.imgur_image_cache['Hqw7KHM'].title is None
    assert env.imgur_image_cache['Pwx1G5j'].title is None
    assert env.imgur_album_cache['V76cJ'].title == '2010 JSW, 2012 Projects'
    assert env.imgur_album_cache['VMlM6'].title == 'Screenshots'
    assert env.imgur_image_cache['hiX02'].title is None
    assert env.imgur_image_cache['mGQBV'].title == 'Wireless Charging 1: Testing'
    assert env.imgur_image_cache['ojGG7'].title == 'Wireless Charging 3: Works'
    assert env.imgur_image_cache['pc8hc'].title == 'Wireless Charging 2: Testing Closeup'
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_missing_api_data(tmpdir, docs):
    """Test handling of missing data in the cache. Will behave like the built-in image directive with external URLs.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param docs: conftest fixture.
    httpretty_mock = {
        API_URL.format(type='album', id='imgur0id'): '{}',
        API_URL.format(type='image', id='imgur0id'): '{}',
    for url, body in httpretty_mock.items():
        httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, url, body=body)

    pytest.add_page(docs, 'no_scale', (
        '.. image::\n    :width: 300px\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: imgur0id\n    :width: 300px\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. image::\n    :width: 30%\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: imgur0id\n    :width: 30%\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. image::\n    :height: 300px\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: imgur0id\n    :height: 300px\n\nSEP\n\n'
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'scale', (
        '.. image::\n    :scale: 25%\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: imgur0id\n    :scale: 25%\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. image::\n    :width: 300px\n    :scale: 25%\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: imgur0id\n    :width: 300px\n    :scale: 25%\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. image::\n    :width: 30%\n    :scale: 25%\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: imgur0id\n    :width: 30%\n    :scale: 25%\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. image::\n    :height: 300px\n    :scale: 25%\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: imgur0id\n    :height: 300px\n    :scale: 25%\n\nSEP\n\n'
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'album', (
        '.. imgur-image:: a/imgur0id\n\nSEP\n\n'
    html = tmpdir.join('html')
    result, stderr = pytest.build_isolated(docs, html, httpretty_mock)[::2]

    assert result == 0
    lines = [l.split('WARNING: ')[-1].strip() for l in stderr.splitlines()]
    expected = [
        'query unsuccessful from no "data" key in JSON',
        'query unsuccessful from no "data" key in JSON',
        'nonlocal image URI found:',
        'nonlocal image URI found:',
        'nonlocal image URI found:',
        'nonlocal image URI found:',
        'nonlocal image URI found:',
        'nonlocal image URI found:',
        'nonlocal image URI found:',
        'Album cover Imgur ID for imgur0id not available in local cache.',
        'Could not obtain image size. :scale: option is ignored.',
        'Could not obtain image height. :scale: option is partially ignored.',
        'Could not obtain image height. :scale: option is partially ignored.',
        'Could not obtain image width. :scale: option is partially ignored.',
        'Could not obtain image size. :scale: option is ignored.',
        'Could not obtain image size. :scale: option is ignored.',
        'Could not obtain image size. :scale: option is ignored.',
        'Could not obtain image size. :scale: option is ignored.',
    assert lines == expected

    href_i = ('<a class="reference internal image-reference" href="">'
              '<img alt="" %s /></a>')
    href = ('<a class="reference external image-reference" href="//">'
            '<img alt="" %s></a>')
    contents = [c.strip() for c in html.join('no_scale.html').read().split('<p>SEP</p>')[1:-1]]
    assert contents[0] == href_i % 'src="" style="width: 300px;"'
    assert contents[1] == href % 'src="//" style="width: 300px"'
    assert contents[2] == href_i % 'src="" style="width: 30%;"'
    assert contents[3] == href % 'src="//" style="width: 30%"'
    assert contents[4] == href_i % 'src="" style="height: 300px;"'
    assert contents[5] == href % 'src="//" style="height: 300px"'

    contents = [c.strip() for c in html.join('scale.html').read().split('<p>SEP</p>')[1:-1]]
    assert contents[0] == href_i % 'src=""'
    assert contents[1] == href % 'src="//"'
    assert contents[2] == href_i % 'src="" style="width: 75.0px;"'
    assert contents[3] == href % 'src="//" style="width: 75px"'
    assert contents[4] == href_i % 'src="" style="width: 7.5%;"'
    assert contents[5] == href % 'src="//" style="width: 7%"'
    assert contents[6] == href_i % 'src="" style="height: 75.0px;"'
    assert contents[7] == href % 'src="//" style="height: 75px"'

    contents = [c.strip() for c in html.join('album.html').read().split('<p>SEP</p>')[1:-1]]
    assert contents == ['']
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_width(tmpdir, docs, httpretty_common_mock, set_conf):
    """Test width option.

    :param tmpdir: pytest fixture.
    :param docs: conftest fixture.
    :param httpretty_common_mock: conftest fixture.
    :param str set_conf: Set config setting.
    if set_conf:
        docs.join('').write('imgur_target_default_{} = True\n'.format(set_conf), mode='a')

    pytest.add_page(docs, 'unsupported_units', (
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n    :width: 300em\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :width: 300em\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n    :height: 300em\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :height: 300em\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n    :width: 300em\n    :height: 300em\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :width: 300em\n    :height: 300em\n\nSEP\n\n'
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'no_mix', (
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n    :width: 300px\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :width: 300px\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n    :width: 15%\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :width: 15%\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n    :width: 160\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :width: 160\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n    :height: 200px\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :height: 200px\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n    :height: 110\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :height: 110\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n    :scale: 50%\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :scale: 50%\n\nSEP\n\n'
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'no_target_mix', (
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n    :width: 300px\n    :height: 300px\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :width: 300px\n    :height: 300px\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n    :width: 300px\n    :scale: 50%\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :width: 300px\n    :scale: 50%\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n    :width: 50%\n    :scale: 50%\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :width: 50%\n    :scale: 50%\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n    :height: 300px\n    :scale: 50%\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :height: 300px\n    :scale: 50%\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n    :width: 300px\n    :height: 300px\n    :scale: 50%\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: 611EovQ\n    :width: 300px\n    :height: 300px\n    :scale: 50%\n\nSEP\n\n'
    pytest.add_page(docs, 'target_mix', (
        '.. image:: 611EovQ.jpg\n    :width: 50%\n    :target:\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: zXVtETZ\n    :width: 50%\n    :target:\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: zXVtETZ\n    :width: 50%\n    :target_gallery: true\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: zXVtETZ\n    :width: 50%\n    :target_largest: true\n\nSEP\n\n'
        '.. imgur-image:: zXVtETZ\n    :width: 50%\n    :target_page: true\n\nSEP\n\n'
    html = tmpdir.join('html')
    result, stderr = pytest.build_isolated(docs, html, httpretty_common_mock)[::2]

    assert result == 0
    assert not stderr

    href_i = ('<a class="reference internal image-reference" href="_images/611EovQ.jpg">'
              '<img alt="_images/611EovQ.jpg" %s /></a>')
    if set_conf and set_conf != 'gallery':
        url = '//' if set_conf == 'page' else '//'
        href = ('<a class="reference external image-reference" href="{}">'
                '<img alt="Work, June 1st, 2016: Uber" %s></a>').format(url)
        href = ('<a class="reference external image-reference" href="//">'
                '<img alt="Work, June 1st, 2016: Uber" %s></a>')

    contents = [c.strip() for c in html.join('unsupported_units.html').read().split('<p>SEP</p>')[1:-1]]
    assert contents[0] == href_i % 'src="_images/611EovQ.jpg" style="width: 300em;"'
    assert contents[1] == href % 'src="//" style="width: 300em"'
    assert contents[2] == href_i % 'src="_images/611EovQ.jpg" style="height: 300em;"'
    assert contents[3] == href % 'src="//" style="height: 300em"'
    assert contents[4] == href_i % 'src="_images/611EovQ.jpg" style="width: 300em; height: 300em;"'
    assert contents[5] == href % 'src="//" style="width: 300em; height: 300em"'

    contents = [c.strip() for c in html.join('no_mix.html').read().split('<p>SEP</p>')[1:-1]]
    assert contents[0] == href_i % 'src="_images/611EovQ.jpg" style="width: 300px;"'
    assert contents[1] == href % 'src="//" style="width: 300px"'
    assert contents[2] == href_i % 'src="_images/611EovQ.jpg" style="width: 15%;"'
    assert contents[3] == href % 'src="//" style="width: 15%"'
    assert contents[4] == href_i % 'src="_images/611EovQ.jpg" style="width: 160px;"'
    assert contents[5] == href % 'src="//" style="width: 160px"'
    assert contents[6] == href_i % 'src="_images/611EovQ.jpg" style="height: 200px;"'
    assert contents[7] == href % 'src="//" style="height: 200px"'
    assert contents[8] == href_i % 'src="_images/611EovQ.jpg" style="height: 110px;"'
    assert contents[9] == href % 'src="//" style="height: 110px"'
    assert contents[10] == href_i % 'src="_images/611EovQ.jpg" style="width: 2000.0px; height: 1496.0px;"'
    assert contents[11] == href % 'src="//" style="width: 2000px; height: 1496px"'

    contents = [c.strip() for c in html.join('no_target_mix.html').read().split('<p>SEP</p>')[1:-1]]
    assert contents[0] == href_i % 'src="_images/611EovQ.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"'
    assert contents[1] == href % 'src="//" style="width: 300px; height: 300px"'
    assert contents[2] == href_i % 'src="_images/611EovQ.jpg" style="width: 150.0px; height: 1496.0px;"'
    assert contents[3] == href % 'src="//" style="width: 150px; height: 1496px"'
    assert contents[4] == href_i % 'src="_images/611EovQ.jpg" style="width: 25.0%; height: 1496.0px;"'
    assert contents[5] == href % 'src="//" style="width: 25%; height: 1496px"'
    assert contents[6] == href_i % 'src="_images/611EovQ.jpg" style="width: 2000.0px; height: 150.0px;"'
    assert contents[7] == href % 'src="//" style="width: 2000px; height: 150px"'
    assert contents[8] == href_i % 'src="_images/611EovQ.jpg" style="width: 150.0px; height: 150.0px;"'
    assert contents[9] == href % 'src="//" style="width: 150px; height: 150px"'

    href_i = ('<a class="reference external image-reference" href="%s">'
              '<img alt="_images/611EovQ.jpg" src="_images/611EovQ.jpg" style="width: 50%%;" /></a>')
    href = ('<a class="reference external image-reference" href="%s">'
            '<img alt="Blow me a kiss!" src="//" style="width: 50%%"></a>')
    contents = [c.strip() for c in html.join('target_mix.html').read().split('<p>SEP</p>')[1:-1]]
    assert contents[0] == href_i % ''
    assert contents[1] == href % ''
    assert contents[2] == href % '//'
    assert contents[3] == href % '//'
    assert contents[4] == href % '//'

    # Verify newlines.
    contents = html.join('target_mix.html').read()
    expected = '\n' + (href % '') + '\n'
    assert expected in contents