def test_cart_product_pytest():

    # simple
    names_lst, values = cart_product_pytest(('a', 'b'), ([True], [1, 2]))
    assert names_lst == ['a', 'b']
    assert values == [(True, 1), (True, 2)]

    # multi
    names_lst, values = cart_product_pytest(('a,b', 'c'),
                                            ([(True, 1)], [1, 2]))
    assert names_lst == ['a', 'b', 'c']
    assert values == [(True, 1, 1), (True, 1, 2)]

    # marks
    names_lst, values = cart_product_pytest(('a,b', 'c'),
                                            ([(True, 1)], [skip(1), 2]))
    assert names_lst == ['a', 'b', 'c']
    assert get_marked_parameter_values(values[0]) == (True, 1, 1)
    assert values[1] == (True, 1, 2)

    # lazy values
    def get_tuple():
        return 3, 4

    names_lst, values = cart_product_pytest(
        ('a', 'b,c'), ([True], [lazy_value(get_tuple, marks=skip), (1, 2)]))
    assert names_lst == ['a', 'b', 'c']
    assert values[0][0] is True
    assert is_lazy(values[0][1])
    assert is_lazy(values[0][2])
    assert values[0][1].get_id() == 'get_tuple[0]'
    assert values[0][2].get_id() == 'get_tuple[1]'
    assert values[1] == (True, 1, 2)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_value_ref():
    Tests that our hack for lazy_value works: for old versions of pytest, we make it a subclass
    of int so that pytest id generator (`_idval`) calls "str" on it. For pytest >= 5.3.0 we do not need this hack
    as overriding __name__ is enough.
    def foo():

    a = lazy_value(foo)

    assert mini_idval(a, 'a', 1) == 'foo'
    assert 'lazy_value' in repr(a)
def test_lv_tuple_clone():
    """ Test that the internal API allows other plugins such as pytest-harvest to easily clone a lazy value without
    inheriting from the hack int base (this test is for tuple """
    def foo():
        return 1, 2

    lvt = lazy_value(foo, id="hi", marks=pytest.mark.skip).as_lazy_tuple(2)

    for i, lv in enumerate(lvt):
        assert str(lv) == "hi[%s]" % i
        assert repr(lv).startswith("LazyTupleItem(item=%s, tuple=LazyValue(valuegetter=<function" % i)

        if pytest53:
            assert not isinstance(lv, int)
            lv2 = lv.clone()
            assert lv == lv2
            assert not isinstance(lv2, int)
            assert isinstance(lv, int)
            lv2 = lv.clone(remove_int_base=True)
            assert lv == lv2
            assert not isinstance(lv2, int)
def test_lv_clone():
    """ Test that the internal API allows other plugins such as pytest-harvest to easily clone a lazy value without
    inheriting from the hack int base"""
    def foo():
        return 1

    lv = lazy_value(foo, id="hi", marks=pytest.mark.skip)

    assert str(lv) == "hi"
    assert repr(lv).startswith("LazyValue(valuegetter=<function")
    assert ">, _id='hi'," in repr(lv)
    assert "'skip'" in repr(lv)

    if pytest53:
        assert not isinstance(lv, int)
        lv2 = lv.clone()
        assert lv == lv2
        assert not isinstance(lv2, int)
        assert isinstance(lv, int)
        lv2 = lv.clone(remove_int_base=True)
        assert lv == lv2
        assert not isinstance(lv2, int)
pytest2 = LooseVersion(pytest.__version__) < LooseVersion("3.0.0")

def b():
    return 1, "hello"

def foo():
    return ["r", 1]

        # fixture_ref(b)
def test_foo(a):
    """a single lazy value"""
    assert a in (["r", 1], (1, "hello"))

        # fixture_ref(b)
def test_foo2(i, j):
    """a lazy value used as a tuple containing several args"""
    return 1, 2

@pytest.mark.skipif(not has_pytest_param, reason="well")
def val_skipped_on_old_pytest():
    return "what"

def val():
    return 1

if not has_pytest_param:

    @parametrize("a", [
        lazy_value(val, id='A')
    def test_foo_single(a):
        """here the fixture is used for both parameters at the same time"""
        assert a == 1

    @parametrize("a,b", [lazy_value(valtuple), (1, lazy_value(val))])
    def test_foo_multi(a, b):
        """here the fixture is used for both parameters at the same time"""
        assert (a, b) == (1, 2) or (a, b) == (1, 1)

    def test_synthesis(module_results_dct):
        assert list(module_results_dct) == [
from pytest_cases import parametrize_with_cases, lazy_value, parametrize
from pytest_cases.common_pytest_marks import has_pytest_param

def case_dumb():
    return 1, 2

@parametrize("a,b", [(1, object()), lazy_value(case_dumb)])
def test_foo(a, b):

@parametrize_with_cases('a,b', cases='.')
def test_tuples_no_id(a, b):
    assert True

# --------- now we do the same with an id generator

@parametrize("a,b", [(1, object()), lazy_value(case_dumb)],
             ids=["hello", "world"])
def test_foo2(a, b):

def generate_id(o):
    return "hello"

# License: 3-clause BSD, <>
import pytest

from pytest_cases import parametrize_plus, lazy_value, fixture_plus, fixture_ref

def valtuple():
    return 1, 2

def val():
    return 1

@parametrize_plus("i", [lazy_value(val), 11])
def tfix(i):
    return i, i+2

@parametrize_plus("i", [5, lazy_value(val)])
def vfix(i):
    return -i

flag = False

def valtuple_toskip():
    return 15, 2
from pytest_cases import parametrize_plus, lazy_value, fixture_plus, fixture_ref

@parametrize_plus("i", [5, 7])
def bfix(i):
    return -i

def val():
    return 1

has_pytest_param = hasattr(pytest, 'param')
if not has_pytest_param:
    @parametrize_plus("a", [lazy_value(val),
                            lazy_value(val, id='A')])
    def test_foo_single(a):
        """here the fixture is used for both parameters at the same time"""
        assert a in (1, -5, -7)

    def test_synthesis2(module_results_dct):
        assert list(module_results_dct) == ['test_foo_single[a_is_val]',

#          + All contributors to <>
# License: 3-clause BSD, <>
from pytest_cases import fixture, get_current_cases, parametrize, lazy_value, fixture_ref, parametrize_with_cases

def foo():
    return 1, 2

def foo_fix():
    return 3, 4

@parametrize("a", [1, lazy_value(foo)])
@parametrize("a1,a2", [(1, 2), lazy_value(foo)])
    [(1, 2), lazy_value(foo), foo_fix, (foo_fix, foo_fix), (3, 4)],
def test_foo(a, a1, a2, b1, b2, current_cases, request):
    assert current_cases == {}
    assert get_current_cases(request) == {}

# ----------- fix for issue 213

@parametrize(name=("bar", ))
def case_foo2(name):
from distutils.version import LooseVersion

import pytest

from pytest_cases import parametrize, lazy_value, fixture, is_lazy

def x():
    return []

@parametrize("y", [0, 1])
@parametrize("x", [lazy_value(x)])
    LooseVersion(pytest.__version__) < LooseVersion('3.0.0'),
    reason="request.getfixturevalue is not available in pytest 2")
def test_foo(x, y, my_cache_verifier):
    print(x, y)
    # make sure the cache works correctly: different requests trigger different calls
    assert x == ['added_by_fixture']

def my_cache_verifier(request):
    x = request.getfixturevalue('x')
    assert is_lazy(x)
    x = x.get(request)
    x = request.getfixturevalue('x')
def test_value_ref():
    Tests that our hack for lazy_value works: for old versions of pytest, we make it a subclass
    of int so that pytest id generator (`_idval`) calls "str" on it. For pytest >= 5.3.0 we do not need this hack
    as overriding __name__ is enough.
    global _called

    def foo():
        global _called
        _called += 1
        return 1, 2

    a = lazy_value(foo)

    # test that ids will be correctly generated even on old pytest
    assert mini_idval(a, 'a', 1) == 'foo'
    assert 'LazyValue' in repr(a)

    # test that that calls work and the cache works even across copies
    class FakeRequest:
        class FakeNode:
        def __init__(self):
            self.node = FakeRequest.FakeNode()

    fake_request = FakeRequest()
    assert a.get(fake_request) == (1, 2)
    assert a.get(fake_request) == (1, 2)
    assert _called == 1
    assert LazyValue.copy_from(a).get(fake_request) == (1, 2)
    assert _called == 1
    fake_request2 = FakeRequest()
    assert a.get(fake_request2) == (1, 2)
    assert _called == 2
    assert LazyValue.copy_from(a).get(fake_request2) == (1, 2)
    assert _called == 2
    # reset cache context and counter for next steps
    _called = 1

    # now do the same test for lazy values used as a tuple of parameters
    new_lv = lazy_value(foo)
    assert not new_lv.has_cached_value()
    assert a.has_cached_value()

    for src in new_lv, a:
        # set the counter according to the state of the cache
        _called = 0 if not src.has_cached_value() else 1
        at = src.as_lazy_tuple(2)

        # test when the tuple is unpacked into several parameters
        if not at.has_cached_value():
            for i, a in enumerate(at):
                # test that ids will be correctly generated even on old pytest
                assert mini_idval(a, 'a', 1) == 'foo[%s]' % i
                assert ('LazyTupleItem(item=%s' % i) in repr(a)
            # this does not happen in real usage but in case a plugin messes with this
            assert tuple(at) == (1, 2)

        # test when the tuple is not unpacked -
        # note: this is not supposed to happen when @parametrize decorates a test function,
        # it only happens when @parametrize decorates a fixture - indeed in that case we generate the whole id ourselves
        assert str(at) == 'foo'

        # assert that calls work and the cache works even across copies
        assert at.get(fake_request) == (1, 2)
        assert at.get(fake_request) == (1, 2)
        assert _called == 1
        assert LazyTuple.copy_from(at).get(fake_request) == (1, 2)
        assert _called == 1

        assert at.get(fake_request2) == (1, 2)
        assert LazyTuple.copy_from(at).get(fake_request2) == (1, 2)
        assert _called == 2

        # test that retrieving the tuple does not loose the id
        assert str(at) == 'foo'
        assert at.has_cached_value()
Exemplo n.º 13
from random import random

import pytest

from pytest_cases import lazy_value

database = [random() for i in range(10)]

def get_param(i):
    return database[i]

def make_param_getter(i, use_partial=True):
    if use_partial:
        return partial(get_param, i)

        def _get_param():
            return database[i]

        return _get_param

many_parameters = (make_param_getter(i) for i in range(10))

@pytest.mark.parametrize('a', [lazy_value(f) for f in many_parameters])
def test_foo(a):
Exemplo n.º 14
@parametrize("i", [5, 7])
def bfix(i):
    return -i

def val():
    return 1

has_pytest_param = hasattr(pytest, 'param')
if not has_pytest_param:

                  lazy_value(val, id='A')])
    def test_foo_single(a):
        """here the fixture is used for both parameters at the same time"""
        assert a in (1, -5, -7)

    def test_synthesis2(module_results_dct):
        assert list(module_results_dct) == [

# License: 3-clause BSD, <>
import pytest
from pytest_cases import parametrize_plus, fixture_plus, fixture_ref, lazy_value

def world_str():
    return 'world'

def whatfun():
    return 'what'

@parametrize_plus('who', [fixture_ref(world_str), 'you'])
def greetings(who):
    return 'hello ' + who

@parametrize_plus('main_msg', [
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ending', ['?', '!'])
def test_prints(main_msg, ending):
    print(main_msg + ending)
Exemplo n.º 16
    return 15, 2

def valtuple_only_right_when_lazy():
    global flag
    if flag:
        return 0, -1
        raise ValueError("not yet ready ! you should call me later ")

has_pytest_param = hasattr(pytest, 'param')
if not has_pytest_param:

    @parametrize("a,b", [
        lazy_value(valtuple, id='A'),
        (fixture_ref(vfix), lazy_value(val)),
        (lazy_value(val, id='B'), fixture_ref(vfix)),
        (fixture_ref(vfix), fixture_ref(vfix)),
    def test_foo_multi(a, b):
        """here the fixture is used for both parameters at the same time"""
        global flag
        flag = True
        assert (a, b) in ((1, 2), (1, 1), (13, 15), (11, 13), (-5, 1), (-7, 1),
                          (1, -5), (1, -7), (-5, -5), (-7, -7))

    def test_synthesis2(module_results_dct):
Exemplo n.º 17
def fixtuple():
    return 1, 2

def foo():
    return 2

def footuple():
    return 3, 4

@test_steps("step1", "step2")
@parametrize("b,c", [fixtuple, lazy_value(footuple)])
@parametrize(a=[fix, lazy_value(foo)])
def test_steps_and_cases(a, b, c):

    print("step 1")
    assert a in (1, 2)
    assert (b, c) in ((1, 2), (3, 4))

    print("step 2")
    assert a in (1, 2)
    assert (b, c) in ((1, 2), (3, 4))

@test_steps("step1", "step2")