Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_no_shared_resources(
        self, mockiifpres, client, document, source, fragment, join
        # a list object initialized once in iiif_utils.base_annotation_list
        # was getting reused, resulting in annotations being aggregated
        # and kept every time annotation lists were generated

        # test to confirm the fix

        # remove iiif url from fragment fixture
        fragment.iiif_url = ""
        # add a footnote with transcription content to document
            content={"html": "here is my transcription text"},
        # and another to the join document
            content={"html": "here is completely different transcription text"},
        # request once for document
        client.get(reverse(self.view_name, args=[document.pk]))
        # then request for join doc
        response = client.get(reverse(self.view_name, args=[join.pk]))

        assertNotContains(response, "here is my transcription text")
        assertContains(response, "completely different transcription text")
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_speakers_list_gone(client):
    response = client.get("/people/speakers/")
    assert response.status_code == 410
    assertContains(response, "410", status_code=410)
    assertContains(response, "That page isn't here anymore.", status_code=410)
    assertNotContains(response, "404", status_code=410)
    assertNotContains(response, "can't seem to find", status_code=410)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_source_title(self, client, document, twoauthor_source):
     """Document scholarship template should show source titles if present"""
     response = client.get(
         reverse("corpus:document-scholarship", args=[document.pk]))
     assertContains(response, "<em>The C Programming Language</em>")
     twoauthor_source.title = ""
     response = client.get(
         reverse("corpus:document-scholarship", args=[document.pk]))
     assertNotContains(response, "<em>The C Programming Language</em>")
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_blog_list_contains_2(rf):
    assert Post.objects.count() == 0
    post1 = PostFactory(category=Post.Category.GENERAL)
    post2 = PostFactory(category=Post.Category.GENERAL)
    post3 = PostFactory(category=Post.Category.TECH)
    assert Post.objects.count() == 3

    request = rf.get(reverse('blog:list'))
    response = PostListView.as_view()(request)

    assertContains(response, post1.title)
    assertContains(response, post2.title)
    assertNotContains(response, post3.title)
def test_no_edit_event_button_anonymous_user(client, base_event):
    """If the user is logged in, the edit-event button should
    appear. (note this will fail once we establish roles only users who
    can edit should be able to see the vent button).

    url = reverse("stocking:stocking-event-detail",
                  kwargs={"stock_id": base_event.stock_id})
    response = client.get(url)

    edit_url = reverse("stocking:edit-stocking-event",
                       kwargs={"stock_id": base_event.stock_id})
    assertNotContains(response, edit_url, html=True)
def test_no_cwt_panel_without_cwts_appears(client, base_event):
    """If the stocking event does not have any cwts, the additional html
    elements should not be incuded in the response.


    url = reverse("stocking:stocking-event-detail",
                  kwargs={"stock_id": base_event.stock_id})
    response = client.get(url)

    not_expected = "<h5>Coded Wire Tags</h5>"

    assertNotContains(response, not_expected, html=True)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_cwt_list_filters(client, reused_cwt_stocking_events, filter, expected,
                          excluded, prefetch):
    """Verify that the the cwt sequence filters behave as expected. This
    test is parmeterized to accept a series of four element tuples - the
    filter to be applied, the excepted list of cwts numbers, a list of cwt
    numbers that should not be returned, and an optional string specifying
    a prefetch_related to pass to the queryset.

    Several of the cwts in the supplied fixture have been
    re-used. These tests verify that filters applied to events with
    re-used tags, returns the correct events using the stock_id and
    (not other events that used the same cwt tag number but do not
    meet the filtered criteria).


    url = reverse("stocking:cwt-list")

    response = client.get(url, filter)
    assert response.status_code == 200

    # ensure that the filter buttons are added as well as links to the cwt
    # detail page for each of the expected cwt should be in the
    # response.

    # skip the buttons if the filters are both 'first_year' and 'last_year'
    # the urls are more complicated than we are testing here:

    if not set(filter.keys()) == {"first_year", "last_year"}:

        button_html = (
            '<a href="/stocking/cwts/" class="mini ui icon {2} button">'
            '{0} = {1}<i class="times icon"></i></a>')

        # we need to fill the html with the correct colour, key, and value:
        for key, val in filter.items():
            colour = filter_colour(key)
            html = button_html.format(key, val, colour)
            assertContains(response, html, html=True)

    html = '<tr id="{}">'

    # verify that the correct stock ID numbers are returned - can't
    # use cwt because they are confounded if cwts are re-used.
    for value in expected:
        assertContains(response, html.format(value))

    for value in excluded:
        assertNotContains(response, html.format(value))
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_download_transcription_link_anonymous(self, client, document,
     edition = Footnote.objects.create(
             "html": "some transcription text",
             "text": "some transcription text",
     response = client.get(document.get_absolute_url())
     # typed text fixture authored by Goitein
     # should not be available to anonymous users (suppressed for now)
     assertNotContains(response, "Download Goitein's edition")