Exemplo n.º 1
def generate_cloud(img_name, exp_name, x, y, w, h, height_map,
        img_name: name of the dataset, located in the 'pleiades_data/images'
        exp_name: string used to identify the experiment
        x, y, w, h: four integers defining the rectangular ROI in the original
            panchro image. (x, y) is the top-left corner, and (w, h) are the
            dimensions of the rectangle.
        height_map: path to the height_map, produced by the process_pair of
            process_triplet function
        reference_image_id: id (1, 2 or 3) of the image used as the reference
            image. The height map has been resampled on its grid.

    rpc = 'data/%s/%04d.png.P' % (img_name, reference_image_id)
    im = 'data/%s/%04d.png' % (img_name, reference_image_id)
    im_color = 'data/%s/%04d.png' % (img_name, reference_image_id)   
    crop   = '/tmp/%s_roi_ref%02d.tif' % (exp_name, reference_image_id)
    crop_color = '/tmp/%s_roi_color_ref%02d.tif' % (exp_name, reference_image_id)
    cloud   = '/tmp/%s_cloud.ply'  % (exp_name)

    # read the zoom value
    zoom = global_params.subsampling_factor

    # colorize, then generate point cloud
    tmp_crop = common.image_crop_TIFF(im, x, y, w, h)
    tmp_crop = common.image_safe_zoom_fft(tmp_crop, zoom)
    common.run('cp %s %s' % (tmp_crop, crop))
    A = common.matrix_translation(-x, -y)
    f = 1.0/zoom
    Z = np.diag([f, f, 1])
    A = np.dot(Z, A)
    trans = common.tmpfile('.txt')
    np.savetxt(trans, A)
#    compute_point_cloud(common.image_qauto(crop),
#            height_map, rpc, trans, cloud)
    sz = common.image_size(crop)
          common.image_crop(height_map,0,0,sz[0],sz[1]) , rpc, trans, cloud)

    # cleanup
    while common.garbage:
        common.run('rm ' + common.garbage.pop())

    print "v %s %s %s" % (crop, crop_color, height_map)
    print "meshlab %s" % (cloud)
Exemplo n.º 2
def disparity(out_dir,
    Computes a disparity map from a Pair of Pleiades images, without tiling

        out_dir: path to the output directory
        img1: path to the reference image.
        rpc1: paths to the xml file containing the rpc coefficients of the
            reference image
        img2: path to the secondary image.
        rpc2: paths to the xml file containing the rpc coefficients of the
            secondary image
        x, y, w, h: four integers defining the rectangular ROI in the reference
            image. (x, y) is the top-left corner, and (w, h) are the dimensions
            of the rectangle.
        prv1 (optional): path to a preview of the reference image
        cld_msk (optional): path to a gml file containing a cloud mask
        roi_msk (optional): path to a gml file containing a mask defining the
            area contained in the full image.

    # output files
    rect1 = '%s/rectified_ref.tif' % (out_dir)
    rect2 = '%s/rectified_sec.tif' % (out_dir)
    disp = '%s/rectified_disp.tif' % (out_dir)
    mask = '%s/rectified_mask.png' % (out_dir)
    cwid_msk = '%s/cloud_water_image_domain_mask.png' % (out_dir)
    subsampling = '%s/subsampling.txt' % (out_dir)
    pointing = '%s/pointing.txt' % out_dir
    center = '%s/center_keypts_sec.txt' % out_dir
    sift_matches = '%s/sift_matches.txt' % out_dir
    sift_matches_plot = '%s/sift_matches_plot.png' % out_dir
    H_ref = '%s/H_ref.txt' % out_dir
    H_sec = '%s/H_sec.txt' % out_dir
    disp_min_max = '%s/disp_min_max.txt' % out_dir
    config = '%s/config.json' % out_dir

    # disparity (block-matching)
    disp_min, disp_max = np.loadtxt(disp_min_max)

    if cfg['disp_min'] is not None:
        disp_min = cfg['disp_min']
    if cfg['disp_max'] is not None:
        disp_max = cfg['disp_max']
    block_matching.compute_disparity_map(rect1, rect2, disp, mask,
                                         cfg['matching_algorithm'], disp_min,

    # intersect mask with the cloud_water_image_domain mask (recomputed here to
    # get to be sampled on the epipolar grid)
    ww, hh = common.image_size(rect1)
    H1 = np.loadtxt(H_ref)
    masking.cloud_water_image_domain(cwid_msk, ww, hh, H1, rpc1, roi_msk,
        masking.intersection(mask, mask, cwid_msk)
        masking.erosion(mask, mask, cfg['msk_erosion'])
    except OSError:
        print "file %s not produced" % mask
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(img_name=None, exp_name=None, x=None, y=None, w=None, h=None,
    reference_image_id=1, secondary_image_id=2):

    # input files
    im1 = 'data/%s/%04d.png' % (img_name, reference_image_id)
    im2 = 'data/%s/%04d.png' % (img_name, secondary_image_id)
    rpc1 = 'data/%s/%04d.png.P' % (img_name, reference_image_id)
    rpc2 = 'data/%s/%04d.png.P' % (img_name, secondary_image_id)
    im1_color = 'data/%s/%04d.png' % (img_name, reference_image_id)   
    prev1 = 'data/%s/%04d.png' % (img_name, reference_image_id)  ### GF: all the same image 
    pointing = 'data/%s/pointing_correction_%02d_%02d.txt' % (img_name, reference_image_id, secondary_image_id)

    # output files
    rect1 = '/tmp/%s%d.tif' % (exp_name, reference_image_id)
    rect2 = '/tmp/%s%d.tif' % (exp_name, secondary_image_id)
    hom1  = '/tmp/%s_hom%d.txt' % (exp_name, reference_image_id)
    hom2  = '/tmp/%s_hom%d.txt' % (exp_name, secondary_image_id)
    outrpc1 = '/tmp/%s_rpc%d.xml' % (exp_name, reference_image_id)
    outrpc2 = '/tmp/%s_rpc%d.xml' % (exp_name, secondary_image_id)
    crop1_color = '/tmp/%s%d_color.tif' % (exp_name, reference_image_id)
    disp    = '/tmp/%s_disp.pgm'   % (exp_name)
    mask    = '/tmp/%s_mask.png'   % (exp_name)
    cloud   = '/tmp/%s_cloud.ply'  % (exp_name)
    height  = '/tmp/%s_height.tif' % (exp_name)
    rpc_err = '/tmp/%s_rpc_err.tif'% (exp_name)
    height_unrect  = '/tmp/%s_height_unrect.tif' % (exp_name)
    mask_unrect    = '/tmp/%s_mask_unrect.png'   % (exp_name)
    subsampling_file = '/tmp/%s_subsampling.txt' % (exp_name)

    Launches the s2p stereo pipeline on a pair of Pleiades images
    ## 0. select ROI
        print "ROI x, y, w, h = %d, %d, %d, %d" % (x, y, w, h)
    except (NameError,TypeError):
        x,y = 0,0
        w,h = common.image_size(im1)
    #    x, y, w, h = common.get_roi_coordinates(rpc1, prev1)    ### GF: ROI IS THE WHOLE IMAGE
        print "ROI x, y, w, h = %d, %d, %d, %d" % (x, y, w, h)

    ## 0.5 copy the rpcs to the output directory, and save the subsampling factor
    from shutil import copyfile
    copyfile(rpc1, outrpc1)
    copyfile(rpc2, outrpc2)
    np.savetxt(subsampling_file, np.array([global_params.subsampling_factor]))

    # ATTENTION if subsampling_factor is set the rectified images will be
    # smaller, and the homography matrices and disparity range will reflect
    # this fact

    ## 1. rectification
    # If the pointing correction matrix is available, then use it. If not
    # proceed without correction

    H1, H2, disp_min, disp_max = rectification.rectify_pair(im1, im2, 
        rpc1,rpc2, x, y, w, h, rect1, rect2)

    # save homographies to tmp files
    np.savetxt(hom1, H1)
    np.savetxt(hom2, H2)

    ## 2. block-matching
#    block_matching.compute_disparity_map(rect1, rect2, disp, mask,
#        'hirschmuller08', disp_min, disp_max, extra_params='3')
    block_matching.compute_disparity_map(rect1, rect2, disp, mask,
        global_params.matching_algorithm, disp_min, disp_max)

    ## 3. triangulation FOR PROJECTIVE MATRICES DLT algorithm Hartley chapter 12.2 or 12.5
#    from python import disp_to_h_projective as triangulate_proj
#    triangulate_proj.compute_height_map(rpc1,rpc2,hom1,hom2,disp,mask, height, rpc_err)
    common.run("disp_to_h_projective %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (rpc1, rpc2, hom1, hom2,
        disp, mask, height, rpc_err))

        zoom = global_params.subsampling_factor
    except NameError:
        zoom = 1
    ref_crop = common.image_crop_TIFF(im1, x, y, w, h)
    triangulation.transfer_map(height, ref_crop, H1, x, y, zoom, height_unrect)
    triangulation.transfer_map(mask, ref_crop, H1, x, y, zoom, mask_unrect)

    ## 4. colorize and generate point cloud
    print (img_name, exp_name, x, y, w, h, height_unrect)
    generate_cloud(img_name, exp_name, x, y, w, h, height_unrect, reference_image_id)

    ### cleanup
    while common.garbage:
        common.run('rm ' + common.garbage.pop())
Exemplo n.º 4
def process_pair_single_tile(out_dir, img1, rpc1, img2, rpc2, x=None, y=None,
                             w=None, h=None, prv1=None, cld_msk=None,
                             roi_msk=None, A=None):
    Computes a disparity map from a Pair of Pleiades images, without tiling

        out_dir: path to the output directory
        img1: path to the reference image.
        rpc1: paths to the xml file containing the rpc coefficients of the
            reference image
        img2: path to the secondary image.
        rpc2: paths to the xml file containing the rpc coefficients of the
            secondary image
        x, y, w, h: four integers defining the rectangular ROI in the reference
            image. (x, y) is the top-left corner, and (w, h) are the dimensions
            of the rectangle.
        prv1 (optional): path to a preview of the reference image
        cld_msk (optional): path to a gml file containing a cloud mask
        roi_msk (optional): path to a gml file containing a mask defining the
            area contained in the full image.
        A (optional, default None): pointing correction matrix. If None, it
            will be estimated by this function.

    # create a directory for the experiment
    if not os.path.exists(out_dir):

    # output files
    rect1 = '%s/rectified_ref.tif' % (out_dir)
    rect2 = '%s/rectified_sec.tif' % (out_dir)
    disp = '%s/rectified_disp.tif' % (out_dir)
    mask = '%s/rectified_mask.png' % (out_dir)
    cwid_msk = '%s/cloud_water_image_domain_mask.png' % (out_dir)
    subsampling = '%s/subsampling.txt' % (out_dir)
    pointing = '%s/pointing.txt' % out_dir
    center = '%s/center_keypts_sec.txt' % out_dir
    sift_matches = '%s/sift_matches.txt' % out_dir
    sift_matches_plot = '%s/sift_matches_plot.png' % out_dir
    H_ref = '%s/H_ref.txt' % out_dir
    H_sec = '%s/H_sec.txt' % out_dir
    disp_min_max = '%s/disp_min_max.txt' % out_dir
    config = '%s/config.json' % out_dir

    # select ROI
        print "ROI x, y, w, h = %d, %d, %d, %d" % (x, y, w, h)
    except TypeError:
        if prv1:
            x, y, w, h = common.get_roi_coordinates(img1, prv1)
            print 'Neither a ROI nor a preview file are defined. Aborting.'

    # redirect stdout and stderr to log file
    if not cfg['debug']:
        fout = open('%s/stdout.log' % out_dir, 'w', 0)  # '0' for no buffering
        sys.stdout = fout
        sys.stderr = fout

    # debug print
    print 'tile %d %d running on process %s' % (x, y,

    # ensure that the coordinates of the ROI are multiples of the zoom factor
    z = cfg['subsampling_factor']
    x, y, w, h = common.round_roi_to_nearest_multiple(z, x, y, w, h)

    # check if the ROI is completely masked (water, or outside the image domain)
    H = np.array([[1, 0, -x], [0, 1, -y], [0, 0, 1]])
    if masking.cloud_water_image_domain(cwid_msk, w, h, H, rpc1, roi_msk,
        print "Tile masked by water or outside definition domain, skip"
        open("%s/this_tile_is_masked.txt" % out_dir, 'a').close()
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
        sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
        if not cfg['debug']:

    # correct pointing error
    # A is the correction matrix and m is the list of sift matches
    if A is None:
        A, m = pointing_accuracy.compute_correction(img1, rpc1, img2, rpc2, x,
                                                    y, w, h)
        if A is not None:
            np.savetxt(pointing, A)
        if m is not None:
            np.savetxt(sift_matches, m)
            np.savetxt(center, np.mean(m[:, 2:4], 0))
            visualisation.plot_matches_pleiades(img1, img2, rpc1, rpc2, m, x, y,
                                                w, h, sift_matches_plot)
        m = None

    # rectification
    H1, H2, disp_min, disp_max = rectification.rectify_pair(img1, img2, rpc1,
                                                            rpc2, x, y, w, h,
                                                            rect1, rect2, A, m)

    # block-matching
    if cfg['disp_min'] is not None:
        disp_min = cfg['disp_min']
    if cfg['disp_max'] is not None:
        disp_max = cfg['disp_max']
    block_matching.compute_disparity_map(rect1, rect2, disp, mask,
                                         cfg['matching_algorithm'], disp_min,

    # intersect mask with the cloud_water_image_domain mask (recomputed here to
    # get to be sampled on the epipolar grid)
    ww, hh = common.image_size(rect1)
    masking.cloud_water_image_domain(cwid_msk, ww, hh, H1, rpc1, roi_msk,
        masking.intersection(mask, mask, cwid_msk)
        masking.erosion(mask, mask, cfg['msk_erosion'])
    except OSError:
        print "file %s not produced" % mask

    # save the subsampling factor, the rectifying homographies and the
    # disparity bounds.
    # ATTENTION if subsampling_factor is > 1 the rectified images will be
    # smaller, and the homography matrices and disparity range will reflect
    # this fact
    np.savetxt(subsampling, np.array([z]))
    np.savetxt(H_ref, H1)
    np.savetxt(H_sec, H2)
    np.savetxt(disp_min_max, np.array([disp_min, disp_max]))

    # save json file with all the parameters needed to reproduce this tile
    tile_cfg = copy.deepcopy(cfg)
    tile_cfg['roi'] = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'w': w, 'h': h}
    f = open(config, 'w')
    json.dump(tile_cfg, f, indent=2)

    # close logs
    if not cfg['debug']:
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
        sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__

Exemplo n.º 5
def disparity(out_dir, img1, rpc1, img2, rpc2, x=None, y=None,
              w=None, h=None, prv1=None, cld_msk=None,
    Computes a disparity map from a Pair of Pleiades images, without tiling

        out_dir: path to the output directory
        img1: path to the reference image.
        rpc1: paths to the xml file containing the rpc coefficients of the
            reference image
        img2: path to the secondary image.
        rpc2: paths to the xml file containing the rpc coefficients of the
            secondary image
        x, y, w, h: four integers defining the rectangular ROI in the reference
            image. (x, y) is the top-left corner, and (w, h) are the dimensions
            of the rectangle.
        prv1 (optional): path to a preview of the reference image
        cld_msk (optional): path to a gml file containing a cloud mask
        roi_msk (optional): path to a gml file containing a mask defining the
            area contained in the full image.

    # output files
    rect1 = '%s/rectified_ref.tif' % (out_dir)
    rect2 = '%s/rectified_sec.tif' % (out_dir)
    disp = '%s/rectified_disp.tif' % (out_dir)
    mask = '%s/rectified_mask.png' % (out_dir)
    cwid_msk = '%s/cloud_water_image_domain_mask.png' % (out_dir)
    subsampling = '%s/subsampling.txt' % (out_dir)
    pointing = '%s/pointing.txt' % out_dir
    center = '%s/center_keypts_sec.txt' % out_dir
    sift_matches = '%s/sift_matches.txt' % out_dir
    sift_matches_plot = '%s/sift_matches_plot.png' % out_dir
    H_ref = '%s/H_ref.txt' % out_dir
    H_sec = '%s/H_sec.txt' % out_dir
    disp_min_max = '%s/disp_min_max.txt' % out_dir
    config = '%s/config.json' % out_dir

    # disparity (block-matching)
    disp_min, disp_max = np.loadtxt(disp_min_max)

    if cfg['disp_min'] is not None:
        disp_min = cfg['disp_min']
    if cfg['disp_max'] is not None:
        disp_max = cfg['disp_max']
    block_matching.compute_disparity_map(rect1, rect2, disp, mask,
                                         cfg['matching_algorithm'], disp_min,

    # intersect mask with the cloud_water_image_domain mask (recomputed here to
    # get to be sampled on the epipolar grid)
    ww, hh = common.image_size(rect1)
    H1 = np.loadtxt(H_ref)
    masking.cloud_water_image_domain(cwid_msk, ww, hh, H1, rpc1, roi_msk,
        masking.intersection(mask, mask, cwid_msk)
        masking.erosion(mask, mask, cfg['msk_erosion'])
    except OSError:
        print "file %s not produced" % mask
Exemplo n.º 6
    # read the json configuration file
    import json
    f = open(config)
    cfg = json.load(f)

    if 'preview_coordinate_system' in cfg:
        # roi definition in the preview frame
        xx = cfg['roi_preview']['x']
        yy = cfg['roi_preview']['y']
        w = cfg['roi']['w']
        h = cfg['roi']['h']

        img1 = cfg['images'][0]['img']
        prv_w, prv_h = common.image_size(preview)
        full_w, full_h = common.image_size_tiffinfo(img1)

        # convert x, y to the full image frame
        x = int((float(xx) / prv_w) * full_w)
        y = int((float(yy) / prv_h) * full_h)

        # add offset
        cfg['roi']['x'] = x - w / 2
        cfg['roi']['y'] = y - h / 2

        # convert roi definition in the preview coordinate system
        ww = int(w * (float(prv_w) / full_w))
        hh = int(h * (float(prv_h) / full_h))
        xx -= ww / 2
        yy -= hh / 2