Exemplo n.º 1
	def _parseTickets(self, cached = True):
		# Return cached results if requested
		if cached and self._cache:
			return self._cache
		# Call klist and parse results
		proc = LocalProcess(self._klistExec)
		self._cache = {}
			for line in proc.stdout.iter(timeout = 10):
				if line.count('@') and (line.count(':') > 1):
					issued_expires, principal = rsplit(line, '  ', 1)
					issued_expires = issued_expires.replace('/', ' ').split()
					assert(len(issued_expires) % 2 == 0)
					issued_str = str.join(' ', issued_expires[:int(len(issued_expires) / 2)])
					expires_str = str.join(' ', issued_expires[int(len(issued_expires) / 2):])
					parseDate = lambda value, format: time.mktime(time.strptime(value, format))
					if expires_str.count(' ') == 3:
						if len(expires_str.split()[2]) == 2:
							expires = parseDate(expires_str, '%m %d %y %H:%M:%S')
							expires = parseDate(expires_str, '%m %d %Y %H:%M:%S')
					elif expires_str.count(' ') == 2: # year information is missing
						currentYear = int(time.strftime('%Y'))
						expires = parseDate(expires_str + ' %d' % currentYear, '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
						issued = parseDate(issued_str + ' %d' % currentYear, '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
						if expires < issued: # wraparound at new year
							expires = parseDate(expires_str + ' %d' % (currentYear + 1), '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
					self._cache.setdefault('tickets', {})[principal] = expires
				elif line.count(':') == 1:
					key, value = lmap(str.strip, line.split(':', 1))
					self._cache[key.lower()] = value
		except Exception:
			raise AccessTokenError('Unable to parse kerberos ticket information!')
		proc.status_raise(timeout = 0)
		return self._cache
Exemplo n.º 2
	def _parseFile(self, iterator):
		block = None
		for idx, line in enumerate(iterator):
				# Found start of block:
				line = line.strip()
				if line.startswith(';'):
				elif line.startswith('['):
					if block:
						yield self._finishBlock(block)
					block = self._createBlock(line)
				elif line != '':
					tmp = lmap(str.strip, utils.QM('[' in line, line.split(' = ', 1), rsplit(line, '=', 1)))
					if len(tmp) != 2:
						raise DatasetError('Malformed entry in dataset file:\n%s' % line)
					key, value = tmp
					handlerInfo = self._handleEntry.get(key.lower(), None)
					if handlerInfo:
						(prop, parser, msg) = handlerInfo
						block[prop] = try_apply(value, parser, msg)
						block[DataProvider.FileList].append(self._parseEntry(block, key, value))
			except Exception:
				raise DatasetError('Unable to parse %s:%d\n\t%s' % (repr(self._filename), idx, repr(line)))
		if block:
			yield self._finishBlock(block)
Exemplo n.º 3
			def parseLine(idx, line):
				exceptionText = 'Unable to parse config file %s:%d\n\t%r' % (configFile, idx, line)
					line = rsplit(line, ';', 1)[0].rstrip()
				except Exception:
					raise ConfigError(exceptionText + '\nUnable to strip comments!')
				exceptionText = 'Unable to parse config file %s:%d\n\t%r' % (configFile, idx, line)
				if not line.strip() or line.lstrip().startswith('#'): # skip empty lines or comment lines
				elif line[0].isspace():
						self._currentValue += '\n' + line.strip()
						self._currentLines += [idx]
					except Exception:
						raise ConfigError(exceptionText + '\nInvalid indentation!')
				elif line.startswith('['):
					if self._currentOption:
						self._currentSection = line[1:line.index(']')].strip()
						parseLine(idx, line[line.index(']') + 1:].strip())
					except Exception:
						raise ConfigError(exceptionText + '\nUnable to parse config section!')
				elif '=' in line:
					if self._currentOption:
						(self._currentOption, self._currentValue) = map(str.strip, line.split('=', 1))
						self._currentLines = [idx]
					except Exception:
						raise ConfigError(exceptionText + '\nUnable to parse config option!')
					raise ConfigError(exceptionText + '\nPlease use "key = value" syntax or indent values!')
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _create_blocks(self, iterable):
     block = None
     for idx, line in enumerate(iterable):
             # Found start of block:
             line = line.strip()
             if line.startswith(';'):
             elif line.startswith('['):
                 if block:
                     yield self._finish_block(block)
                 block = self._create_block(line)
             elif line != '':
                 if '[' in line:  # metadata on this line -> enforce whitespace '/path/file = ...'
                     tmp = lmap(str.strip, line.split(' = ', 1))
                 else:  # loose whitespace convention (allow: '/path/file_var=B_test=1')
                     tmp = lmap(str.strip, rsplit(line, '=', 1))
                 if len(tmp) != 2:
                     raise DatasetError(
                         'Malformed entry in dataset file:\n%s' % line)
                 self._fill_block(block, *tmp)
         except Exception:
             raise DatasetError('Unable to parse %s:%d\n\t%s' %
                                (repr(self._filename), idx, repr(line)))
     if block:
         yield self._finish_block(block)
Exemplo n.º 5
	def _parseLine(self, exceptionIntro, configContent, configFile, idx, line):
		exceptionIntroLineInfo = exceptionIntro + ':%d\n\t%r' % (idx, line)
			line = rsplit(line, ';', 1)[0].rstrip()
		except Exception:
			raise ConfigError(exceptionIntroLineInfo + '\nUnable to strip comments!')
		exceptionIntroLineInfo = exceptionIntro + ':%d\n\t%r' % (idx, line) # removed comment
		if line.lstrip().startswith(';') or line.lstrip().startswith('#') or not line.strip():
			return # skip empty lines or comment lines
		elif line[0].isspace():
				self._currentValue += '\n' + line.strip()
				self._currentIndices += [idx]
			except Exception:
				raise ConfigError(exceptionIntroLineInfo + '\nInvalid indentation!')
		elif line.startswith('['):
			if self._currentOption:
				self._storeOption(exceptionIntroLineInfo, configContent, configFile)
				self._currentSection = line[1:line.index(']')].strip()
				self._parseLine(exceptionIntro, configContent, configFile,
					idx, line[line.index(']') + 1:].strip())
			except Exception:
				raise ConfigError(exceptionIntroLineInfo + '\nUnable to parse config section!')
		elif '=' in line:
			if self._currentOption:
				self._storeOption(exceptionIntroLineInfo, configContent, configFile)
				(self._currentOption, self._currentValue) = lmap(str.strip, line.split('=', 1))
				self._currentIndices = [idx]
			except Exception:
				raise ConfigError(exceptionIntroLineInfo + '\nUnable to parse config option!')
			raise ConfigError(exceptionIntroLineInfo + '\nPlease use "key = value" syntax or indent values!')
Exemplo n.º 6
	def registerObject(cls, searchPath = [], base = None):
		if not base:
			base = cls
		if not hasattr(base, 'moduleMap'):
			(base.moduleMap, base.moduleMapDynamic, base.modPaths) = ({}, {}, [])
		splitUpFun = lambda x: rsplit(base.__module__, ".", x)[0]
		base.modPaths = utils.uniqueListRL(searchPath + base.modPaths + map(splitUpFun, range(base.__module__.count(".") + 1)))
Exemplo n.º 7
 def _parseFile(self, iterator):
     block = None
     for idx, line in enumerate(iterator):
             # Found start of block:
             line = line.strip()
             if line.startswith(';'):
             elif line.startswith('['):
                 if block:
                     yield self._finishBlock(block)
                 block = self._createBlock(line)
             elif line != '':
                 tmp = lmap(
                     utils.QM('[' in line, line.split(' = ', 1),
                              rsplit(line, '=', 1)))
                 if len(tmp) != 2:
                     raise DatasetError(
                         'Malformed entry in dataset file:\n%s' % line)
                 key, value = tmp
                 handlerInfo = self._handleEntry.get(key.lower(), None)
                 if handlerInfo:
                     (prop, parser, msg) = handlerInfo
                     block[prop] = try_apply(value, parser, msg)
                         self._parseEntry(block, key, value))
         except Exception:
             raise DatasetError('Unable to parse %s:%d\n\t%s' %
                                (repr(self._filename), idx, repr(line)))
     if block:
         yield self._finishBlock(block)
Exemplo n.º 8
	def _parseLine(self, exceptionIntro, configContent, configFile, idx, line):
		exceptionIntroLineInfo = exceptionIntro + ':%d\n\t%r' % (idx, line)
			line = rsplit(line, ';', 1)[0].rstrip()
		except Exception:
			raise ConfigError(exceptionIntroLineInfo + '\nUnable to strip comments!')
		exceptionIntroLineInfo = exceptionIntro + ':%d\n\t%r' % (idx, line) # removed comment
		if line.lstrip().startswith(';') or line.lstrip().startswith('#') or not line.strip():
			return # skip empty lines or comment lines
		elif line[0].isspace():
				self._currentValue += '\n' + line.strip()
				self._currentIndices += [idx]
			except Exception:
				raise ConfigError(exceptionIntroLineInfo + '\nInvalid indentation!')
		elif line.startswith('['):
			if self._currentOption:
				self._storeOption(exceptionIntroLineInfo, configContent, configFile)
				self._currentSection = line[1:line.index(']')].strip()
				self._parseLine(exceptionIntro, configContent, configFile,
					idx, line[line.index(']') + 1:].strip())
			except Exception:
				raise ConfigError(exceptionIntroLineInfo + '\nUnable to parse config section!')
		elif '=' in line:
			if self._currentOption:
				self._storeOption(exceptionIntroLineInfo, configContent, configFile)
				(self._currentOption, self._currentValue) = lmap(str.strip, line.split('=', 1))
				self._currentIndices = [idx]
			except Exception:
				raise ConfigError(exceptionIntroLineInfo + '\nUnable to parse config option!')
			raise ConfigError(exceptionIntroLineInfo + '\nPlease use "key = value" syntax or indent values!')
Exemplo n.º 9
	def _iter_possible_parents(self, current_thread_name): # yield activities in current and parent threads
		stack = list(Activity.running_by_thread_name.get(current_thread_name, []))
		stack.reverse() # in reverse order of creation
		for item in stack:
			yield item
		if '-' in current_thread_name:
			for item in self._iter_possible_parents(rsplit(current_thread_name, '-', 1)[0]):
				yield item
Exemplo n.º 10
    def getBlocksInternal(self):
        def doFilter(block):
            if self._filter:
                name = "/%s#%s#" % (block[DataProvider.Dataset], block.get(DataProvider.BlockName, ""))
                return self._filter in name
            return True

        (blockinfo, commonMetadata) = (None, [])
        for line in open(self._filename, "rb"):
            # Found start of block:
            line = line.strip()
            if line.startswith(";"):
            elif line.startswith("["):
                if blockinfo and doFilter(blockinfo):
                    yield blockinfo
                blockinfo = {DataProvider.Locations: None, DataProvider.FileList: []}
                blockname = line.lstrip("[").rstrip("]").split("#")
                if len(blockname) > 0:
                    blockinfo[DataProvider.Dataset] = blockname[0]
                if len(blockname) > 1:
                    blockinfo[DataProvider.BlockName] = blockname[1]
                commonprefix = self._forcePrefix
                commonMetadata = []
            elif line != "":
                tmp = map(str.strip, utils.QM("[" in line, line.split(" = ", 1), rsplit(line, "=", 1)))
                if len(tmp) != 2:
                    raise ConfigError("Malformed entry in dataset file:\n%s" % line)
                key, value = tmp
                if key.lower() == "nickname":
                    blockinfo[DataProvider.Nickname] = value
                elif key.lower() == "id":
                    blockinfo[DataProvider.DatasetID] = int(value)
                elif key.lower() == "events":
                    blockinfo[DataProvider.NEntries] = int(value)
                elif key.lower() == "metadata":
                    blockinfo[DataProvider.Metadata] = eval(value)
                elif key.lower() == "metadata common":
                    commonMetadata = eval(value)
                elif key.lower() == "se list":
                    blockinfo[DataProvider.Locations] = utils.parseList(value)
                elif key.lower() == "prefix":
                    if not self._forcePrefix:
                        commonprefix = value
                    if commonprefix:
                        key = "%s/%s" % (commonprefix, key)
                    value = value.split(" ", 1)
                    data = {DataProvider.URL: key, DataProvider.NEntries: int(value[0])}
                    if commonMetadata:
                        data[DataProvider.Metadata] = commonMetadata
                    if len(value) > 1:
                        data[DataProvider.Metadata] = data.get(DataProvider.Metadata, []) + eval(value[1])
            if blockinfo and doFilter(blockinfo):
                yield blockinfo
Exemplo n.º 11
	def getBlocksInternal(self):
		def doFilter(block):
			if self._filter:
				name = '/%s#%s#' % (block[DataProvider.Dataset], block.get(DataProvider.BlockName, ''))
				return self._filter in name
			return True

		(blockinfo, commonMetadata) = (None, [])
		for line in open(self._filename, 'rb'):
			# Found start of block:
			line = line.strip()
			if line.startswith(';'):
			elif line.startswith('['):
				if blockinfo and doFilter(blockinfo):
					yield blockinfo
				blockinfo = { DataProvider.Locations: None, DataProvider.FileList: [] }
				blockname = line.lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split('#')
				if len(blockname) > 0:
					blockinfo[DataProvider.Dataset] = blockname[0]
				if len(blockname) > 1:
					blockinfo[DataProvider.BlockName] = blockname[1]
				commonprefix = self._forcePrefix
				commonMetadata = []
			elif line != '':
				tmp = map(str.strip, QM('[' in line, line.split(' = ', 1), rsplit(line, '=', 1)))
				if len(tmp) != 2:
					raise ConfigError('Malformed entry in dataset file:\n%s' % line)
				key, value = tmp
				if key.lower() == 'nickname':
					blockinfo[DataProvider.Nickname] = value
				elif key.lower() == 'id':
					blockinfo[DataProvider.DatasetID] = int(value)
				elif key.lower() == 'events':
					blockinfo[DataProvider.NEntries] = int(value)
				elif key.lower() == 'metadata':
					blockinfo[DataProvider.Metadata] = eval(value)
				elif key.lower() == 'metadata common':
					commonMetadata = eval(value)
				elif key.lower() == 'se list':
					blockinfo[DataProvider.Locations] = utils.parseList(value)
				elif key.lower() == 'prefix':
					if not self._forcePrefix:
						commonprefix = value
					if commonprefix:
						key = '%s/%s' % (commonprefix, key)
					value = value.split(' ', 1)
					data = { DataProvider.URL: key, DataProvider.NEntries: int(value[0]) }
					if commonMetadata:
						data[DataProvider.Metadata] = commonMetadata
					if len(value) > 1:
						data[DataProvider.Metadata] = data.get(DataProvider.Metadata, []) + eval(value[1])
			if blockinfo and doFilter(blockinfo):
				yield blockinfo
Exemplo n.º 12
 def _iter_possible_parents(self, current_thread_name):
     # yield activities in current and parent threads
     stack = list(
         Activity.running_by_thread_name.get(current_thread_name, []))
     stack.reverse()  # in reverse order of creation
     for item in stack:
         yield item
     if '-' in current_thread_name:
         for item in self._iter_possible_parents(
                 rsplit(current_thread_name, '-', 1)[0]):
             yield item
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _parse_tickets(self, cached=True):
        # Return cached results if requested
        if cached and self._cache:
            return self._cache
        # Call klist and parse results
        proc = LocalProcess(self._klist_exec)
        self._cache = {}
            for line in proc.stdout.iter(timeout=10):
                if line.count('@') and (line.count(':') > 1):
                    issued_expires, principal = rsplit(line, '  ', 1)
                    issued_expires = issued_expires.replace('/', ' ').split()
                    assert len(issued_expires) % 2 == 0
                    issued_str = str.join(
                        ' ', issued_expires[:int(len(issued_expires) / 2)])
                    expires_str = str.join(
                        ' ', issued_expires[int(len(issued_expires) / 2):])

                    if expires_str.count(' ') == 3:
                        if len(expires_str.split()[2]) == 2:
                            expires = _parse_date(expires_str,
                                                  '%m %d %y %H:%M:%S')
                        elif len(expires_str.split()[2]) == 4:
                            expires = _parse_date(expires_str,
                                                  '%m %d %Y %H:%M:%S')  # here
                            # On NAF, we get an entirely different format now: Sep 2 12:31:34 2021
                            expires = _parse_date(expires_str,
                                                  '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
                    elif expires_str.count(
                            ' ') == 2:  # year information is missing
                        cur_year = int(time.strftime('%Y'))
                        expires = _parse_date(expires_str + ' %d' % cur_year,
                                              '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
                        issued = _parse_date(issued_str + ' %d' % cur_year,
                                             '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
                        if expires < issued:  # wraparound at new year
                            expires = _parse_date(
                                expires_str + ' %d' % (cur_year + 1),
                                '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
                    self._cache.setdefault('tickets', {})[principal] = expires
                elif line.count(':') == 1:
                    (key, value) = lmap(str.strip, line.split(':', 1))
                    self._cache[key.lower()] = value
        except Exception:
            raise AccessTokenError(
                'Unable to parse kerberos ticket information!')
        return self._cache
Exemplo n.º 14
	def _create_blocks(self, iterable):
		block = None
		for idx, line in enumerate(iterable):
				# Found start of block:
				line = line.strip()
				if line.startswith(';'):
				elif line.startswith('['):
					if block:
						yield self._finish_block(block)
					block = self._create_block(line)
				elif line != '':
					if '[' in line:  # metadata on this line -> enforce whitespace '/path/file = ...'
						tmp = lmap(str.strip, line.split(' = ', 1))
					else:  # loose whitespace convention (allow: '/path/file_var=B_test=1')
						tmp = lmap(str.strip, rsplit(line, '=', 1))
					if len(tmp) != 2:
						raise DatasetError('Malformed entry in dataset file:\n%s' % line)
					self._fill_block(block, *tmp)
			except Exception:
				raise DatasetError('Unable to parse %s:%d\n\t%s' % (repr(self._filename), idx, repr(line)))
		if block:
			yield self._finish_block(block)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def _parse_line_strip_comments(self, exception_intro, content_configfile,
                                config_fn, idx, line):
     return rsplit(line, ';', 1)[0].rstrip()
Exemplo n.º 16
def get_file_name(fn):  # Return file name without extension
	return rsplit(os.path.basename(str(fn)).lstrip('.'), '.', 1)[0]
Exemplo n.º 17
def get_file_name(fn):  # Return file name without extension
    return rsplit(os.path.basename(str(fn)).lstrip('.'), '.', 1)[0]
Exemplo n.º 18
	def _parse_line_strip_comments(self, exception_intro, content_configfile, config_fn, idx, line):
		return rsplit(line, ';', 1)[0].rstrip()
Exemplo n.º 19
 def _parseLineStripComments(self, exceptionIntro, configContent,
                             configFile, idx, line):
     return rsplit(line, ';', 1)[0].rstrip()