Exemplo n.º 1
 def get_next_maplet(self, fullpathname, dX, dY):
     """Given a maplet's pathname, get the next or previous one.
     Does not currently work for jumps more than 1 in any direction.
     Returns pixbuf, newpath (either may be None).
     pathname, filename = os.path.split(fullpathname)
     if (self.Debug):
         print "Generic get_next_maplet", filename, dX, dY
     name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
     # traceback.print_stack()
     mapb = int(name[-self.numdigits:])
     if self.usedash:
         mapa = int(name[-self.numdigits * 2 - 1: -self.numdigits - 1])
         mapa = int(name[-self.numdigits * 2: -self.numdigits])
     if self.latfirst:
         newa = MapUtils.ohstring(mapa + dX, self.numdigits)
         newb = MapUtils.ohstring(mapb + dY, self.numdigits)
         newa = MapUtils.ohstring(mapa + dY, self.numdigits)
         newb = MapUtils.ohstring(mapb + dX, self.numdigits)
     if self.usedash:
         newname = self.prefix + newa + "-" + newb
         newname = self.prefix + newa + newb
     newpath = os.path.join(self.location, newname + ext)
     if filename is None or not os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
         return None, newpath
     pixbuf = MapWindow.load_image_from_file(newpath)
     return pixbuf, newpath
Exemplo n.º 2
    def fetch_or_download_maplet(self, path):
        """Return a pixbuf if the file is on disk, else download"""
        # Does the tile already exist on local disk?
        # Even if it does, do we need to re-download it?
        # XXX This calls os.access then os.stat. Does that mean
        # we're statting the file twice? Might be a performance issue.
            on_disk = os.access(path, os.R_OK)
            needs_download = (not on_disk) or \
                             (self.reload_tiles and
                              os.stat(path).st_mtime < self.reload_tiles)
        except OSError:
            on_disk = False
            needs_download = True

        if needs_download:
            if self.download_url:
                # path is a full path on the local filesystem, OS independent.
                # We need to turn it into a url (Unix path) with slashes.
                thedir = os.path.dirname(path)
                if not os.access(thedir, os.W_OK):

                if self.Debug:
                    print "Need to download", path
                    if not on_disk:
                        print "Wasn't on disk"
                        print os.stat(path).st_mtime, "<", self.reload_tiles

                self.download_tiles.push(self.url_from_path(path), path)

                if self.Debug:
                    print "Downloads not enabled; skipping", path

        # We've queued any needed downloads.
        # Now return the current pixbuf, if any.
        if not on_disk:
            return None

            pixbuf = MapWindow.load_image_from_file(path)
            pixbuf = None
            # return None

        # In case something went wrong, don't keep a bad file around:
        if not pixbuf or pixbuf.get_width() <= 0 or pixbuf.get_height() <= 0:
            print "Couldn't open pixbuf from", path
            os.rename(path, path + ".bad")
            pixbuf = None
        # XXX Sometimes despite that check, we mysteriously get
        # GtkWarning: gdk_drawable_real_draw_pixbuf:
        #    assertion 'width >= 0 && height >= 0' failed
        # Not clear what we can do about that since we're already checking.

        return pixbuf
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get_maplet(self, longitude, latitude):
        """Get the maplet containing the specified coordinates.
        Returns pixbuf, x_offset, y_offset, filename
        where offsets are pixels from top left of the specified coords
        and pixbuf or (less often) filename may be None.

        filename = self.coords_to_filename(longitude - self.lon_correction,
                                           latitude - self.lat_correction)
        if (self.Debug):
            print("T1MC get_maplet(", MapUtils.dec_deg2deg_min_str(longitude), end=' ')
            print(",", MapUtils.dec_deg2deg_min_str(latitude), "):", filename)

        # Calculate offsets.
        # Maplets are self.series minutes wide and tall,
        # so any offset from that is an offset into the maplet:
        # the number of pixels in X and Y that have to be added
        # to get from the maplet's upper left corner to the
        # indicated coordinates.
        # But then we have to correct to get to WGS84 coordinates.
        # XXX the WGS84 part doesn't work right yet.

        # longitude increases rightward:
        x_off = int((longitude - MapUtils.truncate2frac(longitude, self.frac)
                     - self.lon_correction) * self.xscale)
        if (self.Debug):
            print("truncated", MapUtils.dec_deg2deg_min_str(longitude), "to", end=' ')

        # Latitude decreases downward:
        y_off = int((MapUtils.truncate2frac(latitude, self.frac) +
                     self.frac - latitude - self.lat_correction) * self.yscale)

        if (self.Debug):
            print("truncated", MapUtils.dec_deg2deg_min_str(latitude), "to", end=' ')
            print("y_off is", y_off)

        if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
            return None, x_off, y_off, filename
        pixbuf = MapWindow.load_image_from_file(filename)

        return pixbuf, x_off, y_off, filename
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_maplet(self, longitude, latitude):
        """Get the maplet containing the specified coordinates.
        Returns pixbuf, x_offset, y_offset, filename
        where offsets are pixels from top left of the specified coords
        and pixbuf or (less often) filename may be None.

        filename = self.coords_to_filename(longitude - self.lon_correction,
                                           latitude - self.lat_correction)
        if (self.Debug):
            print "T1MC get_maplet(", MapUtils.dec_deg2deg_min_str(longitude),
            print ",", MapUtils.dec_deg2deg_min_str(latitude), "):", filename

        # Calculate offsets.
        # Maplets are self.series minutes wide and tall,
        # so any offset from that is an offset into the maplet:
        # the number of pixels in X and Y that have to be added
        # to get from the maplet's upper left corner to the
        # indicated coordinates.
        # But then we have to correct to get to WGS84 coordinates.
        # XXX the WGS84 part doesn't work right yet.

        # longitude increases rightward:
        x_off = int((longitude - MapUtils.truncate2frac(longitude, self.frac)
                     - self.lon_correction) * self.xscale)
        if (self.Debug):
            print "truncated", MapUtils.dec_deg2deg_min_str(longitude), "to",
            print MapUtils.dec_deg2deg_min_str(MapUtils.truncate2frac(longitude,

        # Latitude decreases downward:
        y_off = int((MapUtils.truncate2frac(latitude, self.frac) +
                     self.frac - latitude - self.lat_correction) * self.yscale)

        if (self.Debug):
            print "truncated", MapUtils.dec_deg2deg_min_str(latitude), "to",
            print MapUtils.dec_deg2deg_min_str(MapUtils.truncate2frac(latitude,
            print "y_off is", y_off

        if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
            return None, x_off, y_off, filename
        pixbuf = MapWindow.load_image_from_file(filename)

        return pixbuf, x_off, y_off, filename
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_maplet(self, longitude, latitude):
        """Get the maplet containing the specified coordinates.
        Returns pixbuf, x_offset, y_offset, filename
        where offsets are pixels from top left of the specified coords
        and pixbuf or (less often) filename may be None.
        filename = self.coords_to_filename(longitude, latitude)
        if (self.Debug):
            print "Generic get_maplet", longitude, latitude, "->", filename
        if filename is None or not os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
            # print "Can't open", filename, "for", longitude, latitude
            return None, 0, 0, filename
        # print "Opened", filename, "for", longitude, latitude
        pixbuf = MapWindow.load_image_from_file(filename)

        # Offsets aren't implemented yet:
        x_off = 0
        y_off = 0

        return pixbuf, x_off, y_off, filename
Exemplo n.º 6
    def draw_single_tile(self, path, mapwin):
        """After a new tile is downloaded, fetch its pixbuf and draw it
           in the right place for our currently displayed map.
        # Calculate x, y, x_offset, y_offset from the tile name.
        # Make sure it's even still visible.
        # Tile name is /path/to/zoom/x/y.ext
        head, tiley = os.path.split(path)
        tiley = os.path.splitext(tiley)[0]
        head, tilex = os.path.split(head)
        head, tilezoom = os.path.split(head)
            tiley = int(tiley)
            tilex = int(tilex)
        except ValueError:
            print("Bad tile filename", path)
        # Now we need to turn tilex and tiley into x, y, x_off, y_off
        # for the MapWindow's current position.
        lat_deg, lon_deg = self.num2deg(tilex, tiley)

        # Where on the map window should this lat and lon appear?
        min_lon = mapwin.center_lon - mapwin.win_width / self.xscale / 2
        max_lat = mapwin.center_lat + mapwin.win_height / self.yscale / 2
        mapx = int((lon_deg - min_lon) * self.xscale)
        mapy = int((max_lat - lat_deg) * self.yscale)

        if mapx < 0:
            x_off = -mapx
            mapx = 0
            x_off = 0
        if mapy < 0:
            y_off = -mapy
            mapy = 0
            y_off = 0

            pixbuf = MapWindow.load_image_from_file(path)
            self.draw_tile_at_position(pixbuf, mapwin, mapx, mapy, x_off,
        except glib.GError as e:
            print("Couldn't draw tile:", e, end=' ')
            if not self.Debug:
                print("... deleting")
            if os.path.exists(path) and not self.Debug:
            self.num_failed_downloads += 1
            # Usually this means OSM gave us a text file containing
            # a string like "Tile Not Available"
        except Exception as e:
            print("Error drawing tile:", e)
            self.num_failed_downloads += 1

        # Redraw any trackpoints, zoom controls, and anything else that
        # has to draw over the tiles, since they might have been overwritten.
        # XXX should schedule this after a delay, so we're not constantly
        # redrawing large sets of trackpoints each time a new tile comes in.
Exemplo n.º 7
    def get_next_maplet(self, fullpathname, dX, dY):
        """Given a maplet's pathname, get the next or previous one.
        Does not currently work for jumps more than 1 in any direction.
        Returns pixbuf, newpath (either may be None).

        if (self.Debug):
            print("get_next_maplet:", fullpathname, dX, dY)
        pathname, filename = os.path.split(fullpathname)
        collecdir, mapdir = os.path.split(pathname)
        maplat = int(mapdir[1:3])
        maplon = int(mapdir[3:6])
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        xdir = int(mapdir[-1])
        ydir = ord(mapdir[-2]) - ord('a')     # convert from letter a-h
        if self.series == 7.5:
            serstr = self.ser7prefix
            grid = 10
            serstr = self.ser15prefix
            grid = 5

        x = int(name[-4:-2]) + dX
        y = int(name[-2:]) + dY

        if x < 1:
            x = grid
            xdir = xdir + 1
            if xdir > 8:
                xdir = 1
                if self.Debug:
                    print(mapdir, name, ": wrapping mapdir coordinates -x", end=' ')
                maplon = str(int(maplon) + 1)
        if x > grid:
            x = 1
            xdir = xdir - 1
            if xdir < 1:
                xdir = 8
                if self.Debug:
                    print(mapdir, name, ": wrapping mapdir coordinates +x", end=' ')
                maplon = str(int(maplon) - 1)

        if y > grid:
            y = 1
            ydir = ydir - 1
            if ydir < 0:
                ydir = 7
                if self.Debug:
                    print(mapdir, name, ": wrapping mapdir coordinates +y", end=' ')
                maplat = str(int(maplat) - 1)

        if y < 1:
            y = grid
            ydir = ydir + 1
            if ydir > 7:
                ydir = 0
                if self.Debug:
                    print(mapdir, name, ": wrapping mapdir coordinates -y", end=' ')
                maplat = str(int(maplat) + 1)

        # We're ready to piece the filename back together!
        newpath = os.path.join(collecdir,
                               "q" + MapUtils.ohstring(maplat, 2)
                                   + MapUtils.ohstring(maplon, 3)
                                   + chr(ydir + ord('a')) + str(xdir),
                               serstr + MapUtils.ohstring(x, 2)
                                   + MapUtils.ohstring(y, 2) + ext)
        if not os.access(newpath, os.R_OK):
            if self.Debug:
                print("get_next_maplet(", fullpathname, dX, dY, ")")
                print("  Can't open", newpath)
            return None, newpath

        pixbuf = MapWindow.load_image_from_file(newpath)
        return pixbuf, newpath
Exemplo n.º 8
    def get_next_maplet(self, fullpathname, dX, dY):
        """Given a maplet's pathname, get the next or previous one.
        Does not currently work for jumps more than 1 in any direction.
        Returns pixbuf, newpath (either may be None).

        if (self.Debug):
            print "get_next_maplet:", fullpathname, dX, dY
        pathname, filename = os.path.split(fullpathname)
        collecdir, mapdir = os.path.split(pathname)
        maplat = int(mapdir[1:3])
        maplon = int(mapdir[3:6])
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        xdir = int(mapdir[-1])
        ydir = ord(mapdir[-2]) - ord('a')     # convert from letter a-h
        if self.series == 7.5:
            serstr = self.ser7prefix
            grid = 10
            serstr = self.ser15prefix
            grid = 5

        x = int(name[-4:-2]) + dX
        y = int(name[-2:]) + dY

        if x < 1:
            x = grid
            xdir = xdir + 1
            if xdir > 8:
                xdir = 1
                if self.Debug:
                    print mapdir, name, ": wrapping mapdir coordinates -x",
                    print maplon
                maplon = str(int(maplon) + 1)
        if x > grid:
            x = 1
            xdir = xdir - 1
            if xdir < 1:
                xdir = 8
                if self.Debug:
                    print mapdir, name, ": wrapping mapdir coordinates +x",
                    print maplon
                maplon = str(int(maplon) - 1)

        if y > grid:
            y = 1
            ydir = ydir - 1
            if ydir < 0:
                ydir = 7
                if self.Debug:
                    print mapdir, name, ": wrapping mapdir coordinates +y",
                    print maplat
                maplat = str(int(maplat) - 1)

        if y < 1:
            y = grid
            ydir = ydir + 1
            if ydir > 7:
                ydir = 0
                if self.Debug:
                    print mapdir, name, ": wrapping mapdir coordinates -y",
                    print maplat
                maplat = str(int(maplat) + 1)

        # We're ready to piece the filename back together!
        newpath = os.path.join(collecdir,
                               "q" + MapUtils.ohstring(maplat, 2)
                                   + MapUtils.ohstring(maplon, 3)
                                   + chr(ydir + ord('a')) + str(xdir),
                               serstr + MapUtils.ohstring(x, 2)
                                   + MapUtils.ohstring(y, 2) + ext)
        if not os.access(newpath, os.R_OK):
            if self.Debug:
                print "get_next_maplet(", fullpathname, dX, dY, ")"
                print "  Can't open", newpath
            return None, newpath

        pixbuf = MapWindow.load_image_from_file(newpath)
        return pixbuf, newpath