Exemplo n.º 1
def parameters():
    params = TrackerParams()

    params.debug = 0
    params.visualization = False
    params.use_gpu = True

    params.image_sample_size = 22 * 16
    params.search_area_scale = 6
    params.border_mode = 'inside_major'
    params.patch_max_scale_change = 1.5

    # Learning parameters
    params.sample_memory_size = 50
    params.learning_rate = 0.01
    params.init_samples_minimum_weight = 0.25
    params.train_skipping = 20

    # Net optimization params
    params.update_classifier = True
    params.net_opt_iter = 10
    params.net_opt_update_iter = 2
    params.net_opt_hn_iter = 1

    # Detection parameters
    params.window_output = False

    # Init augmentation parameters
    params.use_augmentation = True
    params.augmentation = {
        'fliplr': True,
        'rotate': [10, -10, 45, -45],
        'blur': [(3, 1), (1, 3), (2, 2)],
        'relativeshift': [(0.6, 0.6), (-0.6, 0.6), (0.6, -0.6), (-0.6, -0.6)],
        'dropout': (2, 0.2)

    params.augmentation_expansion_factor = 2
    params.random_shift_factor = 1 / 3

    # Advanced localization parameters
    params.advanced_localization = True
    params.target_not_found_threshold = 0.25
    params.distractor_threshold = 0.8
    params.hard_negative_threshold = 0.45
    params.target_neighborhood_scale = 2.2
    params.dispalcement_scale = 0.8
    params.hard_negative_learning_rate = 0.02
    params.update_scale_when_uncertain = True

    # IoUnet parameters
    params.box_refinement_space = 'relative'
    params.iounet_augmentation = False  # Use the augmented samples to compute the modulation vector
    params.iounet_k = 3  # Top-k average to estimate final box
    params.num_init_random_boxes = 9  # Num extra random boxes in addition to the classifier prediction
    params.box_jitter_pos = 0.1  # How much to jitter the translation for random boxes
    params.box_jitter_sz = 0.5  # How much to jitter the scale for random boxes
    params.maximal_aspect_ratio = 6  # Limit on the aspect ratio
    params.box_refinement_iter = 10  # Number of iterations for refining the boxes
    params.box_refinement_step_length = 2.5e-3  # 1   # Gradient step length in the bounding box refinement
    params.box_refinement_step_decay = 1  # Multiplicative step length decay (1 means no decay)

    params.net = NetWithBackbone(net_path='super_dimp.pth.tar',

    params.vot_anno_conversion_type = 'preserve_area'
    params.perform_hn_without_windowing = False
    params.save_sample_interval = 2  # save memory interval

    # [------ new parameters -------]
    # parameters for re-detection
    params.re_detection = True  # [default:True] Re-detection
    params.flag_confidence = 6  # [default:6] different methods about confidence score
    params.cnt_global = 10000  # [default:10000->not use] global search for each count
    params.global_search_memory_limit = 200  # global search memory limit
    params.cnt_random = 5  # [default:5] random search for each count
    params.additional_candidate_random = 3  # [default:3] the number of candidates to search (when additional_candidate_adaptive is False)
    params.additional_candidate_adaptive = True  # [default:True] adaptive number of candidates to search
    params.additional_candidate_adaptive_ratio = 0.1  # [default:0.1] ratio for adaptive number
    params.additional_candidate_adaptive_min = 1  # [default:1] minimum number for searching
    params.additional_candidate_adaptive_max = 10  # [default:10] maximum number for searching
    params.redetection_score_penalty = True  # [default:True] score penalty for re-detection
    params.redetection_score_penalty_alpha = 0.75  # [default:0.75] score penalty parameter, about distance (big value -> more penalty)
    params.redetection_score_penalty_beta = 0.25  # [default:0.25] score penalty parameter, about time (small value -> slow detect)
    params.redetection_basic_penalty = 0.75  # [default:0.75] score penalty parameter, total score reduction, (0.75 -> 25% reduce score)
    params.redetection_now = True  # [default:True] re-detection immediately after tracking failure
    params.no_update_early_redetection = 1  # no update period after re-detection success
    params.no_save_early_redetection = 0  # no save period after re-detection success
    params.redetection_global_search_flag = 1  # search position flag (0: 1/4 overlap, 1: half overlap, 2: none overlap)

    # parameters for more discriminative learning
    params.init_net_more_learn = True  # more discriminative learning (init)
    params.init_more_learn_expand_searching_size = True  # expanding searching size for more init samples
    params.init_more_learn_flag = 1  # search position flag (0: 1/4 overlap, 1: half overlap, 2: none overlap)
    params.init_more_learn_memory_limit = 40  # 100 -> 4Gb (smaller than sample_memory_size - 2), default:40
    params.init_more_learn_no_transform = True  # whether transformation
    params.init_more_sample_limit = 10  # searching number limit
    params.init_iou_more_learn = True  # same as init_net_more_learn, iounet_augmentation = True -> can change

    params.track_net_more_learn = True  # more discriminative learning (track)
    params.track_net_more_learn_search_flag = 2  # search position flag (0: 1/4 overlap, 1: half overlap, 2: none overlap)
    params.track_net_more_learn_cnt = 3  # more learning period
    params.track_net_more_learn_score = 0.70  # score condition for more learning
    params.track_net_more_learn_not_save = True  # if True: not save and learn each time (not depend on track_net_more_learn_cnt)
    params.track_net_more_learn_save_weight = 0.5  # reduce memory weight (due to not real data)
    params.train_more_sample_limit = 10  # searching number limit
    params.additional_train_candidate = 2  # number of additional samples
    params.memory_weight_ratio = 2  # weight for initial feature (higher -> more important)
    params.init_blending = 0.0  # image blending with target and background (0: not blending, 0.1: 10% background, 90% target)

    # parameters for random erasing
    params.erasing_mode = True  # Random erasing (RE) mode when tracking
    params.use_original_pos = False  # Random erasing flag
    params.erasing_cnt = 5  # Random erasing period
    params.lower_scale = 0.02  # RE parameters
    params.upper_scale = 0.05  # RE parameters
    params.lower_ratio = 0.7  # RE parameters
    params.upper_ratio = 1.3  # RE parameters
    params.num_erasing = 10  # the number of random erasing images

    return params
Exemplo n.º 2
def parameters():
    params = TrackerParams()

    # These are usually set from outside
    params.debug = 0  # Debug level
    params.visualization = False  # Do visualization

    # Use GPU or not (IoUNet requires this to be True)
    params.use_gpu = True

    # Feature specific parameters
    deep_params = TrackerParams()

    # Patch sampling parameters
    params.max_image_sample_size = (18 * 16)**2  # Maximum image sample size
    params.min_image_sample_size = (18 * 16)**2  # Minimum image sample size
    params.search_area_scale = 5  # Scale relative to target size
    params.feature_size_odd = False  # Good to use False for even-sized kernels and vice versa

    # Optimization parameters
    params.CG_iter = 5  # The number of Conjugate Gradient iterations in each update after the first frame
    params.init_CG_iter = 60  # The total number of Conjugate Gradient iterations used in the first frame
    params.init_GN_iter = 6  # The number of Gauss-Newton iterations used in the first frame (only if the projection matrix is updated)
    params.post_init_CG_iter = 0  # CG iterations to run after GN
    params.fletcher_reeves = False  # Use the Fletcher-Reeves (true) or Polak-Ribiere (false) formula in the Conjugate Gradient
    params.standard_alpha = True  # Use the standard formula for computing the step length in Conjugate Gradient
    params.CG_forgetting_rate = None  # Forgetting rate of the last conjugate direction

    # Learning parameters for each feature type
    deep_params.learning_rate = 0.01  # Learning rate
    deep_params.init_samples_minimum_weight = 0.25  # Minimum weight of initial samples in memory
    deep_params.output_sigma_factor = 1 / 4  # Standard deviation of Gaussian label relative to target size

    # Training parameters
    params.sample_memory_size = 250  # Memory size
    params.train_skipping = 10  # How often to run training (every n-th frame)

    # Online model parameters
    deep_params.kernel_size = (4, 4)  # Kernel size of filter
    deep_params.compressed_dim = 64  # Dimension output of projection matrix
    deep_params.filter_reg = 1e-1  # Filter regularization factor
    deep_params.projection_reg = 1e-4  # Projection regularization factor

    # Windowing
    params.feature_window = False  # Perform windowing of features
    params.window_output = False  # Perform windowing of output scores

    # Detection parameters
    params.scale_factors = torch.ones(
    )  # What scales to use for localization (only one scale if IoUNet is used)
    params.score_upsample_factor = 1  # How much Fourier upsampling to use

    # Init data augmentation parameters
    params.augmentation = {
        'fliplr': True,
        'rotate': [5, -5, 10, -10, 20, -20, 30, -30, 45, -45, -60, 60],
        'blur': [(2, 0.2), (0.2, 2), (3, 1), (1, 3), (2, 2)],
        'relativeshift': [(0.6, 0.6), (-0.6, 0.6), (0.6, -0.6), (-0.6, -0.6)],
        'dropout': (7, 0.2)

    params.augmentation_expansion_factor = 2  # How much to expand sample when doing augmentation
    params.random_shift_factor = 1 / 3  # How much random shift to do on each augmented sample
    deep_params.use_augmentation = True  # Whether to use augmentation for this feature

    # Factorized convolution parameters
    # params.use_projection_matrix = True       # Use projection matrix, i.e. use the factorized convolution formulation
    params.update_projection_matrix = True  # Whether the projection matrix should be optimized or not
    params.proj_init_method = 'randn'  # Method for initializing the projection matrix
    params.filter_init_method = 'randn'  # Method for initializing the spatial filter
    params.projection_activation = 'none'  # Activation function after projection ('none', 'relu', 'elu' or 'mlu')
    params.response_activation = (
        'mlu', 0.05
    )  # Activation function on the output scores ('none', 'relu', 'elu' or 'mlu')

    # Advanced localization parameters
    params.advanced_localization = True  # Use this or not
    params.target_not_found_threshold = 0.25  # Absolute score threshold to detect target missing
    params.distractor_threshold = 0.8  # Relative threshold to find distractors
    params.hard_negative_threshold = 0.5  # Relative threshold to find hard negative samples
    params.target_neighborhood_scale = 2.2  # Target neighborhood to remove
    params.dispalcement_scale = 0.8  # Dispacement to consider for distractors
    params.hard_negative_learning_rate = 0.02  # Learning rate if hard negative detected
    params.hard_negative_CG_iter = 5  # Number of optimization iterations to use if hard negative detected
    params.update_scale_when_uncertain = True  # Update scale or not if distractor is close

    # IoUNet parameters
    params.use_iou_net = True  # Use IoU net or not
    params.box_refinement_space = 'relative'
    params.iounet_augmentation = False  # Use the augmented samples to compute the modulation vector
    params.iounet_k = 3  # Top-k average to estimate final box
    params.num_init_random_boxes = 9  # Num extra random boxes in addition to the classifier prediction
    params.box_jitter_pos = 0.1  # How much to jitter the translation for random boxes
    params.box_jitter_sz = 0.5  # How much to jitter the scale for random boxes
    params.maximal_aspect_ratio = 6  # Limit on the aspect ratio
    params.box_refinement_iter = 10  # Number of iterations for refining the boxes
    params.box_refinement_step_length = (
        1e-2, 5e-2
    )  # 1   # Gradient step length in the bounding box refinement 5e-3 2e-2
    params.box_refinement_step_decay = 1  # Multiplicative step length decay (1 means no decay)

    # Setup the feature extractor (which includes the IoUNet)
    deep_fparams = FeatureParams(feature_params=[deep_params])
    deep_feat = deep.ATOMResNet18(net_path='atom_gmm_sampl',
    params.features = MultiResolutionExtractor([deep_feat])

    return params
Exemplo n.º 3
def parameters():
    params = TrackerParams()

    params.debug = 0
    params.visualization = False

    params.use_gpu = True

    params.image_sample_size = 14*16
    params.search_area_scale = 4
    params.border_mode = 'inside_major'
    params.patch_max_scale_change = 1.5

    # Learning parameters
    params.sample_memory_size = 250
    params.learning_rate = 0.0075
    params.init_samples_minimum_weight = 0.0
    params.train_skipping = 10

    # Net optimization params
    params.update_classifier = True
    params.net_opt_iter = 25
    params.net_opt_update_iter = 3
    params.net_opt_hn_iter = 3

    # Detection parameters
    params.window_output = True

    # Init augmentation parameters
    params.use_augmentation = True
    params.augmentation = {'fliplr': True,
                           'rotate': [-5, 10, -30, 60],
                           'blur': [(2, 0.2), (1, 3)],
                           'relativeshift': [(0.6, 0.6), (-0.6, -0.6)],
                           'dropout': (3, 0.2)}

    params.augmentation_expansion_factor = 2
    params.random_shift_factor = 1/3

    # Advanced localization parameters
    params.advanced_localization = True
    params.target_not_found_threshold = 0.0
    params.distractor_threshold = 100
    params.hard_negative_threshold = 0.45
    params.target_neighborhood_scale = 2.2
    params.dispalcement_scale = 0.7

    params.perform_hn_without_windowing = True

    params.hard_negative_learning_rate = 0.02
    params.update_scale_when_uncertain = True

    # IoUnet parameters
    params.box_refinement_space = 'relative'
    params.iounet_augmentation = False      # Use the augmented samples to compute the modulation vector
    params.iounet_k = 3                     # Top-k average to estimate final box
    params.num_init_random_boxes = 9        # Num extra random boxes in addition to the classifier prediction
    params.box_jitter_pos = 0.1             # How much to jitter the translation for random boxes
    params.box_jitter_sz = 0.5              # How much to jitter the scale for random boxes
    params.maximal_aspect_ratio = 6         # Limit on the aspect ratio
    params.box_refinement_iter = 10          # Number of iterations for refining the boxes
    params.box_refinement_step_length = 2.5e-3 # 1   # Gradient step length in the bounding box refinement
    params.box_refinement_step_decay = 1    # Multiplicative step length decay (1 means no decay)

    params.net = NetWithBackbone(net_path='trdimp_net.pth.tar', use_gpu=params.use_gpu)
    params.vot_anno_conversion_type = 'preserve_area'

    return params