Exemplo n.º 1
 def check_nKeys(self):
     "check numeric keys"
     idx = IdxDict()
     idx[0] = "a"
     idx[1] = "b"
     assert idx.keys() == [0, 1], \
            "numeric keys are wrong: %s" % idk.keys()
Exemplo n.º 2
 def check_repr(self):
     really, this just exposes a bug if the keys are numbers...
     idx = IdxDict()
     idx << "zero"
     assert repr(idx) == "{0: 'zero'}", \
            "wrong representation: %s" % repr(idx)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def check_lshift(self):
     idx = IdxDict()
     idx << "x"
     idx << "y"
     idx << "z"
     assert idx.keys() == [0, 1, 2], \
            "keys are wrong: %s" % str(idx.keys())
     assert idx.values() == ["x", "y", "z"], \
            "values are wrong: %s" % str(idx.values())
Exemplo n.º 4
def toListDict(cur):
    """converts cursor.fetchall() results into a list of IdxDicts"""
    #@TODO: (is this still needed?)
    from pytypes import IdxDict
    res = []
    for row in cur.fetchall():
        dict = IdxDict()
        for i in range(len(cur.description)):
            dict[cur.description[i][0]] = row[i]
    return res
Exemplo n.º 5
 def check_negative(self):
     idx = IdxDict()
     idx << "abc"
     idx << "xyz"
     assert idx[-1] == "xyz", "-1 broke"
     assert idx[-2] == "abc", "-2 broke"
         bad = idx[-3]
         gotError = 0
     except IndexError:
         gotError = 1
     assert gotError, "-3 worked but should not have!"
Exemplo n.º 6
    def check_looping(self):
        idx = IdxDict()
        for item in idx:
            assert 0, "there shouldn't be anything in idx"

        idx << 1
        for item in idx:
            assert item == 1, "wrong item"

        for item in idx:
            assert 0, "there shouldn't be anything in idx after .clear()"
Exemplo n.º 7
 def check_IdxDict(self):
     idx = IdxDict()
     idx["a"] = 1
     idx["b"] = 2
     idx["c"] = 2
     idx["a"] = 0
     idx[1] = 1
     assert idx.keys() == ['a', 'b', 'c'], \
            "keys are wrong: %s" % str(idx.keys())
     assert idx[0] == 0, "index is wrong"
     assert idx[0:2] == [0, 1], \
            "slicing is wrong: %s" % str(idx[0:2])
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, table=None, **data):

        ## we're a new instance by default..
        self.isNew = 0

        ## A record's table can be passed in the constructor or
        ## defined a subclass's definition... Most likely, you won't
        ## create records directly, but call someTable.fetch(key)

        if table:
            self.table = table
        assert self.table is not None, "Record must have an associated Table!"

        # populate the data.. you probably don't want to do this,
        # either.. Rather, go through Table.
        self.data = IdxDict()
        if data: