Exemplo n.º 1
    def render_mpl(self, act_state: state.ProjectedState):
        """Returns a matplotlib figure with the state on it"""
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=self.frame_size_in)
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

        axtitle = ax.set_title(act_state.title)

        font_size = int((80 / 1920) * self._frame_size[0])

        renderer = fig.canvas.get_renderer()
        bb = axtitle.get_window_extent(renderer=renderer)
        while bb.width >= self._frame_size[0] * 0.9:
            font_size -= 5
            bb = axtitle.get_window_extent(renderer=renderer)

        for pts, mask, skwargs in act_state.visible_points:
            tus.check(skwargs=(skwargs, dict))
            self._scatter(act_state, ax, pts, mask, skwargs)

        ax.set_xlim(*[float(i) for i in act_state.zoom[0]])
        ax.set_ylim(*[float(i) for i in act_state.zoom[1]])
        ax.set_zlim(*[float(i) for i in act_state.zoom[2]])
        return fig
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, samples: np.ndarray, centers: np.ndarray,
                 labels: np.ndarray,
                 calculate_params: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]):
        tus.check(samples=(samples, np.ndarray),
                  centers=(centers, np.ndarray),
                  labels=(labels, np.ndarray),
                  calculate_params=(calculate_params, dict))
            samples=(samples, ('n_samples', 'n_features'),
                     (np.dtype('float32'), np.dtype('float64'))),
                       samples.shape[1] if len(samples.shape) > 1 else None)),
                      samples.shape[0] if bool(samples.shape) else None), ),
                    (np.dtype('int32'), np.dtype('int64'))))
        self.samples = samples
        self.centers = centers
        self.labels = labels
        self.calculate_params = calculate_params

        self._bounds = None
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, base: Scene):
     tus.check(base=(base, Scene))
     self.base = base
     self.followed_by = []
     self.joined_with = []
     self.join_is_sep = False
     self.pushed = []
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, username, password):
     tus.check(username=(username, str), password=(password, str))
     self.username = username
     self.password = password
     self._header = 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode(
         (self.username + ':' +
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, child: FrameGenerator, new_duration: float):
     tus.check(new_duration=(new_duration, (int, float)),
               child=(child, FrameGenerator))
     if new_duration <= 0:
         raise ValueError(f'new_duration={new_duration} must be positive')
     self.new_duration = float(new_duration)
     self.child = child
Exemplo n.º 6
 def then(self, scene: Scene) -> 'FluentScene':
     """Has the given scene follow the currently described scene"""
     tus.check(scene=(scene, Scene))
     if self.joined_with:
         self.apply(lambda x: x)
     return self
Exemplo n.º 7
    def reshape(self, shape: typing.Tuple[int]) -> 'FluentModule':
        """Reshapes the data to the specified shape. Must correspond to the
        same total number of features.

        .. note::

            The batch dimension is preserved.

        :param shape: the new shape for the data
        :type shape: tuple[int]
        :returns: self
        :rtype: FluentModule
        tus.check(shape=(shape, (list, tuple)))
        tus.check_listlike(shape=(shape, int, (1, None)))
        for features in shape:
            if features <= 0:
                raise ValueError(f'shape={shape} must be positive')

        old_num_features = reduce(operator.mul, self.shape)
        new_num_features = reduce(operator.mul, shape)
        if old_num_features != new_num_features:
            raise ValueError(
                f'cannot view {self.shape} as {shape}: expected ' +
                f'{old_num_features} but got {new_num_features}')

        self.shape = tuple(shape)
        if self.is_verbose:
            print(f'  Reshape -> {self.shape}')
        return self
    def __init__(self,
                 dirname: str,
                 perf: typing.Optional[perf_stats.PerfStats] = None) -> None:
        tus.check(dirname=(dirname, str),
                  perf=(perf, (type(None), perf_stats.PerfStats)))

        if not perf:
            perf = perf_stats.NoopPerfStats()
        if not os.path.exists(dirname):
            raise FileNotFoundError(dirname)
        if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
            raise ValueError(f'{dirname} is not a folder')

        self.dirname = dirname
        self.perf: perf_stats.PerfStats = perf

        with open(os.path.join(dirname, META_FILE), 'r') as infile:
            meta = json.load(infile)
            self._len = meta['length']
            largest_nbytes = meta['largest_state_nbytes']
            self.padded_size = ((largest_nbytes + 4 + 4095) //
                                4096) * 4096  # need 4 bytes for length

        self.handle = open(self._shuffle_path(1), 'rb', buffering=0)
        self.shuffle_counter = 1
        self.marks = []
        self._block = bytearray(self.padded_size)
        self._blockmv = memoryview(self._block)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, projection_vectors: np.ndarray,
              projected_samples: np.ndarray,
              projected_sample_labels: np.ndarray):
             ('og_size', 'proj_size'),
             ('float32', 'float64')
             ('samples', ('proj_size', projection_vectors.shape[1])),
         projected_sample_labels, np.ndarray))
     if projected_sample_labels.shape[0] != projected_samples.shape[0]:
         raise ValueError(
             'projected_sample_labels should have shape (samples, ...)'
             + f'where samples={projected_samples.shape[0]}'
             + '=projected_samples.shape[0], but has shape '
             + str(projected_sample_labels.shape))
     self.projection_vectors = projection_vectors
     self.projected_samples = projected_samples
     self.projected_sample_labels = projected_sample_labels
Exemplo n.º 10
    def dense(self, out_features: int, bias: bool = True) -> 'FluentModule':
        """A dense layer, also known as a linear layer or a fully connected
        layer. A dense layer requires that this already be in flattened
        form, i.e., len(self.shape) == 1.

        :param out_features: the number of neurons to project to
        :param bias: determines if a bias (additive) term is applied to each
            of the output features
        :type out_features: int
        :type bias: bool
        :returns: self
        :rtype: FluentModule
        tus.check(out_features=(out_features, int), bias=(bias, bool))
        if out_features <= 0:
            raise ValueError(f'out_features={out_features} must be positive')
        if len(self.shape) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                f'cannot perform operation {self.shape} -> dense -> ' +
                f'{out_features} (current shape is not flat). consider ' +
                'calling flatten() first')
            self._wrap(nn.Linear(self.shape[0], out_features, bias)))
        self.shape = (out_features, )
        if self.is_verbose:
            print(f'  Linear -> {self.shape}')
        return self
Exemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self, frequency: float, indeps: np.ndarray):
     tus.check(frequency=(frequency, (int, float)))
         indeps=(indeps, ('n_samples',), ('float32', 'float64'))
     self.frequency = frequency
     self.indeps = indeps
Exemplo n.º 12
    def transfer_up(self, new_hidden_size, new_output_dim) -> 'EncoderRNN':
        """Returns a new encoder rnn with the specified hidden size and this network embedded
        into it"""
        tus.check(new_hidden_size=(new_hidden_size, int), new_output_dim=(new_output_dim, int))
        if new_hidden_size < self.hidden_size:
            raise ValueError(f'cannot transfer to hidden size {new_hidden_size} from {self.hidden_size}')
        if new_output_dim < self.output_dim:
            raise ValueError(f'cannot transfer to output dim {new_output_dim} from {self.output_dim}')

        copy = EncoderRNN(self.input_dim, new_hidden_size, new_output_dim, self.num_layers)

        copy.in_interpreter.weight.data[:self.hidden_size, :] = self.in_interpreter.weight.data
        copy.in_interpreter.bias.data[:self.hidden_size] = self.in_interpreter.bias.data
        copy.gru.weight_ih_l0.data[:3*self.hidden_size, :self.hidden_size] = self.gru.weight_ih_l0.data
        copy.gru.bias_ih_l0.data[:3*self.hidden_size] = self.gru.bias_ih_l0.data

        new_out_w = copy.out_interpreter.weight.data
        old_out_w = self.out_interpreter.weight.data

        new_out_w = new_out_w.view(new_output_dim, self.num_layers + 1, new_hidden_size)
        old_out_w = old_out_w.view(self.output_dim, self.num_layers + 1, self.hidden_size)

        new_out_w[:self.output_dim, :, :self.hidden_size] = old_out_w

        copy.out_interpreter.bias.data[:self.output_dim] = self.out_interpreter.bias.data
        return copy
Exemplo n.º 13
def format_loan_table(loans: List[Loan], include_id=False):
    """Format the given list of loans into a markdown table.

        loans (list[Loan]): The list of loans to format into a table.
        include_id (bool): True if the id of the loan should be included in
            the table, false otherwise

        (str) The markdown formatted table
    tus.check(loans=(loans, (tuple, list)), include_id=(include_id, bool))
    tus.check_listlike(loans=(loans, Loan))

    result_lines = [
        'Lender|Borrower|Amount Given|Amount Repaid|Unpaid?|Original Thread'
        + '|Date Given|Date Paid Back' + ('|id' if include_id else ''),
        ':--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--' + ('|:--' if include_id else '')
    line_fmt = '|'.join('{' + a + '}' for a in (
        'lender', 'borrower', 'principal', 'principal_repayment',
        'unpaid_bool', 'permalink', 'created_at_pretty', 'repaid_at_pretty',
        *(['id'] if include_id else [])
    for loan in loans:
        loan_dict = loan.dict().copy()
        loan_dict['permalink'] = loan_dict.get('permalink', '')
        loan_dict['unpaid_bool'] = '***UNPAID***' if loan.unpaid_at is not None else ''
        loan_dict['created_at_pretty'] = loan.created_at.strftime('%b %d, %Y')
        loan_dict['repaid_at_pretty'] = (
            loan.repaid_at.strftime('%b %d, %Y') if loan.repaid_at is not None else ''

    return '\n'.join(result_lines)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self,
                 trajectory: ProjectedTrajectory,
                 default_styling: typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[np.ndarray, dict]],
                 title: str = 'Projected Trajectory',
                 zoom: np.ndarray = None,
                 rotation: typing.Tuple[float, float] = (30, 45),
                 visible_points: typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[np.ndarray,
                                                           dict]] = None):
        if visible_points is None:
            visible_points = ((trajectory.snapshots[0].projected_samples,
                                       dtype='bool'), dict()), )
        if zoom is None:
            zoom = get_square_bounds_for_all(pts for (pts, mask,
                                                      d) in visible_points)

        tus.check(trajectory=(trajectory, ProjectedTrajectory),
                  default_styling=(default_styling, (list, tuple)),
                  title=(title, str),
                  rotation=(rotation, (list, tuple)),
                  visible_points=(visible_points, (list, tuple)))
        tus.check_ndarrays(zoom=(zoom, (3, 2), ('float32', 'float64')))
        tus.check_listlike(rotation=(rotation, (int, float), 2))

        self.trajectory = trajectory
        self.default_styling = default_styling
        self.title = title
        self.zoom = zoom
        self.rotation = rotation
        self.visible_points = visible_points
Exemplo n.º 15
    def transpose(self, dim1: int, dim2: int) -> 'FluentModule':
        """Transposes the two specified dimensions, where dimension 0 is the
        first dimension after the batch dimension (i.e., really index 0
        in self.shape).


            from torchluent import FluentModule
            import torch

            net = FluentModule((1, 12, 24)).transpose(0, 2).build()
            inp = torch.randn((5, 1, 12, 24))
            out = net(inp)
            print(out.shape) # torch.Size[5, 12, 24, 1]

        :returns: self
        :rtype: FluentModule
        tus.check(dim1=(dim1, int), dim2=(dim2, int))
        if not 0 <= dim1 < len(self.shape) or not 0 <= dim2 < len(self.shape):
            raise ValueError(f'cannot transpose {dim1} and {dim2} for ' +
                             f'shape {self.shape}')

        self.sequence.append(self._wrap(Transpose(dim1, dim2)))
        newshape = list(self.shape)
        tmp = newshape[dim1]
        newshape[dim1] = newshape[dim2]
        newshape[dim2] = tmp
        self.shape = list(newshape)
        if self.is_verbose:
            print(f'  Transpose[{dim1}, {dim2}] -> {self.shape}')
        return self
Exemplo n.º 16
    def crop(self, start: float, end: float, unit: str) -> 'FluentFG':
        """Crops this to be in the given subsection of time, where time
        is given in the specific unit.

            start (float): the start time of the currently described video
            end (float): the end time of the currently described video
            unit (str): the unit of time, i.e. 'ms', 's', 'h', 'd'. For
                all possible keys, see list(pympanim.utils.UNITS)
        tus.check(start=(start, (int, float)),
                  end=(end, (int, float)),
                  unit=(unit, str))
        if unit not in mutils.UNITS_LOOKUP:
            raise ValueError(
                f'unit={unit} must be one of {list(mutils.UNITS_LOOKUP)}')

        ms_per_unit = mutils.UNITS_LOOKUP[unit]
        start *= ms_per_unit
        end *= ms_per_unit

        if start < 0:
            raise ValueError(f'start={start} must be positive')
        if start >= end:
            raise ValueError(f'start={start} must be before end={end}')
        if end >= self.base.duration:
            raise ValueError(
                f'end={end} is after current duration={self.base.duration}')

        return self.apply(CroppedFrameGenerator, start, end)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def operator(self, oper, *args, **kwargs) -> 'FluentModule':
        """An operator is some operation which does not change the shape of the
        data. The operator may be specified as a string, in which it should be
        a module in torch.nn, or it may be the module itself which has not yet
        be initialized (i.e. 'ReLU' or nn.ReLU but not nn.ReLU())


        .. code-block:: python

            from torchluent import FluentModule
            net = (
                .operator('LeakyReLU', negative_slope=0.05)

        :param oper: the name of the operator or a callable which returns one
        :param args: passed to the operator
        :param kwargs: passed to the operator
        :returns: self
        :rtype: FluentModule
        if isinstance(oper, str):
            if not hasattr(nn, oper):
                raise ValueError(f'torch.nn has no attribute {oper}')
            oper = getattr(nn, oper)

        mod = oper(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.is_verbose:
            print(f'  {type(mod).__name__}')
        tus.check(**{'oper(*args, **kwargs)': (mod, nn.Module)})
        return self
Exemplo n.º 18
 def __init__(self, child: FrameGenerator, playback_rate: float):
     tus.check(playback_rate=(playback_rate, (int, float)),
               child=(child, FrameGenerator))
     if playback_rate <= 0:
         raise ValueError(f'playback_rate={playback_rate} must be positive')
     self.playback_rate = float(playback_rate)
     self.child = child
Exemplo n.º 19
 def get_back_off(self, num_failed_requests):
     tus.check(num_failed_requests=(num_failed_requests, int))
     if num_failed_requests <= 0:
         raise ValueError('Backoff only makes sense after failed requests!')
     if num_failed_requests <= len(self.steps):
         return self.steps[num_failed_requests - 1]
     return None
Exemplo n.º 20
    def consume(self, text, offset):
        tus.check(text=(text, str), offset=(offset, int))

        for child in self.children:
            num_consumed, val = child.consume(text, offset)
            if num_consumed is not None:
                return (num_consumed, val)
        return None, None
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_check_torchintisint_fail(self):
            import torch
        except ImportError:

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            tus.check(a=(torch.tensor([5], dtype=torch.int32), float))
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_check_npfloatisfloat_fail(self):
            import numpy as np
        except ImportError:

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            tus.check(a=(np.float32(5), float))
Exemplo n.º 23
    def time_rescale(self, playback_rate: float) -> 'FluentFG':
        """Rescales time to play back at the given rate. For example,
        a playback_rate of 2 means that the final video will complete in
        50% of the time.
        tus.check(playback_rate=(playback_rate, (int, float)))

        return self.apply(TimeRescaleFrameGenerator, playback_rate)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self, features: int, batch_size: int = 1024):
        tus.check(features=(features, int), batch_size=(batch_size, int))
        self.features = features
        self.batch_size = batch_size

        self.history = []
        self.current = None
        self.current_len = 0
Exemplo n.º 25
 def __init__(self, dim1: int, dim2: int):
     tus.check(dim1=(dim1, int), dim2=(dim2, int))
     if dim1 < 0:
         raise ValueError(f'dim1={dim1} must be nonnegative')
     if dim2 < 0:
         raise ValueError(f'dim2={dim2} must be nonnegative')
     self.dim1 = dim1
     self.dim2 = dim2
Exemplo n.º 26
 def __init__(self, features: int, mult: torch.tensor, add: torch.tensor):
     tus.check(features=(features, int))
     tus.check_tensors(mult=(mult, (('features', features), ),
                             (torch.float, torch.double)),
                       add=(add, (('features', features), ), mult.dtype))
     self.features = features
     self.mult = torch.nn.Parameter(mult)
     self.add = torch.nn.Parameter(add)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def __init__(self, child: Scene, playback_rate: float) -> None:
        tus.check(child=(child, Scene),
                  playback_rate=(playback_rate, (int, float)))
        if playback_rate <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                f'playback_rate={playback_rate} should be positive')

        self.child = child
        self.playback_rate = playback_rate
Exemplo n.º 28
    def overlay(self, overlay: FrameGenerator, pos: typing.Tuple[int, int]):
        """Overlays the current frame generator with the given one at the given
        position. Note that the overlayed frame generator must have the same
        duration as the current one and must fit entirely within the frame
        tus.check(overlay=(overlay, FrameGenerator), pos=(pos, (list, tuple)))
        tus.check_listlike(pos=(pos, int, 2))

        return self.apply(OverlayFrameGenerator, overlay, pos)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def __init__(self, dirname: str, exist_ok: bool = False):
        tus.check(dirname=(dirname, str))

        self.dirname = dirname
        if not os.path.exists(dirname):
            os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
            self.handle = open(os.path.join(self.dirname, EXPERIENCES_FILE),
            self._len = 0
            self._flen = 0
            self._largest_state_nbytes = 0
        elif not os.path.isdir(dirname):
            raise ValueError(
                f'dirname must be a path to a directory, but {dirname} ' +
                f'exists and is not a directory')
            with open(os.path.join(self.dirname, META_FILE), 'r') as infile:
                meta = json.load(infile)
                self._len = meta['length']
                self._flen = meta['file_length']
                self._largest_state_nbytes = meta['largest_state_nbytes']
            expfile = os.path.join(self.dirname, EXPERIENCES_FILE)
            exp_len = os.path.getsize(expfile)
            if self._flen != exp_len:
                import warnings
                    f'experiences file corrupted - written up to {exp_len}, ' +
                    f'valid up to {self._flen}. will discard bad data')
                if exp_len < self._flen:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f'cannot recover experience file smaller than ' +
                        f'expected (got {exp_len}, expected {self._flen})')

                counter = 1
                cp_loc = os.path.join(
                    EXPERIENCES_FILE + '.' + str(counter) + '.corrupted')
                while os.path.exists(cp_loc):
                    counter += 1
                    cp_loc = os.path.join(
                        EXPERIENCES_FILE + '.' + str(counter) + '.corrupted')

                os.rename(expfile, cp_loc)
                with open(cp_loc, 'rb') as infile:
                    with open(expfile, 'wb') as outfile:
                        bytes_rem = self._flen
                        while bytes_rem >= 4096:
                            bytes_rem = bytes_rem - 4096
                        if bytes_rem > 0:


            self.handle = open(expfile, 'ab')
Exemplo n.º 30
    def __init__(self, epoch_size: int, input_dim: int, output_dim: int):
        tus.check(epoch_size=(epoch_size, int),
                  input_dim=(input_dim, int),
                  output_dim=(output_dim, int))
        self.epoch_size = epoch_size
        self.input_dim = input_dim
        self.output_dim = output_dim

        self.__position = 0
        self.mark_stack = []