Exemplo n.º 1
def populate_chart_data_structures(survey_type_title, teams, team_history):
    #Populate GVIS History Chart Data Structures
    #    teams: team list
    #    bvc_data['team_history']: query set of team or teams history temp data to chart
    #    historical_options
    #    json_history_chart_table
    num_rows = 0
    team_index = 0
    history_chart_schema = {"archive_date": ("datetime", "Archive_Date")}
    history_chart_columns = ('archive_date',)
    average_index = None
    for team in teams:
        history_chart_schema.update({team['team_name'] :  ("number",team['team_name'].replace("_", " "))})
        history_chart_columns = history_chart_columns + (team['team_name'],)
        if team['team_name'] == 'Average':
            average_index = team_index
        team_index += 1
    history_chart_data = []
    row = None
    for survey_summary in team_history:
        if row == None:
            row = {}
            row['archive_date'] = timezone.localtime(survey_summary.archive_date)
        elif row['archive_date'] != timezone.localtime(survey_summary.archive_date):
            row = {}
            row['archive_date'] = timezone.localtime(survey_summary.archive_date)
        row[survey_summary.team_name] = (float(survey_summary.average_score), str(float(survey_summary.average_score)) + " (" + str(survey_summary.responder_count) + " Responses)")
    # Loading it into gviz_api.DataTable
    history_chart_table = gviz_api.DataTable(history_chart_schema)
    # Creating a JSon string
    json_history_chart_table = history_chart_table.ToJSon(columns_order=(history_chart_columns))
    historical_options = {
        'legendPosition': 'newRow',
        'title' : survey_type_title + ' by Team',
        'vAxis': {'title': survey_type_title},
        'hAxis': {'title': "Month"},
        'seriesType': "bars",
        'vAxis': { 'ticks': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] },
        'max': 12,
        'min': 0,
        'focusTarget': 'category',
        'tooltip': { 'trigger': 'selection', 'isHtml': 'true' },
    if average_index != None:
        historical_options.update({'series': {average_index: {'type': "line"}}})

    return historical_options, json_history_chart_table, team_index
Exemplo n.º 2
def admin(request, survey_id, team_name=''):
    survey = get_object_or_404(TeamTemperature, pk=survey_id)
    timezone.activate(pytz.timezone(survey.default_tz or 'UTC'))
    # if valid session token or valid password render results page
    password = None
    user = None
    next_archive_date = timezone.now()
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = ResultsPasswordForm(request.POST, error_class=ErrorBox)
        if form.is_valid():
            rpf = form.cleaned_data
            password = rpf['password'].encode('utf-8')
            userid = request.session.get('userid', '__nothing__')
            user = User.objects.get(id=userid)
        except User.DoesNotExist:
            return render(request, 'password.html', {'form': ResultsPasswordForm()})
    if user and survey.creator.id == user.id or check_password(password, survey.password):
        request.session['userid'] = survey.creator.id
        teamtemp = TeamTemperature.objects.get(pk=survey_id)
        survey_type = teamtemp.survey_type
        if team_name != '':
            team_found = teamtemp.teams_set.filter(team_name = team_name).count()
            if team_found == 0 and survey_type != 'DEPT-REGION-SITE':
                TeamDetails = Teams(request = survey,team_name = team_name)
            results = teamtemp.temperatureresponse_set.filter(team_name = team_name, archived = False)
            results = teamtemp.temperatureresponse_set.filter(archived = False)

        survey_teams = teamtemp.teams_set.all()

        if team_name != '':
            stats = survey.team_stats(team_name=team_name)
            stats = survey.stats()

        if survey.archive_schedule > 0:
            next_archive_date = timezone.localtime(survey.archive_date) + timedelta(days=(survey.archive_schedule))
            if next_archive_date < timezone.localtime(timezone.now()):
                next_archive_date = timezone.localtime(timezone.now() + timedelta(days=1))

        return render(request, 'results.html',
                { 'id': survey_id, 'stats': stats,
                  'results': results, 'team_name':team_name,
                      'pretty_team_name':team_name.replace("_", " "),'survey_teams':survey_teams,
                      'archive_schedule' : survey.archive_schedule, 'next_archive_date' : next_archive_date.strftime("%A %d %B %Y")
                    } )
        return render(request, 'password.html', {'form': ResultsPasswordForm()})
Exemplo n.º 3
def auto_archive_surveys(request):
    print >>sys.stderr,"auto_archive_surveys: Start at " + str(timezone.localtime(timezone.now())) + " UTC"

    teamtemps = TeamTemperature.objects.filter(archive_schedule__gt=0)
    nowstamp = timezone.now()
    data = {'archive_date': nowstamp}

    for teamtemp in teamtemps:
        print >>sys.stderr,"auto_archive_surveys: Survey " + teamtemp.id
        print >>sys.stderr,"auto_archive_surveys: Comparing " + str(timezone.localtime(timezone.now()).date()) + " >= " + str(timezone.localtime( teamtemp.archive_date + timedelta(days=teamtemp.archive_schedule) ).date())
        print >>sys.stderr,"auto_archive_surveys: Comparing " + str(timezone.localtime(timezone.now())) + " >= " + str(timezone.localtime( teamtemp.archive_date + timedelta(days=teamtemp.archive_schedule) ))
        print >>sys.stderr,"auto_archive_surveys: Comparison returns: " + str( timezone.localtime(timezone.now()).date() >= timezone.localtime( teamtemp.archive_date + timedelta(days=teamtemp.archive_schedule) ).date() )

        if teamtemp.archive_date is None or (timezone.localtime( timezone.now() ).date() >= (timezone.localtime( teamtemp.archive_date + timedelta(days=teamtemp.archive_schedule) ).date() ) ):
            scheduled_archive(request, teamtemp.id)
            print >>sys.stderr,"Archiving: " + " " + teamtemp.id + " at " + str(nowstamp) + " UTC " + str(timezone.localtime(timezone.now())) + " UTC"

    print >>sys.stderr,"auto_archive_surveys: Stop at " + str(timezone.localtime(timezone.now())) + " UTC"
Exemplo n.º 4
def populate_chart_data_structures(survey_type_title, teams, team_history, tz='UTC'):
    #Populate GVIS History Chart Data Structures
    #    teams: team list
    #    bvc_data['team_history']: query set of team or teams history temp data to chart
    #    historical_options
    #    json_history_chart_table
    num_rows = 0
    team_index = 0
    history_chart_schema = {"archive_date": ("datetime", "Archive_Date")}
    history_chart_columns = ('archive_date',)
    average_index = None
    for team in teams:
        if team['team_name'] != 'Average':
            history_chart_schema.update({team['team_name'] :  ("number",team['team_name'].replace("_", " "))})
            history_chart_columns = history_chart_columns + (team['team_name'],)
            team_index += 1
    #Add average heading if not already added for adhoc filtering
    #if team_index > 1:
    average_index = team_index
    history_chart_schema.update({'Average' :  ("number",'Average')})
    history_chart_columns = history_chart_columns + ('Average',)

    history_chart_data = []
    row = None
    num_scores = 0
    score_sum = 0
    responder_sum = 0
    for survey_summary in team_history:
        if survey_summary.team_name != 'Average':
            if row == None:
                row = {}
                row['archive_date'] = timezone.localtime(survey_summary.archive_date)
            elif row['archive_date'] != timezone.localtime(survey_summary.archive_date):
                #TODO can it recalculate the average here for adhoc filtering
                if num_scores > 0:
                    average_score = score_sum / num_scores
                    row['Average'] = (float(average_score), str("%.2f" % float(average_score)) + " (" + str(responder_sum) + " Responses)")
                    score_sum = 0
                    num_scores = 0
                    responder_sum = 0
                row = {}
                row['archive_date'] = timezone.localtime(survey_summary.archive_date)

            #Accumulate for average calc
            score_sum = score_sum + survey_summary.average_score
            num_scores = num_scores + 1
            responder_sum = responder_sum + survey_summary.responder_count

            row[survey_summary.team_name] = (float(survey_summary.average_score), str("%.2f" % float(survey_summary.average_score)) + " (" + str(survey_summary.responder_count) + " Responses)")
    average_score = score_sum / num_scores
    row['Average'] = (float(average_score), str("%.2f" % float(average_score)) + " (" + str(responder_sum) + " Responses)")

    # Loading it into gviz_api.DataTable
    history_chart_table = gviz_api.DataTable(history_chart_schema)
    # Creating a JSon string
    json_history_chart_table = history_chart_table.ToJSon(columns_order=(history_chart_columns))
    historical_options = {
        'legendPosition': 'newRow',
        'title' : survey_type_title + ' by Team',
        'vAxis': {'title': survey_type_title},
        'hAxis': {'title': "Month"},
        'seriesType': "bars",
        'vAxis': { 'ticks': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] },
        'max': 12,
        'min': 0,
        'focusTarget': 'category',
        'tooltip': { 'trigger': 'selection', 'isHtml': 'true' },
    if average_index != None:
        historical_options.update({'series': {average_index: {'type': "line"}}})

    return historical_options, json_history_chart_table, team_index
Exemplo n.º 5
def bvc(request, survey_id, team_name='', archive_id= '', weeks_to_trend='12', num_iterations='0'):
    #Check if *any* scheduled archive surveys are overdue for archiving

    survey = get_object_or_404(TeamTemperature, pk=survey_id)

    password = None
    user = None
    num_rows = 0
    json_history_chart_table = None
    historical_options = {}
    stats_date = ''
    ignore_bvc_auth = False
    if settings.IGNORE_BVC_AUTH:
        ignore_bvc_auth = settings.IGNORE_BVC_AUTH

    #Process POST return results from Password Form Submit:
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = ResultsPasswordForm(request.POST, error_class=ErrorBox)
        if form.is_valid():
            rpf = form.cleaned_data
            password = rpf['password'].encode('utf-8')
            if check_password(password, survey.password):
                request.session['userid'] = survey.creator.id

    #Retrieve User Token - if user does not exist present password entry form
        userid = request.session.get('userid', '__nothing__')
        user = User.objects.get(id=userid)
    except User.DoesNotExist:
        if not ignore_bvc_auth:
            return render(request, 'password.html', {'form': ResultsPasswordForm()})

    #If authenticated via user token or ignoring auth for bvc rendering
    if ignore_bvc_auth or (user and survey.creator.id == user.id):
        survey_type_title = 'Team Temperature'
        if survey.survey_type == 'CUSTOMERFEEDBACK':
            survey_type_title = 'Customer Feedback'

        if not ignore_bvc_auth:
            request.session['userid'] = survey.creator.id
        teamtemp = TeamTemperature.objects.get(pk=survey_id)
        if team_name != '':
            if archive_id == '':
                results = teamtemp.temperatureresponse_set.filter(team_name = team_name, archived = False)
                past_date = teamtemp.temperatureresponse_set.filter(id=archive_id).values('archive_date')[0]
                results = teamtemp.temperatureresponse_set.filter(team_name = team_name, archived = True,archive_date=past_date['archive_date'])
                stats_date = past_date['archive_date']
            team_history = teamtemp.teamresponsehistory_set.filter(team_name = team_name).order_by('archive_date')
            num_rows = teamtemp.teamresponsehistory_set.filter(team_name = team_name).count()
            teams = teamtemp.teamresponsehistory_set.filter(team_name = team_name).values('team_name').distinct()
            archived_dates = teamtemp.temperatureresponse_set.filter(team_name = team_name, archived = True).values('archive_date','id').distinct('archive_date')
            if archive_id == '':
                results = teamtemp.temperatureresponse_set.filter(archived = False)
                past_date = teamtemp.temperatureresponse_set.filter(id=archive_id).values('archive_date')[0]
                results = teamtemp.temperatureresponse_set.filter( archive_date=past_date['archive_date'] )
                stats_date = past_date['archive_date']
            team_history = teamtemp.teamresponsehistory_set.all().order_by('archive_date')
            num_rows = teamtemp.teamresponsehistory_set.all().count()
            teams = teamtemp.teamresponsehistory_set.all().values('team_name').distinct()
            archived_dates = teamtemp.temperatureresponse_set.filter(archived = True).values('archive_date','id').distinct('archive_date')

        trend_period = timedelta(weeks=int(float(weeks_to_trend)))
        buffer_max = timedelta(days=3)
        max_date = timezone.now() + buffer_max
        min_date = max_date - trend_period - buffer_max

        team_index = 0
        if num_rows > 0:
            history_chart_schema = {"archive_date": ("datetime", "Archive_Date")}
            history_chart_columns = ('archive_date',)
            average_index = None
            for team in teams:
                history_chart_schema.update({team['team_name'] :  ("number",team['team_name'].replace("_", " "))})
                history_chart_columns = history_chart_columns + (team['team_name'],)
                if team['team_name'] == 'Average':
                    average_index = team_index
                team_index += 1
            history_chart_data = []
            row = None
            for survey_summary in team_history:
                if row == None:
                    row = {}
                    row['archive_date'] = timezone.localtime(survey_summary.archive_date)
                elif row['archive_date'] != timezone.localtime(survey_summary.archive_date):
                    row = {}
                    row['archive_date'] = timezone.localtime(survey_summary.archive_date)
                row[survey_summary.team_name] = (float(survey_summary.average_score), str(float(survey_summary.average_score)) + " (" + str(survey_summary.responder_count) + " Responses)")
            # Loading it into gviz_api.DataTable
            history_chart_table = gviz_api.DataTable(history_chart_schema)
            # Creating a JSon string
            json_history_chart_table = history_chart_table.ToJSon(columns_order=(history_chart_columns))

            historical_options = {
                'legendPosition': 'newRow',
                'title' : survey_type_title + ' by Team',
                'vAxis': {'title': survey_type_title},
                'hAxis': {'title': "Month"},
                'seriesType': "bars",
                'vAxis': { 'ticks': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] },
                'max': 12,
                'min': 0,
                'focusTarget': 'category',
                'tooltip': { 'trigger': 'selection', 'isHtml': 'true' },
            if average_index != None:
                historical_options.update({'series': {average_index: {'type': "line"}}})

        if team_name != '' and stats_date == '':
            stats = survey.team_stats(team_name=team_name)
        elif team_name == '' and stats_date != '':
            stats = survey.archive_stats(archive_date=stats_date)
        elif team_name != '' and stats_date != '':
            stats = survey.archive_team_stats(team_name=team_name,archive_date=stats_date)
            stats = survey.stats()

        survey_teams = teamtemp.teams_set.all()

        if int(float(num_iterations)) > 0:
            multi_stats = calc_multi_iteration_average(team_name, survey, int(float(num_iterations)))
            if multi_stats:
                stats = multi_stats

        #generate word cloud
        words = ""
        word_cloudurl = ""
        word_count = 0
        for word in stats['words']:
            for i in range(0,word['id__count']):
                words = words + word['word'] + " "
                word_count += 1

        #TODO Write a better lookup and model to replace this hack
        word_cloud_index = WordCloudImage.objects.filter(word_list = words)

        if word_cloud_index:
            if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), word_cloud_index[0].image_url)):
                word_cloudurl =  word_cloud_index[0].image_url
                #Files have been deleted remove from db and then regenerate
                WordCloudImage.objects.filter(word_list = words).delete()

        if word_cloudurl == "" and words != "":
            word_cloudurl = generate_wordcloud(words)
            if word_cloudurl:
                word_cloud = WordCloudImage(creation_date = timezone.now(),
                                            word_list = words, image_url = word_cloudurl)

        return render(request, 'bvc.html',
                { 'id': survey_id, 'stats': stats, 
                  'results': results, 'team_name':team_name, 'archive_date':stats_date,
                  'pretty_team_name':team_name.replace("_", " "),
                  'team_history' : team_history ,
                  'json_historical_data' : json_history_chart_table, 'min_date' : min_date, 'max_date' : max_date,
                  'historical_options' : historical_options, 'archived_dates': archived_dates,
                  'survey_teams': survey_teams, 'word_cloudurl':word_cloudurl, 'num_iterations':num_iterations,
                  'team_count' : team_index, 'survey_type_title' : survey_type_title
                } )
        return render(request, 'password.html', {'form': ResultsPasswordForm()})